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Republic of the Mbilippines Bepartment of Education 26 APR 2017 DepEd MEMORANDUM No. gq s. 2017 SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TRAINING OF TEACHERS FOR THE K TO 12 BASIC EDUCATION PROGRAM To: — Undersecretaries Assistant Secretaries Bureau Directors Regional Directors Schools Division Superintendents Public Secondary School Heads All Others Concerned 1, _ In line with Republic Act (RA) No. 10533 or the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 and the implementation of the K to 12 Basic Education Program, the Department of Education (DepEd), through the Bureau of Curriculum Development (BCD), in coordination with the National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP), Teacher Education Council (TEC) Secretariat and the Regional Offices (ROs) shall conduct the Senior High School (SHS) Training of Teachers (TOT) in two phases, namely: (a) National Training of Trainers (NTOT) and (b) Mass Training of Teachers (MTOT). 2. To ensure the effective and efficient implementation of the SHS-TOT, DepEd will conduct the Orientation of the Regional Management Teams on SHS Teacher ‘Training and the Regional Training of Trainers (RTOT) as detailed below: a ~ Date Activity Objective Track | Participant | cluster | XIE | Venue time} + eimliar vismin | APHET-1L, Management Teams Chief, CLMD por with the training } Chief, HRDD Orientation | designs and session Chief, QAD of Regional | Suides Regional Maneemene |* Toprovide concrete | gy | Supervisors for BP understanding of SHS International Teamson Tracks } Ape Bis teccker | the Terms of TLE tozon | iaPS3, | Motel, Makiting rainin Reference in the = MAPEH org | Los Baiios,, " conduct of the TOT Chiefs of 7 Taguna To finalize the selected CID and Regional Training Scop Implementation, esta Complex Meralco Avene, Paix civ 1600 BW 633-7208/6557228 652-1361 Mi 636 4876/637.6200 4 wu. dened .0h Activity Regional ‘Training of Trainers ron | 3. The details for the conduct of the Senior High School Training of Trainers Date (Exclusive Objective ‘Track Participant | tead | (xclusive | Venue _ time) | To familiarize wainers | on the training Sommon Topics | Gesigns and session ides ML at To provide concrete | APplied Track: Regional ‘Tobe understanding of the | Subiects except for ‘and /or determined | Tobe Terms of Reference of | Practical Research 1 1 vision | Reelon | ““hy'the” | announced fe Practical Research 2 | 2 2 trainers im the anes eeions, trainers in the | English for Academic Purposes Simulate the conduct Fiipino sa Piling of the different re (NTOT) on Applied Subjects are the following: Date Activity Objective Track Participant | ctuster | ExTUSVE | Venue | use) + To bull the capacity of | Foausing on . TICS, Nationar | tainers to conduct the | four subjects tuzon | MA OP 1% | Tagaytay National | Tor namely: Regional. |-——t ci NINE |. To familiarize trainers | Praccal Research 1 | Reina rine | Wi the taining design | Pace Research 2 | ion rosizs- | ecorecH on Appted | adsesson guides | English fon | wainers | vismin | May 2, | Center, Sublects |" conduct ofthe diferent. | Filipino sa Ping poy | cebu city Sessions arang 4. The Regional Directors (RDs) are requested to submit through fax (02) 635- 9822 or through email address the names of Trainers from their resp. ective regions who will attend the e trainings on or before April 28, 2017. Attached is the exact number of participants per region (Enclosure No. 1), and their respective qualifications (Enclosure No. 2). 5. _ Likewise, participants are advised to pre-register on-line on or before April on Travel and other expenses of the participants shall be downloaded to their respective regions, subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations. 26, 2017 6. The participants are requested to observe the following: a. Take the cheapest means of transportation to and from the venue; b. Attend the Opening and Closing Programs. Those who fail to attend the Opening Program shall not be accepted; c. Take note of check-in/out, first meal and last meal schedules: Cluster Check -in First Meal Check-out Last Meal be ‘8:00 am Breakfast of | 12:00 noon Lunch of zon May 15,2017 | May 15,2017 | May 19,2017 | May 19, 2017 VisMin 8:00am | Breakfast of Lunch of April 28, 2017 | April 28, 2017 May 2, 2017 d. Present their authority to travel signed by the RD or Assistant Regional Director (ARD). Those who are not in the confirmed list of participants shall only be accommodated if endorsed by the RD or e. ARD; and Bring to the activity their own laptops and hard and electronic copies of the Curriculum Guides. 7. The details of the SHS MTOT are as follows: a. Schedule of the conduct of the MTOT | Mode of | Date | activity | Objective Track Participant | Imptemen- | SCIUSIE | Venue ton | oie To provide / relat 4g | teochera wth |» Academic | raining of | concrete a ‘Teachers ofall | eacherson | Siderstanding | Arts tracks “ | ot common Sports Topics pies topics. . Mass Te Regionted | may 2017. | Tove Training of Teachers of ne March | identinied by ‘Teachers on ‘Academic Track Apel 2018 the Regions and Specialized ‘eademie and Spec Track ‘To provide " satan | teachers “Teachere of ining ot | concrete VL Track Tae Teachers on | understanding Teachers on | under Specializations Mass curriculum oP ‘Training of | frameworks, seen International ‘Teachers on Arts and Design ans Hotel Arts and ‘Track Design Track Makiling Specialized competencies, Speci Ls Banos teaching plans s RcD-tea Laguna Nase | ftscasments | Intemational ‘raining of May 27 ationa Teachers on Sport Track Sune 2 Sports: 2017 Makiling Sports Los Banes Laguna _ b. The participants in the trainings are the SHS teachers who have been hired in public secondary schools. The number of teachers to be trained is summarized in Enclosure No. 3. The teachers shall be trained by a pool of trainers from DepEd and partner institutions including Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), and the National Commission on Culture and the Arts (NCCA) together with the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP) . The regional offices (ROs) shall manage the conduct of the SHS MTOT on Common Topics, Academic Track and TVL Track in batches of sixty (60) teachers either by self-administration, through the engagement of HEls that appear in Enclosure No. 4 as training service providers or by contracting HEI subject experts as resource persons. ‘The ROs shall ensure that the trainings reflected in their Regional Training Implementation Plan shall be completed between May 1, 2017 to March 31, 2018, subject to government budget, accounting, procurement, and auditing rules and procedures, 8. _ The funds for the MTOT shall be drawn from the Human Resource Training and Development (HRTD) Funds to cover the costs of training, subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations. For Region-led trainings, the funds shall be downloaded to the ROs except for the travel expenses of teacher- participants which shall be charged to local funds. Funding for the MTOT by track is detailed in Enclosure Nos. 5A to SC. 9. The other Enclosures, for the guidance of all concerned are as follows: a. Enclosure No.6A = Training Matrix of the Orientation of the Regional Management Teams on SHS Teacher Training b. Enclosure No.6B = ‘Training Matrix of the Regional Training c. Enclosure No.6C - _—_‘Training Matrix of the SHS NTOT on Applied Subjects d. Enclosure No.6D = ‘Training Matrix of the SHS MTOT on Common Topics ¢. Enclosure No.6E = ‘Training Matrix of the SHS MTOT on Academic Track f. Enclosure No.6F | - ‘Training Matrix of the SHS MTOT on TVL Track 8. Enclosure No.6G © - ‘Training Matrix of the SHS MTOT. on Arts and Design Track h. Enclosure No.6H — - ‘Training Matrix of the SHS MTOT ‘on Sports Track 10. The regions are requested to submit their completion report consisting of the technical and financial reports on the conduct of the MTOT on or before May 2018 to Director Jocelyn DR Andaya, Bureau of Curriculum Development, attention Dr. Isabel A. Victorino, Chief, Curriculum Standards Development Division at email address: isabel.victorino@deped. gov. ph. 11, The participants, trainers and management staff who will be involved in these activities shall be entitled to service credits in accordance with DepEd Order No. 53, s. 2003 entitled Updated Guidelines on Grant of Vacation Service Credits to Teachers. On the other hand, non-teaching staff shall be provided with Compensatory Time-Off (CTO) per Civil Service Commission (CSC) and Department of Budget and Management (DBM) Joint Circular No, 2, s. 2004 on Non-Monetary Remuneration for Overtime Service Rendered. 