5.वाच्य Misc rules

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Passive Voice of W-Family Sentence


W-family Separate W-family word and

the rest part of the sentence.

The rest part of the sentence
remains a normal sentence.
Tense Change it to Passive Voice as
Passive Voice per the Rule of Tense of the

W-family Passive Add the W-family word in the

Voice beginning of the changed
Passive Voice part Sentence.

W-family All the W-family words

remain unchanged except
(1) "WHO" "BY two words - (1) "WHO" is
replaced by words "BY
WHOM" (2)
WHOM" (2) "WHOM" is
replaced by word "WHO" .


Active Voice Passive Voice Passive Voice

Which car do Which car is

you drive? driven by you?
? ?

Which film Which film was
did you like liked most by

most? you?
? ?

When will When your

you repay debts will be
? your debts? repaid by you? ?

When did he When your

reply your letter was
? letter? replied by him? ?

What will your

What will you
fiance be
discuss with
discussed by
? your fiance? ?

What is What is being

making him made to break

to break the the contract by
? ?
contract? him?
Some More Examples

1. Active : They believe me.

Passive : I am believed by them.
2. Active : He is praising me.
Passive : I am being praised by him.
3. Active : She gave me a book.
Passive : I was given a book by her.


A book was given me by her.

A book was given to me by her.
4. Active : He will help you.
Passive : You will be helped by him.

Note 1 : Present Perfect Continuous, Past Perfect

Continuous, Future Perfect Continuous Future
Continuous passive voice
Note 2 : Transitive Verbs passive voice
Intransitive Verbs Intransitive verbs object
passive voice
Note 3 : verbs passive voice 'by' preposition
prepositions -

(a) Surprised, astonished, disappointed, distressed,

displeased alarmed passive voice 'at'

1. Active : Your intelligence surprised me.

Passive : I was surprised at your intelligence.
2. Active : His success astonished us.
Passive : We were astonished at his success.
3. Active : His defeat distressed me.
Passive : I was distressed at his defeat.

4. Active : This news alarmed his father.

Passive : His father was alarmed at this news.

(b) Known obliged 'passive voice' 'to'


1. Active : Everybody knows Gandhiji.

Passive : Gandhiji is known to everybody.
2. Active : He will oblige me.
Passive : I shall be obliged to him.

(c) Pleased, satisfied, disgusted, charmed, thronged lined

'passive voice' 'with' -

1. Active : My behaviour pleased him.

Passive : He was pleased with my behaviour.
2. Active :Your work satisfies the officers.
Passive : The officers are satisfied with your work.
3. Active : Her sweet song charmed the listeners.
Passive : The listeners were charmed with her sweet song.
4. Active :The passenger lined the booking window.
Passive : The booking window was lined with the

(d) Contained interested 'passive voice' 'in'


1. Active :This box contains many beautiful things.

Passive : Many beautiful things are contained in this box.
2. Active :This book interests me.
Passive : I am interested in this book.

Note 4 : Intransitive verbs prepositions

Prepositions verbs Transitive verbs
Passive voice preposition verb

1. Active : The girls laughed at me.

Passive : I was laughed at by the girls.
2. Active : He looks after my children.
Passive : My children are looked after by him.

Note 5 : Verbs objects , Passive voice

object -
1. Active : I taught him English.
Passive : He was taught English by me.
English was taught to him by me.

English was taught him by me.

Note 6 : - Passive voice doer

, important -

1. Active : Someone has stolen my pen.

Passive : My pen has been stolen.
2. Active : People speak English all over the world.
Passive : English is spoken all over the world.

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