Catastrophic Neurologic Disorders in The Emergency Department 2nd Ed PDF

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Second Edition


Professor of Neurology, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine; Chair, Division
of Critical Care Neurology, Department of Neurology, Mayo Clinic;
Consultant, Neurologic-Neurosurgical Intensive Care Unit, Saint Marys
Hospital and Mayo Medical Center, Rochester, Minnesota



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Copyright 2004, 2000 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research.
First Edition published by Butterworth-Heinemann under the title
Neurologic Catastrophes in the Emergency Department.
Butterworth-Heinemann is a member of the Reed Elsevier group.
Published by Oxford University Press, Inc.
198 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016
Oxford is a registered trademark of Oxford University Press
All rights reserved. This book is protected by copyright. No part of it may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise,
without written permission from Mayo Foundation, Rochester, Minnesota.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Wijdicks, Eelco F. M., 1954-
Catastrophic neurologic disorders in the emergency department /
Eelco F.M. Wijdicks.2nd ed. p. ; cm.
Rev. ed. of: Neurologic catastrophes in the emergency department / Eelco F.M. Wijdicks. c2000.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-19-516880-1
1. Neurological emergencies. I. Wijdicks, Eelco F. M. 1954-
Neurologic catastrophes in the emergency department. II. Title.
[DNLM: 1. Nervous System Diseasesdiagnosis.
2. Emergency Treatment. 3. Nervous System Diseasestherapy
WL 140 W662n 2004] RC350.7.W556 2004 616.8'0425dc21 2003053092
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Printed in the United States of America
on acid-free paper
To Barbara-Jane,
Coen, and Marilou,
for the best part of my day
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Preface to the Second Edition

This book is part of a trilogy on critical care neurology published by Oxford Uni-
versity Press. Although some overlap is unavoidable, it stands separately from the
others. I have always considered this monograph a serious attempt to fuse a neuro-
radiology textadapted to acute neurologic conditionswith an emergency neurol-
ogy manual, but without compromising academic rigor.
The second edition of Catastrophic Neurologic Disorders in the Emergency De-
partment retains its unique organization with multiple examples of neuroimaging, al-
gorithms, and inserts with background information (boxes). The tide changed some-
what because several reviewers in the United Kingdom felt the title Neurologic
Catastrophes in the Emergency Department implied a medicolegal book. (Not so!)
A neurologic catastrophe is a major interruption of an otherwise coordinated and
functioning central or peripheral nervous system. However, the damage of an evolv-
ing catastrophe can be lessened if it can be predicted. Therefore, this new edition
has an additional focus on urgent neurologic conditions that could rapidly progress
into a catastrophic neurologic disorder.
The second edition has a wider scope, with eight additional chapters. Seven of
these chapters form a new section on the evaluation of presenting symptoms, and
their conversational titles echo common requests for urgent consultation. As one
would expect, the differential diagnosis of these symptoms is very broad. However,
the chapters emphasize the "red flags" that set the priorities and direction of the
clinical approach. The chapters are intentionally brief and convey the initial over-
lapping of thoughts and action. They are intended only to orient readers, and they
are directly clinical. The neurologic disorders considered are then discussed in more
detail in Parts II and III, to which a chapter on forensic neurology has been added.
The rest of the book has the same layout as the first edition, but I have added fig-
ures and updated the text wherever necessary. In some areas, due to new observa-
tions, I have changed my mind.
I hope the book will continue to serve as a practical guide for neurologists, neu-
rosurgeons, and other physicians who are called upon to manage or evaluate deteri-
orating patients in the emergency department. I hope it will also benefit emergency
physicians who are stationed there.

Rochester, Minnesota E.F.M.W.

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Preface to the First Edition

The first 60 minutes ("golden hour") in acute neurologic emergencies remain criti-
cal, and failure to intervene immediately may result in poor outcome.
Currently available books on neurologic emergencies in the emergency depart-
ment do not reach beyond the basics of neurologic examination and interpretation
of the findings. This book tries to fill the need for a resource for neurologists, emer-
gency room physicians, and neurosurgeons who evaluate, treat, and transfer patients
with catastrophic neurologic disorders. Critical care neurology is often interdepend-
ent with other clinical disciplines, and the book should also be useful for any physi-
cian in the emergency department who interacts with neurologists. The material is
written from a neurologist's perspective, but the approach by emergency department
physicians is reflected as well.
This monograph completes my three-part book project on critical care neurology.
The third book not only offers a practical approach to major neurologic disorders
but also links early management in the emergency department with more prolonged
care in the intensive care unit. It focuses on rapid but accurate neurologic assess-
ment, on the most useful bedside tests, and particularly on interpretation of neuro-
radiologic images. The organization of the book is standardized, with a major focus
on priorities of initial stabilization. I have placed great emphasis on the predictive
value of diagnostic tests when they are available. The chapters are interspersed with
flow diagrams to facilitate decision making and boxed capsules covering major top-
ics in the subject under discussion. The text is brief to facilitate reading. Its aim is
to quickly explain, not to fully discuss, complex topics. It is intended to reflect the
train of thought and action in the emergency department.
This book draws on new material on evaluation and management of major neu-
rologic disorders, but at the risk of presumption I feel compelled to state that it is
also the result of years of contemplation of these problems and all I could find to
read on the subject. However, in a discipline in its formative years, the "whats" are
plentiful and the "whys" fewer. I hope this book is an informative guide to the recog-
nition and management of acute neurologic catastrophes at their early stage of
presentation and finds its way to neurologists, neurosurgeons, neuroradiologists,
emergency physicians, residents, and fellows in these specialties.


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I owe a debt of gratitude to the Section of Scientific Publications and Media Sup-
port Services at Mayo Clinic. I am particularly grateful to David Factor for adding
superb new drawings to this edition and Paul Honerman for his creative digital for-
matting of all the figures and tables. I thank my research secretary, Raquel J.S. Nel-
son, for her enthusiasm in keeping this project on track and her meticulous work
ethic. I am fortunate to be associated with Oxford University Press, and I thank Fiona
Stevens for bringing my "neurocritical care" books under Oxford's patronage.

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Part I Evaluation of Presenting Symptoms Indicating Urgency

1. Short of Breath, 3
2. Can't Walk or Stand, 12
3. See Nothing, See Double, See Shapes and Images, 17
4. Spinning, 26
5. Twitching and Spasms, 30
6. A Terrible Headache, 36
7. Confused and Febrile, 43

Part II Evaluation and Management of Evolving Catastrophes in the Neuraxis

8. Altered Arousal and Coma, 53
9. Brain Edema, 94
10. Status Epilepticus and Recurrent Seizures, 106
11. Acute Obstructive Hydrocephalus, 121
12. Acute Spinal Cord Compression, 132

Part III Catastrophic Neurologic Disorders Due to Specific Causes

13. Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, 149
14. Intracerebral Hematomas, 169
15. Major Ischemic Stroke Syndromes, 191
16. Acute Bacterial Infections of the Central Nervous System, 223
17. Acute Encephalitis, 237
18. Acute White Matter Diseases, 255
19. Traumatic Brain and Spine Injury, 272
20. Forensic Neurologic Injury, 295
Index, 307

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Part I
Evaluation of Presenting Symptoms
Indicating Urgency
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Chapter 1
Short of Breath

A breathless patient with a suspected underlying Clinical Assessment

neurologic disorder is alarming and requires a
swift response. The patient feels that respiratory Acute lesions of the hemisphere or brain stem
function is changing and, due to the increased impact on automatic or voluntary respiratory con-
work of breathing, may use descriptions such as trol. The automatic control of the respiratory
"chest tightness."1 Respiratory distress may not drive is generated in the primary ventilatory nu-
be apparent, noticeable only when provoked by clei in the brain stem (Box 1.1). Loss of automatic
change in position or with testing of respiratory control (Ondine's curse) has been reported with
mechanics. It may be the first defining sign of neuroblastoma and syringobulbia but is extremely
neuromuscular disease.24 In other circumstances rare.
patients may present in coma, catching breaths or The voluntary control originates in the cortex
are even ceasing to breathe. and connects to spinal cord levels with motor
Neurologic disease can impair respiration at neurons sending connecting fibers to the di-
multiple levels (Fig. 1.1). The interconnections aphragm, intercostal muscles, and abdominal
between cerebral hemispheres, respiratory cen- muscles. Impaired voluntary breathing involves a
ters in the brain stem and axons, motor neurons, gamut of respiratory disorders and is not dis-
phrenic nerves, and the respiratory muscles pro- cussed further. All of these breathing patterns re-
vide a functional system that moves air in and out sult in hypoxemia and can rarely be observed well
of the lungs. If the system fails, hypercapnia because patients have already been placed on a
results. The alveoli and pulmonary capillaries mechanical ventilator. Some of these patterns are
subsequently permit efficient gas exchange by dif- apneustic breathing or cluster breathing, both
fusion through a foil-thin barrier; if that fails, common with acute lesions in the brain stem.
hypoxemia results. Both conditions may occur si- Cheyne-Stokes breathing (an oscillating cycle of
multaneously or one disorder may lead to the 2-3 minutes of hyperpnea separated by apnea) is
other when reduced airflow leads to poor alveo- very frequent and could lead to brief periods of
lar recruitment and collapse. oxygen desaturation.
There are a number of steps one could take to Failure to maintain a patent airway may have
narrow down the diagnostic possibilities. In the originated directly from acute neurologic disease.
initial evaluation, it is logical to ask three major Breathing may be obstructed at the pharyngeal or
questions (Table 1.1): Does the patient generate laryngeal level due to tongue displacement, vomit,
breaths? Is air getting to where it needs to go? Is or tooth fragments. Breathing may also be labored
the pulmonary apparatus intact?5 from stridor, recognized by a high-pitched noise


Figure 1.1 Causes of respiratory failure in neurologic disease at different levels of the
nervous system.

at inspiration. It is not infrequent after extubation respiratory muscles causing incoordinated respi-
from subglottic edema or traumatic epithelial in- ratory muscle pump function. Acute spinal cord
jury6 but may be due to laryngeal dystonia (see lesions affecting higher cervical regions (C3-C5)
Chapter 5) or vocal cord paralysis. Failure of gas result in ventilator dependence. Lesions below
exchange could be due to profound aspiration or, the level of C5 spare the nerve connections to the
less commonly, neurogenic pulmonary edema. diaphragm, but expiratory effort is markedly re-
Frothy sputum and tachypnea often accompany duced due to involvement of the abdominal and
hypoxemia and increased alveolar-arterial oxygen intercostal muscles. Placing the patient in a supine
gradient. position improves expiration due to pressure of
Respiratory mechanics can become impaired abdominal contents to the chest; breathing be-
due to lesions of the lower motor neuron (Box comes labored when the patient is placed in a
1.2). However, disorders of the central nervous chair. Other lesions of the spinal cord (particu-
system may also impact on mechanics of the rib larly multiple sclerosis) may cause diaphragmatic
cage. Restricted muscle movements in advanced dysfunction, particularly when localized in the up-
stages of Parkinson's disease are also reflected by per cervical cord.
Short of Breath 5

Table 1.1. Three Major Causes of Respiratory herpes zoster infection, or chiropractic manipula-
Failure in Acute Neurologic Disease tion.911
The focus of examination in patients with breath-
Abnormal respiratory drive lessness due to neuromuscular disease should be
Sedatives (e.g., opioids, barbiturates, benzodiazepines,
propofol) on bulbar dysfunction, paradoxical breathing, and
(Ponto)medullary lesion (hemorrhage, infarct, trauma) impaired coughing. Careful inspection and testing
Hypercarbia of the oropharyngeal muscles may point to a diag-
Abnormal respiratory conduit nosis. Longstanding dysfunction, such as in amyo-
Upper airway obstruction trophic lateral sclerosis, is often evident by the pres-
Massive aspiration
Neurogenic pulmonary edema ence of a wrinkled, fasciculating, slowly moving
Pneumothorax (e.g., after subclavian catheterization) tongue and a hyperactive jaw reflex. In myasthenia
Abnormal respiratory mechanics gravis, next to ptosis and ophthalmoparesis, mus-
Spinal cord lesion (e.g., trauma, demyelination, cle weakness is prominent in the masseter muscles,
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) and repetitive forceful biting on a tongue depres-
Phrenic nerve lesion (e.g., Guillain-Barre syndrome)
Absent or decreased neuromuscular junction traffic sor is soon followed by inability to close the teeth.
(e.g., organophosphates, botulism, tick paralysis, Passage of air through the nose when asked to
myasthenia gravis, Lambert-Eaton syndrome) blow up the cheek against counterpressure by the
Diaphragm weakness (e.g., myopathies) or associated examiner's thumb and index finger reveals addi-
trauma tional oropharyngeal weakness. The assessment of
oropharyngeal weakness hints not only of involve-
ment of the respiratory mechanics but also that in-
The phrenic nerve may be injured, and unilat- effective swallowing could lead to aspiration. In a
eral damage could cause marked breathlessness study on predictors of respiratory decline in Guil-
during any form of exercise and prevent lying flat. lain-Barre syndrome, bulbar dysfunction predicted
Many cases are unexplained or due to neuralgic later requirement of mechanical ventilation.12
amyotrophy (associated with intense pain in The symptoms and signs of acute neuromuscu-
shoulder muscles), stretch injury, or traumatic lar respiratory failure are often very subtle. An ini-
brachial plexus injury.8 It is known to occur in tial cursory observation of breathing, blood gas,
compression of the brachial plexus due to tumor and chest X-ray could indicate no danger to the
(commonly squamous cell lung carcinoma) or patient at all. However, after striking up a con-
aneurysm (thoracic aorta), prior chest surgery or versation, it becomes obvious that the patient fre-
cannulation of subclavian or internal jugular vein, quently pauses in sentences to take a breath,

Box 1.2. The Anatomy of Pulmonary Mechanics

The activation of muscles in the upper airway, par- and dyspnea is expected with its (dysfunction. When
ticularly the pharyngeal constrictor muscles and ge- it contracts the rib cage lifts due to its cephalocau-
niogbssus, maintains a patent pharynx. The di- dal fiber orientation. When it is not sufficient to
ajftira^B is the major contributor to the respiratory lever it, accessory muscles such as sternocleidomas-
pump. Using the abdomen as a bearing, its descent toid, pectoralis, trapezius, and latissimus dorsi,
displaces the abdominal contents in a caudal and which harness the rib cage, are recruited. Expira-
outward direction. The intercostal muscles run tion is assisted by contraction of the abdominal mus-
obliquely caudad and backward from the rib above cles. Coughing requires closure of the glottis and
to the rib below and thus provide, with contraction, contraction of the diaphragm and abdominal mus-
an additional function. The muscles involved with cles. The abdominal muscles can become severely
respiration are not all active, and the inspiratory and affected in any neuromuscular disorder, reducing
expiratory muscles cycle during quiet breathing, the the effectiveness of coughing and ateleetasis. Con-:
diaphragm contracts synchronously with the inter- versely, a patient with a forceful cough rarely has
costal and scalene muscles (inspiration), and ab- significant neuromuscular respiratory failure. Drags
dominal muscles barely assist with passive recoil of (particularly opioids) and sleep can have an addi-
the rib cage (expiration). tional detrimental effect on respiratory drive and
The diaphragm controls most of the inspiration, load

displays sweat accumulations at the hairline, cates that an early opportunity for endotracheal
demonstrates a mild tachycardia, and, when intubation has been missed. These patients are on
asked, confirms a sense of discomfort and in- the verge of apnea, often in the middle of the
creased work of breathing. The arterial blood gas night.13 It is important to note here that hypox-
can be entirely normal because the patient, due emia and hypercarbia are additional late phe-
to an increase in frequency, is still able to com- nomena, even in patients who are marginally com-
pensate for a threatening hypoxemia. (The typical pensated. Hypoxemia occurs due to significant
response in other medical disorders is increased shunting associated with collapse of multiple alve-
tidal volume, but this is actually reduced because oli that are not recruited from breathing.
of respiratory muscle fatigue.) The tachypnea may
be subtle, and respiratory rate is often increased
to 20 breaths per minute and quickly rises. A use- Bedside Respiratory and
ful bedside test is to have the patient count to 20 Laboratory Equipment
in one breath after maximal inhalation. If the pa-
tient can count, advancing one per second, the vi- Pulmonary function tests provide quite useful val-
tal capacity is probably still within normal range. ues and are easy to obtain using non-electrical
The classic clinical features of inspiratory paradox bedside devices. Commonly used peak flow de-
are characterized by inward movement of the ab- vices (e.g., for asthma) are unreliable because ex-
domen during inspiration. With normal inspira- piratory peak flow rates can be normal. In neuro-
tion, lungs fill with positive pressure after the muscular respiratory failure, the airway is patent
chest expands during diaphragm contraction, and lung recoil is actually increased. The simplest
moving the abdominal contents out. When the di- tests are assessment of vital capacity (VC), maxi-
aphragm stops contracting, the positive pressure mal inspiratory pressure (PImax), and maximal ex-
is replaced by a negative pressure, which causes piratory pressure (PEmax). The patient's position
the inward sucking movement of the abdomen. when these values are obtained is rather critical
However, inspiratory paradox due to diaphragm because clinically relevant diaphragmatic fatigue
weakness reveals itself late in the illness. Particu- may become obvious in the supine position.
larly when observed in a patient with an acute The technique of obtaining respiratory muscle
neuromuscular disorder, it more than likely indi- function values is important, and scuba diving
Short of Breath 7

mouthpieces may reduce leakage, particularly physema. This condition in advanced stages makes
when bilateral facial palsy is present. After the the diaphragm flat due to trapped gas in the lungs.
patient is connected to this apparatus, a nose clip There is little, if any, evidence of its usefulness
is placed and the airway is occluded by blocking in clinical assessment except in Guillain-Barre syn-
a port in the valve or by closing a shutter. VC is drome. A retrospective analysis of 114 patients with
the volume of gas measured from a slow, com- Guillain-Barre syndrome noted possible critical val-
plete forced expiration after maximal inspiration. ues of vital capacity of less than 20 mL/kg, PImax
VC can be reduced by additional airway and pul- less than 30 cm H2O, PEmax less than 40 cm H2O
monary disorders, certainly in patients with prior (the so-called 20/30/40 rule) but also any reduction
restricted pulmonary disease. PImax is recorded in vital capacity of more than 30% from baseline.12
when a patient forcefully inspires against an oc- Another study found VC 60% of the predictive
cluded device. Typically, PImax is measured near value already a warning sign.14
residual volume at the end of maximal expiration An important correlation, or lack thereof, is re-
and has a negative value as a result of the inspira- duction of respiratory muscle strength with PaO2 or
tory effort in the presence of an occluded airway. increased PaCO2 Only when pulmonary function
PEmax measured near total lung capacity is the tests are markedly reduced is some rise in PaCO2
maximal pressure that can be generated by the pa- expected; however, low-flow (0.52 L/min) O2 ad-
tient making a forceful expiratory effort in an oc- ministration may worsen hypercarbia substantially.15
cluded airway. The manometer is able to record In these patients, measures to increase alveolar ven-
from 10 to 200 cm H2O. The coaching of the pa- tilation do not exist. In those patients with long-
tient is very important. Many patients have a ten- standing neuromuscular respiratory dysfunction and
dency to produce a Valsalva maneuver, after which carbon dioxide retention, there is a dependence on
the required pressure is not generated and leads to a "hypoxemia drive." The additional administration
falsely low values. Lack of understanding by the pa- of oxygen may cause apnea and hypercarbic coma.
tient on how to perform this test remains a major The chest X-ray remains important in assessing
problem in obtaining these spirometric values. pulmonary abnormalities. In neurogenic pul-
Normal adults can generate at least 60 cm monary edema it may show hazy opacities and air-
H2O of inspiratory pressures, and these are de- space shadowing indistinguishable from cardio-
creased in patients who have weakness of the me- genic pulmonary edema or aspiration pneumonitis
chanical function of the rib cage. PImax is largely (Fig. 1.2). Both acute lung injury and cardiac dys-
a function of the abdominal and accessory mus- function may be present as a result of an adren-
cles of respiration and some elastic recoil of the ergic surge in acute hemispheric lesions or sub-
lungs. However, PImax can also be decreased in arachnoid hemorrhage.16 Suppression of cough
patients with hyperinflation disorders, such as em- reflex by sedatives or antiepileptic agents (e.g.,

Figure 1.2 Serial chest X-ray in a patient with sub- enlargement of the heart shadow, indicating pulmonary
arachnoid hemorrhage showing acute development edema due to cardiac dysfunction. Bight, After improve-
of pulmonary edema. Left, Chest X-ray on admission. ment in cardiac function with use of inotropes, infiltrates
Middle, Acute development of pulmonary infiltrates and remain, suggesting dual injury to lungs and heart.16

Figure 1.3 Acute bronchial occlusion from mucus plug (left), with reexpansion of the lung
after bronchoscopic removal (right).

barbiturates) may cause mucus plugging of a main formed in any patient with persistent decrease in
bronchus (Fig. 1.3). The chest X-ray may also responsiveness and marginal oxygenation. Pa-
show indirect signs of phrenic nerve injury (Fig. tients who have a mild tachycardia, display evi-
1.4). Phrenic nerve conduction tests may docu- dence of hypoxemia on a pulse oximeter, have ev-
ment absent responses.8 idence of increased work of breathing with change
in posture,17 or display the appearance of sweat
beads need to be intubated preemptively.
Line of Action In comatose patients, obstruction of the airway
occurs for several reasons. First, muscles of the
Upper airway obstruction should be relieved, and floor of the mouth and tongue become reduced
in stridor laryngoscopy should be performed to in tone, and this changes the anatomic relation-
view vocal cord erosion or epithelial damage. ships. The tongue is repositioned to the back wall
Elective endotracheal intubation must be per- of the oropharynx and obstructs the airway. This

Figure 1.4 Serial chest X-rays showing development of hemidiaphragm elevation due to
phrenic nerve injury on the right. (Left, normal; right, abnormal.)
Short of Breath 9

position is even more exaggerated when the head through the cricothyroid membrane, followed by
is flexed. Therefore, with a simple technique the insertion of a cannula. (The cricothyroid mem-
airway can be reopened. This so-called head- brane is located just under the thyroid.) A formal
tilt/chin-lift (Fig. 1.5) tilts the head backward to tracheostomy should follow because ventilation
what is often called the "sniffing position." In this through this small, highly flow-resistant tube is
position, the trachea and pharynx angulation is compromised.
minimal, allowing for air transport. Also, the in- Hypoxemia is often encountered, and oxygen
dex and middle fingers of the examiner's hand lift administration has a high priority in patients with
the mandible and bring the tongue forward. impaired consciousness. Nasal prongs are ineffi-
Another technique is the so-called jaw- cient because they provide only 30% oxygen con-
thrust/head-tilt. The examiner places the ring, centrations and often dislodge. Nasopharyngeal
middle, and little fingers underneath the patient's catheters provide 60% oxygen concentrations (but
jaw and lifts the chin forward. The examiner's in-
dex finger and thumb are free to fit a mask snugly
to the face, with the other hand free to operate a
resuscitation bag.
When the airway appears blocked by foreign
material or dentures, this technique is modified
by placing the thumb in the mouth, grasping the
chin, and pulling it upward, leaving the other hand
to clear any obstructing material from the airway
(Fig. 1.5).
An oropharyngeal airway should be placed and is
essential in patients who recently had a seizure be-
cause it prevents further tongue biting. The place-
ment of this oral airway device is simple. The mouth
is opened, a wooden tongue depressor is placed at
the base of the tongue, and downward pressure is
applied to displace the tongue from the posterior
pharyngeal wall. The oropharyngeal tube is then
placed close to the posterior wall of the oropharynx
and is moved toward the tongue until the teeth are
at the bite-block section. Alternatively, the jaw is
thrust forward and the device is placed concave to-
ward the palate and then rotated.18 Dental injury,
most commonly in patients who have significant
dental or periodontal disease, rarely occurs.
Jaw thrust and mask ventilation securely main-
tain an open airway but must be followed by en-
dotracheal intubation done by an experienced
physician. Endotracheal intubation may be com-
plicated in a traumatized patient with possible cer-
vical spine injury. The ideal solution in these pa-
tients is to use fiberoptic bronchoscopy because
with this procedure the risk of further neck
trauma from neck movement is very low. Imme-
diate endotracheal intubation is required in pa- Figure 1.5 Techniques of airway management.
tients with penetrating neck trauma or significant A, Tongue jaw lift/finger sweep. B, Head tilt/chin lift.
intraoral bleeding. Temporarily, a cricothyrotomy C, Jaw thrust/mask ventilation. From Wijdicks EFM,
can be made. A 14-gauge needle is inserted Borel CO.18 By permission of Mayo Foundation.

Guillain-Barre syndrome is disappointing and we

have seen respiratory distress persisting or emerg-
ing suddenly with BiPAP. Respiratory failure is
commonly anticipated in patients with chronic
neuromuscular disorders. This option ideally is
addressed before intubation is undertaken.23 In
some patients (albeit very few), marked atelecta-
sis, intervening pneumonia, or aspiration may
have substantially contributed to respiratory fail-
ure. Thus, it should be emphasized that ventila-
tory dependence is not an incontrovertible out-
come, and a period of rest with ventilatory support
may lead to marked improvement.
After endotracheal intubation, virtually all pa-
tients are well served with an initial ventilator or-
der that includes intermittent mandatory ventila-
tion mode. The positive pressure breaths that are
delivered by the mechanical ventilator are trig-
Figure 1.6 Critical steps in imminent neuromuscular gered by the patient, who has to generate only small
respiratory failure. VC, vital capacity; PImax, maxi- pressure differences. The patient is able to breathe
mal inspiratory pressure; PEmax, maximal expiratory in between ventilator breaths and has entirely un-
pressure; PaO2/PaCO2, partial pressure of arterial supported breaths. This ventilator order is partic-
oxygen/carbon dioxide; BIPAP, bilevel positive airway ularly useful in neurologic patients because it al-
pressure ventilation. lows for spontaneous breathing, and it can deliver
hyperventilation if needed. A typical ventilator or-
der for neurologically stable patients is a synchro-
only when the tip of the catheter is visible above nized intermittent mandatory ventilation mode
the soft palate or face mask) and are a better with an FiO2 of 0.41.0, respiratory rate at 8-12
alternative. Resuscitation bags are an optimal breaths/minute, tidal volume of 1015 mL/kg, pos-
source of oxygen, and they can deliver a fraction itive end-expiratory pressure of 2-5 cm H2O, and
of inspiratory O2 (FiO2) above 0.9 when the oxy- an inspiration/expiration ratio of l-3.24,25
gen flow in the bag is 10 mL/minute. Oxygena-
tion should be monitored with a pulse oximeter
(O2 saturation should exceed 90%) or measure- REFERENCES
ment of an arterial blood gas sample (PaO2 >100
mm Hg). 1. Sivak ED, Shefner JM, Sexton J: Neuromuscular disease
The indications for intubation in patients with and hypoventilation. Curr Opin Pulm Med 5:355, 1999.
acute neuromuscular failure are shown in Figure 2. Braun NMT, Arora NS, Rochester DF: Respiratory mus-
cle and pulmonary function in polymyositis and other
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proximal myopathies. Thorax 38:616, 1983.
(BiPAP) ventilation in acute myasthenic crises, 3. De Carvalho M, Matias T, Coelho F, et al.: Motor neu-
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and likely other ron disease presenting with respiratory failure. j Neurol
chronic neuromuscular disorders should be tried Sci 139:117, 1996.
first and may prevent mechanical ventilator de- 4. Kelly BJ, Luce JM: The diagnosis and management of
pendence, tracheostomy, and volume-controlled, neuromuscular diseases causing respiratory failure. Chest
ventilator-associated pulmonary injury. BiPAP 99:1485, 1991.
5. Wijdicks EFM: Short of breath, short of air, short of me-
may avert intubation in acute myasthenic crises
chanics. Pract Neurol 2:208, 2002.
and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.1922 How- 6. Jaber S, Chanques G, Matecki S, et al: Post-extubation
ever, presence of hypercapnia predicts failure of stridor in intensive care unit patients: risk factors evalua-
BiPAP, and volume-controlled mechanical venti- tion and importance of the cuff-leak test. Intensive Care
lation is preferred.21 Our initial experience in Med 29:69, 2003.
Short of Breath 11

7. Ragette R, Mellies U, Schwake C, et al.: Patterns and pre- 17. Allen SM, Hunt B, Green M: Fall in vital capacity with
dictors of sleep disordered breathing in primary my- posture. Br J Dis Chest 79:267, 1985.
opathies. Thorax 57:724, 2002. 18. Wijdicks EFM, Borel CD: Respiratory management in
8. Chen YZ, Zu JG, Shen LJ, et al.: Phrenic nerve conduc- acute neurologic illness. Neurology 50:11, 1998.
tion study in patients with traumatic brachial plexus palsy. 19. Lyall RA, Donaldson N, Fleming T, et al.: A prospective
Muscle Nerve 24:1388, 2001. study of quality of life in ALS patients treated with non-
9. Pandit A, Kalra S, Woodcock A: An unusual cause of bi- invasive ventilation. Neurology 57:153, 2001.
lateral diaphragmatic paralysis. Thorax 47:201, 1992. 20. Miller RG, Rosenberg JA, Gelinas DF, et al.: Practice pa-
10. Soler JJ, Perpina M, Alfaro A: Hemidiaphragmatic paralysis rameter: the care of the patient with amyotrophic lateral
caused by cervical herpes zoster. Respiration 63:403, 1996. sclerosis (an evidence-based review): report of the Qual-
11. Piehler JM, Pairolero PC, Gracey DR, et al.: Unexplained ity Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of
diaphragmatic paralysis: harbinger of malignant disease? Neurology: ALS Practice Parameter Task Force. Neurol-
J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 84:861, 1982. ogy 52:1311, 1999.
12. Lawn ND, Fletcher DD, Henderson RD, et al.: Antici- 21. Rabinstein AA, Wijdicks EFM: BiPAP in acute respira-
pating mechanical ventilation in Guillain-Barre syndrome. tory failure due to myasthenic crisis may prevent intuba-
Arch Neurol 58:893, 2001. tion. Neurology 59:1647, 2002.
13. Wijdicks EFM, Henderson RD, McClelland RL: Emer- 22. Sivak ED, Shefner JM, Mitsumoto H, et al.: The use of
gency intubation for respiratory failure in Guillain-Barre' non-invasive positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV) in ALS
syndrome. Arch Neurol 60:947, 2003. patients. A need for improved determination of interven-
14. Sharshar T, Cheveret S, Bourdain F, et al.: Early predic- tion timing. Amyotroph Lateral Scler Other Motor Neu-
tors of mechanical ventilation in Guillain-Barre syndrome. ron Disord 2:139, 2001.
Crit Care Med 31:278, 2003. 23. Rumbak MJ, Walker RM: Should patients with neuro-
15. Gay PC, Edmonds JC: Severe hypercapnia after low-flow muscular disease be denied the choice of the treatment
oxygen therapy in patients with neuromuscular disease of mechanical ventilation? Chest 119:683, 2001.
and diaphragmatic dysfunction. Mayo Clin Proc 70:327, 24. Slutsky AS: Mechanical ventilation. American College of
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shock and acute lung injury after aneurysmal subarach- 25. Wijdicks EFM, Borel CO: Respiratory management in
noid hemorrhage (submitted for publication). acute neurologic illness. Neurology 50:11, 1998.
Chapter 2
Can't Walk or Stand

Acute impairment of the normal walking pattern standing is tested by assessing vertical posture
is a comparatively common sign in patients arriv- with eyes closed. Ability to maintain vertical
ing in the emergency department. Many patients stance with eyes closed could be impaired, with
present their symptom of inability to walk with patients veering to one side. (One should note that
sufficient explanation, and quite often it is due to keeling over consistently toward the examiner is
an inability to support one's own weight from leg psychogenic.) Walking is assessed next. Failure to
weakness or to maintain balance. Differentiating initiate walking, "freezing" of gait during walking
muscle weakness, lack of balance, or even inabil- through a door, stepping and stride, and arm
ity to initiate a walk requires careful assessment swing (including turns) are noted. Tandem gait
and most of the time emergent neuroimaging. Ex- and side-to-side pushes are finally added to assess
amination of strength, sensation, and coordination gait.
should elicit a localization, severity of illness, and Failure to initiate gait and lifting the feet off
further determination of the specific diagnosis. the floor ("as if glued to the floor, magnetic") may
Statistically, the most serious acute disorders as- be due to acute frontal brain lesions or a more dif-
sociated with leg weakness are those due to acute fuse motor control failure, seen in patients with
spinal cord compression, acute spinal cord is- profound white matter lesions. Parkinsonian gait
chemia, and Guillain-Barre syndrome. To pre- is usually suspected with small steps, audible shuf-
serve the notion that acute leg weakness may be fle, en bloc turns, and flexed posture. Freezing is
due to spinal cord compression, a separate chap- common in parkinsonian syndromes and more a
ter (Chapter 12) details recognition and manage- result of progression of the disease than an acute,
ment. Disorders with acute ataxia in adults (viral first prominent manifestation.1,2 Freezing may oc-
illness predominates in children) are invariably cur in a third of patients with hemiparetic stroke.3
due to acute cerebellar or pontine (vestibular nu- Unilateral thalamus lesions with sensory loss but
clei) lesions (see Chapter 15). Acute ataxic hemi- no motor weakness could result in falls from
paresis may be due to a pontine or capsular lesion falling backward or sideways.4 The thalamofrontal
(see Chapter 15). connections and input from the cerebellum and
spinal long tracts are responsible for this gait
Clinical Assessment Gait apraxia is diagnosed when steps are inap-
propriate. Mayer and Barron5 defined it as "loss
If the patient walks into the emergency depart- of ability to properly use the lower limbs in the
ment, balance and gait can be examined by fol- act of walking." Gait is counterproductive with
lowing a simple set of tests. Proprioception after perseverative leg movements, crossing legs while

Can't Walk or Stand 13

attempting to walk, and inability to mime march multiple sclerosis) should be considered. Patients
on the spot or wipe feet on an imagined mat. may have useless, numb, clumsy hands and may
Normally, during walking or running the feet be unable to identify simple objects (e.g., coins)
slide very close to each other with minimal dis- in their hands.
tance (less than 1 inch) between them. In cere- Inability to support one's own weight due to leg
bellar ataxia, the base widens and patients have weakness and inability to get up from a sitting po-
instability of the trunk, poorly directed foot land- sition, climb stairs, or walk uphill without taking
ing, and less specific inability to perform a tan- countermeasures may eventually evolve into full
dem gait and sway and fall in all directions. Visual paraplegia. These symptoms are so prominent
correction may reduce these manifestations. that they may obscure equally important com-
However, flocculonodular localizations do pro- plaints of tingling and numbness. Progression
duce more sweep to one side with eyes closed.6 may be in the ascending direction or suddenly
Inability to even sit without falling over indicates complete.
a midline cerebellar vermis lesion. The first principle is to determine a pattern of
Spastic gait with its typical scissoring and in- weakness. Proximal involvement favors muscle
creased tone (rapid stretching causes increased disease, myasthenia gravis, or myasthenic syn-
resistance) proportionally involves the extensor dromes but also spinal cord disease. Purely distal
muscles in the legs. Its presentation implies a weakness is more typical of peripheral nerve dis-
much longer process, but patients may more or ease. Periodic paralysis is a rare disorder, but this
less acutely notice their symptoms becoming channelopathy should be considered if the symp-
severe. toms are repetitive.10 Improving strength with
Loss of proprioception is a result of a disorder repetitive testing argues for a presynaptic defect
involving dorsal root ganglia cells and large fiber of the neuromuscular junction (Lambert-Eaton
afferents in the posterior columns. These are usu- syndrome). Worsening strength with repetitive
ally known as "subacute" conditions due to prior testing argues for a postsynaptic disorder of neu-
use of chemotherapeutic agents such as cisplatin romuscular traffic (myasthenia gravis).11 Tendon
(dose >500 mg/m2), nitrous oxide (abuse by den- reflexes are lost early in acute polyradiculopathy
tists), and overdose with pyridoxine, or due to and in spinal shock (see Chapter 12) and reduced
paraneoplastic destruction (Box 2.1). Pseudo- in Lambert-Eaton syndrome and severe muscle
athetosis, areflexia, and absent position and vi- disorders. Fasciculations and atrophy should be
bration sense are hallmarks of this entity. When noted and indicate rapid worsening of a chronic
seen with spastic paraparesis and Lhermitte's sign, neurologic disorder, mostly disorders involving
a cervical myelopathy (e.g., cervical spondylosis or the anterior horn cell or peripheral nerve. Muscle

Box 2.1. Paraneoplastic Syndromes Affecting Gait

Disabling ataxia, leg weakness, pains, and paresthe- or anti-Hu. it predicts small cell lung cancer. In
sias may ho presenting manifestations of cancer. Key some patients, anti-Tr antibodies predict Hodgkin's
syndromes are paraneoplaslic cerebellar degenera- lymphoma. Sensory) neuropathies arc associated
tion, opsoclonus, myoclonus and ataxia syndrome, with ANNA-1 or anti-Hu antibodies, which are
sensory or motor polyneuropathy, and Lambert- rarely found in motor neuropathy. Voltage-gated
Eaton syndrome. These manifestations are probably calcium channel antibodies are almost always pres-
a result of a rapidly evolving immunologie mecha- ent in Lambert-Eat on syndrome, Positive antibod-
nism and may become dramatically apparent in a ies should prompt more aggressive search using
matter of weeks. Paraneoplastic cerebellar degen- bronchoscopy, hone marrow aspiration, laparos-
eration associated with anti-Purkinje cell antibodies eopy, or positron emission tomography. The serum
(PCA-1 or anti-Yo) increases suspicion of breast, antibodies that art1 found vary in type and detection
ovarian, or genital tract cancer; when associated with and do not predict response to therapy, if any.'"9
ANNA (antineuronal nuclear autoantibody), anti-Ri,

tone is flaccid in acute Guillain-Barre syndrome, confirm the diagnosis. Ischemic myelopathy may
spinal shock, or cauda equina lesion. be due to reduced spinal blood flow, which in turn
Neurologic examination proceeds with sensory is due to increased intraspinal cerebrospinal fluid
examination of the dermatomes and bladder as- (CSF) pressure (Box 2.2).
sessment. The methods are discussed in Chapter Many other neurologic disorders can mimic spinal
12 regarding spinal cord compression, where it is cord compression. Essential facts in the medical his-
most relevant. tory include recent viral illness, vaccinations, illicit
The differential diagnosis of acute or worsen- drug use, fever, weight loss, myalgia, severe back
ing paraplegia is quite broad but here is tailored pain with radiation, recent tick bite, and skin rash,
toward disorders that, when not met with imme- which may indicate acute myelitis or polyradicu-
diate attention, may result in permanent disa- lopathy. It is very important to determine whether
bility, bladder dysfunction, or even imperil respi- the patient is immunocompromised (e.g., cy-
ration (Table 2.1). Acute paraplegia may be an im- closporine, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma), has clinical
mediate consequence of aortic dissection. Acute evidence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
pain may be associated with widening medi- infection, or has risk factors for the acquired im-
astinum on chest X-ray. An emergent echocar- munodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) virus, including
diogram or magnetic resonance angiogram can previous blood or blood-product transfusions (the

Table 2.1. Acute Paraplegia

Disorder History of Suggests

Myelitis Vaccination Postvaccination myelopathy

Febrile illness Postinfectious transverse myelitis
Optic neuritis Multiple sclerosis or Devic's disease
Travel Schistosomiasis, cysticercosis
Tick bite Lyme disease
Immunosuppression, AIDS Tuberculosis, aspergillosis, coccidioidomycosis,
Myelopathy Cancer Acute necrotic myelopathy
Aortic aneurysms or recent Infarction of the cord (thromboemboli,
catheterization, low back pain fibrocartilaginous emboli)
Connective tissue disease (Sjogren's Vasculitis
syndrome, SLE)
Cancer Radiation myelopathy
Paraneoplastic myelopathy
Anticoagulation Epidural hematoma
Intramedullary hemorrhage
Progressive symptoms with occasional Spinal AVM
exacerbation, profound muscle Dural AV fistula
Polyradiculopathy Diarrhea, URI, CMV, HS, EBV, Guillain-Barre syndrome
diabetes mellitus, leukemia, Acute diabetic polyradiculopathy
sarcoidosis Infiltrative or inflammatory polyradiculopathy
Neoplastic meningitis Carcinoma, lymphoma, or other Leptomeningeal spread
hematologic-oncologic disease
Neuromuscular Dysphagia, diplopia, ptosis, fatigability Myasthenia gravis
dysfunction Small cell lung cancer Lambert-Eaton syndrome
Dry mouth; sixth nerve palsy;fixed, Botulism
dilated pupils
Myopathy Autoimmune disorder Polymyositis
Malar, perioral skin rash Dermatomyositis
Exercise intolerance and myoglobinuria Metabolic myopathy
Periodic attacks (minutes to hours) Hyperkalemic or hypokalemic paralysis
AIDS, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; AV, arteriovenous; AVM, arteriovenous malformation; CMV, cytomegalovirus; EBV, Epstein-
Barr virus; HS, herpes simplex; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus; URI, upper respiratory infection.
Can't Walk or Stand 15

Box 2.2 paraplegia in Aortic Dissection

Immediate- or delayed-onset paraplegia from spinal traspinal volume and increased CSF pressure. Early
cord ischemia tan he a consequence of aortic dis- spinal cord edema may cause the CSF pressure to
section. It is often inappropriately considered per- rise also. Spinal cord perfusion is reduced and equal
manent at onset. An acute lumbar puncture may to spinal arterial pressure minus CSF pressure. Re-
lead to rapid recovery, and a high opening pressure moval of 20 to 30 mL of CSF followed by continu-
is evident. Aortic occlusion of the descending aorta ous CSF drainage at a rate of 5 to 10 mL per hour
and cardiac outflow obstruction increase volume in can be dramatically effective, with resolution of
the intracranial sinuses, translating into increased in- symptoms within hours.12,13

risks were higher before 1985, when regular HIV and often involves viral infections. Viruses affect-
screening was not available in blood banks). Recent ing spinal gray matter usually include herpes
travel may be relevant and may suggest a myelopa- zoster, but other herpes viruses (cytomegalovirus,
thy from Schistosoma species (endemic in Brazil) or herpes simplex) may attack nerve roots. CSF in
cysticercosis (any country in Latin America). herpes zoster myelitis shows pleocytosis, increased
Acute transverse myelitis should be considered protein levels, and normal glucose values. Viruses
in patients between age 10 and 20 or 30 and 40 with a proclivity for white matter include HIV and
years but is highly uncommon. Criteria include de- human T-cell lymphotropic virus (type I). A viral
velopment of sensorimotor or autonomic dysfunc- serologic panel should be obtained in the emer-
tion from a cord lesion, defined sensory level; bi- gency department in appropriate cases (HSV-1,
lateral signs that can be asymmetric; and progression HSV-2, HHV-6, VZV, CMV, EBV, HIV, and en-
to maximal deficit within hours or 3 weeks. teroviruses). Increased white cell count should
suggest an acute transverse myelitis. In appropri-
ate circumstances such as in concurrent TB infec-
Line of Action tion, CSF and fast bacilli smear and culture should
be obtained. A moderate lymphocytic pleocytosis
It is imperative to admit any patient with acute is common in acute transverse myelitis and may
severe impairment of gait or balance and to ex- be accompanied by increased IgG and oligoclonal
pedite evaluation.
With so many possible levels of involvement in
the nervous system, the laboratory tests should fo-
cus on the most probable localization (Fig. 2.1).
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is mandatory
because compression of the thoracic or lumbar
spinal cord or meningeal pathology is common in
acute or rapidly worsening weakness (if no further
localization can be made). It is not unreasonable
to proceed with an MRI of the entire neuraxis to
visualize all structures involved in gait initiation.
If no structural lesions are found, cerebrospinal
fluid examination is warranted.
CSF examination should follow and may be im-
mediately therapeutic in patients with ischemic
myelopathy associated with aortic dissection. Fail-
ure to recognize this option of removing CSF un- Figure 2.1 Critical steps in the evaluation of gait ab-
der high pressure may lead to permanent deficit.12 normalities or paraparesis. MR, magnetic resonance;
Infectious myelitis is the most common alter- CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; EMG/NCV, electromyogra-
native diagnosis in acute spinal cord syndromes phy/nerve conduction velocity.

bands. Cytologic examination of CSF should focus 3. Bussin JL, Abedin H, Tallis RC: Freezing episodes in
on malignant cells (only 50% positive yield), and hemiparetic stroke: results of a pilot survey. Clin Rehabil
13:207, 1999.
flow cytometry is indicated if atypical lymphocytes
4. Masdeu JC, Gorelick PB: Thalamic astasia: inability to
are found. Flow-cytometric immunophenotyping stand after unilateral thalamic lesions. Ann Neurol 23:596,
consists of antibodies against several antigens such 1988.
as CD 19, CD45, and K and immunoglobulin 5. Mayer YS, Barren DW: Apraxia of gait: clinico-physiolog-
light chains to characterize a possible blast popu- ical study. Brain 83:261, 1960.
lation or monoclonal B-cell population. 6. Masdeu JC: Neuroimaging and gait. Adv Neurol 87:83,
Oligoclonal bands in CSF suggest multiple scle- 2001.
7. Moll JW, Antoine JC, Brashear HR, et al.: Guidelines on
rosis, particularly if other white matter lesions are
the detection of paraneoplastic and neuronal-specific an-
found (up to 80% positive predictive value). Visual tibodies. Neurology 45:1937, 1995.
evoked potentials can be useful to document op- 8. Pittock SJ, Lucchinetti CF, Lennon VA: Anti-neuronal nu-
tic neuritis, as in Devic's disease or multiple scle- clear autoantibody type 2: paraneoplastic accompani-
rosis. Systemic inflammatory disease may be ments. Ann Neurol 53:580, 2003.
complicated by myelitis, and autoantibodies (ANA 9. Posner JB, Dalmau JO: Paraneoplastic syndromes of the
[antinuclear antibodies], double-stranded DNA, nervous system. Clin Chem Lab Med 38:117, 2000.
10. Lehmann-Horn F, Jurkat-Rott K, Rudel R: Periodic paral-
SS-A [RO], SS-B [La], Sm [Smith], and RNP [ri-
ysis: understanding channelopathies. Curr Neurol Neu-
bonucleoprotein]) are useful. rosci 2:61, 2002.
More peripherally, other important rapid dis- 11. Celesia GG: Disorders of membrane channels or chan-
criminating tests in the emergency department are nelopathies. Clin Neurophysiol 112:2, 2001.
creatine kinase and nerve conduction studies with 12. Blacker DJ, Wijdicks EFM, Ramakrishna G: Resolution
repetitive stimulation (presynaptic rapid stimulation of severe paraplegia due to aortic dissection after CSF
results in incremental amplitude, postsynaptic drainage. Neurology 61:142, 2003.
13. Killen D, Weinstein C, Reed W. Reversal of spinal cord
decremental amplitude at low stimulation rate).1417
ischemia resulting from aortic dissection. J Thorac Car-
Serum antibodies are tested for paraneoplastic syn- diovasc Surg 119:1049, 2000.
dromes, which can be quite rapid in presentation 14. Pascuzzi RM: Pearls and pitfalls in the diagnosis and man-
(Box 2.1).79 Muscle and nerve biopsy is needed to agement of neuromuscular junction disorders. Semin Neu-
document inflammatory myopathy. rol 21:425, 2001.
15. Sanders DB: The Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome.
REFERENCES Adv Neurol 88:189, 2002.
16. Takamori M, Komai K, Iwasa K: Antibodies to calcium
1. Giladi N: Freezing of gait. Clinical overview. Adv Neurol channel and synaptotagmin in Lambert-Eaton myasthenic
87:191, 2001. syndrome. Am J Med Sci 319:204, 2000.
2. Giladi N, Kao R, Fahn S: Freezing phenomenon in patients 17. Moxley RT III: Channelopathies. Curr Treat Options
with parkinsonian syndromes. Mov Disord 12:302, 1997. Neurol 2:31, 2000.
Chapter 3
See Nothing, See Double,
See Shapes and Images

Much like acute focal signs, sudden loss of visual Clinical Assessment
acuity, clarity, or newly formed images may her-
ald the rapid development of a major neurologic The testing methods in the emergency department
condition. A certain appearance (e.g., third nerve are limited, but certain tests should be performed
palsy) may indicate that immediate magnetic res- on every patient presenting with major symptoms
onance imaging (MRI) or cerebral angiography is of a defective visual system. Blindness is usually
required. Some patients may need urgent neuro- referred to as "vision of less than 20/200 with cor-
surgical intervention or a consultation by an oph- rection or a field not subtending an angle greater
thalmologist, particularly when a glaring contra- than 20 degrees" (legal blindness). It is simpler to
diction between findings on examination and describe it by a diagram (Box 3.1). Poor vision due
neuroimaging exists. Skill, knowledge, and addi- to a refractive error is easily discovered by having
tional investigations are required to diagnose the patient look through a pinhole punched in a
acute neuro-ophthalmologic conditions. Many piece of paper. (Vision will improve if decreased
enigmatic presentations of monocular blindness from a refractive cause.) The first test in a patient
are due to acute retinal or optic nerve disorders. with marked reduction in vision is to assess "blink
Monocular visual loss may suggest a lesion in- to threat." This is preferably performed in patients
volving the anterior cerebral circulation. Acute with reduced level of consciousness or those who
transient binocular visual loss may point to occlu- claim no vision. The best technique is to approach
sion in the territory of the posterior cerebral cir- both eyes from the lateral visual field with a closed
culation. fist and then open up the fist to a hand with spread-
The emergency department may not be the out fingers several inches before the eyes. (Blink-
place to commit oneself to definitively resolving ing to bright light is not a reliable test.) Absence
the differential diagnosis of any of these condi- of blinking to threat often is noticed in hemianopic
tions, and these patients may need admission. This fields. Confrontation field testing is useful to de-
chapter is included for the purpose of describing lineate hemianopic and altitudinal defects, but it
common urgent neuro-ophthalmologic disorders requires quiet cooperation of the patient and is not
associated with decreased vision and positive vi- very sensitive. The best technique is to present two
sual phenomena. fingers in each visual field quadrant of both eyes,


and conjunctival vessels may be dilated. Enoph-

Box 3.1, Degree of Visual Loss thalmos is an optical illusion due to a narrowed in-
terpalpebral fissure. In carotid dissection, disten-
20/200 Legal blindness tion of the injured arterial wall damages the
20/800 Finger counting sympathetic fibers. Anhidrosis is typically absent
2/10 Arm movements
in Horner's syndrome in lesions above the bifur-
20/ Lightperception
0 No light perception cation (*:he fibers supplying the face accompany
the external carotid below the carotid bifurcation).
Anisocoria increasing in bright light is virtually al-
ways caused by mydriasis due to pharmacologic ef-
typically midway between the patient and the ex- fects but could be due to a third nerve palsy if the
aminer. Movement or finger counting can be used reaction to diluted pilocarpine (0.1%) is negative
to indicate vision. Testing is followed by examina- and constriction occurs with 1.0% pilocarpine.
tion of the pupillary size and pupillary reaction to Dilating the pupils with phenylephrine, which
light. Pupillary abnormalities are important tell- stimulates the iris dilator, generally should be dis-
tale signs, but the interpretation is much more dif- couraged in acutely progressive neuro-ophthal-
ficult than appreciated. A common mnemonic, mologic disorders because it may take several
PERRLA, reminds the investigator of the different hours for the pupil to regain its response to light.
components of pupil assessment (pupil equal, Pupillary abnormalities are shown in Chapter 8
round, reactive, light response, accommodation for further reference.
response); to further localize the anisocoria re- Funduscopy is necessarily limited to the optic
quires neuro-ophthalmologic examination with disk and retinal vasculature, and specific note
10% cocaine or diluted pilocarpine. Anisocoria should be made of the caliber of the arteries,
without any change in dim or bright light is phys- flame-like hemorrhages, edema, or change in
iologic and greater in dim light, possibly due to color of the retinal pigment. Examination is fol-
Homer's syndrome or structural pupillary abnor- lowed by testing of ocular eye movements in the
malities such as prior synechia or uveitis. In horizontal and vertical directions with the intent
Horner's syndrome, interruption of the oculosym- of detecting misalignment. Voluntary gaze in all
pathetic pathway also produces ptosis or reduced fields includes up, down, left, and right, but it is
upper lid folding. The face is warm, the skin is dry, useful to use figure-of-eight tracking (Fig. 3.1).

Figure 3.1 Baseline examination of eye movements rectus; RLR, right lateral rectus; LLR, left lateral rec-
and responsible muscles using standard figure-of-eight tus; LMR, left medial rectus; RMR, right medial rec-
tracking. RSR, right superior rectus; LIO, left inferior tus; RIR, right inferior rectus; LIR, left inferior rectus;
oblique; RIO, right inferior oblique; LSR, left superior LSO, left superior oblique; RSO, right superior oblique.
See Nothing, See Double, See Shapes/Images 19

Blindness eliminate the miotic effect of accommodation.

A bright light is moved from one eye to the
Monocular blindness is more common than
other. The response may vary from minimal
acute loss of entire vision. In addition, transient
asymmetry to pupils failing to constrict or dilate
monocular visual loss is more commonly en-
when the penlight moves to the affected eye. In
countered in the emergency department than
its most pronounced form, pupils dilate imme-
persistent monocular defect. Transient monoc-
diately when the light shines into the diseased
ular visual loss often includes embolization due
eye. Afferent pupillary defect is linked to optic
to lesions of the aortic arch, heart valves, or
neuropathy, but a retinal lesion or massive in-
carotid artery but may also include abnormali-
travitreous hemorrhage (Terson's syndrome)
ties associated with increased viscosity or hy-
may produce similar findings (see Chapter 13).
percoagulability. It is not further considered
Optic neuritis is associated with periocular pain
here because many patients would need admis-
and pain on eye movement in 90% of cases.1 The
sion for further evaluation of its mechanism. Vi-
causes of optic neuritis are manyfold and can typ-
sual loss (uni- or bilateral) may result from le-
ically be divided into inflammatory causes and the
sions of the cornea and at any topographic
first manifestations of multiple sclerosis (5-year
location of the afferent visual system ending in
probability of 30%).2,3 Inflammatory causes may
the occipital poles. Monocular visual loss often
include common bacterial infections, such as
indicates an ophthalmologic disorder, and these
streptococcus and staphylococcus, but also more
are shown in Table 3.1. A neurologic cause for
exotic infections, such as toxoplasmosis, crypto-
monocular visual loss is most likely optic neu-
coccosis, aspergillosis, and mucormycosis in sus-
ropathy. It typically manifests with markedly re-
ceptible immunosuppressed patients. In other pa-
duced visual acuity (20/200), inability to recog-
tients, optic neuritis may occur after a vaccination
nize color or its brightness (particularly red),
or viral illness or in the setting of connective tis-
and often no obvious findings on neurologic ex-
sue disease or sarcoidosis. Hereditary optic neu-
amination except an afferent pupil defect. The
ropathy may also present with acute monocular
optic disk may take time to become abnormal
visual loss; and in approximately 50% of patients,
but may show pallor or elevation. An afferent
family history can be elicited. Certain toxic optic
pupillary defect (Marcus Gunn) is traditionally
neuropathies have been described; they include
examined, using the swinging flashlight test. The
methanol, ethambutol, isoniazid, thiamine (Bi)
patient is asked to fixate on a distant target to
and folate deficiency.4
Acute blindness may involve both eyes and, ex-
cluding ophthalmologic disorders, points to bi-
Table 3.1. Ophthalmologic Disorders lateral involvement of the occipital lobes. Differ-
ential diagnosis involves acute basilar artery
Diagnosis Findings occlusive disease, sagittal sinus thrombosis, pos-
Central retinal Afferent pupil defect terior reversible encephalopathy syndrome, and
artery occlusion Retinal edema many drug-induced encephalopathies that in-
Optic disk pallor and cherry-red clude vincristine, methotrexate, cyclosporine, and
spots tacrolimus (see Chapter 18).
Retinal vein "Blood and thunder" fundus
occlusion (extensive intraretinal hemorrhages)
Retinal detachment Translucent gray wrinkled retina Diplopia
Ischemic optic Pale optic nerve
neuropathy Milky, edematous Acute diplopia is complex to analyze, and the un-
Scalp tenderness and absent derlying deficit may remain ambiguous. Monocu-
temporal artery pulsation (giant
lar diplopia, almost always due to abnormalities in
cell arteritis)
Optic neuritis Normal findings ("patient sees the refractive media, precludes further neurologic
nothing, doctor sees nothing") work-up. Binocular diplopia is difficult to assess be-
Early pallor cause in some patients multiple cranial nerve in-
Vitreous Diabetes, hypertension, or volvement is present. Questions that could clarify
hemorrhage subarachnoid hemorrhage
the chief complaint in acute diplopia should in-
Figure 3.2 Nine gaze positions in (a) III nerve palsy, (b) IV nerve palsy, and (c) VI nerve palsy.
See Nothing, See Double, See Shapes/Images 21

elude mode of onset, diplopia disappearing after Table 3.3. Urgent Disorders in Acute Diplopia
one eye is closed, whether vertically or horizontally
oriented, whether always present or fluctuating, Acute III Basilar artery aneurysm, posterior
nerve palsy communicating artery aneurysm
and whether more pronounced in a certain gaze. Pituitary apoplexy
Figure 3.2 shows nine cardinal positions of gaze Acute midbrain infarct or hemorrhage
in oculomotor palsies, each providing fairly char- Mucormycosis*
acteristic deviations of the globe. In addition, Carotid cavernous fistula
Table 3.2 provides an oversimplification of, but is Granulomatous inflammation
useful in sorting out, the different cranial nerve Diabetic microvascular disease
palsies associated with diplopia. Table 3.3 lists dis- Acute VI Carotid aneurysm
orders that indicate the need for urgent evalua- nerve palsy Cavernous sinus thrombosis*
tion. Skew deviation may be associated with Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
diplopia and indicates an internuclear lesion. It is Increased intracranial pressure
Acute IV Trauma
a result of abnormalities in fibers ascending ver- nerve palsy Meningitis, infectious or neoplastic"
tically from vestibular nuclei with the medial lon- Herpes zoster ophthalmicus*
gitudinal fasciculus. Not infrequently, it is due to
Also known as the painful ophthalmoplegias.
a pontine stroke in elderly patients and multiple More often pupil-sparing.
sclerosis in younger patients (Fig. 3.3).
The cause of acute diplopia, however, may also
include other factors, such as difficulty with move- sating exophthalmos and tortuous conjunctival ves-
ment of the globe due to mass effect in the orbit sels point to its diagnosis (see Color Fig. 3.5 in sep-
(thyrotoxicosis), diplopia caused by an acute man- arate color insert). Funduscopy may demonstrate
ifestation of myasthenia gravis, and chronic pro- pulsating venous dilation and, in more extreme
gressive external ophthalmoplegia, particularly if forms, disk edema and ophthalmoplegia. Ophthal-
ptosis is bilateral. A cavernous sinus lesion should moplegia may be due to restricted excursions or
be considered when an abducens lesion is associ- cranial nerve injury in the segments traversing the
ated with Horner's syndrome. cavernous or petrosal sinus. Visual loss is a conse-
Acute oculomotor palsy with preceding retro- quence of increased intraocular pressure and re-
orbital pain may be a sign of unruptured posterior versal of flow or thrombus in the superior oph-
communicating aneurysm, and two-thirds may be thalmic vein. There is a need for full angiographic
smaller than 6 mm (Fig. 3.4). It may herald rup- documentation. Immediate opacification of the
ture and indicate rapid aneurysm growth.5 Devel- cavernous sinus is seen after carotid injection.
opment of pupil involvement, albeit uncommon,
may be particularly worrisome for pending rup-
Complete Ptosis
ture.6 A very urgent condition is carotid cavernous
fistula. Trauma to the orbit may be remote (e.g., A curious phenomenon is apraxia of eyelid open-
hit windshield) or comparatively early, such as af- ing when the patient is unable to open the
ter transsphenoidal pituitary surgery, carotid end- eyes.10,11 The orbicularis oculi does not contract,
arterectomy, or ethmoidal surgery.79 Associations and the frontalis muscles are used to try to per-
with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and pregnancy have form this act, though the eyes may remain com-
been noted. It may occur spontaneously. Lid pletely closed. This disorder has been linked to
swelling and orbital pain with characteristic pul- acute nondominant hemispheric lesions (e.g.,

Table 3.2. Diplopia Due to Cranial Nerve Palsy

Cranial Nerve Position of Eye Diplopia Features

III Down and out Crossed Ptosis, dilated fixed pupil

IV Higher Vertical Head tilted away from affected side, chin down
VI Inward Uncrossed Head turned to affected side

Figure 3.3 Internuclear ophthalmoplegia.

putaminal hemorrhage and large hemispheric in- streaks flashing in a vertical direction may be due
farcts).1214 The pathways are unknown but involve to vitreous detachment.
supranuclear connections in the nondominant Palinopsia involves an image that persists after
hemisphere (Fig. 3.6). It may be at brain-stem level looking at a subject, rapidly fades or returns hours
and is more common when herniation occurs.14 later, and is superimposed on certain objects. It
has been noted with encephalitis, fulminant mul-
Visual Illusions tiple sclerosis, and brain tumors; but illicit drugs
(lysergic acid diethylamide) and major psychiatric
Positive visual phenomena may need careful at- pathology are equally common.1619
tention and evaluation. Images perceived as false Micropsia (objects appear smaller) is rarely
may indicate an acute hemispheric lesion or sig- caused by cerebral lesions and is more typically
nificant neurotoxicity. Visual hallucinations may seen with retinal lesions. Unilateral metamorphop-
take many forms, from dots, geometric shapes, sia (illusion that objects are distorted) (also com-
and lines to dream-like descriptions of figures, an- mon in macular degeneration) may indicate a pari-
imals (often frightening), and detailed movie-like etal lobe lesion and may be limited to facial images.
scenes (midbrain peduncular hallucinations). It probably only occurs as an ictal phenomenon.20
First, neurotoxicity should be excluded by history.
Drugs to treat Parkinson's disease (e.g., levodopa,
lisuride, mesulergine, pergolide) or depression Line of Action
(e.g., amitriptyline, imipramine, lithium carbon-
ate), stimulants (amphetamine, cocaine), and im- There are many conditions associated with
munosuppressive agents (cyclosporine, tacrolimus) diplopia or visual loss. Some acute neuro-oph-
should be considered. Hallucinations with mi- thalmologic conditions may point to an acute neu-
grainous components, such as fortifications (zig- rologic condition that needs immediate evalua-
zag lines in parallel) that are constantly in the tion. The critical steps in gathering key features
same visual field, could point to an arteriovenous of the patient with the most urgent concerns are
malformation.15 Visual hallucinations could be shown in Figure 3.7. This most likely involves im-
due to seizuresalbeit rarecertainly when iso- mediate MRI or cerebral angiography. A neuro-
lated, not accompanied by head or eye deviation surgical consult is mandated in any patient with a
or rapid blinking, or associated with a transient painful ophthalmoplegia, due to its correlation
hemianopic field defect. However, it is not always with lesions that may require skull base surgery
appreciated that colored comma shapes or white or endovascular procedures. A compressive or in-
Figure 3.4 III nerve palsy due to posterior communicating artery aneurysm.

