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The Effect of Jackfruit Extract to the Population of Flies


Avrielle Kate Tolentino Mrs. Ma. Noeme Gelilang

Donesa Marcelo

Joshua Diez

Jindy Li Abegail Advincula

Psychie Valenzuela

Darleen Heart Montano

Devon Ezekiel Humbid

Emilie Baay

Jiecelyn Ferrer
General Objectives:

Generally our study aims to determine or examine the effect of

Jackfruit Extract to Flies.


Alternative Hyphothesis: The Jackfruit extract affects the

population of flies.

Null Hyphothesis: The Jackfruit extract does not affect the

population of flies.


Set-up A sprayed with Jackfruit Extract.

Set-up B sprayed with Jackfruit Extract and 3 Drops of Water

Materials Needed:



2 Sprayers

2 Bowls


Definition of Materials:

1.Prepare all the materials needed.

2.Get the Jackfruit extract.

3.Transfer it to the sprayer and put a little water.

4.Put a little slice of Jackfruit to the bowl.

5.Spray the Jackfruit extract to the Jackfruit in the bowl.

6.Let the flies go to the Jackfruit.

7.Record the observation.

Set-ups Minutes Number of Sprays Number of Flies

Set A
Jackfruit 1 minute 3 Sprays 7 Flies

Set B
Extract 1 minute 3 Sprays 3 Flies
And 3 Drops
Of Water

According to our observations, We the Group 5 concludes that
our study about the effect of Jackfruit Extract to the Populations of
Flies is effective when you don

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