12. _ For more information, all concerned may contact the Director IV, Bureau of Curriculum Development (BCD), through the Chief, Curriculum Standards Development Division (CSDD), Department of Education (DepEd) Central Office, 3" Floor, Bonifacio Building, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City at telephone nos. (02) 635-9822 and (02) 632-77-46 or through email address: 13. _ Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is directed. Ends. As stated Reference: DepEd Memorandum No. 105, s. 2016 To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects: LEARNERS SENIOR HIGH SCHOOLS SCHOOLS TEACHERS SECONDARY EDUCATION TRAINING PROGRAMS ‘mvee/ MCD DM - SHS-TOT forthe K to 12 BEP (0359"— Apel 17/21, 2017 (Enclosure No. 1 to DepEd Memorandum No. 84, s. 2017) Each region shall send the following number of participants who will be trained on the indicated Applied Track Subjects : APPLIED TRACK/SUBJECT NUMBER OF PARTICULARS - _ PAX/REGION a _ __| 4 ‘Area of specialization should be in English English for Academic and | | _ Professional Purposes 1 Division/Regional Supervisor who handles | English 4 ‘Area of specialization should be in Filipino Filipino sa Piling Larang 1 Division/Regional Supervisor who handles Filipino Area of specialization must be in any of 4 the — following: English, Filipino, | ___| Philosophy, Social Science or Psychology Practical Research 1 Division/Regional Supervisor who handles any of the following areas: English, | + Filipino, Philosophy, Social Science or Psychology 1 ‘Area of specialization may be any of the _* __| following: Mathematics or Science Practical Research 2 Division/Regional Supervisor who handles | 1 any of the following areas Mathematics, | Science or Senior High Schoo! Total Number of Participants per | 20 Region Note: The Applied Track subjects will be discussed in the context of all strands. (Enclosure No. 2 to DepEd Memorandum No. 84, s. 2017) SELECTION OF DEPED TRAINERS Before sending the names of the Trainers, please make sure that they adhere to the following qualifications and it has been verified by the CLMD Chief, Assistant Regional Director or by the Regional Director | QUALIFICATIONS | MEANS OF | REMARKS ] Trainers should | VERIFICATION | | 1. Be experts/specialist in the | Certificate of Trainings | Check relevance of expertise to learning rea |for trainings attended/ | topic assigned \ | Degree Certification in | | the areal discipline 2. Have taught the learning area | Certification of learning | for at least 5 years, preferably | area assignment and | | the grade level or higher grade level assignment 3. Have been trained on K to 12 | Certificate - of | May be conducted by CO or learning area content for the | Participation RO, DO as the case maybe {| | Grade Level | 1 | | 4. Have attended the Orientation | Certificate ‘of May be conducted by CO or | of Trainers Participation RO, DO as the case maybe | | 5. Be Physically fit i Certificate” by | | DepEd Medical Officer i within 6 months | 5. Have been evaluated at least / QAME Ratings 1.00-1.60 = Needs | VS as Learning Facilitator Improvement | Resource Person’ Trainer for 1,61-2.20 ~ Good | ve (5) sessions: handled in | | 2.21-2.80 ~ Satisfactory DepEd training programs 2.81-3.40 ~ Very | conducted by the Division, Satisfactory | Regional or Central Office | 3.41-4.00 - Excellent | 7 Have been evaluated at least | IPCRF/ Performance | CFs Should aiso be mode | VS in the performance | Evaluation Results their respective posts ; evaluation for the past two performance evaluation cycles | 8. Preferably be Master | Certification of Position | In cases where lower ranked Teachers, School Heads, personnel of — non-teaching Subject Area Department Head personnel have been identified, | (Head Teachers), District should provide proof of | | Supervisors, SEPS, EPS | expertise in the area Division/Regional Supervisors | (Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. 84, s. 2017) SHS MTOT Summary of the Number of Teachers NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS ‘Common Topics* ‘Academic Track TL Sports ‘Arts and Design REGION Region-led Region-led Region-led BCD-ied BCD-led TOTAL reschers | tasers |S! | rechers | teers [S2*7S%| seschers | tranrs [SH*T | reaches [S270] renner [SSM q 1,886 63[ 1949] 1,020 50 [3,070 850 28 878 2 2 14 14 3,913, 0 1,146 38 [1184 622 37 659) Sit 7 528) 6 6 7 7[__ 2,384 o 3,688 a3] _3,81| 2,466 9a | 256a| 1,183 40 [1,223 2 2 38 18 7,637, VA 4570 152 [__4722| 3,436 asi] 3,567| 1,102 37 [__ 1,139 2B 3 19 19 9,460 ive 1,356 4s [__ 1,401 746 4a 787 580, 19 589) 1B 3B 17 a7 2,817 Vv 2,393 ao[2a73| 1181 55 |_1,236[ 1,165 39 | __ 1,204 2 22 25 25 4,960 vi 1715 s7 [i772] 1,095, 53 [1,148 604 20 624) 7 7 9 3| 3,560 vi 2,100, 70 | 2a70[ 1,213, 56 [1,269 859 29 388) 7 7 i Fry 4,355, wm 1,786 eo] 1,846 [1,063 si[ aaa 719 24 743; 2 2 2 2[ 3,707 ix 1,208 40 [1,243 725 40. 765) 448) 15 463, 3B B 7 a7 2,501, Kk 1,376 46 |__ 1422 893 46 939 469) 16 485 9 9 5 5|___2,860 xi 1,479 43 [1,528 O74 ag [1,019 501 a7 518 2 2 5 Ss] 3,072 m0 1,439 43 [__ 1,487 781, aD 823 642 2 663, 7 7 3 9| 2,989 xu/Caraga 973 32 [1,005 598 36 634 370 2 382, 2 2 3 3] 2,026 ARMM 865 23 894 691 39 730 166 6 272, 3 3 5 s| 1,804 NIR 7248) a2[__1290| 7,019 50] 1,069 564 19 583, 9 3 3 3[ 2,954 [CAR 947 32 979 372 28 400) 217 7 224 4 4 7 7[ 1614 INCR 3,399) us| _35i2| 2,878 qiz | 2,990 487 16 503, 17 7 17 i7 7,039) TOTAL 33,569[ 1,119 | 34,688] 21,770| 1,013 | 22,783] 11,437| 382 | 11,819 169 169 193 193 | 69,652 Legend: * The number of participants for common topics is the total number of teachers and trainers from the Academic, TVL, Sports, and Arts and Design Tracks (Enclosure No. 4 to DepEd Memorandum No. 84, s. 2017) LUST OF RECOMMENDED HEIs HE Cataeation eon ame of HS rovers oon | cot] mmatonnis coo] smetmmnn | cor | | 1 loon are Maca: Maman tte Univers: Neth le vice v_|icmees a 1 foatane marcos state Unversity 358 Cy feoaecry ¢ frevature + feneieenng ence & | pagan ae ineinen Zine [reser et z [1 Bisertous Catese Irnfenando Cy | — [ence Gacnion [7 aint ad z — — ee CE, 1 loners oftueon® lscisancey | xing iv isms otepes San errands Gy Uo Kan fenando iy ir [unre of Nother Piping: * gan [eater tenon |v iL fives Wanye Ueto ges Voene [7 [ore Perea ieee Oversy- og, el estes ester erin | faite 11 fas tate uiesty= Cabanas sta [renner asco 1 eon Pau unversty- Ieewemocy |e RUSRE Teer ea, | reese [sn Pau Uesy Tague ug 30 Cy rtoagemert < 1 fereny of Strang aaa sonia T 1__tpnicg Neu Une Norw itn Carus ® soos 7 fresher testo { Z Fr tessherta7 a faagets Unerny Foundation freserciy | ferrari, 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Seuhern Minos cotta cs + erestnete ¢ Quarter: Discussion on Critical Contents, ts teaching pedagogies and learning assessment wee wae wren wnas wNet Demo Teaching on Creative Writing CreativeNonfcion,2™ Quarter: Creative Nonfiction, 1* Quarter: | Deusen on Cita Contents ts ‘Creative Writing. 