Figure 3.6 Complete ptosis in hemispheric stroke in non-dominant hemisphere. Note

gaze preference.

filtrative lesion that affects the optic nerve should gent ophthalmology examination. A particularly
be excluded by an MRI scan. An MR angiogram worrisome condition is anterior ischemic optic
to exclude an intracranial aneurysm should be neuropathy. When considered, and when the ery-
considered when appropriate because an anterior throcyte sedimentation rate is elevated (normal
cerebral aneurysm can leak into the optic sheath age plus 12 in males and normal age plus 10 to 12
and be responsible for acute monocular blind- in females), immediate administration of methyl-
ness.21 Balloon or coil occlusion in carotid- prednisolone 250 mg IV qid for 3 days should be
cavernous fistula has been successful but not with- done to prevent involvement of the opposite eye.
out worsening of symptoms. However, reversibil-
ity of blindness has been reported.22
Unexpected loss of vision may have many REFERENCES
causes and can be further delineated by an emer-
1. Hickman SJ, Dalton CM, Miller DH, et al.: Management
of acute optic neuritis. Lancet 360:1953, 2002.
2. Kaufman DT, Beck R, ONTT Study Group: The 5-year
risk of MS after optic neuritis: experience of the Optic
Neuritis Treatment Trial. Neurology 49:1404, 1997.
3. Soderstrom M, Ya-Ping J, Hillert J, et al.: Optic neuritis:
prognosis for multiple sclerosis from MRI, CSF, and HLA
findings. Neurology 50:708, 1998.
4. Glaser JS: Neurophthalmology, 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Lip-
pincott Williams & Wilkins, 1999.
5. Yanaka K, Matsumaru Y, Mashiko R, et al. Small unrup-
tured cerebral aneurysms presenting with oculomotor
nerve palsy. Neurosurgery 52(3):553, 2003.
6. Lee AG, Hayman LA, Brazis PW. The evaluation of iso-
lated third nerve palsy revisited: an update on the evolv-
ing role of magnetic resonance, computed tomography,
and catheter angiography. Surv Ophthalmol 47(2):137,
Figure 3.7 Critical steps in acute neurophthalmology. 7. Kushner FM: Carotid-cavernous fistula as a complication
MRI/A, magnetic resonance imaging/angiography; of carotid endarterectomy. Ann Ophthalmol 13:979,1981.
CSF, cerebrospinal fluid. 8. Paullus WS, Norwood CW, Morgan CW: False aneurysms
See Nothing, See Double, See Shapes/Images 25
of the cavernous carotid artery and progressive external teriovenous malformations: visual disturbances and pres-
ophthalmoplegia after transsphenoidal hypophysectomy. entation. Neurology 46:953, 1996
/ Neurosurg 51:707, 1979. 16. Bender MB, Feldman M, Sobin AJ: Palinopsia. Brain
9. Pederson RA, Troost BT, Schramm VL: Carotid- 91:321, 1968.
cavernous sinus fistula after external ethmoid-sphenoid 17. Kawasaki A, Purvin V: Persistent palinopsia following in-
surgery. Clinical course and management. Arch Oto- gestion of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). Arch Oph-
laryngol 107:307, 1981. thalmol 114:47, 1996.
10. Defazio G, Livrea P, Lamberti R, et al.: Isolated so-called 18. Lefebre C, Kolmel HW: Palinopsia as an epileptic phe-
apraria of eyelid opening: report of 10 cases and a review nomenon. Eur Neurol 29:323, 1989.
of the literature. Eur Neurol 39:201, 1998. 19. Young WB, Heros DO, Ehrenberg BL, et al.: Metamor-
11. Schmidtke K, Buttner-Ennever JA: Nervous control of phopsia and palinopsia. Association with periodic lateral-
eyelid function: a review of clinical, experimental, and ized epileptiform discharges in a patient with malignant
pathological data. Brain 115:227, 1992. astrocytoma. Arch Neurol 46:820, 1989.
12. Averbuch-Heller L, Leigh RJ, Mermelstein V, et al.: Pto- 20. Nass R, Sinha S, Solomon G: Epileptic facial metamor-
sis in patients with hemispheric strokes. Neurology 58:620, phopsia. Brain Dev 7:50, 1985.
2002. 21. Chan JW, Hoyt WF, Ellis WG, et al.: Pathogenesis of
13. Verghese J, Milling C, Rosenbaum DM: Ptosis, bleph- acute monocular blindness from leaking anterior commu-
arospasm, and apraxia of eyelid opening secondary to put- nicating artery aneurysms: report of six cases. Neurology
aminal hemorrhage. Neurology 53:652, 1999. 48:680, 1997.
14. Blacker DJ, Wijdicks EF: Delayed complete bilateral pto- 22. Albuquerque FC, Heinz GW, McDougall CG: Re-
sis associated with massive infarction of the right hemi- versal of blindness after transvenous embolization of a
sphere. Mayo Clin Proc 78:836, 2003. carotid-cavernous fistula: case report. Neurosurgery 52:
15. Kupersmith MJ, Vargas ME, Yashar A, et al.: Occipital ar- 233, 2003.
Chapter 4

Akin to other equally less precise descriptions, Clinical Assessment

spinning (or the perception of movement) may
have different meanings. The sensation of spin- When acute spinning represents vertigo, the his-
ning in a patient acutely admitted to the emer- tory may provide additional clues. Autonomic
gency department frequently is due to near faint- symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, pallor, and
ing, hyperventilation, acute peripheral vestibular sweating are less pronounced in central lesions
disease,14 anxiety, or other disorders outside the but are so common and come in different degrees
purview of acute neurology (Box 4.1). Naturally, of severity that they cannot be used as major
it is essential to extrapolate urgent disorders from discriminating factors. Vertigo due to positional
patients reporting signs such as acute floating, gid- change, coughing, sneezing, fluctuating hearing
diness, wooziness, drunkenness, tilting, and im- loss, nonpulsatile tinnitus, and hearing loss is more
balance. Some of these disorders are discussed in typical of peripheral vestibular disease.8
more detail in the third section of this book and Oscillopsia is another important sign, in which
include vertigo as presenting signs of cerebellar patients feel images are moving or bouncing.
hematoma, acute embolus to the basilar artery, When combined with spontaneous nystagmus and
and dissection of the vertebral artery. Other key transient vertigo, a peripheral source is likely.
neurologic signs and neuroimaging features usu- Central causes may be strongly considered when
ally point to the diagnosis. The main task is to find oscillopsia is induced by head movement. Lesions
convincing arguments for a lesion in the central in the cerebellum produce a spinning sensation,
nervous system as a cause of spinning and certain but more often severe scanning speech and im-
elements in the history that should point to a le- paired finger-to-nose and heel-knee-shin testing
sion of the central vestibular system or cerebel- predominate in the clinical picture. Ipsilateral
lum. When present, they justify an urgent mag- hearing loss points to an occlusion of the anterior
netic resonance imaging (MRI) study for which inferior cerebellar artery.9 Ipsifacial numbness,
the patient may be transferred to a tertiary cen- hypophonia, and Homer's syndrome localize in
ter. There are both otologic and neurologic emer- the lateral medulla oblongata. Details of these dis-
gencies that need to be considered. Otologic orders and other cerebrovascular-related occlu-
emergencies should be considered because emer- sions are found in Chapter 15.
gent antibiotic or antiviral therapy could minimize Several neurologic signs need careful docu-
longstanding sequelae (see Color Fig. 4.1 in sep- mentation. The characterization of nystagmus is
arate color insert). These disorders are summa- necessary and an important determinant.10,11
rized in Table 4.1.7 Central nystagmus has a characteristic direction

Spinning 27

Box 4.1. Systemic Illness and Drug-Induced Dizziness

Certain metabolic derangements could produce a dosa, wegener's granulomatosis, Behcet's disease,
profound (and sometimes permanent) effect on the connective tissue disorders. Vertigo can be a parane-
vestibular system. Longstanding juvenile diabetes uplu-sric manifestation. Drugs known to damage the
mellitus. fat emboli. and hyperviscosity syndromes auditory system are aminoglycosides, anti-epileptic
may acutely occlude the common cochlear artery.5 drugs, loop diuretics, and cis-platin. Exposure to
Less clear mechanisms known for acute vertigo are these drugs may be only brief, and toxic levels are not
dialysis, acute anemia, and hypothyroidism; and many always required to produce permanent destruction of
of the vasculitic syndromes such as polyarteritis no- auditory and vestibiilar systems,6

dependence. When present, gaze to where the alternating drift and correcting jerks of the retina
fast component of nystagmus beats increases the as a manifestation of the nystagmus. Frenzel
frequency and amplitude in any type of nystag- glasses (30 plus lenses) also eliminate fixation, and
mus. In central causes of nystagmus, gaze away both eyes can be observed due to the great mag-
from the direction of the fast component will nification (Frenzel glasses are rarely available in
achieve the opposite effect and may abolish or, in emergency rooms and require ear, nose, and
extremes of gaze, reverse the direction of nystag- throat consultation). Positional nystagmus can be
mus. A vertical nystagmus (up- or downbeat) is al- documented after a rapid change from sitting to
most always central but can be drug-induced (par- head hanging over the examination table, turning
ticularly opioids).12 Gaze-evoked nystagmus with the head sideways. A torsional and vertical nys-
similar amplitudes in both directions is due to tagmus appears after 10 seconds' delay and pro-
drugs but has been reported in myasthenia gravis, duces a vertiginous sensation that fades away with
multiple sclerosis, and cerebellar atrophy.10 Peri- repeated testing. Both delay and fatigability are
odic alternating nystagmus (nystagmus changing characteristic of this positional nystagmus. This
in direction) has typically been considered in dis- maneuver (Dix-Hallpike) is helpful to bring on a
ease of craniocervical function but can be due to vestibular lesion mostly due to canalithiasis. Its ab-
phenytoin intoxication or lithium.13 Common cen- sence may suggest a central cause.
tral types of nystagmus are shown in Table 4.2. Vestibulospinal reflexes (i.e., neuronal connec-
Peripheral vestibular and congenital nystagmus tions from labyrinths and vestibular neurons to an-
can be markedly muted by visual fixation of the terior horn cells) are tested by past-pointing, the
patient.14 Nystagmus can be observed with eye Romberg test, and tandem walking. Past-pointing
closure, but it is easier to examine the eye with is tested by having the patient touch the hand of
the ophthalmoscope covering the opposite eye. the examiner with an extended arm, close his or
This maneuver eliminates fixation and brings on her eyes, point up, and try to touch the examiner's

Table 4.1. Vertigo and Otologic Emergencies

Diagnosis Clues Therapy

Herpes zoster oticus Ear lobe vesicles, hearing loss, facial palsy Acyclovir 1 g/day for 10 days
Bacterial labyrinthitis Acute deafness, prior cholesteatoma, Surgical management or specific
meningitis antibiotics
Malignant external otitis Extreme ear pain, facial palsy (may be Ciprofloxacin or gentamicin
(Pseudomonas aeruginosa) multiple cranial nerves)
Perilymph fistula Tinnitus, hearing loss, position vertigo, Conservative first, then surgery
prior strain or Valsalva or barotrauma
Labyrinth hemorrhage Nausea, vomiting, hearing loss, trauma Correct underlying coagulopathy
Data from Cummings et al.

Table 4.2. Nystagmus in Acute Lesions of the Central Vestibular System

Type Features Lesion

Downbeat Increasing amplitude with downgaze Cervicomedullary junction

Upbeat Increasing amplitude with upgaze Dorsal medulla oblongata
Rebound With continuous lateral position, reversal or disappearance Cerebellum
Dissociated Disconjugate Brain stem
Ocular bobbing Downward jerk with slow return to midposition Pons

hand again in a repeated to and fro movement but Line of Action

with eyes closed. Past-pointing occurs toward the
damaged side. Abnormalities of the past-pointing A few patients presenting with spinning will have
test may not be replicated by the more traditional an emergent neurologic disorder. In many, an
finger-to-nose test because joint and muscle pro- acute nonviral labyrinthitis can be diagnosed or
prioception during this coordinated movement drug toxicity has emerged.5,6 As mentioned be-
may compensate. Another technique is vertical fore, a full-scale neurologic evaluation should pro-
writing with eyes closed. This test identifies uni- ceed only after otologic emergencies have been
lateral vestibular dysfunction, but this may occur considered and rejected as possible explanations.
in both peripheral and central causes.15 The signs and symptoms that point to a central
Static posture is tested by Romberg's test. cause of vertigo and warrant urgent MRI and
Standing with feet close together and eyes closed magnetic resonance angiography are summarized
can be maintained for 30 seconds in normal indi- in Figure 4.2. This will image the posterior fossa
viduals less than 70 years old.7 Crossing the arms structures and flow interruptions in the verte-
against the chest adds a touch of difficulty and brobasilar circulation. Cerebrospinal fluid exami-
may bring on more subtle swaying. Tandem gait nation could document elevated immunoglobulin
walking (10 steps) evaluates vestibular function G synthesis and oligoclonal bands supporting a
when done with eyes closed and cerebellar func- first bout of multiple sclerosis or pleocytosis with
tion with eyes opened. Dysbalance due to acute a wide range of diagnostic possibilities, including
vermian or cerebellar hemisphere lesion can be meningeal carcinomatosis and major central nerv-
dramatic because patients are unable to sit steady ous system infections (see Chapter 18).
or unable to stand unassisted.


1. Friedland DR, Wackym PA: A critical appraisal of spon-

taneous perilymphatic fistulas of the inner ear. Am J Otol
20:261, 1999.
2. McShane D, Chapnik JS, Noyek AM, et al.: Malignant ex-
ternal otitis. / Otolaryngol 15:108, 1986.
3. Robillard RB, Hilsinger RL Jr, Adour KK: Ramsay Hunt
facial paralysis: clinical analyses of 185 patients. Oto-
laryngol Head Neck Surg 95:292, 1986.
4. Baloh RW. Vestibular neuritis. N Engl J Med 348:1027,
5. Tay HL, Ray N, Ohri R, et al.: Diabetes mellitus and hear-
ing loss. Clin Otolaryngol 20:130, 1995.
6. Schacht J: Aminoglycoside ototoxicity: prevention in sight?
Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 118:674, 1998.
7. Cummings CW, Fredrickson JM, Harker LA, et al.: Oto-
Figure 4.2 Critical steps in vertigo evaluation due to laryngology, 3rd ed. St. Louis: Mosby, 1998.
central nervous system cause. MRA, magnetic reso- 8. Magnusson M, Karlberg M: Peripheral vestibular disorders
nance angiography. with acute onset of vertigo. Curr Opin Neurol 15:5, 2002.
Spinning 29

9. Lee H, Sohn SI, Jung DK, et al.: Sudden deafness and 12. Henderson RD, Wijdicks EFM: Downbeat nystagmus as-
anterior inferior cerebellar artery infarction. Stroke sociated with intravenous patient-controlled administra-
33:2807, 2002. tion of morphine. Anesth Analg 91:691, 2000.
10. Baloh RW, Honrubia V: Clinical Neurophysiology of the 13. Lee MS, Lessell S: Lithium-induced periodic alternating
Vestibular System, 3rd ed. New York: Oxford University nystagmus. Neurology 60:344, 2003.
Press, 2001. 14. Leigh RJ, Zee DS: The Neurology of Eye Movements, 3rd
11. Serra A, Leigh RJ: Diagnostic value of nystagmus: spon- ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.
taneous and induced ocular oscillations. J Neural Neuro- 15. Fukuda T: Vertical writing with eyes covered: a new test
surg Psychiatry 73:615, 2002. of vestibulospinal reaction. Acta Otolaryngol 50:26, 1959.
Chapter 5
Twitching and Spasms

The presentation of abnormal movements may just be a continuous repetitive jerk in one limb.
doubtlessly have many causes, not to mention Clonic jerks can be felt or seen and may evolve
parallel systemic illness. Many emergency room into a generalized seizure. (An electroencephalo-
physicians ask neurologists to classify, resolve, and gram may be the only option to differentiate it
treat the cause. Movement disorders may indicate from another movement disorder.)
a new lesion to the brain, may be due to drug ef- Myoclonus is applied to muscle contractions
fect, endocrine pathology, or connective tissue dis- that are brief, of small amplitude, and shock-like.
ease, or may even be factitious.1,2 Of patients with The movements may be random or rhythmic, gen-
new movement disorders, the similarities between eralized or limited to one or multiple groups of
certain acute movement disorders would make muscles. Usually they are chaotic and arrhythmic
recognition elusive, and particularly, naming the but, when rhythmic, have been denoted as myo-
abnormal movement remains difficult when it rhythmias. Myoclonus due to lesions in the cortex
presents as a mixture of things. (Even a proverbial is touch- and sound-sensitive and in awake
neurologist may say "I have no idea what this is.") patients caused by attempted motion (action myo-
This chapter attempts to clarify the commonly clonus) or muscle stretch.4 Myoclonus can origi-
observed acute movement disorders in the emer- nate from the cortex, basal ganglia, brain stem, or
gency department but concentrates on the more spinal cord.5 In severe anoxic-ischemic brain in-
serious and those that are drug-induced. jury, all of these locations may be involved. Myo-
clonus status epilepticus in a comatose patient
after cardiac resuscitation is a result of devastat-
Clinical Assessment ing multilayer cortical damage and an indicator of
poor prognosis (see Chapter 10).6
In plain terms, involuntary movements are de- Drug-induced myoclonus may involve mani-
scribed using the following characteristics: festations of first exposure or appear in toxic
rhythm, regularity, displacement by movement, doses (Table 5.1).3,711 Generalized myoclonus is
generalized or same muscle group, presence or common in acute metabolic derangements but
absence with relaxation, and whether the move- usually at end-stage organ failure such as hepatic
ment is fast, slow, flowing, or resembling spasm.3 and renal disease. It has been observed in hy-
Movement disorder can be very difficult to dif- pernatremia, hypomagnesemia, and nonketotic
ferentiate from a focal seizure or epileptic par- hyperglycemia. Unusual causes are heat stroke,
tialis continua. Staring, automatisms, and lip decompression injury, and pesticide exposure.
smacking may be absent, and the abnormality may The toxic exposure may have caused permanent

Twitching and Spasms 31

Table 5.1. Drugs Causing Myoclonus ful to distinguish between a generalized or focal dys-
tonia and whether dystonia occurs at rest. Sensory
Drug Type Drug tricks (touching limb to reduce spasm), also known
Antidepressants Monoamine oxidase inhibitors
as geste antagoniste, are characteristic in dystonia.
Tricyclic antidepressants A form of dystonia is ocular deviation (oculogyric
Lithium crises). Oculogyric crises may be associated with
Fluoxetine backward or lateral flexion of the neck, and the
Antimicrobials Penicillin tongue may protrude. The deviation of the eyes up-
ward, sideways, or downward is held for several
Cephalosporins minutes and can only for a brief moment be cor-
Acyclovir rected by effort. This eye movement is commonly
Isoniazid drug-induced, and discontinuation of the drug is
Anesthetics Etomidate
rapidly successful. Oculogyric crises do occur in se-
rious neurologic conditions such as bilateral para-
Fentanyl median thalamic infarction, multiple sclerosis, head
Anticonvulsants Valproic acid injury, and tumors in the ventricles. Drugs causing
Carbamazepine oculogyric crises and oromandibular dyskinesis in-
Clozapine clude phenothiazines and many of the antipsychotic
Calcium channel-blocking Verapamil drugs but also carbamazepine, gabapentin, lithium,
drugs Nifedipine ondansetron, and, perhaps best known, metoclo-
Diltiazem pramide (Fig. 5.1). However, they may be seen as
Opiate derivatives Meperidine a manifestation of schizophrenia alone. Acute drug-
Methadone induced dystonia is not prevalent along with anti-
psychotic drug use, but other well-established as-
Other drugs Bismuth sociations have been reported (Table 5.2).7'9'13
Chlorambucil Dystonia is a common symptom in Parkinson's
Overdoses or poisonings Antihistamine overdose disease and neurodegenerative disorders associ-
Methyl bromide fumes ated with extrapyramidal signs, such as progres-
Organic mercury poisoning
Gasoline sniffing
sive supranuclear palsy, multisystem atrophy,
Dichloromethane ingestion corticobasal ganglia degeneration, and inherited
Strychnine poisoning movement disorders.14 Any physician seeing pa-
Chloralose (rodenticide) tients with acute dystonia should consider Wil-
Source: Adapted from Vadlamudi L, Wijdicks EFM: Multifocal myo- son's disease, particularly when patients are 2030
clonus due to verapamil overdose. Neurology 58:984, 2002. By per- years old. Additional findings are artificial grin (re-
mission of Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. tracted lips) and brown iris in previously blue-
eyed persons. Diagnostic tests include reduced
serum ceruloplasmin level (in 5% of patients it is
damage to the cortex and basal ganglia (see Chap- normal), Kayser-Fleischer rings under slit lamp,
ter 8). and increased signal in basal ganglia and cortex on
Segmental myoclonus affecting the arm or leg magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
may be due to acute spinal cord injury including Chorea and athetosis are movements that are
trauma. Segmental myoclonus may closely mimic often combined and overlapping. Chorea is ar-
epilepsia partialis continua, in which the jerking rhythmic, with a jerky, thrusting component that
movements are more regular and at a repetitive is always purposeless but often incorporated into
fast rate. a voluntary movement. It may include grimacing,
Dystonia is reserved for movements character- respiratory muscles producing grunts, or "dance-
ized by a persistent posture in one extremity. There like" walk. Athetosis involves slow, undulating
is sustained patterned spasm but normal tone in be- movements seen with the attempt to sustain a pos-
tween. The positions may be bizarre in the limbs ture. Fairly typical movement patterns are known,
and trunk.12 In the emergency department, it is use- such as alteration between extensionpronation

Figure 5.1 Patient with oromandibular dystonia, oculogyric crises, and dystonic postur-
ing after ondansetron administration. The facial images were made within 90 seconds.13

and flexion-supination of arm, flexionextension from streptococcal infection. Chorea is also asso-
of fingers, and foot inversion. Pursing and parting ciated with new-onset hyperthyroidism, poly-
of the lips or side-to-side movement of the neck cythemia vera, and systemic lupus erythematosus.
is observed commonly. Structural CNS lesions commonly involve is-
Drug-induced chorea is shown in Table 5.3, chemic or hemorrhagic stroke in basal ganglia but
with a well-established presentation of central usually are one-sided (hemichorea).
nervous system (CNS) stimulants and oral con- Finally, tremor is common and diagnosed by
traceptives. synchronous contractions of opposing muscles.
Chorea gravidarum and its association with Tremor produces rhythmic oscillations. Acute
birth control medication show an increased sus- tremors may indicate damage to the red nucleus
ceptibility in some patients but many patients had (Benedikt's syndrome, see Table 15.2) that may
prior Sydenham's chorea and heart valve damage produce a rubral tremor and has a frequency of
Twitching and Spasms 33

Table 5.2. Drug-Induced Dystonia Table 5.4. Drug-Induced Tremors

Anesthetics Antiepileptic drugs

Antiepileptic drugs Antidepressants
Benzodiazepines Antihyperglycemic drugs
Calcium antagonists Calcium channel blockers
Dextromethorphan Corticosteroids
Dopamine agonists Dopamine receptor-blocking agents
Metoclopramide Lithium
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors Theophylline
Ondansetron Thyroxine
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
Amitriptyline kinase usually point in that direction (see Chap-
ter 9).
In addition, there are reasonably well-delin-
25 Hz. It is typically seen in action and with pos- eated disorders that include lethal catatonia (due
ture holding and not at rest. to a prior major lesion to the CNS) and serotonin
Drug-induced tremors (Table 5.4) are usually syndrome (due to serotonin-specific reuptake
postural and primarily enhanced physiologic inhibitors, "ecstasy," and a combination of
tremors. Withdrawal of alcohol, barbiturates, ben- monoamine oxidase inhibitors and meperi-
zodiazepines, -blockers, and opioids may pro- dine).15,16 Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
duce tremors. should be rapidly considered when hyperthermia,
Certain rare entities can be encountered in the rigidity, autonomic features, and increased crea-
emergency department and require prompt ac- tine kinase are present. Acute serotonin syndrome
tion. Acute parkinsonism may be induced by tox- has a profile similar to any of the acute dysau-
ins such as MPTP (l-methyl-4-phenyl-l,2,3,6- tonomias, but profound myoclonus and shivering
tetrahydropyridine), organophosphates, carbon may be present (Box 5.1).
monoxide, carbon disulfide, cyanide, and meth- Acute laryngeal dystonia may occur after re-
anol. It may also be particularly severe in acute cent administration of phenothiazine or other
withdrawal from dopaminergic drugs in patients neuroleptic agents.1719 Manji and coworkers20
with established Parkinson syndrome. Many from Queens Square London coined the term
chemotherapeutic agents have been implicated, status dystonicus. Life-threatening complica-
including paclitaxel, vincristine, and CHOP (cy- tions occurred in these patients with respiratory
clophosphamide, hydroxydaunomycin, vincristine failure due to upper airway obstruction or de-
[Oncovin], and prednisone). Response to levo- creased respiratory function. Myoclonus may
dopa or prednisone is potentially present but not affect the diaphragm, and generalized dystonic
in toxic parkinsonism. Parkinsonism can be part spasm may impair swallowing. A tracheostomy
of neuroleptic malignant syndrome, and fever, was needed in more than a third of patients,
dysautonomia, and elevation of serum creatine and rhabdomyolysis from persistent spasm did
Table 5.3. Drug-Induced Chorea

Amphetamines Line of Action

Tricyclic oral contraceptives
Acute movement disorders could point to a struc-
Tricyclic antidepressants tural lesion and justify an MRI scan. Paroxysmal
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors dyskinesias, whether dystonia, chorea, or atheto-
Theophylline sis, could be due to a secondary cause.
Lithium Toxicity from overdose is a common occur-
Antiepileptic drugs
rence, and one should not be satisfied with other

Box 5.1. Akinetic Rigid Crises with Hyperthermia

The diagnostic spectra of these mostly poorly un- withdrawal (dopamine withdrawal in severe Parkin-
derstood disorders overlap and include profuse per- son's disease or as a result of a major brain injury,
spiration, fluctuating pulse rate and blood pressure, encephalitis, or anoxic-iscrieinic damage). The de-
and hyperthermia due to impaired thermoregula- gree of increase in creatine kinase is variable but
tion. Untreated, the condition leads to rhabdoroyol- expected, with prolonged symptoms. Therapy is
ysis and dehydration and may become lethal due to supportive, with oxygenation, rehydration, antico-
myocardial stress or deep venous thrombosis and agulation, and options include dantrolene (1-10
pulmonary emboli. This condition may be drug- mg/kg), bromocriptine (5 mg), lisuride (0.020.25
induced (neuroleptic agents or serotonin syndrome mg/hour), or, certainly not as a last resort, electro-
mostly due to recent use or increase in dose of se- convulsive therapy.
lective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) or due to drug

explanations until they are carefully excluded. All may be useful as well. In status dystonicus, neu-
drug-induced movement disorders are self-limit- romuscular paralysis and sedation may be needed
ing, but failure to recognize their severity may for several days, followed by benzhexol, tetra-
lead to progression of the disorders, with hy- benazine, and pimozide or haloperidol. Intra-
potension and cardiac arrhythmias. venous diphenhydramine 25-75 mg dramatically
In patients with severe myoclonus, medication resolved the status in acute laryngeal dystonia.
to enhance y-aminobutyric acid (GABA) inhibi- Dantrolene, bromocriptine, lisuride, or elec-
tion could be useful, including lorazepam and val- troconvulsive therapy is effective in neuroleptic
proate. Propofol infusion (titrating to effect) is malignant syndrome or lethal catatonia (Box
successful in myoclonus status epilepticus.6'21 5.1).23 Cyproheptadine has shown promise in
Acute dystonic reactions are often successfully serotonin syndrome.24 The management in move-
treated with intravenous or oral administration of ment disorders leading to major systemic in-
anticholinergics (benztropine) or antihistaminic volvement or airway involvement is summarized
agents (diphenhydramine).22 Benzodiazepines in Figure 5.2.

Figure 5.2 The four major acute movement disorders and initial therapy.
Twitching and Spasms 35

REFERENCES induced multifocal encephalopathy. Mayo Clin Proc

78:1150, 2003.
1. Blakeley J, Jankovic J: Secondary causes of paroxysmal 14. Gasser T, Bressman S, Durr A, et al.: State of the art re-
dyskinesia. Adv Neurol 89:401, 2002. view: molecular diagnosis of inherited movement disor-
2. Calne DB, Lang AE: Secondary dystonia. Adv Neurol ders. Movement Disorders Society Task Force on Molec-
50:9, 1988. ular Diagnosis. Mov Disord 18:3, 2003.
3. Watts R, Koller WC: Movement Disorders. New York: 15. Radomski JW, Dursun SM, Reveley MA, et al.: An ex-
McGraw-Hill, 1997. ploratory approach to the serotonin syndrome: an update
4. Lance JW, Adams RD: The syndrome of intention or ac- of clinical phenomenology and revised diagnostic criteria.
tion myoclonus as a sequel to hypoxic encephalopathy. Med Hypotheses 55:218, 2000.
Brain 86:111, 1963. 16. Sternbach H: The serotonin syndrome. Am J Psychiatry
5. Caviness JN: Myoclonus. In CH Adler, JE Ahlskog (eds), 148:705, 1991.
Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders: Diagnosis 17. Flaherty JA, Lahmeyer HW: Laryngealpharyngeal dys-
and Treatment Guidelines for the Practicing Physician. tonia as a possible cause of asphyxia with haloperidol treat-
Totowa, NJ: Humana Press, 2000, p. 339. ment. Am J Psychiatry 135:1414, 1978.
6. Wijdicks EFM, Parisi JE, Sharbrough FW: Prognostic 18. Koek RJ, Pi EH: Acute laryngeal dystonic reactions to neu-
value of myoclonus status survivors of cardiac arrest. Ann roleptics. Psychosomatics 30:359, 1989.
Neurol 35:239, 1994. 19. Marion M, Klap P, Perrin A, et al.: Stridor and focal la-
7. Hicks CB, Abraham K: Verapamil and myoclonic dysto- ryngeal dystonia. Lancet 339:457, 1992.
nia. Ann Intern Med 103:154, 1985. 20. Manji H, Howard RS, Diller DH, et al.: Status dystoni-
8. Klawans HL, Carvey PM, Tanner CM, et al.: Drug-induced cus: the syndrome and its management. Brain 121:243,
myoclonus. In: S Fahn, CD Marsden, MH Van Woert 1998.
(eds), Myoclonus. New York: Raven Press, 1986, p. 251. 21. Wijdicks EFM: Propofol in myoclonus status epilepticus
9. Lang A: Miscellaneous drug-induced movement disor- in comatose patients following cardiac resuscitation. J
ders. In AE Lang, WJ Weiner (eds) Drug-Induced Move- Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 73:94, 2002.
ment Disorders. New York: Futura, 1992, p. 339. 22. Vaamonde J, Narbona J, Weiser R, et al.: Dystonic storms:
10. Vadlamudi L, Wijdicks EFM: Multifocal myoclonus due a practical management problem. Clin Neuropharmacol
to verapamil overdose. Neurology 58:984, 2002. 17:344, 1994.
11. Savin S, Cartigny B, Azaroual N, et al. 1H NMR spec- 23. Addonizio G, Susman VL: ECT as a treatment alternative
troscopy and GC-MS analysis of alpha-chloralos. Applica- for patients with symptoms of neuroleptic malignant syn-
tion to two poisoning cases. J Anal Toxicol 27:156, 2003. drome. J Clin Psychol 48:102, 1987.
12. Fahn S, Bressman S, Marsden CD: Classification of dys- 24. Graudins A, Stearman A, Chan B: Treatment of the sero-
tonia. Mov Disord 12(Suppl 3):1, 1997. tonin syndrome with cyproheptadine. J Emerg Med
13. Ritter MJ, Goodman BP, Sprung J, et al. Ondansetron- 16:615, 1998.
Chapter 6
A Terrible Headache

Many times over, emergency departments are vis- malignant hypertension, or acute-angle glaucoma
ited by patients with refractory severe headaches. (Table 6.2). All of these disorders need different
Within this melee of patients traveling through therapeutic approaches but should be considered
the emergency department are some with a po- by the neurologist.
tentially life-threatening condition, uncommon in A thunderclap headache should receive all at-
frequency but devastating if not recognized. The tention. This headache refers to a split-second, ex-
emergency department physician and neurologist tremely intense, totally unexpected headache that
are commonly held responsible for their triage.1,2 has not been experienced before and the patient
The dilemma of improper "playing it safe" with a feels as if struck by lightning (thunderclap) or as
series of tests throwing up false-positives or run- if the top of the head was blown off (like a vol-
ning the risk of litigation due to incomplete in- cano). When a loud handclap or finger snap is
vestigations has become a major area of con- demonstrated, to indicate the sudden onset, pa-
tention.2,3 Not all patients require neuroimaging tients will recognize that. Headache of this char-
studies or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) examination; acter may be short in maximal intensity but may
in fact, most do not. However, a split-second on- persist for hours or be brief.1
set of persistent severe ("terrible") headache typ- Subarachnoid hemorrhage remains the main
ically indicates aneurysmal subarachnoid hemor- diagnostic consideration, and the diagnosis is es-
rhage (see Chapter 13), and evaluation is urgently tablished by computed tomography (CT) in 98 of
needed. In addition, this chapter considers other 100 cases if seen within 12 hours of onset. The
neurologic or nonneurologic disorders responsi- vast majority will be due to aneurysmal rupture.
ble for acute headache syndromes. Unfortunately, clinical signs, such as nuchal
rigidity (rarely in the first hours), retinal or sub-
hyaloid hemorrhage (predominantly patients in a
Clinical Assessment very poor condition from a subarachnoid hemor-
rhage), or cranial nerve deficits (third nerve or
Minute analysis of onset and character of the pre- sixth nerve palsy), are uncommon leads or absent
senting headache is a skill, and most of the time in a ruptured aneurysm. Other infrequent condi-
the diagnosis is reached after exposing character- tions have been associated with thunderclap-like
istic features. These warning signs are shown in headaches, all very serious (Table 6.3).
Table 6.1. Most disorders are acute neurologic Thunderclap headache may be without any ob-
conditions; in addition, acute severe headache jective abnormalities on neuroimaging (CT and all
may indicate equally serious disorders, such as other magnetic resonance [MR] modalities) and
acute sphenoid sinusitis, a first manifestation of CSF examination but this benign form is rather

Table 6.1. Warning Signs in Acute Headache
Signs and Symptoms Diagnosis to Consider

Split-second onset, unexpected, worst and not previously Aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage,
encountered, loss of consciousness, vertigo, or vomiting cerebellar hematoma
Acute cranial nerve deficit (particularly oculomotor palsy) Carotid artery aneurysm
Carotid bruit in a young individual Carotid artery dissection
Fever and skin rash Meningitis
Shock, Addison's disease Pituitary apoplexy
Immunosuppressed state Cryptococcal meningitis, toxoplasma
Coagulopathy or anticoagulation Subdural or intracerebral hematoma

Table 6.2. Acute Severe Headache Syndromes from Nonneurologic Causes

Disorder Location or Type Time Profile Pathognomonic Features

Acute-angle glaucoma Eye pain, frontal Acute Red eye, midrange pupil, decreased vision
Temporal arteritis Sharp or dull Rapidly built up Temporal artery painful, sedimentation rate
>55 mm/hour
Acute sinusitis Frontal and maxilla Hours Fever, pressure pain on maxillary frontal sinus
Pheochromocytoma Bilateral Rapidly increasing Sweating, pallor, systolic blood pressure
intensity >200 mm Hg
Herpes zoster Eye pain, frontal Hours-days Vesicular rash may be delayed; visual loss;
ophthalmicus facial edema

Table 6.3. Symptomatic Thunderclap Headache Other than Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

Diagnosis Clues in History Clues in Examination MR Features

Hypertensive Poorly controlled Systolic blood pressure more T2 abnormality predominantly

encephalopathy hypertension than 200 mm Hg in parieto-occipital lobes
Cerebral venous thrombosis None Increased CSF opening Transverse or sagittal sinus
pressure obstruction on MRV
Retroclival hematoma None CSF xanthochromia Clot posteriorly and at level
Pituitary apoplexy Cranial nerve deficit Hypotension, hyponatremia Pituitary tumor with
CSF hypovolemia syndrome Marfan characteristics Headache posture-related Meningeal enhancement
Subdural hematoma
"Sagging brain"
Carotid or vertebral artery Trauma, chiropractic Homer's syndrome, Recent cerebral infarcts;
dissection therapy dysarthria, carotid bruit double lumen sign
MR, magnetic resonance; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; MRV, magnetic resonance venography.


Table 6.4. "Benign" Acute Headache Syndromes

Disorder Location Time Profile Quality Pathognomonic Features

Cluster headache Oculofrontal, 30-90 minutes Severe, stabbing Rocking, restless, Homer's
temporal syndrome, rhinorrhea
Chronic paroxysmal Unilateral 230 minutes Severe Conjunctival injection, not restless,
hemicrania lacrimation on symptomatic side
(common in females)
Acute migraine Mostly 630 hours Moderately severe Nausea and photophobia in ~80%
Trigeminal neuralgia Unilateral Seconds Severe, electrical Provoked by chewing, cold wind,
(face only) shaving, tooth brushing

uncommon. The term for this clinical entity was Line of Action
coined by Day and Raskin4 but is also known as
crash or blitz migraine.5 Some patients may go on The critical steps in patients with a new thunder-
to develop common migraine but not invariably clap headache are shown in Figure 6.1.
so, and the link with established types of migraine Subtle subarachnoid hemorrhage can be very
is uncertain. Onset associated with exertion or difficult to detect (Fig. 6.2). If the CT scan is neg-
orgasm is relatively common in thunderclap ative, CSF would still be able to document xan-
headaches.6 In a few patients, diffuse segmental thochromia up to 2 weeks.1416 However, CSF ex-
vasospasm has been found by MR angiography amination should be deferred until 4 hours have
(MRA) and angiogram,7 The phenomenon is not passed, to allow detection of xanthochromia from
explained well, but an increased sympathetic tone hemolysed erythrocytes freeing up oxyhemoglo-
has been proposed.7 Nifedipine may be helpful in bin. CSF examination should include cell count,
some cases.8 Recurrences do occur in 10%-15% protein, and CSF pressure before sampling, as well
of cases, mostly within the first 6 months, but out- as assessment of xanthochromia (see Color Fig. 6.3
come is very good.912 in separate color insert).17,18 Spectrophotometry
Status migrainous, refractory trigeminal neu- would be a valuable method to prove xantho-
ralgia, and cluster headache are other causes for chromia that is due to bilirubin or oxyhemoglo-
acute severe headache.13 Severe-intensity, pulsat-
ing unilateral headache is aggravated by normal
physical activity and associated with nausea and
vomiting. Photophobia and sonophobia are com-
mon features in all of these disorders, but other
differences of these more or less benign head-
aches are apparent (Table 6.4).
Refractory trigeminal neuralgia is characterized
by episodic electrical sharp jabs of facial pain trig-
gered by facial touch, chewing, talking, tooth
brushing, and is commonly refractory to medica-
tion. Doses have been so high that intolerance has
become a limiting factor.
Refractory cluster headache is fairly certain
when patients present with excruciating retro-
orbital forehead, jaw, or cheek pain following the
first division of the trigeminal nerve, with lacrima-
tion, nasal congestion, ptosis, and eyelid swelling. Figure 6.1 Critical steps in the evaluation of acute
Attacks last approximately 1 hour and are com- headache. CT, computed tomography; CSF, cerebro-
monly accompanied by restlessness and rocking spinal fluid; MRI/A, magnetic resonance imaging/
motions.13 angiography; MRV, magnetic resonance venography.
A Terrible Headache 39

Figure 6.2 Serial computed tomographic scans of Follow-up 2 months later (c and d) documents more
missed "warning leak." Very subtle hemorrhage in the dramatic presentation of ruptured anterior communi-
interhemispheric fissure in a patient with thunderclap cating artery aneurysm after recurrent severe headache.
headache initially interpreted as normal (a and b).

bin, but the technique is not used in the United headaches; thus, categorical recommendations to
States. Conditions other than aneurysmal sub- proceed with MRI or MRA in all cases are not
arachnoid hemorrhage have only been recognized solidly based on data. MRI has documented thun-
after MRI and thus undermine the generally held derclap headache associated with hypertensive
tenet that CSF and CT should be sufficient to ex- encephalopathy, pituitary apoplexia, signs of in-
clude underlying causes. No series of MRIs have tracranial hypotension and meningeal enhance-
been published on patients with thunderclap ment, and retroclival hematoma.1922 MRA has

Box 6.1. The Triptans

It is postulated that triptans inhibit the peripheral Major adverse effects involve facial flushing, tin-
trigeminal nerve terminals and central transmission gling, and chest discomfort, which may be due to
within the medulla sensory nuclei. They have an ad- constriction of coronary arteries. Various triptans are
ditional potent vasoconstrictor effect on cerebral available with different pharmacologic profiles, but
meningeal and dural arteries. These effects are me- comparison studies are scarce. Improvement of head-
diated through binding and activation of specific ache at 2 hours is approximately 60% with 100 mg
5-hydroxytryptamine receptors and thus are classi- of sumatriptan, with approximately 30% pain-free at
fied as serotonin agonists. 2 hours.25,26

documented carotid or vertebral artery dissec- of a recent rupture during visual inspection of the
tion23 but should include the entire region from aneurysm by the neurosurgeon. Presence of an
the origin of the arch to the circle of Willis to scru- unruptured aneurysm can be coincidental, and
tinize for arterial dissection. Magnetic resonance the link between its discovery in patients with
venography may discover cerebral venous throm- thunderclap headache may be a result of aggres-
bosis. However, in retrospect, each of these dis- sive pursuit in evaluation of signs.24
orders had other clinical or laboratory clues sug- Many patients with a migraine attack respond
gesting the diagnosis. well to 900 mg of aspirin, 1000 mg of acetamino-
In uncertain cases or in patients with ambigu- phen, or high doses of nonsteroidal antiinflam-
ous results, it is appropriate to proceed with a matory agents. However, triptans (Box 6.1) and
four-vessel cerebral angiogram. A cerebral angio- droperidol have been used,27 including in the
gram may also seem appropriate in patients with emergency department. Contraindications in-
a personal or family history of subarachnoid hem- clude familial hemiplegic migraine, basilar mi-
orrhage and disorders associated with cerebral graine, ischemic stroke, ischemic heart disease,
aneurysms (e.g., polycystic kidney disease).14 In PrinzmetaTs angina, uncontrolled hypertension,
all other patients, a cerebral angiogram is proba- combination with monoamine oxidase inhibitors
bly not recommended if neurologic examination, or ergot compounds, and pregnancy.25,26 Abortive
CT, and CSF are normal. There are very few data treatments for patients with "therapy-resistant,
on patients with a thunderclap headache, a nor- persistent" headache lasting for hours are shown
mal CT and CSF, and uncontrovertible evidence in Table G.S.2836 This designation of severity is

Table 6.5. Abortive Therapies in Unrelenting Head Pain

Disorder Therapy Options

Migraine Sumatriptan (6 mg SC); repeat after 1 hour, if needed

Droperidol (2.75-8.25 mg IM)
Dexamethasone (20 mg IV)
Meperidine (100 mg IM) and hydroxyzine (50 mg IM)
Valproate sodium (500 mg IV [20 mg/minute drip])
Dihydroergotamine (13 mg IV at hourly intervals) and metoclopramide (10 mg IM)
Cluster headache Oxygen therapy (7 L/minute facemask)
Metoclopramide (10 mg IM)
Sumatriptan (6 mg SC)
Nasal butorphanol (1 mg/1 puff)
Intranasal lidocaine 4% (4 sprays)
Trigeminal neuralgia Fosphenytoin IV loading (15-20 mg/kg IV)
Lamotrigine (50100 mg per day)
Topiramate (50100 mg per day)
A Terrible Headache 41

very difficult to define, and the boundaries with 7. Dodick DW, Brown RD, Britton JW, et al.: Non-aneurys-
rebound headache and analgesic-induced head- mal thunderclap headache with diffuse, multifocal, seg-
ache are not always that clear. The success of each mental, and reversible vasospasm. Cephalalgia 19:1,1999.
8. Jacome DE: Exploding head syndrome and idiopathic
of these pharmaceutical approaches in this more
stabbing headache relieved by nifedipine. Cephalalgia
severe state comes more from anecdotal clinical 21:617, 2001.
experience than clinical trials. 9. Linn FHH, Rinkel GJE, Algra A: Follow-up of idiopathic
A randomized trial of intravenous magnesium thunderclap headache in general practice. / Neurol 246:
sulfate and metoclopramide in migraine showed 946, 1999.
a less favorable response than with metoclo- 10. Linn FHH, Wijdicks EFM, van der Graaf Y: Prospective
pramide alone.37 The effect of dexamethasone study of sentinel headache in aneurysmal subarachnoid
haemorrhage. Lancet 344:590, 1994.
may be much less than originally claimed.
11. Markus HS: A prospective follow-up of thunderclap head-
Antiepileptic drugs, antispasticity drugs, and ache mimicking subarachnoid hemorrhage. J Neurol Neu-
tricyclic antidepressants, often in combination, rosurg Psychiatry 53:1117, 1991.
may not be successful in refractory trigeminal 12. Wijdicks EFM, Kerkhoff H, van Gijn J: Long-term fol-
neuralgia. In these patients, a preliminary study low-up of 71 patients with thunderclap headache mim-
has shown that fosphenytoin loading (15-20 mg/ icking subarachnoid haemorrhage. Lancet 11:68, 1988.
kg) was rapidly successful.38 Lamotrigine or top- 13. Olesen J, Goadsby PJ: Cluster Headache and Related Con-
ditions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999.
iramate may take weeks to exert a maximal effect.
14. Edlow JA, Caplan LR: Avoiding pitfalls in the diagnosis
Other options are surgical, including ganglionic of subarachnoid hemorrhage. N Engl J Med 342:29, 2000.
opioid analgesia, stereotactic radiosurgery, micro- 15. Edlow JA, Wyer PC: How good is a negative cranial com-
vascular decompression, or percutaneous balloon puted tomographic scan result in excluding subarachnoid
compression.28,3941 hemorrhage? Ann Emerg Med 36:507, 2000.
The response of cluster headache to subcuta- 16. Hughes RL: Identification and treatment of cerebral
neous sumatriptan or oxygen by nasal cannula is aneurysms after sentinel headache. Neurology 42:1118,
excellent, and refractory cases are quite uncom-
17. Evans RW: Diagnostic testing for the evaluation of head-
mon.42 The trigeminal nerve, at least its periph- aches. Neurol Clin 14:1, 1996.
eral position, may not be of major importance 18. Field AG, Wang E: Evaluation of the patient with non-
in generating cluster headache, because cluster traumatic headache: an evidence based approach. Emerg
headaches have remained after section of the Med Clin North Am 17:127, 1999.
nerve, and response to sumatriptan remained.43 19. de Bruijn SF, Stam J, Kappelle LJ: Thunderclap headache
Intranasal lidocaine or corticosteroids are good as first symptom of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis.
CVST Study Group. Lancet 348:1623, 1996.
abortive second-line therapies.44 The options for
20. Dodick DW: Thunderclap headache. J Neurol Neurosurg
severe cluster headache are shown in Table 6.5. Psychiatry 72:6, 2002.
21. Schievink WI, Thompson RC, Loh CT: Spontaneous
retroclival hematoma presenting as a thunderclap head-
REFERENCES ache. Case report. J Neurosurg 95:522, 2001.
22. Schievink WI, Wijdicks EF, Meyer FB: Spontaneous in-
1. Perry JJ, Stiell IG, Wells GA, et al.: The value of history tracranial hypotension mimicking aneurysmal subarach-
in the diagnosis of subarachnoid hemorrhage for emer- noid hemorrhage. Neurosurgery 48:513, 2001.
gency department patients with acute headache. Acad 23. Silbert PL, Mokri B, Schievink WI: Headache and neck
Emerg Med 10:553, 2003. pain in spontaneous internal carotid and vertebral artery
2. Jagoda AS, Dalsey WC, Fairweather PG, et al.: Clinical dissections. Neurology 45:1517, 1995.
policy: critical issues in the evaluation and management 24. Witham TF, Kaufmann AM: Unruptured cerebral aneu-
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acute headache. Ann Emerg Med 39:108, 2002. 18:88, 2000.
3. Saper JR: Medicolegal issues: headache. Neurol Clin 25. Jamieson DG: The safety of triptans in the treatment of
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4. Day JW, Raskin NH: Thunderclap headache: symptom of 26. Loder E: Safety of sumatriptan in pregnancy: a review of
unruptured cerebral aneurysm. Lancet 2:1247, 1986. the data so far. CNS Drugs 17:1, 2003.
5. Fisher CM: Painful states: a neurological commentary. 27. Silberstein SD, Young WB, Mendizabal JE, et al.: Acute
Clin Neurosurg 31:32, 1984. migraine treatment with droperidol: a randomized,
6. Green MW: A spectrum of exertional headaches. Med double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Neurology 60:315,
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28. Spacek A, Bohm D, Kress HG: Ganglionic local opioid 37. Corbo J, Esses D, Bijur PE, et al.: Randomized clinical
analgesia for refractory trigeminal neuralgia. Lancet 349: trial of intravenous magnesium sulfate as an adjunctive
1521, 1997. medication for emergency department treatment of mi-
29. Goadsby PJ, Lipton RB, Ferrari MD: Migrainecurrent graine headache. Ann Emerg Med 38:621, 2001.
understanding and treatment. N Engl J Med 346:257,2002. 38. Cheshire WP: Fosphenytoin: an intravenous option for the
30. Potrebic S, Raskin NH: New abortive agents for the management of acute trigeminal neuralgia crisis. J Pain
treatment of migraine. Adv Intern Med 46:1, 2001. Symptom 21:506, 2001.
31. Robbins L: Intranasal lidocaine for cluster headache. 39. Elias WJ, Burchiel KJ: Microvascular decompression. Clin
Headache 35:83, 1995. J Pain 18:35, 2002.
32..Wasiak J, Anderson JN: Is dexamethasone effective in 40. Hasegawa T, Kondziolka D, Spiro R: Repeat radiosurgery
treating acute migraine headache? Med J Aust 176:83, for refractory trigeminal neuralgia. Neurosurgery 50:494,
2002. 2002.
33. Zakrzewska JM, Chaudhry Z, Nurmikko TJ: Lamotrigine 41. Skirving DJ, Dan NG: A 20-year review of percutaneous
(Lamictal) in refractory trigeminal neuralgia: results from balloon compression of the trigeminal ganglion. J Neuro-
a double-blind placebo controlled crossover trial. Pain surg 94:913, 2001.
73:223, 1997. 42. Bahra A, May A, Goadsby PJ: Cluster headache: a
34. Zvartau-Hind M, Din MU, Gilani A: Topiramate relieves prospective clinical study with diagnostic implications.
refractory trigeminal neuralgia in MS patients. Neurology Neurology 58:354, 2002.
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35. Cady R, Dodick DW: Diagnosis and treatment of mi- ter headache after trigeminal nerve root section. Brain
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36. Vinson DR: Emergency department treatment of mi- 44. Couch JR, Ziegler DK: Prednisone therapy for cluster
graine headaches. Arch Intern Med 162:845, 2002. headache. Headache 18:219, 1978.
Chapter 7
Confused and Febrile

Fever and confusion are common presenting symptoms. The most useful inquiries in the his-
problems in the emergency department and thus tories are shown in Table 7.1. For example, neu-
are combined here. Fever in sick, dazed patients rologic examination could indicate that confusion
is often tied to an acute neurologic illness. It mat- means aphasia, a postictal state, or nonconvulsive
ters in which emergency department, in which status epilepticus. Unusual signs may need atten-
place in the world the patient has recently trav- tion and certainly could have a nonneurologic, in-
eled,1 whether patients present in summer and fectious explanation. These are muscle rigidity
fall, and whether the patient is immunocompro- (strychnine in illicit drugs, rabies, tetanus), myo-
mised.2'3 Infection of the central nervous system clonus (Salmonella typhi), and trismus (tetanus).
(CNS) is readily considered, and decisions may Fever and confusion can be associated with
have to be made quickly on a few clinical clues. marked rigidity and tremors in the face and arms
The mortality and morbidity from the ravages of and should suggest an acute autonomic storm
infection as a result of procrastination are very (neuroleptic malignant syndrome, lethal catato-
high. Also, evidence of an infection outside the nia, or serotonin syndrome; see Chapter 5).4
CNS may not be immediately obvious and a great The major domains of neurologic examination
number of diagnostic possibilities are present. of a confused and febrile patient should include
Fever and confusion can be caused by bacteremia, a serious attempt to assess demeanor and orien-
focal bacterial infection (upper respiratory tract, tation, followed by thought content, attention, lan-
skin, and soft tissue infection), and nonbacterial guage, memory, and visuospatial skills. Each of
illness such as viremia, drug fever, or malignant these cognitive spheres may be judged in only a
neuroleptic syndrome, malignancy, connective hurried cursory manner when agitation or delir-
tissue disease, and thromboembolism. One should ium is prominent (Box 7.1).5 First, it is important
pity the physician (mostly the neurologist) who to observe the patient's poise. Uneasiness and
must make sense out of a perplexed, irritable, im- restlessness may also indicate a medical disorder
pulsive, desultory, markedly uncooperative febrile (e.g., hyperthyroidism, hypoglycemia, severe hy-
patient making smutty remarks. This chapter pro- poxemia) or drug intoxication (e.g., theophylline,
vides methodological diagnostic steps in organiz- lidocaine). Impulsivity and emotional outburst
ing the evaluation of these patients. More specific and their opposite manifestation, abulia, are
disorders are discussed in Chapters 17 and 18. largely due to acute frontal lesions. Second, ori-
entation is addressed and requires simple ques-
tions such as "How did you get here?" or "Where
Clinical Assessment are you?" or "What is the month and year?" or
"Why are you here?" However, the content of the
The diagnostic possibilities remain beyond meas- answers may be disturbed with perseveration
ure if not narrowed down by additional distinctive (continuation of thoughts) and intrusions (words

Table 7.1. Critical Observations and Clues in "robot-like" behavior, in many with preservation
the Confused Febrile Patient of social graces.
Masses in the temporal lobe may also generate
Debilitated, wasted, underfed (drug abuse, alcoholism, changes in behavior and therefore may remain
Prior transplantation or AIDS (Toxoplasma encephalitis or
unnoticed or be delayed in recognition. Left-sided
aspergillus) masses may change a normal personality into one
Beginning of endemic encephalitis (arboviruses) of depression and apathy. More posterior local-
Exposure to wilderness, tropics, animal bite (rabies) ization in the temporal lobe may produce Wer-
Exposure to excessive heat (heatstroke) nicke's aphasia. This classic type of aphasia is rec-
Recent travel or immigration from developing country
(neurocysticercosis, fungal meningitis)
ognized by continuously "empty" speech, often
Recent vaccination (ADEM) with syllables, words, or phrases at the end of sen-
tences and characteristically with incomprehensi-
ADEM, acute demyelinating encephalomyelitis; AIDS, acquired im-
munodeficiency syndrome.
ble content (e.g., one of our patients, asked to de-
fine island, responded "place where petos ... no
trees . . . united presip thing" and to define mo-
from prior context, often due to aphasia). Atten- tor, responded "thing that makes the drive thing").
tion tests include spelling words backward, recit- Involvement of the nondominant temporal lobe
ing the days of the week in reverse order, or other may be manifested by an upper quadrant hemi-
spelling tests. Language should at least include as- anopia and nonverbal auditory agnosia (inability
sessment of fluency, inflection and melody, rate, to recognize daily familiar sounds, such as a loud
volume, articulation, and comprehension. Mem- clap or tearing of paper).
ory testing is challenging in confused febrile pa- Parietal lobe masses also produce effects that
tients, but remote memory (significant life events depend on localization. Right parietal lesions usu-
in the family) or recent breaking news can be as- ally cause neglect of the paralyzed right limb up
sessed. Visuospatial orientation may be briefly as- to entire unawareness but also cause marked in-
sessed by the patient localizing body parts or clock ertia and aloofness. A dominant (left in right-
drawing and filling in the numbers. All of these handed persons) parietal lobe impairs normal
manifestations may be stable, progressing, or fluc- arithmetical skills, ability to copy three-dimen-
tuating. sional constructions (e.g., making interlocking
Confusional behavior may be due to mass le- rings with the index finger and thumb), recogni-
sions, which often produce language disorders. tion of fingers, and right-left orientation. A non-
Masses in the frontal lobe that are located on the fluent aphasia may occur as well.
right (in right-handed persons) may enlarge to Occipital lobe masses produce hemianopia.
impressive tumors that may not be detected by When only the inferior occipital cortex is involved,
even the most meticulous neurologic examination. achromatopsia (loss of color vision in a hemi-
A left frontal lobe mass, particularly if the lesion anopic field) or abnormal color naming ("What is
extends posteriorly, is manifested by Broca's apha- the color of the sky, an apple, a tomato") may re-
sia. Its characteristics are distinct; the patient is sult. Extension into the subcortical area from
constantly unable to repeat an exact sentence, edema might produce alexia without agraphia, but
speaks in short phrases and with revisions, and all in a left occipital lesion.
makes major grammatical errors together with Systemic signs can provide a clue to the infec-
loss of cohesion in lengthier narratives. Frontal tious agent. Obviously, an illness beginning with
lobe syndrome has been well recognized and ap- a cough suggests a primary respiratory infection,
pears in many guises, such as loss of vitality and but there is a broad differential diagnosis. Com-
notable slow thinking. It may be manifested by munity-acquired respiratory infections with a
weird behavior, sexual harassment, cynically in- proclivity for systemic manifestations include
appropriate remarks in an attempt to be humor- influenza A and B, adenoviral infection, My-
ous, or intense irritability. Any executive function coplasma pneumoniae, Legionella pneumophila,
requiring planning ahead or some type of organ- and reactivation of tuberculosis. All of these disor-
ization and planning is disturbed but may be cov- ders could have neurologic manifestations. An ill-
ered up by euphoria, platitudes in speech, or ness with a prominent rash, fever, and confusion
Confused and Febrile 45

Box 7.1. DSM-IV Diagnostic Criteria for Delirium due to Multiple Etiologies

A. Disturbance of consciousness (i.e., reduced clar- D. There is evidence from the history, physical ex-
ity of awareness of the environment), with re- aminalion. or laboratory findings that the delir-
duced ability to focus, sustain, or shift attention. ium has more than one etiology (e.g., more than
B. A change in cognition (e.g., memory deficit, dis- one etiologic general medical condition, a gen-
orientation, language disturbance] or the devel- eral medical condition plus substance intoxica-
opment of a perceptual disturbance that is not tion, or medication side effect).
better accounted for by a prescription-existing, Coding note: Use multiple codes reflecting specific
established, or evolving dementia. delirium and specific etiologies (e.g., delirium due
C. The disturbance develops over a short period of to viral encephalitis, alcohol withdrawal delirium).
time (usually hours to days) and tends to fluctu-
ate during the course of the day.

