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All Ears English Episode 23:

What Ivy League University in

America Really Means

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 23: Teaching Tuesday!


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, eal,

native English conversation. Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon,
nd Gabby Wallace, the Language Angel, coming
to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Lindsay: /ddlearn what I what the term Ivy League

really means.


Lindsay: So yesterday, on Monday, we talked about we gave Gabby gave you

her top three tips for getting into the university that you want here in the
US and today we just wanna (want to) go through two or three (uh)
phrases that you can learn from this lesson. So the first one, we said that
really important to stay on top of deadlines. So what the (heck) does
that mean?

All Ears English

Gabby: To stay on top of something is to manage it, to meet deadlines. I mean
well we used that in an exam, but to stay
on top it jus

Lindsay: Right.

Gabby: zyour work pile up.

Lindsay: (Yep).

Gabby: d 

work by in time.

Lindsay: z/thatZ/

Gabby: Exactly. // /(uh)

homework. /

Lindsay: Perfect.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: zd common phrase that we use and the other one was
we talked about the Ivy League.

Gabby: (Hmm).

Lindsay: So the this is an interesting one. So a lot of pe/

League. It actually is a K^ Brown
University, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Princeton, U Penn, and

Gabby: t/>
academic excellence. (Um) id
Maybe 20% of applicants (uh) (like) a
network of how can I say just (like) (um) an elite network.

Lindsay: Elite schools. Right.

Gabby: Yeah.

All Ears English

Lindsay:  just /s a
group of teams that play each other in sports events.

Gabby: Right.

Lindsay: Sporting events.

Gabby: Right. But most people d

Lindsay: Right.

Gabby: TK

Lindsay: Yeah. Which is really cool.

Gabby: coast.

Lindsay: Right. Northeast.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Okay and what was the next term that you had Gabby.

Gabby: Okay. So we have (uh) a couple other just English phrases, so the next one
is to make sure.

Lindsay: (Hmm). So for this one, this is a way of (um) just checking on things. Right?

Gabby: (Mm-hm).

Lindsay: I want to make sure ///

(going to) go back and make sure that I turned off the oven when /
leaving the house.

Gabby: Yeah. Yeah to check. I like how you said that.

Lindsay: To check.

Gabby: To double check.

Lindsay: Double-check. Yeah. And the last one was . You wanna (want
e right fit.

All Ears English

Gabby: Absolutely. So something that you feel comfortable in. (Um) it could be,
(um) at a
university, we mean you feel comfortable there, you feel like it suits your
goals and your character and who you are.

Lindsay: Yeah. d perfect. Okay.

Gabby: 'z^^
phrases. So repeat h, />, d
sure, d

Lindsay: Great. Cool.

Gabby: All right. Thanks Lindsay. And /tisdom


Lindsay: Wisdom Wednesday. All right. See you then.

Gabby: ^ then.


Lindsay: ,^/et stuck at the intermediate level

advanced fluent level of English. One of the best ways that you can do this
is to listen to the podcast we have here but then also check your listening
by reading our transcripts. (Um) i
your All Ears English experience. So you can find all of our transcripts,


Lindsay: dWt
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See you next time!

All Ears English

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