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Tes a PUBLIC OF tHe pMiPPINES SECURITIES AND ExRA Cohmssion S79 paeg, EDO ove oie Macobyors Note Mania Compmay Reg. No. 2799 He CERTIFICATE OF FILING or AMENDED BY-LAWS. KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: ‘THIS1S TO CERTIFY thatthe Amended By-Laws of | PHILIPPINE INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC : ACCOUNTANTS, copy anmexed, adopted on October 25, November 22 and November 25, 2005 by majority vote of the Board of ‘Trustees aud on November 26, 2005 by the vote jority of the members, and certified under ath by the Corporate a Sccretary and majority ofthe said Board was approved by the Commnlssion on this date parsuant Co the provisions of Section 48 ofthe Corporation Code of the Pitippines, Batas Pambansa Ig. 68 approved on May 1, 1980, avd copies’ ‘thereof are filed with the Commission. of atleast IN WITNESS WHEREOR, 1 have hereunto st my hand and caused the seal of thts Commission 10 be affixed at Mandaluyong Cty, Metro Manila, Piitipptnes, tis 7B aay of March, Two Thousand Six Company Registrafon and Monitoring Department Page| VERIFIED By: PAGES; ee NACHE copy’ iis ENDED CR -AWS: [PHILIPPINE INSFITUTE OF CLITLFLED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 'FICPA Dolldng, No. 700 Shaw Boulevard Mandaluyong City fae axesnonn yas Caen ore 5 i aerhn : f AME ORIBCTIVES AND VALUES | SECTION 1. NAME, OBJECTIVES AND VALUES. The hame,‘dhjectives and values ofthe National Organization (PICPAY shal be these set forth inthe Atices of Incorporation. ICDA aires to te bihes ide’ of pistons snd comune Yo sevice dnd ‘upholds cuch values as inepiy, professional excellence, hmicvain,dasipne, teamwork, socal, YS ‘apna aod commit : soencas ta SEAL : : : SUCTION 1, SEAL, The sel ofthe Nation! Orguzation sal cont of po coneptic circles between which shall appear the name of PICPA, lo wit. “PHILIPPINE INSTITUTE OP (CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS" and such agpfopiate design symbole of the profession Certified Public Accountancy in th center hereof, asthe Natfoel Board of Dzeetrs may determine. ARTICLE T orice ; SECTION 1, OFFICE. ‘The principal office of the Natit Oreanlzaion’stali be located in : the Ciy of Mandaluyong, Metro Manila, Phipps or at Such place in Metro, Manila a8 may be . Seterihved by the National Board of Directors. ARTICLE ORGANIZATION "SECTION 1. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE, The PICPA orgtoizaton shal bo composed of four (4) geosrapllca-areas covering the enlve Pilippine Archipelago divided inte Mindanao and Nationa! Capital Region fMetc| Manli) repuesented by nlus Oy ‘egiong and four (4) sectors whick shall 6 organized nationwide representing the various sectoral interest, namely: public practice, commerce and industry, edveation and. govemment sviee, (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26,2005) "=, o . amosAonoenriceas ws ‘Natlowal Board of Rizestor. conalatent sith the existing cued of the Professional Regulation 4 ‘Commission. (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26,2005) . 7 no SECTION 3, REGIONAL UNITS. Excl of the plne 19) regions shall be governed by Regional Councils unter unifonm rules preseited by she Natiool Board af Direciorsconalten with the oxating rules of the Profesional Regulation Commission. (Pevlously munbered Section 25 i AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26,2005) we j ‘he cia nif der cach sega mar oe: 1. NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION ASTRO NiaNtiA GEOGRAPHICAL AiR A.” The WATIONAL CAPITAL REGION (METRO MANILA) ‘consisting of all | ‘chartered cites of Maula, Quezon, Pasay, Kalookan, Valeanucla, Mandaluyong, Marikina, Pasig, Makati, Muntalupd, Parttaqve, Las Piles, Malabon, Naveeas, “aghig, Faery he Mnisialy of San Ian sad gut ofthe Provines of Rizal, | tau bag Cy. dtedbudcnies st Saluciee nay oan) Sot NSS Mateo. and Gain, ond all other clea tc! usieipleg whieh, retry + Wren te eed (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 25,2005) 2, LUZON GROGRARIICAL ARE : A, The NORTHERN LUZON REGION consisting ofthe Provinces of Abra, Benguet, + Tloéos Nore, locas Sur, La. Union, Mt. Province, Batanes, Cagayan, tugzo, | Teabela, Kalinga, Apayao, Nueva Vizcaya, Quitino and Pangan dnd all the cies herein fae 7 BL The CENTRAL LUZON REGION cinsitng_ of the Province’ of Aixora, Bataan, Bulacan, News Eels, Pampanga, Taviae,Zambatea ad ll the cis therein; = - | Te soxfritein TagaLot REGION ‘consisting of th prope of stank Laguna Casi, Marine, Ociceiel Micro, Cvintal Mindoro, Palawan, ‘Suez Ronloa thee thei and st ot Ral Previn pt sueacned La ‘Ac. See3 Bac sibpasgaph (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2005) Tae BICOL REGION comisting ofthe movncse of Albay. Cematincs Noi, SSumaiass_Su.-Catananes. Niacin Sorstgon and al-ihecis thesis (AMENDED ON NOVEM 25,2005) 3, VISAYAS GEOGRAPHICAL AREA. A. The EASTERN VISAYAS REGION coisisting of Northein Samar, Eastern ‘Sama, Westeo Sama, Leyte, Bilt, Southom Leyte, bu includig the island oF ‘Mactan, Negros Orient, Bebo, Sguljor and all cles thei; B.,_ The WESTERN VISAYAS REGION coniisting of Negro® Occidental, Hollo, | Guimaras, Capiz, Akl, Antique and all ets therein: MINDANAO GEOGRAPIGAL AREA Hanes : A. The NORTHERN MINDANAO REGION consisting.of Zamboanga det Norte, Misamis Oxeideual Yano det Note Misamis Ove, gas dl Nox, Amuso de Sur, Sogn det N : DOS AMERDEDTICTARY 5 ‘Sur, Zamboangs-Sibugay, Crmiguin, and all cles tbivein, exchating Zamboanga Gy: (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26,2005) The SOUTHERN MINDANAO REGION ‘consisting of Davao Orisial, Davao det Sur, Davao’ del Notte, South Cotabato, North Cotabato, Maguindapao, Suitaa * ‘Kudarat, Sarangani Province, Sulv-Baslan, Tawt-Tevl, and all chartered cities * (herein Including Zainboanga Clty; op SECTION 4. CHAPTER ORGANIZATIONS. " Fac region shall consist of Chapter : ‘Ongoniatons. One (i) chapie may be organized in every province a every city excopt in Metro i ‘Manila wich salt be organized inital ito four (chapter asinely:Nothora. Metro Manila ‘Chapter consisting of Kalookan City, Valenzvla ity, Navettnd Malaboh; the Wester Metro Manila Chapter, conaating of Manila, San Juan and Mandaluyong City, tie Eastern Metro Manila (Ghuptecomiding of Qseton Cy, Pasig Cy, Mork Ci and paitaf Piovines of Rizal sooaaing of Antgale City. she Musiciglies of b i Southern Metro Manila Chapter, consisting ofthe Cites of Maka Pasay. Paraague Las Pfs, alec agi and Munna. t shalt bo thin responsi of the Naons Boar of Dieters ‘andthe Regional Courel fa each tegioa to pemote and exsist in oraaiaing chepes inthe ciderent 4 ‘provinces and iis, Previously rambezed Section 3; AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2003) Bach chapter shall have its oven local Goat as provided for by the uniform roles prescribed by i the National Board of-Direotéen consistent with existing rules of the Professional Regulation | ‘Commission SHCTION 5, AFFILIATE UNIS.’ Affiliate ‘units it other counties may be recopsized ‘after complying with the requirements and upon approval of the National Bourd of Director. (Previously mumbared Sesion 4: AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 25,2005)" : SECTION § SECTORAL RISPRESENEATION, Tie RCRA oecognies ti four cD AL RURRESENTATION. Th 2 - i | ola i ‘Rania Eduonion/Academe: : CPAs in Government (Previously wumbered, Section 5; AMENDED ON: “NOVEMBER 25,2005) q anticuey ; vfs - MEMBERSHIP . ate . SECTION, QUALIFICATIONS. Alexis pubic accountants whose ners ppc in the Regisy-of Professionals ofthe Profesional Repraton Conmision are automata a ‘ trembers ofthe Pilipine Inte cffeed Public Accounts aod shall catius : ‘except in he fellowing LS QF tea ' 4 AOS AMENDED CPA AE 8) Those who are deceased; 1) Those wine, by choles, no Longer pralce thr profeason but whose ames appesr in the Register mainased bythe Profesiodal Regulation Commission ad have formally filed with the Commission thei intenton-t0 retire trom practice. (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26,2005) ieee SECTION.2. REGISTRATION. ness he has slready previously registered, every tmeubor heretofore adiitted by tho Professional Regulation Cominfsion as Certified Puble \ ‘Accountaat shall epistet withthe Philippine Isle of Certified Pubic Accountants a the National * Ole oat the aca chapter of hiss cx seldeae, (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26,2005) SECTION 3. CERTIFICATE OF MEMBERSHIP. 1 sl! be the'daty‘of every CPA, | "qualified undor Section 1 of this Aricle, to sbinit his eariculum ‘vitae wich shal Instado kis ' pectnaent residence and place of cffice, a the basis for tho isuance of » Ceca of Membership Inia fam preseed by the National Boacd of Dieecors: : . <2 SECTION 4, GRANTING OF CERTIFICATE OF MEMDERSHP. Brery mémbei of. "s PICPA shal te ene to-a Certicae of Meatbeship upon verifiation of ble cualifcations by the ‘National Bian of Directors aud upon payment ofthe requlred dues prescribed in hese By-Laws. i & SwCTION 5 "mgamsenstt PLEDGE, Brey Cite Pai Asuna on Certificate as herein provided, shall take the PICPA Membership Pledge before: aay natty, geographical, regional or chapter office, at any methly meeting of members, of any ntiol, ‘eostaphical, fegioaal or cheptr office. ‘The Carificate of Membership aball eroapon be ised ta ‘im. (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2005) SECTION 6: DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF MEMBERS. 1) 1 pay Pi dues and ther PICPA stsessments; 2) to abide by the Arles of incorporation aad By-Laws a Other issuances. of PICPA:'3) 19 consjnally dovelop_bimselt/rseiFprofessonally tbraugh etibed CONTINUING PRORESSIONAL: EDUCA of elpate In the seve of ICPA, (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26,2005) od 4) to actively pati SECTION 7. CHAPTER AND SECIOR MEMBERS. Every meriber of PICRA shall be both a member of a Chapter ane member ofa Secter. A CPA shall bea member ofthe Chapter af the province ret where is rsidencs or plat of becca, A the tine of rogaine (CPA slull also oct to be member of 4 sonor regardless of his chapter affiliaon.1n no case shall sny-CPA be a member of more tan one (1) chapter or tanafer to anoter chepter izes (3) months = | ‘changes i (AMEND Before or ater any ele rence: = l ; SECTION 8, CLASSIFICATION OF MEMBERS. Membership wit Piippine istiate | O ‘of Cotied Public Accoanlan's sal be classified nto atv, sustaining life, honorary life, honorary and soci ; oe . ee oe NOS aegyn Aci sa : ue an SENS ; Zi a, mos AMENDED HCPA AWS treve all the right, privileges and responsiilies ofan ative member, except the payment of the sonal des. I! SECTION 11. HONORARY LIFE MEMMER. Any person, who tits been an active 1 member of PICPA for a period of not tess than twenty (20) years aud whe, hae significantly Contibuted to the-advancement of the accounting profession, may be granted -honarary fe Jnembership upon the recommendation ofthe Cowmitee on Awards and the unanimous approve of | Soe hart kee eee | | eee oe sir 2. panes in Goo SANDING, At gt ee an UENO mens ms Coon ean, me ace Coe ee ee eet rpanr gate agus oy Hee rete eet a ae Soho ded Tier are mer ‘stacing shall also include Sustaining Life Members and Honorary Life Menners.” Member in good ‘sunding ace obliged to patclpate in chapter activites, attend in at Least three @) ixenthly meetings in {ear tne te lector rcte buh aol ced ape lett, psx ald CPA Heise Rani and acting ames beting ofa oenens ~~\ SECTION 13, ASSOCIATE MEMBERS, Associte Members, on duc application, may be q acted by the Insitute withthe sporovalby tho Beard of Diretos, provided they belong to any of the Fellowing categorios: . Filipino ‘licens who are noo-CPAs unr te me of the Plipines but wh ere ‘Cenfied Publi Aecoortants hlcing such equivalent tide in any foreign county; ° 'b) Former Filipino citizens proviisly riser as « Cetfied Pubic Accountant Abe laws of the Republic ofthe Pilipinesior =. ‘| ° [Non-Filipino citizens who are-Cerifies\Public