With permission from American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed. Washington DC: Amer-
ican Psychiatric Association, 1994.

could be due to viral, bacterial, and fungal agents onance imaging [MRI]), pneumonia, lymphocytic
with a possibility of seeding in the CNS (Table 7.2). pleocytosis caused by zoonotic agent Coxiella
The multisystem involvement (myocarditis, burnetii, leptospirosis (meningitis, hepatic dys-
pneumonia, lymphadenopathy, or hepatorenal function, muscle pain, conjunctivitis), tula-
dysfunction) associated with encephalopathy remia (ulceroglandular disease, conjunctivitis,
could indicate a certain infectious agent. Diag- and lymphadenopathy), Mycoplasma pneumoniae
nostic considerations should include Q fever6 (pneumonia, transverse myelitis, conjunctivitis),
(periventricular or focal edema on magnetic res- and cat-scratch disease (lymphadenopathy, vas-
culitis caused by Bartonella henselae).7
In any patient, it is important to consider an im-
Table 7.2. Clinical Signs Indicating Central munocompromised state, which raises an entirely
Nervous System Disease in Confused
different set of possibilities.2 Acute HIV infections
Febrile Patients can be present in a young adult with fever, confu-
Signs Disorder sion, lymphadenopathy, pharyngitis, and rash. One
may consider questioning patients about sexual
Skin rash Rickettsial diseases practice or intravenous drug abuse.
Vasculitis It would be inappropriate to have a too narrow
scope in analyzing causes of febrile confusion,
Petechiae Thrombocytopenic purpura
Meningococcemia linking it only to meningoencephalitis. Specializa-
Endocarditis tion may in fact be a disadvantage when inter-
Drug eruption from intoxication preting clinical signs in patients with such a broad
Leukemia presentation. Many systemic illnesses may pro-
Splenomegaly Toxoplasmosis
duce a confusional state and agitation, and the ma-
Sepsis jor considerations are shown in Table 7.3.6
Human immunodeficiency Febrile neutropenia is a common finding in pa-
virus infection tients with recently treated malignancies, partic-
'Lymphoma ularly with aggressive myelosuppressive drugs.
Pulmonary infiltrates Legionella species
Infections become frequent and severe, with
Tuberculosis neutrophil counts less than 100 cells/mL. Remis-
Mycoplasma sion induction therapy for acute leukemia is com-
Pneumonia monly followed by a prolonged period of virtually
Q fever absent neutrophils. The most common pathogens
Tick-borne diseases
in patients with neutropenia are Staphylococcus

Table 7.3. Systemic Illnesses Producing Fever present with multiple converging problems, steps
and Confusion are shown in Figure 7.1. When the suspicion of
intracranial disease is high, it is quite justifiable to
Septic shock temporarily sedate the patient (e.g., propofol), in-
Anticholinergic drug intoxication
tubate, administer antibiotic agents and acyclovir,
Streptococcal shock syndrome and obtain MRIs while obtaining cerebrospinal
Heat stroke fluid (CSF).
Lobar pneumonia The most reasonable sequence of evaluation is
Acute osteomyelitis first to obtain laboratory data that could suggest
Abdominal suppuration
a possible systemic infection. The chance of a bac-
Erysipelas terial infection increases with age (>50 years),
Measles erythrocyte sedimentation rate (>30), white blood
Psittacosis cell count (> 15,000), bands (>1500), and co-
Influenza morbid illness.10,11 Laboratory tests should include
Yellow fever
Typhoid fever
a toxicology screen and drug levels, if needed, in
Cholera addition to routine chemistry and hematology
markers. Initially, an electroencephalogram
should have some priority but may be artifactu-
ally abnormal or show a medication effect when
epidermidis, Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus sedative drugs are needed to control agitation. If
aureus, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aerug- no obvious or clearly defined abnormalities are
inosa. Many yeasts or fungi can be implicated. present, one should proceed with a computed to-
In hematologic malignancies, Listeria monocyto- mographic scan or MRI when encephalitis is pres-
genes, Cryptococcus neoformans, Toxoplasma ent. MRI will, early in the disease, document
gondii, and Nocardia are common CNS infections
when patients present with febrile neutropenia.
When an Ommaya reservoir is in situ for
chemotherapeutic delivery in leptomeningeal dis-
ease, coagulase-negative staphylococci and other
skin inhabitants can be implicated. Patients seen
in the emergency department with neutropenia,
prior induction therapy or bone marrow trans-
plant, pneumonia, or other documented infection
as well as a major comorbid condition should be
admitted using empirical broad-spectrum antibi-
otics and aggressive evaluation of its source.

Line of Action

It is virtually impossible to approach these pa-

tients from every conceivable angle. Clearly, pri-
mary disorders of the CNS need rapid assessment
because therapeutic options are limited and time-
locked. Encephalitis (particularly arboviruses),8'9
Figure 7.1 Critical steps in the evaluation of the
meningitis, vasculitis, parainfectious encephalopa- febrile confused patient. CT, computed tomography;
thy, or a postictal state from epilepsy should be con- MR, magnetic resonance; FLAIR, fluid attenuation in-
sidered. version recovery; GAD, glutamic acid decarboxylase;
Studies with the highest yield and in the short- CBC, complete blood count; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid;
est period of time are needed and should be pri- PCR, polymerase chain reaction; IGM, immunoglobu-
oritized. To bring some clarity in patients who lin M; DWI, diffusion-weighted imaging.
Table 7.4. Etiologies of Central Nervous System Disease and Their Detection by
Laboratory Methods
Disease Etiology Diagnostic Tests Recommended

Encephalitis Herpes simplex virus-1 Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and cell culture of
Viral (with or without cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and tissue
accompanying Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) PCR and cell culture of CSF and tissue
meningitis) Cytomegalovirus PCR and cell culture of CSF and tissue
Epstein-Barr virus Antibody (serum), PCR of tissue
Arboviruses Immunoglobulin M (IgM) and IgG antibody (serum and
CSF), antigen detection and PCR (brain tissue)
available for some viruses
West Nile virus PCR testing of CSF, IgM antibody (CSF and serum)
Colorado tick fever virus Antibody (serum)
Human immunodeficiency virus Laboratory testing not specific for central nervous system
(CNS) involvement
JC polyoma virus (agent of PCR testing of CSF, PCR or in situ hybridization of
progressive multifocal brain tissue
Rabies Antigen testing of skin biopsy (hair follicles), conjunctival
smear or brain tissue, PCR testing of tissue
Herpes B virus Cell culture or PCR of lesion (special biocontainment
laboratory required)
Postinfectioust Document recent infection at primary site outside CNS
Bacterial causes Rickettsia rickettsii (Rocky Antibody (serum)
Mountain spotted fever)
Borrelia burgdorferi Antibody (serum and CSF), PCR testing of CSF
Treponema pallidum Antibody (serum and CSF)
Mycoplasma pneumoniae Antibody (serum), culture
Fungal causes Fungal culture for all
Blastomyces dermatitidis Fungal stain of CSF recommended
Coccidioides immitis Antibody (serum and CSF)
Cryptococcus neoformans Cryptococcal antigen (CSF and serum)
Parasitic causes Naegleria species Histopathology, direct microscopic examination for ameba
Plasmodium falciparum Examination of thick and thin smears made with finger-
stick blood
Toxoplasma gondii Histopathology, antibody (serum)
Acute (neutrophilic Streptococcus pneumoniae Gram stain and aerobic culture for all except amebas
pleocytosis) and anaerobes
Neisseria meningitidis Bacterial antigen testing rarely useful
Listeria monocytogenes Bacterial antigen testing rarely useful
Streptococcus agalactiae Bacterial antigen testing rarely useful
Haemophilus influenzae Bacterial antigen testing rarely useful
Staphylococcus aureus
Gram-negative bacilh
Anaerobic bacteria Anaerobic transport and culture
Ameba (Naegleria and Microscopic examination of CSF and coculture with
Acanthamoeba species) Escherichia coli or Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
Chronic (predominantly
Bacterial causes Nocardia asteroides complex Modified acid-fast stain, aerobic bacterial or fungal
Brucella species Aerobic bacterial cultures, hold agar plates 14 days,
inoculate aerobic blood culture bottle with additional



Table 7.4. Etiologies of Central Nervous System Disease and Their Detection by
Laboratory Methods (Continued)
Disease Etiology Diagnostic Tests Recommended

Leptospira interrogans CSF dark-field examination and culture, antibody tests

Mycobacterium tuberculosis CSF acid-fast culture and PCR where available
Treponema pallidum Antibody tests (serum and CSF)
Borrelia burgdorferi Antibody tests (serum and CSF)
Fungal causes CSF fungal culture for all
Cryptococcus neoformans Cryptococcal antigen test (CSF)
Candida species Gram stain for fungi (CSF) useful with shunt infections
Coccidioides immitis Antibody tests (CSF and serum)
Histoplasma capsulatum Histoplasma antigen testing (CSF and urine)
Blastomyces dermatitidis Gram stain for fungi (CSF) may be useful
Other opportunistic filamentous Gram stain for fungi (CSF) may be useful
Parasitic causes Taenia soleum (cysticercosis) Microscopic examination of aspiration material or biopsy,
antibody (serum by immunoblot)
Echinococcus granulosis Examination of removed cyst or cyst fluid for
(echinococcosis) scolices
Toxoplasma gondii PCR testing of CSF
Trichinella spiralis Microscopic examination of muscle for larvae, antibody
testing (serum)
Angiostrongylus species Eosinophilic meningitis
Baylisascaris (raccoon ascarid) Eosinophilic meningoencephalitis
Viral "aseptic" (initially
neutrophilic, then
mononuclear pleocytosis)
Enteroviruses PCR testing of CSF, cell culture of lesion, antibody
(serum) occasionally useful
Mumps virus CSF cell culture, IgM and IgG antibody (serum)
Herpes simplex viruses 1 and 2 PCR testing of CSF
Lymphocytic choriomeningitis Antibody (serum)
Varicella-zoster virus PCR testing of CSF
Cytomegalovirus PCR testing of CSF
Epstein-Barr virus PCR testing of CSF
Includes common arboviruses in North America, such as St. Louis encephalitis, LaCrosse encephalitis, and eastern and western equine en-
cephalitis viruses.
Postinfectious encephalitis caused by measles virus, VZV, influenza virus, and vaccinia (pox) virus.
Source: Thomson RB Jr, Bertram H: Laboratory diagnosis of central nervous system infections. Infect Dis Clin North Am 15 (no. 4):1047,
2001. By permission of Elsevier.

characteristic findings of herpes simplex (tempo- detect organisms that do not grow in culture.14
ral lobe subinsular region), mosquito-borne en- Fungal meningoencephalitis is very uncommon,
cephalitis (cortical spotted lesions and basal but cryptococcosis, coccidioidomycosis, Histo-
ganglia), hyperintensities, or enhancing meninges plasma capsulatum, and Blastomyces dermatitidis
(fungal or bacterial meningitis).12 Almost simul- are more endemic.12 Detection by growth in CSF
taneously, CSF analysis should be sent for multi- or of specific antibody is possible, but multiple
ple polymerase chain reactions (PCRs), and fail- CSF specimens are needed to detect a positive
ure to do so is a lost opportunity to diagnose the culture.
underlying organism.13 PCRs are robust in docu- CSF in herpes simplex encephalitis will show a
menting the presence of herpes simplex, Epstein- characteristic formula of normal or raised pres-
Barr virus, and varicella-zoster DNA and may sure at 10-200 cells (lymphocytes)/mm3, normal
Confused and Febrile 49

glucose, and increased protein but can be normal 5. American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic and Statis-
in 5% of presenting cases.15,16 CSF and serum tical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed. Washington DC:
American Psychiatric Association, 1994.
antibodies (immunoglobulins M and G) should
6. Bernit E, Pouget J, Janbon F, et al.: Neurological in-
be obtained specific to any mosquito-borne volvement in acute Q fever: a report of 29 cases and re-
viral encephalitis and repeated after 1 week. In- view of the literature. Arch Intern Med 162:693, 2002.
direct immunofluorescent assays are useful if 7. Libenson MH, Yang JM: Case 12-2001A 16-year-old
Rocky Mountain spotted fever or ehrlichiosis is boy with an altered mental status and muscle rigidity. N
considered.16,17 Engl J Med 344:1232, 2001.
When CSF is suggestive of an infection, it 8. Deresiewicz RL, Thaler SJ, Hsu UL, et al.: Clinical and
neuroradiographic manifestations of eastern equine en-
would be prudent to start with a multipronged ap-
cephalitis. N Engl J Med 336:1867, 1997.
proach directed against possible resistant bacteria 9. Mcjunkin JE, De Los Reyes EC, Irazuzta JE, et al.: La
(fourth-generation cepnalosporin), herpes sim- Crosse encephalitis in children. N Engl J Med 344:1801,
plex (acyclovir and vancomycin), and ticks (doxy- 2001.
cycline), while awaiting test results. The impor- 10. Leibovici L, Cohen O, Wysenbeek AJ: Occult bacterial in-
tance of dexamethasone is discussed in Chapter fection in adults with unexplained fever. Validation of a
17. The current laboratory methods assisting in diagnostic index. Arch Intern Med 150:1270, 1990.
diagnosis of meningitis or encephalitis are shown 11. Mellors JW, Horwitz RI, Harvey MR, et al.: A simple in-
dex to identify occult bacteremia infection in adults with
in Table 7.4. The interpretation of MRI and CSF acute unexplained fever. Arch Intern Med 147:666, 1987.
is not considered further but is described in Chap- 12. Gottfredsson M, Perfect JR: Fungal meningitis. Semin
ters 16 and 17. Neurol 20:307, 2000.
13. Lambert AJ, Martin DA, Lanciotti RS: Detection of North
American eastern and western equine encephalitis viruses
REFERENCES by nucleic acid amplification assays. / Clin Microbiol
41:379, 2003.
1. Shlim DR, Solomon T: Japanese encephalitis vaccine for 14. Johnston RT: Viral Infections of the Nervous System, 2nd
travelers: exploring the limits of risk. Clin Infect Dis ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 1998.
35:183, 2002. 15. Buringer JR: Herpes simplex virus encephalitis. In LE
2. Cunha BA: Central nervous system infections in the com- Davis, PGE Kennedy (eds), Infectious Diseases of the
promised host: a diagnostic approach. Infect Dis Clin Nervous System. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2000,
North Am 15:423, 2000. p. 139.
3. Frank LR, Jobe KA: Admission and Discharge Decisions 16. Kennedy PGE, Chaudhuri A: Herpes simplex encephali-
in Emergency Medicine. Philadelphia: Hanley & Belfus, tis. / Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 73:237, 2002.
2002. 17. Ratnasa MYN, Everett ED, Roland WE, et al.: Central
4. Brendel DH, Bodkin JA, Yang JM: Massive sertraline nervous system manifestations of human ehrlichiosis. Clin
overdose. Ann Emerg Med 36:524, 2000. Infect Dis 23:314, 1996.
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Part II
Evaluation and Management
of Evolving Catastrophes
in the Neuraxis
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Chapter 8
Altered Arousal and Coma

Catastrophic brain injury has widespread effects, meningitis, traumatic head injury with skin lacer-
among them coma. The assessment of comatose ations may be a consequence of a fall from acute
patients permeates the practice of all physicians. hemiplegia or brief loss of consciousness, and pa-
The causes of coma are many. Structural injury to tients with massive intracerebral hematomas may
the brain results in coma if it closely follows or be intoxicated. Comatose patients presenting with
directly affects the relay nuclei and connecting flexor posturing may have self-administered alka-
fibers that make up the ascending reticular acti- loids as a recreational drug and, although sus-
vating system (ARAS). Its connections with the pected initially, may not have a primary structural
thalamus and both cortices make for a complex lesion.1 Another dramatic situation occurs when a
network (Box 8.1). patient with diabetes consumes a little alcohol but
Elucidating the cause of coma cannot be fails to have dinner and is brought in comatose
compartmentalized into a simple algorithm, and and smelling of alcohol but also is profoundly hy-
novices may blanch and become unsure of them- poglycemic. All of these eventualities have the po-
selves when a hastily ordered computed tomog- tential for misjudgment.
raphy (CT) scan and initial laboratory results are Evaluation of comatose patients requires a sys-
normal. The priorities in the evaluation of coma- tematic approach, exploring five major categories:
tose patients have changed considerably with the (1) unilateral hemispheric mass lesions that com-
arrival of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). press or displace the diencephalon and brain
However, this may have encouraged a miscon- stem; (2) bilateral hemispheric lesions that dam-
ception that the cause of coma is easily established age or compress the reticular formation in the
with neuroimaging. Relying solely on these tests thalamus, interrupting the projecting fibers of the
can be counterproductive and potentially danger- thalamus-cortex circuitry; (3) lesions in the pos-
ous. Failure to recognize diabetic coma, thyroid terior fossa below the tentorium that damage or
storm, acute hypopituitarism, fulminant hepatic compress the reticular formation; (4) diffuse brain
necrosis, nonconvulsive status epilepticus, or any lesions affecting the physiologic processes of the
type of poisoning while wasting time performing brain; and (5) less commonly, psychiatric unre-
neuroimaging tests and waiting for cerebrospinal sponsiveness, mimicking a comatose state (Table
fluid (CSF) results may potentially lead to a rap- 8.1). Accidental and self-inflicted poisoning and
idly developing neurologic fiasco. illicit drug overdose are common in the emer-
The circumstances under which comatose pa- gency department and thus receive proportionally
tients are discovered can also be misleading. For more attention in this chapter.
example, a patient found next to an empty bottle Three major issues in the clinical approach to
of analgesic medication may have fulminant comatose patients are discussed. First, this chap-


Bos 8.1. Ascending Reticular Activating System

The role of the ARAS is to arouse and maintain alert- cephalon, intralaminar nuclei of the thalamus, and
ness. Despite identifiable structures, its definition posterior hypothalamus are linked to the basal fore-
remains conceptual. Coma is understood as a dys- brain and associated cortex (Fig. 8.1). These net-
function of this anatomic neural network, which works communicate through neurotransmitters,
spans a large part of the rostral upper pons, mesen- such as acetylcholine, norepinephrine, serotonin,
cephalon, and thalamus and projects to the cerebral and dopamine and, through activation of the fore-
cortex of both hemispheres. Populations of neurons brain, produce wakefulness.
situated in the tegmentum of the pons and mesen-

ter merges a thorough physical examination with and should be applied by physicians without de-
a neurologic examination. Second, it emphasizes lay. Third, it consolidates the priorities of diag-
stabilization of the patient in a threatening state. nostic tests and provides recommendations for
Many stabilizing measures are simple, require management and triage in each of the major
virtually no specific skills, are easily mastered, categories.

Figure 8.1 Ascending reticular activating system. By permission of Mayo Foundation.

Altered Arousal and Coma 55

Table 8.1. Classification and Major Causes of Coma

Structural Brain Injury Acute Metabolic-Endocrine Derangement

Hemisphere Hypoglycemia
Unilateral (with displacement) Hyperglycemia (nonketotic hyperosmolar)
Intraparenchymal hematoma Hyponatremia
Middle cerebral artery occlusion Hypernatremia
Hemorrhagic contusion Addison's disease
Cerebral abscess Hypercalcemia
Brain tumor Acute hypothyroidism
Bilateral Acute panhypopituitarism
Penetrating traumatic brain injury Acute uremia
Multiple traumatic brain contusions Hyperbilirubinemia
Anoxic-ischemic encephalopathy Hypercapnia
Multiple cerebral infarcts
Bilateral thalamic infarcts
Diffuse Physiologic Brain Dysfunction
Encephalitis Generalized tonic-clonic seizures
Gliomatosis Poisoning, illicit drug use
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis Hypothermia
Cerebral edema Gas inhalation
Multiple brain metastases Basilar migraine
Acute hydrocephalus Idiopathic recurrent stupor
Acute leukoencephalopathy
Brain stem
Psychogenic Unresponsiveness
Pontine hemorrhage
Basilar artery occlusion Acute (lethal) catatonia, malignant neuroleptic syndrome
Central pontine myelinolysis Hysterical coma
Brain stem hemorrhagic contusion Malingering
Cerebellum (with displacement of brain stem)
Cerebellar infarct
Cerebellar hematoma
Cerebellar abscess
Cerebellar glioma

Examination of the Comatose Patient General Clinical Features

In assessing the nature of coma, an examination The general appearance of the patient may be de-
that sorts out representative localizing neurologic ceptive, but extremely poor hygiene or anorexia
findings remains of great importance. Equally im- may indicate alcohol or drug abuse. A foul breath
portant is a reliable history. Relatives, bystanders, in most instances means poor dental and peri-
and police may all provide important information, odontal hygiene or alcohol consumption. The clas-
including personal belongings and medical alerts. sic types of foul breath should be recognized.
The onset of coma may provide a clue. Acute These are "dirty restroom" (uremia), "fruity
onset in a previously healthy person points to sweat" (ketoacidosis), "musty or fishy" (acute
aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage, a gener- hepatic failure), "onion" (paraldehyde), and "gar-
alized tonic-clonic seizure, traumatic brain injury, lic" (organophosphates, insecticides, thallium).
or self-induced drug poisoning. Gradual worsen- Fever and particularly hyperthermia (>40C)
ing of coma most often indicates an evolving in comatose patients may indicate an inflamma-
intracranial mass, a diffuse infiltrative neoplasm, tory cause, such as acute bacterial meningitis or
or a degenerative or inflammatory neurologic encephalitis, but can occur in massive pontine
disorder. hemorrhage, aneurysmal subarachnoid hemor-
A general physical examination is essential and rhage, and traumatic head injury. It may originate
may unpredictably provide a plausible explanation from direct compression, ischemia, or contusion
for altered awareness. of the hypothalamus. Hypothermia (<35C) in-

Figure 8.4 Methods of pain stimuli in coma. A: Com- of nailbed with handle of reflex hammer. C: Supraorbital
pression of temporomandibular joints. B: Compression nerve compression. By permission of Mayo Foundation.

dicates exposure to a cold environmental temper- be carefully inspected for needle marks in multi-
ature, a systemic illness, or intoxication. In pa- ple sites outside the cubital fossa. (However, scars
tients with a devastating traumatic brain and spine in the cubital fossa alone often may indicate that
injury, it may be a systemic sign of brain death or the patient is a blood donor or receives regular
acute spinal cord transection. blood transfusions.) Significant periorbital ecchy-
Examination of the skin may provide important mosis ("raccoon eyes") and retroauricular ecchy-
additional findings leading to the cause of coma. mosis (Battle's sign) indicate midface or skull base
Bullae or excoriated blisters at compression points fractures; they should be carefully looked for but
are nonspecific in most comatose patients but may often become apparent much later. The skin should
indicate barbiturate overdose (see Color Fig. 8.2 in be touched at different areas to assess its texture;
separate color insert). Carbon monoxide exposure, both dry skin and skin drenched in sweat may point
amitriptyline, theophylline, and diabetic ketoacid- to certain intoxications (Table 8.2). Dry skin in a
osis have also been linked to this curious skin man- comatose patient (particularly in moist locations
ifestation.24 In a patient with a long bone fracture, such as the feet, groin, and axilla) points to over-
rapidly developing pulmonary edema, and acute dose of anticholinergic agents (common tricyclic
unresponsiveness, petechiae in the axilla strongly antidepressant). Characteristically, these intoxica-
indicate fat emboli (see Color Fig. 8.3 in separate tions are associated with tachycardia, fever, and car-
color insert). Intravenous illicit drug use should be diac arrhythmias. As discussed in a later section,
considered when appropriate, and the skin should because electrocardiographic abnormalities can be

Table 8.2. Important Skin Abnormalities That May Have Discriminatory Value in
Assessment of Coma

Sign or Symptom Meaning

Acne Long-term anticonvulsant use

Bullae Barbiturates, sedative-hypnotic drugs
Butterfly eruption on face Systemic lupus erythematosus
Cold, malar flush, yellow tinge, puffy face Myxedema
Dark pigmentation Addison's disease
Dryness Barbiturate poisoning, anticholinergic agents
Edema Acute renal failure
Purpura Meningococcal meningitis, thrombocytopenic purpura vasculitis,
disseminated intravascular coagulation, aspirin intoxication
Rash Streptococcus pneumoniae (maculopapular) or Staphylococcus aureus
(limited petechial) meningitis
Wetness Cholinergic poisoning, hypoglycemia, sympathomimetics, malignant
catatonia or sympathetic storm, thyroid storm
Altered Arousal and Coma 57

Table 8.3. Common Changes in Vital Signs in Coma from Poisoning

Toxin Blood Pressure Pulse Respiration Temperature Additional Signs

Amphetamines Mydriasis
Arsenic Marked dehydration
Barbiturates Bullae, hypoglycemia
-Adrenergic blockers Seizures
Carbon monoxide Seizures
Cocaine Mydriasis, seizures
Cyclic antidepressants Mydriasis
Ethylene glycol Anion gap and osmol gap, metabolic
Lithium Seizures, myoclonus
Methanol Anion gap and osmol gap, acidosis
Opioids Miosis
Organophosphates Fasciculations, bronchospasm,
hypersalivation, sweating, miosis
Phencyclidine Miosis, myoclonus
Phenothiazine Dystonia
Salicylates Anion gap, metabolic acidosis,
respiratory alkalosis
Sedative-hypnotics Bullae
, increase; decrease; ~, no change.

entirely absent in tricyclic antidepressant overdose, the pons (which spares pathways to oculomotor nu-
its recognition may thus be extremely difficult. Pro- clei of the mesencephalon and reticular formation)
fuse sweating should always point to organophos- causes a nearly uncommunicative state. Before pain
phate pesticide poisoning or severe hypoglycemia. stimuli are applied, the patient should be asked to
Hypertension is a common clinical feature in blink and look up and down. Grim accounts have
coma associated with acute structural CNS lesions been published of failure to appreciate this entity.5
and therefore has little predictive value. It usually The depth of coma should be documented, and
subsides after the sympathetic outburst associated many coma scales have been devised. Only the
with the initial insult wanes, but unexplained Glasgow Coma Scale (a combination of the best
surges of hypertension indicate poisoning from possible eye, motor, and verbal responses, as
certain drugs, such as amphetamines, cocaine, summarized in Table 8.4) has been tested for its
phenylpropanolamine, hallucinogens, and sympa-
thomimetic agents. Conversely, hypertension Table 8.4. Glasgow Coma Scale
should be considered a cause of diffuse en- Eye opening
cephalopathy only in patients with profound hy- 4 Spontaneous
pertension (diastolic values >140 mm Hg), doc- 3 To speech
umented seizures, and papilledema, key signs that 2 To pain
are often preceded by visual hallucinations. 1 None
Best motor response (arm)
Combinations of changes in vital signs may sug- 6 Obeying
gest certain poisonings. They are summarized in 5 Localizing pain
Table 8.3 and may be helpful in narrowing down 4 Withdrawal
the endless list of possible intoxications. 3 Abnormal flexing
2 Extensor response
1 None
Neurologic Features Best verbal response
5 Oriented
It should reflect the astuteness of a clinical neurol- 4 Confused conversation
ogist to first evaluate whether the patient truly is 3 Inappropriate words
comatose, in locked-in syndrome, or malingering. 2 Incomprehensible sounds
1 None
In locked-in syndrome, an acute structural lesion in

reliability in daily clinical practice.6,7 This scale re- sum scores of the Glasgow Coma Scale alone is
mains unsurpassed. (The need for the scale arose misleading because similar sum scores could rep-
when researchers in Glasgow realized that a stan- resent different levels of decreased consciousness.
dard language had to be used rather than vague A stimulus to elicit a response to pain, if needed,
statements such as "He seems a bit brighter to- must be standardized: compression of the nailbed
day."8) The individual components of the Glasgow with the handle of the reflex hammer or pen, com-
Coma Scale have been graded, at times summed pression of the supraorbital nerve, or compression
to a score between 3 and 15. Grading coma by of the temporomandibular joint (Fig. 8.4).9 Alter-

Figure 8.5 Glasgow coma score. By permission of Mayo Foundation.

Altered Arousal and Coma 59
native stimuli are sternal and axillary rubs or motor response of the arm is noted, partic-
squeezing the trapezius muscle. ularly when a different response between
The components of the Glasgow Coma Scale left and right exists. Responses in the legs
(Fig. 8.5) are as follows: are noted. They may vary from none to a
triple-flexion response (flexion of hip, knee,
1. Eye opening. By definition, patients in coma and ankle) to following commands to wiggle
have their eyes closed. Spontaneous eye the toes. In the fully alert patient, the legs
opening, however, does not portend aware- can be crossed, mostly indicating a comfort-
ness. Patients in a persistent vegetative state able degree of relaxation (arguably this po-
frequently have their eyes open, and they sition is not seen in patients in acute distress).
spontaneously blink. Eye opening can be The motor response is one of the most im-
produced by aural stimulus, such as a loud portant elements in the neurologic exami-
voice, or pain stimulus. Obviously, one should nation of the comatose patient. Motor re-
take care not to use both a loud voice and a sponse is graded from "following commands
pain or sternal rub stimulus at the same time. or obeying" to "no response after a pain stim-
Eye opening is difficult to assess in patients ulus." It additionally is useful to ask the pa-
with facial trauma or periorbital edema. tient to follow simple commands rather
2. Motor response. By convention, the "best" than to squeeze a hand alone because reflex

Figure 8.5 Continued


grasping may be misinterpreted as obedi- and why he or she is there. Confused con-
ence. An example of a simple command is versation is conversational speech with dis-
to ask the patient to show a thumbs-up, fist, orientation in content. Inappropriate speech
or victory sign.10 For localization of a pain is intelligible but consists of isolated words
response, the arms should either cross the only and may include profanity and yellmg.
midline toward a contralateral nail bed com- The term incomprehensible speech refers to
pression or reach above shoulder level to- the production of fragments of words, moan-
ward a stimulus applied to the face. With- ing, or groans alone. Lack of speech may de-
drawal to pain is quick (snap-back response), note mutism or anarthria and speech is ob-
usually involving only flexion and not arm viously absent in endotracheally intubated
or wrist flexion and adduction. Motor re- patients.
sponses may include the so-called primitive
responses. Both abnormal flexor responses Meningeal irritation should be assessed (Fig.
(decorticate rigidity) and abnormal extensor 8.7 and 8.8) but becomes less apparent in patients
responses (decerebrate rigidity) are nonlo- with deeper stages of coma (e.g., no eye opening
calizing, indicating bilateral hemisphere di- to pain, abnormal motor responses, and moaning
encephalic or brain stem lesions. Abnormal only). Both the classic Kernig sign (inability to ex-
extensor responses imply a more severe le- tend the leg with flexion at the hip) and the
sion but not necessarily a worse prognosis. Brudzinski sign (flexing the neck causes flexion of
An abnormal flexion response in the arms the hips and knees) may be useful, but the diag-
(decorticate) is indicated by stereotyped, nostic value for meningitis has been questioned
slow flexion of the elbow, wrist, and fingers, by some.11 Muscle tone can be flaccid (normal in
with adduction of the arms. An abnormal ex- coma but may indicate intoxication with benzodi-
tensor response in the arms (decerebrate) azepine or tricyclic antidepressant poisoning) or
consists of adduction and internal rotation of rigid (e.g., neuroleptic agents, etomidate, strych-
the shoulder and pronation of the hand with nine, malignant catatonia, or malignant hyper-
extension, internal rotation, and plantar flex- thermia). Abnormal movements such as twitching
ion of the legs. Extreme extensor posturing in the eyelids (may indicate seizures), tremors,
may result in fist formation (thumb in palm) myoclonus (anoxic-ischemic encephalopathy,
or wedging of the thumb between the index lithium intoxication, penicillin intoxication, pesti-
and middle fingers. Its presence is indicative cides), asterixis (acute renal, liver, or pulmonary
of imminent demise (Fig. 8.6). failure), and shivering (sepsis, hypothermia)
3. Verbal response. A normal verbal response should be noted and integrated into the interpre-
is speech that implies awareness of self, en- tation of the examination.
vironment, and circumstances. The patient Neurologic examination proceeds with the cra-
knows who he or she is, where he or she is, nial nerves. The size of the pupils and whether

Figure 8.6 Extreme form posturing, poor prognostic sign (fist and thumb in fingers).
Altered Arousal and Coma 61

Figure 8.7 Kernig's sign.

they are equal, round, oval, or irregular should be pupils. Pupillary abnormalities and their signifi-
noted. It is important to understand the meaning cance are shown in Figure 8.9.
of a unilateral dilated, fixed pupil (frequently des- Funduscopy may reveal diagnostic findings in
ignates uncal herniation); bilateral fixed, midposi- comatose patients. Subhyaloid hemorrhage (see
tion pupils (frequently designate diencephalic Color Fig. 8.10A in separate color insert) is sel-
herniation, brain death, or intoxication with dom seen in coma but when present implies
scopolamine, atropine, glutethimide, or methyl al- aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (see Chap-
cohol); and pinpoint pupils (frequently designate ter 13) or shaken-baby syndrome (see Chapter
narcotic overdose, acute pontine lesion, or syphilis 20). Papilledema (see Color Fig. 8.10B in separate
[Argyll Robertson pupils]). The pupillary reac- color insert) indicates acutely increased intracra-
tions to an intense beam from a flashlight are stud- nial pressure but also is present in some patients
ied for both eyes. A magnifying glass may be with acute asphyxia.
needed to evaluate questionable "sluggish" pupil- Absence of spontaneous eye movement should
lary responses, particularly in patients with small be documented, along with lateral deviation to ei-

Figure 8.8 Brudzinski's sign.


NORMAL PUPIL SIZE (depending on lighting)

OCULOMOTOR PALSY from acute intracranial mass;

contusion of bulbus oculi (late phenomenon)

OVAL PUPIL (often transitory appearance of pupils in brain


MYDRIASIS (anxiety, delirium, pain, seizures, botulism,

atropine, amylnitrite, magnesium excess, norepinephrine,

MIDPOSITION PUPILS (brain death; diencephalic herniation)

HORNER'S SYNDROME (carotid dissection, medulla

oblongata infarct from vertebrobasilar artery occlusion,
traumatic sympathetic lesion due to catheter placement
in jugular vein)

MIOSIS (narcotic agents, acute pontine lesion, nonketotic

hyperglycemia, hypercapnia)

Figure 8.9 Pupil abnormalities in altered consciousness and coma.

ther side or disconjugate gaze at rest. Forced gaze duction paralysis of the opposite eye implies a
deviation indicates a large hemispheric lesion at brain stem lesion (internuclear ophthalmoplegia)
the site looked at. Spontaneous eye movements as a cause of coma (Fig. 8.11).
periodic alternating gaze, ocular dipping, and Finally, corneal responses are tested by draw-
retractory nystagmusmay be seen in coma but ing a cotton wisp fully across the cornea. Sponta-
have no localization value other than indicating neous coughing or coughing after tracheal suc-
diffuse brain injury. (However, ocular bobbing tioning is recorded (to-and-fro movement of the
rapid downward, slow return to baselineis typ- endotracheal tube is not an adequate stimulus).
ical for acute pontine lesions.) The oculocephalic Absence of coughing may indicate either that the
responses are evaluated in conjunction with pas- neurologic catastrophe has evolved into brain
sive, brisk horizontal head turning, and, if appro- death or that sedative or anesthetic drugs or neu-
priate, the response to vertical head movements romuscular blocking agents for emergency intu-
can be tested. (In patients with any suspicion of bation have markedly muted these responses.
head or spine injury, the oculocephalic responses
should not be tested because movement may lux-
Brain Death
ate the cervical spine if fractured and immediately
cause spinal cord trauma.) Oculovestibular re- The clinical diagnosis of brain death is strongly
sponses are tested by irrigating each external au- suspected when all brain stem reflexes are absent
ditory canal with 50 mL of ice water with the head in a comatose patient, but the cause of the cata-
30 degrees above the horizontal plane (an intact strophic event should be known and demonstrated
tympanum needs to be confirmed). Comatose pa- to be irreversible.1214 It often is suggested when
tients exhibit tonic responses with conjugate de- patients with fixed pupils stop bucking the venti-
viation toward the ear irrigated with cold water. lator and blood pressure suddenly decreases to low
Bilateral testing can be done by rapidly squirting systolic values around 8090 mm Hg. Brain death
50 mL of ice water in each ear, resulting in a can be diagnosed in the emergency department
forced downward eye movement. Abduction of but remains a presumptive diagnosis, and organ
the eye only on the side being irrigated with ad- donation should not proceed directly from this lo-
Altered Arousal and Coma 63

Figure 8.11 Internuclear ophthalmoplegia associated

with acute pontine lesion. Eye position with eyelid
opening (A). Adduction paralysis (arrow) can be elicited
by cold water irrigation of the right ear (B) or the left
ear (C).

cation. Any physician assessing a patient with brain Coma or impaired consciousness in localized
death should be very sensitive to the possibility medulla oblongata lesions therefore is only an in-
that confounding causes may be present, particu- direct consequence of hypercapnia or hypoten-
larly in patients admitted directly to the emergency sion-induced global hemispheric injury. These le-
department. Even when a catastrophic brain le- sions do not involve the ARAS structures and thus
sion is demonstrated on neuroimaging, the cir- by themselves do not produce coma or hyper-
cumstances should be considered ambiguous un- somnia.15 These medullary structural lesions may
til the history is complete and, if appropriate, a involve hemorrhages (often arteriovenous mal-
toxicologic study has ruled out drug ingestion. formation or cavernous hemangioma), metastasis,
The accepted clinical criteria for brain death lateral or medially located medullary infarct, or
are shown in Figure 8.12. The technical proce- an inflammatory lesion such as a bacterial or fun-
dure for the apnea test is shown in Table 8.5. gal abscess.
Tegmental pontine lesions interrupt the ARAS
midway but result in impaired consciousness only
Assessment of Patients with with bilateral injury. The base of the pons does
Structural Causes of Coma not participate in arousal; therefore, large lesions
such as infarcts or central pontine myelinolysis do
Structural lesions are often acute (hemorrhage, not impair consciousness but may interrupt all
infarct, abscess) or may be a critical extension of motor output except vertical eye movement and
an infiltrating tumor, abscess, or giant mass. The blinking initiated by centers in the mesen-
boundary in the vertical axis is the lower pons. cephalon. As alluded to earlier, this "locked-in
Destructive lesions below this level may lead to syndrome" is often mistaken for coma until blink-
acute dysfunction of autonomic nuclei, resulting ing and repeated up-and-down eye movements
in failure to drive respiration or vascular tone. seem to coincide with questions posed to the pa-

Figure 8.12 Brain death diagnosis and guidelines for nuclear scan, or transcranial Doppler ultrasonography
confirmatory testing. Evidence preferably based on may obviate observation over time. Criteria vary
computed tomographic scan or cerebrospinal fluid worldwide. PaCO2, partial pressure of arterial CO2;
exam. Confirmatory test such as cerebral angiography, EEG, electroencephalogram.

tient. Cognition is intact, and patients may com- mic perforating arteries are the most common
municate through code systems. causes of bilateral thalamic damage, but an infil-
Mesencephalic damage usually is seldom seen trating thalamic tumor or infiltrative intraventric-
in isolation and more commonly occurs from ex- ular masses in the third ventricle can produce sud-
tension of a lesion in the thalamus (e.g., destruc- den coma. Ganglionic hemorrhages may extend
tive intracranial hematoma) or as a result of oc- into the thalamus and compress the opposite thal-
clusion of the tip of the basilar artery, producing amus.16 Bithalamic hematoma is more commonly
simultaneous infarcts in both thalami and in the seen as an extension of pontine hematoma (see
mesencephalic tegmentum. Chapter 14). Combined thalamic and mesen-
Bilateral thalamic damage resulting in coma cephalic damage may result in so-called slow syn-
most often involves the paramedian nuclei, but drome, characterized by immobility, voiceless-
damage to interlaminar, ventrolateral, or lateral ness, flat emotions, and somnolence most of the
posterior nuclei may impair consciousness by in- day.15
terrupting the thalamic cortex and thalamocorti- Bihemispheric structural damage may involve
cal projections. Infarcts in the distribution of the the white matter or cortex or both, and a diver-
penetrating thalamogeniculate or anterior thala- sity of disorders may produce damage severe
Altered Arousal and Coma 65

Table 8.5. The Apnea Test first, direct destruction of brain tissue leading to
(Apneic Diffusion Method) clinical features related to the involved lobe and,
second, remote effects from herniation and buck-
Precautionary Measures ling of essentially normal tissue.
1. Core temperature 36.5C (4.5C higher than the The differential diagnosis in unilateral brain
required 32C for clinical diagnosis of brain death) masses is extensive (Table 8.6).
2. Systolic blood pressure 90 mm Hg
The quintessential patterns of brain herniation
3. Euvolemia
4. Eucapnia from mass effect are (1) cingulate herniation, (2)
5. Normoxemia (preoxygenate) central syndrome of rostrocaudal deterioration
Connect a pulse oximeter to the patient. (herniation of the diencephalon structures, such
Disconnect the ventilator. as the thalamus), (3) uncal herniation, and (4) up-
Deliver 100% Oa, 6 L/minute (place a cannula close to
ward or downward herniation of brain tissue of
the level of the carina).
the posterior fossa (Box 8.2).
Cingulate herniation is often asymptomatic,
Assessing for Apnea
and typically a diagnosis made by CT scanning or
Look closely for respiratory movements. Respiration is MRI. It most frequently is a prelude to central or
defined as abdominal or chest excursions that produce
uncal herniation, when masses shift brain tissue
adequate tidal volumes.
Measure arterial PO2, PCO2, and pH after approximately even more. The cingulate gyrus is squeezed un-
8 minutes and reconnect the ventilator. der the falx, but unless the anterior cerebral ar-
If respiratory movements are absent and arterial PCO2 is tery occludes (producing infarction and edema
60 mm Hg or there is an increase of 20 mm Hg in the with frontal release signs and abulia), no major
PCO2 over a baseline normal value, the apnea test result
neurologic manifestation can be expected.
is positive (supports the clinical diagnosis of brain death).
If respiratory movements are observed, the apnea test Central or diencephalic herniation occurs when
result is negative (does not support the clinical diagnosis a mass located medially forces the thalamus-
of brain death), and the test should be repeated. midbrain through the tentorial opening. During
PO2/PCO2, partial pressure of O2/CO2. this downward shift, the brain stem caves in and
becomes distorted, and the shearing off of pene-
trating branches from the basilar artery fixed to
enough to reduce arousal. The most notable dis- the circle of Willis results in irreversible brain
orders are anoxic-ischemic encephalopathy from stem damage,
cardiac standstill destroying most of the cortical Signs of central herniation have been recog-
lamina, multiple brain metastatic lesions, multi- nized by the evolution of midposition or small bi-
focal cerebral infarcts from isolated central nerv- lateral pupils with sluggish light responses. At the
ous system (CNS) vasculitis, multiple emboli from
a cardiac source, markedly reduced global cere-
bral blood flow from acute subarachnoid hemor- Table 8.6. Diagnostic Considerations in
rhage, cerebral edema, hydrocephalus, blunt head Patients with Single Intracranial Mass
trauma causing extensive scattered lesions in
white and gray matter structures, and encephali- Immunosuppression No Immunosuppression
tis (see Table 8.1). Unusual structural causes for
Toxoplasma Astrocytoma
coma are bilateral internal carotid occlusions, very Lymphoma Oligodendroglioma
commonly leading to loss of all brain function Progressive multifocal Glioblastoma multiforme
from profound swelling within days.17 leukoencephalopathy Metastasis
Aspergillus Bacterial abscess
Mucormycosis Aneurysm (giant)
Nocardia Histoplasmosis
Assessment of Patients with Mycobacteria Coccidioidomycosis
Acute Unilateral Hemispheric or Blastomycosis
Cerebellar Mass Multiple sclerosis
Two major clinical manifestations may be ob- Meningioma
served in patients with an acute hemispheric mass:

Box 8.2. Mechanisms of Herniation

Acute unilateral hemispheric masses may produce duce in the process bilateral involvement of the
hemiation syndromes from their volume or from ARAS and may cause coma despite an impressive
surrounding edema. Whether displacement hori- shift in all directions (e.g., large, destructive puta-
zontally or vertically correlates with changes in con- men hematomas).19 The significance of vertical dis-
sciousness and evolution of clinical signs remains a placement thus may be vastly overrated, and early
matter of some controversy. An alternative provoca- thalamus damage may be key. However, advances
tive but meritorious view is that horizontal shift in neuroimaging studios have allowed us to identify
measured by CT or MRI correlates better with the development of mesencephalon ischemia from
early changes in consciousness in acute unilateral progressive vertical shift or disappearance of the
masses.18,19 The diencephalic structures are com- fourth ventricle from brain stem impaction, sug-
pressed and dislocated toward the opposite side of gesting that rostrocaudal deterioration is key in the
the mass lesion. Bilateral masses "pinch" the upper development of progressive stages of hermiation.20
brain stem rather than push it down. In addition, di- However, it is not certain whether these changes on
rect destructive damage of the thalamus with com- MRI are the defining moment of irreversibility.
pression of the opposite dorsal thalamus may pro-

same time, respiration becomes rapid, often with (classically named after Kernohan, Kernohan's
intermittent Cheyne-Stokes breathing. Patients notch). The midbrain displaces horizontally and
barely localize pain stimuli and may fidget with may rotate if the compression is off center. The
bed linen or show a withdrawal response. Further process can progress only more vertically, or the
progression results in extensor posturing and brain stem buckles and is squashed (Fig. 8.14).
development of midposition pupils (diameter 5-6 Compression of the brain stem causes smaller
mm) unresponsive to light, disappearance of ocu- pupils (often misinterpreted as "improvement of
locephalic reflexes, and irregular gasping. Central the blown pupil" after administration of manni-
herniation may progress to a midbrain stage in a tol). Damage to the pons may lead to a transient
matter of hours but then halts or very slowly pro- locked-in syndrome.21 Many of these features can
gresses further (Fig. 8.13). Central herniation may be recognized on neuroimaging.
progress rapidly, but it is possible that the earlier Acute cerebellar masses (e.g., hematoma) are
signs of drowsiness, increased respiratory drive, manifested by vertigo, acute inability to walk, and
and development of worsening motor responses excruciating headache. Vomiting is common, and
are not appreciated by the physician or wrongly many patients can only crawl to the bathroom. Ap-
attributed to a new insult to the opposite hemi- proximately 60% of patients have a noticeable
sphere (e.g., in patients with a recent ischemic ataxia and nystagmus on examination before level
stroke). of consciousness deteriorates from upward or ton-
Uncal herniation denotes displacement of the sillar herniation.
uncal gyms, which is part of the temporal lobe, Upward herniation occurs when the brain stem
into the incisura tentorii. Uncal herniation has a is lifted upward or when cerebellar tissue, partic-
more apparent presentation, with sudden appear- ularly the vermis, is squeezed through the tento-
ance of a wide pupil with loss of light response. rial notch into the supracerebellar cisterns. The
Ptosis, adduction paralysis, and diminished eleva- effects of brain stem compression and upward
tion of the affected eye are seen. Level of con- herniation are almost impossible to distinguish
sciousness is reduced further when the uncus clinically. Patients deteriorate with progressive
forces itself through the tentorium, flattening the paralysis of upward gaze and further lapse into a
midbrain and shifting it to the opposite direction. deeper coma. Pupils become asymmetric and fi-
Contralateral hemiparesis occurs when the brain nally contract to pinpoint size when pontine com-
stem truly is squeezed against the opposite tento- pression advances. MRI can document these
rial edge, damaging the pyramidal long tracts anatomic changes with accuracy (Fig. 8.15).22
Figure 8.13 Normal anatomy (A), sketch of central or tilted (arrows). Ischemic brain stem lesions are the re-
diencephalic herniation (B), and corresponding mag- sult of tearing of the penetrating arteries. ACA, ante-
netic resonance image (C). Note downward movement rior cerebral artery; PCA, posterior cerebral artery;
of the brain stem. The red nuclei (only visible using vent., ventricle; III, third cranial nerve.
spin echo sequences), usually horixontally aligned, have


Figure 8.14 Normal anatomy (A), sketch of uncal her- pression (D) (arrow points to opposite oculomotor
niation (B), and corresponding magnetic resonance nerve). ACA, anterior cerebral artery; PCA, posterior
image (C,D). Note uncal herniation (C) (arrows) and cerebral artery; vent., ventricle; III, third cranial nerve.
disappearance of the oculomotor nerve due to com-

Assessment of Patients with Poisoning inflicted death by poisoning are tricyclic antide-
or Drug Abuse Causing Coma pressants, salicylates (particularly children), and
street drugs. In the elderly, suicide attempts and
Intentional poisoning and drug abuse are common unintentional intoxication through misjudgment
causes of coma in patients admitted to emergency of dose remain leading circumstances.
departments (Box 8.3). The distribution of causes This section reviews the most commonly en-
may reflect the geographic location of the hospi- countered poisonings causing coma. It is hardly
tal. The most common substances used for self- possible to discuss all drugs that may cause coma;
Figure 8.15 Normal anatomy (A), sketch of tonsillar straight sinus and great vein of Galen, is upwardly dis-
herniation (B), and magnetic resonance images (C) (ar- placed. The cerebellar tonsils are herniated below the
rows point to orientation lines). The iter of the aque- line of the foramen magnum. ACA, anterior cerebral
duct, usually located on the horizontal line drawn from artery; PCA, posterior cerebral artery; vent., ventricle;
the anterior tuberculum sellae to the confluence of the III, third cranial nerve.


Box 8.3. Mechanisms of Toxin-Induced Coma

Coma induced by poisoning may result from at least tion through GABA, one of the major CNS neuro-
live mechanisms. First, a chief factor may be hypo- transmitters, is increased output of GABA, which
glycemia. Because many toxins profound hy- also leads to reduction of the turnover of acetyl-
poglyeemia, early intravenous administration of glu- choline, dopamine, and serotonin, culminating in a
cose in any comatose patient has been advocated. marked hypnotic-depressant effect. Opioids, how-
Common examples are salicylates, /3-adrenergic ever, exert their depressant effects on the CNS
Mockers, and ethanol. through a different set of receptors.
Second, in other toxins, hypoxia is the main mech- Fourth, toxins may cause seizures, usually as a ter-
anism underlying coma and is produced by inter- minal manifestation, which may be followed by a
ference of oxygen transport, (issue utilization of oxy- postictal decreased level of consciousness or non-
gen, or simply displacement of oxygen by another convulsive status epilepticus.
gas, such as an industrial gas. Hypoxia can also be Fifth, structural CNS lesions may be caused by
produced by acute pulmonary edema (e.g., cocaine) the toxin itself or traumatic head injury. Coma in
or aspiration pneumonitis (e.g., after seizures). poisoning or drug abuse may he due to spontaneous
Third, a major mechanism of coma is depression intracranial hematoma (e.g., amphetamine or co-
of neuronal function involving the y-amino- caine overdose] or hemorrhagic brain contusions as-
butyric acid (GABA)-hen7odiazepine chloride sociated with a fall.
iodophor receptor complex. The mechanism of ac-

in fact, many do when ingested in enormous quan- of other depressant drugs, leading to respiratory
tities. Polydrug abuse or intentional intoxication arrest or respiratory airway obstruction from
often results in widely different clinical presenta- vomiting.24,25
tions. Many of the drug overdose cases are so com- The development of acute alcohol intoxication
plicated and difficult to diagnose that physicians depends not only on the blood alcohol concen-
are left with a dizzying array of possibilities. There tration but also on the rapidity of the increase in
is a potential flaw in presenting these intoxications blood and on tolerance, which is significantly in-
in a simplistic fashion, but some clinical patterns creased in heavy drinkers (typically, they are able
are truly characteristic and should be recognized to "drink someone under the table"). The clinical
at first appearance.23 features of alcohol intoxication in relation to blood
alcohol level are thus unreliable and apply only to
naive drinkers. The clinical presentation of alco-
Central Nervous System Depressants
hol intoxication is well known and involves ataxia,
CNS depressants first impair vestibular and cere- dysarthria, loss of rapid reaction to sudden dan-
bellar function. Therefore, nystagmus, ataxia, and ger, and a feeling of high self-esteem that can lead
dysarthria accompany or even precede the first to a series of misjudgments, including driving
signs of impaired consciousness. despite warnings from passengers. Aggression to
Diagnosing an overdose of CNS depressant well-intended restraint may lead to fist fights in
agents remains difficult, and one should appreci- susceptible persons and significant head injury or
ate the dangerous potential of some agents (e.g., epidural hematoma due to acute skull fracture
tricyclic antidepressants). (see Chapter 20) overlying the middle meningeal
Ethanol Seizures are uncommon as a direct result of al-
Alcohol intoxication is a frequent cause of reduced cohol consumption but may be associated with se-
arousal. Alcohol ingestion can be fatal, but for vere hyponatremia (e.g., after consumption of
death to occur, extreme quantities of ethanol large quantities at "beer fests"). Alcohol intoxica-
should have been consumed, and more often tion may mimic or coincide with many neurologic
an alcoholic binge is combined with consumption disorders, including hepatic encephalopathy, by-
Altered Arousal and Coma 71

poglycemia, subdural hematoma, fulminant bac- Table 8.7. Classification of Barbiturates

terial meningitis, and central pontine myelinoly-
sis. Progressive confusion and combativeness in a Ultra-short-acting (DA, 0.3 hour)
previously alcoholic person, particularly if associ- Thiamylal
ated with tremors, marked (often initially unex- Methohexital
plained) hypertension, and tachycardia, may indi- Short-acting (DA, 3 hours)
cate alcohol withdrawal and delirium. Recognition Hexobarbital
of profound alcohol withdrawal may become dif- Pentobarbital"
ficult, particularly if patients have passed well into Intermediate-acting (DA, 36hours)
a stage of agitation and decreased alertness. Amobarbital'
The diagnosis of acute drunkenness seems Aprobarbital
straightforward, but laboratory confirmation and Butabarbital
exclusion of confounding metabolic derange- Long-acting (DA, 612 hours)
ments are needed. Crucial laboratory tests should Mephobarbital
include measurement of serum alcohol level, ar- Phenobarbital
terial blood gases (to exclude hypoventilation), Primidone
electrolytes, blood glucose (alcohol reduces glu- DA, duration of action.
coneogenesis and causes hypoglycemia in a pre- Also known as "yellow jackets."
disposed patient), calcium and magnesium, and Also known as "red devils."
serum osmolality. A large osmolar gap is com- Also known as "blue heavens."
Also known as "purple hearts," "goofballs," and "downs."
patible with alcohol intoxication. Routine drug
screens should be performed at all times to rule
out other ingested drugs of abuse. When truly
measured, the legal limit in many states is 80 mg
alcohol/100 mL blood, but toxic levels are usually fixed, dilated pupils in near-fatal doses, often with
more than 200 mg alcohol/100 mL blood. associated profound hypotension from direct myo-
Management of patients in stupor or coma from cardial depression, clammy skin, and hypother-
alcohol intoxication consists of endotracheal in- mia. Bullous skin lesions ("coma blisters," Fig. 8.2)
tubation to protect the airway, thiamine intra- can be seen at pressure points and are very un-
venously, rewarming, liberal intravenous fluids, common at other sites, suggesting skin necrosis
treatment of recurrent seizures, if any, and fre- from ischemia rather than a specific cutaneous
quent assessment and management of potential toxicity.
hypoglycemia. The depth of coma can be estimated by meas-
urement of barbiturate levels and by an elec-
Barbiturates troencephalogram, which in severe cases may
Barbiturates are hypnotic-sedative agents that show isoelectric tracing mimicking brain death,
should be considered a cause of coma in drug ad- but more commonly displays a burst suppression
dicts rushed into emergency departments. It is not pattern.
surprising to find that barbiturates have been Management of barbiturate coma is supportive,
taken with other street drugs, and they may con- with full mechanical ventilation until cough re-
siderably deepen the level of coma. flexes return. Vasopressors, such as dopamine, are
Barbiturates significantly differ in duration of needed to support blood pressure. Forced alka-
action (Table 8.7). They are very powerful stim- line diuresis and hemodialysis with high blood
ulants of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GAB A, flow rate should be considered.26
resulting in early depression of respiratory drive. With the improvement in intensive care sup-
In the event of overdose, these differences of- port and hemodialysis, outcome is difficult to pre-
ten determine the time on the mechanical dict on the basis of depth of coma. A landmark
ventilator. study by Reed et al.27 found that mortality was
Depending on the degree of CNS depression, high in patients with respiratory failure, hypoten-
barbiturate overdose produces flaccid coma with sion, and coma for more than 36 hours; but these
initially small reactive pupils advancing to light- data may not apply in modern times.

