AdmissionForm For BABSc PDF

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First / Second Annual Examination 20_____.
Mention B.A or B.Sc. _____________ ( )

1. Name of College (for Late College candidates only) __________________________

2. Registration No.
University of Sargodha (if allotted)

3. Name of the Candidate (in block letters) Form No. __________

4. Candidates N.I.C. No.

5. Fathers Name (in block letters)

6. Religion __________ 7. Nationality ____________ 8. Gender (Male or Female) __________________

9. Permanent District _______________ 10. Name of City/Town opted for Exam Centre ________________
11. Mention the year of passing Intermediate or equivalent Annual /Supply Examination ___________
Roll No. Intermediate or equivalent Examination _____________ whether passed as a whole or
by parts ____________. Name of the Board______________________________________________
12. Postal Address (In Block Letters)

13. Permanent Address (In Block Letters)

14. Tick the relevant Box

Fresh Failed as a Whole Compartment Additional Subject Fazil

Nursing B.Sc English Only Division/Marks Improve Wafaq-ul-Madaris

15. For Compartment / Failed as a whole / Division / Marks Improve / Additional Subject candidates
Year of passing / failing in BA/BSc 1st /2nd Annual Examination 20_____ Roll No. _________
16. Mention the Subjects & Codes in which to appear
Compulsory Subject code Elective Subjects code Optional Subject
(only for BA Candidates)
(i) _______________________ (i) _______________________ code

(ii) _______________________ (ii) _______________________ (i). _________________

(iii) _______________________ (iii)_______________________

Signature of the Candidate_______________ Signature of Attesting Authority

With office stamp

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1. Compulsory Subjects for BA Candidates 2. Compulsory Subjects for BSc Candidates

Subject code Subject code

English 01 English 02

Islamic Studies 03 Islamic Studies 03

Ethics 04 Ethics 04

Pakistan Studies 05 Pakistan Studies 05

3. Elective Subject for BA/BSc Candidates
Note: BA candidates shall select 2 and BSc candidates shall select 3 elective subjects from the list given below
BSc candidates shall select 3 subjects according to combinations subjects given at page 8
Elective Subjects code Elective Subjects code
Pure Mathematics 76 Psychology 14
Applied Mathematics 77 Geography 15
Chemistry 10 English(Literature) 16
Physics 11 Health & Physical Education 17
Arabic 39 History 35
Education 13 Statistics 19
International Relations 78 Persian 20
Punjabi 21

Elective Subjects code Elective Subjects code

Political Science 30
Social Work 22 Maths (General) 31
Urdu 23 Economics 32
Computer Science 24 Islamic Studies 33
Sociology 26 Fine Arts 34
Home Economics 25 Botany 08
Journalism 28 Zoology (New Pattern) 09
Philosophy 29 Zoology (Old Pattern) 88
Applied Psychology 89 Library Science 87

4. Optional subjects for BA candidates only

Note: BA Candidates shall select only 1 subject from the list given below (Elective & Optional subject should
not be the same)
Optional Subjects code Optional Subjects code
Arabic 41
Philosophy 51
Persian 42
English Literature 52
Punjabi 43
Political Science 53
Geography 44
Social Work 54
History 45
Sociology 55
Home Economics 46
Statistics 56
Islamic Studies 47
Urdu 57
Mathematics 48
Journalism 58
Economics 49
Fine Art 59
Psychology 50
Library Science 60
Applied Psychology 63
International Relations 62

5. Subjects for Candidates appearing in B.Sc Exam after Passing Four Years Diploma Exam of Nursing & Midwifery
English(Compulsory), Islamic Studies (Compulsory), Pak Studies (Compulsory)
6. Subjects for Wafaq-ul-Madaris Candidates
Islamic Studies (Compulsory), Pakistan Studies (Compulsory) two Elective Subjects (other than Arabic & Islamic Studies)
7. Subjects for Fazil Candidates
English (Compulsory), Islamic Studies/Ethics (Compulsory), Pakistan Studies (Compulsory)
Note: All the candidates who are appearing for the first time will take the Examination as per new syllabus in the subjects in
which Examination is being held according to both New & Old Syllabi.

