Amul Kool

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Institute of Management, Nirma University

MBA-FT Batch 2016-18


Attitude Formation & Attitude Change for AMUL KOOL

Individual Assignment.

Submitted to: Submitted by: Visharad Agarwal

Prof. Jayesh Aagja Roll No: 161267

Date: 22/08/2017 MBA FT 2016-18, CB Section A


Introduction of Amul Kool ................................................................................ 3

Attitude .............................................................................................................. 4
Attitude Formation for Amul Kool .................................................................... 5
Attitude Change for Amul Kool ......................................................................... 8
References ....................................................................................................... 10
Introduction of Amul Kool
Amul Kool is one of the most successful brand in the basket of Gujarat Co-operative Milk
Marketing Federation (GCMMF) or Amuls brand portfolio. It was launched in 2004 in the
beverage sector as a chilling flavoured milk. Initially it was launched in two flavours that are
Elaichi and Kesar in a 200 ml capacity glass bottles, later the company started to sell it in
tetrapaks and plastic bottles. It was the ever flavoured milk product launched by a national
company in India.

After seeing the launch of Amul Kool, Amul expanded the franchise by adding new products
in Amul Kool brand name such as Amul Kool Kafe & Amul kool lassi.
What is Attitude?
Attitude is a learned predisposition or a tendency to respond positively or negatively towards
a certain idea, object, person, or situation. Attitude influences an individual's choice of action,
and responses to challenges, incentives, and rewards (together called stimuli).
Four major components of attitude are (1) Affective: emotions or feelings. (2) Cognitive:
belief or opinions held consciously. (3) Conative: inclination for action. (4) Evaluative:
positive or negative response to stimuli. Attitudes may or may not be consistent over time and
occurs within a situation.
There are different functions of attitude such as:

1. Utilitarian function
2. Value-express function
3. Ego-defensive function
4. Knowledge function

ABC model of attitude

It is a model which emphasizes the interrelationship between knowing, feeling & doing of a
consumer. ABC denotes for Affective, Behavioural & Cognition.

Affective: It shows that how the person feels about a product.

Behavioural: It shows the actionable part of the consumer i.e. the intentions of buying or not buying.

Cognition: It refers to the knowledge and perceptions which a consumer makes towards the product
through direct or indirect contact.
Attitude Formation for Amul Kool

Attitude formation through Consistency Principle

Consistency Principle states that the consumers tend to maintain harmony or alignment in
their thoughts, beliefs & behaviour. Therefore, it can be assumed that the people who believe
that milk as a healthy nutritious drink must had associated Amul Kool with their belief and
considered as a nutritious/healthy chilled beverage.

The above image is a snapshot of one of the Amul Kools TVC, through this scene Amul is
trying to link the benefits of milk with the Amul Kool by showing that Amul Kool also
strengthens you mentally thus giving you the benefits of normal milk.

Attitude formation through Balance Theory

This states that a person make attitude towards a particular object by relating it with other objects. As
Amul is a market leader in the milk industry from so many years, so the consumers must have
developed a positive attitude towards Amul Kool being a milk product from Amul.
Attitude formation through Identification
Identification occurs when the consumers form an attitude towards to feel association with
the desired group of people or to conform their expectations.

The above image is also a snapshot of one of the Amul Kools TVC, through this frame Amul
is trying to attract the people by framing their attitude towards Amul Kool as a trendy drink
& trying to associate the drink with adventurous and young generation.

Through this frame they are trying to associate the drink with the people wo are smart and successful.
Attitude formation through Multiattribute Attitude Model

This model states that by observing a one or two responses we cannot understand the
behaviour and the reasons for the attitude formation of a person. In order to understand the
attitudes this model is used with an assumption that the attitude of a person for a certain
object depends on his/her belief, objects attributes and the importance of each attribute for
the consumer.

In the above image by applying the multiattribute model, we can see that the print ad is
focusing on the attribute through the taglines fruitfull hai, shake shake shake to represent
the nutritional benefits & joy respectively.

Bases on these attributes consumers must have made some beliefs and had given importance
accordingly to their choice.
Attitude Change for Amul Kool

The images shown above is depicting the new message formats that was used in the TVC.
Innovative & informative message style appeal was used to attract the viewers. Basically the
message shown in the TVC is reflecting the benefits of Amul Kool i.e. mental strength or
increase in mental capabilities to tackle the situation. Through this appeal Amul was trying to
change the attitude of the consumers towards chilled beverages as they are being considered
only for refreshment purposes.
The above two images are showing the protagonist of two different TVC ads of Amul Kool.
These two people are also the source of the advertisement & trying to change the attitude of
different age groups. The lady in the top image is targeting the female segment of the market
while the boy in the other image is targeting the youth. They are trying to change the attitude
towards of the people towards the chilled beverages and are trying to convince the people that
Amul Kool is also a healthy drink apart from being a refreshment.

Amul Plans Kool Platform For Chilled Beverages. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Amul Kool - Team - Advertisment. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Amul Kool Cricket. (n.d.). Retrieved from
AMUL KOOL KITCHEN. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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