Tricyclic Antidepressants logyric crises, facial grimacing, and, finally, stu-

The prescription of antidepressant drugs for pa- por. Serum lithium levels are reasonably corre-
tients with severe depression may lead to use by lated with the severity of toxicity, which is serious
the patient for a suicide attempt. This is possibly when these levels reach or exceed 2.5 mEq/L.32
also related to the observation that it takes 23 Restoration of sodium and water balance,
weeks to achieve the antidepressant effect, and which is disturbed by lithium-induced nephro-
thus, patients with suicidal tendencies may take genic diabetes insipidus, is key in its management.
all of the medication at once. Tricyclic overdose Hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis should be in-
is one of the principal causes of death in intensive stituted immediately in most cases.
care unit series of drug overdosing.28 By virtue of
the profound cardiac toxicity of the drugs, death
can be imminent in some patients on arrival in the
Patients with a benzodiazepine overdose (slang:
emergency department.
downs, nerve pills, tranks) seldom are in need of
Coma from tricyclic antidepressant toxicity may
a long hospital stay unless coingestions have oc-
progress to a loss of all brain stem reflexes and
curred. Massive exposure to benzodiazepines re-
apnea, mimicking brain death. However, coma
sults in coma, but with appropriate support, neu-
with no response to painful stimuli occurred in
rologic morbidity is rare. Coma can be profound,
only 13% of 225 patients with tricyclic overdose.29
but most patients awaken within 2 days; recovery
Tricyclic overdose may be manifested by delirium
times are longer with increasing age.33
from cholinergic blockade, and some patients
The clinical presentation of benzodiazepine
have other manifestations, such as dry skin, hyper-
poisoning is nonspecific, and coma with extreme
thermia, and dilated pupils.30 Seizures are com-
flaccidity is common.34 Respiratory depression
mon within hours of ingestion, often emerge at
may not be evident, and hypoxic respiratory drive
peak serum concentration, but seldom evolve into
often becomes clear only when a pulse oximeter
status epilepticus.31
is connected to the patient on arrival in the emer-
A widened QRS interval on the electrocardio-
gency department. Not uncommonly, oxygen ad-
gram is a common manifestation, and at least ini-
ministration with high flow may then produce hy-
tially cardiac arrhythmias may be absent. In a sig-
percarbia and hyperoxemia. Many patients may
nificant overdose, the management of cardiac
need to be intubated, but adjustment of the O2
arrhythmia determines care and can involve a
source and rate-controlled, noninvasive ventila-
temporary pacemaker. Sodium bicarbonate (50
tion may be effective in some instances.
mEq of NaHCO3, 1 mEq/mL) should be admin-
The use of flumazenil is controversial because
istered to produce alkalosis, which inhibits sodium
seizures from acute withdrawal have been re-
channel blockade by tricyclic antidepressants, a
ported. A more recent study in 110 patients
mechanism thought to be responsible for cardiac
contradicted these risks and demonstrated that
arrhythmia. Seizures can be managed with intra-
flumazenil is safe.35
venous administration of phenytoin or fospheny-
toin, but because of its own risk of producing car-
diac arrhythmias, this agent probably is indicated
Abuse of Illicit Drugs
only if seizures recur.
It is not possible to gather all illicit drugs under
Lithium one umbrella and discuss them in a few para-
Toxic manifestations of lithium are most often a graphs. This section discusses some of the most
result of incorrect dosage. Anticholinergic mani- commonly encountered examples of drug over-
festations are common, including flushing of the dose. For complex problems, readers should re-
face, dilated pupils, fever, and dry skin.32 fer to major toxicology textbooks,36 available in
With increasing blood levels, a rather slowly most emergency departments, or a neurology
progressive clinical picture seems to emerge, text.37 Not infrequently, these unfortunate, poorly
characterized by myoclonus, hand tremor, and nourished, shelterless patients are found hypo-
slurring of speech. This may further progress to thermic or next to an empty syringe, bottle of
delirium, acute mania, dystonic movements, ocu- liquor, or unlabeled pill vial.
Altered Arousal and Coma 73

Phencyclidine lignant hypertension. Outcome is worse in

Phencyclidine (slang, "angel dust") is rising in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage associated
popularity among illicit drug users and users in with cocaine.44 Up to 50% of patients harbor a
college students, and thus the prevalence of phen- vascular malformation or aneurysm. Bilateral
cyclidine overdose is increasing in emergency de- cerebral infarcts can be a result of diffuse vaso-
partments. Phencyclidine is usually packed in constriction45'46 or long-standing occlusive dis-
tablets and sold as powder or mixed with mari- ease of major cerebral arteries.47
juana (slang, "wacky weed").36 General measures for cocaine overdose often
Phencyclidine is a potent anesthetic agent, act- include management of hyperthermia with cool-
ing on both GABA and dopamine systems. Its clin- ing blankets or fans, -adrenergic blockade or li-
ical manifestations are highly unusual, with deep docaine to treat ventricular tachycardia, and care-
anesthesia and coma but a facial appearance of ful monitoring for the possible development of
being fully awake.35 Typically, a strong pain stim- acute myocardial infarction and recognition of sta-
ulus is not registered by the patient, and this sign tus epilepticus.
should immediately point to phencyclidine as a
toxin. Commonly, phencyclidine produces hyper-
tension, tachycardia, salivation, sweating, and bi- Opiates
directional nystagmus. Many patients act vio- Acute opiate overdose may be produced by heroin
lently, demonstrate bizarre behavior, and speak (diacetylmorphine [slang: "H," speedball]) or de-
endlessly.38 Distortion of body image and vivid vi- liberate use of massive doses of narcotic drugs
sual hallucinations may occur, and some patients used for pain control. Fentanyl dermal patches,
are catatonic, which additionally may lead to rhab- particularly, have become popular for pain con-
domyolysis. When the patient's condition pro- trol, and the absorption of this very potent opioid
gresses to coma, cholinergic signs are obvious, is so erratic that rapidly progressive stupor may
with significant frothing, flushing, sweating (often occur.48
with typical strings of large sweat droplets on the The clinical manifestations of opiate overdose
forehead), and miosis.38'39 include miosis, hypoventilation, and flaccidity.
Many patients recover fully with adequate ven- Brain stem reflexes may become lost, and the pre-
tilator support, but some may continue to mani- served light reflex in patients with extremely small
fest a schizophrenia-like picture of withdrawal, pupils may be impossible to discern. Severe hy-
negativism, and delusions, which suggests chronic poxia from hypoventilation or florid pulmonary
use of phencyclidine. edema may be a major contributory factor to
coma. Seizures appear more commonly with
Cocaine meperidine and propoxyphene.
Cocaine (slang: blow, snow, toot, coke, rock) Management of opioid poisoning has been facil-
blocks the presynaptic uptake of norepinephrine itated by the use of naloxone. This opiate antago-
and dopamine and causes excitation.40 Its recre- nist is without major adverse effects, and dramatic
ational use is widespread, either by intranasal reversal of coma is seen.
snorting or by smoking after dissolution in water Arterial blood gas values are supportive in opi-
and the addition of a strong base (so-called crack). oid overdose, demonstrating marked hypoxia and
The clinical presentation after inhalation, smok- hypercapnia from hypoventilation. A point that
ing, or intravenous injection is characteristic. Pa- cannot be emphasized strongly enough is that be-
tients have hypertension, widely dilated pupils, cause serum drug screens do not identify opioids,
and tachypnea. Seizures often occur after the ini- urine samples are needed for detection. For other
tial "rush."41 In severely intoxicated patients, pro- examples, see Appendix 8.1.
gression to generalized tonic-clonic epilepticus is Naloxone is administered in doses of 0.4-
not unusual.42,43 2.0 mg repeated at 1- to 2-minute intervals. The
Coma from cocaine overdose may have other effect is brief. An intravenous drip of naloxone is
origins. These are cardiac arrest, producing a pro- justified only in patients with a profound over-
found anoxic-ischemic encephalopathy; intracere- dose resulting in hypotension and ventricular
bral or subarachnoid hemorrhage from brief ma- tachyarrhythmias.

Environmental and Industrial Toxins monoxide poisoning are nonspecific and vague,
including headache, dizziness, and shortness of
Exposure to these toxins, whether intentional or
breath, all suggesting a developing viral illness. A
accidental, frequently alters consciousness and
cherry red appearance of the skin is very uncom-
produces prolonged coma long after the toxin has
mon; it signals a near-fatal exposure.49 Other clin-
been eliminated, washed out, or neutralized. Im-
ical findings are retinal hemorrhages, dark color
portant clues to environmental poisoning are dead
of retinal arteries and veins, and pulmonary
pets and distinctive odors (from often-added sul-
edema. Rhabdomyolysis may be related to pres-
fur-containing compounds) detected by neighbors.
sure necrosis in patients immobilized for an un-
The effect of these toxins on the CNS can be
known length of time.
catastrophic, with a high probability of poor neu-
The most important laboratory test is the de-
rologic outcomes.
termination of a carbon monoxide hemoglobin
level, which may be "falsely low" if oxygen has
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning been administered in the emergency room or if
Carbon monoxide remains one of the leading the time between exposure and blood testing is
causes of death by poisoning. Exposure to this more than 6 hours, which is approximately the
odorless gas is possible at the time of a fire, from half-life of carboxyhemoglobin (a 5% level of he-
poorly vented fireplaces, from furnaces, and in moglobin carbon monoxide can be attributed to
any closed space where internal combustion en- smoking). Other laboratory test results that are
gines have been used without ventilation. In most more or less supportive are metabolic acidosis, in-
instances, suicide can be implicated, but one-third creased creatine kinase, and myocardial ischemia
of admitted patients are victims of accidental on electrocardiography.
circumstances. Management of carbon monoxide poisoning is
Carbon monoxide readily binds to hemoglobin, treatment with 100% oxygen with a sealed face
with a 200 times greater attraction than oxygen. mask. Hyperbaric oxygen increases the amount of
The cerebral injury due to carbon monoxide poi- dissolved oxygen 10 times and may significantly
soning, however, is an accumulation of factors. shorten the duration of coma.55 Hyperbaric oxy-
Early animal studies by Ginsberg49 clearly showed gen is not routinely available, but there are hard
that the pathognomonic lesions can be produced data that prove a better outcome with this ther-
only by carbon monoxide and hypotension and not apy. A recent clinical trial held three sessions
by inhalation of carbon monoxide alone. within a 24-hour period consisting of 100%
Carbon monoxide poisoning causes a shift of oxygen at 3 atmospheres followed by 2 atmos-
the hemoglobin dissociation curve to the left, pheres.56 Cognitive damage was almost halved, al-
which reduces oxygen unloading (Haldane effect). though number of treatments and time window
Through binding with myoglobin, carbon monox- are not exactly known. Benefit may still be possi-
ide may trigger cardiac arrhythmias, hypotension, ble 612 hours after exposure.56 Additional fac-
and hypoxemia from pulmonary edema, adding to tors, such as hypotension, are equally important
the injury.50 in carbon monoxide's damaging effect. Hyper-
The neuropathologic changes (selected from baric oxygen therapy is the preferred approach in
the most severe cases at autopsy) are predominant nonintubated comatose patients and patients with
in the white matter, with demyelination and significant myocardial ischemia despite initial
edema, and in the hippocampus, cerebellum, and breathing of 100% oxygen.
globus pallidus. These lesions may be detected on
CT scans;51 they predict a severely disabled state Cyanide
as the best possible outcome.52,53 MRI may more Cyanide poisoning should be entertained in any
clearly delineate these abnormalities, which coma of undetermined cause, particularly in lab-
emerge even within hours of exposure, but only oratory or industrial workers.57 A well-recognized
in patients with levels high enough to lead to coma intentional cause is the ingestion of nail polish re-
(virtually always more than 50% carboxyhemo- movers.58 Prevalence of cyanide poisoning is low,
globin levels).54 but its effects can be reversed with antidotes.
The symptoms preceding coma from carbon Cyanide has an unusual mechanism of action.
Altered Arousal and Coma 75

By interacting with cytochrome oxidase (an es- Careful examination reveals hyperemia of the op-
sential enzyme in the mitochondrial electron tic disk, and blindness may follow as a result of
transport chain), it greatly reduces production of the toxic effect of formaldehyde on retinal gan-
adenosine triphosphate. Consequently, significant glion cells. Bilateral necrosis of the putamen is
lactic acidosis results from a shift in anaerobic highly characteristic, frequently becoming appar-
metabolism. Additionally, cyanide, like carbon ent on neuroimaging studies in comatose patients
monoxide, shifts the hemoglobin dissociation only after several weeks.63 However, the brains of
curve to the left and directly binds with the iron patients dying of methanol poisoning may be
of hemoglobin, reducing the delivery of oxygen to normal or variably show congestion, edema, pe-
the brain and other vital organs.59 techiae, and necrosis of the cerebellar white
Coma from cyanide poisoning is often accom- matter.
panied by hypoventilation from central inhibition Several features of methanol poisoning are of
of the respiratory centers, severe lactic acidosis, interest. First, a latent period (up to 12 hours) is
bradycardia, hypotension, and rapidly developing typical, making it very difficult for bystanders to
pulmonary edema. A bitter almond or musty smell understand the sudden occurrence of a lapse into
has been linked to cyanide poisoning, but recogni- coma, Second, prominent restlessness with vom-
tion of its odor is impossible for many physicians.59 iting and doubling over from abdominal cramps
The supportive laboratory finding is metabolic may be followed by seizures before a lapse into
acidosis, which may be combined with respiratory unresponsiveness. Treatment is focused on cor-
alkalosis from hyperventilation to overcome hy- rection of the acidosis with bicarbonate, but in
poxia or respiratory acidosis from hypoventilation. comatose patients extracorporeal hemodialysis is
Plasma cyanide can be measured, but correlation imperative. Although the outcome can be very sat-
with the degree of coma is poor, thus making test- isfactory, permanent neurologic disability may
ing impractical. occur.1
Cyanide poisoning has a good outcome when Ethylene glycol is most commonly known as a
treated with the Lilly cyanide antidote kit. This major component of antifreeze and many deter-
contains amyl nitrite (by crushing of pellets and gents.65 Suicide is the most common reason for
inhalation by patients), sodium nitrite, and sodium ingestion, and then mortality is high. The metabo-
thiosulfate (intravenous, 50 mL of a 25% solu- lites produce toxiciry, and the clinical features
tion). The effect is based on conversion of hemo- preceding coma are dramatic. Marked gait ataxia,
globin into methemoglobin, which combines with nystagmus, paralysis of the extraocular muscles,
cyanide but easily breaks down into free cyanide, and ocular bobbing are followed by generalized
which then combines with sodium thiosulfate and tonic-clonic seizures or profound myoclonus and,
is eventually eliminated in the urine. because of severe hypocalcemia, tetanic contrac-
Reliable neurologic data on outcome are not tions. Lactic acidosis and an osmolar gap are char-
available. Parkinsonism and dystonia have been acteristic laboratory features, but diagnosis is con-
reported, with associated lesions in the basal gan- firmed with the demonstration of calcium oxalate
glia detected by CT scanning but with improve- crystals in the urine.65 Ethylene glycol poisoning
ment in some instances.60,61 is often treated with hemodialysis and high doses
of ethanol up to intoxication of the patient (plasma
Toxic Alcohols ethanol target is 1000 /^g/mL). In a recent study,
Methanol, ethylene glycol, and isopropyl alco- an inhibitor of alcohol dehydrogenase (fomepi-
hol are used in many commercial products, in- zole) was successful in preventing renal damage
cluding antifreeze (ethylene glycol) and solvents by inhibiting toxic metabolites such as oxalate.
(methanol). Isopropyl alcohol is best known as Fomepizole is an expensive alternative to ethanol
rubbing alcohol. The alcohols produce virtually but is without toxic effects. Intravenous loading of
similar laboratory effects, the most noticeable of 15 mg/kg is followed by 10 mg/kg every 12 hours
which is a high anion gap metabolic acidosis.62 for 2 days, with a further increase to 15 mg/kg
Methanol infrequently causes coma, but a fatal every 12 hours until the plasma ethylene glycol
outcome is likely if it occurs. Methanol more concentration is less than 20 mg/dL.66
commonly produces delirium and blurred vision. Finally, isopropyl alcohol is rather potent, pro-

ducing rapidly developing coma, always with se- fulminant acute meningococcal meningitis. Pul-
vere hypotension from cardiomyopathy. The typ- monary edema may occur and may become rap-
ical acetone breath should point to this toxin. The idly life-threatening. Severe acidemia caused by
characteristic oxalate crystals in ethylene glycol increased lipid solubility of salicylates in an acidic
are not found in isopropyl poisoning. Manage- environment facilitates the entry of salicylates into
ment involves gastric lavage; because the onset of the brain.
coma is rapid, recovery of the substance from the The laboratory features of increased anion gap,
stomach can still be substantial. metabolic acidosis, and respiratory alkalosis are
well appreciated and should lead to measurement
of serum salicylate levels or, more practically, fer-
Miscellaneous Intoxications ric chloride testing of the urine. Purple discol-
oration of the urine is diagnostic, and the test has
In this section, poisonings that are of great clini-
good predictive value. A plasma salicylate level of
cal importance and proportionally frequent or that
6 mg/dL usually is correlated with seizures and
produce striking clinical features are discussed.
Management of salicylate poisoning involves
Salicylates gastric lavage, activated charcoal, and forced
As a result of safety packaging, the incidence of alkaline diuresis. Alkalization is performed with
salicylate poisoning has substantially decreased, sodium bicarbonate or, in less severe cases,
but it is still prevalent in children. acetazolamide.
Salicylates may take some time to dissolve in
the acidic stomach milieu but then are rapidly ab- Acetaminophen
sorbed, and blood levels are maximal within 1 Acetaminophen is a substance in many nonpre-
hour. After exposure to a massive dose, the phar- scription drugs, and as a result, poisoning is com-
macokinetics are different, and through a complex mon. Usually, however, extremely large doses
mechanism the half-life of salicylates increases to (plasma level >800 g/mL) are required to di-
15-20 hours from a baseline level of 2-4 hours in rectly depress consciousness; more likely, the de-
therapeutic doses.67 velopment of acute hepatic necrosis or hepatore-
Salicylates equilibrate rapidly with CSF, and nal syndrome causes coma.68
the levels of salicylates in CSF appear to corre- Overdose of acetaminophen proceeds in
late better with outcome than do serum levels.68 phases, but liver damage can occur within 24
Determination of salicylate levels in CSF, how- hours after ingestion. The biochemical basis for
ever, is cumbersome. Salicylates significantly in- acute liver necrosis has been elucidated and is the
terfere with platelet function and prolong pro- rationale for therapy with N-acetylcysteine. In
thrombin time and may preclude lumbar normal situations, acetaminophen is metabolized
puncture. in the liver through either sulfation or glu-
The mechanism of action of salicylates is not curonidation and only a small fraction through the
entirely clear. It may involve (1) uncoupling of the P-450 oxidase system, which produces an active
oxidative phosphorylation and blocking of glycol- metabolite that has the potential for liver necro-
ysis, producing a metabolic acidosis; (2) direct sis. Overloading of the glucuronidation system
stimulation of the brain stem respiratory centers, by large ingestion of acetaminophen increases
leading to respiratory alkalosis, independent of an the formation of toxic metabolites. Decreased glu-
already compensatory response to the induced tathione stores, as in patients with long-term
acidosis; and (3) increased metabolic demand antiepileptic drug use or chronic alcoholism, may
from increased glycolysis to compensate for the increase the probability of liver necrosis after acet-
uncoupling in (1), which may result in profound aminophen intoxication.69,70
hypoglycemia.67 Clinical features of acetaminophen overdose
Salicylate poisoning should always be consid- are nausea, vomiting, diaphoresis, and abdominal
ered in restless, hyperventilating patients. Hyper- pain in the right upper quadrant but no depres-
thermia and purpura due to platelet dysfunction sion in consciousness unless hepatic failure de-
in the eyelids and neck may occur, simulating velops. Hepatic encephalopathy, with its char-
Altered Arousal and Coma 77

acteristic asterixis and myoclonus, develops ap- ingestion often exceeds 100 tablets.73,76 Other
proximately 4 days after ingestion. Brain edema manifestations of carbamazepine overdose are
may become a feature in fulminant hepatic fail- hypothermia, hypotension, tachycardia, and a
ure when patients lapse into stupor. diverse range of cardiac arrhythmias from its an-
Together with N-acetylcysteine loading, man- ticholinergic properties.73,76 Overdose with con-
agement is largely supportive. N-Acetylcysteine is trolled-release carbamazepine may lead to peak
metabolized to cysteine, which functions as a pre- toxicity 4 days postdigestion, and whole-bowel ir-
cursor for glutathione and restores the glutathione rigation may be needed.77
scavenging. Acetaminophen half-lives may vary Typically, management is focused on cardiac
from 4120 hours depending on the severity of manifestations, and problems similar to those in
liver necrosis.71 tricyclic antidepressant overdose should be antic-
Liver transplantation may be needed, and its ipated. Recovery from carbamazepine overdose
consideration leads to an ethical quagmire in can be protracted, with fluctuating levels of con-
patients who used acetaminophen for a suicide sciousness for many days.
attempt. Valproate toxicity is notable for its association
with acute liver failure, but this devastating side
effect has occurred only in young children and
Antiepileptic Drugs
with concomitant use of other antiepileptic
Overdose with antiepileptic drugs is most often agents.78 Hyperammonemia may be a major
intentional, but every now and then a prescription mechanism for stupor.79 Massive ingestions
blunder or drug interaction that reduces metabo- (>200 mg/kg) produce coma with pinpoint pupils
lism can be implicated. Coma from antiepileptic and hypertonia. As in acetaminophen poisoning,
drug overdose is not common, and most often fulminant hepatic failure may produce many of
nonspecific signs, such as dizziness, tremor, nys- the earlier manifestations of asterixis, myoclonus,
tagmus, and profound ataxia, occur. Paradoxically, and nystagmus. Valproate-associated hyperam-
antiepileptic drug overdose may produce seizures, monemia is treated with L-carnitine,80 which
and the risk, at least in carbamazepine overdose, could mitigate its effect (50100 mg/kg daily).81,82
is increased in patients with a seizure disorder.72
Acute overdose of phenytoin (estimated serum
levels >50 g/mL) is characterized by rapid Assessment of Acute Metabolic
ataxia, dysarthria with combative behavior, and or Endocrine Causes of Coma
hallucinations, very seldom followed by general-
ized tonic-clonic seizures and progression to flac- Acute metabolic derangements may produce re-
cid coma. Management is supportive, with me- duced arousal and, when unrecognized, coma.
chanical ventilation, charcoal to minimize further Typical examples are hypoglycemia, hypona-
absorption, and benzodiazepines (e.g., lorazepam) tremia, acute uremia, and acute liver failure.
or barbiturates (e.g., phenobarbital) in the rare Overt hemiparesis, pupil abnormalities, and gaze
event that seizures occur. preference are conspicuously absent on neuro-
Carbamazepine is widely used in neurologic logic examination, but asterixis, tremor, and myo-
disorders. Its side effects are reminiscent of those clonus predominate when deep coma sets in. Hy-
of tricyclic antidepressants because of structural perglycemic nonketotic hyperosmolar coma is a
similarities, and neurologists, who are usually the notable exception, probably because of previous
primary health-care providers, should appreciate strokes in these patients with severe cerebrovas-
this potential threat to life.7375 Respiratory de- cular risk factors. The mechanisms of these con-
pression is common in carbamazepine overdose, ditions causing hypometabolism in the brain are
and prospective studies have found a median poorly understood, but many of these disorders
duration of 18 hours. Coma occurs in 20%-50% cause diffuse cerebral edema (see Chapter 9);
of the reported series of carbamazepine over- seizures intervene or cardiorespiratory resuscita-
dose.73,74 Fatal outcome may reach 15% of pa- tion results in diffuse anoxic-ischemic damage
tients, most often affecting those in coma, with (see Chapter 10). Endocrine crises, such as rarely
seizures, and with resuscitation for cardiac arrest; encountered Hashimoto's thyroiditis (thyroid

coma), Addison's disease, and panhypopitu- Table 8.8. Laboratory Values Compatible with
itarism, may be responsible for coma; and hor- Coma* in Patients with Acute Metabolic and
mones of the hypothalamic pituitary axis should Endocrine Derangements
be measured in unexplained coma. The laboratory
values compatible with marked impairment of Derangement Serum
consciousness are shown in Table 8.8. Coma Hyponatremia 110 mmol/L
should be attributed to other causes if the bio- Hypernatremia 160 mmol/L
chemical derangement is less severe. Hypercalcemia 3.4 mmol/L
Hypermagnesemia >5 jitg/L
Hypercapnia >70 mm Hg
Hypoglycemia <40 mg/dL
Neuroimaging and Laboratory Tests Hyperglycemia >800 mmol/L
* Sudden decline in value is obligatory.
CT scanning of the brain is particularly useful
when the neurologic examination reveals localiz-
ing symptoms. Acute lesions in the brain stem and the cause of the coma (Fig. 8.16A). It may also
cerebellum may not be visualized on CT. Patients demonstrate sparing of the ARAS in locked-in
with acute basilar artery occlusion or evolving syndrome (Fig. 8.16B).
cerebellar infarction often have normal CT find- CT findings in patients with altered conscious-
ings on admission, and MRI is needed to resolve ness, hemiparesis, or gaze preference are often

Figure 8.16 A: Linear hyperintensity

arrows) on magnetic resonance imaging
(T2-weighted) in a patient with basilar
artery occlusion. B: Locked-in syndrome.
Note sparing of tegmentum (arrows).
Altered Arousal and Coma 79

abnormal. One should particularly evaluate Most intracranial masses are hypodense, but
whether basal cisterns are present on CT scans hyperdense masses may point to a meningioma,
because they may be filled in early uncal hernia- lymphoma, or hemorrhage into a tumor. Speck-
tion (Fig. 8.17).83 Contralateral hydrocephalus led calcification inside a mass, an important CT
may be present, usually caused by compression at scan finding, is present in more than 50% of pa-
the level of the foramen of Monro.83 The ambi- tients with an oligodendroglioma but may point
ent cistern is usually effaced, and an enlargement to an inflammatory cause, particularly parasite in-
of the temporal horn is seen. festation, such as cysticercosis, and less common
CT of the brain defines the existence of a mass, disorders, such as paragonimiasis and echinococ-
its remote effect, and edema and may hint at a cosis.84'85 They are often seen in areas other than
cause. However, because of multiplanar views, the cystic mass, indicating calcium deposits in
MRI is more sensitive for recording the extension necrotic brain tissue.
of the mass and may reveal necrosis, pigments Intracranial mass of inflammatory origin has be-
(deoxyhemoglobin, melanin), or fat, which may come a much more common presentation in the
suggest the underlying pathologic condition. MRI emergency department from the increase in trans-
clearly identifies giant aneurysms that may mimic plantation surgery and the acquired immunodefi-
tumors on CT. ciency syndrome (AIDS) epidemic.
In the emergency department, the CT scan ap- Brain abscesses, usually from toxoplasmosis, are
pearance of a mass is most often characteristic very commonly associated with AIDS infection.
enough to determine an early plan of action. Soli- Toxoplasmosis seldom appears as a single mass,
tary lesions in nonimmunosuppressed patients although one large mass may predominate. Basal
most commonly represent intra-axial brain tumors ganglia localization is typical, and hemorrhage
or abscess. On unenhanced images, low density may occur. Tuberculoma or aspergillosis should
may represent tumor with edema. The degree of be considered as well.52 MRI can be helpful be-
edema may reflect the degree of malignancy; rap- cause a dark (hypointense) T2 signal inside the
idly growing tumors, such as glioblastoma, pro- mass is often found. The most common CT and
duce much more surrounding edema. Edema is MRI findings in comatose patients are summa-
also comparatively common in metastasis. rized in Table 8.9.

Figure 8.17 Patterns of herniation on computed to- hematoma in the temporal lobe causing shift of the
mographic scans. A: Meningioma with massive edema temporal lobe (see tip of temporal horn, arrowhead)
causing distortion of the diencephalon (arrows) and and brain stem distortion (arrows) typical of uncal
cingulate herniation (arrows'). B: Large intracranial herniation.

Table 8.9. Frequent Abnormalities on Neuroimaging Studies in Coma

Findings Suggested Disorders

Computed Tomography
Mass lesion (brain shift, herniation) Hematoma, hemorrhagic contusion, MCA territory infarct (see also
Table 8.6)
Hemorrhage in basal cisterns Aneurysmal SAH, cocaine abuse
Intraventricular hemorrhage Arteriovenous malformation
Multiple hemorrhagic infarcts Cerebral venous thrombosis
Multiple cerebral infarcts Endocarditis, coagulopathy, CNS vasculitis
Diffuse cerebral edema Cardiac arrest, fulminant meningitis, acute hepatic necrosis,
Acute hydrocephalus Aqueduct obstruction, colloid cyst, pineal region tumor
Pontine or cerebellum hemorrhage Hypertension, arteriovenous malformation, cavernous malformation
Shear lesions in the white matter Head injury

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Bilateral caudate and putaminal lesions Carbon monoxide poisoning, methanol
Hyperdense signal along sagittal, straight, and Cerebral venous thrombosis
transverse sinuses
Lesions in corpus callosum, white matter Severe head injury
Diffuse confluent hyperintense lesions in white Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, immunosuppressive agent or
matter, basal ganglia chemotherapeutic agent toxicity, metabolic leukodystrophies
Pontine trident-shaped lesion Central pontine myelinolysis
Thalamus, occipital, pontine lesions Acute basilar artery occlusion
Temporal, frontal lobe hyperintensities Herpes simplex encephalitis
CNS, central nervous system; MCA, middle cerebral artery; SAH, subarachnoid hemorrhage.

Normal findings on neuroimaging, with no clin- immediately after cardiac arrest, carbon monox-
ical evidence of an acute cerebellar infarction or ide poisoning, asphyxia, acute encephalitis, and
acute basilar artery occlusion, should prompt im- cyanide or other fatal poisoning.
mediate examination of the CSF to search for Abdominal radiographs can be helpful in es-
possible CNS infection. Failure to exclude a po- tablishing whether the patient has ingested any
tentially treatable CNS infection may have devas- tablets or foreign objects. Examples of radiopaque
tating consequences. The evaluation of CSF find- pills are chloral hydrate, trifluoperazine, amitrip-
ings in meningitis and encephalitis is further tyline, and enteric-coated tablets; however, many
discussed in Chapters 7, 16, and 17. tablets may have dissolved before the patient is
Neuroimaging is an obligatory study in patients admitted to the emergency department.
who may be brain dead. The results of neu- Electrocardiography can be useful, and results
roimaging studies or CSF examination should be are nearly always abnormal if intoxication is due to
generally compatible with the diagnosis of brain phenothiazines, quinidine, procainamide, or tri-
death. Thus, one should expect a large mass le- cyclic antidepressants. Tricyclic antidepressant
sion producing brain tissue shift with herniation overdose characteristically produces widening of
or an intracranial hemorrhage with enlarged ven- the QRS complex and QT prolongation. Widening
tricles. Other validating CT scan findings are mul- of the QRS complex considerably increases the risk
tiple, large, acute cerebral infarcts, massive cere- of seizures associated with tricyclic antidepressant
bral edema, multiple hemorrhagic contusions, and overdose.31 Electrocardiographic findings are also
cerebellar-pontine lesions compressing or de- important in confirming hypothermia as a cause of
stroying the brain stem. coma (typically, the QRS complex widens and ST
Normal brain images in brain death can be seen elevation occurs, also known as a "camel's hump").
Altered Arousal and Coma 81

When poisoning is strongly considered as a anion gap, often originating from poor tissue per-
cause of coma, laboratory tests are essential be- fusion.
fore time-consuming toxicologic screening is per- Salicylates usually produce a combined acid-base
formed. However, most poisons and illicit drugs abnormality, and respiratory acidosis is often pres-
do not cause significant laboratory derangements. ent.67 The partial pressure of CO2 (PaCO2) de-
In fact, if abnormalities are found in a comatose crease in metabolic acidosis can be calculated
patient, they may be more representative of poor (PaCO2 = [1.5 X (HCO3)] + 8 2), and a lower
nutrition, dehydration, or a rapidly developing PaCO2 should point to additional respiratory alka-
febrile illness. losis.
Acid-base abnormalities, however, may point to Osmol gap is a useful test to determine accu-
certain toxins.23 A high anion gap acidosis is most mulation of osmotically active solutes. The nor-
common. The most prevalent toxins are shown in mal osmol gap is calculated with the equation 2 X
Table 8.10. Often, a high anion gap acidosis indi- Na + (glucose/18) + (blood urea nitrogen/2.8).
cates ethylene glycol or methanol ingestion. In- This calculated osmolality is less than the meas-
creased lactate, particularly when venous lactate ured osmolarity (the so-called osmol gap) and
can entirely account for a decrease in serum bi- should be less than 10 mOsm/L. Alcohols of any
carbonate, may point to previous, often unde- kind increase the osmol gap, and blood levels can
tected, seizures, shock, and early sepsis. be estimated by multiplying the osmol gap with
The anion gap is calculated from the serum the molecular weight of the alcohol (46 for
electrolytes. Normally, more cations (sodium and ethanol) and dividing the result by a factor of 10.
potassium) than anions (chloride and bicarbonate) Urine testing for Salicylates is important and
are present, causing an anion gap of 11-13 mEq/L. can be done with a 10% ferric chloride solution,
Generally, potassium is deleted from the equation which turns urine purple if salicylates are present.
because its extracellular contribution in the anion Urine should be tested for ketones. Ketones in
gap is minimal; therefore, the equation becomes combination with a marked anion gap immedi-
as follows: anion gap = (Na+ - [Cl~ + HCO3~]). ately suggest salicylate poisoning, but this com-
Increases in the anion gap result from the addi- bination can also be observed in alcohol- or dia-
tional presence of an anion. Most of the time, it betes-induced ketoacidosis. The absence of ke-
is lactate that increases in serum and creates an tones in a patient with anion gap metabolic aci-
dosis suggests ingestion of methanol or ethylene
glycol. Urinalysis is also important, specifically in
Table 8.10. Blood Gas Abnormalities
looking for calcium oxalate crystals associated with
Due to Toxins
ethylene glycol (antifreeze) ingestion. The use of
Metabolic Acidosis Wood's lamp (if available) may be important be-
(Anion Gap) Respiratory Acidosis cause fluorescein is added to many antifreeze
Methanol Barbiturates products.
Ethanol Benzodiazepines Many hospitals have laboratories that can pro-
Paraldehyde Botulism toxin vide drug screens.86,87 Their value often lies in the
Isoniazid Opioids demonstration of the toxin rather than quantifi-
Salicylates (other combined) Strychnine cation. The blood levels of many sedatives and al-
cohol correlate poorly with depth of coma, dura-
tion of mechanical ventilation, and time in the
Metabolic Alkalosis Respiratory Alkalosis
intensive care unit. This lack of correlation applies
Diuretics Salicylates particularly to patients who attempt suicide with
Hyperglycemic nonketotic coma Amphetamines a medication they have taken long enough to
Lithium Anticholinergics
Cocaine cause tolerance.
Cyanide Many smaller hospitals use thin-layer chro-
Paraldehyde matography, which is less reliable, operator-
Theophylline dependent, and unable to quantitate the toxin.86
Carbon monoxide Most academic centers can measure with gas

chromatography and mass spectrometry. This lab- Airway Assessment and Gas Exchange
oratory investigative tool is powerful and quanti-
The basic principles of airway management apply
tates the toxin. The spectrum of drugs measured
and have been discussed in Chapter 1. The need
in serum is depicted in Appendix 8.1. Physicians
for intubation remains difficult to judge in coma-
assessing patients with poisoning and drug abuse
tose patients, but tachypnea, desaturation on
should be well informed about the hospital labo-
pulse oximetry (<95%), or emerging pulmonary
ratory practices available. Laboratory confirma-
abnormalities on examination or chest X-ray are
tion of the clinical diagnosis is often very desir-
clear indications. Seizures do not warrant intuba-
able and may also serve a medicolegal purpose.
tion, but status epilepticus does if second-line
Delay in the performance of these tests remains
drugs are contemplated. Vomiting could be a rea-
a major limitation, and often the information be-
son for intubation to protect the airway, certainly
comes available too late to be useful in guiding
if the patient has poor reflexive cough. In patients
treatment in daily practice.
with minor intoxications that seem to be resolv-
Blood tests that should be performed include
ing, noninvasive ventilation with rate control may
a full hematologic screen and differential cell
be useful to bridge the period of elimination of
count, blood glucose, serum osmolality, liver func-
the drug. Early intubation in severe traumatic
tion panel, electrolytes, and renal function tests
head injury is probably justified and allows better
(Table 8.11). Arterial blood gas measurements
control of the airway and oxygenation. Early tra-
further assist in categorizing the major classes of
cheostomy may be needed when the face and neck
acid-base imbalance, if present.
are severely injured, increasing the risk of loss of
airway (in facial fractures of LeFort type, poste-
Initial Management of Vital Signs in Coma rior displacement may seriously obstruct the
One of the fundamental responsibilities of the
physician faced with the care of a comatose pa-
tient is to maintain or correct the vital signs, such
as oxygenation, gas exchange, blood pressure, Assessment of Circulation and
pulse rate, cardiac rhythm, and temperature. Blood Pressure

Dehydration resulting in reduced intravascular

volume is often a cause of hypotension. Hypo-
tension should be corrected by placing the patient
Table 8.11. Laboratory Tests in the Evaluation in the Trendelenburg position and infusing iso-
of Coma tonic saline or blood when indicated in trauma-
Hematocrit, white blood cell count
tized patients. If blood pressure is not reversed
Electrolytes (Na, K, Cl, CO2, Ca, PO4) with these measures, hypotension may indicate
Glucose that the patient has (1) toxic effects from inges-
Urea, creatinine tion of a drug that produces vasodilation or myo-
Aspartate transaminase (AST) and y-glutamyltransferase cardial depression, (2) major abdominal trauma,
or (3) a life-threatening illness, such as myocar-
Arterial blood gases (pH, PCO2, PO2, HCO3, HbCO) dial infarction, pulmonary embolus, or sepsis. It
(optional) is a misconception to attribute hypotension to cat-
Platelets, smear, Fibrinogen degeneration products, activated astrophic damage to the brain, which occurs only
partial thromboplastin time, prothrombin time (optional) in patients who are brain dead or who have se-
Plasma thyrotropin (optional)
Blood and cerebrospinal fluid cultures (optional)
vere spinal cord injury. Vasoparalysis in brain
Toxic screen in blood and urine (optional) death results in marked hypotension and may be
Cerebrospinal fluid (protein, cells, glucose, India ink stain, noted acutely in a rapidly progressing catastrophe.
and cryptococcal antigen, viral titers) (optional) Hypertension, however, is very common in a pa-
PO2/PCO2, partial pressure o HbCO, carbon monoxide tient with an acute structural lesion in the CNS.
hemoglobin. Usually, hypertension is caused by a sympatho-
Altered Arousal and Coma 83

adrenal discharge or is part of the Gushing re- what its effect could be in traumatic brain injury.
sponse, particularly when the brain stem is dis- Some more recent studies continue to suggest
torted. Acute severe hypertension (MAP >140 35-35.5C reduces intracranial pressure while
mm Hg) may also have its origin in poisoning maintaining cerebral perfusion pressure90 despite
caused by such agents as amphetamines, cocaine, lack of effect in the National Brain Injury Hy-
phencyclidine, and cyclic antidepressants. Often, pothermic Study (see Chapter 19).
hypertension in these types of intoxication is as- All patients in coma for whom the diagnosis is
sociated with significant tachycardia. very unclear should receive concentrated dextrose
The management of acute hypertension in (50% dextrose, 50 mL, 25 g IV). The well-known
comatose patients is complex. At least theoreti- adrenergic symptoms from the counterregulating
cally, untreated hypertension may exacerbate hormone epinephrine, such as sweating, tremor,
cerebral edema in injured areas from increased and tachycardia, may not be present when hypo-
cerebral blood flow. Too rapid correction of blood glycemia has developed more or less gradually.
pressure may introduce ischemic areas surround- However, its use in patients in whom the proxi-
ing acute mass lesions from reduction of cerebral mate cause of coma is known is ill-advised.
perfusion pressure. In patients with longstanding Wernicke's encephalopathy is a rare cause of
hypertension, the autoregulation curve has shifted coma.91 However, if chronic alcohol abuse or mal-
to the right, and this further increases the risk of nourishment is suspected during the physical ex-
decreased cerebral blood flow, with a decrease in amination, a "routine" glucose infusion may pre-
blood pressure at this juncture. One should prob- cipitate acute Wernicke's encephalopathy. To
ably avoid extremes, and persistent surges of prevent this, 100 mg of thiamine should be ad-
blood pressure (MAP >120 mm Hg) can be ministered IV (slowly over 5 minutes) or intra-
treated with a short-acting a- or -adrenergic muscularly. Indiscriminate use of thiamine in
blocking drug, such as labetalol (40 mg at 10- comatose patients is potentially dangerous be-
minute intervals). cause of acute anaphylactic reactions and acute
pulmonary edema.
Cardiac arrhythmias often define the severity
Miscellaneous Care of the intoxication in patients with an overdose of
a cyclic antidepressant drug. Sodium bicarbonate,
Patients with hypothermia (defined as core tem- 1-2 mEq/kg IV, is advised when the QRS inter-
perature <34C) should be gradually warmed. val narrows. In patients with sympathomimetic
Physicians should be aware that noxious stimuli agent intoxication resulting in tachycardia, es-
applied to patients with moderate hypothermia to molol can be used: 500 /Ag/kg over 1 minute, fol-
assess responsiveness can potentially trigger ven- lowed by an infusion of 50 g/kg per minute for
tricular fibrillation. Virtually all brain stem reflexes 4 minutes; maximum maintenance dose is 200 g/
are lost when the core temperature reaches 27C, kg per minute. If tachycardia is caused by an anti-
and they can entirely return after rewarming. cholinergic overdose, physostigmine, 0.010.03 mg/
Patients with a core temperature of 32C35C kg IV, is used.92 Patients with ventricular fibrilla-
need to be warmed with blankets, those with a tion or ventricular tachycardia associated with
core temperature of 30C32C are warmed with amphetamines or overdose should be treated with
IV infusions, and those with a core temperature lidocaine, 13 mg/kg IV up to 300 mg in a 1-hour
<30C may need peritoneal lavage with heated period.
In patients comatose after cardiac resuscitation, Management in Specific Causes of Coma
induced hypothermia could be beneficial and sub-
normal temperatures should be tolerated.89 The
Supratentorial Mass Lesions
effect of superficial cooling in patients with dev-
astating anoxic-ischemic injury to the brain ap- Patients with a mass lesion that causes shift of
pears promising, but much larger clinical trials are brain structures need immediate management of
needed to prove its effect.89 It remains unclear increased intracranial pressure. If available, an in-

tracranial pressure monitoring device should be mechanism rather than diuresis, which usually is
inserted to measure increases in intracranial pres- seen at a later stage, may be the prime means by
sure and possible development of plateau waves which mannitol causes a rapid response. Manni-
that indicate imminent decompensation of brain tol may cause significant changes in electrolytes,
compliance. Transfer to a neurologic or neuro- particularly increase in serum potassium and
surgical intensive care unit is imperative. acute renal failure from altered glomerular he-
The most successful method of decreasing in- modynamics. Mannitol, when extravasated, could
tracranial pressure is the brief use of hyperventi- produce a compartmental syndrome.98
lation (aiming at a partial pressure of arterial CO2 Failure of the patient to improve with hyper-
[PaCO2] of 30 mm Hg) and equally effective use ventilation and mannitol indicates that surgical
of osmotic diuretics, such as mannitol (aiming at evacuation of the mass should be considered.
an increase in plasma osmolality of 310 mOsm/L). When swelling of one hemisphere is prominent,
Hyperventilation results in profound vasocon- decompressive craniotomy with duraplasty can be
striction from hypocapnia and reduces cerebral considered. Preliminary studies in patients with
blood flow, thus contributing to reduction of the encephalitis and a large hemispheric infarction
intracranial volume. One may expect cerebral have shown promise.
blood flow to decrease 40% in 30 minutes if the Corticosteroids should be considered in pa-
PaCO2 is reduced by 15-20 mm Hg.93 However, tients who have edema surrounding a cerebral
the physiologic effects of hyperventilation are less metastatic lesion or primary brain tumor. There
significant after several hours because efficient is no proof that corticosteroids improve outcome
buffering systems rapidly correct changes in CSF in patients with other mass lesions, such as in-
pH. Its effect is short, probably hours.94 tracranial hematoma, closed head injury, infarc-
Hyperventilation can be easily instituted by tion, and cerebral abscess.99,100 Corticosteroid
changing the respiratory rate on the mechanical therapy is usually initiated with a single 100-mg
ventilator. The respiratory rate should be in- dose of dexamethasone given IV, and this is fol-
creased to approximately 20 breaths/minute while lowed by a 16-mg daily dose.
a normal tidal volume is maintained. Increasing The management of acute supratentorial mass
minute ventilation by changing both components lesions is summarized in Table 8.12.
is ill-advised because it may lead to high airway
pressures and increases the risk of barotrauma.
Subtentorial Lesions
In addition, hyperosmolar agents, preferably
mannitol, should be administered, starting with a Acute posterior fossa lesions that evolve into coma
20% solution at a dose of 1 g/kg.95 The effect on from a compressive brain stem lesion need im-
intracranial pressure is rapid and may last for at mediate neurosurgical evacuation. Only occasion-
least 4 hours. Mannitol essentially decreases brain ally does decreased level of consciousness result
volume by extracting water from brain tissue.96 from an evolving hydrocephalus, and then ven-
This influx to the intravascular compartment is triculostomy improves the degree of responsive-
generated by an osmotic gradient. Mannitol, ness. A cerebellar hematoma or cerebellar infarct
therefore, expands the blood volume just before is a neurosurgical emergency, and craniotomy is
its diuretic action, hence the name "osmotic di- necessary to remove the hematoma or necrotic
uretic." First, a bolus of 1 g/kg of body weight is tissue.
given. If no effect is seen after 15 minutes, a dou- An intrinsic lesion of the brain stem is usually
ble dose is administered. The effect of mannitol best initially treated medically with endotracheal
is at least twofold. First, infusion of mannitol pro- intubation and mechanical ventilation. Patients
duces an osmotic gradient between the intravas- with acute basilar artery occlusion should be
cular component and the brain. Second, a more placed in a flat body position to augment blood
complex mechanism of mannitol is a possible rhe- pressure, and intra-arterial thrombolysis, if avail-
ologic effect.97 Mannitol reduces hematocrit and able, should be considered. We have been able to
blood viscosity, thereby increasing cerebral blood reverse a virtually locked-in syndrome in acute
flow. Vasoconstriction becomes a compensatory basilar occlusion by using intra-arterial thrombol-
reflex and reduces cerebral blood volume. This ysis with urokinase but not when pontomesen-
Altered Arousal and Coma 85

Table 8.12. Management of Acute to take are (1) an immediate IV infusion with an-
Supratentorial Mass with Brain Shift tibiotics and dexamethasone (bacterial meningi-
tis), (2) a CT scan to exclude an abscess, and (3)
Stabilizing measures a lumbar puncture for final culture of the of-
Protect airway: intubate
Correct hypoxemia with 02 nasal catheter, 34 L/min,
fending organism.
or face mask Patients with acute viral encephalitis may be in
Elevate head to 30 degrees a coma at presentation without any other localiz-
Treat extreme agitation with lorazepam, 2 mg ing neurologic signs. The history obtained from
intravenously, or propofol, 0.3 mg/kg/hr family members may reveal fluctuating aphasia,
Correct coagulopathy with fresh-frozen plasma, vitamin K
(if applicable)
seizures, or significant confusion before the lapse
Specific medical measures into unresponsiveness. It is important to immedi-
Hyperventilation: increase respiratory rate to 20 ately start an infusion of acyclovir. In herpes sim-
breaths/minute, aim at PaCO2 of 2530 mm Hg plex encephalitis, outcome is largely determined
Mannitol 20%, 1 g/kg; if no effect, 2 g/kg; aim at plasma by early treatment; however, the prospects for full
osmolality of 310 mOsm/L
Dexamethasone, 100 mg intravenously (in tumors only)
recovery remain small in patients in stupor or
Specific surgical measures coma.
Evacuation of hematoma With the emergence of immunosuppression
Placement of drain in abscess (particularly in the human immunodeficiency
Decompressive craniotomy in brain swelling of one virus population), toxoplasma encephalitis should
be considered. Initial treatment remains empiric
PCO2, partial pressureofCO2 and includes pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine,
particularly in patients with multiple abscesses. In
endemic areas, patients in coma may have cys-
ticercosis associated with Taenia solium infesta-
cephalic reflexes have been lost. Criteria for
tion, and immediate treatment with praziquantel
intra-arterial thrombolysis in the posterior circu-
is required. It is important to start these treat-
lation are further discussed in Chapter 15. Spe-
ments early, after consulting an infectious disease
cific management in subtentorial lesions is sum-
specialist. The initial management in these acute
marized in Table 8.13.
inflammatory conditions of the CNS is summa-
rized in Table 8.14.
Infectious Disorders
Comatose patients with infectious disease have Acute Metabolic Derangements
fever and meningeal irritation at presentation. If
and Poisoning
focal neurologic signs are present, the three steps
No harm is done if patients with a high likelihood
of hypoglycemia are given 50 mL of a 50% glu-
cose solution. Immediate awakening during infu-
Table 8.13. Management of Acute sion is highly indicative of severe hypoglycemia.
Subtentorial Mass or Brain Stem Lesion

Stabilizing measures
Intubation and mechanical ventilation
Table 8.14. Empirical Antibiotic and Antiviral
Correct hypoxemia with 3 L of O2/min Therapy in Patients in Coma Associated with
Flat body position (in acute basilar artery occlusion) Inflammatory Conditions
Specific medical measures
Intra-arterial urokinase (in basilar artery occlusion) Antibacterial Cefotaxime 2 g every 6 hours
Mannitol 20%, 1 g/kg (in acute cerebellar mass) Vancomycin 2 g every 12 hours
Hyperventilation to PCO2 of 2550 mm Hg (in acute Antiviral Acyclovir 10 mg/kg every 8 hours
cerebellar mass) Antiparasitic Pyrimethamine 75 mg p.o.
Specific surgical measures Sulfadiazine 28 g p.o. divided
Ventriculostomy every 6 hours
Suboccipital craniotomy Praziquantel 75 mg/kg daily
PCO2, partial pressure of COg. See also Chapters 16 and 17.

Failure to awaken after hypoglycemia, however, Table 8.15. Differential Diagnosis in Failure
may indicate that hypoglycemia has been lengthy to Reverse Coma from Alleged Opiate Overdose
and has caused significant brain damage leading
to prolonged or no recovery. Head injury, traumatic intracerebral hematoma
Management of severe hyponatremia involves Anoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
hypertonic saline and furosemide (3% hypertonic Mixed overdose with drug in another category (e.g., cocaine,
saline, 0.5 mL/kg hourly) with frequent serum ethanol)
sodium surveillance. Overcorrection ( 140 g/L) Central nervous system infection, systemic infection, sepsis
and rapid correction (within 12 hours) have been Seizures, nonconvulsive status epilepticus (rare)
linked to the development of central pontine Source: Goldfrank et al.36
Hypercalcemia is adequately corrected by ported in patients who had an overdose of tricyclic
saline rehydration infusion (3-4 L) followed by antidepressants and received treatment with
the parenteral bisphosphonate pamidronate (in- flumazenil.106 The recommended dose of flumaze-
fused at 60 mg over 24 hours). nil, by slow IV administration, is 0.2 mg/mimite up
The use of a "coma cocktail" in assessing and to a total dose of 1 mg.35 We seldom use flumaz-
managing coma of undetermined cause must be enil to reverse coma. Benzodiazepine overdose, in
questioned.101 Usually, this cocktail consists of a general, is not life-threatening and can be man-
combination of hypertonic dextrose, thiamine aged by supportive care only.
hydrochloride, naloxone hydrochloride, and, re- Inducing emesis in a patient who is stuporous
cently, flumazenil.102 Its use must be discouraged from poisoning may be a mistake because of the
simply because of the possible side effects of significant danger of aspiration. Gastric lavage,
naloxone and flumazenil. Naloxone has great effi- which is possible if a comatose patient is protected
cacy but also potentially serious side effects, such by endotracheal intubation, should be done if the
as aspiration from rapid arousal and development suspicion of a massive overdose is great. Also,
of a florid withdrawal syndrome103 characterized activated charcoal (60-100 g) can be delivered
by agitation, diaphoresis, hypertension, dysrhyth- through the gastric tube. Placement of the tube
mias, and pulmonary edema.103,104 In addition, af- in the stomach before administration of charcoal
ter 30 minutes, the patient may again lapse into should be confirmed by radiography because
coma, which if unwitnessed may cause significant charcoal deposition in the lung is often fatal. The
respiratory depression and respiratory arrest. A technique of gastric lavage includes placement of
more prudent approach is to prophylactically in- the patient in the left lateral decubitus position
tubate the patient and to gradually reverse the after intubation of the trachea with a cuffed en-
overdose of opiates by use of naloxone, 0.4-2 mg dotracheal tube. This position greatly facilitates
every 3 minutes by incremental doubling.105 At drainage. The largest possible gastric tube should
the first sign of relapse, 0.4-4 mg of naloxone can be inserted through the nose or mouth into the
be given IV106 or an infusion of 0.8 mg/kg hourly stomach and checked often with air insufflation
started. Failure to reverse coma from alleged opi- while the physician listens over the stomach. The
ate overdose has many causes, and they are sum- stomach aspirate should be investigated for pos-
marized in Table 8.15. sible toxins, and activated charcoal should be ad-
Flumazenil reverses the effect of any benzodi- ministered before lavage is started. Charcoal ab-
azepine but has the same major disadvantages as sorbs material that cannot be removed by active
naloxone: rapid arousal and risk of life-threatening suctioning and that may enter the intestine. Luke-
aspiration pneumonitis. In addition, when high warm tap water or saline in 200 mL aliquots up
doses of flumazenil are administered, seizures may to a total of 2 L is infused and aspirated until no
occur.106,107 Therefore, flumazenil is contraindi- pills or toxic material is observed.
cated in patients with a seizure disorder and in Elimination of the toxin can also be enhanced
patients in whom concomitant tricyclic antide- by hemodialysis and hemoperfusion, and many
pressant intoxication is suspected.13,106 When drugs and toxins can be cleared (the most com-
flumazenil is administered, cardiac arrhythmias mon are acetaminophen, amitriptyline, lithium,
may occur, and status epilepticus has been re- and salicylates).
Altered Arousal and Coma 87

Coma of Unknown Origin spells of sudden coma has been linked to increased
endogenous production of benzodiazepines (en-
In some patients it may seem very difficult to dozepine stupor, idiopathic recurrent stupor). Pa-
pinpoint the exact grounds of coma. The man- tients may awaken immediately after administra-
agement of coma of undetermined cause is full tion of flumazenil. The prevalence of this disorder
intensive care support and observation over time is unknown.112
while a more detailed history and laboratory test Psychogenic unresponsiveness should always
results are awaited. When no cause of decreased be considered after all laboratory test results are
arousal or coma is found and results of labora- negative. Unfortunately, many of these patients
tory tests including CT scan or MRI and CSF ex- have already received a battery of laboratory tests
amination are negative, unidentified toxin expo- even though the discrepancies with detailed clin-
sure, plant or berry ingestion or other type (such ical examination are very obvious. Most often,
as tetrodotoxin from puffer fish),108 should be psychogenic unresponsiveness lasts for only 1 or
considered. However, toxin exposure may have 2 days, with characteristic sudden unexpected
resulted in significant hypoxemic-ischemic "awakening" and often complete amnesia for the
damage, which may cause persistent coma.109 episode and for events during many months pre-
Electroencephalography may be helpful to ex- ceding hospital admission.
clude nonconvulsive status epilepticus or pro- Malignant neuroleptic syndrome and catatonia
longed postictal state despite no documentation may produce decreased responsiveness and are fa-
of a seizure. tal if untreated. Profound rigidity and continuous
Basilar artery migraine may produce drowsi- autonomic storm with impressive tachycardia, hy-
ness, confusion, and prolonged amnesia and may pertension, and profuse sweating may result in
progress to coma.110 Typically, a strong family his- cardiac arrest (from subendocardial and myocar-
tory of common migraine exists. Of the patients dial hemorrhages) or renal failure (due to severe
originally reported by Bickerstaff,110 about 80% acidosis from massive rhabdomyolysis). Therapy
had a positive family history. Basilar artery mi- is discussed in Chapter 5.
graine is more prevalent in children but may per- Hereditary metabolic disorders may be mani-
sist through adulthood, often converting later into fested by impaired consciousness during adoles-
common migraine. The clinical presentation is cence. These disorders are exceptionally uncom-
impressive. Visual hallucinations, bilateral zig-zag mon but should be excluded when the cause of
forms or photopsia, and even sudden blindness or coma is unknown. These disorders are acute por-
grayouts may occur as a result of hypoperfusion phyria (psychosis rather than coma and seizures
of the occipital lobes. Most of the time, patients in some), mitochondrial encephalopathies, and
present with vertigo, ataxia, diplopia, dysarthria, necrotizing encephalopathy of Leigh. Acute por-
and tinnitus from ischemia to the brain stem. Bi- phyria often has resulted in earlier visits to the
lateral throbbing headache may last for hours, emergency department because of "abdominal
commonly with vomiting, after resolution of the colic" or a chronic pain syndrome. It can be di-
neurologic deficits. Coma remains uncommon in agnosed by demonstrating increased 5-amino-
basilar migraine. More commonly, patients with levulinic acid and porphobilinogen in the urine.
migraine become drowsy or stuporous from over- It is highly unusual when a patient presents
medication, particularly with narcotics. A retro- comatose with markedly elevated venous ammo-
spective review in a large series of patients noted nia, respiratory alkalosis, and normal anion gap.
stupor or coma in 24% of 49 patients and more In the vast majority of cases, these patients can
often "somnolence."110 Bickerstaffs original de- be eventually diagnosed with a heterozygotic form
scriptions110 highlight gradual onset of a dream- of ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency. (This
like state. Seizures may occur and can be docu- X-linked disorder in homozygotes is commonly fa-
mented on electroencephalograms at the time of tal.) Twenty percent of female carriers may become
a full-blown attack. The precise nature of the dis- symptomatic. Known triggers are delivery, gas-
order is unresolved. Unfortunately, brain stem in- trointestinal bleed, infection, surgical procedure,
farcts may occur, with a fatal outcome.111 and antiepileptic medication (e.g., valproate). In
A recently reported disorder characterized by these instances, the liver is overwhelmed by ex-

Box 8.4. Hyperammonemic Coma

Deficiencies of urea cycle enzymes increase serum cal in the teenage years, but patients 5060 years
ammonia. The most common, albeit rare in adults, old have been reported.
is X-linked ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) defi- The diagnosis is confirmed by increased urine
ciency, the second enzyme in the urea cycle located levels of orotic acid, particularly after loading with
in the liver mitochondria matrix (Fig. 8.18). Multi- allopurinol treatment in hemodialysis, IV sodium
ple pathologic mutations of the OTC gene are benzoate, and occasionally liver transplantation. An
known. Prior early symptoms could have been pres- inefficient carnitine reserve may be present in
ent (seizures, migraine, vomiting episodes). Ironi- valproate-associated hepatotoxicity, and L-carnitine
cally, antiepileptie agents for seizures are known should be supplied.
triggers (e.g., valproate). Presentation may be typi-

cess nitrogen load. Hyperammonemia may lead the diagnosis. Evaluation is very complex and
to cytotoxic brain edema and death if untreated outside the scope of this book. Most recently,
(Box 8.4).79,113115 confusion and coma have been described as an
The mitochondrial encephalopathies include unusual presentation of cerebral autosomal dom-
MELAS syndrome (mitochondrial encephalopa- inant arteriopathy with subcortical infarct and
thy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes), leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL). Prior migraine
Kearns-Sayre syndrome, and Leigh's disease. and family history of stroke or dementia in com-
Lactic acidosis with increased lactate and bination with profound confluent white matter le-
pyruvate as well as typical MRI abnormalities sions could suggest the diagnosis. Most reported
(MELAS, cortical T2-weighted hyperintensities cases have resolved slowly.116,117 All of these
in both cerebral hemispheres, with a predilection causes for coma are exceptional and rarely ob-
for the posterior regions and the cerebellum; served. In many elderly patients, transient stupor
Leigh, bilateral putaminal lesions) should suggest or coma remains unexplained.

Figure 8.18 Biochemical interactions causing hyperammonemia.