1 Quarter: | Creative Wing Quarter: Discussion on Critical Contents its | aching pedagogies and learning Discusion on tical Contents, ts | Discusion on Cal Contents, ts teaching pedagogies and learning assessment teaching pedagogies and leaming | teaching pedagogies and learning ssersment ‘aiesment, sessment Return Demo on Creative Writing Demo Teaching on Creative ‘Nonfiction We MASS TRAINING OF TEACHERS FOR ACADEMIC - TRAINING MATRIX FOR ENGLISH B Time ee permed ee Pereetre) Pot eete er eeter) Prereert) Per eerer) 220 -1.00 Peery Perens) Cre Demo Teaching on Creatve Nonfetion Demo Teaching on Creatve Nonfeion Practical Research 1,1 Quarter: Discusion on Cites! Contents, ts teaching pedagogies and learning assessment Practical Research 1,2 Quarter Discussion on Catal Contents teaching pedagogies and learning assessment Demo Teaching on Practica Research 1 Return Teaching on Practical Research 1 Inquities, Investigations and Immersen, 1 Quarter: Diseussion ‘on Crtal Contents, ts teaching pedagogies and learning assessment wer Nc wwe wen Practical Research 1,1% Quarter: Discussion on Cita Contents, ts teaching pedagogies and earning assessment Practical Research 1,24 Quarter: Discussion on Cites! Contents, teaching pedagogies and learning Demo Teaching on Practical Research 1 Return Teaching on Practical Research 1 Ingles Investigations and Immersion, 1" Quarter: Dscusson ‘on Cita Contents, ts teaching pedagogies and learning Ingles, Investigations and Immersion, 2 quarter: Discussion ‘on Gita Contents, ts teaching ‘pedagogies and learning oo AINING MATRIX FOR ENGLISH B eed Peers) Demo Teaching on Inquiries, Demo Teaching on Investigations and immersion Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship, 1 Quarter: | Entrepreneurship, 2° Quarter: Discusion on Critical Contents, ts | Discusslon on Citcal Contents, ts teaching pedagogies and learning | teaching pedagogies and learning assessment assessment Peers) Inguires, Investigations and Immersion, 2% Quarter: Ciseustion ‘on Catia! Contents, ts teaching pares pedagogies and learring ‘assessment Return Demo on Inquies, 1:00 - 1130 Investigations and immersion 930-10:00 Return Demo on Entrepreneurship enero) Peometey en wren wre wwnce wnor wnce Pee ner) ae Entrepreneurship, 1" Quarter: Discussion on Critleal Contents, ts Return Demo on Inquities, | teaching pedagogies and earning Investigations and immersion assessment Return Demo on Entrepreneurship Demo Teaching on Inquires, Demo Teaching on Investigations and immersion Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship, 2 Quarter: Discussion on Critical Contents, ts teaching pedagogles and learring Closing Program Potion MASS TRAINING OF TEACHERS FO! cory ‘omunlasyon at Panna x= Wika a kukurang Fino, 2° Quarter Dicuslon on Creal contests anchingpedaenees and aring asiesment Peete) pening Program ‘omuniasyon ot Poona 28 Demo Teaching on Kemunikasyon at Pananaiesik ‘8 Wiha at Kulturang Filino Return Demo on Komunikasyon at Pananalisik 8 Wika at Kulturag Flipino Pagbasa at Pagsusur ng iba’t thang Teksto Tungo sa Pananalksk, 2 Quarter: Discussion on Cea Contents, ls teaching pedagogies and leamring EMIC- TRAINING MATRIX FOR FILIPINO emo Teaching on Pagbasa at Pagani ng bar Testo Tango 18 Panaralik Wa a kakurang Flipino, 2 atsessment Quarter Ducuson on Creel contents, ks acing pedapoes wunc and faring assessment wunen wnct wren wwe Komunasyon at Pana #8 ‘Wika a Kurang Flip. 2° ‘utr: lzcinton on Cea Coments, ts teuehngpedogowes and learing assessment omuniasyon at Pana 23 Wa Katara lipo, 2° ‘uareerDicuon on Cea contents, teaching pedagogies and learning assessment bem Teaching on Komunitasyon ultra Fei | Paghasa a Paging’ Thang Testo Tango 8 Pananalst, ° Quorter ‘teaching pedagogies and leaning assessment aghast Pgsusu ng tet thang Testo Tango a Pananabesk, 2% Quart: Deaton on itcl Contents, ‘ts tenching pedagogies ant leaning seezimant ‘emo Tatching on Fasbata aaron tang Tekst Tungo #3 Pananak Return Daron Pasha at Pagsusur nga bar Testo SS TRAINING Time ca Fpine 9 Ping trang, 1° ‘quarter Discusion on Critical Flyin 54g Lavan, 2°4 Demo Teaching on Filipino s2 Piling Larang Practical Research 1,1 ‘Quarter: Ocussion on Cette Protea Research 3,2" Quarter Discusion on ital Contes ts IR FILIPINO cary Demo Teaching on Praca Research 1 EM Concerts tstncing | cure Ouaon onctcal re Dc on og der near ee ngage and earing_ | oars techn poe . pace ms oe " and learning assessment pedagogies and learning. Prereres) assessment Return Demo on Filipino $9 essesinent ‘eum Demo on Pactca Png\arng ton wwe wm wen unc wm wv Fliping sa Ping Larang, 1 ‘Quarter: Discusion on Critical Contents ts teaching pedagogies and learning Fino 52 Ping trang. 2-4 ‘uate: Discusion on Creat conten, teaching pedagogies ted earing assim Demo Teaching on Fine Plog rane Reem Demo on Fino Pang Practical Research 1,1 ‘Quarter: Discussion on Critical ‘Contents, ts teaching pedagogies and learring Pract Research 1,2 Quarter icusion on Creal Contents, | teaching pedagogies and learning ema Teaching on Praca Reseach 3 ‘eum Demo on Pract! Research 1 Pion VU INCOR PLUME Rear a iT Demo Teaching on Malikhaing Demo Teaching on ea Malihang Paguulat,1* Pagsulat sinae sri, 3® cur Emreareneurshn ‘Quarter: Discusion on Cc! | wtitaing Pagid, 2 Quer: Theaueson sacral | Ereprenersin, 2% cuaner So Contents, ksteaching | dicason on Cel Contents, Ks conan susan on Ctl Cotes, Rs Poreeetesd lagogies and learning | achng pedegoees andlearaing = teaching pedgoaes and acing ea it bearaing mene pedagogies and learning pds Peete) ‘assessment eeu Demo on Malikhaing poset etn Demo on Pagsulat Ereeprereursin eed wen tuner wen nen nen nen cee MalihaingPagsult 1° Entrepreneurship, 1" Quarter: ‘Quarter: scussion on Ciel Discusion on Ctl Contents, te teaching Contents, ts teaching eur bema on pedagogies and learn ‘etun Demo onMaithsing | — pedagogies and eoring aed assessment Pama ‘assessment Demo Teaching on Maithing Demo Teacing 00 Papslst Enrepreneraie Malang Peau 2° Guar: Entrepreneurship, 2 Quarter Discusion or Ctl Contents, | ‘cus on rial Contents, cos teaching pedagogies andlesring techie pedonopessedlesing tone oer EEcUun mae MASS TRAINING OF TEACHERS FOR ACADEMIC - TRAINING MATRIX FOR MAPEH cor omer) Contemporary Pippin As from the saad Regors, 1€ Quarter Dacusion 09 pe Cal Contents, stsching pedagogies and caring assesment Philippine Arts from the Regions Return Demo on Contemporary Physleal Edueation and Heath, 2°¢ Dae tx on enteparay her con on ae Pippen te Rego Cone etn pes Opening Program ‘Contemporary Philippine Acts from the ‘and learning assessment roe tego 2 crc on atc wen ee pedagogies and earning siesment tuNcH vm wm wm omega pee eg oncom retin dy 2 roc anand at,» | arr Duin nae Cr ‘Contemporary Philippine Arts ftom the | Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Quarter: Discussion on Critical Contents, “= ‘Regions, 1" Querter: Discussion on Regions, 2“ Quarter: Discussion on its teaching pedagogies and learning. ‘sssessment Crcacomnes weenie” | “eratcnens tne re perp indore cunznrt | peng sndarng camer | — mun denon Phippne ts om the Repons eme Teaching on Phys! Edveation ea -ACHERS FOR ACADEMIC - AINING MATRIX FOR M. as bene Tango ae Edenton nd seit, 1 toed iain panna acne nee | sa lenin ose Entrepreneurship, 24 Quarter: Discusion Return Demo on Entrepreneurship Return Demo on Filipino sling Larang unen wner unc Return Demo on