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All Ears English Episode 22:

Get Accepted at a University in the

United States- 3 Tips

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 22: Meeting Monday.


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, eal,

native English conversation. Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon,
nd Gabby Wallace, the Language Angel, coming
to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.


Lindsay: /
university that you want in the United States.


Lindsay: ^', to
help students get into universities in the United States.

Gabby: z/d/
about applying to colleg/international students, (um), who want
to go to the college of their dreams in the US.

Lindsay: Yeah.

All Ears English

Gabby: ^/ I help them out with applying. So I wanted to share
some of these tips with you, our listeners, today.

Lindsay: Awesome! So the first tip is to clean up your social media accounts. Can
you say more about that?

Gabby: Absolutely. So Kaplan just did a study where they surveyed three or four
hundred college admissions counselors and about 30% said that they do
check applicants online.

Lindsay: (Ah!) Seems high. Seems like a lot of people.

Gabby: Yeah. t have time to do this for

 (there are) any doubts or if they need more
information, it could hs better to be on the safe side and
check your name online. (Um) Google your name, check (uh) your
Facebook profile and make sure that you have the privacy settings where
you want them to be and j
information on you out there and on the Internet.

Lindsay: Definitely. And the next one is to stay on top of deadlines and to have
some kind of a checklist or a system in your calendar where you can
actually hit those deadlines.

Gabby: Yeah. d (there are) so many deadlines to keep track of (um) 

several standardized tests,
maybe TOEFL, SAT, dh (there are) just so many deadlines
and things to do, so  good idea to make a checklist and then put those
items into your calendar.

Lindsay: Okay. Great. And the last one is to make sure you find the right fit in the
school that you choose.

Gabby: Super important. I know that a lot of students would love to go to an Ivy
League school, (you know) the school of their dreams, maybe like right
here in Boston we have Harvard, MIT, (um) Boston University, Boston
College. We have so many great universities, but just because the
university has a high ranking or a great reputatio

All Ears English

good fit for you. So you need to ask a lot of
questions and find out about the university. Find out about its culture,
maybe even go visit that school so that you can 
because college in the US is not just about taking classes and getting good
/environmentzgonna (going to)
zextracurricular activities, maybe live
in a dorm^zu wanna (want to) make sure that
ight fit for you.

Lindsay: Yeah for sure. So take some time with that and just make sure t
got the right place.

Gabby: Yeah. Cool. So those are my top three tips. (Um) just briefly explained right
here, but I actually have a lot more information about each tip and
actually I have several more tips about getting into a university. (Um) I just
launched the college application class on that has several
video lectures, hours of material, (um) videos and text, and audio
interviews with experts. So if you really want to learn more about making
your best successful college application go to udemy.comd-d-e-m- and you can search for The College Application by Gabby Wallace.

Lindsay: Awesome.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Sounds great. Thanks for the tips Gabby.

Gabby: Yeah. z welcome. And (um), next episode d

(going to) get together and talk about some of the vocabulary that were
used in this episode just to make sure that (um) you are able to use it in
your conversations.

Lindsay: Yeah, so come hang out with us tomorrow.

Gabby: Cool see you then.


All Ears English

Lindsay: ,^/
k through to that
advanced fluent level of English. One of the best ways that you can do this
is to listen to the podcast we have here but then also check your listening
by reading our transcripts. (Um) i
your All Ears English experience. So you can find all of our transcripts,


Lindsay: Thanks for listeWt

learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes.
See you next time.

*We apologize for the audio mistake at the end of this episode.

All Ears English

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