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EE 2003 Computer Organization Syllabus

T G Venkatesh, Electrical Engineering, IIT Madras.

1) Basic structure of computer, Instruction set, addressing modes, Programmers model of some
example processors. memory and I/O interfacing, (2L) assembly language programming, stack
and subroutine, I/O programming ( 1L) RISC Vs CISC, , IA-32 , SPARC and ARM architecture ( 2L)
2) Computer arithmetic: Adders : ripple carry , carry look ahead (2L) and high speed adders: carry
skip, (L) carry select, conditional sum, (L)and Prefix adders(L). Multiplication: carry-save, Wallace
tree,(L) Booths, Bit-paring method(L). Restoring and non-restoring division(L), Barrel shifter,
Truncation and rounding off(L), Floating point arithmetic(L) Total : 6L

3) Processor design : RTN notation, instruction execution in a single bus (L)and multi bus
architecture(L), microprogramming (L), exception handling, datapath design (2L). (Total : 5L)

4) Memory design : memory hierarchy, memory interleaving (L) RAM structure, SRAM and
DRAM(L). Cache memory: organization, (L) read, write, fetch and replacement policies, (L) split
cache, cache coherence protocol. (L) virtual memory design, paging and segmentation, (2L) TLB,
implementation issues(L)
Total : 7L

5) Pipelining, design of linear pipeline (2L) data hazards, (L) branch hazard and prediction,(L)
Instruction level parallelism, superscalar processors. (2L )
Total 5L

6) I/O subsystem , Programmed I/O, interrupt, DMA. (1L) Mass storage, input and display devices.
System Bus (2L)
total : 3L
7) Basics of system software : Operating system, (3L) Compiler, (1.5L) loader and linker(1/2 L) .
Total 5L

8) Parallel Processing, Flynns Taxonomy, MultiCore Processor : Multithreading, Network on chip,

parallel programming. Total ( 6 L)

Grand Total : 42 Lectures

Reference Books :

1) Computer system design and architecture by V.P. Heuring et al, second Ed, 2008,Pearson,
2) Computer organization and embedded systems, Carl Hamacher, et al, sixth edition,
McGraw Hill, 2012,
3) Computer organization and design, John L. Henessy and David A. Patterson, Morgan and
Kaufmann, Fourth Edition, 2009.
4) Computer Organization and architecture, designing for performance, William Stallings,
Pearson, 8th Ed.
5) Computer Architecture, Pipelined and Parallel processer design, Michael J. Flynn,
6) Microprocessor architecture, Programming, and application with the 8085, Ramesh S
Gaonkar, Microprocessor ( 8086) Liu and Gibbson, ARM Developers Guide , Sloss.

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