Aceouptants or Holding such ‘equivalent tile in countries with which the Republic of the Philippines as diplomatic rations, . Bite Associate members shall enjoy allthe right, privileges, and responsibilities of active members exoogt tke right to Yote and fo be elected or appotnted to eay shaptor, regional, sectoral andor national poston in PICPA. at mee SECTION 14. HONORARY. MEMBER. Any.person, ota Cetified Public. Accountant, <> ‘who bas signfioenlyegnteibuted tothe oahancemeat ofthe accounting profesion« gy be granted Sonorry membership pon the reconizndadon of the Cannes on Awaeds ed te unanimous’ E+ approvat of all the members of tho-National Board of Directors, Honceary members shall- be I ‘exempt from the payment of the annaal dues and assessiments and shall not be elected or appoloted to 7S F ‘any postion in PICPA, SECTION 15, MEMBERSIIP DISPUTE: Any disputecn membership, ot question ‘hereon, facing issues on chapter and sectoral affiliation of members shall be sesclved by the ‘Membetship Conmlue of the, Natioaal Organization, subject to the confimation of the National mmplsmenting Rules and Regulations ARID as poomugaled Ly tbe Piofesstel Regulation ‘Som af otek meals inibnFICPA. The Koster CPAs sal be pstincaly pated in sennie CPSs wo analogs - fu onsiikeof ie cision cir du a det paca capa io et Leesan froma nnees. The Rest o€ Passing CPStaal te madasvaisbieLodbe gem pue mace nractien Ts rio Sctioush Je IulsneL owe fo_ provide the publi We sLofacive, pantie rodeesion in dhe Philipines, (AMENDED ON NOVMIER 26, 2005) annie vi” Siete ‘TERMINATION AND REINSTATEMENT OF MEMBERSHIP SECTION 1: L058 OR SUSPENSION OF MEMBERSHIP, Since nanbosship in hd FICRA may bow codon othe coulaung val othe Coticte of Rogistaton of Cened Public Account oss of membertip in FICTA. may bea sfisiut case forte reveaton of hc SS) | * Chae of Region at 3 Cees Pale Accountant by the Protea Roplaion Sy inion : {The National Board of Directors shell adopt flop concerning the suspension or 10s of membership, and for the relnstatncat of members. The eispeation of or lois wf miuibership by a teniber by reason of delay in ot noapayanent of tombership duce ot for aul just eause as provided by the rules (a be.adopted shal be subject tothe review and approval of th Professional ‘Regulation Commission.” 7 ‘SECTION 2, VOLUNTARY TERMINATION OF MEMBERSIUP. Any member may resign ftom membership in the Natal Organization trough a wit’ aodce subwnitted fot ‘Secretary provided that ves if a esigatin’s effec dat Is fined jn sid notin, sch resigna + shall ot be effectd wit acted. upon by the Natlenal Boast of Diréiors, such etion to be taken ‘win thirty (30) days from.receipt of said otc. Upon approval ofthe tiation of uembership, the Seorelary of PIGPA shall immediately bring the matter t9the‘atention of te Professional ‘Rogulation Commission. Forthwiththe ember concened shall cease tobe a membee att his name shall be srcken gut from the ROSTER OF CPAs mainiined by the Insts and by the Professional Regulation Commission front the Registry of Cestiied Public Accountants, (AMENDED.ON NOVEMBER 25,2005), aca Sees caine or ops Ge ceeex secon aoe aoe SECTION 2, PANE 70 Fay pus om opie ACCOUNTS, yaar Seana em nl ee ed ig fern tn oer eee eee ta ‘expiration of the sixty (60) day period. (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2005) fe g g SECTION 4, REINSTATEMENT OF MEMBERSHIP. ' Reinstatement may bo in 7% ‘cordance’ with the rules and regulations presenbed by the Navcnal Board of Ditestors consstent ‘with the exiting rales oft Prefessioaal Regulation Contmission ‘avertenac vit < NATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS: SUCTION 1. NATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS, ‘The PICPA shat be governed by — : oe } : 2005 A oDED PIEPA BYLAWS i the four (sectors of the papfeasion, {AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 2, 2005) SECTION 2, ELECTION OF DIRECTORS, The Nationa! Board of Dizeciors shall have, ‘he TWENTY ONE (21) drt, elected from among an by chnjer members on a rxlnal a sectoral basis, with a full representat EQUR () sectoral directors elected from and a and by te meme ofthe fou (4) seco, (AMBNDED ON NOVEMBER 26,2005) SECTION 3. ‘NATIONAL. DIRECTORS. Tce be suv 05) Natal ‘Se setae meptesenis (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26 2005) ‘The Rotating Director shall tic elected from the region epwesented by the incoming Presideni, (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 25, 2005) see : ing on the same veo, coming fromthe <5 same_fimm/company-ant_their affiliates axd/os_govetnment/govemuent agencies and_theit imu. AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 25 5) a <__ SHOTION:4 TERM.OF OFFICE OF DIRECTORS. Sabject only.t0 the provision of Section 2, Article XXUL. and the provisions of Secto‘al and Rotating Directors, the Directorg elected shall have a term of two (2) yeats, except tie-Dixeotors elected to fll vacancies occurring before, the expiration of a particular term who shall hold office ‘only for the unexpired term.” No incnmbeit Director, shall be eligible as candidate for Director in the election for the year linmediately succeeding said Incumbency. (Previously numbered Seétion 5; AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26,. YS 7 20085 ipo. iegawemensicen 440s fa Dieotorresigas or is unable to complete hier teri pric the ed ofthe expiration of ‘hishher incumbency regardiess of the'reason, he/she shall not be éligiblé as candidate in tho election = during hisber unserved leon ca forthe Year immediately succeeding his/her supposed incumbency. ‘Previously numbered Section 5; AMENDED ON NOVEMBUR 25, 2005) | L ‘piso cn aha AMENDED ON NOVENE 2005) ie SICTION § VACANCIUS. In cate of any vacanoy pr vacancies i the National Beard of Disectos by reason of death; resignation, incapacity, or aay ote caus; the rerasising diectre thal {il each vacancy with the candidate obsining the second highest umber of votes in the ast anal lection, fake into eniziderstion the cegion and sector of the vacancy. In case the was no other ‘ancidate ip the ast annual election, the regional counell whore tbe Yacdney arose shall elect (DO replacement as tho case maybe, provided thatthe replacement Dect shall come from the samme segion and the Diretor being replaced, and provided futher tht ho all eer as directo ‘only for the unéspired term or uni new Direcior chosen daring te regular lectone shall have assumed office. (Previodsly eumbeced Section 6; AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2005) SP as dees eit ge vt weno moth oot ee thersysbandning te const pwc ne wan ected sal edged gm ean ‘2th poston (revo rombored Sean AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 3 2009) SECTION 6 DUTIES AND POWERS, I sa bo thé duty of the Nainé! Doard of Directors to conduct the business a af of the National Oratiaton and te perfons suc ats a sll” protect aod foster the CPA Contests, granted by he Republic of the Pillip.” The [Natonal Boar of Directors hal tke eognizanco of ll recat and jroposed lous relative to the granlog of te CPA. Cerifieate an sal take sion in repost thet a i ta jdgraet ml ihe the edjecives of thé National Organization. Ut aball gather and colder evdcnee indicating iat any holder of a CPA Cerificate granted by the Profession! Regulation Commision has commited any ect wich wl bea cause fr th reciiOs of is Cetieato and if ths evidence warrants, shal agaist the. Proessokal” Regulation Comunsson in securing va WA) and | ‘who bas signfioenlyegnteibuted tothe oahancemeat ofthe accounting profesion« gy be granted Sonorry membership pon the reconizndadon of the Cannes on Awaeds ed te unanimous’ E+ approvat of all the members of tho-National Board of Directors, Honceary members shall- be I ‘exempt from the payment of the annaal dues and assessiments and shall not be elected or appoloted to 7S F ‘any postion in PICPA, SECTION 15, MEMBERSIIP DISPUTE: Any disputecn membership, ot question ‘hereon, facing issues on chapter and sectoral affiliation of members shall be sesclved by the ‘Membetship Conmlue of the, Natioaal Organization, subject to the confimation of the National DOS AMERDEDTICTARY 5 ‘Sur, Zamboangs-Sibugay, Crmiguin, and all cles tbivein, exchating Zamboanga Gy: (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26,2005) The SOUTHERN MINDANAO REGION ‘consisting of Davao Orisial, Davao det Sur, Davao’ del Notte, South Cotabato, North Cotabato, Maguindapao, Suitaa * ‘Kudarat, Sarangani Province, Sulv-Baslan, Tawt-Tevl, and all chartered cities * (herein Including Zainboanga Clty; op SECTION 4. CHAPTER ORGANIZATIONS. " Fac region shall consist of Chapter : ‘Ongoniatons. One (i) chapie may be organized in every province a every city excopt in Metro i ‘Manila wich salt be organized inital ito four (chapter asinely:Nothora. Metro Manila ‘Chapter consisting of Kalookan City, Valenzvla ity, Navettnd Malaboh; the Wester Metro Manila Chapter, conaating of Manila, San Juan and Mandaluyong City, tie Eastern Metro Manila (Ghuptecomiding of Qseton Cy, Pasig Cy, Mork Ci and paitaf Piovines of Rizal sooaaing of Antgale City. she Musiciglies of b i Southern Metro Manila Chapter, consisting ofthe Cites of Maka Pasay. Paraague Las Pfs, alec agi and Munna. t shalt bo thin responsi of the Naons Boar of Dieters ‘andthe Regional Courel fa each tegioa to pemote and exsist in oraaiaing chepes inthe ciderent 4 ‘provinces and iis, Previously rambezed Section 3; AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2003) Bach chapter shall have its oven local Goat as provided for by the uniform roles prescribed by i the National Board of-Direotéen consistent with existing rules of the Professional Regulation | ‘Commission SHCTION 5, AFFILIATE UNIS.’ Affiliate ‘units it other counties may be recopsized ‘after complying with the requirements and upon approval of the National Bourd of Director. (Previously mumbared Sesion 4: AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 25,2005)" : SECTION § SECTORAL RISPRESENEATION, Tie RCRA oecognies ti four cD AL RURRESENTATION. Th 2 - i | ola i ‘Rania Eduonion/Academe: : CPAs in Government (Previously wumbered, Section 5; AMENDED ON: “NOVEMBER 25,2005) q anticuey ; vfs - MEMBERSHIP . ate . SECTION, QUALIFICATIONS. Alexis pubic accountants whose ners ppc in the Regisy-of Professionals ofthe Profesional Repraton Conmision are automata a ‘ trembers ofthe Pilipine Inte cffeed Public Accounts aod shall catius : ‘except in he fellowing LS QF tea ' 4 iis ENDED CR -AWS: [PHILIPPINE INSFITUTE OF CLITLFLED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 'FICPA Dolldng, No. 700 Shaw Boulevard Mandaluyong City fae axesnonn yas Caen ore 5 i aerhn : f AME ORIBCTIVES AND VALUES | SECTION 1. NAME, OBJECTIVES AND VALUES. The hame,‘dhjectives and values ofthe National Organization (PICPAY shal be these set forth inthe Atices of Incorporation. ICDA aires to te bihes ide’ of pistons snd comune Yo sevice dnd ‘upholds cuch values as inepiy, professional excellence, hmicvain,dasipne, teamwork, socal, YS ‘apna aod commit : soencas ta SEAL : : : SUCTION 1, SEAL, The sel ofthe Nation! Orguzation sal cont of po coneptic circles between which shall appear the name of PICPA, lo wit. “PHILIPPINE INSTITUTE OP (CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS" and such agpfopiate design symbole of the profession Certified Public Accountancy in th center hereof, asthe Natfoel Board of Dzeetrs may determine. ARTICLE T orice ; SECTION 1, OFFICE. ‘The principal office of the Natit Oreanlzaion’stali be located in : the Ciy of Mandaluyong, Metro Manila, Phipps or at Such place in Metro, Manila a8 may be . Seterihved by the National Board of Directors. ARTICLE ORGANIZATION "SECTION 1. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE, The PICPA orgtoizaton shal bo composed of four (4) geosrapllca-areas covering the enlve Pilippine Archipelago divided inte Mindanao and Nationa! Capital Region fMetc| Manli) repuesented by nlus Oy ‘egiong and four (4) sectors whick shall 6 organized nationwide representing the various sectoral interest, namely: public practice, commerce and industry, edveation and. govemment sviee, (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26,2005) "=, o vee aos AMENDED NERA Avis fc ilo VIL ereunder, The Execottve ‘Viee President in every year automatically becomes the President for tie nett euceseding yest, (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26,2005) ia at il te ha sida fff te a ot Die (amenDED ie ON NOVEMBER 26, 2005), 4 . SECTION 3. ROTATION OF PRESIDENCY. ‘is Prestdency shall te rotted from year : ‘o year smong ihe following four (4) mejor geographical areas and seclor affiliation, The flloting tofaion of se Pucsdeicy by aecgraphi | icalauc shall be stiely adhered to in the flowing sequence; Fox Geoataphical Represents NOR Ohta Manila. : Visayas f Luzon : 4 fan : Hee \ sotssnation, with eoch enossohie area being raved fort thle 2 Sonus oun CMEADAD ON WOVEMEN 25 205) - SECTION 4, PRESIDENT. ‘The'Président shall be the chief exceaive officer of tho * [National Organlzeton and shal exrceo general evpersiion over the officers Wercof, He sll see 'o ic that the provislons ofthese By-Lawa and the rles and regulations promulgated thereunder, a8 asthe resoltion of the NaUoal Board of Directors, are complied with. He shall preside at all BS tmeetings of the National Organization, ad the Natiaal Board of Direstore’ Unless othorvise specifically agreed upon, he tall represant PICPA on all cossions and in all raters where should be repesented. He shal pexform such ctr duties as are ordiaily appertaining, 10 bis office and toss thatthe National Board of Directors may fx or delegate from timo to tne. He may create ‘positions end appoin, ot ‘auval ofthe National Roos, (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26,2005) SECTION S. EXWCUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, ‘The Executive Vice President shall be vested wit ll the powers and authorities, and required to peiform all of the dues ofthe resent during. the absence or incapacity of the President for any case. “bi the evant of the death ‘esigntin, or ono ofthe President, the Exclive Vie President sl ove ax Present ting the emai of hee fh ie ths we Te Lee Vice Prien al asin haa, WsenraAs 36 SECTION 6. VACANCUIS. In the event of death, resignitién, cesroval or disability uf ‘oth the President and the Eaccative Vice Prsicest, ie Natioual Board of Diseetrs shall coc! at ‘Acting Presieat to eld offioo unl the next succeeding election or ding the period of dssbity. {auch n eqs hy slecion ofthe President and Enecutvo View Presiden all be eld In accordance ine provision of Seaion? hevef. Inshe-ovsat of death ssisuniin. semoval or diebility ofthe Bsecutive Vice reside. he Es (La special sleet for the Replaces. ac she Execuldvs View. Crslent Wkcse nse on sl selon and acer amines Oy {he discal Vice Presley, (AMIENDED ON NOVEMBLR 26,2005) SECTION 7. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. ‘Thece'shll bo an Tiesinive Cofunttee “compared of the President, ihe lxeoutive View President, dae Viee Presidemt for. Operations, the Secretary and the Treasterahio a all elected sueanben. Lo he Nalioual Dania, (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26,2005) : Subject at all times to the direction and contol of the National Board ef Directors, thé [Exsouttré Comiaite shall lieve abd may éxerelse the power to-act, during the interval berween the sletings of the Natioral Baard of Disecors, on ull wales relating othe managennent of the afTalrs and business of PICPA as are within the competence ofthe Nadional Boaed of Directo, pxceul on ifcally cisiitsl under the Companion Code ef the Philinines (AMENDED ON paler! tee er : | Se accordance with Seotion 6 ofthis rice shall consis a quorum i all peetings of the Executive CCovnmltes. However, ny ad ll nctions of the Exezative Conimiie hal be decided ty a snajoity ae Its members and thatthe sane shall be reported for ratification by the National Beard of Directs daring the laces wont meet . SECTION 8 APPOINTED OFFICERS, The Presigéat shal, subJct 1 the eofianadion of the National Board of Directors, appoint the following officers whe [Nasional Bostd of Directo rnust be members of the i (VICE PRESIDENT FOR OPERATIONS MICRERESIDENT FOX EDUCATION : VICEPRESIDENT LORPURLIG PRACTICE 2 - ‘The above-appointed offices, inchuting the Secretary andTreasiutt, shill have a torm of offic co: i ‘emmnaywign the President watees esr tvinlasted by the Natit Boaed of Pretend ity deo approprint. The Vice Pesideat ford fom 4 seus shal swiss be the Chaioaei a Ue four Geogeaphisal Acca Ofices, Asizoutca othe Viee ridoncy of de vatinus secs shall be ri 9gaphial sat at ap-pacisable. (AMENDED ON ROvenaa Gao __ SECTION 9, SAIECUIVE DIRECTOR. & piace sae pikes 1S oe 2MOSAMENDED MEDAL cs forthe Accountiney Yofeesion ofthe Profession! Resulaicn Commision, The seformance of the tine ‘Eagomtve Director shal be eve bythe National Board of Dioctors on an.anaial basin othe * Exeoutive Director may be rnoved from office, proc the taoaion ofthe four () year term, through «vote of TWO-THIRDS (2/9) of tbe. sial_mombccshp of the Rand of Dicestors (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2005) ‘The Fxevutive Diese shall be reporting diecly to the Piesident (AMENDED ON [NOVEMBER 26, 2005) 2 cane : SUCTION 10, YICB PRESIDENT FOR OPERATIONS. "Tho, Vie Brssidoat for COpciions shall pervise the operations ofthe National Crgmnizaton, coordinate ad moniter the activitics of PICPA Canis psig to him ad report te President He shall perform such cher tz ssgned! to hi fm tine to tino by the President andor the National Board of Directs. (AMENDED GN NOVEMBER 26 2005) SUCTION 11. VICE PRESENT FOR PUBLIC. % ‘sapltoLespenditues 4. ‘Conplianes i te Saas spotingreuismant for eI, AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2005) i ew (Cashier and the Chief Accountant of the Insitute The Treasuise shall separ tothe Bxscullse Commitee and the Boat. of Duectoc. (AMENDED GN NOVEMBER 26,2005) ‘The Treas: shill_bé_pespousible for ensuring compliance ct financial cepoding ‘sequlreenisof PICEA and its chapeyoftices and foundatong.(AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, eee ae eee SECTION 13. SECRETARY, The Secretaiy shall Keep the mints ofall meetings of PICPA and the National Board of Diistors atl 5 the Reco of Membership ofthe Insite. lo SS fall give ox cave to be given, all notions required ty law or by to by-awe,3¢ wel ax notices oF all meetings of tho Natonal Board of Direciors aud of the members of PICPA. He shall be the ‘vstoian ofthe corporate soul and all ffx the samo atosid by his signature, o veh tsteament. ‘a may veqite such seal. He sholl make até submit such reports aa ayberequlied of bisa by the Nationa Bord of Directo ap the Present, shal sue ht IGP shall somal gencien He shal, form such oer dudes ag maybe asigned_ hin from fine fo Ue by the Preliet Frnt Bou eons (AMENDED GN NOVEMBER 26,2005 SECTION 14. VACANCIRS. 1f te fice of any ofthe executive officers except that of ee Ca on ‘RO, OSAMENERDEICEA LAWS oO ARTICLES, (New Provisioiy AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2005) ‘REGIONAL COUNCILS : SECTION 1. ORGANIZATION AND COMPOSITION."'A Regional Counc shall be, fibre ogo a Oiler (AMENDED ON NOV EMRE 2) ne + \fornenly Aticle PX; AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26,2005) c onganized_under sac ofthe eogtanhicsl. amit unde! anifem role prescribed by the National” | Board of Diceciors. sal bo composed ofthe tional Direcs fom ti pon and heresies ‘ofthe chapter Gelonging fo Buch regio, tsgser with the fur 4 segional Sectoral xepesenatves, {AMENDED ON NOVEMBIE 25,2005) } “The Regional Couicils stu provide eootdination and guidance to’ the ehaptorsiseciors ‘They shall not exercise direct authority over tio. cchaptersseciors nor shall they lave any Zort of contol over the chapterslsectrs funds,« ‘The \_/ Regional Council all ikevie be responsible In organizing regionl/sestoral conferences ard othr, oO sclvites (0 strengthen the relationship among its members inthe pardcular region and sta the ‘objectives of PICPA, (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26,2005) SECTION 2. OFFICE, ‘The Region) Coun halt hold oie inthe ty or province, + witht pest nimbar of PICPA member, sles bere pred pen by he come member Jn Seo. 2.Cof this Antic, ( AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2005) Incase of extreme necesiy a temparery vacaticy by reason of Ulness'or oti cause, may be filled by PICPA’s Board upon the recommendation of the President forthe dation ofthe tiness father ceuteor upon the termination of the necesity for such replacement whichever comes ist, sbjet to the provisions of Sections 1,2 and 3 here. (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2005)- SECTION 4. DISQUALIFICATIONS. No memterof the Board bal be qualified 6 take partinany caso before the Beard in which he ors: 8) Iadivectty or indirectly connected or involved or 5) Iuaralaive by conmagity oan wine our il degre oy of oe panies to tiecsseror . ©) Inoramight be Imrested itn result we case, (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2005) : 7 ‘Any question involving tho dsalifcation ofa member sal be esolved by 2 majority vos ofthe members present except the membenls concerned. For the purpose ofthis section, amaty of whose, daqualifiation is it question, shall . araganmamorp ices as SECTION &. PROMIBITION. No mentor of the Fihies Bose andlor Gonmattee Chaitin of ay of PICDA’s etunling tid special eon ‘is inembership inthe Ethics Doard, provided however, tat the acceptance of his wor taidate for membership ithe Beard of PICPA by the Noninating Comite stall be decid 10 ‘Wimp effets bea ne his Boe . 1, SRCTION 6. JURISDICTION. Tc Bon! she pss of ander and ees a ne ins of any ovis oft PICPA Cet ut By Lays » Aptana te Ce Bi Etat Afi ata «+ Bullpeigs AMENDED ON NOVEMBER %6 2005)" ” ctv vcations of any pons ike Bales of PrfessGnil Condet of the Board of Accountaneys ° ©), involving any ofthe grounds provided by the Itules aad Regulations ofthe Doard of _Accountny for proceeding agunst a Cane Publle Account. SECTION 7. FINALITY OF DECISION. ‘Te decision of the Doatd du.avislow salve ‘The decision of the Boned bane) may bs ‘Natioaal Doaad. ‘The decision of dhe Nalioua Roast andre Dosa en bac) {Minty (30) days after receipt by the respondent of the eopy of the. decision, (AMENDED ON ‘The Natit ‘oyotving any memes o€ he Bick Bont ‘avanionb of NOVEMBER 26,2005) SHCTION 8. FORWARDING OF DECISION. ‘A copy of the decision of the Kthice ‘Board that bas teaches Gnalty shite friwatded gouruusoiy go Hye National Board ame Beart of Accouniney. unless the csision ofthe Lis boa haa been appealed 10 tbe NasieL oar i ‘Baud of Accauutzicy, (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26,2005), SECTION 9, PENALTIES. ‘The Board, ster the eaving, may ieptinsnd We members recommend the suspension ofhis membership for, period not exceeding twa 2Y Years; of Feeommiend the revocation of his membership trout PICPA if adjudged guilty of the offense complained cf. The suspension ot revocation of membership shall not become flat uml after approval by the Professional Regulation Comission pan she secommendation of ths Rossa of (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2005) Novant, 205) é _ Tk Naas te jan se nds si pte ‘hence bau appsnenet a Naa ea get sch sabe arsed dtsety to dia Dans of Aceon. (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2005) . SECTION 10. REINSTATEMENT. i peltion for reinstatement of an expelled micinbeN tay be entertained by the PICPA Bonud of Dist upon tecommcodion Uy the hies Bond, afer tho Inpso of twa.) yearé and wie PICEA Bowfa, may In its ciapretion, restore is membership; vided thatthe petitioner na, duting the. pefid wea his cerfiate was revoked, sctod lh 8h ‘exemplary manner and has not coved any egal, immoral or dshongrabe act. (AMENDED ON NOVEMMER 26, 2005) ws ek 5 : | sy | raed Be AMENBED WEE ws | SECTION 11, PRESCRIPLION. The Bihics Board shall have jurisdiction to hear and decide 'cases withln five (5) yeare fiom the dite oftheir comnastion to the date. of fing the Su NOVEM 26 ot) Pe 7 | SEGHON 3 AUMKONTY ro mnoMuLcAn- Hugs SN REGULATIONS Sublos to the approval of she National Hoatd of Dimetra the abics Board sall promulgate suck | sles axl regulations or amendments thereof ae may be necessary to enforce anid implemeat the. intent” snd prowslons of Ardele Xx of those By-Lave, Such rls aad replat sal take eet) i 0) day afer opmplete publication inthe Accoustng Ties c uch tor pullaion oF PICEA. or (Previously numbered Section 12;AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26,2005) ftom a revolving. whch shall be appropriated by the Natal Gourd of Directs from tne to, tin otf the General nif he Fatal Organ Peviowly mabe Scion ee Fi pin xe i fat ! 