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Roll No. ______
1st or 2nd Annual Examination 20 ____.
( )
Mention B.A or B.Sc. _____________________

Fresh Compartment Failed as a whole

1. Name of College (for late College Candidates only) ____________________________________


2. Registration No. University of Sargodha (if allotted) __________________________________

3. Name of the Candidate (in English block letters)



4. N.I.C. No. of Candidate ________________________________________________________________

5. Fathers Name (in English block letters______________________________________________________________________
Form No. ________
6. Gender (Male or Female) _____________ 7. Religion ____________________

8. Name of the City opted for Centre __________________________________

9. Mention the Year of Passing Intermediate Annual / Supply Examination 200 _____.

Roll No. _________________ Whether passed as a whole or by parts ________ Name of the Board ______________________

10. For Fresh Candidate (Mention the Subject in which to appear)

Compulsory Subjects for B.A / B.Sc. Elective Subjects for B.A / B.Sc. Optional Subject for B.A
i) ______________________________ i) _____________________________ i) ____________________________

ii) _____________________________ ii) _____________________________

iii) _____________________________ iii) _____________________________ (for BSc Candidates only)

11. For Failed as a whole / Compartment Candidate
st nd
Year of appearing in B.A / B.Sc. 1 / 2 Annual Examination 200_____. Roll No. ____________

Placed in Compartment or Failed as a whole

Subject/s in which failed (i) _______________________ (ii) _______________________ (iii) _______________________

(iv) __________________ (v) _______________________ (vi) _______________________ (optional subject for arts candidates)
12. For Candidate appearing to improve his/her division / marks or appearing in additional subject/s after passing
B.A / B.Sc. Examination
Year of passing in B.A / B.Sc. 1st / 2nd Annual Examination 200 ______. Roll No. _______________.
Division / Marks Improve or Additional Elective Subject/s

(i) English Language (Comp) (ii) Islamic Studies / Ethics (Comp) (iii) Pakistan Studies (Comp)

(iv) ____________________ (v) _________________________ (vi) ___________________ (optional subject for arts candidates)
st nd
13. For B.Sc. English only Candidate after Passing M.B.B.S 1 Prof or B.D.S or B -Pharmacy 2 Prof Examination
st nd st nd
Roll No. ______________ M.B.B.S. 1 Prof / B.D.S. / B-Pharmacy 2 Prof 1 / 2 Annual Examination _____________

14. For candidate appearing in B.Sc. Exam after passing 4 Years Diploma Examination in General Nursing & Midwifery
Subjects in which to appear (i) English (Comp) B.Sc. (ii) Islamic Studies / Ethics (Comp) (iii) Pak Studies (Comp)
15. For Wafaq-ul-Madaris Candidate: Islamic Studies (Comp), Pak Studies (Comp), Two Elective Subjects
(other than Arabic & Islamiyat) (i) _______________________ (ii) ___________________________
15. For Fazil Candidate: English (Comp), Islamic Studies (Comp), Pak Studies (Comp)

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DECLARATION: I hereby declare that all the particulars mentioned in the admission form are correct and that in case of
any difficulty arising out of inaccuracy therein, I shall be responsible for the consequences. I have attached all the required

Signature of the Candidate Permanent Address

(In English)___________________________ ______________________________________
(In Urdu)___________________ ______________________________________


A candidate who has offered Practical Subjects should submit practical certificate of having
undergone the practical training in a College affiliated to the University of Punjab / University of Sargodha
or in a Laboratory approved by the syndicate for the purpose.
Certified that ___________________________son/daughter of ________________________________
was a ___________________regular/casual student of this college during the session20___ 20_____ in
B.A/B.Sc. Class Roll No_______He/She has completed the required number of practicals in the following
subjects, in the Laboratory/Laboratories of this college / University.

Sr. No. Subject/s Signature Head of the Department

1. ______________ _________________________

2. ______________ _________________________

3. ______________ _________________________

Dated: ________20____. Countersigned by the Principal

(Office Stamp)



I certify that the candidate has remitted Rs.___________________in the Habib Bank Branch
___________________________vide Challan No.____________Dated__________ (challan attached on fee form)
as admission fee for the B.A/B.Sc. 1st/2nd Annual Examination 200____.
I certify that the candidate has satisfied me by production of the Board Certificate that he/she passed the
F.A / F.Sc. Examination from the____________Board under Roll No.__________in the year_____________
or appeared in B.A/B.Sc. 1st or 2nd Annual Examination 200___ under Roll No. _________ and failed as a whole /
was placed under compartment. The particulars filled in by the candidate on the reverse are correct and certified
that the applicant has not attended any college as a regular student at any time during the academic year
preceding this examination.

Signature of the attesting authority (Office Stamp)

Name _____________________________Designation__________

Note: - The officer attesting the Admission Form should himself enter his name and designation. Under no circumstances
shall any attesting officer forward admission form of any candidate to the University office unless the candidate has satisfied him
that he/she has deposited the full fee in the University account.