Entrepreneurship Return Demo on Physical Education and Dero Teaching on Entrepreneurship Health erring assessment Pennine MASS TRAINING OF TEACHERS FOR ACADEMIC - TRAINING MATRIX FOR MATHEMATICS General Mather, 1 Quarer Otecon on real Comets, Rs teaching pedagogies andlesnng Return Demo on Introduction | aatstics and Probabity, 2 seer toceneral Mathematics | quarter Oscusson on crnial | _D€M0 Teaching on ‘Demo Teaching on and Proba cing ma tateaching | Statistics and Probablty Introduction to General lenis etter Mathematics eee pening Program —— | cena Mathematics, 2 Quarter: ——————— sesesiment Dycaon on ral Comers, Rs teaching padetogesandlesaing tune wer wer um wen wer ‘Demo Teaching on Introduction to General ‘tattles and Probabity, 24 Mathematics Statistics an Probably," | Quarter: Dcssion on Creal General Mathematics, 1% |General Mathematics, ‘Quarter Oscusion on tcl | Contents ts teaching ‘Quarter: Discussion on Ctical | Quarter: Discusion on Critical Contents its teaching pedagogies and 3 andieariog Return Derno on Contents ts teaching Contents ts teaching pedagogies and earing sessment Stassties and Probability pedagogies andlearning | pedagoeiesandlearnine | aetum pero on introduction assessment sessment sesment toGeneral Mathematics Demo Teaching on Statistics and Probabity Petia MASS TRAINING OF TEACHERS FOR ACADEMIC - TRAINING MATRIX FOR MATHEMATICS ory emo Teaching on Practal | Pr Csleuus, 2 Quarter: Demo Teaching on Pre- fem) ‘lscussion on Catical sion | Quarter: Discussion on Critical pedagogies and learning Discussion on Critical ee pedagogies and learning. Contents, [ts teaching ‘assessment Contents, its teaching haere aad pedagogies and learning pedagogies and leaning reoeerery ‘assessment ‘assessment Return Demo on ‘assessment Return Demo on Ps wines uno ‘wren ume une Return Demo on es Practical Research 2,1" Practical Research 2 ‘Quarter: Discussion on Crtical Pre-Caleuls, ts teaching Contents, ts teaching pedagogies and learning pedagogies and leaning assessment Return Demo on Precalculus Demo Teaching on Pre-Caleulus, 2 Quarter: Demo Teaching on Pre Praccal Research 2,206 | Practical Research? Osten Tuam acu Quarter: Discusion on cal pedogepesandiarang | Precslihs 2™ uarer: tnd of sy Contents, ts teaching ‘sessment pedagogies and learning Contents, ts teaching assessment pedagogies and learning re MASS TRAINING OF TEACHERS FOR ACADEMIC - TRAINING MATRIX FOR MATHEMATICS Time Corry cer) carey ceary cere Day18 ae bene Tengo Bk bene Tender ses ag 18 cue cin creemenesie POOR cto mr | eas nate txieperestip, tune: | tavenene, 29 Path pone | ono Dousionen ct | Quer Boson cn ; emeestoine | ocr tne Concent trennng | Corte eating ssetatiiaead aaseles ned torn pedlagopies and learning agosles and learning 0g and lear aes ‘assessment er eT | natu Demo.on Practical | Peneodiesandiarnng | pedagogies and taming Return Demo on toon tntepereusp wine wm wma wc wma wna 2c cas camer secon, 1 ater onus oa Gamo en cal Contents teaching Contents, ts teaching reeset pedagogies and learning Return Demo on Basic Calculus} Pedagogies and learning =r * bene engon se bene Tengon cies tuepencane te cad 2 ter truest, emer rl curr Beason en rea coments toch ‘Coven ttecing cing Posen petenge nde page nnn TTC ASS TRAINING OF IX FOR SCIE! ory Er car car) Eazy oar cot Eth and Ue Scere, 1 Quare: Sitti Diseasion on Cres! Contents Pan teaching pedagogies ad earing Retum Demo on Earth and Ue ‘sessment Selene Earth Sconce, 1¢ Quarter: sca on ar Seeen pons Dame Teaching on Earth and Discussion on Critical Contents, ="? Tetione ts teaching pedagogies and ates) learning asessment ‘Opening Program Earth and Ute Science, 2° ener) ‘unter: Oscuson on Cites barca nen Pernt) “ wre wwe wwncr wc Dome Teaching on Earth andife ‘Stone onscience, * unter, | €2thSence, 2 quarter earh and ive Science, rquarter:| arth and fe cence, 2 Drcuson on rite Cones, ts | tus on Cat Comers Discusion on Creal Consens, ts | Quarter Oscstion onic teaching pedagogies and arin | Ache Peotone ster | petun Dero on Earth Sionce teaching pedagogies and learning | Contents teaching pedsogis sessment sessment sessment andieamingasessment | peta Demo on Earth and le eme Teaching on Earth Since Uae etn Pert) Physical Scence, 28 quarter: Discussion on Critical Contents, ‘ts teaching pedagoges and rye Sleee, 2 Quarter: Drcusson on Ctl Contents, teaching pecagogles and earning ‘Demo Teaching on Physical Selence Inauites, investigations and Immersion, 1 Quarter: Discussion on Cita! Contents, nutes, nvestentns and ‘emerson, 2 Quarter, Deeuason on Citeal Contents, ts } SRY PTO OY Investigations ae immersion learning assessment ee Its teaching pedagogies and | teaching pedseoges andearng feturn Demo on Physical tearing asessment sient ferure emo ennai, Slence Investgtons ae mersion wwe tuner women tune nen Physical Science, 1 Quarter: Discussion on Catal Contents, Its teaching pedagogles and learning assessment Phys seence, 2 arr Deusson on Cea Contents, teaching pedagogies and earning ome Teaching on Prin Science eww Demo on Physeal Science Inguities, Investigations and Immersion, 1" Quarter Discusion on Catal Contents, ts teaching pedagogtes and learning assessment Anges, Investigations and trmersion, 2 Quarter: ‘cussion on Creal Contents, te teaching pedagogies and earning Dame Teaching on inguiries, Investigations and immersion Investigations ee meson Pcie EAM EVV Cel Time Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction, 1" Quarter: SeattaaM 0'55s10n on Critical Contents, PR MPTECM teaching pedagogies and learning assessment DiasterReaines and ik Reduction, 2 Quarter: Decion on Creal Contents, teaching pdagogies and laring Demo Teaching on Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction Ret Demo on Disaster Entrepreneurship, 1" Quarter: Discusion on Critical Contents, Its teaching pedagogies and learning assessment RAINING MATRIX FOR SCIEN ntrepreneursip, 2 Quarter teaching padagagis and earning emo Teaching on Eneepreneurstin etwn Demo on coer) Readiness and Risk Reduction Envepenestip wnt wre wnat women mca icotias Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction, 3 Quarter: Entrepreneurship, 1 Quarter: Discusion on critical Contents, Piscusion on citical Contents, atu Demo on its teaching pedagogies and Retum Demoon Duss | ts teaching pedagogies and Enveprereusiie learning assessment ends and Rsk Retin leaming assessment ‘emo Teaching on Dsaster emo Teaching on Aeadnas ae Rk Reetion rtreprereuship Diaster Readiness and ik = Redaction, 2° Qarer Ducwion stamens 2 cc | on Cra! Contes its teaching mo oni cesin ropa paagoges and earning teaching pedagogies and earing in E ened MASS TRAINING OF TEACHERS FOR ACADEMIC - TRAINING MATRIX FOR SCIENCE B Time Ce por Dey or on od oe) pone General Bislogy 1,8 Quarter: seachogbedagostes and enn Return Demo on General ey ina eee im Denmo'on Ge General Biology 2,2 ‘eeenment Biology 1 Deme Teaching on Gaver ‘Quarter: Discussion on Crit ‘Soon ead Demo Teaching on General Contents, ts teaching Pareres) Biology 2 pedagogies and learning Opening Program ‘Genera iloy 1,2 Quarter sessment re ‘seuslon on Crtal Contents, ts tes er and eon ton pean ond arin wc ereres) Peery wncr wwnert nc nen sio-200 Deme Teaching on General oly 1 Genera Biology 2,3" Quarter Sener ioloy 12% Quarter: Dison on Creal Contents, te [cussion on Creal Contents ts teaching pedagogies and iaring Feu Der on General Scogy 2 ‘eaching pedogogtes and iaring sessment Retumn Demo.on Gener! Boog 2 ‘emo Teaching on Genera olay 2 Peni ASS TRAINING OF eV CCUM STE coated re etery Reruns) remedy cerry Day7 or) par) Day 10 Day 11 Et Demo Teaching on General ame Teaching on Praca o Chemistry 1 Research 2 General Cher Sheri 