13;AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2005) . ; swcrioN 1s, iMRCTIVE. eBid il cen ee i ‘were commited after i operation as wll as thoo which may be refered (0 it by the Nslonal Board ot Direct Previly number Section MjABENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 205) ARTICLE XX ‘ (New Prova AbENDED ON NOVEMBER 262005)" (GE PLANNING BOA! 7 ’ . Doos anENDED ETA AWS the geographical areas wh ate bine guepared and present qplifid wo sk Nato acon . {Me iuure (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2005) ‘ pommel Doeaunsheend of the fiscal yest Te Cou anal tudes forse next yak salt be submited for approval bv the Boor atthe hesinning of_the yea, (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26,2005) SUCTION S. CHAPTER CPE COMMITEE The chapter shal ccale a OPE, Commitee which abl operate in coordination with the Naioutl CHE Council: (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER ! 26,2005) : 7 AREICLE IC" aca I (Gormenly Arte 31%; AMENDED ON NOVEMBIT 26, 2008 > AMENDMENTS pate ' SUCTION 1. AMENDMENTS. These By-Lews may be amended or repealed i sole oF Jn part by the affirmative vor of the majority fhe ere fn good standing al any regular meeting ‘of the members ori any special mecting dy called for thar purpose. To alain the egulred number ‘of votes, proxy voting i allowed. The power fo repeal or amend these By-Laws may be delegated to ‘the National Bosrd of Directors inthe mannee provided bythe Corporation Lavy, ~" : "Ato the National Board of Dizectors who shall ave ‘general membership. (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER ans dgemeo vice waws ARTICLE XXUL Gorenetly Article XX; AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26,2008) "TRANSITORY PROVISIONS SECTION-1. EFFRCTIVITY DATE OF NEW.AND AMENDED BY-LAWS, The ned Hy-Lave sil be ae Wp prov and. leo talk i. re amos ANDED eRe Aes see e* ieee _] es Sea [BASILIO ESTANISLAO. sg |. Dirdor 7: vs egy ore oe spa). KICARDOP, LO 1 \ | SDhetor yt | Serres ae St eesits a | FouTUNATO B.cRUZ ce sLEONARDO MAGrOC? + et y*Dkedar : Divetoe ss et | a ieee : : ! eit Ged i RENITA D.MbyORADA 7 Dizetor ' ae : | =>" SG ¢a) = JOSEL PAPA i Dirgetoe 7 | t ce ‘ | + 6a) ‘65a ce r MAXIMOG-ROQUE,TR. CARMBLITAG, SALGADO ' i h ~ Bison ecor : | fee eee 1 - tap eau Se) F oncec an 84) vk | yy ANITAY. SANCHEZ YMACARIOG.SEVILLA i Director Dieector & Hl / * z | f Gea) ef) 4 a ROBERTO A. SINC JOAQUINO TOLEITINO ft 1 = Director Director 7 i sa toe ‘Abtcte by: ' t i Fraident Frelent 2 oer). ANNE. DIRECTORS’ CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT OF THE BY-LAWS OF THE ‘PHILIPPINE INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ‘KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: “that 6, the undersigned Directors consti all of the members 6F the Board of Buecate f the SHILIPPINE INSTITUTE OF CHRD PUBLIC ACCOUNTS (PICPA), a aonstock corpormon organized and exiting under the {awe ofthe Republic of te Thlippines with office wldress atthe PICPA falling, No. 700shiw Boulevard, Mandalyong City, do hesehy certify underoath at 1. ‘Thealtached amendeiay-tncte tue andset copie of te By-Laws of PICPA, as amended by all the members of the Board ofDirectors at a special meeting held atthe PICPA office on October 787 2005 and at 158 Hoor SGV 1 Building and November 22, 2005/ and/at the Intercontinental on Novernber 25,2005, and by the affnwetive vot of the stockholders representing at least a majority of the members in Good Standing at the annual business meeting of PICPA members held at the Masila Hotel on November 26,2005; and 2. ‘The amendments, which are mandated by the Implementing Roles and Regulations of Republic Act No. 9298 ("Philippine Accountancy Act of 2004") pacticulaely refer to the following, ao enumerated in Annex A of.the [rmplementing Rules and Regulations of the Philippine Accountancy Act of, 2004, to-wit: 1a, Revision of the Organization Structure of PICPA, as provided in Article natiomvide representing the various soctocal interests, namely: public practice, commerce fand industry, oducation and government service, (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2005) Was follows: . “ARTTICLIEIV ORGANIZATION iH SECTION 1. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE, The PICPA. organization i all be composed of four (4) gsagrphical sss? covering tho entio. Philippine : ‘Archipelago divides into Lazon, Viseyas. Mindanao and Netional Capital Region (Metro ‘Manila) aeprosented by-aine () regions and four (4) sectors which shall be oxganized Ser, Bukidooe, Zarboanga del Sur, Zanaunge Sita, Cola nda ‘tes therein excinding Zombeangs Cl; (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER, : ayy 6, 2008) a pmuME monn 9 nie fe tt ecru provaegaut ce ar St aie tt nano heat mitrinhran’ heralding Zambos CHY, SECTION 4. CHAPTER ORGANIZATIONS” Boch replon shall cont of i ‘aster Orgaatins, Ore) oh organized i every prvines tl very ; Gyan Moco aca iid Sal bo creme tll fas our) haps ‘mney ‘Norte Metro Mani Chapter conitng of Kalookan Cl, Yalnzuels Cry, ‘Navots ap Malabo: the Westero Mee Naala Chaplet, onszing of Manis, Sen Jo ‘e01 Mandaluyong Cy, the Bases Meo’ Mala Chapier eonsstag of Quezon, City, Pasig City, Maina Cy and gat at Province of Ris soa 5 ho Souter Las Pitas Essny. Pala, aleoa Zaguig_and Musings I sell be the jit responsibly of the National Board ‘of Diels end the Regione Cousin cach sion to remote aad asst In orpaiing ‘lapters tn the diffrest provicces and chiles Prevcksly wambered.Sesloy 35 (DED ON NOVEMBER 26,2005) | ‘Metro Manila Chapter soussting ofthe Cies cf shat Ee al on a a pi yt my bed By te ail ead of Dee cosset wih xiiog tesa the fessional Realtion Comin x _ SECTION 5, AFFILIATE UNITS. Affilisto uni in other coonsies ry fo =P a ld aftr copying withthe requirements and wpen approval of (ie National = {Bastin Grevialy sumereh Soon 4 AMENDED ON NOVENDER 26, ‘CRAG G Goseanaat (Previouily ember Sesion 5; AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26,200), D. Amendments affecting membership of the APO, including the ‘aquliement to create to own Konet of CEA a contained in Article V Section 1.25,67;16, to cr anmaey MEMBERSHIP SECTION 1. QUALIFICATIONS. Al cated pablo ascoutans whats ames eppeat i the Tegan of Professionals of he Dfssina!Reptatian Commision [Ee qutctindcaly monbere oe te Pippin Fast of Catifed Poke Accounts er ll coatnus to be one excpe i he flowing 8) Those whe ae deceaed, | \ eure eam pO EY intr ae miu ahaetie cana ae cae Hic ea ans ee eee a a RI RS ace a sates emo cir ties ee Soa SST (fur tone rer gio ae ea a ; SECTION 5. MEMBERSIAN PIAIDGE. Bey Card Peis Aszoustans aul Ria in deal whee FRA Mee Hees Teta any tational, geographical res! o chop fcr a ny monty eng BE ‘nemian, oh my atone satan eeu! x ehape ofc The Certgeae ot SSS ibtchip abl thereupon be based © him, (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 262%, ~ 5) SECTION 6, DUKIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF MEMBERS. 1) t pay’ ICRA dies and ater PICPA wibssent; 2) f bide by te Articles of incorporation td ofber ssuaces ef PICEA; 3) conlually develon inselieseit ‘Stuisemsnts end 1) 0 solvely paiciate in the actives of, PICEA. (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 24,2005) SECTION 7, CHAPTER AND SECIOR MEMDERS. Dvery member of 1Ohs sal bo Goh a ember of a Copter stl a meer cf» Seer, ACPA sll be a ‘exber of the Chptrof te province ov ty ware bia retfence cr pace of ues ix located. “At he tine of epitao, a CPA tell lo eet tobe a member of «geet ‘eqatd of i eprint ao case sal ny CPA be w member of more than tr () eager or master io Another chapter tree ©) months etre oar aby Section. ALGEA shall bea jember of any one 1) Secor of it prebseces changes 1a ‘Seior aflation sbll-bo alloted only evry thme- veut sxcenk in megionaas (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2005) q + Tpuediatty” Urine rile cou eee ree Da ‘Shc patos othe pba ae lope. AMENDED O8 NOVENDER 3 : Amendments affecting membership of the APO, for siaintenance of Ironmbership dates of membess as contained in Aeticle VE Section 28, owie ARTICLEVE "TERMINATION AND REINSTATEMENT OF MENIBERSHIE SECTION 2, VOLUNTARY TERMINATION OF MEMDERSIIP, Any ‘omer may feign frome Rlembwsip fa the National Organization though 8 waite ‘oe sobamted to the Seortary provid tet, en ifs resigoan’s sieeve dae fixe in sald notion, such rents ot be effend ulated upon by tae Nation Bod of Dicclors such sein too tna wth tity (30) a9 from. recep of mld fetes, Upon approval ofthe terion f meters, the Sota of PICA sll 2, mater to tho atonion of the Proforsional. Regula: Commasion, Fovvith te weber sonoeced shall ca be a rar and {ENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2008) : SECTION 3, FAILURE. TO PAY DUES OR OTHER ACCOUNTS. Ay member whove dite o oer accounts vent up ater the peecibed last day of Pyetent as provid ia tex By-ewe al bo dopped om the merberhip foster the cuplnton of icy (0) days fom the fut day of payment eave in te Bo-bs swig pam safe por the exten fe sy (6) ay po (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2909) ‘Salle suicken gut om he ROSTER OF CPAs meinaine by to flue and by he | Profesoual Regulation Comaizson fiom the Raper of Cerlfed Pubs Aecousans. 4. Amendaiena affecting the ruurcture ofthe Nasional Bouid of Disectors, sch sepresers tho our (9) googrephical orcas and te feu (sectors ‘of tae proferion cluding the ftention of 25 dlsectors for edequate representation of regions aed sectors. Terme of alice of Directors, ‘quorum cn meetings schedule of sostings and supervision and consol ‘of Geographical Area Ofies for eich of tie four (8) Geogeaphical Areas by the APO, Thote fe Heise th proviten Imporing te laniation of ‘one (1) national director coming from the same compar, fn, overt incerta, or inttion (ait peageaph of Section 3) ‘These ae contained In Acti VI Section 125,45,5708 to Wie ARTCLEVIE . NATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS SECTION 1, NATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Tw FiGPA stall te governof by a Natlnal Board of Director, composed of twenty fve (25) Aero, SECTION2. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS. ‘the National Board of Dicetors sal have the TWENTY OND_(21) directors, elected from among and by chapter ‘moter on « egonsl and ecoral bas, wit. fll zesetaion oft four ssi ‘ner ofthe seseranhical nese and FOUR] ecto retoseleced from and amas, ‘abd by do meabers of ho four 0) sacar. (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2005) SECTION 5. NATIONAL DIRECTORS. Thor stall be wwentfine. (25) Nalioual-Dinesocsonsindng of twany-one (21) Repinal Disstre an fost (2) cele. head geortaphsal eee eprsmig ous (1) ofthe four (8) ‘cers, sal be Diese al (AMENDED ON SECTION 4 TERM OF OFFICE OF DIRECTORS. subject only to the provision of Seoton 2, Adicle X00. snd the grasons of Seeotal and Retelog ‘tana the Dirsotos eit sal bare oo of wa (@) yer, excope to Directors ‘lected to fill ycancee eocuiag before the expiration of particle tm who stall told otis onty for he unexpied term. ‘No tcumbeat Dieclor, sal be ape at sandidate for Disctor bv tho election’ for the year Immediately succeeding auld incumbecey- (Previously numbered Sextin 5; AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2005) IVEMBE 26,2005) “ A Rotaing Det gs melo in Section 3 ofthis Aula sol ace fo 2 | aol nse se nm.