Case 5 Permata Bank

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— BR) fi) To develop the promotion strategy for your markets ing plan, follow the steps suggested in the planning phase of the promotion decision process deseribed in Figure-17-6. 4 You should (a) identify the target audience, (b) speci the promotion objectives, (c) set the promotion bu: (a) select the right promotion tools, (e) design the promo- tion, and (f) schedule the promotion. 2 Also specify the pretesting and posttesting procedures needed in the implementation and evaluation phases. 3. Finally, describe how each of your promotion tools are integrated to provide a consistent message. Permata Bank was formed through the merger of five banks in 2002 PT Bank Bali, PT Bank Universal, PT Bank Prima Express, PT Bank Artamedia, and PT Bank Patriot. In 2004. Standart Chartered Bank and PT Astra International took majority ownership of Permata Bank and this joint stake was increased to $9.03 percent of the bank’s equity in 2010. The bank currently serves two million customers in 57 cities in Indonesia, and has 281 branches and 631 ATMs. The bank had a net asset value of Rp 73,813 billion (USS8.14 billion) and net profits of Rp 997 billion (USS109.9 million) in 2016. Customer deposits grew 30 percent in 2010. Permata Bank is in retail banking with an array of deposits and wealth management and loan products: and wholesale banking in client relationship, transaction banking, and global markets. Permata Bank also tite Bank@ Work model which positions the bank in the workplace. It strengthens relationships with commercial and corporate customers by providing comprehensive financial services 10 their employees beyond payroll. National Direct Sales acquires new customers through direct personal presentations. Telesales provides an efficient point of contact (0 greet customers end to do ross-selling over the phone. Permata Bank’s brand tagline is “One Bank of Choic Permata Bank believes it takes in-depth understanding ‘of customers to provide real banking solutions. It takes mutual trust, expertise, and experience to build a long term relationship with customers, Permata Bank's brand promise is to add value to life. It believes in focusing ‘on cusiomers and euntinusally improving its services in ‘order to iscrease its market share and build its reputation. During 2010, Permata Bank launched a campaign to ‘communicate its positioning to serve Indonesian families OR 17-6 Permata Bank 512 CHAPTER 17 with a wide range of products. The theme was “Millions amilies. One Bank.” Permata Bank engages in integrated marketing com- munications and uses a combination of advertising, sales promotion, public relations, and direct marketing tools In November 2009, it announced a change of advertising agency from Young & Rubicam to local agency Coleman Handoko after two rounds of pitching. In media relations, Permata Bank maintains regular contacts with the press to assess the public’s perceptions of the bank through conferences, briefings. and media forums. During 2010, press conferences were conducted nine times and 67 press releases were sent out. The bank was featured in 2,758 les in the media. Its corporate website ( serves as a service portal and as a provider of information to customers, shareholders, and the public. of art CALENDAR. OF ACTIVITIES IN 2010 In January 2010, Permata Bank's marketing campaign focused on Permata Tabungan BEBAS, a savings product which offers {reedom to transact anytime, In February 2010, Permata Bank supported the Bank of Indonesia’s program in launching savings products During the month, the marketing campaign focused on Permata Biniang, a product designed to encourase children to develop the saving habit at an early age. In March 2010, Permata Bank won the Certer for Service Satisfzction and Loyalty’s (CSSL) Annual Call Center Award for the fifth consecutive year. In June 2010, CSSL also gave the Diamond (Best) Award 10 Permaia Bank's Priority Banking Unit for Excellence in Service. The month's marketing campaign focused on Permata KPR Keluarga, which linked mortgage facilities ‘with multiple savings accounts of the family. In April 2010, Permata Bank's Cash Management Unit was awarded the Asian Banker Achicvement Award for Best Cash Management Bank in Indonesia. April's marketing campaign focused on the Permata Credit Card 10 percent cash back on gasoline purchases at any gas station, In May 2010, Permata Bank, together with British Chamber, sponsored football legend Lan Rush of British football club Liverpool to foster youth spirit in football Mey’s campaign repeated the March's Permata KPR Keluarga campaign, which linked up to five family members’ savings accounts to their mortgage, enabling them to use the points gained to reduce the interest charged. In June 2010, a carnival was held simultaneously in 10 cities in Indonesia to launch the Permata Famillionaire 1 campaign. The campaign aimed to increase the number of eastomers and deposits with a series of excit-ing activities. Under the program, depositors could get a free tote bag with a deposit of Rp 1 million main-tained