1» Practical Research 2,2" ‘Quarter Discussion on Critical | canesl Chemistry 12% Quarter: ‘cuarter Discusion oe Crtical | P2841 Research 2,2 Quarter: Contents, ts teaching | tucson on Creal Coren, er ve [cin neal comers fagogies and learning | teach pedagoie: and et ntents, ts teaching | sasching pedagogies and le pecan Me] acting acres and earning pedagogies and learring — sssasement Return Demo on General secassment etur Demo on nies, Chemistry 1 rata Research 2 wwe wnet nce wot wor wm General Chemistry 1," Practlal Research 2, 1% ‘Quarter: Discussion on Critical ‘Quarter: Discussion on Crtal Contents, teaching Contents, ts teaching pedagoges and learning ‘Reuen Demo on General pedagogies and learning etur Demo on nies, sssacernant ‘Chomiy 1 ‘cuca Pract Research 2 Demo Teaching on Genera ‘emo Teaching on Practal Chemistry 2 esarch 2 Sonera Chemisty 1,204 Quarter: leas on Creal Contents | teaching pedogowies and earing Pract Research 2, 2a: teaching peego@es ard uring PerCin thane TOD Le R SCIENCE B Permrtre) ecetry ESrey Inquires, Investigations and Immersion, 1 Quarter: Inqules, nvesigntion and eo Demo Teaching on nquies, Investigations and immersion eG Entrepreneurship, 1" Quarter aru neprenersip, 24 quate: Ore) nveprenertip Discussion on Criteal Contents, |. Immersion 2 Quarter Discussion on Catia Contents, | oscussion on Creal Contents, Rs is teaching pedagogies and "| 22070" 2 el Consens Ie teaching pedagogies and | eedg pedo andeaning learning assessment ‘assessment Retum Demo on inquires, earning assessment sssesment ‘Return Demo on Anvestigatons and immersion Eeeepreneusip wen wwe wen men tno wwe Inquices, Investigations and Immersion, 1" Quarter: Discussion on Catal Contents, Its teaching pedagogles and learning assessment Inquiies, vestigations and meron, 2 Quarter teaching pedagogies and learing Demo Teaching on nates, lnvestentons and immersion Inquires, tnestgatins end Entrepreneurship, 1 Quarter: Discussion on Critat Contents, 1s teaching pedagogies and learning assessment Ennreprereurhi, 2° Quarer: Dlcurson on rien Contents, teaching pedagogies snd earning Demo Teaching on Envepreneushin Enirepreneurship Perini MASS TRAINING OF TEACHERS FOR ACADEMIC- TRAINING MATRIX FOR PHYSICS/ CHEMISTRY Time orl ce cr) Eazy car cr General Chem 2, 1 Cuare: tesching pedagogies andearing Retum Dero on General creer) assessment (Chemistry 2 Physles 1,2! Quarter: Demo Teaching on Peer) Der Teasing i General Daten neces, ys 2 a teaching pedagogies an PCat ome learning assessment ‘Opening Program Several Chemistry 22% Quarter: Preceter) Deeuesion on Creal Contents, Rs ‘aching pedagogies and learning suenimert won wwncn wer unc wn wwe Pee emo Teactng on General Chemétry? hyice1,1* vane: xeuson | POPIC1.2% Canter Ociion ener Chtry 2.2" Quarter: | Gael Chey 2,2 Quer enc contents teaching | "CEA Coners fs aching ‘cus on Creal Content, | Dicason on rel Contents, Ks pedagogies and arrng Pedoendes od learing feta Demo on teaching prdsgopesandtearnirg | teaching pepo and learning ssesment ssesiment vcs 1 sscsiment sssesmene ‘ecu Demo.on Genera hems 2 Damo Teaching on Genel Bley Prtiitnereni MASS TRAINING OF TEACHERS FOR ACADEMIC - TRAINING MATRIX FOR PHYSICS/ CHEMISTRY Time Day7 cry car) Cer) coat cere Dero Teching on Pract fey ‘Dero Teaching on Physis 2 emi ces ae cue its teaching pedagogies and | Nes! ts ~*~ an on Critical Conte pedagogies ond leering Contents, tsteaching. | seschingpedagoes ander learning assessment eee pedagogies and learning —— an Return Demo on assessment ‘ewe demo on ngues, Physies2 Praca Researeh 2 wnct wwe wer wner wen wwe meer) Physics 2,1" Quarter: Practical Research 2, 1% ‘Quarter: Discussion on Critical Content, ts teaching ‘aun Darton pedagogies and learning etn Demo on nquiies Phils? esictoment Pract Research? Demo Teaching on emo Teaching on Practal Pyles 2 Research? Discussion on Critical Contents, Its teaching pedagoetes and learning assessment Pyses 2,29 cuarer:Osesion ‘on rie Contents, teaching pedagogies andlenring Mee MASS TRAINING OF TEACHERS FOR ACADEMIC - TRAINING MATRIX FOR PHYSICS/CHEMISTRY Time Demo Teaching on Inquiis, emo Teaching om tnauires,lvestiptions and Investigations and immersion rmepreneustio sat00 Immersion, 1 Quarter: | Iie, Imestgcon and Entrepreneurship, Quarter: tntrepreneuship, 2% Quarter: EMI son on Cal Contents| Mnerion cua Discusion on Critical Contents| Duco on Cts Contents PAMEOME teaching pedagogies and | Ooee”, eee Its teaching pedagogies and | techng pedogogsandlesring es teaching pedagogies andlexing eee teaming assesment aseronent Return Demo on nauites, | Ieaming assessment ssesmen fun Dano on Investigations and immersion repeeneurnip wn wen wen tne tuner Inauiies, vestigations and Entrepreneurship, 1* Quarter: Inmersion,1* Quarter: Discussion on Cita Contents, Discussion on Critical Contents sewn Demo on esen Demo on Deter én yes a ® rp Is teaching pedagoies and sre mecapume a | umn Peeps and area leaming assessment oes learning aeesement * Demo Teaching on nas, emo Teaching on mvestastinsandimerson Erereneusip Inques, vestigation: and ‘mmeson, 2" Quarter: Picuson on Cea Consens, teaching pedagogies and fearing mreprenersip, 2 querer: carson on Creal Concent, teaching pedagogies and tearing osng Progam PER MASS TRAINING OF TEACHERS FOR ACADEMIC - TRAINING MATRIX FOR PHILO/SOCIAL SCIENCE cory ome) Introduction to Paiosophy of the Human Person, 1* Quarter: Discusion on Creat Contents, Permetes) 190-110 Return Demo on Introduction Demo Teaching on Personal Development rere) Peete) Introduction to Philosophy of the Human Person, 1 Quarter: Discussion on Cia! Contents, Its teaching pedagogies and leacring assessment Introdetion to Phlosophy of the Human Person, 24 ‘Quarter: Discussion on Cita! Contents, Its teaching pedagogies and learning Demo Teaching on introdution| ‘0 Philosophy ofthe Human Person Return Demo on Introduction te Philosophy ofthe Human Person Personal Development, 1* ‘Quarter: Discusion on Critical Content, ts teaching pedagogies and learning teaching pedbgoees ad learning toPhilozophy of the Human | Personal Development, 2% veces Demo Teaching on Introduction Penson Cuatar Disn on Cite ‘tw Philosophy of the Human Person pedagogies and learring Opening Program Introduction to Prosophy ofthe ee Human Person, 2" Quartet Diseussion on Creal Contents, ts teaching pedagopes ad earning unc wre wen wnct tuner wnat Personal Development, 24 ‘Quarter: Diseusion on Critical Contents, is teaching pedagogies and earring assessment ‘emo Teaching on General Biology 2 Return Demo on Personal Development oe Time Petes) Personal Development, 1* ‘Quarter Discussion on Citeal Contents, its teaching pedagogies and leaming Personal Development, 24 (Quarter: Discussion on Cees! Contents, ts teaching emo Teaching on Personal evelopment Introduction to World Reiglons and Belief Systems, 1 Quarter: Discussion on Crtal Contents, ts teaching Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems, 24 Quarter: Discussion on ‘rtcal Contents, ts teaching VECSM UVC ESP oe eA U eRe Cm UE ele) a asl ROA OPA OL Demo Teaching on Introduction to World Religions and Belle Systems Peete) pedagogies and learning um Bere on troduction sessment sienna Return Demo on peiagages andere | pedagogies and iearring | Ftum Dene on nvodton Personal Development assessment assessment reno wner wn wnat wnct wc Personal Development, 1 ‘Quarter: Disussion on Critical Introdvetion to World Religlons and Bele Systems, Contents, ts teaching aching pedagogies and Return Demo on introduction Pedagogies and learning Retum Demo on st assessment Personal Development learning assessment werd tag ane Demo Teaching on Demo Teaching on Personal Development, 2 ‘Quarter: Discussion on Critical Contents, ts teaching pedagogies and learning ‘assessment Personal Development Introduction to World Relgons and Belief Systems, 24 Quarter: Discussion on Cities! Contents, ts teaching pedagogies and learning Introduction to Word Religions and Bete Systems Pea MASS TRAINING OF T! Time oe) rey receteT) Petunia Practical Research 2,2" ‘Quarter: Discusion on Cetel ‘Contents ts teaching pedagogies and learning Practical Research 1,2 ‘Quarter: Discussion on Ctl ‘Contents ts teaching pedagogies and learning Demo Teaching on Practical Research 2 Return Demo on Practical Research 3 Enteepreneurship, 1" Quarter: Discussion on Crtial Contents, Its teaching pedagores and learning assessment Entrepreneurship, 2 Quarter: Discussion on Crital Contents, ts teaching pedagogies and learning assessment CHERS FOR ACADEMIC - TRAINING MATRIX FOR PHILO/SOCIAL SCIENCE Deme Teaching on Entrepreneurship Return Demo on Entrepreneurship wer wet wc wnct nc Practical Research 1 ‘Quarter: Discussion on Critical ‘Contents Rs teaching pedagogies andlearning Practical Research 1, 2%! ‘Quarter: Discusion on Cetical Contents, Re teaching pedagogies and learning Demo Teaching on Practical Research 1 Return Demo on Practical Research 1 Entrepreneurship, 1 Quarter: Discussion on Critical Contents, Its teaching pedagorles and learning assessment Entrepreneurship, 2 Quarter: Discussion on Critical Contents, Its teaching pedagostes and learning assessment Demo Teaching on Entrepreneurship Retum Demo on Entrepreneurship Closing Programs ey rate Preceter) 1130-1200 Phippine Pots end Governance, 1 Quarter: Dieu on Cel Contents teaching pedagogies and aring Return Damo on introduction to Philippine Polis and Community Engagement, Solidarity and Cizenship, 2% Demo Teaching on ‘Community Engagement, Soldarty and Czenship wei Plipine Poities and Governance, 1" Quarter: Discussion on Critial Contents, its teaching pedagogies and learning assessment Philippine Polis and Governance, 4 Quarter: Discussion on Critical Content, its teaching pedagogies and learning sssessment Introduetion to Philippine Polis andGovernance | community Engagement, Solidarity and Cizenship, 1" Quarter: Discussion on Criteal Contents, ls teaching, pedagogies and learning Retuen Demon introduction naan to Philippine Polis and Governance ‘sessment Demo Teaching on Governance ‘Quarter Discusion on Critieal Introduction to Philippine ‘Contents, ts teaching Fhilppine roksan Poles and Governance faggles and learning OpenineProwam oes —- vector Creal Content tetcing pedagogies ed amin wre tuner tune nck wen Demo Teaching on or memunity Engagement, Soidarty and Clezenship, 2% Quarter: Diseusion on Cita! Contents, its teaching pedagogies and learning Demo Teaching on Community Engagement, Solidarity and ‘ctzenship Return Demo on Community Engagement, Solldarity and citizenship Pete MASS TRAINING OF TEACHERS FOR ACADEMIC - TRAINING MATRIX FOR SOCIAL SCIEN Time oe) Perete) ‘Trends, Networks and Cita Thinking in the 21" Century, 1" ‘Quarter: Discussion om Creal Contents, ts teaching pedagogies and learning Trends, Networks and Critical Thinking nthe 22% Century, 2! Quarter: Discussion on etic Contents, ts teaching pedagogies and learning ‘Demo Teaching on Trends, Networks and Citical Thinking inthe 21" Century Discitines and ideals in the Social Sciences, 1* Quarter: Return Demo on Discussion on Critical Contents, Its teaching pedagagtes and Disciplines and Keals in the Social Sclences, 24 Quarter: Discussion on Critical Cantents, Its teaching pedagogies and ‘Demo Teaching on Disciplines and ideals inthe Socal Sclences Retum Demo on Didptnes assessment a ‘Trends, Networks and Critical | Fearing assessment Teaming assessment ‘and ideas in the Social Thinking nthe 21% Century Selences wot ‘wert wes wren nex wren ‘Trends, Networks and Cita! Thinking in the 21 Century, 1 ‘Quarter: Discussion on Crtial Contents, ts teaching pedagogies and learning “Tends, Networks and Gril Thinking in the 21% Century, 24 Quarter: Discusson on ‘tcl Contents, its teaching ‘Demo Teaching on Trends, Networks and Crtical Thinking in the 21% Century Retum Demo on “Trends, Networks and Critica Thinking nthe 21% Century Disciplines and ideals in the Social Sciences, its teaching pedagogies and learning sssecemert Disciplines and ideals in the Social Sciences, 24 Quarter: Discussion on Crteal Contents, ‘Demo Teaching on Disciptines and Weal nthe Social Scences Return Demo on Dicplines ‘and ideas the Socal Sctences pedagogles and learning Ws teaching pedagogies and ‘sessment learning assessment j PRotin tine WAS ETI (CHERS FOR ACADEMIC - TRAINING MATRIX FOR SOCIAL SCIEN co Peete) ey Disciplines and ideas in the Applied Solel Sciences, 1 ‘uarter:Diseussion on Creal Contents, ts teaching pedagogies and learning re Discptines and ideas in the Applied Social Sciences, 2 Quarter: Discussion on Crit! Contents, ts teaching coety Demo Teaching on Disciplines and ideas in the Applied Social Sclences Return Demo on Disciplines Ere Entrepreneurship, 1" Quarter: Discussion on Cita Contents, its teaching pedagogies and learning Cru Entrepreneurship, 4 (arte: Diseussion on Catal Contents, ts teaching pedagogies and learning are) Demo Teaching on Entrepreneurship wanot snot wna wine won Disciplines and ideas inthe Applied Social Sciences, its teaching pedagogies and leaming assessment Disciplines and Kdeas inthe Applled Social Selences, °¢ ‘Quarter: Diseussion on Cita Contents, ts teach pedagogies and lear assessment Demo Teaching on Disciplines and ideas in the Apples Social Selences Return Demo on Disciplines and teas in the Applied Soca! Setences Entrepreneurship, 1* Quarter Discussion on Ceti! Contents, teaching pedagogies and learning Entrepreneurship, 204 Quarter: Disussion on Citi Contents, tsteaching pedagogies and learning assessment Demo Teaching on Entrepreneurship Return Demo on Entrepreneurship Closing Program Cord Time come) mete) cect) poet cory Aoplied Economies, Quarter icunson on tea Contes, teachoa pesagopes and earning orl pry Return Demo on Applied MASS TRAINING OF TEACHERS FOR ACADEMIC- TRAINING MATRIX FOR BUSINESS Par Business Ethics and Socal rT Demo Teaching on sseniment Economies Responsility, 24 Quarter: ns Demo Teaching on econ ects | us Ehsan Sc Introduction to Applled Contents, ts teaching Aexportty eonomics pedagogies and tearing Opening Program | spp Economics, 2 Cuare: nvesoment Prcuron onal Conte ‘cig ens erg wor wen wen une wen wen Demo Teaching on Applied Business Ethics and Soc Applled Economics, 1 Quarter: Discussion on Critical Contents Rs teaching pedagogies and learning ‘Applied Economics, 4 ‘Quarter: izcusion on Critical ‘Contents, ts teaching pedagogies and learning Feanomics Return Demo on Applied Economics Business fthes and Socal Responsibity, 1© Quarter: Discussion on Cetical Contents ts teaching pedagogies and learning, Responsibly, 24 Quarter: Discussion on Critical Contents, ts teaching pedagogies and learning Demo Teaching on Business this and Social Responabity Return Demo-on Business Ethies and Solel Responsibilty Dancin: IN comer) ce) erate) Demo Teaching on Organization and RAINING MATRIX FOR BUSINESS Management Sere pecan em envea | OrEenzton and Management, 2° Principles of Marketing, 1" Quarter: | Princiles of Marketing. 