—Wh tase ba Katie Ditch Sia a Bo A ee chara a ack {AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2005) é ration of hivher ewabency regres Often, hehe sl 202 beeligBle at | ‘Miildae in the eetlon ding er waved frm and for the year mediately t ‘Steceeding Lister suppoved incunbeney. reviosaly nuabered Section 5; AMENDED ‘GN NOVEMBER 26, 05) | SECTION $. VACANCIES. camo of any vazaey cr yctoles in the hb | fa Director resigns or is unable to complete hither term prior w the ond of the atonal Board of Dieter ty reason of deat resignatlon, Icapaciy, or any other dae ciang the ‘aus, the reining desors shall il each th to cael ond highest numer of vole inthe last svi efecSon, eka ‘ion and ose of vacancy. cae ther wast otber candidate in the last anal blecon the regional coon whore the vaeaacy ase shall lect che replacment the ‘are muy, povided ta he replacement Director hall come frm the sue rein tnd ‘stor tho Director being replaced, and provided further tus he cal seve as dietor ‘aly fo the unexpired lem of "Diet coves dig the regular elections Salt eve mused office (Pevowsy mbaed Seton 6; AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 7 36; 2005) g ‘a clected candidate fora regan who tania to asoier region or sector after elation tbeety abandoning the coutueney to wih be/sho was eee shall be depuis om cnaning Sick pou, ev naters Secon 6 AMENDED, os ovens 36,2005), SECTION & DUTIES AND FOWERS. Te shll be the duty of the National Bowed of Deets f6 spac th bis ad ffir ofthe Nainal Oxgaizton hd 4 perform such ous es shall_prowct and fete the CPA. CeriGeato granted by the Repubio ofthe Philipines The National Dota of Decora hal ke cogszance of al presene end propoodlegastin rela tthe ratg ofthe CPA. Cevicnta ad Tae action iy respec hereto a iis jugsnt wil fiber te objectives of the onal Organtzaton Ie sal gather and conser evidence fading. that aay holes °A Cerise ganed by the Profesional Regulaon Cosumisson hs comalted s 3 Ree eee mined el gra eraray eifiegs Sees pee catia See a eee teh Pea Zoe eee The Neon Boul of ect aba av ery sper ad contol peations end sce of te Genus Oise nad Regional Counc, we, ' ‘ly ead provi! caper a aly fetrance eet, te vont, : szyod ls ely ter ec Nu OM NOEHER 76, ‘The Nuon Boar of Directors shall ensre that adequate puesta! standards sue promlaned by the standud-evting bodies Tho National Botrd of Dirstora sal sich othr rule end eplations va oy bs necesay od prope to cary out th poses of PICPA ap well a tho rovsons of these By-Law aad the laws af the (revioelysuabeed Sesion SECTION 2, BOARD MEETING. Reguit mestngs ofthe Netlonel Bou of fl Dizectors stall ba elt eas noe siery chs (3) agua red the “The members of the ‘Board shal ago on a fed ins, dosed yeaoo of ts resting No prior ntce ell be ule for'a oth meting mes, () el Ue de or pice eet from tat previously agreed upen er Ived by the Bowe, or @) a subject matter reqlng lepprevel by af oes a maori of te mtabare of tho Beard sul be taka up ding the ‘esi. The’ utie freq shal cin wring td se othe ments ofthe Boe it ieet ‘eo 3) days prot wo the date of the meeting. Pale te such notice oF {reguleiy tecla shall aot allest the valty of tho regular esting or of any reading taro! ill the Dalry ae prevent at tech meng, (revoorynambere ‘Becton §VABENDED ON NOVEMBER 2, 2005) ie Special mstting of the National Board of Directore-may be called by the President on ote (I) s/s noice to exch Dieter personaly or i writing, or ‘wes request signed by shirsea C3) Diets, Suh call all spect) tho ting place ‘aed purpone of sich socal meaing Prevowly muntered Socton 8; AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26,2005) Aca in all Boul of Discus! Metin sal be comgury. A decor to fas ota the meting tal py» fine as cetemind by the bond. owe (0) Sumeitive ssencen i gui td pia estngs of ett sal be cored cpa oa tha pat of is abc sertar wih av Moher postin Fal be ‘actt ns poviedsmdeeaclon J, beet (revo sabeed Section 8 NBD ON NOVEDIEEN 36 5005) SECTION.8, QUORUM, A maloriy of the National Doire of Dizetors shall eosstute «quorum Lor tie trnzacton of bust an, int prance ‘of quorum, majority of the Distote preset all be sulliciest to acide any action, ‘excep on those matter pecflyreqdring »difret maoity vote ax hein proved ‘Ses prove ander tha Coxpacehion Cafe of fe Pbllgaines, (Previously manbered “oh 9} AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 205) Amendments afetiig the qualifeation of the President of PICPA, the SX locten of the President and sacutive Vice Prasdant, the Relation of the Presidency to effect geographical area and secor rotation duties of the resident and Beecatve Vice President dhe Brectve Commit, the cotfces ofthe Vice President for Operations ant Vice President for the : four (4) sectors of the profeslon, Treasurer, and Seerelary. Also i ‘contained herein ie the creation of the oles of the fall time executive ‘tector who wil serve fora period of four (8) yeas subject to sevlew land renewals contained in Avsele VHT Section 128 45,678,9.10, 11, 32,18, ane 14 to wit 7 ARTICLE Vat [NATIONAL EXECUTIVE OWFICES. SECTION |, ELTCTED OFFICERS. The FICPA sll hve a Presideat and an [Execui Viee resident who sl be sected bythe Nalioal Booed of Directors from ong themselves The Navona Boast of Diets shall aia se he Tura and the who must Mewise be members thaeol. (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, \ J “# NS | ‘No gembc. shall be elected ar Exoostive Vise -reidentwnlae hele shall pose he following qaliatins Apa f the Pipes i food marl cbr i Ree goed cng of ier hater whore et eg ARGO A Bau CPA teawe ate ton ter elon hac tare great served for alte (2) year ten as vatonal rector scascind st east sen AO mas Ass aing national dvtot in eter ‘bere aleh person waa eplacament fora vacsat_poalion in dhe nafloaal boat : ‘Mie « cuzeat Notional Distr socving te ft) year of hia samsat ‘yo Gheactom.stike tie atbliecsecto i 17, Duin is peo tem sa anna diel ba soot a a Vice Beso P| ‘Goxhluher Serta be Nallona Hoard, sed on Secon of Asti 1 i ws . S NOVEMBER 26, 2005) SECTION 2. ELECTION, Tho Nadons} Bouid of Diector, at ihuie fist eguacaesing, sll lot be Present wi shall hold oc fr term of 088 (1) yea ‘Sodan Ks stpesnr is dly leed end quulfled, Theteate, tho Natonal Boat of Delors shall eac the Exec ‘uilLeame fiom aubsct io Secon 2 of Attiele ViLtecuade, The Dxecstive Vis Prsient in every year automaticaly becomes the Freier for he nent scored yi (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2003) ‘Tho Bese isto, (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2005) SECTION 3, ROTATION OF PRESIDENCY. The Presidoay salt bevoated jor ecopapheal aren ad stat ail be sity tore on the flowing equ: a) dah aie ‘Republic Act No.£298 CAccounaney Law of 200), ne National Bons of Ditton; salons shat hrs snl be-ao Poesidet emda of acoerpbic arse who stall : sous-fom she sane sine for-moce tan fo comaaute yea, (AMENDED ON, i ‘NOVEMBER 25,2005) | SECTION 4. PRESIDENT. The Presdcot sll be tho chief excutve oer (Ce Neion Oigantation and sal exeroie geal supervision ove th offices horeet, Te shall see to t hat the provikns of tase By-Las and the rales end . {egiicionsguomlgniedtoceunde, wel asthe resltion of the National Bowl of [Bieter re complied with Ho shall preside stall th muaings of the National Greaication, end the Naional Roud of Devos, Unless otro specifically agreed ‘Shoe, he sel represent PICPA on all occasions and fo all mates whee it should te resected, To sall perio suah olter dues as are oyna ly appertaining 10 his oa hon tino Der of Decor my i et eo tim. He may scat pions ans {AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 25,2005) SECTION 5. EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, The Bsecetve Viee President shall be vested wi al the powers and autores, end reguied to perfor all ofthe dae of te Beaten he sees or spcty fhe Presa or ny cam, <0 Ine event af the death rxignatin, or removal of Be Presi, the Exscuve Vie ° Ny Prokdene hal sve aa Peat durng tee emainder of the tere ofthe afin Wo ‘vocaid:The Busoutve Vie Presiden! ill Jews hee supeciton” contol ove: the q tbr he all perfoom suck lather functions a may bo delegated to fim by the Presiden, (AMENDED ON ‘NOVEMBER 26,2005), i SECTION 6 VACANCIES. In the evet of deat, sengnation, rem ot iabliyof both the Preident and the Bsecuve Vie President, be Nalotal oerd of Directors sal lest ou Asting Present bol ofee ui ho neat meeeding ection ‘or dering to period of fsobiy.” Ta such t case, He slecon of tke Presiden and ae Vist ene hal Be d's wie proviso of Sion 2 cree: SECTION 7. EXECUTIVE COMMUTER, There shall bo an Executive Commit composed of the Petit, de Excel Veo Preset tho Vee President Tor Operations, ta Secrtery nad ths Treaster, lected nobec othe ‘National Bonsd-(AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 205), Subject at all tines to de distin tnd contol of the Natonal Bousd of Diretor the Eneoulve Commies sl fave and may excise the pow to ct, eg ‘ho intervals bebween tho mags ef ie. Nallnal Bosrd of Directory on all mts ‘ehating to the management of tha flake end bniness of PICPA at are witha the ‘ompetce of Ue Nation! Bond of Desir, saceaton uaa specifiy eailed unde he Csporacn Cada f the Xhljosines {AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2009) ‘The presence of the majority Including the President or Aciing President ected fn accordance with Section 6 of tis ate shell consti: « quorum in all rmectags of tho Byegaive Comite. Hiwever, any wid all ections of the Bxccuive i‘ t | Comittee shall be devi by u majosty vote ofall it members nnd that the se shall be reported for atifcation bythe National Board of Directors during the lattes's ext mewing. SECTION 6, APPOINTED OFFICERS. Tie President shal, subject the contirmation ofthe Netienal Boar! of Decors, aot te followig oes who mast ‘Somembert of te Naloal Bord of Directors. + Vice PREsiDmN FOR OPERATIONS : £08 COMMERCE. INDUSTRY + MiGs PRESIDENT COR EDUCATION + MICEPRESIDENT ROR PURUCRRACTGR “The above appoisted oie, ghuting ihe Seteay and Teast, shal ne aie of fie oo torminos with tho Breidet lar eae Terminated by th Natieral Board of Diroors ar Ie nay deca appropiate. Toe Viee Point [ors fame (4) sectors sal, ‘sein be the Chats off four) Genghis gtnsut ok the ‘Vice Preslensy_of the vacious seis hal be tkenise rated pioag the four 4) escgaphiol sss, fr 8 grazie, (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2005) SECTION 9. XKCUTIVE DURECTOR. A fll Execute Distr sal be inte bythe Besdent from sna. thp soba of fhe Toate. sues nthe “Tu ixeetive Dsorsl eprtae dir te Prsieat, (AMENDED (OW NOVEM 25, 2005) SECTION 10. VICE PRESIDENT FOR OPERATIONS. ‘The Vice Presideut for Operations stall spervise the opersiar ofthe Nalouel Organtate, cocrlnate sed seonltor the astvin of PICPA Comites assigned to im at rofert to the reidet. ie sal porform such ocr dies ssiwed him Gor tine to ine by the Eft mee Nant Bend of Dies: (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, SECTION 1s. VICE PRESIDENT FOR PUBLIC PRACTICE, COMMERCE > SECFION 12. TREASURER, The Tcasue sal hve te llowins fasion; 2 Custodian oft PICPA funds & Bund Minagenent ©. _Eysaaiaton and implonentstion of the tues stun, contat over ‘gesranaa! and cana exons 2 ; (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26,2005) reas NOVEMBER 25, 2005) SECTION 13. SECRETARY, Tie Seceay sal korp the sinaton of sll meetings of PICPA and the Natioeal Betrd of Doors ‘Msmbethip of Jats, He sal give or cause to te given, all noies enue by naar of all maetings of the Nationl Board of te cuioian ofthe cosporna bal shell afin he some steed by Bs ager touch aeusent a8 may vege oc He shall aks and subi sch reports an maybe zeuled of he by the Natiod! ‘oud of Directors andor the Presider. He gal eoure iat PICRA shall comply ith ‘senois, Ho call perform sc oer daca a0 aybs aigacd_to ign fiom enw to {ine bythe President oF the Nations) Board of Dueciors (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2005) SECTION 16 VACANCIES. If the offce of any of te executive officers et ata tho Exssatize Vien Presiden, sal bone vacant by deh resignation o ‘iberina, tho President shal appoint suceesor or aucosor ho sal old offize for {he unenpred term, subort 9 the vottmaton of the Nevioaal Board of Duector. (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26 209) 4. Amendments which secogaize the four (A) geogeaphical aren offices ‘ahich wal cover adeinstrtive al sectral concert of de members of the geographical area componed of aginns and chapters, The cle, officers, meetings and operations of the geographical area offices are [eewise contained herein. Those amandmatis sve contained tt Arie IX Section 12345, and 6, 1 wit ARTICLES (New Provision; AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2085) ee PO ‘sresctalivs belonging in ssh seosaphcel re set ou sso ts mcg th f(A) eplenal. Seciousl_Reprscaaiver_of the zane 3 is (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2005) ‘The Gogaphen!