Altered Arousal and Coma 89

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Appendix 8.1.
Drug Screening Tests
(Chromatographic Techniques)

Analgesics Fluoxetine* Doxylamine Quinidine*

Imipramine* Ephedrine Verapamil
Acetaminophen* Maprotiline Hydroxyzine
Acetylsalicylate Nortriptyline* Phenylephrine
Chlorzoxazone Sertraline* Phenylpropanolamine Tranquilizers
Codeine Trazodone* Phenyltoloxamine
Dicyclomine Trimipramine Pseudoephedrine Chlordiazepoxide*
Fenoprofen Venlafaxine* Chlorpromazine
Flurbiprofen Clozapine
Hydrocodone Antiepileptics Desalkyl flurazepam
Ibuprofen Stimulants Diazepam*
Indomethacin Carbamazepine* Flunitrazepam
Ketoprofen Amphetamine N-Desmethylmethsux- Flurazepam
Meperidine Benzoylecgonine imide Hydroxyethyl
Methaqualone Benztropine Ethosuximide* flurazepam
Morphine Caffeine Felbamate* Lorazepam
Naproxen* Cocaine Lamotrigine Midazolam
Pentazocine Cyclobenzaprine Mephobarbital* Nordiazepam
Propoxyphene* Ethyl-benzoylecgonine Methsuximide* Oxazepam
Salicylate* Methamphetamine Phenobarbital* Prochlorperazine
Tramadol Phencyclidine Phenytoin* Promethazine
Phentermine Primidone* Temazepam
Strychnine Valproic acid* Thioridazine*
Antidepressants Trifluoperazine

Amitriptyline* Sympathomimetics Cardioactive

Bupropion Agents Hypoglycemics
Clomipramine* Brompheniramine
Desipramine* Chlorpheniramine Diltiazem Acetohexamide
Doxepin* Diphenhydramine* Lidocaine* Chlorpropamide
Altered Arousal and Coma 93

Tolazamide Barbital Secobarbital* Metoclopramide

Tolbutamide Butabarbital* Thiopental Metronidazole
Butalbital* Zolpidem Pentoxifylline
Carisoprodol Phenylbutazone
Sedatives and Ethchlorvynol Sulfadiazine
Hypnotics Glutethimide Other Sulfamethoxazole
Meprobamate* Sulfapyridine
Allobarbital Metharbital Dextromethorphan Sulfisoxazole
Amobarbital0 Methyprylon Gemfibrozil Theophylline*
Aprobarbital Pentobarbital* Methadone Ticlopidine

If serum is submitted for analysis, quantitative reports often are issued for the drugs marked by an asterisk, with a thera-
peutic, toxic, or potentially lethal range referenced on the report. Drugs in italics can be detected only in urine. If serum is
submitted for analysis, these drugs will not be detected, even at toxic levels.
Source: Porter WH, Moyer TP: Clinical toxicology. In CA Burtis, ER Ashwood (eds), Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry,
3rd ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1999, p. 906.
Chapter 9
Brain Edema

Brain edema at its core, particularly when pro- posed by Fishman,1 who includes interstitial or
found and widespread, displaces brain tissue and hydrocephalic edema caused by obstruction of the
results in compression of the diencephalic struc- cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pathways (Fig. 9.1).
tures and in impairment of consciousness. Milhorat3 suggested an alternative classification,
Edema may also occur in one hemisphere and categorizing specific compartmental increases that
be proportionally more severe than the primary cause enlargement of brain bulk. Enlargement of
lesion (e.g., brain metastasis). In contrast, brain brain bulk is an increase in brain volume that may
edema may be rather inconsequential, as in take place in one of three major compartments:
anoxic-ischemic-related brain swelling, and an in- the vascular compartment (by arterial dilatation or
evitable result of widespread brain damage. The venous obstruction), the astrocytes (by ischemia or
complexity of diagnosis and management of acute intoxication), or the interstitium, including the
cerebral edema warrant a separate discussion. CSF compartment (by tumors, infections, trauma,
Outcome in many instances is somber because of or obstructive hydrocephalus).3
the rapid emergence of irreversible damage to the Any classification of brain edema suffers from
brain stem. the fact that many acute insults to the brain in-
volve multiple compartments. In addition, the
clinical manifestations are a consequence of brain
Classification and Presentation of tissue shift, and neither the initial presentation
Brain Edema nor the evolution of clinical signs is much differ-
ent among the different categories. The patho-
The structure and workings of the blood-brain physiology of brain edema is discussed in Box 9.2.
barrier have been partly elucidated. A brief dis- Diffuse cerebral edema commonly is rapid in
cussion is found in Box 9.1. onset and results in coma; focal cerebral edema
Brain edema has been conveniently classified, can go largely unnoticed.
but the types are clinically indistinguishable. For Clinical manifestations of brain edema in ful-
comparative purposes, the different types are minant hepatic failure are dramatic.16 Often, pa-
summarized in Table 9.1.1 Brain edema has been tients rather suddenly lapse into coma and may
classified by Klatzo2 into (I) vasogenic edema, exhibit significant extensor responses, sometimes
which is a consequence of damage to the with progression to brain death. When intra-
blood-brain barrier leading to increased capillary cranial pressure is monitored, extreme increases
permeability, and (2) cytotoxic edema, which is a with reduction in cerebral perfusion pressure are
consequence of a direct cellular insult leading to typical.
swelling without abnormalities in capillary per- Cerebral edema in diabetic ketoacidosis usually
meability. An additional category has been pro- is a devastating complication with high mortality,

Brain Edema 95

Box 9.1. The Blood-Brain Barrier

The exchange of fluids and solute between blood peared to define the barrier, but electron micro-
and brain in both directions is governed by multi- scopic studies clearly demonstrated an open inter-
ple mechanisms. Exchange is determined by an cellular space. The physiologic function of these as-
anatomical restriction (in the true sense, a barrier), trocyte foot processes is not entirely known, and
transport systems to rapidly provide the main en- their influence on the barrier may be only to mod-
ergy source (e.g., facilitated glucose transport sys- erate permeability rather than to define it anatom-
tem), and osmolality. Breakdown of the blood-brain ically. The capillary consists of a single layer of en-
barrier, therefore, may not be an anatomical defect dothelial cells with a well-organized basement
but may involve any of these control systems. membrane. The endothelial cells are continuous,
The blood-brain barrier is located at the capillary connected with tight junctions, and without true
level, and its morphology is unique. A characteristic gaps. Structures that appear to be gaps are in fact
feature is the crowding of the capillary with astro- very thin layers suggesting an opening, but the
cyto processes. These astrocyte feet initially ap- membranes are intact, securing impermeability.

more often, unfortunately, in children and ado- arrest. However, the critical threshold of tolera-
lescents with juvenile diabetes. The clinical pres- ble swelling is not known, and we have observed
entation is often without warning: rapidly devel- dramatic swelling with spontaneous resolution.20
oping stupor is soon followed by extensor Different types of edema can be visualized by
posturing and fixed, dilated pupils. Many patients computed tomography (CT) scanning or magnetic
fulfill the clinical criteria for brain death in a mat- resonance imaging (MRI). CT is not very sensi-
ter of hours.1719 tive to global cerebral edema in early stages, but
Focal cerebral hemisphere edema is mani- the severity of edema can be graded by a simple
fested by one of the herniation syndromes (see system that characterizes different areas of in-
Chapter 8) or, in less severe cases, only with more volvement (Table 9.2). Most difficult in the eval-
obvious drowsiness. Notably, edema surrounding uation of edema is the absence of sulci. This of-
neoplasms can be clinically silent. In general, de- ten becomes an issue in young persons who have
gree of impaired consciousness and degree of fo- a catastrophic illness that may produce edema but
cal edema may be very poorly related. that may be difficult to appreciate because of an
Cerebellar softening and swelling may quickly age-related lack of sulci (Fig. 9.2).
compress the upper brain stem, leading to sud- Vasogenic edema produces increased signal in-
den pontomedullary dysfunction and respiratory tensity on T2-weighted images, particularly in the

Table 9.1. Types of Brain Edema

Vasogenic Cytotoxic Interstitial

Pathophysiologic Proteinaceous plasma filtrate Cellular swelling from influx Cerebrospinal fluid migration
mechanism in extracellular space of water and sodium from increased ventricular
Location Preferentially white matter Preferentially gray matter Preferentially periventricular
(often sparing gray matter) (often adjacent white matter) white matter
Disorders Primary or metastatic Cerebrovascular disorders Obstructive hydrocephalus
brain tumor Global anoxic-ischemic insult
Inflammation Fulminant hepatic failure
Head injury Water intoxication,
dysequilibrium syndrome
Capillary permeability Increased Normal Normal
Source: Modified from Fishman. By permission of WB Saunders Company.

edema in anoxic-ischemic injury is a global as-

troglial swelling involving the entire hemisphere.
Tissue necrosis results in the development of
brain edema several days later, and its appearance
is not associated with a significant increase in
intracranial pressure. Therefore, brain edema
in postanoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, whether
from cardiac arrest or asphyxia, is a measure
of the severity of the insult and implies a poor
prognosis 23 9
Brain edema in survivors of cardiopulmonary
resuscitation is noted only when CT scanning is
performed several days after the event. Brain
edema on CT scans is more common in patients
with absent motor responses or extensor postur-
ing responses, abnormal cranial nerve reflexes,
and generalized myoclonus. These patients are of-
ten in cardiogenic shock and need progressively
higher doses of vasopressors.
Brain edema in postanoxic-ischemic enceph-
alopathy rarely results in further clinical deterio-
ration in these already ravaged patients. In some
patients, however, further progression to brain
death may occur and is accompanied by further
worsening of brain edema revealed by CT scans.
CT scanning often shows loss of definition of cor-
Figure 9.1 Changes in brain tissue with cytotoxic tical sulci, lack of gray and white matter differen-
edema, vasogenic edema, and interstitial edema. tiation, and, in the most severe cases, obliteration
of the basal cisterns (Fig. 9.4).24 In some patients,
the initial CT scans may show hypodensity of the
white matter. Cytotoxic edema in stroke increases
basal ganglia (caudate and putamen), which are
the T2 signal as well but often is found in the
fields of terminal vascular supply, or of the thala-
boundary zone of the infarct between the central
mus. MRI may be useful in delineating the extent
area of infarction and the surrounding normal
of abnormalities, but experience is limited.22
brain tissue. Diffusion-weighted MRI specifically
measures free water diffusion. The apparent dif-
fusion coefficient (ADC value) can be calculated. Brain Edema from Acute Metabolic
Elevated ADC values indicate vasogenic edema Derangements and Organ Failure
(Fig. 9.3). Restricted diffusion with reduced ADC
The water content of the brain may increase sig-
values indicates cytotoxic edema due to neuronal
nificantly as a result of changes in plasma osmo-
injury, be it trauma or ischemia. Normal ADC
lality. Brain edema may also occur as a result of
values may indicate intravoxel averaging of ADC
an increased osmotic effect of a toxic intermedi-
values when both mechanisms are present.21,22
ate, as in acute liver failure.25,26 Fulminant he-
patic failure has been associated with the devel-
opment of brain edema, and its emergence has
Specific Clinical Circumstances
been linked to early mortality.27
of Brain Edema
Experiments in hepatectomized rats found that
an increase in cortical glutamine may act as an os-
Brain Edema in Postanoxic-Ischemic
motically active molecule (osmolyte), increasing
brain water and resulting in astrocyte swelling. The
Brain edema usually affects both hemispheres and increase in astrocyte content of glutamine in he-
invariably is present in comatose patients. Brain patic failure correlates with an increase in arterial
Brain Edema 97

Box 9.2. Brain Edema: Physiology and Pathology

In vasogenic edema, the breakdown of the harrier direct suggestion that glutamate has a potential role.
results in fluid accumulation into the white matter. Free radicals, prostaglandins, arachidonic acid,
Myelin sheets are swollen and filled with vacuoles, and possibly leukotrienes may potentiate cerebral
which may further result in myelin breakdown, and swelling.57 Other evidence indicates that initial cel-
cysts appear in the white mutter. The astrocytes are lular acidity could activate ion antiport channels,
swollen at a later stage. The breakdown of the such as Na+/H and Cl-/HCO3 , to extrude H+
blood-brain barrier is most illustrative in vasogenic but at the expense of an increase in osmolarity.
edema. Whatever disorder triggers the insult, the re- Clearing of brain edema occurs predominantly
sult is transudation of plasma into the extracellular through the CSF. Clearance of extravasated proteins
white matter space. With this flooding of the white by the glial cells is also closely linked to resolution of
matter, however, cerebral blood flow remains unaf- edema fluid; this suggests a major role for colloid os-
fected, and cellular mechanisms remain intact.4 motic pressure generated by the proteins,8,9 Edema
In cytotoxic or cellular edema, a preferential spreads through bulk flow and a downhill pressure
astrocyte swelling (gemistocyte) is observed, often gradient between the white matter and the CSF com-
maximl in the astrocyte foot processes. Because cy- partment, a mechanism that may be further facili-
totoxic edema represents intraeellular swelling, gray tated when CSF pressure is reduced.10 A centrally lo-
matter is more involved than white matter. cated atrial natriuretic factor has been found to
The mechanisms of cytotoxic edema are more moderate the brain water content, and it might de-
complex than opening of the blood-brain barrier. crease edema formation.1114 Another mechanism
Experimental studies have indicated that com- may be due to water channel proteins (aquaporins),
pounds blocking the release of excitatory amino, widely expressed in the brain. Up-regulation of aqua-
acids reduce the water content of the brain, an in- porin-4 has been found in contusional brain lesions.15

ammonia. An increase in glutamine may therefore edema may be further amplified by changes in
reflect an attempt by astrocytes to detoxify them- cerebral blood flow. Increased arterial ammonia
selves from ammonia by producing glutamine, cre- may induce vasodilatation, and a relative increase
ating an osmolyte. The development of brain in cerebral blood flow despite the decreased
metabolic demand from encephalopathy (so-called
Table 9.2. Calculation of Brain Edema luxury perfusion) may increase the development
Severity Score on the Basis of CT Findings in of vasogenic edema.28,29 Other potential mecha-
Patients with Fulminant Hepatic Failure nisms are inhibition of Na+,K+-adenosine
triphosphatase, which may result in astrocyte
Feature Score swelling. This explanation is supported by one
Visibility of cortical sulci study in which serum from patients with fulminant
3 CT scan slices of upper cerebral area (IVR) 6 hepatic failure inhibited this pump.30
Visibility of white matter CT scans may demonstrate disappearance of
Internal capsule (L/R) 2 the sylvian fissures, and later, complete compres-
Centrum semiovale (L/R) 2 sion of the basal cisterns and loss of white-gray
Vertex (L/R) 2
Visibility of basal cisterns matter differentiation may be seen (Fig. 9.5).
Sylvian fissure (horizontal-vertical, L/R) 4 These abnormalities may reverse entirely with
Frontal interhemispheric fissure fissure 1 control of intracranial pressure and after liver
Quadrigeminal cistern 1 transplantation.24
Paired suprasellar cisterns (L/R) 2 Brain edema is rarely present in patients with
Ambient cistern (L/R) 2
Maximal total" 22 fluctuating drowsiness; it is usually not visualized
on CT until patients become stuporous. A linear
CT, computed tomographic; L/R, left and right cerebral hemi-
relationship between the severity of cerebral
In CT scan with normal findings.
edema and the degree of hepatic encephalopathy
Source: Wijdicks et al.16 By permission of Mayo Foundation for Med- has been found16 and implies that brain edema is
ical Education and Research. the final common pathway by which coma occurs.

Figure 9.2 Resolving brain edema in encephalitis. Vir- matter differentiation, and effacement of basal cistern
tual lack of sulci and sylvian fissures, poor white-gray and third ventricle with improvement (arrows).

Cerebral edema may develop in acute, often meability. Its effect is brief and reversed in a mat-
dramatic, sodium and glucose derangements. Hy- ter of hours.31
perosmolality can be brought on by severe dehy- Acutely induced hypo-osmolality or hypona-
dration or from infusion of hypertonic solutions. tremia of a sufficient degree (usually 110 mmol/L
This may lead to shrinkage of the endothelial cells, or less) may induce significant cerebral edema.
causing gaps and possible rupture of the interen- Cerebral edema in this hypo-osmolar state has
dothelial connection that result in increased per- been noted in young healthy women after general
Brain Edema 99

Figure 9.3 Series of magnetic resonance sequences aging [PWI]) showing increased apparent diffusion
(fluid attenuation inversion recovery [FLAIR], diffu- coefficient values in hypertensive encephalopathy in-
sion-weighted imaging [DWI], perfusion-weighted im- dicative of edema (arrows).

anesthesia and in patients with polydipsia, pre- port of potassium outside the cell and leads to re-
dominantly in schizophrenia. Excessive adminis- duction in the content of intracellular solute, min-
tration of free water results in acute onset of mas- imizing the risk of cell swelling induced by this
sive brain edema,32 rapid displacement of the rapid osmotic change. A linear correlation be-
diencephalon, and respiratory arrest. tween the degree of hyponatremia and the loss of
Nonetheless, brain edema is uncommon after important osmolytes, such as taurine, glutamate,
acute severe hyponatremia and may be explained and aspartame, by the brain has been docu-
by a corrective mechanism due to rapid loss of or- mented.33 Reduction in the number of osmolytes
ganic osmolytes. Loss of osmolytes permits trans- was already detectable 3 hours after the onset of

Figure 9.4 Anoxic-ischemic encephalopathy with gray-white matter definition. Arrows point to absence
generalized brain edema. Arrowheads indicate loss of of sulci.

Figure 9.5 Cerebral edema in fulminant hepatic comparatively hyperdense (arrowheads point to the
failure. Left: Note pseudo-subarachnoid hemorrhage, basal cisterns and arrows to the tentorium region).
which occurs when the brain tissue becomes very low Right: Loss of sylvian fissures and loss of cortical sulci.
in attenuation and the dura and blood vessels appear

hyponatremia, decreasing to a minimal concen- also be related to anoxic-ischemic damage from

tration in 24 hours. acidosis-related cardiopulmonary arrest.
The mechanism of brain edema in diabetic ke- Treatment with osmotic diuretic agents is often
toacidosis may be related to rapid fluid manage- unsuccessful, evidence that massive cerebral
ment to correct the ketoacidosis and dehydration, edema has resulted in irreversible herniation.
but this is not clear. At least theoretically, rapid
administration of fluid may lead to intracellular
Brain Edema and Acute
shift of water because of osmotically active mole-
Bacterial Meningitis
cules that are intrinsically present to protect the
brain from excessive shrinkage. Rapid adminis- Brain edema in acute bacterial meningitis may
tration of fluid may override the washout of os- complicate the clinical course and almost certainly
molytes when plasma osmolality rapidly corrects increases mortality.
itself. Alternatively, insulin administration may ac- The true prevalence of brain edema in bacter-
tivate the Na + /H + pump, enhancing sodium and ial meningitis is not known, and reported series
water influx.34 Cerebral edema may be more have been biased toward autopsy material. Brain
prevalent than appreciated, and serial CT scan edema occurs early in the course of bacterial
studies have shown the development of clinically meningitis but is not invariably the cause of early
unrecognizable cerebral edema.35,36 In one study, death. In a series of 29 patients with bacterial
increased serum urea nitrogen concentrations, meningitis, 15 had pathologic evidence of cere-
more severe hypocapnia, and treatment with bi- bral edema by the appearance of tonsillar herni-
carbonate emerged as important factors, even ation at autopsy.38
more important than rate of fluid, sodium, and There may be several mechanisms of brain
insulin infusion. The vasoconstrictive effect of edema in inflammatory disorders. It has been pro-
hypocapnia and extreme dehydration could cause posed that granulocyte ("granulocytic brain
anoxic-ischemic injury, leading to cerebral edema") products may induce edema.39 Cytokines
edema.37 In clinical practice, brain edema may originating from leukocytes may cause endothe-
Brain Edema 101

lial alterations that can lead to vasogenic the draining veins. Acute venous occlusion may
edema.39,40 In addition, it has been documented be another mechanism of venous outflow.48 How-
that high doses of these chemotactically active ever, brain edema can be explained by seizures in
agents administered intrathecally increased brain patients with documented AVM and is most of-
water content, but it is not clear whether this ex- ten seen on MRI. The focal hyperintensity on T2-
periment, which used very high doses, reflected weighted images in the white matter may disap-
the changes in vivo.41,42 The cytokine-endothe- pear after control of seizures.
lium-leukocyte interaction is currently an active Large hemispheric infarcts may swell, usually
field of research, and recent studies have shown after 3-5 days.49 In many patients, brain swelling
that both dexamethasone and monoclonal anti- is heralded by increasing headache and a fluctu-
bodies against leukocyte adhesion receptors at- ating level of consciousness. Outcome in patients
tenuate meningeal inflammation and brain edema with brain stem involvement from herniation is in-
in rats inoculated with Haemophilus influenzae.43 variably poor (Fig. 9.6). Tumor-associated edema
CT scanning of brain edema in acute bacterial most likely involves multiple mechanisms (Box
meningitis typically shows generalized edema, 9.3, Fig. 9.7). A preliminary study suggested that
with edematous white matter and cortical efface- reduced brain tissue oxygenation improves with
ment. The ventricles may become extremely decompression in peritumoral brain edema.56
small. In contrast-enhanced CT scans, enhance-
ment of the basal cisterns due to hypervascular-
ity or gyral configurations in cortical zones may Brain Edema Associated with Head Injury
represent extensive meningitis. MRI may docu-
Diffuse brain swelling is more common in chil-
ment pus (see Chapter 16).
dren than in adults. Brain swelling is present com-
monly in comatose patients with closed head in-
Brain Edema Associated with jury and rarely in patients who remain alert.
Hemispheric Mass Subsequent deterioration from diffuse brain
swelling in a previously alert patient is uncommon
Brain edema often only surrounds a hemispheric
(<5%). It has been reported after repeated brain
mass irrespective of whether it is an intra-
injurythe second impact syndromebut its
parenchymal hematoma, a large territorial infarct,
mechanism and risk factors are not known.57
or a tumor.
Brain swelling occurs more often in patients who
Intracranial hematomas, when located in the
suffered a systemic insult, such as hypotension or
basal ganglia, often have a perihematoma rim
pre-hospital hypoxemia. Brain swelling often is ev-
of edema that invariably represents vasogenic
ident on CT scans and may involve absence of the
edema. Its significance is unknown, and an in-
third ventricle and basal cisterns in most cases. In-
crease in the volume of edema is common within
tracranial pressure is almost always significantly
the first 24 hours after the ictus.44 Secondary clin-
increased.58 Brain swelling in adults with closed
ical deterioration from progressive perihematoma
head injury is often associated with multiple
swelling commonly occurs in lobar hematomas.
parenchymal contusions, shearing lesions, and
The products of degraded erythrocytes are re-
traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage.5862
sponsible for edema. Hemoglobin breakdown
products take time to form, which explains de-
layed edema in most cases. Hemin, bilirubin, and
FeCl2 produce brain edema and leave the way Management of Brain Edema
open to explore the use of iron-chelating agents
in patients with intracerebral hematomas.4547 Acute brain edema is associated with high mor-
Brain edema from a cerebral arteriovenous bidity and mortality, and results of aggressive
malformation (AVM) most commonly is associ- intervention have not been encouraging. In the
ated with recent hemorrhage. Brain edema may course of several hours, brain shift may be exten-
also be correlated with increased pressure on the sive, resulting in permanent damage even after the
draining veins and marked dilatation or varices of water content of the brain has been ameliorated.

Figure 9.6 Cerebral swelling associated with middle bral artery territory (arrows). Bottom row: Massive
cerebral artery territory infarct. Top row: Initial scan edema and shift with contralateral hydrocephalus and
with hypodensity and loss of sulci in the middle cere- enlargement of temporal horn (arrows).

Osmotic diuretics, such as mannitol or hyper- administration of 23.4% saline in refractory in-
tonic saline, may be useful initially, while the true creased intracranial pressure. Cerebral perfusion
value of intracranial pressure is determined by pressure was augmented as well, and intravascu-
placement of a monitor. Continuous infusion with lar volume was not depleted.64
3% hypertonic saline should be considered if a bo- Treatment in diabetic ketoacidosis would be
lus of mannitol (1 g/kg) is unsuccessful in head normal saline 10 mL/kg in the first hour, followed
trauma, intracranial hematoma, or cerebral in- by 3.5-5 mL/kg hourly infusion. Insulin could be
farct. The dose is increased until serum sodium added at 0.1 unit/kg hourly. However, with cere-
concentrations are 145-155 mmol/L.63 A pilot bral edema, decreased partial pressure of arterial
study suggested an effect from intravenous bolus CO2 (PaCO2) should be corrected to normal val-
Brain Edema 103

Box 9.3. Edema in Brain Tumors

Four processes have been suggested that may be re- (4) less likely, an inflammatory mechanism through
lated to edema associated with primary brain tumors substances, such as platelet-activating factor, re-
or metastasis:50 (1) rumor angiogenesis of vessels leased from polynuclear leukocytes surrounding the
with defective blood-brain barrier, characterized by tumor-associated edema. Other factors that may
large interendothelial gaps;51 (2) Increased mi- potentiate turner-associated edema are seizures,
crovascular permeability from production of medi- chertMtherapeutic agents, and therapeutic radia-
ators, such as prostaglandin E2 and thromboxane Ba, tion.54 Plasma osmoialiry may play an important role,
in this process;52 (3) an immunologic mechanism and one experimental study found a direct relation
such as interleukin-2, which when injected has re- between plasma osmolality and formation of brain
sulted in brain edema in experimental studies;53 aud edema.55

ues, intravenous fluid and insulin infusion should Focal hemispheric edema is more difficult to
be markedly reduced, and mannitol 1-2 g/kg manage, and craniectomy with duraplasty greatly
should be added.65 Corticosteroids are useful increases the possibility for swelling outside the
only in metastasis or glioma with mass effect from skull, relieving pressure. Removal of additional
perilesional edema. Corticosteroids (10 mg of swollen brain tissue (anterior temporal lobectomy
dexamethasone intravenously) should be consid- or frontal lobectomy) is optional but considered
ered in brain edema from fulminant bacterial only if the primary lesion is in this location (e.g.,
meningitis (see Chapter 16). The major benefi- temporal lobe swelling from herpes simplex en-
cial effect is improvement of CSF dynamics, cephalitis,66 metastasis with malignant edema).
predominantly the CSF outflow tract over the Surgical decompression in patients with head
convexity. Corticosteroids have no documented injury but retained brain stem reflexes has been
value in brain edema from endocrine or hepatic advocated but only in young patients (<40 years),
disturbances. with reimplantation of bone flaps as early as 6
weeks after surgery. In one experience, results
were "surprisingly good."67 The craniotomy is ex-
tensive (frontotemporoparietal), leaving a bone
rim on top of the superior sagittal sinus.


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Chapter 10
Status Epilepticus and
Recurrent Seizures

Status epilepticus is a multifaceted neurologic Status epilepticus in adults can be distinguished

emergency. It may present suddenly in the set- in several forms, each of which is discussed in de-
ting of other clinical neurologic conditions (e.g., tail. Potentially important differences in effect may
acute bacterial meningitis and herpes simplex en- exist with different antiepileptic agents. Why they
cephalitis) for which therapeutic interventions are differ in their ability to abort status epilepticus is
urgently indicated. The tasks at hand need to be not initially clear. In this chapter, an approach is
well executed because long-standing morbidity in presented that is based on the integration of posi-
many patients has been linked to lapses in ag- tion papers46 and systematic reviews.7,8
gressive control of seizure activity. Thus, rapid
termination of seizures and simultaneous treat-
ment of the underlying illness are of utmost pri- Classification and Presentation
ority in tonic-clonic status epilepticus, and this of Status Epilepticus
undisputed urgency must be appreciated by any
physician faced with this illness. Status epilepti- Convulsive status epilepticus can be divided into
cus lasting 1 hour or more increases morbidity 10- four major categories, and nonconvulsive status
fold. Furthermore, neurogenic pulmonary edema epilepticus can be further divided into complex
or life-threatening cardiac arrhythmia1 may occur, partial and absence types (Fig. 10.1). The dis-
but more likely prolonged apnea and anoxia may tinction has relevance because the initial choice
result in an additional ischemic-anoxic injury and of antiepileptic agents may be different, manage-
persistent coma, emphasizing the need for early ment may not involve antiepileptic agents (as in
intubation and airway control. myoclonus status epilepticus and psychogenic
Concurrent destructive brain lesions are com- seizures), and outcome may differ from category
mon in adult status epilepticus and, thus, in most to category.
cases are responsible for morbidity and mortality. Persistence of seizure activity is an important
Regrettably, outcome studies in status epilepticus discriminating factor because it is directly linked
include comatose patients with myoclonus status to cumulative development of neurological and
epilepticus, a phenomenon indicative of profound medical complications. The risk of neuronal
injury to the cortex and associated with cardiac ar- dropout resulting in morbidity is related not only
rest. These causes may account for 30%40% of to the duration of status epilepticus but also to age
the cases, thus skewing the results toward an un- and systemic complications, such as severe hypox-
favorable outcome.13 Conversely, albeit uncom- emia from aspiration. Autonomic storm resulting
monly, unprovoked status epilepticus may have an in tachyarrhythmias and hyperthermia probably
excellent neurologic outcome. does not directly contribute to brain damage.

Status Epilepticus and Recurrent Seizures 107

sure and pulse. The clonic phase begins with a

tremor or shivering but gives way to uninterrupted
jerking, which dies out gradually and may result
in urinary and fecal incontinence after the sphinc-
ter muscles relax from a forceful contraction dur-
ing the clonic phase. Usually, a generalized tonic-
clonic seizure lasts 1-2 minutes and is followed
for up to 5 minutes by a dazed state or agitation
resulting in labored breathing and deep sleep.
Most patients gradually awaken but never to a
point that conversation is understood or simple
commands are followed. Then, tonic spasm may
occur again with a similar pattern of jerking and
Figure 10.1 Classification of status epilepticus. resolution.
Electrographic recordings, if available, typically
show rhythmic spike- or sharp-wave complexes or
sharp- and slow-wave discharges with a general-
ized distribution. Clinically, the distinction be-
tween a postictal confusional state emerging from
Tonic-Clonic Status Epilepticus
a generalized tonic-clonic seizure and convulsive
Tonic-clonic status epilepticus has typically been status epilepticus is difficult in the emergency de-
defined as repetitive generalized tonic-clonic partment. Subtle eyelid or limb twitching in a stu-
seizures lasting 30 minutes or longer or seizures porous patient may indicate continuous epileptic
without full return of consciousness between activity, but the distinction may require elec-
episodes. However, the evolution of seizures into troencephalographic recording.
status epilepticus often becomes clear within Typical clinical findings are tongue bite (large
1015 minutes, and the time criterion should not purple hematoma or erosion at the lateral border
be applied rigorously. of the tongue, which should be carefully inspected
The tonic phase involves flexion of the axial while the tongue is pushed out or sideways with
muscles, upward gaze, and marked widening of a tongue depressor) (Fig. 10.2) and, occasionally,
the pupil diameter with sluggish light responses. petechial hemorrhages in the conjunctiva, chest,
Flexion occurs in the arms and legs and is soon and neck. Other complications are tachycardia,
followed by extension, clenching of teeth, and hyperglycemia, bone fractures, posterior shoulder
forced expiration for several seconds. Sweating dislocation, pulmonary aspiration, and, rarely if
may be profuse, with an increase in blood pres- ever, neurogenic pulmonary edema. Prolonged

Figure 10.2 Tongue bite much more evident when tongue pushed out.

Table 10.1. Causes of Status Epilepticus easy to restrain. A waxing and waning state alter-
nating between agitation and obtundation is char-
Change in antiepileptic drugs acteristic. Inappropriate laughing, crying, or even
Withdrawal of benzodiazepines (NCSE)
Drugs or alcohol
singing may occur. Some patients express a feel-
Bacterial meningitis or intracranial abscess ing of imminent death. Absence status epilepticus
Encephalitis is additionally characterized by reduction in vigi-
Intracranial tumor or metastasis lance rather than drowsiness. Attention is absent,
Stroke and automatisms may occur. Complex status
Arteriovenous or cavernous malformation
epilepticus can be characterized by hallucinations
Hypoglycemia and a complete amnesia for the attacks.17
Intravenous contrast agent (NCSE) Focal Status Epilepticus
Electroconvulsive therapy (NCSE)
Focal status epilepticus can be simple (normal
NCSE, nonconvulsive status epilepticus. level of consciousness) or complex (impaired
consciousness but no overt jerking). Focal status
epilepticus is probably similar to epilepsia partialis
status epilepticus may produce fever (up to 42C), continua. It involves continuous clonic move-
even on the day after presentation. The most com- ments of one or two extremities. Jerking of one
mon causes of status epilepticus are shown in arm or leg can be directly observed by the patient,
Table 10.1. Withdrawal of antiepileptic agents in who should be unable to influence its jerking fre-
patients with established seizure disorder is most quency. Hemiparesis (which may last for days)
common.911 In de novo status epilepticus, no may result if the condition is treated late. The dis-
overriding cause may be apparent, but an acute order often is related to an acute hemispheric le-
brain lesion is common. In one urban hospital sion (e.g., hemorrhage in cavernous hemangioma
study, the most common causes for status epilep- or metastasis, spontaneous lobar hematoma).
ticus were alcohol-related.10,12
Psychogenic Status Epilepticus
Nonconvulsive Status Epilepticus
Pseudoseizures can be very difficult to differenti-
Delayed diagnosis is common because behavioral ate from true seizures and may occur compara-
abnormalities are mistaken for a postictal state tively frequently in patients with proven seizure
or psychiatric disorder.13 Nonconvulsive status disorder. The incidence was 40% in one referral
epilepticus is further divided into complex partial hospital,20 but this appears inflated. The assess-
status and absence status.1416 Complex partial ment of psychogenic seizures can be complicated
status epilepticus is most prevalent in adults 2040 because previous indiscriminate administration of
years of age.17 It may occur after a single seizure a benzodiazepine may cloud the neurologic as-
and after replacement of antiepileptic drugs18 and sessment, and electroencephalography often is
is more likely in patients with prior brain injury.19 not immediately available to verify the psychiatric
Clinical presentation is diverse, but clinical origin of the convulsions.
signs are not always suggestive and may be diag- Several clinical characteristics should increase
nostically confusing. Consciousness is always im- the likelihood of psychogenic status epilepti-
paired. Nonconvulsive status epilepticus results in cus.21,22 Jerking movements are characteristically
blank staring, sometimes with tremulousness and out of phase and asynchronous, with a highly typ-
subtle periorbital, facial, or limb myoclonus or ical forward thrusting of the pelvis. Screaming is
eye-movement abnormalities such as nystagmus common. Tongue biting is absent, pupils may be
or eye deviation.19 Patients have decreased or dilated but have retained light responses, and the
rambling speech output or are mute; thus, the dis- gag reflex is present.2124 Jerking of the extremi-
tinction from aphasia with a structural lesion can ties may rapidly alternate in tonic-clonic-like
be difficult. Aggressive behavior is uncommon,14 movements, and often the arms can be positioned
and more often patients are mildly agitated and above the patient's face while continuously jerk-
Status Epilepticus and Recurrent Seizures 109

ing without falling on the face. The head turns a prior seizure disorder, computed tomography
from side to side, and more characteristically, both (CT) scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
eyes are consistently deviated from the examiner, findings are frequently normal in status epilep-
occasionally switching with the examiner's posi- ticus. In refractory epilepsy, the rate of detection
tion. In between the jerking movements, the pa- of histopathologically proven abnormalities (glioma,
tient may speak brief sentences indicating major hippocampal sclerosis, developmental lesions) is
distress. 95% with conventional MRI and much lower with
All of these manifestations, although very char- CT scan, with a sensitivity of 32%. CT scan sen-
acteristic, may rarely be imitated by nonconvulsive sitivity for temporal lobe abnormalities is very
status epilepticus due to a frontal epileptic focus. low.25 However, CT or MRI may show acute de-
structive lesions, such as stroke or traumatic in-
jury, metastatic disease, and glioma. CT scanning
Myoclonus Status Epilepticus
in myoclonus status epilepticus may show diffuse
Myoclonus status epilepticus is common in emer- cerebral edema and, less often, thalamic or cere-
gency departments admitting comatose patients bral infarcts in watershed territories. An imaging
after asphyxia or cardiac arrest. The clinical man- study of cryptic seizures at the Mayo Clinic found
ifestations of myoclonus status epilepticus are mesial temporal sclerosis in 55%, brain tumor in
vastly different, but it is still misinterpreted as 20%, nonspecific findings in 15%, and neuronal mi-
tonic-clonic seizures. gration disorder, vascular malformation (Fig. 10.3),
Myoclonus status epilepticus often consists of or head injury-associated sclerosis in 10%.26 Focal
synchronous brief jerking in the limbs and face and hyperintensities on T2-weighted images and de-
may involve the diaphragm. Touch, intubation, and crease in apparent diffusion coefficients in complex
placement of catheters may provoke the move- partial status epilepticusall reversiblemay be
ments, but continuous jerking is more commonly seen as a consequence of edema associated with
the rule. An episodic upward gaze of both eyes dur- breakdown of the blood-brain barrier.27 As alluded
ing a series of myoclonic jerks is typical. Myoclonus to earlier, hippocampus or neocortical dropout ab-
status epilepticus can be seen moments after car- normalities may emerge later and may be a direct
diac resuscitation when the pulse has returned and correlate of seizures and not of hypoxemia (Box
the patient has failed to awaken. Pathologic with- 10.1, Fig. 10.4).28,29
drawal or extensor motor responses are common.
Its presence denotes massive laminar cortical
Miscellaneous Tests
necrosis, often in association with ischemic dam-
age to the thalamus and spinal cord. Physiologic changes are observed in the aftermath
Other conditions that cause myoclonus status of status epilepticus. A single generalized tonic-
epilepticus, such as environmental injuries (e.g., clonic seizure may produce similar laboratory
electrical injury, decompression sickness), are re- changes if values are obtained within 1 hour of
lated to severe global anoxia produced by the in- presentation. Most laboratory changes directly re-
sult. However, profound myoclonus status epilep- sulting from seizures or status epilepticus are self-
ticus in comatose patients may be caused by drug limiting and rarely need intervention. However,
intoxication (predominantly lithium but also abnormal laboratory values may suggest a com-
haloperidol, antiepileptic agents, tricyclic antide- peting systemic illness.
pressants, and penicillin), toxic exposure to indus- White cell counts may increase up to 30 X
trial agents (pesticides) and heavy metals, renal or 109/L.33 Neutrophils usually remain dominant,
hepatic failure, or a degenerative condition such but equally common is a lymphocyte increase in
as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in the final stage. the differential count. Immature neutrophils can
be present. Acute-phase hepatic proteins, glyco-
proteins, and globulins may transiently increase
Neuroimaging in Status Epilepticus the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Plasma glu-
cose concentration may increase but remains in
Because withdrawal of antiepileptic drugs re- an indeterminate range of <150 mg/dL. Plasma
mains a commonly recognized cause in adults with osmolality should be normal or mildly increased

Figure 10.3 Cavernous hemangiomas (ar-

rows) (computed tomography and magnetic
resonance imaging) in a patient with status
epilepticus at presentation.

in patients with dehydration but more signifi- Arterial blood gas should be measured. Respi-
cantly increased if recent alcohol abuse con- ratory acidosis is as common as metabolic lactic
tributes to status epilepticus. Plasma osmolalities acidosis, but the pH is rarely below 7.0 (Table
of 400600 mOsm could be due to nonketotic 10.2).34 The abnormality is self-limiting and re-
hyperosmolar hyperglycemia. Hyponatremia may solves within hours.35 Cardiac arrhythmias, such
cause status epilepticus only when values are as sinus tachycardia, bradycardia, and supraven-
<120 mmol/L or have decreased at least 20-30 tricular tachycardia, are rarely related to changes
mmol/L within several hours. in the blood gases. Abnormal QRS complexes are
Spontaneous hypoglycemia possibly indicates a not a manifestation of status epilepticus.
poison (see Chapter 8) or, less commonly, insuli- Laboratory results may be helpful in distin-
noma. Acute renal failure should point to possi- guishing between status epilepticus and pseudo-
ble rhabdomyolysis and prompt measurement of seizures. An entirely normal blood gas value while
serum creatine kinase, which may reach values in the patient is having convulsions supports pseudo-
the thousands. seizures. The serum concentration of prolactin is
Box 10.1. Neuronal Damage Associated with Status Epilepticus

Convulsive status epilepticus may greatly increase long-standing status epilepticus. It can take the form
the excitatory ammo acid glutamate, which in turn of dramatic MR changes (arrows in Fig. 10.4). Hip-
opens cation channels to calcium through N-methyl- pocampal cell damage does not occur after single
D-aspartate receptors ("excitotatic theory"). Whether seizures or nonconvulsive status epilepticus,30 but
this damage, with a proclivity for the hippocampus, hippocampal edema has been demonstrated after
thalamus, cerebellum, and neocortex, is also caused febrile seizures.31 Paradoxically, one study found
by additional hyperglycemia, anoxia, hyperpyrena, that hypoxemia protects against edema, possibly be-
or severe acidosis in humans remains unresolved. cause of an early adaptive response involving stress-
Neuronal dropout in the neocortex is predominantly related transcription factors.32
apparent in inappropriately treated or unrecognized

Figure 10.4 MRI abnormalities consistent

with long-standing status epilepticus.


Table 10.2. Acid-Base Disorders Associated with Status Epilepticus

Derangement Number of Patients pH

Respiratory acidosis 10 7.107.25

Respiratory and metabolic acidosis 6 7.11-7.15
Metabolic acidosis 8 7.05-7.13
Respiratory alkalosis 8 7.51-7.55
Normal 6 7.35-7.45

Source: Modified from Wijdicks and Hubraayr.34 By permission of Mayo Foundation for Medical Educa-
tion and Research.

increased (peak value 15-20 minutes after onset evolve into a complex medical emergency. It is
of seizure) after a single epileptic generalized important to immediately ventilate with oxygen,
seizure but seldom after pseudoseizures.36 How- secure instruments to intubate quickly, and ob-
ever, the discriminatory value in pseudo-status tain intravenous access (Box 10.2).
epilepticus has been debated,37 and prolactin may Aspiration is very common in status epilepticus
also be increased after syncope.38 and may be the overriding cause of hypoxemia at
In any new-onset status epilepticus, cerebro- presentation. In patients with altered pulmonary
spinal fluid (CSF) examination should be strongly defenses, such as those with chronic obstructive
considered, to exclude acute bacterial meningitis pulmonary disease or alcohol abuse, pneumonia
and encephalitis. White blood cell counts in the develops rapidly. Food particles may obstruct
CSF may increase from seizures but not above 30 large airways and cause atelectasis and hypoxemia.
mononuclear cells/mL, and CSF protein rarely in- Adult respiratory failure may follow rapidly and
creases significantly. actually evolve in the emergency department.
Electroencephalography is particularly useful Dyspnea is profound from alveolar flooding, hy-
to confirm focal status epilepticus and detect non- poxemia worsens within minutes, and patients
convulsive status epilepticus. Electroencephalog- with underlying chronic pulmonary disease have
raphy may be helpful when the patient is sedated hypercapnia as well. These patients need intuba-
by antiepileptic drugs and clinical manifestations tion for airway protection and possibly fiberoptic
of electrographic discharges are difficult to de- bronchoscopy if early chest X-ray findings so in-
tect.39 The findings should guide further use of dicate. Aspiration pneumonitis (Mendelson's syn-
antiepileptic agents or an increase in dose until drome) may be due to sterile gastric contents
epileptic activity is entirely suppressed. The pat- causing chemical injury. Empiric antibiotics are
terns are shown in Figure 10.5. recommended (levofloxacin 500 mg/day, infusion
Violent seizures may cause bone fractures but over 1 hour).43 Neurogenic pulmonary edema
also injury to the shoulder. Apart from the typi- from status epilepticus is uncommon but has been
cal posterior dislocation (such a characteristic fea- linked to sudden death, mostly in children and
ture that when seen by an orthopedic surgeon young adults. Chest X-ray findings are typically
should result in referral to a neurologist for pos- widespread "whiteout" infiltrates but resolve after
sible seizures), tendon injury may cause prolonged several hours of positive end-expiratory pressure
shoulder pain. Plain shoulder overviews are nor- ventilation.
mal and in sharp contrast with abnormal MRI Cardiac arrhythmias may appear only if contin-
findings (Fig. 10.6). uous seizures have resulted in prolonged signifi-
cant lactic acidosis. Many patients have sinus
tachycardia from the sympathetic overdrive state.
Management of Status Epilepticus Only cardiac arrhythmias causing measurable
blood pressure reduction need correction with
Not only do patients with status epilepticus ur- antiarrhythmic agents and bicarbonate infusion.
gently need antiepileptic agents to reduce mor- Overzealous use of bicarbonate may cause alkalo-
bidity from injurious seizure activity but also the sis, which may perpetuate status epilepticus by
systemic effects are potentially harmful and may lowering the seizure threshold.
Figure 10.5 Electroencephalographic patterns of dif- convulsive status epilepticus (episodes of spike-and-wave
ferent types of status epilepticus. A: Generalized tonic- discharges coinciding with obtundation). D: Myoclonic
clonic seizures (generalized high-frequency spikes and status epilepticus (continuous epileptiform discharges
spike-and-wave discharges). B: Focal status epilepticus with a burst-suppression pattern).
(rhythmic waves and spikes in one hemisphere). C: Non-

Figure 10.6 Plain X-ray (left) of shoulder following re- (right) shows capsular edema, tear of the posterior
current seizures. No evidence of posterior dislocation labrum, and partial injury to subscapularis and biceps
of fracture. Magnetic resonance image of shoulder tendon.

Creatine kinase should be measured in each pa- and desflurane are effective in controlling electro-
tient because rhabdomyolysis may result in acute encephalographic activity, but improvement of
renal failure, which can be entirely prevented by the patient is rarely encountered.66
liberal intake of fluids. A particularly difficult situation is created by
The sequence of use of antiepileptic agents in epilepsia partialis continua. Treatment is pheny-
status epilepticus continues to evolve.8 When pa- toin loading followed by increasing doses of phe-
tients with status epilepticus are referred to large nobarbital, starting with 40 mg or, in resistant
institutions, approximately 30% have a recurrence cases, with intravenous administration of val-
of seizure after phenytoin loading, and seizures proate (20 mg/min bolus and 20-50 mg/min in-
recurred in 40% of patients after a third-line fusion).67 In our experience, focal seizures are
agent. This demonstrates more difficult control commonly treated well with valproate without
with increasing duration. Morbidity will be sub- need for endotracheal intubation due to respira-
stantial.44 An approach with additional precau- tory depression. If valproate fails, additional doses
tionary measures is shown in Figure 10.7. Lo- of phenobarbital can be infused and could achieve
razepam 4 mg bolus is more effective than control or at least a considerable decrease in
phenytoin for initial therapy.45 Up to 90% of pa- manifestations.
tients are successfully managed with a combina- Nonconvulsive status epilepticus, when docu-
tion of benzodiazepines and phenytoin.46,47 Fail- mented by electroencephalography, can be treated
ure to control seizures probably is related to under electroencephalographic monitoring with
inappropriate phenytoin loading (the popular "1 benzodiazepines (lorazepam, 48 mg, or diazepam,
g of phenytoin" is almost always inadequate) and 10 mg).
to failure to appreciate that a second intravenous The management of seizures in patients with
bolus of phenytoin may abort status epilepticus. preeclampsia is notably different. Magnesium sul-
A common sequence is phenytoin (Boxes 10.3, fate remains the standard in prevention and treat-
10.4), midazolam or propofol4953 (Boxes 10.5, ment of seizures or status epilepticus.68,69 Mag-
10.6), and pentobarbital and phenobarbital (Box nesium sulfate is given at a beginning dose of
10.7). Newer drugs are ketamine (2 mg/kg bolus, 4-5 g intravenously or 10 g intramuscularly.70 An
1050 mg/kg per minute) or topiramate intravenous infusion of 1 g/hour is started. Addi-
(300-1600 mg/day) and have aborted status tional antiepileptic agents are not warranted and
epilepticus when all else fails.64,65 In addition, in- may cause respiratory depression in the newborn.
halation anesthetics can be used. Both isoflurane Magnesium toxicity may, however, also reduce
Status Epilepticus and Recurrent Seizures 115

Box 10.2. No Intravenous Access

Lack of intravenous access can be anticipated in long- the last resort but the most effective way to counter
term users of intravenous drugs. Intramuscular ad- status epilepticus is to use inhalation anesthetic
ministration of fosphenytoin (12-20 mg/kg phenytoin agents. This should be followed by a saphenous vein
equivalent) produces plasma concentrations of pheny- cutdown at the ankle. The superficial location of the
toin equal to those with the oral dose within 30 min- vein and large diameter make it suitable for place-
utes of administration, divided over different ejection ment of a large-bore cannula. Phenytoin can then be
sites. If intramuscular fosphenytoin is not available, administered. Administration of isoflurane is started
diazepam should be used rectally (0.5 mglcg) in. re- at 0.5% inspired concentration, with a gradual in-
peated doses. Other options are intramuscular use of crease while end-tidal concentrations are monitored
midazolam (5 mg) and observation for 3 minutes to until a seizure-free electroencephalogram is obtained.
allow absorption. Alternatively, the intranasal route Blood pressure most likely requires support with fluid
can be considered for midazolam, with rapid absorp- infusions, the Trendelenburg position, and dopamine,
tion (within minutes, 0.10.2 mg/kg).4O42 Probably phenylephrine, or dobutamine.

mother and child respirations. Reduced tendon rest. Clonazepam has been advocated for treat-
reflexes may occur and may indicate imminent ment but has not been consistently effective in
toxicity; thus, they are a useful monitoring sign our experience. There is no rationale to aggres-
during titration of treatment. sively treat these myoclonic jerks with a series of
Antiepileptic therapy in myoclonus status epi- antiepileptic drugs. When myoclonus is forceful
lepticus is usually not effective after cardiac ar- and causes marked contractions, even hampering

Figure 10.7 Algorithm for management of convulsive status epilepticus. IV, intravenous; WBC, white blood

Box 10.3. Phenytoin

Phenytoin is rapidly distributed to body tissue and block. Asystole has been reported. Phenytoin can be
the brain. Respiratory depression does not occur in mixed only in isotonic saline because it precipitates
loading doses of 1020 mg/kg. Sinus bradycardia is in glucose. Oral dosage should resume 612 hours
the most common cardiac arrhythmia. Transient di- after infusion.
astolic pauses may occur and may worsen any heart

Box 10.4. Fosphenytoin

Fosphenytoin sodium (Cerebyx) is a prodrug of rhythmias, typically associated with the propylene
phenytoin that is rapidly (within minutes) converted glycol-based intravenous phenytoin, are infrequent.
by enzymes to phenytoin. Both intravenous and in- However, cardiac arrhythmias may still occur when
tramuscular administrations of 15-20 nig/kg pro- fosphenytoin is infused at rates >150 mg/minute.
duce therapeutic total ( 10 g/mL) and free ( 1 There is no pharmacokinetic drug interaction with
g/mL) plasma levels. Intramuscular loading (912 intravenously administered diazepam or lorazepam.
mg/kg phenytoin equivalent) produces therapeutic Major side effects are nystagmus, headache, ataxia,
levels in 1 hour and can be considered in status and drowsiness. Previously unrecognized and highly
epilepticus but only if intravenous access is not avail- typical side effects (up to 30%) are transient but very
able. Fosphenytoin is completely water-soluble. annoying paresthesias and itching in the groin, gen-
Therefore, phlebitis, hypotension, and cardiac ar- italia, and head and neck.48

Box 10.5. Midazolam

It is not clear why midazolam works when benzodi- 8800 for 24 hours of continuous infusion. The ab-
azepiiies and phenytoin fail to control seizures. The sence of propylene glycol solution in midazolam re-
drug is currently also being evaluated for initial man- duces the risk of hypotension, bradycardia, and elec-
agement in outpatients,54 The half-life of midazo- trocardiographie changes, which are more common
lam (1-12 hours) is less than that of lorazepam with diazepam and lorazepam,55 High rates of infu-
(1012 hours), and midazolam produces .sedation of sion may produce cardiac depression and hypo-
short duration in status epilepticus. Hourly infusion tension. Often, the mean dose to abolish seizure
of 0.10.6 mg/kg should be continued for at least 12 activity is three times the starting dose. When ad-
hours before the dose is tapered. The cost, compa- ministration is discontinued, full consciousness is
rable with that of lorazepam, is high, approaching expected in 4-5 hours in most patients.56,62

Box 10.6. Propofol

Propofol has been considered controversial because seizures in elect roconvulsive therapy. A bolus of
of its association with myoclonic jerking and propofol may cause significant hypotension and is
opisthotonos in humans. However, several studies ill-advised. Only case series exist, but clinical expe-
have confirmed that it inhibits seizure activity. These rience is very favorable, with good control (15 nig/
animal studies included lidocaine-induced seizure kg/hour). Bradycardia, hypotension, and lactic aci-
activity or pentylenetetrazol-induced epilepsy. Propo- dosis are side effects. The caloric intake with propo-
fol has been used in anesthetic doses to control sta- fol is enormous.
tus epilepticus and has reduced the risk of prolonged
Status Epilepticus and Recurrent Seizures 117

Box 10.7. Barbiturates

Failure to control seizures with therapeutic levels of Intravenous pentobarbital (1-3 mg/kg per hour)
phenytoin ( 25 g/mi.) may justify intravenous ad- virtually always controls status epilepticus, but relapse
ministration of phenobarbital. Phenobarbital is much can be substantial, usually preceded by electro-
more potent than pentoharbital. Its major drawbacks graphic recurrence of seizure activity.63 Pentobar-
are direct myocardial depression and vascular dilata- bital and phenobarbital are equal in effectiveness,
tion, but these are not treatment-limiting. Phenobar- Experience with propofol and midazalam will re-
bital also has a very long elimination half-life (24140 duce the use of barbiturates greatly, but barbiturates
hours) but zero-order elimination at high doses (con- remain very useful also in partial status epilepticus.
stant amount of drug elimination per unit of time).

normal ventilator cycling, propofol is needed tion of machines should be restricted until a rea-
(starting dose of 0.5 mg/kg per hour with 0.5 mg/ sonable observation period has passed, to prevent
kg per hour increments to effect) and is commonly future disasters.
successful. If myoclonus still cannot be controlled, Approximately 75% of patients with two or
neuromuscular blocking agents should be consid- three unprovoked seizures have further seizures
ered to eliminate the constant generalized jerks within 4 years.74 In contrast, the risk of a second
until the level of care has been assessed. seizure is approximately 35% in the subsequent
Psychogenic epilepticus typically lasts longer 35 years.75 The risk of seizure recurrence is sub-
but may be aborted almost instantaneously with a stantially increased (probably doubled) when an
supportive suggestion. The diagnosis can be con- identifiable brain lesion is found.
firmed by an electroencephalogram, but the jerk- Before a patient is sent out of the emergency
ing movements are often so bizarre that it is clear department, several diagnostic tests should be
from the outset. A recent study found that psy- done (Table 10.3); but in many instances, admis-
chogenic status epilepticus could be rapidly in- sion for intravenous phenytoin loading is advised.
duced by administering saline intravenously and The above data suggest treatment in patients with
telling the patients (some of whom had visited two or more unprovoked seizures.
many different emergency departments) that the The recommended drugs for primary general-
saline solution will provoke seizures.71 However, ized tonic-clonic seizures or partial seizures with
the use of these deceptive provocative techniques secondary generalization are phenytoin (300 mg/
is ethically questionable.72 day in one dose; therapeutic level, 1020 /xg/mL),
carbamazepine (300-1200 mg daily; therapeutic
level, 412 g/mL), and valproate (6003000 mg/
Management of Recurrent Seizures day; therapeutic level, 50-150 g/mL). Valproate
has notable side effects, particularly platelet
A clinical policy for the initial approach to patients dyscrasias and liver failure (1 in 20,000).76 The
with a seizure who do not have status epilepticus first-line agent for absence seizures is valproate
has been published by the American College of
Emergency Physicians.73 Four major guidelines
are highlighted. First, prolonged altered con- Table 10.3. Diagnostic Tests in Recurrent
sciousness should not be attributed to a postictal de Novo Seizures
state. Second, patients with prior epilepsy who are
Computed tomographic scan with contrast
alert and have normal findings on neurologic ex- Cervical spine radiograph (if trauma is suspected)
amination do not require aggressive evaluation Cerefefospmat fluid (predominantly in immunosuppressed
other than measurement of antiepileptic drug lev- patients, human immunodeficiency virus)
els. Third, alcohol-related seizures may indicate Toxicologic screen, alcohol level
Sodium, calcium, magnesium, blood urea nitrogen,
serious underlying morbidity. Fourth, the patient
creatinine, complete blood cell count, glucose
should be implicitly told that driving and opera-

(6003000 mg/day; therapeutic level, 50150 4. Cascino GD: Generalized convulsive status epilepticus.
mL), ethosuximide (2030 mg/kg per day; thera- Mayo Clin Proc 71:787, 1996.
5. Gemma M, Cipriani A, Mungo M: Management of status
peutic level, 40-100 g/mL), or lamotrigine
epilepticus. Intensive Care Med 20:611, 1994.
(100400 mg/day in 2 divided doses). A combina- 6. Runge JW, Allen FH: Emergency treatment of status
tion of lamotrigine and valproate is often needed epilepticus. Neurology 46(Suppl 1):S20, 1996.
to control recurrent absences. 7. Claasen J, Hirsch LJ, Emerson RG, et al.: Treatment of
An alternative medication, mostly if seizures oc- refractory status epilepticus with pentobarbital, propofol,
cur with first-line agents at therapeutic levels, or midazolam: a systematic review. Epilepsia 43:146, 2002.
could be gabapentin (900 mg/day in three gradu- 8. Lawn ND, Wijdicks EFM: Progress in clinical neuro-
sciences. Status epilepticus: a critical review of manage-
ally increasing doses) or other second-line
ment options. Can J Neurol Sci 29:206, 2002.
antiepileptic drugs (e.g., lamotrigine, topiramate, 9. DeLorenzo RJ, Hauser WA, Towne AR, et al.: A prospec-
tiagabine, or levetiracetam). tive, population-based epidemiologic study of status
Specific concerns may arise when seizures are epilepticus in Richmond, Virginia. Neurology 46:1029,
observed during pregnancy without evidence of 1996.
eclampsia. Antiepileptic drugs for brief treatment 10. Lowenstein DH, Alldredge BK: Status epilepticus at an
of recurrent seizures should be well tolerated urban public hospital in the 1980s. Neurology 43:483,
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11. Sung CY, Chu NS: Status epilepticus in the elderly: eti-
the risk to the infant seems unsubstantiated. Anti- ology, seizure type and outcome. Acta Neurol Scand 80:51,
epileptic drugs in pregnancy double the risk of 1989.
congenital malformations, including limb defor- 12. Alldredge BK, Lowenstein DH: Status epilepticus related
mities, spina bifida (valproate), and growth retar- to alcohol abuse. Epilepsia 34:1033, 1993.
dation. Folic acid, 0.4 mg/day, should be added 13. Fagan KJ, Lee SI: Prolonged confusion following convul-
during pregnancy, but its effect on reducing birth sions due to generalized nonconvulsive status epilepticus.
Neurology 40:1689, 1990.
defects probably takes place around conception.77
14. Kaplan PW: Nonconvulsive status epilepticus in the emer-
Monitoring phenytoin levels in pregnancy is com- gency room. Epilepsia 37:643, 1996.
plicated by a decrease in serum albumin levels; 15. Baykan B, Gokyigit A, Curses C, et al.: Recurrent absence
thus, the unbound fraction should be measured status epilepticus: clinical and EEG characteristics.
to manage dosage. In addition, the increased vol- Seizure 11:310, 2002.
ume of distribution and increased clearance by 16. Agathonikou A, Panayiotopoulos CP, Giannakodimos S, et
liver and placenta may force an increase in the to- al.: Typical absence status in adults: diagnostic and syn-
dromic considerations. Epilepsia 39:1265, 1998.
tal daily dose.
17. Cockerell OC, Walker MC, Sander JW, et al.: Complex
Discontinuation of antiepileptic therapy is con- partial status epilepticus: a recurrent problem. J Neurol
sidered after a 2-year seizure-free interval, and if Neurosurg Psychiatry 57:835, 1994.
this can be achieved, recurrence is very low ex- 18. Trinka E, Dilitz E, Unterberger I, et al.: Non-convulsive
cept in patients with documented brain lesions status epilepticus after replacement of valproate with lamo-
(e.g., cavernous angioma, cerebral contusion). trigine. / Neurol 249:1417, 2002.
Sudden withdrawal may increase the risk of re- 19. Husain AM, Horn GJ, Jacobson MP: Non-convulsive sta-
tus epilepticus: usefulness of clinical features in selecting
currence and, in some instances, unfortunately,
patients for urgent EEG. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry
status epilepticus. Recurrence of seizures cannot 74:189, 2003.
be entirely excluded by a normal electroenceph- 20. Howell SJ, Owen L, Chadwick DW: Pseudostatus epilep-
alogram before discontinuation is attempted. ticus. Q J Med 71:507, 1989.
21. Rosenberg ML: The eyes in hysterical states of uncon-
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Chapter 11
Acute Obstructive

The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is produced in the reported.2 Papilledema may occur, implying long-
choroid plexus of the lateral ventricle; circulated standing increased CSF pressure, but remains an
throughout a system with critical passages at the uncommon clinical finding in most intraventricu-
foramen of Monro, third ventricle, and aqueduct lar, pineal, or choroid plexus tumors. Unfortu-
of Sylvius; and absorbed through arachnoid villi. nately, the diagnosis in some patients is made only
Any impingement at these sites causes increased after symptoms and signs referable to brain stem
hydrostatic pressure in a matter of hours (Box compression or brain stem shift have occurred.
11.1). Enlargement of the ventricular system may Decreased consciousness from ventricular en-
be acutely created by a mass obstructing CSF out- largement may have several mechanisms. First,
flow or by sudden stretching and ballooning out hydrocephalus may impair the ascending reticu-
from introduction of a jet of arterial blood. Only lar activating system (ARAS) at the level of the
ventriculostomy results in adequate diversion of periaqueduct, which pushes against relay nuclei
flow and, in fact, may be lifesaving. and fibers of the ARAS when it expands. Second,
There is an urgency when patients present with displacement of the upper brain stem by a mas-
acute hydrocephalus in the emergency depart- sively enlarged third ventricle may tilt it backward
ment. This chapter describes clinical presenta- and kink its structure. Third, when intracranial
tion, causes, and shunt placement. Definitive pressure from increased ventricular pressure rises
management, carefully planned later, could imply above the cerebral perfusion pressure, and cer-
resection or debulking of the tumor or permanent tainly when the increase in pressure occurs rap-
placement of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt. idly, global ischemic damage to both hemispheres
or herniation of brain tissue bilaterally through the
tentorium or foramen magnum produces an ad-
Clinical Presentation vanced stage of coma. Fourth, and by an indirect
mechanism, decreased arousal may also be caused
Patients with acute obstructive hydrocephalus by tumor infiltration into paramedian thalamic
have diminished alertness at presentation. Often nuclei or the mesencephalon, which at the same
in retrospect, episodes of headache are said to time obstructs normal CSF flow (see Chapter 8).
have been common and frequently intense. Ear- Finally, tumors that obstruct the ventricles may
lier periods of blurred vision and obscuration produce clinical signs from compression by
(sudden grayouts or blackouts lasting seconds) as- the mass effect itself to the brain stem (e.g.,
sociated with papilledema (due to pressure- pinealoma). These signs may combine to form
induced relative ischemia of the optic nerve) are Parinaud's syndrome, consisting of upward gaze