2 Quarter: Cee eee sietaes | _ uate: Discusion on Crit Discussion on Crteat Contents ts | Disusion on Creal Contents Rs ‘and earning assessment ‘Contents, its teaching pedagogies teaching pedagogies and earning | teaching pedagogies and learning ‘and earning assesment fetum Demo on sessment assessment Crganiztion and Management unc wr wuncn tuner ‘Organization and Managerrent, 2" Quarter: Discussion on Citicat Contents, ts teaching pedagogies and learning assessment (Organization and Management, 24 ‘Quarter: Discussion on Citieal Contents, ts teaching pedigogies and learning assessment Demo Teaching on organization and Management Return Demo on (Organization and Management Principles of Marketing, its teaching pedagogies and learning azessment Principles of Marketing, 2° Quarter Discussion on Critial Contents its teaching pedagogies and earning ‘Demo Teaching on Principles of, Marketing S$ TRAINING OF TEACHERS F corer) ocr Demo Teaching on Principles of Marketing Return Demo on Piles of Marketing Entrepreneurship, 1 Quarter Discussion on ‘atca Contents, ts teaching pedagoues ‘and learning assessment Entrepreneurship, 2°4 Quarter: Discussion ‘on Gitical Contents its teaching pedagogies and leaming assessment RAINING MATRIX FOR BUSINESS ‘Demo Teaching on Entrepreneurship Retum Demo on Entrepreneurship wen nos wnert Retum Demo on Principles of Marketing Entrepreneurship, 1* Quarter Discusion on Catical Contents, ts teaching pedagogies and learning assessment ‘Demo Teaching on Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship, 24 Quarter: Discussion ‘on Cita Contents, Rs teaching pedagogies ‘and leaming assessment Retum Demo on Entrepreneurship Closing Program Pr naene 1ON MASS TRAINING OF TEACHERS FOR ACADEMIC - TRAINING MATRIX FOR ACCOUNTANCY Time Loree Fundamentals of Aecountney, Business come) land Management 11" quar: terion on Creal Contents, te Return Demo on Fundamentals of cd teaching pedagogies and earning ‘Accountancy, Business and assessment Demo Teaching on Fundamentals of Management ‘Accountancy, Business and Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management 2, 2° ‘Quarter: Discussion on Crteal Cortes, ts teaching pedagogies and learning assessment ameed fendamenat of ecourtarey, Buiness Management 1 {and Management 1, 2°4Quacter: Opening Program Peete) ‘teaching pedagogies and learning wre erred sstsiment wncr wwe wn wet Deme Teaching on Poe) sundamantalothensotaney, Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management 1 Fundamentals of Accountancy, | Buliess and Management 2, 2% Fundamentals of Accountancy, | Fundamentals of Accountancy, tunes and tenccememt 218 | _ o#aAer: Dlsuesion on Cries Business and Management1,1* | Business and Management 1, 2% Cortents its teaching pedagogies ‘Quarter: Diseussion on Critical ‘Quarter: Discusion on Critical | Quarter: Diseussion on Celtel content, ts teaching pedegoaes and learning assessment Contents, ts teaching pedagogies | Contents, tsteaching pedagogies | Return Demo on Fundamentals of and earring assessment and leatning assessment and learning assessment "Acrountancy, Business and Demo Teaching on Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management 2 ‘Management 1 Pouce MASS TRAINING OF TEACHERS FOR ACADEMIC - T: INING MATRIX FO ACCOUNTANCY coy cr Day7 cr) cr) Day 10 ed corer) Dero Testing on ‘Demo Teaching on Business Math ry Fundamentals of Accountancy Business Math, 2 Quarter: “ SaaS, Doomecr and regener | ee eer gg | __ Business Math 204 Quarter Business Finance, 1# Quarter: vnaelosnper sedicaring, | D23#H08 On ital Contents Discussion on Crtcal Contents, ts ted tonching pedaooet teaching pedagogies and leaning teaching pedapopies and earning eae sseesmen assessment Return Demo on ‘assessment Business Math wwe wwe wren wren wnt Seettand Ratu Demoon Business Math 1% Quarter: Fundamentals of Acountaney, | Oiscusion on Citcal Contents, ts Business Finance, ts teaching Business and Management? | teaching pedegodes and erring feturn demo on pedagogies and learning assessment seoeernt Business Math Demo Teaching on Business Math Business Math, 4 Quarter: Discussion on Critical Contents ts ognttes Finance, 2 hare: teaching pedagogtesandlearing jscussion on Ctl Contents, its ae teaching pedagogies and learning ose assessment SS TRAINING OF Time cord Business Finance, Quarter: Discussion on Creal Contents, ts teaching pedagogies and learning Demo Teaching on Business Finance Return Demo on Business Finance Entrepreneurship, 1" Quarter: Discussion on Critical Contents Rs teaching pedagogies and learning assessment Entrepreneurship, 2 Quarter: Discusion on Gftcal Contents, ts teaching pedagogies and learning assessment Demo Teaching on Entrepreneurship Return Demo on Entrepreneurship wren wnew wna wei wNci Demo Teaching on Busress Finance Return Demo on Business Finance Entrepreneurship, 1" Quarter: Discussion on Critieal Contents ts teaching pedsgogier and eaming ‘Demo Teaching on Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship, 2% Quarter: Discussion on Critical Contents ts teaching pedagogies and learing Return Demo on Entrepreneurship Closing Program Beer Empowerment Teehnloges, 1 ‘Quarter Discussion on Cite Contents, ERS FOR ACADEMI VVC EVN Deo ‘Sewanee ne ter aon npnet me Teton Mendis ec, ere Teching on power Lame bail on ek inact os teen pee dering soem ‘Opening Program Empowerment Technologies, 2 curr ban na oes ‘entre roe assessment me tune wet smo wine ume Empowerment Technologies, 1 ‘Quarter: Discusion on Critical Contents, ts teaching pedagogies and learning assessment Empowerment Technologies, 2°¢ ‘Quarter: Discusion on Critical Contents, teaching pedagogies and learning assesment ‘beme Teaching on Empowerment Technologies ‘Media and information Uteracy, 1" ‘Quarter: Discussion on Critial Return Demo.on Empowerment Technologies Contents, is teaching pedagogies and leaming assessment ‘Media and information Uteray, 24 ‘Quatter: Discussion on Crieat Contents, its teaching pedagogies and learning assessment ‘Demo Teaching on Media and Information tracy Penance ‘Demo Teacring on Media and Information Literacy Entrepreneurship, 1* Quarter: Discussion on Cetcal Contents, its teaching pedagogies and learing assessment ‘Demo Teaching on Entrepreneurship Return Demo on Entrepreneurship wn wre twneH wer Entrepreneurship, 1" Quarter: Discussion on ‘real Contents, its teaching pedagoeies Return Demo on Entrepreneurship and learning assessment Return Dene on Fundamentals of Accountancy, Busines and emo Teaching on Entrepreneurship ‘Management 2 Entrepreneurship, 2 Quarter: Discussion on Critical Contents its teaching pedagogies and leatning assessment CCosing rogram DEI RTM ee (Enclosure No. 6F to DepEd Memorandum No. 84, s. 2017) Department of Education BUREAU OF CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT ‘TRAINING DESIGN FOR THE MASS TRAINING OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS (MTOT) FOR THE TVL TRACK (AFA/HE/IA/ICT/MARITIME) ‘The training aims to: 1. provide the teachers with concrete understanding of the curriculum frameworks, learning standards and competencies, 2. develop pedagogical capabilities to deliver the curriculum; and 3. equip the teachers withthe skills and competencies in assessing earning Time ay oy? | ays Daye ays mays Ba? 3:00-8:30 ‘Management of Learning %:30-12:00 anivaland CéWalkthrough and | EvaluatingStadent’s | Demo Teaching/ | Continuation of Demo | Continuation of Demo | Culminating Actviy7 Registration | Discussionon Critical | Performance | Processing and Return | Teaching/ Processing | Teaching/ Processing | Immersion Contents and Teaching Demo/Feedback/ | and Return Demo/ | _and Return Demo/ 12100-1:00 Pedagogies for TVL Processing for selected] Feedbck/ Processing | Feedbck/ Processing 1:00-2:30 | Opening Program] Specializations specializations only) | (for selected (forselected [Commitment Balding, specializations only) | specializationsonly) | Clearinghouse and 230-3100 | Mechanics of the Closing Program Training 3005100 | Overview of SHSTVL | Deepening Deepening Framework understandingof | understanding