_ Are Offa shall sviéesoesston ad guidnase ta she i z jctems_of-tfec tonne in adn an al tga i ha na aries pots have any Soca 7 AMENDED OM NOVEMBER 26 2005) ‘The NCR Cetin Mani) Geographical Asea Ofte shall bold office atthe Picea Bulldog inks the matory of tie members fbexespective caval dass ‘pdeld ik nunc ff sexier san. AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26 f_2005) seetiows, onscrn. 1 ho tl i le ane he Diels ts de snd yea fis fp eras ast ana ANGPNDED ON NOVEM 8,0) 4 mm ‘Soil cancem: (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 205) SECTION 6._RULES GOVERNING OPERATION OF.GEOGRAPILICAL ‘vidlnes covering the operation of Geossbisal Acca Olle Sich ales euaions Selo hl apy amb ol Gopi ase Oka (AMENDED ON NOVEssiie 25,2005) . Amendments that recognize the regional counéls sibleh will cover ‘edministatve and scctoral coera of fe members of the parle ‘ego and chaps, Te opivaton and componton of fe ee oilers, meetings and operations ofthe regional council are Twise contained fer. The provisions kewse cresie the ceglonal sectoral representatives for each region which services the sectora in each [uricola repion Thee amesiments are contained in Arie X Sacon T2345, 6 and 7,10 wit ANTICLEX, (formey Aue 1G; AMENDED ON NOVEMBRE 26,2005) REGIONAL COUNCILS SECTION 1. ORGANIZATION AND' COMPOSITION. A Regloral Couait shall e opafaed_ander sath ofthe stopp area der ont us prscibed ty te National Beard of Dizetor, I sill be coiposed of the Nasnel Dieciors from region and tho Presidents of th chapter belonging to sh renin (@reionl esol steazaaiss, (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 005) ‘The Regional Councils shall provide, coordination and guidance tothe beperfector olang in aiistnton a sci ones, Thay tal ot errlse ‘devo euborly over tho cbaptedbeters noe shal they have aay fmt of eanvel avee the chepters/sctors finds, The Regional Cauuall sll Hikewise be seeponsile a ‘organining sesionaUcecaus! conferences and olker activities to stent ‘elaiondhip-encog is members in the partial region and ats the objectives of PIGPA:( AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2095) SECTION 2. OFFICE. The Raploral Cowl shall hold office in he cly oF province withthe grstet aamler of PICHA mmber, ues oes agreed upOn by {bo connell ember Tho NCR chasse Mania) Repotal Cowl shall hold omNce at the PICPA alliag ales te mejory of to mani of the seapective cowocls decide to hold ‘ole cul office in sotier pie. (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2005) The Replonsl Conall hil fave & Chaieman who (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26,2005) an 7. . . ‘The Retional Casasil set! sppoint thet RaplonsLTussuret and a Regnaa ‘Seccatary, provided hat tke appiiteds shall come fmt amung the members of the fateatr region, ‘The Natenal Boul € Directors ray provide for such other regia! Beton office ae Hay dee socory, on 8 onferin bain (AMENDED ON ! NOVEMBER 26, 2005) : 1 “Ths Regma Tarte ll bo charged with tb caso of fonds of the Region ‘Counc a) tee proper sabtoorenn Te shall make rondly reper a eid by the PICEA Tresoue Lie thall be reponse fr the maztenace of books of {csounis covering the flmbcal etueions of he Regia! Cea (AMENDED ON "NOVEMBER 26, 2005) i “The Resicasl Secsetry shall peform Use duties delegated by the Repianal -Covacil" Chatman, Te sll be reponse foro sacordingof the minutes of the j sents of te Relea Coa ataion of meetgh ona of fhe 1 Feglowsece and all dudes noriaiy require! of « Seren. ‘repre a0 but monthly fo the Natiooal Office » membership report ted oer pars which Boel by te Nato Ofer fon an te, (NENOED ON ROVENDER SUCTION 4, COUNCIL SORETINGS. The Keplonal Cuan] sal meet one @ ant on such date nd pace afc Caiqnen may determine. No proc notion sal! be leized Sr thn montsly matings Hf hls o8 the sundard dae time and pltce NReviwsy deemed ty to rneve Causal, However, to aoe tater rong ‘foro by a fas he major of da Counell Members constatng «quem sll > fed yp unless notes treo! fs vont The Call Mamtors st test one (1) week ‘etore fhe day ofthe eting. (AMENDED OX NOVEMBER 25, 205) : SECTION 5, SRECIAL MEETINGS. The Rosiasl Couzll may cal specie tional oasings fom tine to tne on mntecr snd problems of replonalsocoral ‘sonst, (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26,2005) coe bs Ci Rea Se Recess % go inte (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2005) =a > * tthe event ofa vce y the Resona Seco! Reese fo whetoss dad_secioc vacated by the Regional Sasoral-Reavensiivs. (AMENDED ON ‘NOVEMBRE 26, 2005) SECTION 7. RULES GOVERNING OPiRATION OF REGIONAL | COUNCIL, ‘The, National Bou’ ct Preiors zs fave autorty to promulgates regulatcas and guidlines goversing the opecation of Regional Gauncly. Sook mks regulations and gofdsine sail apply unitonaly to all Besinel Cums Previously [ag tere Section 6 AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26,2005) \ & 1h. Amendenents that recognive the basic unt ofthe organization through the chapter. The organization end composition of the chapter, is sadalnstation requiring eectel decors on all chapters, meetings sd ‘operations af the chapter afe likewise containad bereln. The Auicle oO kewise ays down the operstioral rules of the chaptors ard afBiats: ‘These amendenents. ae cosained in Arle XI Section 23/47, 8, 9, 10, Mand 12 f0 wit ARIICLEXL {( formely Arce X; AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2005) (CHAPTERS AND AFFILIATES. SECTION2, FORMATION OF CHAPTERS AND AFFILIATE UNITS. in| ‘every province or city whore thers ino PICPA Chapter, grup of PICPA mabere ‘ay 08 logeier and organize a chert. Plipizo GPAs ecliag J eter coutles ny tbo groip tbemselves toyeter and gare an aia un NO chapter Stall be cousldred vallly organized tule tho National Bowed of Dirstrs leuip 8 {ChaperAfElinte Unit Centfeato of Orgalzaticn, The Nau Beard of Dizectrs sll [preter the procedures, forms, documents and ole Tegireonts goveraag. the Keomutin ofchptere. No chapler sal te ergantzed sa separa corportion at sell Kova oft veal erenta CEA ona. (ANENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2005) SECTION 3. ADMINISTRATION OF CHAPTERS, The sdniaieation of spirit cate sal eve «Chap Bed cong of ARISEN AO) elected members, dpeating on te chapter membership. Tee chopra Idevise provide equal representa tothe vaicus sols concen te Chapter in dest provide equal epresaation all secors. (AMENDRD ‘ON NOVEMBER 26, 005) . ‘The etficss of «chains which ae to bo alosted ty tho embers of the oat stall const ofthe following Teil, on (1) ov to G2) Vike Peden, Teese, shila Secoal Diciae fash of he fut sels Who shall evs for a term of coo Yoat-and onl Wek avocotors ate Gsly elected and quite. (AMBNDED ON NOVEMBER 26,2005), a fesoletags, detives and plies ive Director, officers and comautes acing wbla thee erpecive fal authorities are ‘complied with, “s/he aul prvi aa) mostings ofthe Chapter ar ell as of ‘ffousthreot_ Hoes rereen hier Chap onal oscsona oe all raters ‘wher fsbo be repressed “The Chapter Presiect sll be sles one year plo © Raver asamp, and stall be designated a Presiden ic. ‘No-membsr of th Chapt sll be closed P NOVEMBBR 26,2005) el SECHION 7, SREASURER. ‘be Chjtec Teaser sal oer ll fes, dues oF ‘onions fom the chapter members as aro segue by these Bylaws and as may bo “Suthorzed ty the Nationl Bou of Dicrtors andor te chapter members Tele shall erve m0 the representative of the FICPA Treasurer In receiving sy and al accounts vable and duce to PICPA fren whatever spiro tat muybo reelvod though the ‘hap Holtho abl emit to the PICPA Treas, tho share of the Neonat, i elo {AMENDED ON the Geogmphical Area Office snl Kesinal Cours in membership ds as well es al ei fig Noles fx coca retin pa it cn in ars ‘Brea Office and Regina Conacs Scowu6 of he cine, Helso sal Leep all ucenited feds ofthe Nadonal Omice feperately ftom the funds pertiing to tke chagtr aod stall have no euthorly (0 ‘shure Naina! Ofioe andlor Gangahical Accel Kegioal fds, eoept to ret thers fb tee PICPA Tica. Ialke all rendor monthly reports to the chapter members {Bu to th PICEA Treasucerrguing fe recip and dabasment of fda and their ‘vont under bier rerperaiiy. (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26,2005) ibe patent. ‘Gooarapiie Arsh, ( AMENDED ON NOVEMIR 2, 2005) SECTION 2, MEBTINGS. ‘The Chupler Boor ball hold mestings at fat once 4s month while the Chapter meters tall sold meetings fa oie, fequeusy af the Taner desde bt tere mest ba ene Chai mowing every calender guaree Dating {he meciag a auch tine ned date sch place a ay be aged upon by ls inenibers, ‘hap eyes sll bs lsussed andthe Chapter Trace stall eer a oport othe Enel aur ofthe Chapter. YY pie uotinsall fo required for he eceling i Delt x ana tania aa, tv and pace proves) need upen by the meraber..No sujet & ‘acer rejlriag -& quorum stall to tered" apon tales nce rea i gvea 1 the S ‘members a low: Geen (15) days bofote he day of rcetig, Two Gof more Chagter: si a ee eee tan CIGD ON E> ‘NOVEMBER 26, 2005) Ri Chaps Ral oe mld prt, fo Stn cea ea Tn a a pn of Sagat niche tangerine sy ace ero pnt tye Gyr, aera fas Of, eon Ga elf ete the ‘shat tosis i's caper rng fe pues f in Seton. roviury ‘Sl saab RARGENBEDS OR Nova 00) i SECTION 10. CHAPTER RULES. ‘Tho Nation! Boud of Directors stall ‘ssabe eniform "vies Governing the Admission aod Opeztion of Chapters” ‘Shlc shaf not be ineonsstnt wih the Ales pf Incorporation md By-Laws of Hrcra. excep or noiotont of ta Rae or yes cuper salt Se, lowe wes bers ction yh Nato! Boer fiers x for rosa hati say deem merits, Previously manbered Seaton AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26,2005) SECTION -L . INTERNATIONAL AFFILIATES. —Associte members, by densities o Jolly Wid the PICRA ative members, ny exganie feign efile in ‘ny cowry ora of thelr eset or ates location, (Prviosty rambere Seaton IGAMENDED ON NOVEMBER 25,2605) a ~ ) YO rf . SECTION 12 . RULES OF AFFILIATES, The Notional Boa of Dieeors shall save the eutorg: to aprrove the ergaszaion sadoradeseon of iterations lates end Tor tho purpoos sll pres uniform Taka Governing dhe Relations of Picea with alin and thle Members” wich roles must be coneonant wth the Actos" of incorporation and By-Lave of the. National Organlaton. (Previously inanbered Sesion [AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26 205) Amnensdmenta that effect the clectione vules and procedaves of the ‘organization, which impose the naw elected postsha of the Regional ‘Sectoral Repiczentatives, Tho canfication and standardization of the ‘lection dates forall eves of laced offal, The requtemeats of the ._Reognition of rogin and sector fr national diectog together wh the ‘amination of Sectoral Directors on a natonwide tsi Including, Ue ‘qualification for sald positions. These amendavents are contained fn Article MIE Section 12545479, 10, Hand 12, wit ARTICLE XI (formerly Article X1y AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26,2005) ELECTIONS SECTION 1, COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS, ‘Ther shal bo 4 National CConsmissen on Metions (COMELEC) wo suparin the conduct of sestons for Nation Diretors, Reglona Office, ives and Chapter Ofer “ENDED ON NOVEMBER 25,2005) 7 shall bo the day of he National COMELIC to conduct the slctont in aa cifciont and effective nee SHCTION 3, Hix TOW RULES. The tno CONDE sh mule soc prt rind tops wa ial pve a Sh lee asd St ‘ot ined to ewe fo Chapter Offees Neca Stara niin ma te out of cara Te eso sn gs sal tr appa he ral Board of Directors consent withthe eating Sule tad roguacions of the 3 Regslton Cornmsslon{ AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2005) oie RIO A, CHAPTER OFFICERS. All shoptr sem it tee ‘stetion ainlL be ld. one ext sing. dav, The proonures governing tbe chapter ‘ection: sll bé presrbed by ihe Nelioaal Board of Dicios. All quesous abd lots regarding tho tanner Cf boing ine acon ae wl sth vesita thereof Sal be dacded by the National COMELBC. ‘No person ahll beled to the ene Segoe or mora ono) comer yu. (eENDID ON NOVEMBER 26, 3) SECTION 5. NATIONAL DIRECTORS. ach of the_swenb-o14.