for one month, a trolley bag with a deposit of Rp 5 million maintained for ‘two months, and a bicycle with a six-month term depo of Rp 50 million. Depositors could also win cash prizes amounting to Rp 8 billion. In addition, winners could get bonus interest rates of up to 4 percent on their savings and current accounts. In July 2010, Permata Bank re-launched the KPR Keluarga campaign to build on the success of the KPR Wise campaign in 2008. The aim was to meet the growing need for housing finance. In the same month, the bank—together with Her World magazine presented the show “The Most Powerful Woman of 2010" to show appreciation for the contributions and accomplishments of Indonesian women. The bank alsc won Bisnis Indonesia's The Best National Bank 2010 Award during the month. Another marketing campaign for the month was the Permata Credit Card Dine and Fly program, whereby customers could win return ait tickets to Singapore when they charged their café and restaurant bills to Permata Credit Card. In August 2010. Permata Bank. in collaboration with Yeyssan Mitra Netra. launched a program to provide cpportunitics for the visually impaired to work as its telesales agents. Karin: Business Consulting also selected Permata Bank as the Most Profitable Sharia Unit and the Most Efficient Sharia Unit in 2010. In August, the Permats Shopping Card wa» launched internally to the oanh’s emplovees at five main branches. This credit card. issued in cooperation sith MasterCard. offers up to 10 percent cash back at oll grocery stores end restaurants. It has perpetual annual ‘ee waiver for a cevain level of credit card transactions. offers reward points. and charges zero interest on credit purchases, The card was launched to the public in January 2011 In September 2010, Permata Bank lau campaign “Millions of Families. One Bank.” motion during the month gave away 99 Blackb ‘99 customers with the highest eredit card tran: values during the month. In October 2010, Permata Bank launched the social — responsibility program Permata Hati, which focuses on education. Permata Bank was also the main sponsoring bank for the Astra’s Exploring tie World exhibition. In November 2010, Permata Bank launched Permata Famillionaire II whereby new products and services were offered to provide more benefits and convenience for customers. The Famillionaire Family Star singing con- test was carried out simultaneously in six cities. In December 2010, the Permata WOW campaign was launched to promote its mobile banking services. OTHER RECENT ACTIVITIES The Permata Shopping Card was launched to the public in January 2011 targeting the family segment. During the month, Permata Bank Priority Program presented Michelle Worth (a talented young fashion designer) in a fashion show called “Cheongsam Collection in the Year of the Rabbit: La Tradizione in Multicolore.” In March 2011, Permata Bank's mobile phone banking services won the Best Mobile Phone Banking in Asia-Pacific 2010 award at The Asian Banker's 10th International Excellence in Retail Financial Services Awards 2011 held it: Kuala Lumpur, Malay In June 2011, Permata Bank made a public anti- money laundering statement given government and public concern regarding money laundering arising from criminal activities and the channeling of such funds for the purpose of terrorism, In July 2011, Permata Bank and its strategie partners — such as Putera Sampoema Foundation—participated event titled “Unite for Education About 1.300 employees and members of the public took part in a bike ride to raise funds to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. In August 2011, Permata Bank Preferred was introduced with the theme “Aim Higher. Dream Bigger” Tt comes with a pre-assigned loan Facility with tow fixed interest rate and low administrative fee, Italso comes with a free for life platinum credit card. Preferred Call Center — and Electronic Channel services are also provided and | there are exclusive priority banking queues at selected brancites, There is also a Special Reward Program. “Aim Higher, Dream Bigger.” campaign Was October 2011. Constantly looking for ways to delight its customers, in November 2011 Permata Bank announced that it was fone of the main sponsors of the LA Galaxy football team’s visit to Indonesia, The LA Galaxy included David Beckham, Landon Donov Keane—was in Jakarta from November 28 t0 30 as part of its Asian tour, Questions 4 What do you think are the marketing communi- cations objectives of Permata Bank? Who is its target audience? 514 CHAPTER 17 2 What promotion mix is Permata Bank \ ‘marketing communications program? —— 3. What advertising themes are used by What appeal and execution styles are adopt you improve the advertising stratepy? ; 4 What sales promotion tools, public relation tools, and — direct marketing tools are used by Permata Bank? What other tools can be adopted and for what purpose? 5 In your view, is Permata Bank engaged in integrated marketing communications (IMCY? Give reasons for your answer. How can Permata Bank aspect of its marketing communicati

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