of content with sample | content with sample lesson plans assessment information plan with tools and rubrics TERPECTED — | ~Tienaece cea | Faiarzad wth Co [Wend and dewloped | Danonstatedveacing | Demonstniad washing | ~Denonstaed Tachi ourPuts | componensof teTVL. | componentsand denied | appropnateassessment | podagogesincuting” | pedagogesincding | pedagogies inclcing Frameworkand nowt | “theca conentsand_ | toosand ubresacordng | assessment oth fedback/ | assessment with fedbak/ | assessment with fedbock/ Featestotne tora) | appropriate reaching to competency observation observation observation Curelum Fedagogis or alia NOTES | Aivsessonsareimpleany | Aries ae conducedn | AawiiesaveConducedim | Aiewareondweedn | AGWies ar condweedm | Aier ar OMWeHT Te Fay pull sessions pal sessions. parallel sssions naa sessions paral sessions aricpantsare grouped | Patipants are grouped” | Parcantsare grouped | Patcpantaregrouped” | Partants are grouped scordingtodster | accrdingtoctuter | acordingtodster’ | accingto cuter | acoringto duster speculvatons dented by | speialzatons denied by | specaluacons denied by | specalations denied by | spedalzatons ented by Mr EMT AM AMT aM [ie Ganeng — Gur Warne) Sime Coeneed Calera) iat Fes) ese) se) ‘Soa Crapo Jussegat deeds 1 Megan Ween 2843 1 Punbog ‘Tow GuingSerces 1. Cpe Piton 1. Amaton ‘sw 1 Aeote Saveng fees 2 ge ac 162 2 Thesating 2 ntnctonand Thames 2 Hotere 2 camper Sytem Saving 2.GUAW 2 Smal Eng Seng Lecce noon me 3 Sly 82 Moser, {Food and Bveope Saves 2. Avna Poditon 2.ermbardinslaben 3. TAW 2g fora eesote Clg Sarvins 4 Conenty | Wles spe ‘.Annalcth Cae 4 Tectia Otrg 4 Secretion & [ne anapenet Mentone ‘as of April 10, 2017, 12:00 na ~All sessions Include application of appropriate strategies assessment and classroom management (Enclosure No. 6G to DepEd Memorandum No. 84, s. 2017) TRAINING MATRIX OF THE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL MASS TRAINING OF TEACHERS ON ARTS AND DESIGN TRACK TMe paya pay2 pays Understanding Elements Entrepreneurship in the and Principlesot Arts Arts Acrval and (SPECIALIZED) RP: Roselle. RP: Eva Mari Salvador eoo-t0m Registration Pineca (apPuieo) walkthrough of Walkthrough of Curriculum Curriculum Guides/Appropriate _Guides/Appropriate wes Stratepies/Assessment/ Strategies/Assessment/ reno AM SNACKS Ciassioom Management Classroom Management ese. Arrival and No Registration Developing Filipino seo-son OPEINBP*ORI™ Gerteyinthe ts Management inthe As Present Depéd (SPECIALIZED) RP: RP: Eva Mari Salvador Orders on Lutgardo Labad/Nestor (SPECIALIZED) ‘Assessment, 825lc-Horfita Walkthrough ot Pedagogies, etc. walkihroughot Curriculum (Teaching Currcuium Guides/Appropriate Strategies e.g. Guides/appropriate __strategies/Assessment/ Cooperative _Strategies/Assessment/ Classroom Management learning, methods. Classroom Management ‘n-100 on research, etc) 220-345 P.M. SNACKS 25-50 osiytesson Log Provision of special —_—_—Provisionof special 500-600 discussion oncontent discussion on content Individual Daily Lesson cxvecreo NOSES Individual Daily Lesson Log Log for subjects ofthe furacr Output for subjects ofthe day day pays. pays Dave pay? Management of Learning (MOL) Creative industries VS. Creative industries: Creative Industries: Museum Vist Cultural industries Literary Arts Dance (SPECIALIZED) and Theater tour Resource Person: Paolo (SPECIALIZED) Walkthroughof c/o NCCA and ‘Mercado from Berlin Walkthrough of Curriculum ARTIST INC School of Creative Curriculum Guides/appropriate Leadership Guldes/Appropriate _Strategies/Assessmen United Nations Creative Stfategies/Assessment/_ {/ Classroom Cities Network Classroom Management Management Resource Person: Philippine National Commission for UNESCO fn the initiatives ana Potentials for Accreditation in the LUNESCO Creative Cities Network wuc Creative industries: Media Creative Industries: Creative Industries: Museum Visit ‘ts (SPECIALIZED) RP: Jag, Visual Arts (SPECIALIZED) Music (SPECIALIZED) and Theater tour Garcia walkthrough of ‘walkthroughof c/o NCCAand Walkthrough of Curriculum curriculum ARTIST ING Curriculum Guldes/Appropriate _Guides/Appropriate Guides/Appropriate __Strategies/Assessment/_ Strategies/Assessmen Strategies/Assessment/ Classroom Management 1/ Classroom Classroom Management Management Provision of special _—_—Provisionof special Provision of special discussion on content discussion on content _aliscussion on content Individual Daily Lesson Inghvidual Daily Worksheet Individual Daly Lesson Log Logfor subjects of the Lesson Logfor__re-Educational for subjects ofthe day day subjects of the day Tour DINNER 10:15 - 10:30 10:30- 12:00 12:00- 1:00 1:00 - 3:00 3:00-3:15 3:15-5:00 5:00 - 6:00 EXPECTED OUTPUT 6:00 - 7:00 Day 8 Creative Industries: Theater (SPECIALIZED) Walkthrough of Curriculum Guides/Appropriate Strategies/Assessment/ Classroom Management Apprenticeship in the Arts/Exhibits in the Arts (MUSIC/DANCE/THEATER/VISU ‘AL ARTS/LITERARY ARTS/MEDIA ARTS) (SPECIALIZED) Walkthrough of Curriculum Guides/Appropriate Strategies/Assessment/ Classroom Management Provision of special discussion on content Individual Dally Lesson Log for subjects of the day pay 9 Day 10 Management of Learning (MOL) Continuation of Presentation and Critiquing Apprenticeship in the of Daily Lesson Log Arts/Ex! the Arts ‘Walkthrough of Curriculum Guides/Appropriate Strategies/Assessment/ Classroom Management Day 11 Preparation for Culminating Activity LUNCH Presentation and Critiquing of Daily Lesson Log Continuation of Apprenticeship in the Arts/Exhibits in the Arts Walkthrough of Curriculum Guides/Appropriate Strategies/Assessment/ Classroom Management Culminating Activity/Closing Program/Awarding of Certificates/Clearing House Provision of special discussion on content Group performances and exhibit Individual Daily Lesson Log Critiqued Daily Lesson Logs for subjects of the day DINNER (Enclosure No, 6H to DepEd Memo-andum No. 84, 8. 2017) TRAINING MATRIX OF THE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL MASS TRAINING OF TEACHERS ON SPORTS TRACK ee ENS MT TE AER MAC TT MOL, Lae ESCST I arrival and ps2 Psa ps6 psa Breakout by Group Registration Walkthrough of the Walkthrough of the Walkthrough of the Walkthrough of the Curriulum Guide on Curriulum Guide on Curriulum Guide on Curriulum Guide on Presentation of the Specialized Subject: Specialized Subject: Specialized Subject: Specialized Subject: DLL Human Movement Fitness, Sportsand Fundamentals of Safety and First Aid Recreational Coaching Leadership Foard Discussion on Critical Discussion on Critical Discussion on Critical Discussion on Demo Teaching Content/Practicum Content/Practicum Content/Practicum Critical Content/Practicum 0000 LUNCH FEETCMM Opening Program PS3 PSs Ps7 ps9 Return Demo Mechanics Walkthrough of the Walkthrough of the Walkthrough of the Walkthrough of the Curriulum Guide on Curriulum Guide on Curriulum Guide on Curriulum Guideon Psa. Specialized Subject: Fitness Specialized Subject: Specialized Subject: Specialized Subject: Daily Lesson Log, Testing and Exercise Psychosocial Aspects Sports Officiating and Apprenticeship and Pedagogy, Programming in Sports ‘Activity Management immersion Assessment poe) Discussion on Critical Discussion on Critical Discussion on Critical WS 1 Clearing House Content/Practicum Content/ Content/Practicum Preparation for DLL Closing Program Practicum Presentation DLL: Human. DLL: Fitness Testing DLL: Fundamentals of DLL: Safety and First Movement/ Fitness and Exercise Coaching / Aid/Apprenticeship Testing and Exercise Programming/ and immersion Programming Psychosocial Aspects in Sports

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