@ ‘uta sstrsoquicingrpnsettion, (AMENDED ON NOVEMBIN 26, 2003) A SECTION 6. REGIONAL SECTORAL [UPIRISENIATIVES. Lach ssiooal fnd-abal area daca rm af. ane CL) ves, (ABIENDED ON NOVEMBER 26,2005) SECTION 7. SIMULTANEOUS ELECTIONS FOR NATIONAL pmE QEELCEES, "The elevions fr nd lsc otScee ell be conducted following uciorm ues prescbnd bythe Natonel ‘COMBLEC, simultaneously sod ualonwide fn sop ‘buts nat bases dy. (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 25,2005) SECTION 9, NOMINATING PROCEDURE. Esch cher shall be ete to send to thelr Regional Covell we 2) noiees fr each cetera set in the region ‘od. ssat whish may be ap for seston a any ives eet. Prom wong te pomiecs ts regen, cas Regional Cool shall bo etiled lrectral sao the Nominating Commitee which [bmi four (4) nominees fr thal) choose preferably two (2) candidates foreach giecteial Seat allocated (the ‘atc epon. (AMENDED ON NOVEMBEI. 26, 2005) ‘chosen ss candidate for 8 nominee for » Resional Sciam Revrentize estat ‘Nalonsl Disrce, (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 25,2005)" ALDIGEA menbor pinning fr_a st ex Natosal Diese of a6.2 2 [Regina Sol Repesenaivestall beer abe amen of hepsi onion 3. Ameer in god a Abbot a fas GPa ienae 3. . A reidet of te regional athe stor i eset fir at fears tove G) yer malty rcniiog Gi section 6. Ai leat tity ve O35) youn a the Hone of the Sling of ter sina of endo 1, Falltarm chapter pretant frat estan 1) yea pecding Her seinen ba ened bl op sei Stl Senescae + feat fa op, led ih, (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26 2005) Th shonsiag the aominees for Revionsl Scio! referred io in 1 Blinn sites 2 OL good mal chaaice 3. Aumborin gond aging & Riot val CPA eo ‘ALesiienof the selon and member of che ssi lhe sepcesmae fo at J 6, Atleast tity Give (5) year old at the tine of the fling of bisher . ‘iis of sandidary 17 Hissetdas acholer scr dest fur te gol sete for at Last (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2008), SECTION 11. LIST OF NOMINEES. Th fut of nominove Sally selected a undiate fr election 1 the Nations! td 9f Direc, : Regional Sectoral Regrasenatve all te eure bythe Nominating Comities to Yq National COMELIEC not late than Mash 15. ofeach year or om the following inks day thie date ls» Suey o «holiday, proved tt the Norling Commits cannot sate ton he dao specified, he National CONELEG shall 0 ‘he allowing eines day infer the Presisem whe wil than convene Rot kor th even (7) daya toreafter tho momberr of the National Bowd of Diets oe Exeottve Comets as delogaied ty tae board, whichevec ls practicable io propare i ‘submit to the Nallonal COMBLEC tho la of aominoes fer Naoel Ducetara and amines for Regional Sct Sipésaalss, whe ist most conto a fat ro > (@)exndidtes fr each directorial ot wel fr exch Relonel Sectcs Repreeniive oat up for election, not fate then Apil I. AIL nomioes sll be requed to sbit ‘entilate of eadiday to the National COMBLSC forth potion they are rum for ‘ot later an Ape |e sae ealee(AMENDED ON NOVEMDER 26,2005) “The Soa lt E quali candies tgeter wi the peony ballot end election pry tl be ciulated fall members in goed studing by te National COMELEC not Kater than (ontyfive (49) dave prior tothe sched election. (AMENDED ON ‘NOVIMER 26,2005) : A ember who isa member of move dao one (1) repon ox sector or tasers to weer region or sector ise tan thst C) years before the election shall vo be eigle ‘become n prniee for that relon or pool sect repeseattve seat Likewise, fn cleted maraber for ep an, sector yo uanaes fo nother fell oy otcor afer fhe’ electlon or resigns for whatever 2 i I ' shaodoning the constancy to which heshe wes clcted shall be dau. (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2005) > Falue of nimics to bit the Canelen- essed cerifete of candisey on the dealin st by tho Neional CONELEC andr flue to complet the information Including tho alli of his sigantore on the aid ceca of crcidey diane & ing ecard elected or from assvping sch postion If so decle elected in he event ‘ H t ‘tunes, (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26; 2005) . : i SECTION 12." DISQUALIFICATION. Ary Ceri Public Acionasit sal! beige to be «candidate fr any positon i de Taste bat shall be dogo’ Gam that office be ie connected wth infeed rook elation drety oe lndctly ws sal be detenained by the Nao! COMELEC cowsiues fo cond such election, whose decisoe Shall bias. (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2008)" 1 1 Amendments that rats to he operations of the Beecutive Offices to its ‘embers through the prune for ena ad spilmcengp. Under | {ese rales, the Anal Mesting of PICPA members shall be 97 the | 1 ! | I Teiday of the National Accountancy Week. Notice requirements for mectings, ofler of business in the conduct of meetings, These tmendanets are contained in Arle XIN Secon 1.23, ond 6 to Wik ARTICLE XIE \Gormnely Artie XII; AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2005) [MMEETING OF PICPA MEMBERS {Ee Wedsna Board of Bec (9), wpa fen somes of set ls han four I dred G0) ember ood sande, by al! sal pao uci ssn | " " “ = ‘Meusaliat Manda rea, (AMENDED ON NOVEMDER 36,2005) SECTION 3. NOTICE. Not tr tas 13 days por oth Anna ot Special esting wlten noice thrall be pled israaoe ya sh er fe-2) in a newspaper of gear ekealtio, i a PICEA Accounting aor my of i pubicaoas fore lnformation of ll concerned. (AMENDED ON S NOVENEIR 26, 4003) $, fe the ida of ie astoaally declared Accouniane Weak : ‘Annual Meeting of PICEA iesiters the mectng sill be bein Mato Manis. SRCTION 2. SPECTAL MEETING. specel Meting of te melas of PICPA ‘ay beheld at ay time 6) upon ell of the Peideat or (0) pura to 4 roaition OF : i | | SECTION 6 ORDER OP BUSINESS. The cr of buses of the anual smecing of We moms, and $0 Tt as preteabls a al meetings threo? ell be st ‘etn alkenes Proof ot Pblistinn of Notice of Mestings ‘esting ata Presence of Quorum, Reding and Appoval of Maes of Previous Mtns, Bolas ubiee fom heMages Report ofthe President, Repo ag the Tica, Newfane ‘seimlastion of se pase fo she next anal sting ‘Adjursment (AMENDED OM NOVEMBER 26,2005) rrrenepeer i 1 Arandnena that tt the operations of National Commitess whi i ‘Eecren to mvis oe neat he meter tate ow en i Schon gary reponb Tod msndaen are conned in Arle XV : Secon Stow 208) Amendments that relate to the Finsness of the APO, including the . ‘age from calender to Boal Year use 1 to July 30) which 3 in line ‘withthe start ofthe National Accostancy Week and recognition of the aR, ormerly Article XI; AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26,2005), ‘| : NATIONAL COMMITTEES. B SECTION 6. CONINITTEE REPORTS. Minutes of all ogular and spacial smottngs shall bo fumed the PICEA oes forthe (slonnaion of tho oles as dgectors AU convaltioes sal sib pats of trative fo the Nabcnal Board of rectors every Senkmhs, Decanet_ant Mach. (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, *, Work load done by CPA daring the frst quarter ofthe calor yeas, fi “The fee anf des from members © aspport the organization inching Lisutstons on their epotoptiation end disposiion, Sat ave created to 1 service the needa of the members, Those assndmente ave cobtalned Ja ‘Aticle X¥ Section 1.23, and 60 with : arcane | Conmaty iseXt AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 24, 205 i INANCES : ‘SECTION 1. FISCAL YEAR. Tho fal peat of toe Philippine insu of rfid Palle Accountants shal ben withthe Tel dy of fly wad sell ead withthe ' dy of Ine of he lloulng vue (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26,2005) i SUCTION 2, INITIAL MEMABERSH® THE. Mote shall poy sn ini seunathip fee Man acount Wc shal bdo by he Naloel Beat of A Directors. No appicton tall bo onsiered unless IIs accomranied ty the seuiod ‘nal membrai fs, (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 25, 2005) td SECTION 3. DUES AND OFMER ACCOUNTS. Members stall gotinug_i9 fy their, annual membership duc amouatog fo. ue Thgnsand Pesos? 1.000.00)., La aera determined end fined by the Nevonat Boned o¢ Divers with the ‘pproval of te Professional Regaiion Commlsslon. However, any duly approved , hinge inthe tte of oe aanosl menbrthip dae shall not tecowe effective sal the ‘eat euceedig yo ad aly after ave aie sll hav teen given (0 the menberahip, (AMENDED ON NO} 26,2005) gic tes arene 150 fo ok ics hall appa! allows ‘Tay five jenn (9%) forthe Chapter, 1) Ten pereat (108) forthe Geogmphical Area Otc, 1) Tea perent (108) fer de Resnnal Cosme. md ‘9, Roxy Fivo pacost 43%) forthe National Ofls; (AMENDED ON ‘NOVEMBER 26, 2005) ‘The dues sal be payable annoy on o before Setenber 30, provided however, that a member Joining diriog the year shall pay’ the amount comresponding to tho ull + dock (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26,3005) Alfiliate Unis ead is nicbere fois tide country shill pay on. anual fiaiantacbe does at an mount to be dtmined by the Nant Board of Guisetngs for acalaton fein wi aad acouat des of i somber sal be otemiaed and preseibed bythe Natal Board of Dror ‘rendu can be dsbusnd, (AMGNDED ON NOVEMBER 26,2009) ‘other CPA organization’ Section 3 and arp renumbered because of the ingestion of Section 2. There is kewise the provision relating to the sine main aval este wring tire eth mee Sen aia ela is 0 Andina ade ote ratn of APO whee CED Sealine Siete dete Meaie we ares Se wits annie xy (ormerty Arise XV; AMENDIED ON NOVEMBER 26,2005) SPECIAL PROVISIONS SECTION 2,_RECOGNILION OP OTITER.CPA ORGANIZATIONS. The ‘which tn nate con conpretz and wath wand be best ner. of ihe iafesion in ‘gene. snd BIGRA in gular. (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2005) SECTION 3. PICPA FOUNDATION SUFPORT. The PICPA, the sole ‘ounder menber ofthe Pillppioe Jstite of Certified Publis Assoustaue feandation, Iocy support tosh foandation. Previously suuerel Sesto, AMENDED ON [NOvEMTER 26,2005) i SECTION 4. POSETIONS HONORARY. The leadership of PICPA shall secve pray dhe inert ofthe CPA Profession and is meer oa te atnoeck of It objection. (Previously aumbered Section HAMENDED GN NOVEMBER 26, 2005) Directors, tional oc focal officers scree chalpeoes and membey shal ot scoaive any Competsitio, allowance 9° emolamen! fro the fans ofthe Of ‘Orgatization for any service rendeed teria; oj, sai dest, offices, rims chapersons and etee aay bo tale to reimbursement of earonbie pene, 29 destined hy Oe board at ncued lathe dcharge of ei Fanci. SECTION § GRILVANCK PROCEDURE. The Natont! Bou of Ditetors stall sone and spt golive sowing esrances and tei anteent proades for the enforcement and msttenance of ciplive mong lg member, which stal te, ‘susan. Grievance Praedares Mangal. No aon involving the spenson or fos! of membership of te removsl of his sae from the Registry of Certified Puble oroumaate shal bo efetve witout the ie epproval of Ge Professcnal Reglatca mission. (Previounly aumibered Section {AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2005) fh. Amendinente that relate to the proper procedures in meetings by ‘applying the current edition of the "Robert's Rule of Order Newly Revised", This amendinent contained in Arle XVUSe. 