Box 11.1. Pathophysiology of Acute Hydrocephalus

Acute hydrocephalus occurs when normal physio- to CSF pressure. Some of the CSF is merely recy-
logic equilibrium is disturbed. CSF (an ultrafiltrate cled.1 Reduction in CSF volume therefore may be
from capillaries) is produced in (he choroid plexus achieved by decreasing CSF production (carbonic
and may increase in the plexus papilloma. The cir- anhydrate inhibitors; acetazolamide, which takes
culation of CSF depends on several variables, such hours to achieve the effect), removing obstructing
as rate of production (400600 mL/day), choroid tumor, and improving absorption (e.g., cortico-
plexus pulsations (filling of choroid plexus with each steroids to reduce inflammatory response in arach-
arterial pulse generates a pumping force), resistance noid villi). Enlargement of the ventricles is incre-
(series of conduits, including foramina, aqueduct of mental, with elevation of the corpus callosum after
Sylvius, and arachnoid villi), and sagittal sinus pres- dilation of the lateral ventricles and eventually re-
sure (CSF pressure is greater, and flow depends on duction of the convexity gray matter.
this pressure gradient). Absorption is linearly related

palsy and impaired convergence, with a so-called layed course has been noted. Usually, the hem-
light-near dissociation of the pupillary light reflex orrhage is massive (Fig. 11.1A, see also Chapter
(pupil constriction to accommodation and not to 14). Intraventricular introduction of a thalamic,
light).2 The lesion for the classic finding of Parin- caudate, or large lobar hematoma produces acute
aud's syndrome is in the dorsal midbrain (pretec- ventricular enlargement. Acute hemorrhage in
tum) and interrupts the supranuclear mechanisms the cerebellum, particularly when it extends to the
for upward gaze. However, the dorsal midbrain can vermis, may rapidly block the fourth ventricle,
also be distorted by enlargement of the posterior leading to obstructive hydrocephalus (Fig. 11.IB).
third ventricle and periaqueductal structures. Hydrocephalus in intracerebral hematoma is an
Pineal gland tumors may directly compress the independent predictor of poor outcome.1517 In
midbrain, and compression may persist despite addition, one study seriously questioned the use
CSF diversion methods. Colloid cysts are inci- of ventriculostomy in parenchymal supratentorial
dentally found, but they obstruct the foramen of hemorrhage.18 Ventricular drainage controlled in-
Monro only after reaching a critical size. Inter- tracranial pressure but did not consistently im-
mittent headaches may precede acute deteriora- prove level of consciousness, suggesting direct ir-
tion, which can lead to sudden brain death. reversible tissue damage from hydrocephalus.
Moreover, hemorrhagic dilatation of the fourth
ventricle has been identified as an important in-
Specific Disorders Associated with
dicator of poor outcome, confirming the impres-
Acute Hydrocephalus
sion that sudden massive enlargement causes
damage to the periaqueductal area.19
In a large proportion of patients, the cause of
Acute hydrocephalus in pontine hemorrhage is
acute hydrocephalus in adults seen in the emer-
merely a consequence of its destructive hemor-
gency department is ventricular dilatation associ-
rhage, and ventriculostomy will not reverse coma.
ated with subarachnoid hemorrhage, lobar hema-
Extension to the mesencephalon and occasionally
toma, primary intraventricular hemorrhage, or,
bilaterally to the thalamus precludes awakening.
less commonly, malfunctioning ventriculolumbar
(After several unsuccessful attempts in our pa-
or peritoneal shunts for previous hydrocephalus.
tients, we generally have abandoned ventricu-
The causes of acute hydrocephalus associated
lostomy in this condition.)
with masses in adults are shown in Table 11.1.314
Cerebellar hematoma and acute hydrocephalus
can be treated by ventriculostomy when the
Intracranial Hematoma
fourth ventricle is blocked and no brain stem com-
Primary intraventricular hemorrhage commonly pression is evident on computed tomographic
causes acute hydrocephalus, although a more de- (CT) scans. Only in this particular clinical situa-
Acute Obstructive Hydrocephalus 123

Table 11.1. Masses Causing Acute Obstructive Hydrocephalus

Type CT Scan Characteristics Treatment

Intraventricular tumors
Colloid cyst Rounded, anterior 3V, widened SP, collapse of Surgery or stereotactic aspiration
posterior 3V, ID or HYP
Plexus papilloma Oval, 4V, LV, HYP Total excision
Ependymoma Lobulated, 4V, LV, ID Excision and radiotherapy
Oligodendroglioma Lobulated, LV, HYP, C Resection
Ganglioglioma 3V, ID, HYP Resection
Astrocytoma LV, HD or HYP, irregular shape Radiation, resection
Epidermoid cyst 4V, HYP, ID Resection
Masses in pineal region
Pineoblastoma Lobulated, HD at peripheral rim, C Resection, radiation
Germinoma ID, rounded Radiation
Teratoma HD or HYP, C, lipid content Resection
Vein of Galen aneurysm HYP, rounded, triangular Endovascular occlusion

C, calcifications; CT, computed tomography; HD, hypodense; HYP, hyperdense; ID, isodense; LV, lateral ventricle; SP, septum pellucidum;
3V, third ventricle; 4V, fourth ventricle.

tion can ventriculostomy be beneficial; in all other space with subarachnoid blood, or occasionally
instances, decompression of the pons by suboc- from the mass effect of a giant aneurysm ob-
cipital craniotomy is more logical. structing the third ventricle.20 Commonly, the
temporal horns are dilated early, typically before
identifiable dilatation of the third and lateral ven-
Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
tricles. Ventriculostomy is certainly justified when
CT scan evidence of acute hydrocephalus is com- clinical worsening in level of consciousness is
mon in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage clearly documented, when serial CT scans un-
(Fig. 11.2). Acute hydrocephalus may be caused mistakably demonstrate further enlargement, or
by obstruction of CSF outflow at the level of the when the third ventricle has changed into a
ambient cisterns, by clogging of the arachnoid balloon-shaped structure. One may argue that

Figure 11.1 A: Acute hydrocephalus in intraventric- poral horns) associated with cerebellar hematoma ef-
ular hemorrhage due to sudden arterial jet of blood facing the fourth ventricle (arrows).
(arrows), B: Acute hydrocephalus (note enlarged tem-

ventriculostomy did not increase rebleeding in

our study with patients before they underwent
early repair of the aneurysm.21

Bacterial Meningitis
Obstruction of the ventricular communication
with the subarachnoid space by inflammatory ex-
udate is the most likely mechanism of bacterial
meningitis. Acute obstructive hydrocephalus can
occur several weeks after bacterial meningitis be-
gins and typically appears insidiously. The ven-
tricular system, however, can be enlarged soon af-
ter the illness but usually to a minor degree and
transiently (Fig. 11.3). Rarely is there a need to
place a ventriculostomy tube early when hydro-
cephalus occurs within the first days, but late-
onset hydrocephalus (10% in adult bacterial
meningitis) may require placement of a drain.
Figure 11.2 Acute hydrocephalus in subarachnoid
hemorrhage with intraventricular blood (third ventricle Pineal Region Tumors
and posterior horns, arrows) from ruptured anterior
cerebral aneurysm. Pineal region tumors predominate in young adults
(and children). Compression of the quadrigemi-
nal plate depends on the size of the tumor, and
early ventriculostomy is a safeguard against re- compression of the cerebral aqueduct or tumor
bleeding in the first hours; but conversely, it may growth into the posterior third ventricle produces
be argued that reducing the CSF pressure may obstructive hydrocephalus.
reduce the sealing pressures of the aneurysm and Pineal parenchymal neoplasms can be divided
thus increase the risk of bleeding. However, early into pineoblastoma (with histologic characteristics

Figure 11.3 A: Acute hydrocephalus in pneumococcal ral horns) of the enlargement but also reappearance of
meningitis (arrows). B: Resolution (particularly tempo- sulci 4 days after antibiotic therapy.
Acute Obstructive Hydrocephalus 125

nearly identical to those of medulloblastoma) and rial in adults and more commonly intratentorial in
pineocytoma (characteristic rosette formation). children.7,34 Seeding throughout the CSF occurs
The outcome of pineoblastoma is poor, with sur- in some instances. These malignant tumors grow
vival rarely extending beyond 2 years.6 Pineocytoma slowly, and outcome is determined by grade, with
with neuronal differentiation, such as large rosette 5-year survival of 80% in patients with low-
formation or ganglion cells, has a much better long- grade tumors. Anaplastic or poorly differentiated
term outcome, up to three decades after diagnosis, ependymoma with typical histologic features of
resection, and radiotherapy. Radiosurgery may be high mitotic activity, vascular proliferation, and
useful as adjuvant therapy.22 Germinomas may arise necrosis reduces survival to 50%.
from this location, as may other germ cell tumors,
such as teratomas, embryonal carcinoma, endoder-
Plexus Papilloma
mal sinus tumor, and choriocarcinoma.
Germinomas are very radiosensitive, and long- Tumors of the choroid plexus often are papillary
term survival or cure is expected after resection. and highly vascularized. Intratumoral hemorrhage
CSF should be sampled at the time of ventricu- is frequent. Localization is commonly in the fourth
lar shunting. Choriocarcinoma and pineal germi- ventricle in adults.35,36 These tumors do not in-
noma secrete human chorionic gonadotropin. vade and are comparatively easy to resect.
Alpha-fetoprotein is increased in endodermal si-
nus tumors, infiltrating teratoma, embryonal car-
Epidermoid Cysts
cinoma, and choriocarcinoma.23 CSF markers
may help in differentiation. High-dose methotrex- Epidermoid cysts are ectodermal elements dis-
ate has been suggested in patients with distant placed during embryogenesis that become symp-
metastasis (bone and meninges).24 tomatic in adults.37 Rupture of the cyst may cause
aseptic ventriculitis. Predilection is for the fourth
ventricle; and because of compression of the brain
Colloid Cyst of the Third Ventricle
stem, cranial nerve palsy, ataxia, and hemiparesis
The incidence of colloid cyst of the third ventri- may occur. Because of its slow growth and pliable
cle is about 0.5%-2% of all intracranial tumors. nature, however, it may produce only intermittent
This developmental abnormality is filled with ho- headaches.
mogeneous viscous material containing cellular
debris. Its location in the third ventricle causes in-
termittent marked enlargement of the ventricles Neuroimaging in Acute Hydrocephalus
or ventricular diverticula, and death may ensue if
recurrent headaches are not sufficiently investi- Different sites of obstruction in acute hydro-
gated.5,25,26 Colloid cysts are a cause of sudden cephalus are shown in Figure 11.4. CT scanning
death in pediatric patients.27,28 Deterioration was clearly delineates the degree of hydrocephalus
observed in 32% of symptomatic patients, em- and in many instances the obstructing tumor.
phasizing its not so benign presence.29 Usually, the largest parts of the ventricular system
In the Karolinska Hospital-based series of 37 (the anterior horns of the lateral ventricles) en-
consecutive patients, five patients were admitted large first, the temporal horns next, and then the
to the emergency department and two died de- third and fourth ventricles. When hydrocephalus
spite emergency ventriculostomy.30'31 has developed over weeks, subependymal effu-
Full resection should be planned. Unfavorable sions are clear evidence of increased CSF pres-
long-term results were associated with aspiration sure. These periventricular hypodensities may oc-
and subtotal resection.30 However, transcallosal cur in up to 40% of patients with acute obstructing
microsurgery produced excellent results.3033 hydrocephalus, but this capping surrounding the
ventricle may also be evident in elderly patients
with long-standing hypertension and diabetes but
no hydrocephalus.38
Neoplastic growth of the epithelial lining on the The degree of hydrocephalus can be carefully
ventricular surface is most commonly supratento- assessed by several measuring systems. These sim-

Figure 11.4 Examples of different sites of obstruction vein of Galen. D,E: Colloid cyst in third ventricle (note
(arrows). A-C: Arteriovenous malformation with giant absence of third ventricle).

pie linear measurements not only determine the tricular volume can be measured on CT or mag-
degree of hydrocephalus but also can be used to netic resonance imaging (MRI), outlining each
monitor change. The ventricular size index meas- slice and multiplying the area of outline by slice
ures the bifrontal diameter (transverse inner di- thickness. The total volume is the sum of these
ameter) and divides it by the frontal horn diame- volumes including the calculated interslice gaps.
ter. The bicaudate index might be more reliable In adults, there is little experience in acute neu-
because consistent normal values have been es- rologic disorders with this technique.39
tablished. This index is determined by the width The temporal horns remain sensitive indicators
of the frontal horns at the level of the caudate nu- for hydrocephalus on CT scans. Temporal horns,
clei divided by the maximum width of the brain usually barely visible, become large, boomerang-
at the same level (Fig. 11.5). Alternatively, ven- shaped ventricles in acute hydrocephalus. This
Acute Obstructive Hydrocephalus 127

Figure 11.4 (Continued) Examples of different sites of G. Low-grade glioma in pineal region. H: Central nerv-
obstruction (arrows). F: Neurocytoma in third ventricle. ous system lymphoma compressing fourth ventricle.

configuration often clearly differentiates obstruc- be strongly considered if the third ventricle can-
tion from cortical cerebral atrophy. Other features not be identified or the septum pellucidum is
compatible with atrophy rather than hydroceph- widened, separating the posterior medial aspects
alus are widening sylvian and interhemispheric of the frontal horns. It is important to scruti-
fissures, leaving marked hypodense fluid-filled nize the posterior fossa for a mass lesion that may
spaces and prominent dilated cortical sulci. be evident only from distortion of the fourth
It is important to identify tumors that may ob- ventricle.
struct the ventricular system, particularly those However, MRI should disclose any obstructive
located in the intraventricular compartment, mass lesion.40 MRI also is particularly important
which may be isodense to the brain tissue. Char- to demonstrate meningeal enhancement (e.g., in
acteristically, colloid cysts of the third ventricle sarcoidosis or carcinomatous meningitis)41,42 and
are very subtle and difficult to detect because lesions typically not well recognized on CT scan-
they blend in with brain tissue. A mass should ning (e.g., smaller pineal region cysts).

Figure 11.5 Measurement on computed tomographic Numbers indicate normal values. The ventricular size in-
scan of the ventricular system in acute hydrocephalus. dex (VSI) is not corrected for age. BCI, bicaudate index.

Management not secured with a clip or coil. We and others have

found no such relationship21,45 and believe its
Untreated obstructive hydrocephalus leads to al- placement is indicated in patients with persistent
tered arousal, coma, and in some cases brain death stupor, vertical downgaze, pinpoint pupils, and
and, thus, needs urgent neurosurgical interven- documented enlarging size in CT. Some en-
tion irrespective of its cause. Unfortunately, the dovascular radiologists prefer a ventriculostomy
rarity and rapid progression of acute obstructive drain in place to safeguard (see Chapter 13) the
hydrocephalus often delay diagnosis and limit the effects of rebleeding associated with placement of
ability to treat. The emphasis in the emergency coils. (Its presence will allow release of ventricu-
department is therefore on early intervention with lar blood that otherwise would massively enlarge
ventriculostomy and identification of the trigger. the ventricular system.)
Acute CSF diversion with placement of a ven- Ventricular clearing of blood with ventricu-
triculostomy drain into the largest ventricle has lostomy is not optimal and may lead to obstruc-
priority and, if feasible, should be performed in tion of the catheter; use of intraventricular throm-
the emergency department suite. The ventricu- bolytic agents is currently under investigation.
lostomy tube is connected to a manometric CSF Hemoventricle with hydrocephalus from primary
drainage system draining at 1015 cm K 2 O .If the intraventricular hemorrhage has been treated
CSF is bloody, drainage at 0 cm H2O or lower with additional instillation of urokinase.46 One
should be considered, to reduce clotting in the study of 22 patients treated with intraventricular
catheter (Box 11.2). Alternative techniques, such urokinase found a trend toward better outcome
as fenestration of the septum pellucidum or third than that in a nearly similar control group. Clear-
ventriculostomy, are highly experimental.43,44 ance of the third ventricle predicted better out-
Placement of a ventriculostomy drain in patients come, suggesting that the focus of monitoring of
with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage has these patients should perhaps be clearance of
been linked to rebleeding when the aneurysm is third ventricle clot.47
Acute Obstructive Hydrocephalus 129

Box 11.2. Ventriculostomy

A ventricular catheter is inserted in the right (or, geons administer antibiotics. Complications are rare.
better, nondominant) frontal region. The patient is They include ventriculitis (probably reduced with
fully supine. In many instances, the bur hole is antibiotic prophylaxis and subcutaneous tunneling);
placed 1-2 cm anterior to the coronal suture in the epidural, subdural, or intraparenchymal hematoma
inidpupillary line (Fig. 11.6). The catheter is di- (mostly in patients with severe coagulopathy); mal-
rected to the middle of the nose. The ventricular functioning through blood clot obstruction; migra-
system (particularly when dilated) is reached at 57 tion against the ventricular wall; and, rarely, creation
cm below the skin. After insertion, the tube is sub- of a dural arteriovenous fistula. All are reasons to re-
cutaneously tunneled and secured. Many neurosur- place the catheter.

Definitive treatment of the obstructing mass

warrants endoscopic removal in most cases, and
some patients need permanent ventriculoperi-
toneal shunts or fenestration of the third ventri-
cle, accomplished by endoscopic techniques.4850
The lamina terminalis, septum pellucidum, and
floor of the third ventricle can all be punctured
and then dilated with catheters to divert CSF.
Cerebrospinal shunts usually employ valve systems
draining at CSF pressures of more than 10 mm
Hg. Overdrainage may lead to subdural effusions
or subdural hematomas.51


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Chapter 12
Acute Spinal Cord Compression

An expedited evaluation in patients with acute Sensory abnormalities localize in the vertical
spinal cord compression is paramount because plane (cervical, lumbar, sacral) and, when com-
reversal of tetraparesis or paraparesis is time- bined with other long tract signs, point to local-
locked.1 Beyond a certain interval the symptoms ization in the horizontal plane (extradural,
may remain complete, with no prospect of future intradural, or intramedullary).5 Clinical clues
ambulation or bladder control. helpful in localization are found in Appendix 12.1.
Patients with spinal cord compression from ma- The major cord syndromes are summarized in
lignant disease often have some degree of ambu- Table 12.1
lation at first evaluation. In the Memorial Sloan- All sensory modalities should be tested (pin-
Kettering series, 50% of the patients presented prick, position, and vibration sense; light touch
ambulatory, 35% paraparetic, and 15% paraplegic with a wisp of cotton; pressure touch; and tem-
at the time of diagnosis.2 In addition, it has been perature tested with a cold or hot piece of metal
estimated that 30% of patients with epidural [e.g., warmed under running hot water]). Abnor-
spinal cord compression from metastatic cancer mal pinprick is usually interpreted as touch with-
become paraplegic within 1 week.3 This observa- out identification of a sharp sting and is most valu-
tion clearly indicates a dynamic process that pos- able in localizing segments. When a tuning fork is
sibly can be halted or partly reversed. Unfortu- unavailable to test vibration, at least position sense
nately, unacceptable delay in diagnosis, referral, should be tested. Normally, movement of a few
and investigation occurs in patients with spinal degrees in the position of the toe joints should be
cord compression.4 easily appreciated. In addition, tactile discrimina-
Acute management of spinal cord compression tion should be tested, and normally a 2- to 3-cm
and the priorities of evaluation are discussed in difference between two points should be appre-
this chapter, but the usual considerations in pa- ciated. Normal function suggests intact posterior
tients presenting with ambulation difficulties have column tracts but also nerve root function.
already been discussed in Chapter 2. Injuries se- Saddle anesthesia (S3S5) is an indication of a
vere enough to damage the spinal cord are com- conus medullaris lesion, which can be accurately
monly associated with head, abdominal, or chest delineated but may be missed with superficial ex-
trauma; and management of traumatic spinal cord amination in a supine patient. The sensory loss is
injury is discussed in Chapter 19. often dissociated, with sparing of touch but loss
of pinprick. Absence of dissociation suggests in-
volvement of the cauda equina, not just the
Neurologic Assessment of Acute conus.
Spinal Cord Compression Sacral sparing of the sensory symptoms is an
important sign because it implies a centrally lo-
Neurologic examination should localize the lesion cated intramedullary lesion. (The representation
in patients with acute paraplegia or tetraplegia. of the sacral fibers is very peripheral in the cord;
Table 12.1. Major Acute Spinal Cord Syndromes
Complete Hemisection
All sensory modalities and reflexes impaired below level of Loss of pain and temperature opposite to the lesion
severance: pinprick loss most valuable Sensory loss two segments below lesion
Flaccid, paraplegia or tetraplegia Loss of proprioception on same side as lesion
Fasciculations Light touch may be normal or minimally decreased
Urinary or rectal sphincter dysfunction Weakness on same side as lesion pain
Sweating, piloerection diminished below lesions
Genital reflexes lost, priapism
r r .
Pain and temperature loss below lesion
Proprioception spared
Vest-like loss of pain and temperature Flaccid, areflexia
Initial sparing of proprioception Paraparesis or tetraparesis
Sacral sensation spared Fasciculations
Paraparesis or tetraparesis Urinary or rectal sphincter dysfunction
Dysautonomia absent

Figure 12.1 Abnormal sensory patterns in acute spinal Management. Philadelphia: FA Davis, 1990, p. 39. By
cord disease. (Modified from Byrne TN, Waxman SG: permission of the publisher.)
Spinal Cord Compression: Diagnosis and Principles of


thus, pinprick and temperature sensation may be pressive spinal lesions may be virtually painless.
spared in acute central cord lesions.) Pain that is worse with lying down may signal an
Dissociating sensory lesions may be further lo- epidural spinal tumor and can be explained by ad-
calized in the horizontal plane. Brown-Sequard ditional traction from lengthening of the spine in
syndrome is strongly indicative of extramedullary the supine position.6 Excruciating pain closely as-
compression, but it may occur in patients with sociated in time with the development of acute
cancer and radiation myelopathy. Its clinical hall- paraplegia or tetraplegia should suggest intra-
mark is loss of pain and temperature sensation op- medullary, subarachnoid, or acute epidural hem-
posite the lesion, with loss of position and vibra- orrhage, particularly in patients receiving antico-
tion and more prominent leg weakness at the level agulation. Equally important to recognize is a
of the lesion. The patient often may be puzzled spinal epidural abscess, in which acute parapare-
by numbness in one leg and weakness in the other. sis or tetraparesis can evolve in hours. Acute chest
Brown-Sequard syndrome is rarely uniform in pain followed by paraplegia may be due to aortic
presentation, but marked unilateral leg weakness dissection. Pain in the lower back area may be re-
with Babinski's sign and lack of position recog- ferred from a dissecting abdominal aneurysm; it
nition of the toe should point to acute extra- may begin in the lower lumbar spine and be fol-
medullary compression. The classic patterns of lowed by acute paraplegia from spinal cord in-
sensory loss in myelopathies are depicted in Fig- farction. In young patients, acute low back pain
ure 12.1. preceding acute paraplegia may indicate fibrocar-
Muscle strength should be graded with the tilaginous emboli to the spinal cord from thoracic
British Medical Research Council scale (Appen- disk herniation.7 Pain referred to the abdomen is
dix 12.2) in index muscles. These are proximally often experienced by patients with acute spinal
iliopsoas, gluteus, quadriceps, and hamstring mus- cord lesions, who may feel they are strapped into
cles and distally tibialis anterior and posterior, a corset.
peronei, gastrocnemius, soleus, and extensor and Pain should be classified as local, referred,
flexor muscles of toes. Further progression of radicular, or funicular. Local spinal percussion
weakness can be easily assessed by this validated pain (deep, boring) in the thoracolumbar spine
grading system. should be evaluated by having the patient turn to
Tendon, abdominal, and anal reflexes are usu- the side and carefully tapping on the spinous
ally unelicitable in patients with acute paraplegia processes with a reflex hammer. Acute radicular
from a spinal cord lesion. Abdominal reflexes in- pain (sharp, stabbing) should be further con-
volve the T7T12 segment; however, absence of firmed by straight leg testing and a forceful cough
these reflexes is not particularly helpful in local- or Valsalva maneuver. Funicular pain (burning,
ization, and they are absent in most obese pa- stabbing, electrical) is a less clearly characterized
tients. The cremaster reflex involves the L1-L2 pain sensation of burning, jolting, and jabbing
arc, and the anal reflexes involve the S2-S4 arc; without clear localization, often occurring with
both reflexes have localizing value in determining sudden movements of the spine. The pain may
the segment of involvement in the spinal cord. signal intramedullary disease (e.g., tumor or
Immediate assessment of the bladder is war- demyelination).
ranted. Sensation of bladder distention may be lost, Two neurosurgical emergencies need special
resulting in overflow incontinence. Detrusor are- mention not only because recognition may be dif-
flexia can be expected with perianal anesthesia, ab- ficult but also because presentation mimics com-
sence of the bulbocavernosus reflex (an unpleasant mon disorders seen in the emergency department.
but important reflex triggered when a squeeze of First, epidural spinal abscess is caused in 50% of
the glans penis is followed by contraction of the the patients by Staphylococcus aureus infection.
bulbocavernous muscle assessed by palpation), and Drug use and chronic alcoholism predispose to
poor anal tone or loss of voluntary control of the diskitis and osteomyelitis, which may extend to the
anal sphincter. Distention of the bladder should be epidural space. Recognition is difficult because
prevented by immediate catheterization. most confused and delirious patients have signs
Pain is common in acute spinal cord compres- suggesting sepsis or acute bacterial meningitis.
sion. However, significant destructive and com- Local back tenderness may not be prominent, but
Acute Spinal Cord Compression 135

paraparesis and loss of voluntary muscles and compression; furthermore, plain radiographic ab-
sphincters may rapidly become defining features normalities may not correspond to the location of
in patients admitted to the emergency depart- the tumor, often showing cord compression at a
ment. Blood cultures have a much higher yield in much higher or lower thoracic level.
identifying the organism than cerebrospinal fluid Bone scan with technetium 99m diphosphonate
(CSF) and can be isolated from blood in at least is occasionally used for screening and as a sup-
30% of cases.8 CSF examination in the emergency plementary test,14 but magnetic resonance imag-
departmentdone to document or exclude bac- ing (MRI) of the spine, with specific attention to
terial meningitismay also be potentially dan- the level determined by clinical localization,
gerous because shifts in CSF pressure that dis- should be considered the standard in acute spinal
place the spinal cord may cause sudden worsening cord compression.15,16 MRI of the spine can
of paraparesis. Second, epidural spinal hematoma classify abnormalities as intramedullary or extra-
may present with acute chest pain or pain between medullary, in which the lesions are often in-
the shoulder blades. The pain has been described tradural. Often more than one lesion is involved,
as a dagger thrust (le coup de poignard) and is supporting a policy of MRI of the whole spine in
rapidly followed by tingling, the development of these patients.15
a sensory demarcation, and often Brown-Sequard For reference purposes, a normal MRI of the
syndrome. This type of pain in combination with cervical, thoracic, and lumbar regions of the spine,
use of warfarin or tissue plasminogen activator, with TI- and T2-weighted images, is shown in
epidural block, or recent multilevel spine surgery Figure 12.2. An adequate MRI study of the spine
should immediately point to this diagnosis.913 should have sagittal TI- and T2-weighted images
Tetraparesis or paraparesis follows. Presentation with thin (4-5 mm) sections.
with arm weakness and neck pain only has been Several important features can be identified on
reported.13 Spontaneous spinal subarachnoid MRI of the spine. On T1-weighted images, bone
hematoma, although rare, may lead to paralysis marrow in the vertebral bodies produces a high
when located dorsally in the spinal cord. A ven- intensity but a low signal of the cortical bone.
tral type of spinal subarachnoid hematoma12 has Ti-weighted images may underestimate the width
a much more benign presentation and resolves of the spinal canal because CSF characteristics are
spontaneously. Diagnoses to consider in para- of low signal as well. The nerve roots may emerge
plegic patients and acute chest or lumbar pain are on axial slices against the high-intensity signal of
listed in Table 12.2. epidural fat and low intensity of CSF. Disks also
have a low T1 signal. The spinal cord signal is in-
termediate but higher than that of surrounding
Neuroimaging in Acute Spinal CSF.
Cord Compression On T2-weighted images, the CSF is bright (also
called "the myelographic effect"). The intraverte-
A plain radiograph of the spine is useful because bral disks are brighter. The nerve roots are much
it quickly identifies bone destruction from better appreciated on T images because of the
metastatic disease and the consequences for sta- distinctive bright signal of the CSF.
bility of the spine. Plain radiographs can appear Motion artifacts may produce hyperintense or
misleadingly normal in approximately 25% of pa- hypointense bands (phantom images or harmon-
tients with documented metastatic spinal cord ics) suggesting a cavity in the cord or neoplasm.
Gadolinium does not penetrate the central nerv-
Table 12.2. Acute Chest or Lumbar Pain ous system; therefore, if the blood-brain barrier is
with Paraplegia intact, the spine should not become enhanced. TI-
Aortic dissection
weighted images enhance the basivertebral veins,
Epidural (or subarachnoid) hematoma epidural venous plexus, and spinal ganglion.
Epidural abscess Necrosis in the spine appears as a high-intensity
Acute fibrocartilaginous emboli signal in Ti-weighted images after gadolinium in-
Intramedullary hematoma jection. Because tumor has a high signal enhance-
Vertebral collapse from cancer
ment, gadolinium is useful in further evaluation of

Figure 12.2 A-D. Normal TI and T2 characteristics of sagittal and axial magnetic reso-
nance images of the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar regions of the spine.

intramedullary, intradural, and extramedullary polyradiculopathy, such as cytomegalovirus radicu-

lesions. lopathy in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
Nerve root enhancement with gadolinium or- (AIDS). Tuberculosis should be considered in
dinarily does not appear unless disease is present persons from endemic areas and, more recently,
but occasionally is observed when a dose of very in patients with AIDS. Epidural compression may
high contrast is used (0.3 mmol/kg of body be caused by granuloma formation, which is ap-
weight). Enhancement of the spinal nerve roots parent as thickening of the nerve roots. Virtually
is an important finding, and several patterns have any leptomeningeal infection can cause enhance-
been described.17 Diffuse enhancement of the ment, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis in-
cauda can occur in leptomeningeal metastasis, most fection and cysticercosis.18 Sarcoidosis should be
often associated with systemic malignant disease, considered when enhancement is linear at the
such as breast, lung, or skin cancer. However, dif- nerve roots.19
fuse enhancement can be seen in inflammatory In spinal cord compression from cancer, verte-
Acute Spinal Cord Compression 137

bral compression fractures may not coexist with an a high signal intensity on TI and an intermediate in-
epidural mass. Malignant lesions on MRI most of- tensity on T2 images). Contrast enhancement in-
ten have a low-intensity signal on TI-weighted im- creases the sensitivity of detecting malignant lesions
ages and a high-intensity signal on T2-weighted in further defining epidural mass effect, which may
images (as noted earlier, normal adult marrow has not be evident on unenhanced images.20,21

Figure 12.3 Composite magnetic resonance images of hematoma (C,D), and granulomatous disease and thick-
the most common causes of spinal cord compression: ening of nerve roots (E).
epidural metastasis (A), epidural abscess (B), epidural

The diagnosis of epidural hematoma has been MRI is the preferred test in epidural abscess,
greatly facilitated by MRI. A high T2-weighted and sometimes after gadolinium enhancement,
signal often identifies a hematoma that may be compartmentalization becomes evident.
scattered throughout the spinal canal, with vari- Acute spinal cord syndromes may be caused
ous degrees of compression at different levels. by infarction or an arteriovenous malforma-
However, a hyperacute hematoma (within an hour tion.23,24 Arteriovenous malformation may be lo-
or so) may be isointense on Ti-weighted images.22 cated in the dura and cause significant backlog

Figure 12.3 (Continued)

Acute Spinal Cord Compression 139

Figure 12.4 Common magnetic resonance images B,C: Spinal cord swelling from dural arteriovenous mal-
in patients with acute spinal cord syndromes but with- formation, with resolution after surgical extirpation.
out spinav cord compression. A: Spinal cord infarction.

of venous flow and a dramatic swelling of the

The characteristic MRI findings in these disor-
ders are shown in Figures 12.3 and 12.4. Further
visualization of the different compartments in the
spine is demonstrated in Figure 12.527 for addi-
tional orientation.

Laboratory Tests
Discovery of a mass compressing the spinal cord
will lead to further radiologic studies, including
chest radiograph or computed tomographic (CT)
mammogram, abdominal echocardiogram or CT,
and any other tests, particularly positron emission
tomographic (PET) scanning, focused on the dis-
closure of a primary tumor.


The pathophysiologic mechanism of cord com-

pression is poorly understood, but recent insights
may provide an avenue of treatment (Box 12.1). Figure 12.5 Localization of metastatic lesions in
compartments inside the spinal canal: intramedullary
The approach to acute spinal cord compression
process (A); leptomeningeal process (B); process in ver-
is determined by its cause, but immediate surgi- tebral body extending into the epidural space (C); para-
cal management is an established route in patients vertebral process (D); and epidural process (E). (Mod-
with an epidural abscess localized at a few levels, ified from Byrne TN: Spinal cord compression from
epidural hematoma, or extradural metastasis with epidural metastases. N Engl J Med 1992;327:614. By
rapidly evolving neurologic deterioration. Its ben- permission of the Massachusetts Medical Society.)

Box 12.1. Pathophysiology of Metastatic Cord Compression

Spinal cord compression from metastatic disease sistently absent somatosensory evoked potentials
may be caused by vascular congestion28 due to ve and much less chance for recovery.30 Experimental
nous occlusion of the paravertebral venous plexus in blocking of serotonin receptors not only inhibits
the epidural space. Vasogenic edema is an early fea- prostaglandin production but also delays the onset
ture caused by a breakdown of the blood-spinal of paraplegia. Prolonged compression results in ir-
corebarrier.The following sequence of events af- reversible cord ischemia. If the epidural mass sud-
ter compression has been documented.29 After 3 denly enlarges from hemorrhage or an extensively
hours of cord compression, selective demyelination infiltrated vertebral body suddenly collapses, acute
occurs without axonal damage. It evolves over 24 spinal cord compression may progress very rapidly.
hours and is associated with production of Further spinal cord damage may occur if the tumor
prostaglandin. In experimental settings, sustained mass encases radicular arteries.
spinal cord compression for 3 hours resulted in per-

Box 12.2. Radiotherapy in Spinal Canal Tumors

The radiation field is determined by the extent of If paraplegia existed for approximately 1 week, re-
involvement and includes two vertebral levels above covery of ambulation can be expected 3-6 months
and below the lesion, With this extended field, early later. Recovery is more rapid to patients with grad-
local recurrence is less likely. A common radiation ual onset of paraplegia over weeks. Reirradiation in
dose is 30 Gy in 10-20 fractions administered in 2-4 relapsing patients ("infield" recurrence) frequently
weeks. The effect is greatest to radiosensitive tu- preserves ambulation. However, reirradiation in
mors, such as lymphoma, seminoma, myeloma, Ew- nonambulatory patients may result in the ability to
ing's sarcoma, and neuroblastoma, and less in breast ambulate in only a few.
and prostate cancers.

Box 12.3. Corticosteroids

Dexamethasone used in patients with metastatic lowed by 16 mg orally for 7 days and tapered in 2
epidural spinal cord compression decreases water weeks. There is good evidence to support the use of
content of the spinal cord, reduces epidural swelling, high-dose dexamethasone therapy in conjunction
and reduces tumor mass in lymphoma (it may even with radiotherapy.38 Pain relief is more complete
"disappear"). However, its most dramatic clinical ef- with higher doses, Corticosteroids signiflcantly de-
fec* is on pain reduction, often within hours of crease gastric pH and may rapidly lead to pseudo-
intravenous injection. Dexamethasone has a 4 hour obstructive ileus from constipation. These side ef-
half-life, and repeated doses are needed, High doses fects may be reduced by stool softeners, antacids,
(intravenous bolus of l00 mg followed by 96 rag and H 2 blockers. Serious early side effects are psy-
orally for 3 days) or high doses with gradual reduc- chosis, hyperglycemia, gastric ulcer bleeding, gas-
tion (96 mg intravenously tapered in 14 days) may trointestinal perforation, and masking of clinical
not be more effective than 10 mg intravenously fol- signs of infections.
Acute Spinal Cord Compression 141

efit lies in preservation of at least partial mobility continuation of anticoagulation, but experience is
and, equally important, complete bladder func- limited. Reinstitution of anticoagulation is usually
tion. Outcome also depends on the ability to pre- considered 1 week after surgery.39 Spontaneous
vent complications and treat nonneurologic prob- complete resolution of spinal epidural hematoma
lems (lungs, skin, bladder) early. has been reported in approximately 7 of more than
Surgery should be the preferred approach 250 cases reported in the literature, but identify-
when the primary tumor is unknown and histo- ing these patients and accurately predicting a be-
logic diagnosis is needed.31-33 If vertebral col- nign course remain open to doubt.40-42
lapse coincides with spinal cord compression, the Three major factors predict favorable postoper-
chances for ambulation are lower and the poten- ative recovery in spontaneous epidural hematoma:
tial for further deterioration after surgery is real. incomplete cord syndrome, decompression within
Spinal stabilization techniques may overcome this 36 hours in patients with complete cord syn-
situation. These techniques include vertebral drome, and decompression within 48 hours in pa-
body resection, rod stabilization, and anterior (ab- tients with incomplete cord syndrome.43 Rapid
dominal or thoracic) decompression. Epidural onset of paraplegia is not predictive of outcome
metastatic lesions often can be treated effectively and should not discourage surgical intervention.
only by surgery with anterior-posterior resection
with instrumentation.34 Marginal life expectancy
and the degree of metastasis often preclude ma-
jor surgery. REFERENCES
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27. Byrne TN: Spinal cord compression from epidural metas- determining postoperative outcome. Neurosurgery 39:
tases. N Engl J Med 327:614, 1992. 494, 1996.
Appendix 12.1.
Localization of Spinal Cord Lesions

Foramen Magnum Syndrome and Biceps and brachioradialis reflexes are preserved,
Lesions of the Upper Cervical Cord and the finger flexor reflex is exaggerated.
May result in flexion of the forearm following ole-
Suboccipital pain and neck stiffness, Lhermitte's cranon tap. (Weakness of the triceps prevents
sign, occipital and fingertip paresthesias. its contraction and elbow extension, whereas
Sensory dissociation may be present. muscles innervated by normal segments
Sensory findings of posterior column dysfunction above the lesion are allowed to contract.)
may be present. Sensory loss at and below the third and fourth dig-
High cervical compressive findings (spastic tetra- its (including medial arm and forearm).
paresis, long tract sensory findings, bladder
Lower cranial nerve palsies (CN IX-XII) may oc- Lesions of the Eighth Cervical and
cur from regional extension of the pathologic First Thoracic Segments
Lesions affecting the C5 segment may compro- Weakness that predominantly involves the small
mise the diaphragm. hand muscles, with associated spastic para-
With C5 segment lesions, biceps and brachiora- paresis.
dialis reflexes are absent or diminished, With C8 lesions, the triceps reflex (C6-C8) and
whereas the triceps reflex and the finger finger flexor reflex (C8-T1) are decreased.
flexor reflex are exaggerated (because of cor- With Tl lesions, the triceps reflex is preserved but
ticospinal tract compression at C5). the finger flexor reflex is decreased.
With C6 segment lesions, biceps, brachioradialis, Possible unilateral or bilateral Homer's syndrome
and triceps reflexes are diminished or absent with C8-T1 lesions.
but the finger flexor reflex (C8-T1) is exag- Sensory loss involves the fifth digit, medial fore-
gerated. arm and arm, and rest of the body below the

Lesions of the Seventh Cervical Segment Lesions of the Thoracic Segments

Paresis involves flexors and extensors of the wrists Root pain or paresthesias that mimic intercostal
and fingers. neuralgia.


Segmental lower motor neuron involvement is dif- Knee flexion and leg extension are better per-
ficult to detect clinically. formed, and the patient is able to stand by
Paraplegia, sensory loss below thoracic level, and stabilizing the knees.
bowel and bladder disturbances occur. Patellar jerks are absent, and ankle jerks are hy-
With lesions above T5, vasomotor control may be peractive.
With a cord lesion at the T10 level, upper ab-
dominal musculature is preserved but lower Lesions of the Fifth Lumbar Segment
abdominal muscles are weak. For example,
when the head is flexed against resistance Normal hip flexion and adduction and leg exten-
with the patient supine, the intact upper ab- sion. Patient can extend legs against resist-
dominal muscles pull the umbilicus upward ance when extremities are flexed at the hip
(Beevor's sign). and knee (normal quadriceps).
If the lesion lies above T6, superficial abdominal Patellar reflexes are present.
reflexes are absent. Ankle jerks are hyperactive.
If the lesion is at or below T10, upper and mid-
dle abdominal reflexes are present.
If the lesion is below T12, all abdominal reflexes Lesions of the First Sacral Segment
are present.
Achilles reflexes are absent, but patellar reflexes
are preserved.
Lesions of the First Lumbar Segment
Complete sensory loss over the sole, heel, and
outer aspect of the foot and ankle.
Weakness in all muscles of the lower extremities.
Anesthesia over medial calf, posterior thigh.
Lower abdominal muscle paresis.
Sensory loss includes both the lower extremities
up to the level of the groin and the back to
Conus Medullaris Lesions
a level above the buttocks.
With longstanding lesions, the patellar and ankle
Paralysis of the pelvic floor muscles and early
jerks are brisk.
sphincter dysfunction.
Disruption of the bladder reflex arc results in au-
Lesions of the Second Lumbar Segment tonomous neurogenic bladder characterized
by loss of voluntary initiation of micturition,
Spastic paraparesis but no weakness of abdominal increased residual urine, and absent bladder
musculature. sensation.
Cremasteric reflex (L2) is not elicitable, and patel- Constipation and impaired erection and ejacula-
lar jerk may be depressed. tion common.
Ankle jerks are hyperactive. May have symmetric saddle anesthesia.
Pain may involve thighs, buttocks, and perineum.
Pain uncommon.
Lesions of the Third Lumbar Segment

Some preservation of hip flexion (iliopsoas and sar-

Cauda Equina Lesions
torius) and leg adduction (adductor longus,
pectineus, and gracilis).
Early radicular pain in the distribution of the lum-
Patellar jerks are decreased or not elicitable.
bosacral roots due to compression below the
Ankle jerks are hyperactive.
L3 vertebral level.
Pain may be unilateral or asymmetric and is in-
Lesions of the Fourth Lumbar Segment creased by the Valsalva maneuver.
With extensive lesions, flaccid, hypotonic, are-
Better hip flexion and leg adduction than in flexic paralysis develops, affecting the glutei,
L1-L3 lesions. posterior thigh muscles, and anterolateral
Acute Spinal Cord Compression 145

muscles of the leg and foot, resulting in a true Although it can be concluded that lesions of the
peripheral type of paraplegia. conus result in early sphincter compromise,
Sensory testing reveals asymmetric sensory loss in late pain, and symmetric sensory manifesta-
saddle region, involving anal, perinea!, and tions, whereas cauda lesions have early pain,
genital regions and extending to the dorsal late sphincter manifestations, and asymmet-
aspect of the thigh, anterolateral aspect of the ric sensory findings, this distinction is diffi-
leg, and outer aspect of the foot. cult to establish and is of little practical value.
Achilles reflexes are absent, and patellar reflexes
are variable in response.
Source: Data abstracted from Biller J, Brazis PW: The lo-
Sphincter changes are similar to those with a calization of lesions affecting the spinal cord. In Brazis PW,
conus lesion, but occurrence tends to be late Masdue JC, Biller J (eds). Localization in Clinical Neurology.
in the clinical course. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1996: 63-85.
Appendix 12.2.
British Medical Research Council
Scale of Muscle Strength

0 No muscular contraction
1 Muscular contraction without joint involvement
2 Muscular contraction moves joint but not against
3 Muscular contraction moves joint, just overcoming
4 Muscular contraction overcoming gravity and
appreciable force
5 Muscular contraction not overcome by examiner
Source: Modified from Aids to the Examination of the Peripheral
Nervous System. London: Bailliere Tindall, 2000. By permission of the
Guarantors of Brain.

Color Figure 3.5 Exophthalmos and chemosis and red eye in traumatic carotid-
cavernous fistula. The abnormality is barely seen but becomes clear with further retraction
of the eyelids.
Color Figure 4.1 Vesicles in the external auditory canal (A) and eardrum (B) in a patient
with herpes zoster oticus.
Color Figure 6.3 Tube in a patient with subarachnoid hemorrhage (bloody cerebrospinal fluid)
compared with water (left). Note subtle xanthochromia after sedimentation, obscured by viewing
in daylight (middle) most evident with strong light source (right).
Color Figure 8.2 Excoriated coma blisters at compression points. They are found in
patients with barbiturate overdose, carbon monoxide exposure, amitriptyline, theophylline,
and diabetic ketoacidosis.

Color Figure 8.3 Axilla petechiae due to fat emboli.

Color Figure 8.10 Examples of funduscopic findings. A: Subhyaloid hemorrhage in sub-
arachnoid hemorrhage. B: Papilledema in increased intracranial pressure (typical "cham-
pagne cork" configuration).
Color Figure 13.2 Terson's syndrome in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage.
Funduscopy of retinal hemorrhage A: Absent red reflex due to vitreous hemorrhage
("black eye"). B: One year later, the patient had marked improvement in vision, and red
reflex is beginning to reappear. After vitrectomy, vision improved considerably. C: Normal
red reflex, shown by retroillumination with fundus camera.
Color Figure 15.17 Blotchy fingers in antiphospholipid antibody syndrome.

Color Figure 16.2 Purpura in meningococcal meningitis.

Color Figure 17.6 Rash and purpuric lesions associated with Rocky Mountain spotted

Color Figure 19.1 Typical perioibital edema (raccoon eyes) and ecchymosis.
Part III
Catastrophic Neurologic Disorders
Due to Specific Causes
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Chapter 13
Aneurysmal Subarachnoid

Contrary to common perception, many patients whether the patient had similar earlier events. As
with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) described in Chapter 6, the headache in aneurys-
come to the emergency department with head- mal SAH is characteristic. A history of a severe
ache only, alert or drowsy, and minimal neuro- "never experienced before," "in the middle of a
logic findings.1 The disastrous consequences for a sentence," "flash-like," "explosive" acute headache
patient with aneurysmal SAH thus may come is very suggestive of SAH.9 Many patients de-
later. Although the time spent in the emergency scribe a brief sense of panic because they are
department is short, these patients need frequent stunned by the unexpected presentation. The of-
neurologic assessment and close cardiopulmonary ten-quoted "worst headache of my life" in text-
monitoring. books may not necessarily indicate acute onset or
Recognition of SAH (Box 13.1) may seem precisely define the severity of the headache (e.g.,
straightforward in many cases, but errors may patients with chronic headaches or migraine have
arise in the evaluation of patients with presumed episodes that they commonly first classify as "the
normal findings on computed tomographic (CT) worst headache ever"). The headache usually is
scans but typical onset of severe headache. The persistent, but resolution with the use of medica-
difficulties in assessment of patients with alleged tion, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents,
SAH often can be traced back to misinterpreta- aspirin, or even narcotics, should not be mistak-
tion of CT scans, failure to distinguish between enly interpreted as an argument against SAH.
bloody spinal fluid from needle trauma and true When specifically asked, prior headaches may
SAH, and, more simply but far more important, have been similar and shorter in duration. In
careless history-taking. 10%-20% of patients, an identical thunderclap
This chapter provides the necessary tools to ap- headache is identified but ignored by the patient
propriately assess these patients in the emergency or by the consulted physician due to its rapid
department and transfer them to the intensive resolution or associated symptoms suggesting a
care unit. more mundane viral infection or stress-related
Vomiting may occur several minutes into the ic-
Clinical Presentation tus as a result of further distribution of blood
throughout the subarachnoid space. It occurs in
Fundamental in history-taking for a patient with 50% of patients but is nonspecific. Profuse vom-
acute headache is determination of the precise iting may override the headache and has been
time of onset, quality of the headache, and mistaken for a "gastric flu" by the patient or ini-

Box 13.1. Aneurysmal Rupture

What causes aneurysms to rupture is puzzling. Bisk Intracranial pressure rises dramatically to at least
factors have included recent documented enlargement the level of the diastolic blood pressure but may
(rupture of aneurysms less than 4 mm is very rare; briefly increase to the level of the systolic blood
most ruptured aneurysms are 7-8 mm, and risk of rup- pressure, causing a cerebral perfusion standstill.7
ture increases significantly in aneurysms 10 mm or The increase in intracranial pressure decreases
greater), hypertension, cigarette smoking, and family within 15 minutes but may persist if acute hydro-
history of aneurysms and SAH.2-4 Aneurysmal rupture cephalus or shift from intracerebral hematoma has
has been reported to have occurred during weight lift- occurred. Rupture stops within 3-6 minutes after
ing, sexual orgasm, and brawling, events that suggest ejection of up to 15-20 mL/minute into the basal
acute hypertensive stress on a thin anaurysmal wall. cistern8 (Fig. 13.1),
However, at feast 50% of patients have SAH at rest.5.6

tially consulted physician. Clinical presentations terial jet and a massive increase in intracranial
have included acute paraplegia (anterior cerebral pressure, which significantly decrease cerebral
artery rupture into frontal lobes) and severe tho- perfusion pressure and thus result in global bi-
racic and lumbar pain caused by meningeal irri- hemispheric ischemia. Respiratory or cardiac ar-
tation. These presentations obviously have re- rest during the rupture followed by resuscitation
sulted in a delay in cranial CT scan imaging.1 may also result in an additional postanoxic-
Clinical examination of patients with SAH in- ischemic encephalopathy.15 Other causes of poor-
cludes grading of the severity of the SAH with use grade SAH are intracranial hematoma with brain
of the Glasgow Coma Scale and determining shift and brain stem compression and acute
whether the patient has a motor deficit (World hydrocephalus.
Federation of Neurological Surgeons [WFNS] Neck stiffness from cervical meningeal irrita-
scale, Table 13.1). However, stupor or coma in tion may take some time to develop and is absent
SAH (so-called poor-grade SAH) has many possi- in coma. Nuchal rigidity can be demonstrated by
ble explanations. Impaired consciousness fre- failure to flex the neck in the neutral position and
quently is the result of a direct impact of the ar- failure to retroflex when both shoulders are lifted.
Flat-topped retinal hemorrhages (subhyaloid
hemorrhages) are characteristic of aneurysmal
SAH and indicate profound SAH. These hemor-
rhages occur when outflow in the optic nerve ve-
nous system is suddenly obstructed by the intra-
cranial pressure wave. Visual loss may be severe,
with perception of light or hand motion only, if
the hemorrhage expands and ruptures into the vit-

Table 13.1. World Federation of Neurological

Surgeons (WFNS) Grading System for
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

WFNS Grade GCS Motor Deficit

I 15 Absent
II 14-13 Absent
III 14-13 Present
IV 12-7 Present or absent
Figure 13.1 Gross pathology showing layer of sub- V 6-3 Present or absent
arachnoid hemorrhage at the basal part of the brain. GCS, Glasgow coma score (see Chapter 8 for full description).
Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage 151

reous (Terson's syndrome; see Color Fig. 13.2 in tion from aspiration, pulmonary edema, or ob-
separate color insert).16-18 struction of the airway by a foreign object (e.g.,
Neuro-ophthalmologic signs can localize the pieces of teeth broken during clenching of the
site of the aneurysm. Rupture of a posterior com- jaws at the time of a seizure). Cardiac arrhythmias
municating artery or carotid artery aneurysm can may involve the entire spectrum of supraventric-
produce a third nerve palsy. The pupil is dilated ular and ventricular arrhythmias. Most of the time
and unreactive to light because of compression of they are associated with electrocardiographic
the exteriorly located fibers that form the light re- changes, which may simulate or indicate anterior
flex. However, up to 15% of posterior communi- wall or subendocardial infarction. Elevated tro-
cating artery aneurysms may occur with a pupil- ponin I levels may occur in approximately 25% of
sparing third nerve palsy19 (see Chapter 3). the cases seen on the first day and indicate left,
Aneurysm of the basilar artery may produce uni- sometimes transient, ventricular dysfunction.21
lateral or bilateral third or sixth nerve palsy. If the Thus, with an incomplete medical history and no
basilar artery aneurysm enlarges and progressively inquiry about acute headache, patients may be
compresses the oculomotor nuclei of the pons, wrongly transferred to a medical intensive care
horizontal gaze paralysis, skew deviation, inter- unit (cardiac resuscitation and pulmonary edema),
nuclear ophthalmoplegia, and nystagmus occur, gastrointestinal service (vomiting), or coronary
commonly in association with long tract signs such care unit (cardiac arrhythmias with new electro-
as hemiparesis and ataxia. Occlusion of the prox- cardiographic changes).
imal posterior cerebral artery, often encased in a The clinical state of the patient may suddenly
giant aneurysm, may occur, causing either classic change in the emergency department. We have
Weber's syndrome (see Chapter 15) due to mes- seen several patients who soon after presentation
encephalon infarction (third nerve palsy with op- had acute worsening of the headache and became
posite hemiparesis) or homonymous hemianopia significantly more drowsy, with a decrease of sev-
due to occipital lobe infarction. eral points in the Glasgow coma score. Rebleed-
Hemiparesis that usually involves the face, arm, ing could be demonstrated on CT scans in those
and leg in SAH should point to an intracranial instances. Other causes of further worsening in
hematoma. An anteriorly placed intracranial the emergency department are acute obstructive
hematoma in the frontal lobe may not produce hydrocephalus and herniation from swelling sur-
motor weakness but be associated with agitation rounding a hematoma. These sequences of events
and bizarre behavior. Many patients are confused, should be recognized, particularly because re-
concoct bizarre stories, or ramble nonsensically. bleeding is highly prevalent within the first 6
KorsakofPs syndrome with impaired recall and hours of initial rupture.
fabrications has been described in ruptured ante-
rior communicating aneurysm. Abulia, a general
sense of disinterest, and lackluster attention are
Interpretation of Laboratory Tests
also features, becoming apparent days later. Tem-
poral lobe hematoma in the dominant hemisphere
Computed Tomographic Scanning
may produce aphasia, but often its associated
brain shift decreases the level of consciousness CT scanning has a very high sensitivity and speci-
and word output. ficity for SAH.22,23 The sensitivity of a noncon-
Generalized tonic-clonic seizures are accompa- trast CT scan for SAH alone is 93% for patients
nied by aneurysmal rupture in 10% of patients seen within the first day, 84% for those seen on
or appear during rebleeding. Nonconvulsive sta- the second day, 50% after day 5, and 0 after day
tus epilepticus or epilepsia partialis continua is 10. The accumulation of subarachnoid blood on
very uncommon in aneurysmal SAH. It is more CT scans is characteristically diffuse, involving all
common in patients with additional subdural basal cisterns, the interhemispheric and sylvian
hematoma and when delayed cerebral infarction fissures, and the area along the convexity (Fig.
occurs. 20 13.3). Additional lobar hematomas point to more
Systemic manifestations, besides vomiting, may certain localization of an aneurysm (Figs. 13.4,
include respiratory failure and oxygen desatura- 13.5).24-26
Figure 13.3 Computed tomographic patterns of subarachnoid hemorrhage. Diffuse fill-
ing of basal cistern and fissures (arrows) produces a hyperdense cast.

Figure 13.4 Computed tomographic patterns of sub- dural hematoma (carotid artery). F: Corpus callosum
arachnoid hemorrhage with associated hematomas in- (pericallosal artery). G-I: Thalamic hematoma with
directly localizing ruptured aneurysms. A: Sylvian fis- posterior cerebral artery (PI segment) aneurysm iden-
sure (middle cerebral artery). B: Frontal hematoma tified on magnetic resonance imaging. ],k: Pre-
(anterior cerebral artery). C: Hematoma in cavum sep- medullary hematoma with posterior inferior cerebellar
tum pellucidum. D,E: Medial temporal lobe with sub- artery aneurysm.

Figure 13.4 (Continued)


Figure 13.4 (Continued)

Hypodensity in both hemispheres and early loss aneurysm (most commonly, basilar caput) can be
of gray-white differentiation may develop in poor- found on cerebral angiograms. The typical CT and
grade SAH (Fig. 13.6). They reflect periodic acute MRI patterns of pretruncal SAH should be rec-
arrest of cerebral flow caused by a very large in- ognized (Box 13.2, Figs. 13.7, 13.8).
crease in intracranial pressure at rupture. The CT Blood can be difficult to detect on CT scans
scan findings are proof of early ischemic damage and may be very subtle, particularly in patients
rather than cerebral vasospasm, which appears seen several days after the onset. The most com-
several days into the clinical course. monly encountered false-negative CT scans are
A clot in front of the brain stem with no ex- from patients with blood in the posterior horns of
tension beyond the suprasellar cisterns (so-called the ventricles (Fig. 13.9A), sylvian fissure (Fig.
pretruncal SAH) highly predicts negative cerebral 13.9B), or prepontine region, in which hemor-
angiographic results,27-29 but it has been esti- rhage may be only a small layer on the pons (Fig.
mated that in 10% of cases a posterior circulation 13.9C). A tiny clot (involving a few pixels) may be
Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage 155

Figure 13.5 Prediction of hematoma for site of rior cerebral artery; ACoA, anterior communicating ar-
aneurysm in aneurysmal SAH. (Modified from Tokuda tery; ICA, internal carotid artery; MCA, middle cere-
et al.25 By permission of Elsevier Science.) ACA, ante- bral artery.

localized in the interpeduncular cistern (Fig. an unenhanced CT scan in most patients, although
13.9D). It is easily missed, particularly if the CT sometimes they are masked by an intracerebral
scan slices through the posterior fossa and basal hematoma. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is
cisterns are 10 mm. most useful in further anatomic definition (Fig.
CT detection of aneurysms has improved with 13.10C).
a new generation of scanners, but contrast en- SAH may also indicate a nonaneurysmal source
hancement is needed to demonstrate an aneurysm, and has been described in central nervous system
which is visualized only if larger than 5 mm. Larger vasculitis, trauma, coagulopathy, and subacute
aneurysms (>1 cm in diameter) or giant aneu- bacterial endocarditis, but mostly with blood in
rysms (>2.5 cm) (Fig. 13.10A,B) are disclosed on sulci (Fig. 13.11).32,33 Typical CT scan features of

Figure 13.6 Development of bihemispheric ischemia (marked hypodensities, arrows)

within 24 hours after subarachnoid hemorrhage.

