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Kepada Yth.

Ketua Sub Bagian Obstetri dan Ginekologi Sosial


Dengan hormat,
Sehubungan dengan journal reading saya yang sedianya akan disajikan pada tanggal 24
Agustus 2017 :
Nama : dr. Cornelius Danu Kurniawan
Stase : Bangsal Obstetri
Mengajukan 5 Judul Jurnal untuk dipresentasikan dalam acara ilmiah tersebut.
Adapun judul Jurnal yang akan saya ajukan adalah sebagai berikut :
1. Weight change across the start of three consecutive pregnancies and the risk of
maternal morbidity and SGA birth at the second and third pregnancy
2. Maternal Nutrition During Pregnancy : Intake of Nutrients Important for Bone Health
3. Partner Involvement During Pregnancy and Maternal Health Behaviors
4. Maternal Health Risk Assessment and Behavioral Intervention in the NICU Setting
Following Very Low Birth Weight Delivery
5. Retrospective study of massive obstetric hemorrhage and its materno fetal outcomes
in a tertiary care centre

Semarang, 15 Agustus 2017

Hormat saya

dr. Cornelius Danu Kurniawan

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