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A. Definition
1. Process where a writer absorbs the learnings from the reference and rewrites it through
his/her own words.
B. Goals
1. Maintain the expression of the essence of the selected passage despite the difference
of goals and form
C. Steps in Paraphrasing
1. Repeatedly read the passage until you fully understand the content and message
2. Dont look at the passage when paraphrasing
3. After paraphrasing, reread passage to see if youve retained the message
4. Read paraphrase and correct errors in grammar, sentence structure and the like.
5. Cite your sources in the citation style appropriate for your academic paper.
II. Plagiarism
A. Definition
1. Act of using anothers words/ideas without giving credit to that person
B. Types
1. Word-for-word (cut and paste)
a) verbatim copying of anothers work
b) claims it as his/her own work
2. Word Order
a) writer changes some words from a passage by another author to make it appear as
his/her own work
3. Idea
a) writer paraphrases a passage and includes it in his/her own work but did not
properly credit other works cited in his/her own work
III. Summary
A. Definition
1. Synopsis/Esssence of the entire passage
B. Steps in Write Summary
1. Repeatedly read the text you will summarize
2. Identify the main idea. Let this be includd in your summarys thesis statement
3. Include all significant and unfamiliar points in your summary
4. Utilize appropriate transition devices to allow readers to follow your train of thought
5. Limit your summary to a few sentences. Retain Main idea
6. Proofread your summary of a text

- Paraphrase simplifies. Summary Condenses

Paraphrase: Restatement in simpler language
Summary: Digest synopsis
1. Read selection once
2. Look up unfamiliar words
3. Reread.
4. Follow the same order that the writer uses.
5. Put material in your own words. Shorten long sentences. Use simple vocabulary

1. Characteristics of effective review
2. Criteria for evaluation
3. Strucutre/Format of a Sample review
4. Recommendations of the review
- Paragraphs can be outlined
- Structural plan that uses headings and subdivisions to clarify the main features of a paper
- Kinds
Topic Outline: Entries are words or phrases
Sentence Outline: Entries are sentences

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