Box 13.2. Pretrpneal NonaneurysmalSubarachnoid Hemorrhage

Pretruncal nonaaeurysmal SAH (also called "peri- graphic findings are normal, although cerebral va-
mesencephalie nonaneurysmal hemorrhage") is a sospasm may occur and aneurysms may be found at
benign variant of SAH. The entity is defined by far distant sites. Family members may harbor
blood bef ore or surrounding the brain stem. Blood aneurysms as well. Patients do very well; rebleeding
may extend to the middle of the basal part of the and cerebral Infarction do not occur. The underly-
sylvianfissure but not to the interhemispheric fis- ing pathologic lesion is not known, although occa-
sure, convexity, of third ventricle and frontal horns sionally pontine capillary telangiectasias, focal di-
of the ventricular system. True perimesencephalic latation of the basilar artery tip, anomalous veins, or
hemorrhage can also be due to trauma or SAH from a small bleb has been reported.30,31 It may repre-
a superior cerebellar artery or distal posterior cere- sent a venous hemorrhage or intramural arterial
fairal artery or basilar tip aneurysm. Cerebral angio- dissection

traumatic SAH are shown in Figure 13.11C-G. It and tentorium. CT scan signs of edema are usu-
is important to consider other causes of coma and ally very obvious (Fig. 13.12A,B). It is likely due
false SAH, most commonly due to anoxia and con- to the combination of decreased attenuation from
trast for evaluation of multitrauma. False SAH in brain swelling, reduced cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
massive anoxic cerebral edema in a resuscitated volume, and enlarged veins in the basal cisterns,
patient most likely represents stagnation of flow all as a consequence of increased intracranial pres-
in the dura.34,35 Anoxic brain swelling may emerge sure. We have also noticed pseudosubarachnoid
within 1 day after cardiac resuscitation, and CT hemorrhage in bilateral subdural hematoma with
may show hyperintensity in the basal cistern, falx, obliteration of basal cisterns.36 In addition, con-

Figure 13.7 Computed tomographic scan patterns of cular hematoma. The amount of blood is not critical in
pretruncal nonaneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage in its recognition. The distribution of blood is limited and
different patients. The spectrum includes complete fill- should not involve the entire lateral part of the sylvian
ing of suprasellar cisterns and blood on the tentorium fissure or the anterior hemisphere and ventricles.
to more restricted clots and more subtle interpedun-
Aneuiysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage 157

Figure 13.7 (Continued)

trast enhancement may significantly mimic SAH. Magnetic Resonance Imaging

A contrast-enhanced study may have occurred be-
fore CT scanning, and contrast material may still MRI is usually not sensitive for SAH.38,39 How-
be visualized in patients with poor renal function ever, MRI may be able to show SAH when fluid
or shock or both (Fig. 13.12C,D). In exceptional attenuation inversion recovery (FLAIR) se-
cases, elevated hematocrit (>20 g/dL) may cause quences are used. Recirculation of bloody CSF
hyperdensity if confined to the intravascular over the convexity is commonly seen as well (Fig.
space.37 Both situations do somewhat more su- 13.13).40 MRI may be important in demonstrat-
perficially mimic subarachnoid hemorrhage. ing an acute SAH in the posterior fossa, which, as

Figure 13.8 A-C: Magnetic resonance imaging pat- orrhage. Blood may involve all or part of the cisterns in
terns of pretruncal nonaneurysmal subarachnoid hem- front of the brain stem.

mentioned previously, may be difficult to detect very useful technique too. At this time, however,
on CT scan because of beam-hardening arti- MRA or CT angiography is not a substitute for
facts.41,42 Often, in retrospect, CT scans showed conventional cerebral angiography.
a similar blood clot.43 Sometimes a small deposit
of blood in the sylvian fissure not visualized on
CT scans can be demonstrated on MRI. Cerebrospinal Fluid
Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) is use- As discussed in Chapter 6, the CSF should be ex-
ful in demonstrating the aneurysm,44 and with amined for xanthochromia. If xanthochromia is
three-dimensional time-of-flight MRA, aneurysms found, absorption spectrophotometry could con-
3 mm in diameter and larger can be demonstrated firm oxyhemoglobin or bilirubin. This can be done
(Fig. 13.14).45,46 CT angiography has become a hours later in stored, centrifuged CSF samples.
Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage 159

Figure 13.9 Subtle subarachnoid hemorrhage (false- C: Prepontine layer of blood. D: Small area of inter-
negative computed tomographic scans). A: Dependent peduncular blood (see also Chapter 6).
blood in posterior horns. B: Blood in sylvian fissure.

CSF xanthochromia is detected by spectroscopy the clearing of tubes tinged with blood, are all
in specimens from all patients up to 2 weeks af- unreliable.
ter the onset of headache. Spectrophotometry is
not commonly used in the United States and is
more commonplace in the United Kingdom.47 First Priority in Management
Other tests that differentiate traumatic SAH from
true SAH, such as measurements of CSF D-dimer Stabilization of a patient with aneurysmal SAH
and the sequential tube test that demonstrates also includes early institution of pain medication

Figure 13.10 A: Computed tomographic scan show- further delineates compression of the third ventricle
ing giant middle cerebral artery aneurysm. B: Giant causing obstructive hydrocephalus.
basilar tip aneurysm. C: Magnetic resonance imaging

(codeine 30-60 mg every 4 hours). Management 13.2, but there are several immediate concerns
of increased blood pressure in the emergency de- that could warrant action.
partment is a delicate balancing act. Many of the Acute hydrocephalus should be treated with a
earlier studies suggesting an increased risk of re- ventriculostomy ideally but only when clinical de-
rupture with sustained hypertension should be terioration can be attributed to CSF obstruction.
devalued by lack of strict criteria for the diagno- In one recent survey, almost one in four patients
sis of rebleeding. Conversely, marked reduction received ventriculostomy, demonstrating the un-
of postrupture hypertension may precipitate a fur- certain criteria for placement.48 A prior perceived
ther reduction of cerebral perfusion pressure and risk of inducing rebleeding was not found in a re-
possibly induce more ischemia. The initial man- cent study.49 Preoperative ventriculostomy did
agement of aneurysmal SAH is shown in Table not increase the risk when definitive therapy fol-
Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage 161

Figure 13.11 Typical nonaneurysmal locations of sub- mental stenosis from vasculitis. C-G: Trauma (blood in
arachnoid hemorrhage. A,B: Vasculitis. Arrows point to fissure, cistern, and sulci or on tentorium).
subarachnoid blood in a parietal sulcus and areas of seg-

lowed. Nonetheless, the level of drainage in pa- be less than 4 mm because anything larger may
tients with rebleeding was significantly lower than permit free herniation of the coil into the parent
that in patients without rebleeding (mean 2.5 cm vessel, or the ratio of the largest diameter of the
H2O vs. 14 cm H2O). Drainage at a level of 10-15 aneurysm to the size of its neck should be favor-
cm H2O is preferred (see Chapter 11).49 able; and patients should be poor surgical risks.
Sudden deterioration in the emergency de- However, the coil may become compacted after
partment often is due to rebleeding (Fig. 13.15), placement, increasing the risk of future rupture,
and emergency cerebral angiography is indicated. in which case repeat cerebral angiography is
Placement of a platinum coil should be consid- needed in 6 weeks. A randomized study largely
ered (Fig. 13.16) if the aneurysm is of sufficient focused on good-grade (WFNS I or II) patients
size (4-10 mm). Neck size of the aneurysm should and small anterior cerebral artery and posterior

Figure 13.11 (Continued)

communicating artery aneurysms and found equal are encouraging. However, rupture of a com-
benefit in coiling versus clipping of the aneurysm. pletely coil-occluded middle cerebral artery
Results in basilar artery aneurysms are still anec- aneurysm after an 18-month interval has been re-
dotal but very promising.50,51 Two studies on ported.54 Placement of coils in patients in poor
poor-grade (WFNS V or Hunt and Hess grade 4 neurologic state (WFNS III-IV) has been part of
or 5) SAH patients found improved survival but some aggressive protocols. Recurrent filling of the
at the expense of poor functional status.52,53 aneurysm occurred in 15% of 259 aneurysms
Whether platinum coil placement equals aneurys- treated by coil embolization. In some centers, an-
mal clipping in future risk of rupture remains to nual rebleeding rates were 0.8% in the first year,
be investigated. Data from follow-up at 1-2 years 0.6% in the second year, and 2.4% in the third
Figure 13.12 Pseudo-subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) may remain in vessels when the patient is in shock,
(false-positive computed tomographic [CT] scan). A-C: which is often the reason for contrast CT scanning of
Cerebral edema and pseudo-SAH. D,E: Intravascular the abdomen,
contrast, 150 mL, from prior abdominal CT. Contrast


Figure 13.13 Magnetic resonance imaging with fluid over convexity. (From Wijdicks et al.41 By permission
attenuation inversion recovery (FLAIR) sequence: in- of the American Heart Association.)
terpeduncular hemorrhage with subarachnoid blood

year after coil placement, with no rebleeding in 2 surgical management of most anterior cerebral ar-
subsequent years.55 tery aneurysms is more complex, requiring better
Early endovascular management is also indi- definition by cerebral angiography.
cated if SAH is caused by a dissecting vertebral
aneurysm (Fig. 13.17). Rebleeding is very com-
Outcome Predictors
mon, and aggressive treatment with proximal (e.g.
coiling) occlusion is warranted.56-59 Surgical man-
Favorable clinical and CT scan features in
agement is indicated in a patient with an acute
aneurysmal SAH are absence of syncope at the
temporal lobe hematoma and early mass effect.
onset, full awareness at presentation,60 lack of lo-
Craniotomy with immediate clipping of the rup-
calizing neurologic signs, and subsequent early
tured middle cerebral artery aneurysm is war-
ranted, with deferral of cerebral angiography in
most instances. Immediate surgical management Table 13.2. Initial Management of Aneurysmal
of a frontal hematoma is rarely indicated. Neuro- Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in the Emergency

Endotracheal intubation in patients with GCS <8 or

Maintenance fluid intake of 2 L of 0.9% NaCl
Accept mean arterial blood pressure 120 mm Hg and
systolic blood pressure <180 mm Hg; treat with esmolol
500 g/kg IV or labetolol 20 mg (both slow IV push, 1-2
Nimodipine, 60 mg 6 times a day
Fosphenytoin, 20 mg/kg intravenously (only with
documented seizures)
Ventriculostomy in patients with acute hydrocephalus and
GCS 10
Emergency neurosurgical evacuation in patients with
Figure 13.14 Magnetic resonance angiographic view
progressive drowsiness and temporal lobe hematoma
of 6 mm aneurysm of the internal carotid artery (pos-
terior communicating artery aneurysm). GCS, Glasgow coma score.
Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage 165

Figure 13.15 Massive subarachnoid hemorrhage with ing vertebral aneurysm with fusiform dilatation. A: Com-
acute hydrocephalus and hemoventricle from dissect- puted tomographic scan. B: Cerebral angiogram.

clipping of the aneurysm. Unfavorable signs are does not influence outcome. Basilar artery
coma at ictus, older age, major comorbidity,61 re- aneurysmal rupture has a worse outcome than
bleeding, large amounts of blood on CT scan, and rupture from other types of aneurysms.62 Visual
intraventricular hemorrhage.60 The presence of loss from vitreous hemorrhage has a good out-
intracerebral hematoma and retinal hemorrhage come, but recovery may take up to 3 years

Figure 13.16 Rebleeding in the emergency department. Computed tomographic scans

at 2-hour intervals (left, right) in a patient with new headache followed by stupor.

Figure 13.16 (Continued)

(median, 9 months).18 Vitrectomy, at least in one In appropriate patients (WFNS grade I and
eye, to remove the clot should be considered. II, small [<10 mm] anterior and posterior
circulation aneurysms), placement of a plat-
Triage inum coil should be preferred in treatment
Early surgical evacuation in patients with of SAH to prevent rebleeding.63
temporal lobe hematoma. Emergency coiling Admission to a neurologic-neurosurgical in-
or clipping in any patient with CT scan- tensive care unit, further observation for de-
documented rebleeding and when due to a terioration, and careful planning for cerebral
dissecting vertebral aneurysm. angiography.

Figure 13.17 Successful endovascular coil placement in the patient in Figure 13.16.
A: Before coil placement. B: After coil placement.
Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage 167

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National Guidelines for Analysis of Cerebrospinal Fluid vascular treatment of vertebral artery dissections and
for Bilirubin in Suspected Subarachnoid Haemorrhage. pseudoaneurysms. J Neurosurg 79:183, 1993.
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chemistry, 2001. tional Cooperative Study on the Timing of Aneurysm
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lated to hydrocephalus after aneurysmal subarachnoid sults. J Neurosurg 73:18, 1990.
hemorrhage. Neurosurgery 52:763, 2003. 61. Solenski NJ, Haley EC Jr, Kassell NF, et al.: Medical com-
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subarachnoid hemorrhage. J Neurosurg 97:1042, 2002. ticipants of the Multicenter Cooperative Aneurysm Study.
50. International Subarachnoid Aneurysm Trial (ISAT) Col- Crit Care Med 23:1007, 1995.
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Chapter 14
Intracerebral Hematomas

By and large, intracerebral hematomas are caused Ganglionic Hemorrhages

by a ruptured penetrating arterial branch dam-
aged by the effects of long-standing hyperten- Location of the hemorrhage typically is in the
sion.1 At one undefined moment in time, in some putamen or caudate nucleus. The cause is a rup-
patients it may produce hemorrhages localized in tured lateral branch of the lenticulostriate artery.
either the caudate nucleus, putamen, thalamus, Equally common are hematomas in the thalamus
cerebellum, or pons. Hematomas involving the from ruptured thalamoperforating arteries. Many
subcortical white matter and cortex may have dif- of these hemorrhages are apoplectic, creating
ferent causes, including vascular malformations. large, destructive volumes with extension into the
This fundamental distinction is important because ventricular system.
cerebral angiography may be urgently indicated
in a lobar hematoma and of less importance in
ganglionic hemorrhages in patients with known
Clinical Presentation
brittle hypertension.
Some types of intracerebral hematoma are sur- Supratentorial intracerebral hemorrhage may be
gically accessible, and early recognition of clinical manifested in many ways. Coma or any impaired
and computed tomographic (CT) scan predictors level of consciousness can be explained by the
of deterioration may lead to surgical evacuation. space-occupying effect of the hematoma, causing
Thus, it is also important to separate cerebellar significant shift of the brain stem; extension of the
hematoma from brain stem hemorrhages. Another hemorrhage of the putamen into the thalamus,
task is to determine at an early stage whether sur- compressing the opposite thalamic nuclei; and
vival is remote or whether salvage with a reason- rupture into the ventricular system, resulting in
able opportunity for rehabilitation is possible. profound hydrocephalus. A progression to loss of
In the first hours, intraparenchymal hemor- many brain stem functions is not unusual.
rhage, in one form or another, poses significant The clinical syndromes in patients with hem-
management and triage problems.1 Interpretation orrhages into the putamen have been further di-
of different aspects of neuroimaging, manage- vided on the basis of whether the lesion affects
ment, stabilization, and indications for neuro- only the anterior part of the putamen close to the
surgical treatment of spontaneous intracerebral anterior limb of the internal capsule, the middle
hematomas are discussed. Traumatic intracere- part, or the posterior part. Hemorrhage localized
bral hematoma is discussed in Chapter 19. to the anterior part of the putamen may produce


Box .14.1. Growth of Parenchymal Hematoma

The volume of a hematoma may increase from con- poxemia.3 Thrombin is important in perilesional
tinued bleeding, edema formation, and rebleeding. edema4,5 because it causes inflammation, reactive
Continued bleeding occurs from a cascade effect. gliosis, and retraction of axons and dendrites, In one
The mass exerts pressure and stretch on surround- experimental study, the effects of thrombin could
ing arteries, which subsequently rupture and build be blocked by hirudin, which is a specific thrombin
a mass to consecutivelayers of fibrin: Edema in in- inhibitor, and edema could not be produced by
tracerebral hematoma is due to both cytotoxic and other blood products.4 Single-photon emission com-
vasogenic mechanisms, It is maximal 1-3 days after puted tomography suggested that edema Is a form
the initial hemorrhage and resolves by day 5. The of reperfusion injury due to early ischemia after the
perilesional edematous regions contain significant hematoma, with flow improving significantly over
clot-derived protein and expand the extracellular time.6 A study of regional cerebral blood flow that
space, increasing the distance of white matter axons used radiolabeled microspheres failed to detect an
and cells from their blood supply and creating hy- ischemic penumbra in nonhypertensive animals
poxia. This may be further enhanced by systemic hy- with large-volume clots.7

purely motor hemiparesis, eye deviation to the site ent phrases and poor naming but conspicuously
of the lesion, and abulia. Extension into the mid- good comprehension of spoken language. When
dle part of the putamen may additionally result in the hematoma affects the internal capsule, hemi-
spatial neglect and decreased sensation evidenced plegia occurs. Right-sided thalamic hematomas
by diminished awareness of pinprick, touch, and produce left visual neglect and hemiplegia.
position. Extension of the clot into the posterior Caudate hemorrhage is the least common of the
putamen leads to a more prominent left-sided classic hypertensive hemorrhages, and its clinical
neglect in right-sided lesions and fluent aphasia manifestations often can be inferred mainly from
in left-sided lesions. Large hemorrhages in the an extension to the ventricular system. More com-
putamen may dissect along the white matter tracts monly, agitation, confusion, and thrashing around
into the temporal lobe, causing a Wernicke-type occur at the onset without localizing neurologic
aphasia, but peridot edema may also impair the findings.2 When the hematoma enlarges and ex-
function of the temporal lobe. tends from the caudate nucleus into the white
The neurologic deficit in a putaminal hemor- matter, involving the internal capsule or putamen,
rhage is commonly stable when the patient is ad- level of consciousness decreases because of brain
mitted to the emergency department. However, shift. Extension of the hemorrhage into the hy-
neurologic deficits may become more pro- pothalamus and diencephalon might produce
nounced, signaled by stupor instead of drowsiness complete Homer's syndrome on one side, a diag-
or by development of a gaze preference. Pro- nostic clue to a large extending caudate hema-
gression of neurologic symptoms, indicating en- toma. The clinical features are summarized in
largement of the hematoma with more mass ef- Table 14.1.
fect, is commonly noted clinically within the first
6 hours after presentation (Box 14.1).
Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests
Clinical features of a thalamic hematoma are
excessive sleepiness and abulia. Stupor may ensue The volume in cubic centimeters can be meas-
if the hematoma causes pressure effects on the ured on CT scan by the ellipsoid method: [(A X
opposite thalamus or acute hydrocephalus due to B X C)/2)] (Fig. 14.1). (A is the maximum diam-
extension into the third ventricle. A thalamic eter, B is the diameter perpendicular to A, and C
hematoma with dissection into a mesencephalon is the number of slices on which the hematoma is
causes a fluctuating level of consciousness, and seen, assuming 10-mm cuts.8 The projected grid
episodes of stupor alternate with slow responses on CT scan films is 1 cm per single step.) This ap-
(see Chapter 8). Left-sided thalamic hemorrhages proximation of hemorrhagic volume assumes that
are associated with fluent aphasia, with nonexist- every hematoma is ellipsoidal. Nonetheless, the
Intracerebral Hematomas 171

Table 14.1. Ganglionic Hemorrhages

Primary Site Extension Telltale Signs

Caudate nucleus Localized intraventricular hemorrhage Headache, confusion, drowsiness-stupor, abulia

Capsule, putamen, diencephalon Hemiparesis, eye deviation, Homer's syndrome
Putamen Localized Hemiparesis, eye deviation, global aphasia
Posterior extension Fluent aphasia
Thalamus Localized Paresthesia, hemineglect, nonfluent aphasia (often
preserved repetition), disorientation to place
Mesencephalon Slow syndrome

value obtained correlates well with a direct CT men of Monro, more commonly with medially lo-
scan measurement; thus, the method is a simple, cated thalamic hemorrhages (Fig. 14.3). Enlarge-
practical means of rapid volume measurement in ment of the hematoma has been observed in thal-
the emergency department. In 25% of patients, amic hemorrhages, typically in conjunction with
enlargement of the ganglionic hematoma may ap- progression to coma, and markedly reduces the
pear on CT scans when reimaged within the first outlook for independent recovery (Fig. 14.4).9
hours of presentation. In contrast, patients with The CT scan and magnetic resonance imaging
CT scans obtained more than 6 hours after the ic- (MRI) features producing coma in patients with
tus and a volume of less than 25 cm3 are unlikely thalamic hematomas are shown in Figure 14.5.
to have deterioration from further growth of the Caudate hemorrhage (Fig. 14.6) may be difficult
hematoma. However, anticoagulation with war- to separate from intraventricular hemorrhage on
farin, despite normal international normalized ra- CT scans, and often MRI is needed to locate the
tio (INR), is a major factor in enlargement of the source in the caudate nucleus.
hematoma. Finally, CT scan interpretation of spontaneous
Putaminal hemorrhages are most prevalent and intracerebral hematoma may be deceiving. Some
not infrequently massive. The volume on CT scan may represent hemorrhagic infarcts rather than
commonly approaches 60 cm3, but smaller hema- primary intracerebral hematomas.10 This possi-
tomas may occur without further enlargement on bility should be particularly considered in patients
serial CT scans. Common types of putaminal who have had transient ischemic attacks; who have
hemorrhage are shown in Figure 14.2. a potential cardioembolic source for emboli, such
Thalamic hematomas are usually small; but be- as atrial fibrillation or left ventricular hypokinesis;
cause of close proximity to the ventricles, in- and who have silent infarcts revealed on CT scans
traventricular hemorrhage may occur. Hydro- (Fig. 14.7).9 Later, a localized putaminal hemor-
cephalus may develop from obstruction of the rhage may mimic an infarct by leaving a slit-like
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) at the level of the fora- lesion (Fig. 14.8). This is in contrast to lobar

Figure 14.1 Volume of a thalamic hemorrhage as (C) is four (hemorrhage is visible on four computed to-
measured by the ABC method (A X B X C 2). In this mographic slices at 10 mm intervals). The total volume
example, A is 5 cm, B is 3 cm, and the number of slices is calculated as 60 + 2, or 30 cm3.

Figure 14.2 Computed tomographic scan examples of sions to capsule and frontal lobe and intraventricular
putaminal hemorrhage (arrows): localized (A), exten- extension (B), and extension into the thalamus (C).

hematomas, which may leave a hypodensity and tion is essential, and fresh-frozen plasma (and vi-
deformity of the ventricle.11 tamin K) or, if more appropriate, platelets should
be infused in the emergency department.13 In pa-
tients with a metallic heart valve or otherwise high
First Priority in Management
cardioembolic risk (e.g., marked ventricular hy-
Most academic institutions in the United States pokinesis or atrial fibrillation and echocardio-
and Europe manage patients with ganglionic hem- graphic evidence of atrial thrombus), there is an
orrhage medically.12 This preference implies sup- increased risk of thromboembolization or valve
portive care and monitoring of further deteriora- thrombosis. Current data suggest that discontin-
tion from enlargement in volume caused by uation of anticoagulation and correction to an in-
development of surrounding edema or continu- ternational normalized ratio <1.5 for less than a
ous bleeding. Underlying coagulopathy should be week in these patients rarely lead to systemic
corrected aggressively. Reversal of anticoagula- embolization.14'15
Intracerebral Hematomas 173

Figure 14.3 Computed tomographic scans of thalamic hemorrhage (arrows): lateral (A,B)
and medial (C,D).

Hypertensive crisis is very common but seldom tracranial pressure.18 Aggressive treatment of hy-
produces congestive heart failure or brief ven- pertension might theoretically reduce cerebral
tricular arrhythmias from a catecholamine surge. edema in these patients, but it may increase the
Only when blood pressure remains high (mean ar- risk of producing further perilesional ischemia in
terial pressure >140 mm Hg) and electrocardio- patients with prior hypertension. The presence of
graphic changes or cardiac arrhythmias appear is an ischemic perilesional penumbra is a matter of
reduction with -blockers indicated.16 No evi- debate.19,20 It is generally accepted that when the
dence suggests that persistent acute hypertension mean arterial blood pressure reaches 145-150
provokes a recurrence of bleeding in patients with mm Hg, the risk of enlargement of the hematoma
a spontaneous intracranial hematoma.17 However, from continuous leakage or cerebral edema is too
vasogenic edema may develop, and persistent hy- high. Blood pressure should be reduced gradually
pertension may contribute to an increase in in- to a mean arterial pressure of around 130 mm Hg.

Figure 14.4 Computed tomographic images of en- ventricular extension (left arrow in B), and hydro-
largement of thalamic hemorrhage (arrow in A), intra- cephalus (right arrow in B).

Preliminary studies showed no significant change betalol, =20 mg intravenously every 10 minutes
in the peridot blood flow when antihypertensives up to 300 mg. In patients with bradycardia or
were administered 6 hours after onset.21 How- other contraindications to -blockers, one should
ever, this major management dilemma remains consider intravenous enalaprilat 1.25 mg every 6
unresolved in the first hours after the onset, par- hours to a maximum of 5 mg.16,22
ticularly when blood pressures are high. The There is no benefit from corticosteroids,23 and
recommended antihypertensive medication is la- in susceptible patients, they may increase the risk

Figure 14.5 Coma caused by thalamic hemorrhage. (arrows). Right: Magnetic resonance image of the thal-
Left: Massive extension and enlargement of ventricles amic hemorrhage with extension into the midbrain.
Intracerebral Hematomas 175

Figure 14.6 Computed tomographic images of caudate hemorrhage (left) and intraven-
tricular extension (right, arrows).

of severe hyperglycemia or enhance pulmonary ing period before surgical evacuation. More likely,
infection triggered by aspiration. The benefit of the direct destructive effect of this type of hema-
mannitol in deep ganglionic hemorrhage is not toma rather than brain shift determines outcome
known. It is unlikely to result in improvement in in survivors.
outcome unless its effect on intracranial pressure Enlargement may have occurred during trans-
and cerebral perfusion pressure is documented, port, and any further deterioration should be eval-
nor is it known whether it may assist in the bridg- uated with a new CT scan. Enlargement 24 hours

Figure 14.7 Series of computed tomographic scans in (arrow, left) and an old infarct in the posterior cerebral
a patient with rapidly progressing neurologic deficit. artery territory (arrow, right), there is no evidence of
There is a hyperdense middle cerebral artery sign, but, a recent ischemic stroke by computed tomography.
except for a dubious difference in sylvian fissure width

Figure 14.7 (Continued) Series of computed tomo- nal hemorrhage (arrows) represents a hemorrhagic in-
graphic scans in a patient with rapidly progressing farct rather than a primary putaminal hemorrhage.
neurologic deficit. Several hours later, a large putami-

after onset is rare. Several systemic factors have hematoma, but no data are available to justify its
been identified that increase the probability of en- use.24 Its impact on outcome may be small be-
largement, such as anticoagulation, liver disease, cause only 20%-30% of patients do demonstrate
and poorly controlled diabetes with high systolic enlargement of the hematoma25 and clinical de-
blood pressure (>200 mm Hg).9 terioration is not evident in all instances.
Hemostatic therapy (aminocaproic acid, apopro- Craniotomy in large ganglionic hemorrhages
tein, or activated recombinant factor VII) used is only lifesaving. Awakening from coma rarely
within 3 hours of the ictus of intracerebral occurs without devastating morbidity (Box 14.2),
hematoma could potentially reduce growth of the and thus it is a questionable procedure.

Figure 14.8 Putaminal hemorrhage (localized type) recognized 3 years later on subse-
quent computed tomographic scan as a slit-like lesion (arrows, right).
Intracerebral Hematomas 177

Box 14.2, Surgical Management of Ganglionic Supratentorial Hemorrhage

Most neurosurgeon.s prefer surgical evacuation in a tic treatment using thrombolytics and aspiration re-
deteriorating patient. Randomized surgical trials of duced volume but not disability or mortality.29
supratentorial hemorrhage have been hampered by A recent small randomized pilot trial, the
marginal statistical power2039 imbalances in base- Surgical Treatment for Intracerebrai Hemorrhage
line characteristics between groups. Surgical evacu- (STICH) study,31 documented reduced mortality at
ation of a ganglionic hematoma through open 1 month but not at 6 months in patients treated with
craniectorny did not improve outcome. Encloscopic surgery (median Glasgow coma score = 11, median
aspiration reduced mortality, with no improvement volume = 49 mL) compared with those given med-
in morbidity in large hematomas (>50 mL) but a ical management (median Glasgow coma score =
trend in improved outcome in smaller hematomas. 11, median volume = 44 mL). Future trials should
Stereotattic aspiration may result in lower incidence analyze lobar hematomas separately from ganglionic
of complications.30 Ventriculostomy may be per- hemorrhage and study patients at high risk of dete-
formed in patients with intraventricular rupture, but rioration to demonstrate a possible surgical benefit.
its effect on outcome is marginal, if any. Stereotac-

Predictors of Outcome are related to topography. The source of lobar

hematomas is unclear in many instances. Mecha-
A large clot (>60 cm3 by ellipsoid volume meas-
nisms include a ruptured vascular malformation,
urement) associated with Glasgow coma score <4
cerebral amyloid angiopathy,36 hemorrhage inside
intraventricular hematoma and acute hydro-
an existing brain tumor or metastatic lesion, in-
cephalus is likely to result in death.32-34 A study
fectious lesions (e.g., aspergillosis, toxoplasmosis),
from Sweden extrapolated that supposedly unre-
coagulation disorders, and use of sympathomi-
lated comorbidity such as preictal coronary artery
metic drugs or fibrinolytic agents.
disease or atrial fibrillation was an independent
A temporal lobe hematoma may be caused by
predictor for 30 days' mortality.35 Extension of the
a ruptured middle cerebral artery aneurysm.37
hematoma into the middle putamen most likely
Any patient with a temporal lobe hematoma, tran-
results in persistent hemiplegia. The prognosis in
sient loss of consciousness, and a much lower level
thalamic hemorrhage is determined by diameter
of consciousness than expected on the basis of size
and extension to the mesencephalon. If a thalamic
or brain shift should be considered to have a rup-
hematoma exceeds 2.5 cm in greatest diameter,
tured aneurysm of the middle cerebral artery. A
outcome is worse. Unilateral hydrocephalus in
CT scan should be scrutinized for basal cistern
ganglionic hemorrhage caused by trapping of
clots. A temporal lobe hematoma may indicate a
the ventricular system is a CT scan sign that indi-
hemorrhagic necrotic mass due to herpes simplex
cates poor outcome despite surgical evacuation or
encephalitis, and febrile agitation may be the
only manifestation (see Chapters 7 and 17). Mul-
tiple hematomas should point to a possible dev-
Triage astating sagittal sinus thrombosis with multiple
Observation for at least 24 hours in a neuro- hemorrhagic infarcts (see Chapter 15).
logic-neurosurgical intensive care unit. Use of thrombolytic agents has increased the
Evacuation of hematoma if enlargement frequency of intracerebral hematomas associated
causes brain herniation syndromes. with thrombolysis.38 The frequency of sympto-
matic intracerebral hematomas after intravenous
administration of tissue-type plasminogen activa-
Lobar Hemorrhages tor (tPA) for ischemic stroke has increased to 6%.
These hemorrhages occur within 36 hours after
In this type of intracranial hematoma, the blood infusion. Decrease in level of consciousness is
dissects throughout the subcortical white matter most prevalent, but increased hemiparesis, head-
and often involves the cortex. The clinical features aches, and a surge in blood pressure have also

been noted.38 A major neurologic deficit (defined Table 14.2. Computed Tomographic Scan
as a score of more than 20 on the National Insti- Characteristics of Lobar Hematoma that
tutes of Health Stroke Scale; see Chapter 15, Suggest the Cause
Table 15.1) and early hypodensity or edema on
Coagulopathy Multiple locations and compartments
CT scans increase the odds of later development
Fluid level from poor clot formation
of symptomatic intracerebral hematoma after tPA Amyloid Superficially located
use. The risk of intracerebral hematoma after tPA angiopathy Irregular border
for myocardial infarction is very low, but old age, Recurrent hematomas
dose, and history of stroke are major predispos- White matter hypodensities
Tumoral Central or eccentric location of
ing factors.39
hemorrhage hemorrhage
Tumor mass visible
Proportionally more white matter
Clinical Presentation edema
Frontal lobe hematomas cause abulia, contralat- Arteriovenous Calcification in hemorrhage mass
malformation Enhancement with contrast medium
eral arm weakness, and gaze preference toward the
side of the hematoma; but when the hemorrhages
are located superiorly above the frontal horn, leg
sudden visual field defect, most commonly an eas-
weakness may be more apparent.40 Headache is
ily identifiable homonymous hemianopia. Multiple
frequently present and associated with vomiting.
hematomas commonly immediately involve the
Approximately one-third of patients have seizures
level of consciousness unless they are localized
within the first hours of presentation. Temporal
within one hemisphere or are small. Clinical fea-
lobe hematomas may cause Wernicke's aphasia
tures are determined by the largest hematoma.
and right-sided homonymous hemianopia. Tem-
poral lobe hematomas in the nondominant hemi-
Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests
sphere may produce only confusional episodes
without any localizing neurologic symptoms. Pari- Several CT scan characteristics of hematoma sug-
etal lobe hematoma produces prominent hemisen- gesting its origin should be recognized,41 and they
sory symptoms, but if it extends into the posterior are summarized in Table 14.2. Shift of midline
parietal lobe, constructional apraxia or dressing structures on the initial CT scan in patients with
apraxia may be found if specific testing is done. lobar hematoma admitted to the emergency de-
Patients with an occipital lobe hematoma have a partment is highly predictive of further clinical de-

Figure 14.9 Computed tomographic scan signs pre- (arrows) and early temporal horn entrapment (arrow,
dictive of deterioration in lobar hematoma (arrow). left). 46
Note shift of septum pellucidum and pineal gland
Intracerebral Hematomas 179

Figure 14.10 Computed tomographic scans showing with progressive obliteration of the supracerebellar cis-
lobar hematoma (left) with some mass effect and bow- tern without appreciable shift of the pineal gland from
ing of the midline structures. Right: Two days later, the edema.
hematoma is resolving but edema is more pronounced,

terioration. The specific features are shift of the Lobar hematoma may indicate an underlying
septum pellucidum, obliteration of the opposite metastatic lesion or primary brain tumor, and it
ambient cistern, and early trapping of the tempo- is evident by marked fingerlike white matter
ral horn (Fig. 14.9).35 Some of the CT scan changes edema notably out of proportion to the size of the
may be subtle and involve effacement of the hematoma and seldom causing brain shift (Fig.
supracerebellar cistern from edema (Fig. 14.10). 14.11).

Figure 14.11 Hemorrhage in metastasis. Note the puted tomographic scans mask underlying metastasis,
comparatively large, fingerlike edema in the white mat- which may be more evident by magnetic resonance
ter out of proportion to the size of the hematoma. Com- imaging.

Figure 14.12 Amyloid angiopathy-associated hema- mosiderin (white arrows), which are clues to earlier
toma. Magnetic resonance images show a thalamic hemorrhages.
hemorrhage (black arrow) and multiple areas of he-

Superficially located hematomas commonly are sion. In young adults, an arteriovenous malforma-
a result of amyloid angiopathy, and MRI (prefer- tion is common; in older adults, earlier amyloid
ably gradient-echo) may show earlier hemor- hemorrhages may be found, and, as alluded to, rou-
rhages (Fig. 14.12). Coagulation-associated hema- tine T1 and T2 MRI may initially be unrewarding
tomas are commonly multiple, involving multiple and a gradient echo image may be needed.42
compartments (Fig. 14.13). Cerebral angiography is warranted in patients
Intracerebral hematomas after intravenous tPA with a lobar hematoma and MRI evidence of ar-
for myocardial infarction characteristically are teriovenous malformation (Fig. 14.15). Its yield in
hemorrhages in multiple compartments, and fluid a patient with normal findings on MRI is very low.
levels from continuing anticoagulation are evident
(Fig. 14.14).
MRI is a crucial study in lobar hematoma be- Firs* Priority in Management
cause it may identify an underlying structural le-
The approach to lobar hematoma is similar to that
in ganglionic hemorrhages.
Multiple intracranial lobar hematomas are of-
ten found in patients who have recently received
tPA for acute myocardial infarction.43 Fresh-
frozen plasma (2 units) should be used initially. It
is important to repeat a CT scan, preferably 1-3
hours after the onset, to assess the true extension
and dimension of the hematomas.38
The decision to proceed with surgery is deter-
mined by clinical presentation. Craniotomy with
evacuation of a lobar hematoma should be
strongly considered in patients with evidence of
brain shift on CT scan and a decrease in the Glas-
gow coma score because there is a high proba-
bility of further deterioration in the next hours.
With expanding hematomas, emergency surgery
is effective in 25% of patients if young and the
Figure 14.13 Computed tomographic scan shows hematoma is located in the parietal lobe.44 Early
multiple hemorrhages in coagulopathy. surgical management is also indicated if an in-
Intracerebral Hematomas 181

Figure 14.14 Examples of hemorrhage associated hemorrhage, and lobar (arrowheads) and intraventric-
with tissue-type plasminogen activator. A: Arrows point ular hemorrhages with fluid level. B: Massive sub-
to different compartments, convexity subarachnoid arachnoid hemorrhage and lobar hematomas.

tracerebral hematoma is associated with a rup- Predictors of Outcome

tured middle cerebral artery aneurysm or arterio-
Poor outcome can be expected in patients with
venous malformation, but mostly after further
deterioration from hematoma enlargement who
definition by cerebral angiography.45
need emergency surgical evacuation. Poor out-
come is more common in patients with a de-
creased Glasgow coma score and a septum pel-
lucidum shift of more than 6 mm.46 Lobar hema-
tomas associated with tPA administration are
commonly fatal. Outcome is good after rehabili-
tation if the lobar hematoma is less than 40 cm3
on CT scan and there is no shift on CT scan in a
patient seen several hours after ictus.47 Recurrent
hemorrhage has been estimated at a 2.1% annual
rate, but it is tripled when anticoagulation is ad-
ministered.48 Resumption of anticoagulation in a
patient with a definitive need and prior intracra-
nial hematoma is safe for 30 days, but long-term
risk is not known.

Neurologic intensive care unit if level of con-
sciousness is decreased and mass effect ap-
pears on CT scan.
Figure 14.15 Magnetic resonance features of large Smaller hematomas (<30 cm3) in alert pa-
arteriovenous malformation in left frontal lobe with tients can be observed in the ward if the time
large vein draining to the sagittal sinus. of ictus and presentation is beyond 6 hours.

Surgical evacuation in patients with CT scan tensor posturing that occurs spontaneously or with
evidence of mass effect and documented any manipulation of the patient. Nonspecific shiv-
deterioration. ering, myoclonic jerks, and well-characterized gen-
eralized tonic-clonic seizures are common. Many
patients have rapid breathing with periods of ap-
Intraventricular Hemorrhage
nea or barely audible air displacement and need to
be immediately placed on a mechanical ventilator.
It may be difficult clinically and by CT scan cri-
Increased blood pressure most likely is a conse-
teria to differentiate spontaneous intraventricular
quence of transmitted intracranial pressure affect-
hemorrhage from a small thalamic or caudate nu-
ing the brain stem, particularly at the flush of ar-
cleus hemorrhage with overwhelming filling of the
terial blood through the ventricular system. Pupil
lateral portion of the ventricles. In many situa-
reflexes may become sluggish and pupil size
tions, intraventricular hemorrhage is caused by a
smaller if acute hydrocephalus develops rapidly.
rupture of the anterior communicating aneurysm,
Any change in this direction should prompt a re-
which can dissect through the lamina terminalis
peat CT scan to evaluate progression of ventricu-
to enter the third ventricle and connecting ven-
lar enlargement and need for ventriculostomy.
tricles (see Chapter 13). Primary intraventricular
hemorrhage may be caused by arteriovenous mal-
formations in the proximity of the ventricular sys- Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests
tem, intraventricular tumors, and, more recently,
Entire filling of all parts of the ventricular system
use of thrombolytic agents. Uncommon causes are
is characteristic, with acute ballooning out of the
coagulopathy in patients with severe thrombocy-
ventricular system (Fig. 14.16). The CT scan is
topenia associated with a hematologic malignancy
notoriously unreliable in demonstrating a poten-
and moyamoya disease from rupture of the dilated
tial cause of intraventricular hemorrhage. Thus,
periventricular arteries.
some patients with a thalamic or caudate hemor-
rhage have only a hint of parenchymal bleeding
Clinical Presentation
on CT scanning, and this is markedly overshad-
Primary intraventricular hemorrhage has a clinical owed by the massive intraventricular hemorrhage,
presentation similar to that of poor-grade aneurys- often filling only one ventricle. The anatomic lo-
mal subarachnoid hemorrhage.49-51 Onset is acute, cation may indicate the origin of the hemorrhage
with immediate loss of consciousness but with ex- (Table 14.3).52,53

Figure 14.16 Left: Primary intraventricular hemorrhage. Right: Cerebral angiography dis-
closed an arteriovenous malformation.
Intracerebral Hematomas 183

Table 14.3. Intraventricular Hemorrhage marked ventricular dilatation on CT scan see

Chapter 11). A trial is under way using 3 mg of
Intraventricular intraventricular recombinant tPA every 12 hours
Unilateral Caudate hemorrhage
ventricle Thalamic hemorrhage
when no cause is found by cerebral angiography
Biventricular Arteriovenous malformation of (which should then be performed immedi-
ependymal lining or choroid ately).55,56 Dramatic resolution of the obstructing
plexus clot has been described, but experience with this
Ependymoma potentially dangerous therapy is very limited and
Cocaine or amphetamine
Head injury
clinicoradiologic correlation has not been studied
Cavum septum Anterior artery cerebral aneurysm well. Recent experimental work also suggests an
pellucidum unwanted inflammatory response, edema of peri-
Fourth ventricle Posterior inferior cerebellar artery ventricular tissue and choroid plexus using tPA.55
only aneurysm It should not be used in intraparenchymal hem-
Source: Terayama et al.17 orrhages with intraventricular extension, even if
the intraventricular compartment produces most
of the clot volume.57,58

MRI can demonstrate hemorrhage into the

thalamus or caudate nucleus and is also more sen- Predictors of Outcome
sitive to visualization of arteriovenous malforma- Outcome remains poor (severe disability or vege-
tions and cavernous angiomas. Cavernous an- tative state) in patients with primary intraventric-
giomas may be found at other locations inside the ular hemorrhage associated with acute hydro-
parenchyma, providing further clues to cavernous cephalus. In others, survival is common but with
angioma as the main culprit in the ventricular a severe amnesic state.50
hemorrhage. Magnetic resonance angiography
should also be performed to exclude the possibil-
ity of an anterior communicating aneurysm or to Triage
document a much less common moyamoya vas-
cular pattern. This pattern is the consequence of Neurologic-neurosurgical intensive care unit
bilateral internal carotid artery occlusion causing for monitoring of development of acute hydro-
dilatation to develop in the lenticulostriate, thal- cephalus or drainage with a ventriculostomy.
amoperforating, and thalamogeniculate arteries. Consider immediate cerebral angiography.
Microaneurysms are often formed in these arter-
ies, and they may rupture into the ventricular
system. Cerebellar Hemorrhages
Not only is cerebral angiography imperative
to exclude an anterior communicating artery Cerebellar hemorrhages are commonly caused by
aneurysm, but the posterior circulation should rupture of a branch of the superior cerebellar ar-
also be visualized bilaterally with multiple projec- tery afflicted by fibroid necrosis from long-stand-
tions because blood in the fourth ventricle might ing hypertension. Much less frequent causes are
be due to a ruptured aneurysm of the distal pos- hemorrhages associated with anticoagulation, ar-
teroinferior cerebellar artery. One study claimed teriovenous malformation, or a metastatic lesion.
an arteriovenous malformation or an aneurysm in Patients arriving in the emergency department of-
50%-70% of patients, with a higher yield in pa- ten are initially alert but may have rapid deterio-
tients younger than 45 years.54 ration to a lower level of consciousness and de-
velopment of new brain stem signs. Features that
predict clinical deterioration have been identified,
First Priority in Management
as have clinical and CT scan features associated
The management of primary ventricular hemor- with such a poor prospect that even suboccipital
rhage is immediate ventriculostomy in patients craniotomy for clot evacuation may be discour-
with a Glasgow coma score of less than 8 and aged.59,60

Clinical Presentation rhages are most common (Fig. 14.17A-C). For

unclear reasons, vermis hematomas are more fre-
Acute severe headache associated with vertigo and
quently seen in hemorrhages associated with ac-
vomiting and acute gait imbalance are presenting
quired coagulopathy (Fig. 14.17D). Both may in-
findings. At onset, patients are unable to take a sin-
volve extension into the ventricle and compression
gle step if standing and cry out for immediate as-
of the brain stem. The typical features of brain
sistance; some fall, are unable to stand up, and have
stem compression often involve effacement of the
to roll themselves to a telephone. Speech is slurred,
quadrigeminal cistern, and when cerebellar tissue
and clumsiness may become apparent in one limb.
is herniated upward, it causes additional efface-
A cerebellar hematoma can be further suspected if
ment of the supracerebellar cisterns (so-called
the clinical triad of ipsilateral limb ataxia, horizon-
tight posterior fossa). These CT findings should
tal gaze palsy, and peripheral facial palsy is demon-
be regarded as an urgent indication for evacua-
strated, although two or fewer of these signs may
tion of the hematoma. CT scan features highly
be present. Other common neurologic findings are
predictive of further deterioration are extension
skew deviation, horizontal nystagmus, and de-
to the vermis and acute hydrocephalus.57
creased corneal reflex. In this condition, pinpoint-
A cerebral angiogram can be deferred in most
sized pupils indicate significant pontine compres-
cases, but a ruptured posterior circulation aneu-
sion and imply a high risk of further deterioration.
rysm or arteriovenous malformation should
Unilateral ataxia and dysarthria point to a cerebel-
be considered. An arteriovenous malformation
lar hemispheric hematoma. Dysautonomic features
should be considered in a young patient with no
are frequent in large cerebellar hematomas, and
history of hypertension. Cerebellar hemispheric
they include episodic bradycardia and hyperten-
arteriovenous malformations have a characteris-
sion, not necessarily coupled together.
tic bleeding pattern on CT scans and blood tracts
in the direction of the cerebellar folia, particu-
Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests
larly in the primary cerebellar fissure. The mal-
Two major types of cerebellar hemorrhage have formation may extend, rather symmetrically, into
been described. Cerebellar hemispheric hemor- the midline as well. Blood in the quadrigeminal

Figure 14.17 Types of cerebellar hematoma on com- sphere. E: Cerebellar hemorrhage from arteriovenous
puted tomography. A-C: Cerebellar hemisphere. Note malformation. F: Cerebellar hematoma with marked
effacement of the quadrigeminal cisterns, intraventric- fluid levels (arrows) due to use of warfarin.
ular extension, and hydrocephalus. D: Vermis hemi-
Intracerebral Hematomas 185

Figure 14.17 (Continued)

cisterns and tracts on the tentorium is character- cept is to remove a clot when it is 3 cm or larger
istic (Fig. 14.17E). These cerebellar hemispheric in axial diameter on CT scans.61 In patients with
arteriovenous malformations are unmasked by significant swelling, a bolus of mannitol, 1 g/kg,
MRI and should be further defined by cerebral should be administered to bridge the time to the
angiography. operating room. Administration of a corticosteroid
can be considered, but valid data about its effi-
cacy are not available.
First Priority in Management Bradycardia may be frequently observed but
Attending physicians should be primed for surgi- should be left alone. Runs of bradycardia, how-
cal evacuation in many patients. At our institution, ever, should be treated with atropine admin-
clinicians usually wait for clinical deterioration be- istered intravenously (0.5 mg) if hypotension
fore operating. Another commonly accepted pre- occurs.

Predictors of Outcome active pupils (diameter 2-3 mm), loss of horizon-

tal gaze, and apneic spells requiring mechanical
Alert or minimally drowsy patients are at high risk
ventilation. Extension to the mesencephalon may
of further deterioration when they have a midline
cause significant anisocoria, which can be clini-
extension of the hematoma or acute hydro-
cally misinterpreted as an uncal herniation syn-
cephalus. Poor outcome after surgery is very likely
drome (see Chapter 8). Abnormalities of eye
when acute hydrocephalus is present and corneal
movement have been described, such as ocular
and doll's eye reflexes are absent. Good outcome
bobbing (sudden downward jerking with slow re-
after surgery can be expected in younger patients
turn to midcentral position), skew deviation, and
with intact brain stem reflexes.59,62
abnormal horizontal conjugate gaze that is more
apparent after caloric stimulation with ice water.
Triage Quadriplegia with extreme rigidity is frequent, but
Surgical evacuation if CT scan shows signs of if the hematoma is unilaterally localized in the
tight posterior fossa. pons, hemiplegia may occur. Complete destruc-
Observation on the ward if the hematoma is tion of the mid-pons is common, and the tegmen-
small (<3 cm) and not localized in the ver- tum is seldom spared; thus, locked-in syndrome
mis, no deterioration has occurred, and the is rarely found in this condition. Dysautonomic
patient does not have an abnormal coagula- features with marked hypertension, tachycardia,
tion parameter. and hyperthermia (>39.5C) may be profound.63
In contrast, pontine hemorrhages in cavernous
hemangioma are not catastrophic and are mani-
Pontine Hemorrhage fested by acute oculomotor abnormalities or ataxia
A pontine hemorrhage is associated with high
rates of death and neurologic morbidity. Hyper-
Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests
tension is the usual cause, and arteriovenous mal-
formation or rupture of a cavernous angioma is The CT scan patterns are shown in Figure 14.18.
less common. At presentation, most patients are Pontine hemorrhages can be divided into massive
in a cataclysmic state and comatose with small, re- pontine hemorrhage with extension to the mid-

Figure 14.18 Types of pontine hemorrhage on com- and thalamus. D: Massive destructive hemorrhage lim-
puted tomographic images. A-C: Extension to midbrain ited to pons. E,F: Basal tegmental hemorrhage.
Intracerebral Hematomas 187

Figure 14.18 (Continued)

brain and thalamus, pontine hemorrhage with First Priority in Management

unilateral extension to the midbrain, and basal
tegmental pontine hemorrhage. The lesion should Endotracheal intubation is needed in virtually all
be differentiated from a large fusiform aneurysm, patients. Blood pressure is markedly increased, but
which may produce identical clinical features due aggressive management does not appear to have
to basilar artery thrombosis (Fig. 14.19). Rarely, much effect on size. Blood pressure may become
a unilateral tegmental hemorrhage is found; it is very high, with diastolic pressure in the range of
usually very circumscribed and barely involves 140-150 mm Hg. Labetalol may be needed to re-
major pontine structures. It may be caused by a duce the blood pressure to a more acceptable
cavernous hemangioma (Fig. 14.20). level. Ventriculostomy is not helpful because de-

Figure 14.19 Pseudopontine hemorrhage. Left: Fusi- development of hypodensities on follow-up computed
form basilar aneurysm associated with acute basilar tomographic scan and better delineation of the
artery occlusion mimics pontine bleeding. Right: Note aneurysm.

terioration is related to extension or evolving tine hemorrhages.64 Cavernous malformations of

swelling surrounding the hematoma. Stereotactic the brain stem may continue to cause repeated
surgical evacuation has not been shown to improve hemorrhages. In one selected population of
outcome, and morbidity remains substantial. The treated patients, the rate was up to 30% per per-
effect of corticosteroids is unknown. son per year. Whether Stereotactic radiosurgery
improves outcome is uncertain, but resection
Predictors of Outcome should be strongly considered to prevent devas-
tating future morbidity.65 Clinical or CT scan fea-
Good recovery occurs only in patients who are tures observed only in patients with a fatal out-
alert on admission and have small unilateral pon- come are a core temperature in excess of 39.8C,

Figure 14.20 Magnetic resonance images showing limited pontine hemorrhage from cav-
ernous hemangioma.
Intracerebral Hematomas 189

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Chapter 15
Major Ischemic Stroke

The causes of ischemic stroke are numerous, but Health (NIH) Stroke Scale (Table 15.1),12,13 and
only a few are common. The benefits of therapy grading is practical when interventional therapies
in most instances so far are small. Treatment of are under consideration.
acute ischemic stroke with thrombolytics has This chapter discusses the most commonly en-
become a staple of care in the emergency de- countered clinical presentations and the difficul-
partment. However, clot retrieval and thrombus ties in management of major ischemic stroke syn-
obliteration devices have come into existence.1 dromes. Some of the less frequently encountered
Controversies and uncertainties remain about the disorders are mentioned, particularly when dif-
use of thrombolytic agents, and some skeptics do ferent therapies are recommended. The approach
not take the results at face value, alleging base- to this vast diagnostic field is by the arterial
line imbalances in trials and comparatively small system.
numbers of patients.2-5 In addition, many patients
still do not qualify for intravenous or intra-arterial
Large Vessel Occlusions
thrombolysis, mostly due to prehospital delay
time6,7 (in one study, only 0.06% of all stroke ad-
Ischemic stroke embodies a diverse group of pa-
missions in 16 Connecticut hospitals8). In addi-
tients with different modes of onset, progression,
tion, the time window for intravenous adminis-
and outcome. Over time, more complete evalua-
tration of tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA)
tion of ischemic stroke has resulted in a better
remains within 3 hours and cannot be extended to
definition of its mechanism.
6 hours.3,9-11 To complicate matters further, there
is also documented evidence of increased mortal-
Clinical Presentation
ity partly due to increased hemorrhage risk in rou-
tine practice outside the rigor of clinical trials.8 Characteristic clinical presentations should be fa-
Patients with an ischemic stroke and candidates miliar to any physician managing acute stroke, but
for such aggressive management usually present the fine points can be addressed by neurologists.
with a major neurologic deficit, often involving the The essence is combining the clinical features
entire function of an arm and a leg, speech, per- found through neurologic evaluation with findings
ception of the left side of the body, and, if the le- of neuroimaging studies to allow quick triage. The
sion is localized in the brain stem or cerebellum, role of the emergency physician in this respect
stance, swallowing, and vision. These deficits can has become substantial and reduces unnecessary
be quantified by use of the National Institutes of delays.14


Table 15.1. Stroke Scale of the National Institutes of Health and National Institute of
Neurological Disorders and Stroke (the NIH Stroke Scale)*

Level of consciousness Motor, right leg

Alert 0 No drift 0
Drowsy 1 Drift 1
Stuporous 2 Cannot resist gravity 2
Coma 3 No effort against gravity 3
Level of consciousness, questions No movement 4
Answers both correctly 0 Motor, left leg
Answers one correctly 1 No drift 0
Incorrect 2 Drift 1
Level of consciousness, commands Cannot resist gravity 2
Obeys both correctly 0 No effort against gravity 3
Obeys one correctly 1 No movement 4
Incorrect 2 Limb ataxia
Gaze Absent 0
Normal 0 Present in either upper or lower 1
Partial gaze palsy 1 Present in both upper and lower 2
Forced deviation 2 Sensory
Visual Normal 0
No loss 0 Partial loss 1
Partial hemianopsia 1 Dense loss 2
Complete hemianopsia 2 Neglect
Bilateral hemianopsia 3 No neglect 0
Facial palsy Partial neglect 1
Normal 0 Complete neglect 2
Minor 1 Dysarthria
Partial 2 Normal articulation 0
Complete 3 Mild to moderate dysarthria 1
Motor, right arm Nearly unintelligible or worse 2
No drift 0 Language
Drift 1 No aphasia 0
Cannot resist gravity 2 Mild to moderate aphasia 1
No effort against gravity 3 Severe aphasia 2
No movement 4 Mute 3
Motor, left arm
No drift 0
Drift 1
Cannot resist gravity 2
No effort against gravity 3
No movement 4
A sum score of 10 or greater is strongly indicative of a large vessel occlusion, predominantly in the middle cerebral artery. Examination may
take only 5 minutes.
Source: Modified from Brott T, Adams HP Jr, Olinger CP, et al.: Measurements of acute cerebral infarctions: a clinical examination scale.
Stroke 20:864, 1989. By permission of the American Heart Association.

Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion into the M3, or operculum, segment and the M4,
Catastrophic cerebral infarction often is caused by or cortical, branches.
an occlusion of the middle cerebral artery (MCA). The most devastating MCA occlusion is at Ml
Its arterial system can be occluded at the Ml seg- or the stem, with a thrombus possibly extending
ment (proximal MCA), proximal to the lateral into the carotid artery. Occlusion at the origin of
lenticulostriatal arteries, and at the M2 segment. the MCA may lead to gaze preference, hemi-
The M2 segment is further divided by the supe- anopsia, and flaccid hemiplegia of the arm, with
rior and inferior trunks, which supply the peri- some sparing of movement in the leg. Global
sylvian area of the frontal and temporal lobes, re- aphasia and speech apraxia occur if the left MCA
spectively. The M2 MCA segment then is divided is involved and left body neglect, aprosodia (lack
Major Ischemic Stroke Syndromes 193

of affection or pitch in speech), and bilateral pto- arm with normal use of the right arm is typical,
sis (see Chapter 3) if the right MCA is involved. and this dissociation can be explained by corpus
Hemisensory loss with no grimacing or withdrawal callosum infarction interrupting connecting fibers
to pinprick is typical. A multimodulary speech and can occur irrespective of occlusion of the right
deficit is common in left MCA occlusion. The pa- or left ACA. The disorder is revealed when pa-
tient has eyes open and may look about but is un- tients can name objects placed in the right hand
able to follow any command or does so in an in- but are unable to recognize and name objects in
appropriate manner. There is an inability to move the left hand.
the lips and tongue and to blow out the cheeks. An important artery that may become occluded
Speech may be characterized by repetitive stop- is the recurrent artery of Heubner. Infarction of
ping and starting and fumbling words.15 Other pa- this territory produces weakness in the contralat-
tients are mute. Occlusion of the superior trunk eral arm and side of the face, with dysarthria and
of the left MCA produces exactly the same char- hemichorea. If bilateral occlusions occur, a syn-
acteristics and therefore cannot be differentiated drome of akinetic mutism may evolve.
clinically. However, occlusion of the inferior trunk
of the left MCA produces a Wernicke-type apha- Vertebrobasilar Artery Occlusion
sia and a superior homonymous quadrantanopsia The basilar artery contributes several paramedian
("pie in the sky"). vessels to the pons, as well as short circumference
An infarct may preferentially involve the per- vessels, and two major cerebellar arteries, the
forating arteries of the MCA (lenticulostriate ar- proximal anterior inferior cerebellar artery
teries) when the collateral supply from the ante- (AICA) and, more distally, the superior cerebel-
rior circulation and posterior cerebral artery lar artery (SCA). The basilar artery divides into
(PCA) is sufficient to protect the remainder of the both posterior cerebellar arteries. Occlusions are
hemisphere from infarction. A comma-shaped in- possible at several levels, most often from artery-
farct, or so-called striatocapsular infarct, occurs to-artery embolization. Occlusion of the basilar ar-
with hemiplegia equally severe in the arm and leg tery or its branches may produce several ischemic
and with fairly mild sensory symptoms. syndromes. Lodging of an embolus at the tip of
In many patients, the defect may further evolve the basilar artery results in infarction of the brain
or fluctuate and, in some, surprisingly, may dis- stem, thalamus, and occipital and medial tempo-
appear. Decrease in deficit may occur in patients ral lobes. Cerebellar infarction may involve each
with large territorial MCA occlusions ("spectacu- or all of the feeding arteries to the cerebellum
lar shrinking deficit").16 It is explained by frag- with propagation of clot to the cerebral artery
mentation of the obstructing clot. In 13% of pa- (posterior inferior cerebellar artery [PICA],
tients, deterioration occurs after initial dramatic AICA, and SCA). Less dramatic syndromes of
improvement and is attributed to reocclusion.17,18 brain stem infarction, many carrying French
eponyms, are shown in Table 15.2 for easy refer-
Anterior Cerebral Artery Occlusion ence, but they are rarely complete at presentation.
Most anterior cerebral artery (ACA) distribution (These syndromes are interesting exercises in lo-
infarctions are caused by a cardioembolic source calization and, thus, are favorites of neurologists.)
or by artery-to-artery embolization from internal Occlusion of the basilar artery results in a pro-
carotid artery stenosis with a diameter reduction found neurologic deficit but may start with any of
of more than 70%.19 The clinical symptoms of these brain stem syndromes. However, a study of
acute ACA occlusion are complex and may not be patients with basilar artery occlusion and throm-
obvious. Usually, occlusion involves severe weak- boembolization found that sudden disturbance of
ness of the leg in combination with other frontal consciousness was a predominant clinical symp-
lobe symptoms, such as abulia, loss of vitality, and tom and was followed by brain stem signs with-
incontinence. Transcortical motor and sensory out a clear unifying syndrome. In many patients,
aphasia, characterized by lack of spontaneous ophthalmoparesis and bulbar weakness develop
speech and comprehension but the ability to re- early after onset.20 Sudden vertigo, dysarthria, and
peat phrases, has been reported in an infarction quadriparesis are presenting features. Intranu-
involving the ACA territory. Apraxia of the left clear ophthalmoplegia is common, explained by

Table 15.2. The Classic Brain Stem Syndromes

Eponym Lesion Features

Weber Cerebral peduncle Ipsilateral III nerve palsy
Contralateral hemiparesis
Benedikt Tegmentum red nucleus Ipsilateral III nerve palsy
Contralateral tremor, chorea
Parinaud Quadrigeminal plate Paralysis of upward gaze
Chiray-Foix-Nicolesco Lateral Hemiataxia
Decreased vibration and proprioception
Arm and leg weakness with or without facial weakness

Raymond Paramedian area Ipsilateral lateral rectus muscle paresis, Contralateral hemiple
Millard-Gubler Medial lower Ipsilateral facial palsy with Contralateral hemiplegia
(often also VI palsy)
Foville Medial lower Ipsilateral VII
Ipsilateral paralysis of lateral gaze
Contralateral hemiparesis
Raymond-Cestan Medial Quadriplegia
Brissaud Ventral Ipsilateral facial spasm
Contralateral hemiparesis

Medulla Oblongata
Wallenberg Lateral Homer syndrome (ipsilateral), IX, X palsy
Crossed hemianesthesia
Avellis Nucleus ambiguus X, XI palsy (ipsilateral face, Contralateral body)
tractus solitarius
Spinothalamic tract Contralateral dissociated hemianesthesia
Schmidt Vagal nuclei X, XI
Bulbar and spinal nuclei
of accessory fibers
Jackson Nuclear vagus, accessory, X, XI, XII
hypoglossus nerve
Tapia Motor nuclei vagus and X, XII

interruption of the intranuclear connections and occipital lobes. Vertical gaze palsy, abnormal
through the medial lemniscus fasciculus; cold wa- convergence, skew deviation, behavioral distur-
ter irrigation may bring this on in a comatose pa- bances, and visual hallucinations are common
tient (see Chapter 8). Patients may have hemi- combinations and have been named "top-of-the-
paresis mimicking a hemispheric lesion. Brief basilar syndrome." Cortical blindness or polyopia
rhythmical shaking movements, most likely a (multiple images stacked up) due to bilateral oc-
forme fruste of extensor posturing, can be ob- cipital lobe ischemia may be a prominent pre-
served and are commonly misinterpreted as senting feature.
seizures, again leading to false localization in the Many patients have progression to coma, with
hemisphere. An occluding embolus at the junc- quadriplegia and pathologic withdrawal or exten-
tion of the basilar artery and PCA may further in- sor motor responses to pain. In our series of 25
terrupt the thalamic perforating artery and result patients with basilar artery occlusion who re-
in infarction of the thalamus bilaterally, midbrain, quired mechanical ventilation, one-third lost most
Major Ischemic Stroke Syndromes 195

brain stem reflexes within the first 24 hours.21 Color agnosia may accompany a dominant hemi-
Failure to trigger the ventilator does occur and spheric lesion. This color-naming disturbance
may remain the only intact clinical sign. should be tested in patients with right homony-
Locked-in syndrome is the result of occlusion mous hemianopsia. Infarction of the dominant
of the perforating arteries of the paramedian basi- angular gyrus results in Gerstmann's syndrome,
lar artery, leading to dysfunction of the cortico- which involves finger agnosia (inability to name
spinal tract, corticobulbar tract, and exiting sixth the fingers), inability to calculate, right-left
nerve fibers. The level of consciousness is normal, disorientation, and agraphia. Right nondominant
and the patient can communicate only with verti- PCA occlusion may lead to prosopagnosia (in-
cal eye movements and blinking (see Chapter 8). ability to recognize familiar faces, such as those of
Thalamic involvement or extension to the dorsal family members or celebrities), in addition to a vi-
mesencephalon, thus affecting the reticular for- sual field defect.
mation, may cause intermittent drowsiness and Bilateral PCA occlusion can lead to two rela-
failure to consistently answer questions. tively rare syndromes, such as cortical blindness,
Cerebellar infarctions may involve the PICA, in which patients may not recognize that they are
SCA, and, much less commonly, AICA. PICA oc- blind and may relate vivid descriptions of the
clusions may have different clinical presentations emergency room and persons surrounding them,
depending on the area of involvement, which may all untrue, and Balint's syndrome, with bilateral
include the lateral medulla. Mainly, these occlu- involvement in the border zone areas between
sions are manifested by acute headache, vertigo, AC A and PCA territories, often occurring after an
ataxia of gait, or limb ataxia, but isolated vertigo episode of severe hypotension. Patients complain
due to involvement of the vestibular portion of the of "blindness," are unable to describe a full scene,
vermis may be seen. and cannot describe more than two components
SCA occlusions may be the most frequent cere- of a visual field at the same time (simultanag-
bellar infarct, and acute dysarthria and ipsilateral nosia). In this syndrome, ocular apraxia may be
dysmetria may be very prominent. This type of observed, that is, lack of quick focusing on a new
occlusion may closely mimic dysarthria-clumsy stimulus, previously called spasm of fixation.
hand-lacunar syndrome. Vertigo is much less When a stimulus is entering a visual field and even
apparent. when told this is occurring, patients are not im-
AICA occlusions are manifested by a charac- mediately alert to the stimulus. In addition, there
teristic acute deafness or profound unilateral is optic ataxia, referring to difficulty pointing ac-
hearing loss, but facial paralysis, Horner's syn- curately at a target under visual guidance. This can
drome, facial numbness, and loss of sensitivity to be brought about with the simple finger-pointing
pain and temperature may occur as well. test. Distal occlusion of the PCA produces only a
Evolving cerebellar swelling may displace the visual defect, usually with sparing of the macula
pons or compress the medulla from tonsillar due to collateral supply from the MCA.
herniation (see Chapter 8). Impairment of con-
sciousness occurs after a delay of 2-4 days, but
patients may have cerebellar swelling at the time Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests
of admission to the emergency department.
Computed Tomographic Scanning and
Posterior Cerebral Artery Magnetic Resonance Imaging
The PCA produces characteristic neurobehavioral Before third-generation computed tomographic
syndromes that can be easily recognized in the (CT) scanners, CT scanning in a patient with pos-
emergency department. A proximal PCA occlu- sible ischemic stroke was performed only to "ex-
sion involving the dominant hemisphere (most of- clude a hemorrhage." The definition of brain
ten the left side) leads to alexia without agraphia. structures has improved with the newer genera-
This dissociation syndrome is caused by an in- tion of CT scanners, and the signs of early isch-
farction of the splenium of the corpus callosum; emia can be recognized. The vascular territories
patients are unable to read, but the ability to write should be known when one views CT scans (Fig.
is preserved because of intact language centers. 15.1). If no obvious hypodensity is present, the

Figure 15.1 Vascular territories of the brain (com- bellar artery; BA, basilar artery; LSA, lenticulostriate
puted tomographic scans and corresponding arterial artery; MCA, middle cerebral artery; PCA, posterior
territories). ACA, anterior cerebral artery; AChA, an- cerebral artery; PICA, posterior inferior cerebellar ar-
terior choroidal artery; AICA, anterior inferior cere- tery; SCA, superior cerebellar artery.