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Address Slips to be filled in by the candidate in (CAPITAL Letters)


Roll No. (for office use only) _________________ Roll No. (for office use only) ___________________

Name._________________________________ Name. ___________________________________

Fathers Name.__________________________ Fathers Name_____________________________

Postal Address__________________________ Postal Address ____________________________

______________________________________ _________________________________________

______________________________________ _________________________________________

______________________________________ _________________________________________


Roll No. (for office use only) _________________ Roll No. (for office use only) ___________________

Name._________________________________ Name. ___________________________________

Fathers Name.__________________________ Fathers Name_____________________________

Postal Address__________________________ Postal Address ____________________________

______________________________________ _________________________________________

______________________________________ _________________________________________

______________________________________ ________________________________________

Online downloaded
(for office use only)
Form No._______ FEE RECEIPT FORM
BACHELOR OF ARTS/SCIENCE 1st /2nd Annual Examination 20______.
Mention B.A or B.Sc._____________.
Fresh Compartment / Failed as a whole
Registration No. University of Sargodha (if allotted) ______________________
1. Name of the Candidate (in English block letters) ___________________________________________
2. Fathers Name (in English block letters) ___________________________________________________
3. Amount of fee paid Rs. ___________Bank Challan No. ___________________Dated _________________
Habib Bank (Name of Branch) __________________________________________________________________
4. For compartment / failed as a whole candidates, mention last Roll No.________B.A/B.Sc. 1st / 2nd Annual
Examination 20____. Diary No. _____
Signature of the candidate (In English) ________________________ Dated _______


Postal Address

It is certified that the candidate has

deposited Rs. __________ in HBL
Branch _____________________
vide Challan No. _____________
dated: _____________________

Signature & Stamp of

Attesting Authority

Online downloaded


Every candidate appearing in Bachelor of Arts Examination (Pass Course) shall be required to offer
English language Compulsory carrying 200 marks, (Islamiyat /Ethics Compulsory 60 marks & Pakistan Studies
Compulsory 40 marks) and any two elective subjects carrying 200 marks each and one optional subject
carrying 100 marks. Provided that no candidate shall be permitted to offer as optional a subject which he has
offered as elective.
Provided that no candidate shall take up space science except with A Course of Math or Geography
and that no candidate shall take up B Course of Math, unless he has taken up A Course of Mathematics.
Provided further that the subject of Philosophy and Psychology may be offered together but a student
offering this combination shall have to offer Greek Philosophy in place of Psychology common paper for
Philosophy. However, the subjects of Psychology and Applied Psychology cannot be taken together.
Provided also that Mathematics General cannot be offered with Mathematics A Course or
Mathematics B Course.


Every candidate shall be required to offer English Language Compulsory carrying 100 marks
(Islamiyat /Ethics Compulsory 60 marks & Pakistan Studies Compulsory 40 marks) and any one of the
following groups of subjects. Every subject in each of the groups shall carry 200 marks.
The students who take up Chemistry / Mathematics with Psychology at B.Sc. level shall not be admitted
to the M.Sc. classes in Chemistry / Mathematics.

1. Physics, Mathematics (General) and Chemistry. 34. Applied Psychology/Psychology, Chemistry and Botany
2. Physics, Mathematics (General) and Statistics. 35. Applied Psychology/Psychology, Statistics and Economics
3. Physics, Mathematics (General) and Space Science 36. Applied Psychology/Psychology, Mathematics (General) and Computer Studies
4. Physics, Mathematics (General) and Geology 37. Applied Psychology/Psychology, Geography and Computer Studies
5. Physics, Mathematics (General) and Geography 38. Applied Psychology/Psychology, Statistics and Mathematics (General)
6. Physics, Mathematics (General) and applied Psychology/Psychology. 39. Applied Psychology/Psychology, Statistics and Geography
7. Physics, Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics 40. Applied Psychology/Psychology, Statistics and Home Economics
8. Physics, Statistics and applied Psychology/Psychology. 41. Applied Psychology/Psychology, Geography and Economics
9. Physics, Chemistry and Statistics 42. Statistics, Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics
10. Physics, Mathematics (General) and Computer Studies 43. Statistics, Mathematics (General) and Space Science
11. Physics, Chemistry and Computer Studies 44. Statistics, Mathematics (General) and Applied Psychology/Psychology
12. Chemistry, Economic and Geography 45. Statistics, Economics and Geography
13. Chemistry, Botany and Computer Studies 46. Statistics, Economics and Computer Studies
14. Chemistry, zoology and Computer Studies 47. Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Space Science
15. Botany, Chemistry and Geography 48. Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Economics
16. Botany, Chemistry and Statistics 49. Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Computer Studies
17. Botany, Chemistry and Geology 50. Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Statistics
18. Botany, Zoology and Computer Studies 51. Mathematics (General), Geography and Economics
19. Zoology, Chemistry and Botany 52. Mathematics (General), Geography and Statistics
20. Zoology, Chemistry and Geography 53. Mathematics (General) Chemistry and Computer Studies
21. Zoology, Chemistry and Statistics 54. Mathematics (General), Statistics and Computer Studies
22. Applied Psychology/Psychology, Statistics and Geography 55. Mathematics (General), Economics and Computer Studies
23. Applied Psychology/Psychology, Mathematics (General) and Geography 56. Mathematics (General), Statistics and Economics
24. Applied Psychology/Psychology, Chemistry and Zoology 57. Geography, Geology and Space Science
25. Applied Psychology/Psychology, Statistics and Home Economics 58. Geography, Statistics and Space Science
26. Applied Psychology/Psychology, Mathematics (General) and Home Economics 59. Geography, Botany and Zoology
27. Applied Psychology/Psychology, Chemistry and Home Economics 60. Geography, Geology and Botany
28. Applied Psychology/Psychology, Geography and Home Economics 61. Geography, Geology and Zoology
29. Applied Psychology/Psychology, Botany and Zoology 62. Geography, Economics and Computer Studies
30. Applied Psychology/Psychology, Physics and Chemistry 63. Geology, Chemistry and Zoology
31. Applied Psychology/Psychology, Botany and Geography 64. Geology, Chemistry and Physics
32. Applied Psychology/Psychology, Chemistry and Geography 65. Geology, Chemistry and Geography
33. Applied Psychology/Psychology, Zoology and Geography 66. Aero Science, Physics and Mathematics (General)