1 f0 wit Arce svn : ocmerly Arle XVI; AMENDED ON NOVEMBRE 26, 2905) RULES OF ORDER, = SICTION 1. RULES OF ORDER. The roles of pariumentary procedure contained in "the curentcion of Reba’ Rules of Onder Newly Revs sll (gover all mostngs of ambers ofthe National Orpinzation. National Boer) of Birecors Member of Coapes, Chapter Bose, or Commies. (AMENDED ‘NOVEMBER 26, 2005) 122 10 the membership the applicatisa of the ‘of Hthice for Profeesionsl Aocountgnts 1a en Filippo which wae promigned sd adapted by the Bont of ; Restotney. Ths eminent cota ele ne wie ARTICLE XUN \oxmerty Artie XVM AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26,2005) [RULES OF PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT “To myengtien the fosndaton of the nsoxtnéy profemion inthe Philippines i there must be nity of purpose ant lea Gonept of tho blgations of all Cetied ‘oblls Ascountaut to oferpecesio, Wei elon cr employer, to tai cllaguan ia ‘te profsion, and 'o tho publi. These obetions Include fio Maateance of hie nde of technialcempeence, morality aad nepity. Ports purpose, the Cade at Ethics for Profesional Asaoontala inthe Pilgsines es promilgeted aad dood by the Doard of Asconntncy on Jauacy 12004 is het made prt of ase By-laws to ‘hich all embers of PICPA must adhe: (AMMBNDED ON NOVEMBER 26,2005) 1p. Amendments that relat to tho Bice Board whl oarve the Inatitale in determining vilatons of zelea end ethics done by members of the intitute, Under the present amendments, the name of members may bbe incressed to. 15 and that CoAeLawyets would be razed a ‘additional members. Rules'on operations, procedures of decisions, penslis,renctatemanss and preseiption of elenees ate indicated, Tt Enewise includes the delegation to the Ethice Board the fact nding activities thats required under the Philippine Accountancy Act of 2008 ‘These amendments are conained ia Artie MIX Sex. 12. 94, 6,789, 10, = AIL XIX (Gorwerly Arlo XVII AMENDED ON NOVEMDER 26,2005) ErMes HOARD SECTION 1. 1BUE BOARD AND TERM OF MEMBERS. The Ethics Boeré stat bs compoued of « Chatman und sight (8) member, each cf hor sal be appeiated — ty the National Board of Director of PICPA upon tho feconsnendaion of the President fa tenn of tree () year woviced tnt tba Chalman andthe testers who sll be ‘sppotite Yo compose tho Board forte fr tine eal seve te alow: ‘The Chaiman and tye (2) embers for aterm of tee (3) years ‘Tiyeo G) senbers for aterm of 0 @) yeu tnd ‘vee 3) merber for aterm of one {) Jon Provided dat ot Jat cnthisd > of te oat manbeip of the Ps Booed sal ‘ar ofthe Fhilppiuis,(AMBNDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2008) “The term of ofc of ths Chairinn aod menibera ofthe Bord shall comunenco on the fst day of July Tater appoint to fl acanies inthe members of the Bow by eas of death rowel eapeciy of ty Ser cel te mad on fee anced tf he pb fan, provid tla ie esate sch replacment wishever comes fist sbjet oth provisions of Seslons 1,2 ant het ( AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2005) SECTION 4 DISQUALIICATIONS. No measbe ft Dou shal be _gniie to ale pati my cate fre he Boal In whic hae: ©) actly or ndiesy connected or inves oe ®) Ina reltice by consnguinty or affinity, within the fourth vil ogres 0 fry ofthe pation othe cas or ©) eoraight be inert inthe esut of he ete. (MENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 205) i ‘ay question Savolvlng the disqlifation of a meiber shall be rsoved by # naj vole of the members prscatemept the atmbacsconcerusd. Fer te purpose of tis Seton, amuioniy of be eb ofthe Beard esiuing the membaris whose ‘aplication fs n question ll consti a gue ‘natisans of Sete 3 of is Atel. (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 25, 2005) SECTIONS, JURISDICTION, Te Bond stall ke cognizance of and bet? decease! 1) Involving violations of any provisions of te PICPA Covsittion mid Tyla {be Philipines (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2005) ©) tavolving siolatons of any provision of the Rules of Profesin CCondact ofthe Board of Ascoueatey, 9 avolving sey of the grounds provide ty th Rules an Regulation ofthe Board ‘af Accountancy for proceeding against # Crted. Publis SECTION 7. FINALITY OF DECISION. The decison of Ue Bosed (in “The decision of she The desing of dhe 3) sll become fiat hry 0) days afer ‘colt fy he respondent ofthe copy ofthe dense, (AMENDED ON NOVEMBEE 26, 2003) ‘The Nalops. oud sail aot axe eosin Jose nd dai cass sealed {2 fom she Based (ev Dane) am ener of she Napa Roach a niu tsizio. {AMENDED ON \ i my SECTION 8, FORWARDING OF DECISION. A copy of the decision ofthe thos Bowrd thet hag cesched Geli shall be forwarded conesuraats 2b National [Boat and dhe Board af Accountancy, gales toe decison of th Bibi bau. en ‘speak a sha Nadanal Bone: which ca ial bathe duty of te National Bao (AMENDED ‘ON NOVEMBER 26, 2008) SECTION 9, PENALITIES® The Board ay he Berta, may epcimand the imenbeg rcenicteed the reopens of hie membestip fora prod oot exceeding SIS {Daycare recommend the rove of his menbercip fom PICPA if edjudued sully (fie offense complained of. The suspension or reveatin of membership sill not ‘become Sal wnt ser approval by the Profesional Regulation Commissoe, the ‘eannendition of ie Bonn! of cea. (AMENDED ON WOVEMBEN 2 2005) ‘SECTION 10, REINSTATEMENT. A peti for reinstatement of an expeled ember nay bo eaertazed bythe PICPA Bout of Drews wp recommendation fy Gia Bites Board ater the Tapes of Bea) yess ad the VICPA Boat say G0 it tlsvrtion, estore His memberip, provided that tho potidoner bad, darlg the pacod ‘when hi Serifeate was revoked, sel in an exerpacy manner a has not commie ‘Sy legal, moral or eshonorsble wc. (AMENDED GN NOVENSBER 26, 2005) SECTION 11. PRESCRIPTION. The Ets Bost stall have jrsdisto en nd Sec cae ae re () ya ote ue fs emi oe ae oF fling te compsins SECTION 12. EACT FINDING FUNCTION, The Sand shill pefoxm fee Parterapi (2 of A, 9298 ctteraise jagem as the PHILIPPINE ACCOUNTANCY ‘ACLOP 2006 snd its Glee in Rules al Relalons. os aw of ie Rey (AMENDED ON NOVENBER 26, 2008) SECHIONS AUTHORITY TO PROMULGATE RULES AND REGULATIONS, x tbe Bais Board stl promigato euch rules end ronson. cr amendments thereof 28 "aay be socesry fo eforoe and inplemeet the fests provisions of Atel KIX, of these [By-Laws Suh rules and sepulcons abu uke effet thy G0) days ar complet pulcton isthe Accounting Times crack other pulsation of PCPA ae ticaugh ths BICRA Wests ahich dte-ahall be igmed at the date af completa (Creviusly mabe Section 12;AMENDED GN NOVEMIIER 26, 2093) SECTION 14, APPROPRIATION. The spécatioalexperstsof the Beard shall bo taken tm aevol¥ng fond whch shall appropiate bythe National Bose of Directors trow ne 10 time cut of tke Geueal Funds of tho. Netiooal (Orgaieaon (Previously auabered Seolea 13;AMENOBD ON NOVEMBER 26, 2005} SECTION 15, EFECTIVITY. Tin Bikes How shall take cognizace of cree which wero commited afer ty epertion ag wall at hose which may be afred 10 iby the National Board of Digectors (Previculy numbered Serion"1GAMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26,2003) ¢ The Long Hage Pinning Board ican iaitutional board created for the purpose of providing a falde inthe dsction of PICPA for the future. ‘Ths tea completely eur provision an Is expected fo provide service to pth the iottate a ‘mombeca, The Chapter ofices are Uevriea \ i) requied to creat thet own Long Range Planning Board. These are i ‘ontalnad in Asticle XX See. 12, 3Ap ara 8 to Wi: ens ' (ew Provisions AbAADLD OX NOVEMBER 26,208) \ LONG-RANGE ALANAING.HOARD—~ ‘Soncdan-f Reena ttn fe C)-eas nate tthe ‘One-(1) Chala a v9.2) mses fo tem. of thet.) 95 : ‘ines Q)members fora enn of.ta0 G0 ean aad ‘Tues G) members fore. of one (1) yest. (AMENDID ON NOVEMBER 26, al foe ae NS Soand at te bevinning of the fiscal veer, (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2005) i /EMDER 26,2003) “The Contig ProfesendtRducton (CPA) Counc i reqaenet tnder the PHiugpine Accountancy Act of 2004 ay wel ca ie Innplementing rca and regulation The CPE Counc created a8 8 spect counct working ser PICEA wih te own resource snd Ih Riaton to the Board of Acountancy CPB Councils erewion allation of members and fanctons ee povided herein The Toa Rigi are lew tejsed to cesta‘ oum C7 Comatee ‘rove wi the FICPA CPE Cound in conrtngt the pofunsi Whe CPAs Tose are contained in Aide OBE: 12, 94, and So wie 5a Comvaltina whisk sial_opscsis_in_coondastlon with the Nallnal CPE Cause, 1 (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 25,2005) 2. The amendments provision provide for the guidelines for the further a snmendmen of tone bylaves These are conatned in Ale XI Ses. towie 7 ARTICLE (Gormerly Arle XIX; AMENDED ON NOVEMULR 26,2003) 7 AMENDMENTS SECTION 1. AMENGMENTS. Those By-Lews may be amended or repealed in ‘ole orin pat by tho alfematve vote of the majority ef the members i goed standing {Many repular meting ofthe member or in any opel! meeting daly eled for that “To atain the required mame of ves proxy vate & atone The power fo or amend theso By-Lans may e delegated 1 te National Board of Dircirs fa the manner fovided by the Corporation Le Proposals and recommendation for amendments may be submited by a ‘ JL or any Chapter af PICPA ‘the National ‘oer of Director win shall ave the power propose sf amendens tothe gers Imesibersip. (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26, 2005) t. The teataltory provision provide for the guidelines for the ‘Rapes’ of hese amended plans wp eles tha operational sid ikitnn reqetrements for te Nationa! Doard of Director, hice Bone CPE Counc Long Tage Mancng Dour. sing de tension Polos from Jenny 3 206 (fae 30, A606 os fnpemenaton of the Range om the era yer foe Esal Ye These are contained ‘Arle XI See 1234567, and 8 to wie XL (Gormeri Article XX} AMENDED ON NOVEMBEN 26, 2005) “TRANSITORY FROVISTONS SECRION {, RFFECTIVITY DATE OF NEW AND AMENDED BY-LAWS. eff aprovel andthe (AMENDED ON NOVEMBER 26,2005) SECIIONS, TRANSITION PERIOD FOR THE ROTATION OF TE ERKsi eee et em atc Sous Se Sota kt | ce wl oO O sce Gr Sotonbos 2005 cal be ld on he 6 din-of Mav 2006 aud tho Stara Th lest bell Hews syac-conbied fiom saul ath sae ‘mona nding uns 30, 2096. Toe ssceedineyean-simine Jae. 2006 wl nbn ‘nena faceless 2006-2007, end anap fut, (AMENDED ON NOVENDER 26, 2005) IN WETNESS WHEREOE, we have hereunte got our hande thie 28th day of [Novethber 208 at Makat Gy. 7 pasioae 1 Miers ea \ Weed \ GOMER ee ——— Ele AUGUSTO AUREO @ NICH ist @ dors |___ ROSEMARIE A LACSINA, "MANUEL v MAPOY neces WHEE ak KS DIA SOTERO Q.TRINIDAD. alrgerg £. Parse EONGRA Cra wn i saris BSORIO bt Seige SRT 2) eo ‘| a SUBSCRIBED AND SWOn.. TO tefare mie thigg@? ay of Deovarer 2005 at Manda upon Sst Cy, affiants exhibiting to me ter respective Community Tx Cetfentes, as follows: * Oo it ata ape means toner coe fea tal i ae ea awe El aie aati ‘Estelita C, Aguirre . it iano isan? atts ammachr oe eee eee ee mana ae eee li crea aenceece aay vac jue oe eee ce ea eee oe (aed tae aa oceans |, meth tan oral ines cmes eee | eee toss ee osteo eae ieee eames cena ee ee ceca ace tea et ol agama toes ; meas owen mmamsrivicoy | anata fiesta serene ‘Ma, Asuncion M. Galea, 03188369 Jan. 7, 2005 / Bacolod City eases Gee eee i Josefe Sorrera-Ty 16279906 * ‘Jan. 5, 2005 / Butuan City. pone feast ins coe eeaeoce mene tet ese penne pareaes pene alene MarietaB.Sorio pow SS aI Peas eos sewuwirirs and EAANGE: Chbprssian Shy MBADALDY OMG. MET oe ante THERECY CERTIFY TAN] THE FOREGLING 18 A TIME ‘ano GORPEE] MAGHNE REDROOUCTION DF THE GFFIOAL FILE (S) ISSIN ONSISTING| Ea ROKER Magpie Tncitiate Gh eH EG Pecbsice Aecountan be aso une vepisien ay oe Ro ree ead ef 20 2 Waal be PUBLIC REFERENCE CENTRAL RECEIVING AND RECORDS caviiON

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