In addition to the above combination of subjects, a student may offer Computer Studies
with any two science elective subjects to get the B.Sc. Degree.

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Habib Bank Limited Habib Bank Limited Habib Bank Limited Habib Bank Limited

Branch ___________________ Branch ___________________ Branch ___________________ Branch ___________________

Examination Fee Examination Fee Examination Fee Examination Fee

Challan No. Online downloaded Dated: _________ Challan No. Online downloaded Dated: _________ Challan No. Online downloaded Dated: _________ Challan No. Online downloaded Dated: _________

Credit: University of Sargodha Collection Account No. 3788-96 Credit: University of Sargodha Collection Account No. 3788-96 Credit: University of Sargodha Collection Account No. 3788-96 Credit: University of Sargodha Collection Account No. 3788-96

Name in Block Letters _____________________________ Name in Block Letters _____________________________ Name in Block Letters _____________________________ Name in Block Letters _____________________________

Father's Name ___________________________________ Father's Name ___________________________________ Father's Name ___________________________________ Father's Name ___________________________________
st nd st nd st nd st nd
Examination ___________________1 / 2 Annual 20___ Examination ___________________1 / 2 Annual 20___ Examination ___________________1 / 2 Annual 20___ Examination ___________________1 / 2 Annual 20___

Rupees Rupees Rupees Rupees

1 FA / FSc 1 FA / FSc 1 FA / FSc 1 FA / FSc
2 BA / BSc / BSA 2 BA / BSc / BSA 2 BA / BSc / BSA 2 BA / BSc / BSA
3 MA / MSc / MCS 3 MA / MSc / MCS 3 MA / MSc / MCS 3 MA / MSc / MCS
5 Pharmacy 5 Pharmacy 5 Pharmacy 5 Pharmacy
6 Sports Fee 6 Sports Fee 6 Sports Fee 6 Sports Fee
7 Migration / NOC Fee 7 Migration / NOC Fee 7 Migration / NOC Fee 7 Migration / NOC Fee
8 Diploma Examination Fee 8 Diploma Examination Fee 8 Diploma Examination Fee 8 Diploma Examination Fee
9 Registration / Enrollment Fee 9 Registration / Enrollment Fee 9 Registration / Enrollment Fee 9 Registration / Enrollment Fee
10 Degree Fee 10 Degree Fee 10 Degree Fee 10 Degree Fee
11 College Insp. Fee 11 College Insp. Fee 11 College Insp. Fee 11 College Insp. Fee
12 Out of Jurisdiction Fee 12 Out of Jurisdiction Fee 12 Out of Jurisdiction Fee 12 Out of Jurisdiction Fee
13 Late Fee 13 Late Fee 13 Late Fee 13 Late Fee
14 Bank challan Collection Charges 14 Bank challan Collection Charges 14 Bank challan Collection Charges 14 Bank challan Collection Charges
15 Any Other (give detail) 15 Any Other (give detail) 15 Any Other (give detail) 15 Any Other (give detail)
16 16 16 16
17 17 17 17
18 18 18 18
Total Total Total Total

Rs. in words _____________________________________ Rs. in words _____________________________________ Rs. in words _____________________________________ Rs. in words _____________________________________

_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Note: Challan Colllection Fee Rs. 10/- Note: Challan Colllection Fee Rs. 10/- Note: Challan Colllection Fee Rs. 10/- Note: Challan Colllection Fee Rs. 10/-

Officer Cashier Officer Cashier Officer Cashier Officer Cashier

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