CT scan should be carefully scrutinized for early subtle differences between gray and white matter
signs of cerebral infarction: sulci effacement and are more easily detected when several CT win-
an obscured outline of the lentiform nucleus or dow settings are used. Obscuration of the lenti-
decrease in tissue attenuation (Fig. 15.2). The form nucleus is the most frequent earliest sign22
Major Ischemic Stroke Syndromes 197

Figure 15.1 (Continued)

and may appear within the first hour of infarction tant from the collateral flow from the ACA and
(Fig. 15.2A). In a small study of 25 patients, it ap- PCA (Fig. 15.2B).
peared in one of two patients within an hour of In some patients, the extent of the ischemic
the ictus, in seven of eight patients in the second territory is noted by eye deviation on CT (Fig.
hour, in all three patients in the third hour, in 15.3).25 Hypodensity may involve the entire MCA
seven of eight patients in the fourth hour, and in territory (Fig. 15.4A) but is usually evident days
all four patients scanned thereafter.22 Early ab- after onset. Hypodensity on CT scans may involve
normalities on the CT scan also involve the only the M2 territory (Fig. 15.4B) or the lenticu-
parenchyma, with loss of the precise delineation lostriate arteries (Fig. 15.4C). A hypodensity can
between gray and white matter and, particularly, be seen within hours after MCA trunk occlusion.26
loss of the insular ribbon.23 The insular segment Transferred patients seen several hours after on-
of the MCA supplies the insular ribbon, and with set who had CT scanning during previous hospi-
complete occlusion of the MCA, the insular re- talization at the time of the ictus should have a
gion becomes a watershed arterial zone.24 In ad- repeat CT scan, which may show a developing
dition, the insular cortex is the region most dis- hypodensity.

Figure 15.2 A: Normal definition of the caudate nu- the right hemisphere. B: One day later, a CT scan shows
cleus, lentiform nucleus (arrows), and insular ribbon a hypodensity in that area (arrows).
(arrowhead) in the left hemisphere has disappeared in

A hyperdense MCA sign27 actually indicates the ment) predicted deterioration from further brain
clot in the MCA and has been recognized as a swelling.28-30 In other reports, hemorrhagic trans-
prognostic feature. In our studies, a hyperdense formation was deemed more likely in patients who
MCA together with early swelling (sulci efface- had a hyperdense MCA sign.27,31,32 When the clot
fragments and breaks up, the hyperdense MCA
sign disappears, often spontaneously or, at times,
after intravenous administration of tPA (Fig.
15.5A,B).33 Swelling from MCA infarction often
involves shift of the septum pellucidum followed
by early trapping of the temporal horn. Involve-
ment of the ACA circulation indicates a carotid
occlusion (Fig. 15.6).
Cerebral infarction is better visualized on mag-
netic resonance imaging (MRI) than on CT scan-
ning.34 Additional findings on MRI include lack
of normal flow voids, representing the occluded
vessel.35 Arterial enhancement of the T1-weighted
images in the ischemic zone after administration
of gadolinium contrast material is caused by slow
flow in an otherwise high-flow arterial system dis-
tal to the obstructing lesion.36 This finding is seen
in approximately 50% of patients with acute cor-
tical infarcts.35
Newer MRI techniques using diffusion-
Figure 15.3 Note eye deviation on computed tomo- weighted imaging (DWI) or fluid-attenuated in-
graphic (CT) exam. version recovery (FLAIR) are extremely sensitive
Major Ischemic Stroke Syndromes 199

Figure 15.4 Computed tomographic scans. A: Middle cerebral artery stem occlusion.
B: Superior division occlusion. C: Striatocapsular infarct.

for early infarction.37 In DWI, areas of hyperin- 15.8). The size of the lesion with this abnormal-
tensity (bright areas) indicate decreased move- ity predicts future outcome; however, the critical
ment of water,38,39 and the study is superior within size for possible improvement is not known, and
6 hours of presentation when compared with CT DWI cannot distinguish which lesions may be re-
or MRI alone (Fig. 15.7A and B).40 Several stud- versible after specific treatment (particularly
ies have shown that early infarction underlies the thrombolytic therapy). Practical use of DWI in
high signal intensity. It most likely reflects failure acute situations remains undefined, and most cur-
of water movement in tissue in this zone of in- rently published studies on these MR sequences
farction. When these areas of restricted diffusion represent a fraction of the admitted patients with
are quantified using the apparent diffusion coef- acute stroke. FLAIR sequences are also superior
ficient, they are seen as a hypodense area (Fig. to routine MR sequences, and a recent study com-

Figure 15.5 A,B: Hyperdense middle cerebral artery tissue-type plasminogen activator, but infarction
sign. The sign disappeared after administration of developed.

paring multimodality MR techniques found a sen- infarcts is 95%.42 An important recent develop-
sitivity of 98% for DWI and 91% for FLAIR for ment is the potential value of MRI diffusion
detecting ischemic brain lesions within hours of (DWI) and perfusion (PWI) to assess salvageabil-
the ictus.41 The accuracy of DWI for subcortical ity of tissue when considering thrombolysis. It
seems from preliminary studies that a mismatch
between DWI and PWI (hypoperfusion lesion
more than diffusion lesion) may be present in a
considerable proportion of patients and could sug-
gest the presence of a reversible penumbra after
thrombolysis.43 These evolving but not estab-
lished techniques could be used to assess patients
who may be eligible outside the accepted clinical
windows, assuming that DWI abnormalities
would indicate cell injury.44
Currently, CT scanning remains the most im-
portant initial study and, in most institutions with-
out immediate 24-hour MRI services, is not likely
to be replaced soon by these more sensitive, and
undoubtedly superb, tests for the diagnosis of
ischemic stroke. Until then, it is therefore of ut-
most importance that physicians treating ischemic
stroke be familiar with the early signs on high-
definition CT scans.45
Using MRI and MRA, vertebrobasilar artery
Figure 15.6 Signs of late swelling of middle cerebral occlusion is diagnostic in virtually all cases, al-
artery infarct on computed tomography. Note sparing though the extent of the infarction may take some
of the anterior cerebral artery and posterior cerebral time to mature (Fig. 15.9). A marked discrepancy
artery territories (black arrows), shift, and contralateral between the initial CT scan (which may show only
hydrocephalus (white arrows). a hyperdense basilar artery sign) and the MRIs
Major Ischemic Stroke Syndromes 201

Figure 15.7 A,B: Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery stroke compared with virtually normal computed to-
(FLAIR) image of evolving right middle cerebral artery mographic scan.

may be seen. CT scanning of cerebellar infarcts Computed Tomographic Scan Angiography

may be characterized by only a faintly developed CT scan angiography with a high dose of contrast
hypodensity and distortion of the fourth ventricle. medium is beginning to replace MR angiographic
MRI is also the preferred test in cerebellar in- studies.46 It immediately provides the site of ar-
farcts because it defines the degree of compres- terial occlusion and an estimate of the capacity
sion and herniation (Fig. 15.10). of the collaterals. However, the introduction of a

Figure 15.8 DWI showing (A) restricted diffusion (arrow) and (B) reduced ADC (arrows). ADC, apparent dif-
fusion coefficient.
Figure 15.9 Examples of vertebrobasilar occlusive occipital lobe very consistent with occlusion of the top
disease on magnetic resonance imaging. A: Study with of the basilar artery. B: Midbasilar stenosis on magnetic
fluid attenuation inversion recovery shows infarction in resonance angiography and cerebellar and occipital in-
temporal lobe, pons-mesencephalon, thalamus, and farct (arrows).

Figure 15.10 Cerebellar stroke with swelling and struction on computed tomographic scan and magnetic
early hydrocephalus (left) from fourth ventricle ob- resonance imaging (middle, right).

Major Ischemic Stroke Syndromes 203

large amount of contrast material remains of con- Table 15.3. Eligibility Criteria for Using
cern in patients with increased serum creatinine Intravenous Recombinant Tissue-type
levels, and the additional acquisition time may Plasminogen Activator for the Treatment of
have an effect on the first 3-hour period in which Acute Ischemic Stroke
intravenous tPA is used, particularly in institutions
not yet equipped for the study.47,48 In addition, Clinical indication
Ischemic stroke within 3 hours of onset of symptoms (the
observer agreement among neuroradiologists may last time patient was noted to be at baseline neurologic
be marginal in acute occlusion of the MCA, par- status before the stroke)
ticularly in the assessment of symmetrical arterial Clinical contraindications
enhancement.49 Thus, the study may be less prac- Any history of intracranial hemorrhage
tical when used to assess vascular occlusion be- Pretreatment of systolic blood pressure > 185 mm Hg
Diastolic blood pressure >110 mm Hg
fore the use of intravenous tPA.47,48 Mild neurologic signs (e.g., isolated sensory deficit)
The role of CT scan angiography in basilar ar- Symptoms suggesting subarachnoid hemorrhage
tery occlusion has not been determined, but the Stroke or serious head trauma within the preceding 3
study may be useful in patients with fluctuating months
symptoms, to assess whether occlusion is immi- Gastrointestinal or urinary hemorrhage within the
preceding 21 days
nent, a finding that only then may lead to con- Major surgery within the preceding 14 days
ventional cerebral angiography. It may also re- Arterial puncture at a noncompressible site within the
solve problems with localization in patients with preceding 7 days
predominant hemiplegia. Seizure at the onset of stroke
Taking oral anticoagulants
Received heparin within previous 48 hours
Cerebral Angiography Radiographic contraindications
Cerebral angiography remains the standard Evidence of intracranial hemorrhage on computed
means of determining the extent of occlusion and tomography of the brain
collateral circulation. Its use in acute situations is Laboratory contraindications
defined by whether intra-arterial thrombolysis is Prothrombin time >15 seconds (international normalized
ratio >1.7)
considered and thus requires a certified inter- Platelet count < 100 X 109/L
ventional neuroradiologist. However, in approxi- Elevated partial thromboplastin time
mately one-third of patients, cerebral angiography Blood glucose level <50 mg/dL
done immediately after an ischemic stroke yields
normal findings or shows a distal branch occlusion
or a carotid occlusion unsuitable for thrombolysis.
tPA has been inappropriately deferred in patients
with "mild deficits," prior use of aspirin, prior
First Priority in Management
strokes, or old age. In some instances, the physi-
Initial management should involve supportive sta- cian allows a few more minutes to observe im-
bilizing measures and consideration of thrombol- provement, followed by deferral of tPA after
ysis. The contraindications for thrombolysis are crossing the 3-hour limit.50 The exclusion criteria
shown in Table 15.3. Although CT scan findings of seizure onset are debatable, as is "major sur-
should be normal, it is not known whether very gery preceding 14 days." When surgery involves
early signs of infarction (effacement of the body areas that can be amenable to homeostasis,
lentiform nucleus) preclude the use of tPA; but thrombolysis should not be automatically de-
current practice is to accept early changes and ferred. Cervical arterial dissection is not an ab-
only defer thrombolysis with large hypodensity solute contraindication.51
(more than one-third of the territory), sulci ef- Intravenous thrombolysis with tPA can be
facement, and other signs of brain swelling. These started if symptoms have not abated within 3
signs may reduce the chance of recovery (are in- hours after onset. A reasonable, albeit arbitrary,
dicators of permanent ischemia) or perhaps in- guideline is an NIH Stroke Scale score of more
crease the risk of intracerebral hematoma. than 4. This could reduce the chance of signifi-
There is concern about possible unnecessary cantly worsening a minimal deficit with an in-
exclusion of patients eligible for intravenous tPA. tracerebral hematoma. The ictus should be pre-

Box l5.l. Recombinant Tissue-type Plasminogen Activator (tPA)

Currently used flbrinofytic agents ate plasminogen cular endothelium; tPA has a high affinity for fibrin-
activators. tPA catalyzes plasmin formation from plas- botind plasminogen. It results in a less severe sys-
ajtaogen. Plasmin degrades circulatory fibrinogen temic thrombolytic state than that seen with uroki-
and the fibrin lattice of thrombi into soluble end prod- nase, In clinical use, tPA causes a marked decrease
uplx Heparin enhances plasmin generation and, thus, in or depletion of measurablecirculatingpksrnirto-
enhances the tPA effect, which has a biologic half- gen and flbrinogen, resulting in prolongation o the
ttfe of 3-8 minutes. The major source of tPA is vas- partial Arbmboplastin time.

cisely known and not estimated. It is typically not ysis. Combined "bridging" therapy is cerebral an-
known when patients have awakened from a giography after a reduced (usually half) dose of
night's sleep. Administration of tPA is intra- intravenous tPA and no improvement clinically.
venous, in a dose of 0.9 mg/kg (maximum 90 mg), This is followed by intra-arterial lysis of the clot,
with 10% of the total dose given in a 1- to 2- if still present. This approach has been studied in
minute bolus and 90% in a 1-hour infusion (Box a very small series of patients, but no improved
15.1).52 outcome was observed.57 Intravenous heparin is
When patients are seen between 3 and 6 hours not used 24 hours after intravenous tPA but is rec-
after onset, intra-arterial administration of tPA ommended after intra-arterial tPA. A summary of
should be considered.53,54 This requires expertise current practice recommendations for thrombol-
available in tertiary centers. A randomized study ysis (intra-arterial or intravenous) is shown in Fig-
showed efficacy of clot lysis in patients eligible for ure 15.11. Deviation from this protocol may be
this procedure.55,56 considered in extreme circumstances. For exam-
Fluctuation often occurs in patients with an ple, the presence of a hyperdense MCA sign in
MCA (Ml) occlusion, and some improvement an elderly patient (>80 years) with a high NIH
may be related to improved collateral flow and Stroke Scale score may indicate a poor outcome
partial dissolution of the thrombus. Cerebral an- and a comparatively high rate of hemorrhagic con-
giography, however, should not be deferred for version. In young patients (arbitrarily defined as
that reason; and in many patients, an occluding less than 40 years), we believe a cerebral an-
thrombus is present that is suitable for thrombol- giogram is warranted to define the occlusion. Be-

Figure 15.11 Algorithm for use of intravenous (IV) or intra-arterial (IA) thrombolysis.
tPA, tissue plasminogen activator; NIH, National Institutes of Health.
Major Ischemic Stroke Syndromes 205

Table 15.4. Initial Management of Acute arterial thrombolysis have reported 80%-90%
Ischemic Stroke in Anterior Circulation mortality or poor outcome. The management of
basilar artery occlusion has been revolutionized by
Protect airway, endotracheal intubation if desaturation is the use of intra-arterial thrombolysis within 12
noted on pulse oximeter
hours of presentation.54,66 MRI abnormalities
No antihypertensive medication, accept mean arterial
pressure of 130 mm Hg, use of 5 mg of labetalol showing early infarction in the cerebellum and
intravenously if pressure is continuously elevated and no pons probably should not preclude the use of in-
other cause is apparent tra-arterial thrombolysis because they may indi-
Rehydrate with 0.9% NaCl, 2 L/24 hours cate ischemia rather than permanent infarction.54
Correct hyperglycemia (glucose 100-150 mg/dL) with
Recanalization can be demonstrated in approxi-
Correct hyperthermia with a cooling blanket mately 60% of patients, with clinical improvement
If computed tomographic scans show swelling and coma is in a similar proportion. However, the selection of
rapidly deepening, give mannitol 20%-25%, 1 g/kg, and patients potentially eligible for intra-arterial
consider decompressive hemicraniectomy athrombolysisis not well defined. (Some centers
have used thrombolysis in patients 14-79 hours af-
ter onset of symptoms, but most of these patients
cause many of these occlusions represent less or- had fluctuating clinical courses interrupted by a
ganized venous clots due to a high prevalence of sudden, more severe deficit.66) Initial stabilization
patent foramen ovale in this population, we con- of acute stroke in the posterior circulation is shown
sider mechanical disruption first before proceed- in Table 15.5.
ing with intra-arterial tPA.58'59
Management of a massive ischemic stroke re-
Predictors of Outcome
mains complex. Many therapeutic measures are
unproved. The initial guidelines for stabilization Large hemispheric infarcts have a worse progno-
are shown in Table 15.4. Options are intravenous sis when early swelling and mass effect are evi-
heparin, blood pressure augmentation, and rehy- dent on CT scans. Overall, mortality is 50%, but
dration. The use of intravenous heparin is an un- if clinical signs of herniation occur, mortality ap-
resolved issue and has many opponents. Propo- proaches 80%. Indicators of poor prognosis are
nents use intravenous heparin in patients with use of mechanical ventilation to protect the air-
large artery occlusions due to a cardiogenic way and coma. Basilar artery occlusion is associ-
source.60 It should not be used in patients with a ated with major fluctuations in neurologic find-
large territorial infarction to reduce the chance of ings; thus, outcome remains difficult to predict
early significant hemorrhagic conditions. It is im- early in the clinical course, certainly in the emer-
portant not to aggressively manage hypertension gency department. The involvement of the thala-
because cerebral perfusion is marginal in the area mus in top-of-the-basilar artery occlusions can
of infarction. We discontinue any antihyperten- cause a devastating loss of memory despite fre-
sive agent and accept any mean arterial blood quent recovery from ataxia. Locked-in syndrome
pressure less than 130 mm Hg in the first 24 at presentation or coma virtually never is associ-
hours. Patients should remain normovolemic, ated with a functional outcome, but an incomplete
normoglycemic,61 and normothermic. Mannitol clinical picture may improve substantially. Out-
can be considered when swelling leads to clinical come in patients with acute basilar artery occlu-
deterioration, but decompressive hemicraniec- sion who have apnea is poor, and we and others
tomy to relieve intracranial pressure and reduce rarely have found survivors.21 However, dramatic
brain stem shift may be indicated (Box 15.2). The reversals of coma and locked-in syndrome have
procedure may still result in profound disabil- been reported after urokinase injected intra-arte-
ity.63-65 Early preemptive decompressive hemi- rially but only within an ictus and treatment in-
craniectomy in patients at risk is not justified. terval of 12-15 hours.54
Some patients with mass effect on CT scan re- The cerebral angiogram has important prog-
cover spontaneously.65 nostic features in basilar artery occlusion. Occlu-
The outcome of untreated basilar artery occlu- sion of a short restricted portion of the basilar ar-
sion is poor. Many series without the use of intra- tery has a higher probability of recanalization after

Box 15.2. Decompressive Hemicraniectomy

Large hemisphic infarcts may be caused by carotid dure has increased survival and resulted in 30%-
artery or MCA occlusion. Swelling may occur after 50% functional outcome. The surgical procedure
an interval of several days and cause a herniation should be offered to patients irrespective of the in-
syndrome.62 Supportive therapies, such as hyper- volved hemisphere. Alternative therapies, such as
venttlattoii and administration of mannitol, glycerol, moderate hypothermia (32C or 33C) or combined
barbiturates, and corticosteroids, have been unsuc- hypothermia and decompressive surgery, have ap-
cessful, A large craniectomy with duraplasty to al- peared successful. Large randomized trials are
low swelling outside the skull may be considered, needed to resolve many uncertainties about the out-
There is some anecdotal evidence that this proce- come in patients with these interventions,63

intra-arterial thrombolysis than that of longer Operating room for suboccipital craniectomy
segments. In addition, collateral circulation has or ventriculostomy, or both, in cerebellar in-
predicted a better outcome after recanalization.66 farcts when brain stem compression causes
Cerebellar infarcts may cause sudden deterio- upward-gaze palsy, deteriorating motor re-
ration from swelling and pontine compression. sponses, and pupillary changes.
Outcome remains good, including in patients who
have emergency surgical evacuation. Many pa-
tients of all ages may be able to ambulate with Arterial Dissection
minimal assistance. Early withdrawal of care is not
appropriate. A tear in the intima permits blood to dissect its
way more distally into the muscular arterial wall
and create a double lumen into the artery.67,68 It
occurs most commonly in the supraclinoid seg-
If intra-arterial administration of tPA is con- ment of the internal carotid artery.69,70 The vast
sidered, cerebral angiography suite. majority of vertebral artery dissections are at the
Neurologic intensive care unit for monitor- level of the Cl and C2 vertebral bodies or at the
ing brain swelling, hemorrhagic conversion, intradural segment. The clot may dissect under
and possibly intracranial pressure. the intima (subintimal) or throughout the media
Patients with cerebellar infarcts who have (subadventitial), causing distention of the vessel
normal Glasgow coma scores and early CT wall inward, producing occlusion, or outward, cre-
scan findings may not necessarily have to be ating a pseudoaneurysm (Fig. 15.12).68 A false lu-
admitted to the intensive care unit, but a re- minal channel can be created when intramural
peat CT scan is needed within 12 hours to hemorrhage exits at a more distal site, but this is
monitor early swelling. uncommon. Intracranial dissections may perfo-
rate the thin media and adventitia, causing sub-
arachnoid hemorrhage, with CT scan patterns
Table 15.5. Initial Management of Acute similar to those of aneurysmal subarachnoid hem-
Ischemic Stroke in Posterior Circulation orrhage (Chapter 13).71 A pseudoaneurysm does
not rupture but may become a nidus for emboli
Protect airway and intubate early if patient has marked and thus may need surgical therapy if antiplatelet
bulbar symptoms
Maintain flat body position to optimize blood pressure agents are ineffective.
Perform immediate cerebral angiography of posterior Dissection of the internal carotid vertebral ar-
circulation if intra-arterial administration of tissue tery is mostly spontaneous and may represent
plasminogen activator is possible (<12 hours from onset) 10%-25% of ischemic strokes in adults aged 35-
Consider ventriculostomy or suboccipital craniectomy with 50.69,70 Predisposing factors have been reported,
cerebellar swelling from infarction
and they may be more common in vertebral ar-
Major Ischemic Stroke Syndromes 207

gesting a primary arteriopathy that increased the

vulnerability of the arteries to trauma.77

Clinical Presentation
Headache or neck pain is present in approxi-
mately 60% of patients. The headache can be sud-
den but infrequently is a typical "thunderclap
headache" (see Chapter 6). Thunderclap head-
ache should suggest subarachnoid hemorrhage
from dissection through the entire wall in the in-
tracranial portion. Headache may precede an is-
chemic stroke by several days and may not be
clearly remembered or vocalized by the patient.
The character of the headache is dull and seldom
throbbing. Retro-orbital headache of sudden on-
set should point to carotid artery dissection.
Carotid artery dissection might be associated with
a new presentation of Homer's syndrome, pul-
satile tinnitus, and lower cranial nerve involve-
Figure 15.12 Process of arterial dissection (A) lead-
ing to occlusion (B), rupture (C), and pseudoaneurysm ment, particularly the twelfth cranial nerve, caus-
(D) or healing (E). ing weakness of the tongue. Other lower cranial
nerves can become compressed in the cervical
parapharyngeal space.69 The ninth to twelfth cra-
nial nerves are in close proximity to the internal
tery dissection than in carotid artery dissection. carotid artery and alone or in combination can be-
The dissection can be the result of a direct force come involved, producing dysarthria, dysphasia,
to the artery, possibly triggered by strenuous ac- dysphonia, and dysgeusia (metallic or bad taste).
tivity, head turning, or chiropractic maneuvers but Less common are a decreased sensation of the
also by seemingly trivial insults, such as a brief frontal division of the trigeminal nerve, oculomo-
Valsalva maneuver.67 There is a seasonal predilec- tor palsy, and abducens palsy.78 Carotid dissection
tion for autumn.72 An increased incidence of up- may be almost completely without any clinical
per respiratory infection during this period may neurologic deficits except for a new carotid bruit.
suggest an inflammatory cause or insults from re- This finding in a young patient with sudden facial
peated coughing. Dissections have been associ- or occipital headache should point to a dissection
ated with congenital abnormalities of the wall of and prompt immediate neuroimaging studies.
the artery, such as cystic medial necrosis, fibro- Cerebral infarction involves MCA branch occlu-
muscular dysplasia,73 Marfan's syndrome, Ehlers- sions from propagated emboli. The interval between
Danlos syndrome type IV, -antitrypsin defi- dissection and cerebral infarction varies widely,
ciency, autosomal-dominant polycystic kidney from minutes to 1 month, but is less than a week in
disease, and familial lentiginosis.74 In a prospec- most patients.79 Low-flow ("misery") infarction in-
tive study of dissections at the Mayo Clinic, joint volving watershed areas is an uncommon mecha-
and skin laxity and facial stigmata of an underly- nism80,81despite trickle flow with poor collateral
ing vasculopathy were found but could not be compensation in some patients. Carotid occlusion
characterized as typical arteriopathy.75 may result in a malignant infarct with massive
Dissection of the carotid or vertebral artery may swelling involving the ACA and MCA territories.
be associated with head injury,76 but in a report Dissection of the extracranial vertebral artery
on five patients with traumatic dissections of the is manifested almost immediately by signs of an
internal carotid arteries, cystic medial necrosis ischemic stroke in the cerebellum involving, as
and marked lack of elastic fibers were found, sug- expected, the territory of the PICA. Severe ver-

tigo, vomiting, and appendicular ataxia might be Cerebral Angiography

presenting symptoms. In patients with vertebral Cerebral angiography remains the standard pro-
artery dissection, the lateral medulla may become cedure. The most typical angiographic finding is
involved, causing typical Wallenberg's syndrome relatively smooth, irregularly tapered luminal nar-
(see Table 15.2).82 Swelling of the infarcted cere- rowing, often producing a very high stenosis
bellar tissue might cause considerable mass ef- (string sign) (Fig. 15.15).84 Dissections may occur
fect, displacement of the pons, and obstructive in both vertebral arteries, in the carotid and ver-
hydrocephalus. tebral arteries, or in all four arteries at the same
time. A pseudoaneurysm might be found later,
with typical fusiform appearance.
Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests

Magnetic Resonance Imaging and

First Priority in Management
Magnetic Resonance Angiography
MRI may replace conventional cerebral angiog- Carotid dissections might resolve within 6 weeks
raphy as the first diagnostic test because it pro- but reconstitution to a normal lumen after 6
vides a definitive diagnosis in a large proportion months is uncommon (Fig. 15.14). Many physi-
of cases. Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) cians favor anticoagulation with intravenous hep-
is highly sensitive and specific in the diagnosis of arm followed by warfarin (aiming at an interna-
internal carotid artery dissection but much less tional normalized ratio between 2 and 3) until MRI
sensitive for a diagnosis of vertebral artery dis- and MRA show recanalization, but this is deferred
section.83,84 Combined MRI and MRA compared if the dissection involves the intracranial portion
with conventional arteriography has a sensitivity because of the risk of causing subarachnoid hem-
of 84% and a specificity of 99% for the diagnosis orrhage (although very low [10%] in patients with
of carotid dissection.85 MRI also may show the intracranial dissection).86 Antithrombotic therapy
typical dense "crescent" or "double-lumen" sign, with aspirin 325 mg daily or clopidogrel 75 mg
which reflects an intramural thrombus, often daily can be continued for another 3 months, but
found at lower slices (Fig. 15.13). this period is arbitrary. Aneurysmal dilatation also
may disappear spontaneously. However, it might
become a source of recurrent transient ischemic
attacks. If embolization occurs despite antiplatelet
therapy, aneurysmal dilatation warrants surgical
therapy or coil embolization of the artery with
stenting of the occluded artery.87 Endovascular
treatment may be considered in patients with in-
tracranial vertebral artery dissections and possibly
tailored to those with large or growing aneurysmal
dilations and certainly when associated with sub-
arachnoid hemorrhage (see Chapter 13).88

Predictors of Outcome
Permanent stenosis of the carotid artery remains
associated with a low incidence of recurrent stroke
(0.7%), and ischemic strokes have occurred de-
spite aspirin or warfarin.89 Dissection may recur
in 1% per year (2% in the first month).90 Patients
Figure 15.13 Magnetic resonance image showing with associated hereditary disorders do not have
double-lumen sign (arrows) in bilateral carotid dissec- a higher incidence of recurrence of dissection, and
tions. a history of dissection in a family member does
Major Ischemic Stroke Syndromes 209

Figure 15.14 Magnetic resonance angiography shows thalamic infarcts (arrows). Recanalization of the right
a right vertebral artery dissection and cerebellar and vertebral artery occurred in 3 months.

increase the incidence of recurrence. Outcome intensive care unit when early hemispheric
from infarction due to dissection appears more fa- brain swelling is evident on CT scans.
vorable in younger patients than in older patients Admission to the neurologic-neurosurgical in-
with similar infarcts; the explanation is not known. tensive care unit for patients who have verte-
Massive swelling may occur because of involve- bral artery dissections with cerebellar infarct.
ment of the anterior circulation; mortality is high
without decompressive craniectomy.
Multiple Small Vessel Occlusions
Multiple cerebral infarctions represent a separate
Admission to the ward for intravenous ad- entity but with different causes. The differential
ministration of heparin in patients with ex- diagnosis is particularly complex in younger per-
tracranial dissections. sons, and extensive evaluation of underlying co-
Admission to the neurologic-neurosurgical agulopathies or intrinsic vasculopathies is needed.

Vasculitis of the Central Nervous System

Granulomatous vasculitis or isolated angiitis of the
central nervous system (CNS) is an emergency
and may rapidly lead to permanent devastating is-
chemic strokes or, less commonly, to intracranial
hematomas or subarachnoid hemorrhage.91,92
Progressive or recurrent neurologic symptoms are
common, but because of the infrequent occur-
rence of this disorder, they may not be recognized
as typical features of CNS vasculitis until the de-
struction is permanent. Delay in diagnosis has
been established as an unfortunate fact.93
The presentation of CNS vasculitis as sub-
arachnoid hemorrhage is mentioned in Chapter
13 and as a consequence of herpes zoster en-
cephalitis in Chapter 17.

Figure 15.15 Cerebral angiogram of distal carotid ar- Clinical Presentation

tery dissection (arrows). Two-thirds of patients present with severe, per-
sistent headache overriding any other symptom.
Profound aphasia, apraxia, or hemiparesis may oc-
cur, but acute confusion and, most typically, emo-
The diagnostic considerations in these patients tional lability with crying or bizarre hysterical or
seen in the emergency department are shown in childish behavior are more common. Some pa-
Table 15.6. Only the disorders that are clinically tients become dull and abulic, particularly with
the most relevant are discussed here. preferential involvement of the anterior cerebral

Table 15.6. Diagnostic Considerations in Patients with Multiple Cerebral Infarctions

Cerebral angiitis Primary isolated angiitis (granulomatous) of the central nervous system
Giant cell arteritis
Associated systemic or collagen vascular disease (sarcoidosis, Behcet's disease, polyarteritis nodosa,
Wegener's granulomatosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, Sneddon's syndrome)
Associated infections (herpes zoster, cytomegalovirus, neurosyphilis)
Drug-induced (amphetamines, heroin)
Vasculopathy Malignant angioendotheliomatosis (intravascular lymphomatosis)
Moyamoya disease
Hereditary endotheliopathies
Nonatherosclerotic vasculopathy with skin abnormalities (e.g., Fabry's disease, Degos' disease)
Endocarditis Subacute bacterial infections
Nonbacterial thrombotic (marantic) in advanced cancer
Coagulopathies Protein C deficiency
Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome
Protein S deficiencies
Antithrombin III deficiencies
Hemoglobin disorders Sickle-cell syndromes
Platelet disorders Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome
Hemolytic-uremic syndrome
Major Ischemic Stroke Syndromes 211

circulation. Multifocal neurologic findings can be it can be generally stated that normal MRI find-
expected because the pattern involves scattered ings, certainly with FLAIR sequences, virtually
inflammation of the medium- and small-sized exclude widespread CNS vasculitis.103 MRA may
arteries.93 be useful as an initial screening test; but it over-
CNS vasculitis may be secondary to a systemic estimates narrowing, may not visualize abnormal-
illness or drug abuse. Skin lesions, joint swelling, ities in medium-sized or smaller arteries due to
or additional evidence of mononeuritis multiplex current poor resolution, and therefore does not
or progressive polyneuropathy may point to a con- match cerebral angiography.
nective tissue disorder or systemic vasculitis. The
use of an amphetamine often can be inferred only CEREBRAL ANGIOGRAPHY. The sensitivity of
from a careful history of drug use, which is not cerebral angiography in CNS vasculitis is high, ap-
volunteered by most patients with strokes.94-96 proximately 95%-99%. A cerebral angiogram with
Infectious causes can produce CNS vasculitis, negative findings has been described in biopsy-
but other localizations should be evident (e.g., proven CNS vasculitis. Suggestive findings are
retina for cytomegalovirus, painful crusty skin le- changed vessel caliber, with constriction, occlu-
sions for herpes zoster, pulmonary manifestations sion ("cutoffs"), irregularities, and dilatation show-
associated with Histoplasma or Coccidioides im- ing a characteristic beading pattern (Fig. 15.16D).
mitis, or systemic manifestations of human im- Alternative explanations for the angiographic find-
munodeficiency virus infection). Finally, lympho- ings include cerebral vasospasm (very unusual on
proliferative disorders (Hodgkin's lymphoma) the day of onset of hemorrhage), advanced athero-
may be associated with vasculitis.97 sclerosis (proximal carotid artery abnormalities
Moore's criteria for the diagnosis of isolated or irregularities in the proximal vertebrobasilar
angiitis of the CNS are (I) recent severe onset of system may be suggestive of atheromatous dis-
headaches, confusion, or multifocal neurologic ease), and radiation-induced occlusive vasculopa-
deficits that are recurrent or progressive; (2) typ- thy (abnormalities inside the radiation field).104,105
ical angiographic findings; (3) exclusion of systemic The inflammatory changes in the wall eventually
disease or infection; and (4) leptomeningeal and lead to fibrosis and may lead to fixed angiographic
parenchymal biopsy findings that confirm vascular narrowing.106

inflammation and exclude infection, neoplasia, and

noninflammatory vascular disease.92,98,99 BLOOD AND SEROLOGY. It is important to exclude
a connective tissue disorder by measurement of
Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests antinuclear antibody, rheumatoid factor, antineu-
trophil cytoplasmic antibodies, sedimentation rate,
COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHIC SCANNING AND and serology against human immunodeficiency
MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING. The sensitivity virus, herpes zoster virus, cytomegalovirus, syphilis,
of CT scanning in isolated angiitis is low, but oc- and Toxoplasma. It is also important to obtain a
casionally subarachnoid hemorrhage due to rup- urine sample for amphetamines.
ture of involved sulcal arteries can be found (see
Chapter 13).100 CT scanning may help diagnose CEREBROSPINAL FLUID. A profound inflamma-
Wegener's granulomatosis, characterized by bone tory response is usually absent, including in pa-
thickening and focal erosive changes of the nasal tients with progressive disease. Mildly increased
septum and soft tissue masses in the sinuses. MRI protein may be the only sign. Mild pleocytosis
abnormalities should reveal infarction involving ( 20 lymphocytes/mm3) has been found in fewer
several vascular territories, producing effacement than 50% of cases.107
of sulci and hyperintense signals following the gyri
(Fig. 15.16). In some patients, the initial predilec- BRAIN BIOPSY. Biopsy should involve the area
tion sites are the parieto-occipital lobes, mimick- that is abnormal on MRI, and available series
ing reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy.101 claim 70% sensitivity. Random brain biopsy has a
Lesions deep in the white matter that spare the very low yield and probably should be deferred if
overlying cortex are less common.102 Conversely, angiographic findings are diagnostic and the cere-
Figure 15.16 Computed tomography (A,B) and mag- bral angiographic findings of segmental stenosis and
netic resonance imaging (C) show multiple infarcts as- beading are typical.
sociated with central nervous system vasculitis. D: Cere-

Major Ischemic Stroke Syndromes 213

brospinal fluid is normal. The biopsy specimen, at least 1 year (the estimated relapse rate then is
which should include the dura, leptomeninges, <10%). Corticosteroid doses can be tapered af-
cortex, and white matter, is fixed in 10% buffered ter 6 months. Mortality is uncommon, but func-
formalin for light microscopy.108 Tissue samples tional outcome can be quite severely impacted
should be frozen or stored with dry ice for later when cerebral infarcts are widespread or located
interpretation by electron microscopy. The patho- in both frontal lobes.
logic hallmark is an infiltrate consisting of lym-
phocytes, histiocytes, and plasma cells involving Triage
the intima or media, with occasional necrosis of Urgent cerebral angiography and neurosur-
both leptomeningeal and intracerebral vessels.109 gical consultation for possible cerebral biopsy
Giant cells may be seen in areas of fragmented Neurology ward
internal elastic lamina. Prominent necrosis should
suggest polyarteritis nodosa. (Unfortunately, less
Hematologic Disorders
characteristic or ambiguous pathologic findings
may be the only result after a brain biopsy.) Albeit unusual, disorders of coagulation, disorders
of the structure of red blood cells, and platelet
First Priority in Management dysfunction may cause multiple cerebral infarcts
Administration of corticosteroids in patients with in rapid succession.110,111 These disorders may
presumed clinical CNS vasculitis is advised, and not be apparent with routine automated labora-
it should begin if no other causes are evident and tory evaluation in the emergency department,
if the patient is known to have collagen vascular which measures only white blood cell count,
disease. Brain biopsy within days in cortico- platelet count, and sedimentation rate. Both small
steroid-treated patients should not mask inflam- and large arteries may become occluded, and neu-
mation and certainly not necrosis. Methylpred- rologic deficits may vary. Noteworthy clinical fea-
nisolone 1 gram for 3 days and cyclophosphamide tures of these hematologic disorders are discussed
15 mg/kg using slow infusion should be started in this section.
with active disease, and there is a reasonable con-
sensus among experts that only such an aggressive Clinical Presentation
treatment can reverse CNS inflammation. It is fol-
lowed by corticosteroids 1.5 mg/kg daily, and cy- RED BLOOD CELL DISORDERS. Sickle-cell syn-
clophosphamide 2 mg/kg daily orally. Cortico- dromes are rather prevalent, in most instances
steroid administration can be tapered to a lower caused by a single amino acid substitution in the
dose after 4 weeks, but cyclophosphamide, which globin chains (valine instead of glutamic acid).
has very low side effects with this dose, should be Sickle-cell disease or sickle-cell trait (heterozy-
given for 1 year. The patient should be familiar gotic state) is more prevalent in African-American
with a 20% risk of infertility from cyclophos- patients, often manifested after a hypoxemic trig-
phamide, and egg or sperm harvesting should be ger, cold, or excessive alcohol consumption. Sick-
offered. Proton pump inhibitors should be added led masses of red blood cells occlude the arterial
for stomach ulcer protection and possibly cotrim- and venous systems, but other mechanisms, such
oxazole for Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia pro- as vasculopathy or fat embolization from infarcted
phylaxis. Adequate hydration with intravenous flu- bone marrow, may be operative. Stroke as a first
ids and frequent monitoring of the white blood presentation of sickle-cell disease has rarely been
cell count are needed to reduce the risk of hem- documented, but earlier ischemic strokes, pre-
orrhagic cystitis, and one should change the dose dominantly those localized in the subcortical
in case of neutropenia. white matter, may be silent. One should inquire
about previous episodes of Streptococcus pneu-
Predictors of Outcome moniae infections, osteomyelitis by Salmonella
Recurrence is more common when patients are species, painless hematuria, painful priapism,
treated with corticosteroids alone. Outcome can retinal-vitreous hemorrhage, or crises resulting in
be very good after aggressive combination ther- chest and abdominal pain.
apy with administration of cyclophosphamide for Polycythemia vera, a more complex disorder of

increased erythrocytes and platelets, causes in- cerebral infarction.112,113,116 Clinical features may
creased viscosity. It should be considered in pa- include cardiac bruit (from associated mitral valve
tients with generalized pruritus, splenomegaly, lesions or, possibly, Libman-Sacks endocarditis)
headaches, and paresthesias. With a prevalence of and livedo reticularis.116 Blotchy hands and feet
five cases per one million persons, it is very un- should point to the diagnosis (see Color Fig. 15.17
common. in separate color insert). Multiorgan failure may
Polycythemia may occur as a consequence of hy- be a presenting feature.117
poxemia with cyanotic heart disease or obstructive
pulmonary disease, but its association with is- Interpretations of Laboratory Tests
chemic stroke is less evident also, because precise
understanding of the mechanism is lacking. BLOOD AND SERUM. Hemoglobin electrophore-
sis yields the diagnosis in sickle cell disease. As-
sociated findings are increased leukocyte count,
PLATELET DISORDERS. Thrombotic thrombocy-
recent decrease in hemoglobin concentration (he-
topenic purpura should be considered in multiple
molytic anemia), and hyperbilirubinemia.
strokes of undetermined cause when patients
Polycythemia vera is diagnosed by increases
present with a documented gradual decrease in
in hematocrit and white cell count and, at later
platelet count. Middle-aged women are predom-
stages, bone marrow metaplasia. Laboratory cri-
inantly affected. Characteristic additional clinical
teria (minor criteria) are platelets >400,000/ L,
signs are hematuria, myalgia, bloody diarrhea,
leukocytes >12,000/ L, leukocyte alkaline phos-
fever, and, in some patients, rapidly developing
phatase score >100, and vitamin B12 >900 pg/mL.
renal failure. These symptoms, caused by platelet
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura is con-
microthrombi, may not appear in 25% of cases,
sidered when the following laboratory findings are
and ischemic stroke may be the defining illness.
present: fragmented red blood cells (schistocytes,
Seizures are comparatively frequent, and non-
or helmet cells), increased reticulocytes, uncon-
convulsive status epilepticus may be a presenting
jugated bilirubinemia with normal prothrombin
feature. Headache, acute confusiorial episodes,
time and partial thromboplastin time, and normal
and hemiparesis may progress to coma if not ag-
fibrin degradation products (differentiating it
gressively treated with plasma exchange.
from disseminated intravascular coagulation and
Thrombocytosis may occur in many underlying
antiphospholipid antibody syndrome.) Lactate
disorders, often chronic myeloid leukemia and
dehydrogenase is greatly increased. Haptoglobin
myelofibrosis, or as a myeloproliferative disorder
should be low or even unmeasurable.
itself. Cerebrovascular manifestations, although
Anticardiolipin antibodies can be determined,
recognized as a complication of myeloprolifera-
but only a high titer of immunoglobulin G (IgG)
tive disorders, are not well characterized.
is diagnostic117,118 (many laboratories define high
titer as 20-100 IgG phospholipid units or more).
ANTIPHOSPHOLIPID ANTIBODY SYNDROME. This IgM titers may vary significantly and can be in-
increasingly recognized syndrome associated with creased by nonspecific stimuli, such as fever, in-
antiphospholipid antibodies is a common mani- fection, and pharmaceutical agents. Activated par-
festation in younger patients.112-115 Both anti- tial thromboplastin time (PTT) is a good screening
cardiolipin antibodies and lupus anticoagulants can test. Prolonged PTT may occur in one-third of pa-
be demonstrated, but they may not be linked to tients with antiphospholipid antibody syndrome.
each other. Evidence of arterial occlusions (ocular,
peripheral artery, pulmonary, or mesenteric artery) MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING. Multiple
or venous occlusions (deep venous thrombosis or cerebral infarcts, often involving branches of the
jugular venous thrombosis113), miscarriages, and ACA and MCA territory, are nonspecific but can
prior unexplained pulmonary hypertension are be visualized on MRI with much higher sensitiv-
clues to the diagnosis. In 20% of patients, ischemic ity. The study is particularly diagnostic in throm-
stroke is part of this syndrome. Inappropriate botic thrombocytopenic purpura and antiphos-
treatment results in a high rate of recurrence of pholipid antibody syndrome (Fig. 15.18).
Major Ischemic Stroke Syndromes 215

Figure 15.18 Magnetic resonance images showing multiple ischemic infarcts (arrows) in
antiphospholipid antibody syndrome.

First Priority in Management multi-infarct dementia, disabling hemiplegia, and

The recommended management options for spe- speech and language disorders.
cific hematologic disorders are summarized in
Table 15.7. Specific treatment in these disorders Triage
is seldom started immediately in the emergency Neurology ward.
department because of the necessary delay for di- Intensive care unit in life-threatening throm-
agnostic tests. botic thrombocytopenic purpura, sickle-cell
crises, and evidence of other sites of vascu-
lar occlusion.
Predictors of Outcome Concomitant medical illnesses may warrant
Outcome is difficult to predict because of the rar- admission to a medical or surgical intensive
ity of the disorders; thus, general rules apply. Mul- care unit.
tiple small vessel occlusions may result in full Hematology consultation and consideration
recovery. Untreated, the disorders may lead to of bone marrow biopsy.

Table 15.7. Management of Stroke in Unusual Hematologic Disorders

Disorder Management

Sickle-cell disease Exchange transfusion

Oral folate
Polycythemia vera Phlebotomy, 500 mL (aim at hematocrit 42%)
Hydroxyurea, 500 mg twice daily
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura Plasma exchange (up to three exchanges)
Prednisone, 60 mg
Alternatively, intravenous immunoglobulin (e.g., Gammagard S/D), 1 g/kg
Thrombocytosis (any cause) Plateletpheresis
Avoid anticoagulation
Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome Heparin and long-term warfarin (international normalized ratio 3 or 4)
Cyclophosphamide (when associated with systemic lupus erythematosus)

Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis facial skin, and dental abscesses, need immedi-
ate recognition and treatment.
Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis is rare,
equally distributed in males and females; how-
Clinical Presentation
ever, the incidence rises steeply in the second
and third decades in women because of its as- The common early feature is headache refractory
sociation with the use of oral contraceptives. to commonly prescribed pain medication. The
The clinical spectrum of cerebral venous sinus headache is related to increased intracranial pres-
thrombosis varies from a mild headache to pro- sure, which in turn is associated with venous hy-
gressive papilledema with rapidly deteriorating pertension. Venous hypertension reduces the
multiple hemorrhagic infarcts. The disorder is reabsorption of cerebrospinal fluid and results
an acute neurologic emergency that may have a in papilledema. The progression of headache,
catastrophic outcome if not timely treated with seizures, and focal neurologic deficits is rapid, in
intravenous heparin and, if available, endovas- days; but in approximately one-third of patients,
cular lysis of the propagating thrombus within the course may be protracted.119 Cerebral infarc-
the cerebral venous system. Many conditions tion is typically hemorrhagic and may involve mul-
can be associated with cerebral venous throm- tiple territories. When multiple cerebral infarcts
bosis; however, despite extensive laboratory cause substantial swelling, herniation can oc-
tests and increasingly sophisticated evaluation of cur.120 A large intracranial temporal hematoma
coagulopathies, up to one-third of cases remain may progress to uncal herniation syndrome. In-
entirely unexplained. Causes associated with volvement of a cortical vein alone is rare. Com-
cerebral venous thrombosis are oral contracep- monly, the vein of Labbe is involved in these types
tive use, pregnancy, the puerperium, antl- of cortical infarct, which are located in the pari-
phospholipid antibody syndrome and lupus an- etotemporal region. (This is the largest superficial
ticoagulant, congenital coagulopathies, and vein and mostly drains the posterior temporal
damage to the jugular vein associated with sur- region.) Cortical vein thrombosis may be mani-
gical trauma or sacrifice, or due to direct can- fested by focal or generalized seizures evolving
nulation. Infectious causes, such as acute si- into focal neurologic findings such as aphasia and
nusitis, mastoiditis, infections involving the hemiparesis.121

Figure 15.19 Computed tomographic scan with "string sinus (left), transverse sinus (middle), and vein of Galen
sign" (transverse sinus). Note hyperdensity in sigmoid and straight sinus (right, arrows).
Figure 15.20 Hemorrhagic infarct from sagittal sinus
thrombosis (A) and cortical venous thrombosis (B).

Figure 15.21 Magnetic resonance imaging and magnetic resonance angiography diagno-
sis of sagittal sinus (A) and left transverse sinus (B) thrombosis.

Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests come.132 However, coma at presentation, seizures,

and intracerebral hematomas do not predict poor
Neuroimaging outcome. A major discrepancy exists between the
A typical CT scan feature is the cord or string sign, devastation seen on MRI and the outcome, and
representing clot in the transverse sinus (Fig. neuroimaging should not be a major factor in de-
15.19). CT scanning may show multiple hemor- ciding on future care. Blindness from papilledema
rhagic infarcts with early swelling (Fig. 15.20). or seizures may become persistent sequelae.
MRI and MRA usually are diagnostic and reveal
the extent of venous thrombosis. Flow void is ab-
sent, and thrombus appears hyperintense on T1-
weighted and hypointense on T2-weighted images Patients receiving intravenous heparin who
(Fig. 15.21).122,123 In a study of transcranial have progression: to the neurointerventional
Doppler ultrasonography, increased flow velocities suite for endovascular lysis of the clot
or asymmetries in venous flow velocities were Neurosurgical intensive care unit to consider
noted;124 however, the practical value of the tech- evacuation of hemorrhagic mass.
nique in the emergency department is not known, Treatment of increased intracranial pressure
and extent can be better defined by MRI and mag- if multiple hemorrhagic infarcts and edema
netic resonance venography.125 occur.

A propensity toward thrombosis should be exam-
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Chapter 16
Acute Bacterial Infections
of the Central Nervous System

Bacterial seeding of the brain may exert its de- Acute Bacterial Meningitis
structive effect at an early stage in the clinical
course. Delay in diagnosis due to difficulty to ap- The pathophysiology of bacterial meningitis in-
preciate nonspecific symptoms or, equally com- volves many pathways that may, at least in the most
mon, failure to act timely when signs become ap- severe cases, lead to cerebral edema, brain tissue
parent contributes to later morbidity.1 Indeed, the displacement, and, probably most important, cere-
vexing concern for any physician is to recognize a bral infarction.5 The consequences of meningeal
bacterial infection when obvious signs, such as inflammation are discussed in Box 16.1.
fever, confusion, skin rash, and recent sinusitis or
otitis, are absent. Without question, a medical de-
Clinical Presentation
bacle may evolve in the first hours after entry to
the emergency department despite responding In most adults, a healthy state is first interrupted
quickly and appropriately. Intracranial abscesses by an upper respiratory tract infection or ear in-
may be first unmasked only after a single seizure fection, and antibiotic therapy does not make any
without fever. Purulent CSF is sometimes a physi- major progress. Thus, potential sources for acute
cian's surprise in a patient with unexplained coma. bacterial meningitis, such as pneumonia, para-
In adults, the most common causative or- nasal sinusitis, and middle ear infection, should
ganisms in community-acquired meningitis are be sought. These sources are more prevalent in
Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria meningi- patients with profound comorbidity, such as dia-
tidis, Listeria monocytogenes, and Haemophilus betes mellitus, prior transplantation, long-term
influenzae.2,3 From the onset, it is clear that the dialysis, splenectomy, alcoholism, and certain ma-
priorities in evaluation (computed tomography lignancies such as Hodgkin's disease.
[CT] or cerebrospinal fluid [CSF]) of a presumed Characteristic symptoms and signs of acute bac-
bacterial meningitis are complicated.4 Also, man- terial meningitis are fever, headache, and reduced
agement in bacterial meningitis caused by S. alertness. The degree of fever in bacterial menin-
pneumoniae or N. meningitidis has become prob- gitis may vary. Most patients have so-called hec-
lematic with the emergence of organisms resist- tic temperature, with an increase to 39C or 40C,
ant to penicillin and cephalosporin. This chapter but low-grade fever (or none at all) may be pres-
focuses on early aggressive management of com- ent in the elderly, immunosuppressed patients,
mon bacterial infections of the central nervous or patients who have been taking oral antibiotics
system. It emphasizes avoidance of pitfalls and or antipyretic drugs, all of whom may have
provides guidelines to make simple and straight- greatly reduced mechanisms to mount this
forward clinical decisions. febrile response.2 Temperature is usually con-


Box 16.1. Pathogenesis of Bacterial Meningitis and Its Consequences

A common sequence m the development of bacte- the lysed bacterial cell mass (teichoic acid endo-
rial meningitis is as follows: Nasophaiyngeal colo- toxin), which induce production of inflammatory cy-
nization occurs and is dependent on fimbriae and tokines (tumor necrosis factor, mterleuIdn-1, and
specific surface cell receptors. Attachment may be macrophage inhibitory protein), Neutrophils invade,
facilitated by previous viral infection. It is followed and blood-brain barrier permeability increases, fi-
by development of bacteremia. The polysaccharide nally causing vasogenic brain edema. The toxic oxy-
capsule should counter the classic complement gen metabolites cause cytotoxic edema, and CSF
pathway or alternative complement pathway (com- outflow resistance from protein-rich exudate in the
mon in patients with underlying sickle cell disease subarachnoid space produces interstitial edema and
and splenectomy) and defy phagocytosis. Next is hydrocephalus.
meningeal invasion and entrance into the CSF Cerebral iufarcts from vasculitis, vasospasm of
through the choroid plexus, again facilitated by re- basal arteries, or thrombosis of the major venous si-
ceptors. The bactericidal activity in the subarach- nuses may occur, possibly only in the most fulmi-
noid space is poor because the complement activity nant cases with virulent pathogens.6"6 The urokinase
needed to initiate phagocytosis is low. Then, an in- plasmiuogen activator system may be involved in
flammatory response is mounted by components of breaching of the CSF-blood-barrier (Fig. 16.1).10

stantly elevated, and marked temperature oscil- meningitis are confused, irritable, or stuporous.
lations may therefore suggest a localized collec- Most patients can be roused with a forcible com-
tion of pus (e.g., tonsillar, mastoid, or middle ear mand or painful stimulus. Elderly patients may
abscess). simply have a blank expression and be motionless
More than 75% of patients with bacterial and withdrawn.11,12

Figure 16.1 Pathophysiologic alterations causing a vi- blood volume. (From Scheld et al., 2002,5 with per-
cious cycle. BBB, blood-brain barrier; CBV, cerebral mission.)
Acute Bacterial Infections 225

Nuchal rigidity is common in bacterial menin- ophthalmoscopy, hilar adenopathy on chest radio-
gitis. Flexion of the neck causes flexion in the hips graphs, and hydrocephalus on CT scan are addi-
and knees (Brudzinski's sign of meningismus, see tional indicators of tuberculous meningitis. In a
Chapter 8). Cranial nerve involvement may in- recent series, 32 of 48 patients with adult tuber-
clude abducens nerve palsy as a false localizing culous meningitis had an extrameningeal tuber-
sign of increased intracranial pressure, facial culous location.15 When younger patients are seen
nerve palsy associated with mastoiditis, and, most on admission, white cell counts of less than
worrisome, inflammation of the cochlear nerve 10,000 X 103 per mL, age, and protracted history
leading to permanent hearing loss, reducing re- of illness are more common features seen with tu-
sponse to voice. berculous meningitis than with bacterial menin-
Seizures are more prevalent in children and gitis.16 Clear CSF with moderate number of lym-
young adults but may occur in up to 10% of adults phocytes and monocytes and a reduced ratio of
or the elderly. Seizures, particularly focal, can be cerebral fluid-blood glucose were important dif-
attributed to focal edema, early cortical venous ferentiating factors in a large study of tuberculous
thrombosis, and cerebral infarction from occlu- meningitis from Vietnam.16
sion of penetrating branches encased by the basal
purulent exudate. Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests
Generalized myoclonus may occur and should
immediately prompt measurement of the level of Computed Tomography and Magnetic
penicillin or cephalosporin. It is common in pa- Resonance Imaging
tients with coexistent renal disease, which reduces CT scanning could precede CSF examination be-
excretion and allows penicillin or cephalosporins cause images can be acquired very quickly with
to accumulate to toxic levels.13 modern CT scanners. If CT scan cannot be rap-
Rapidly developing coma with pathologic mo- idly obtained, empiric therapy should be admin-
tor responses is uncommon in adults, but when istered first, followed by CT scan and CSF, in that
present, it signals a fulminant variant with diffuse order. The nonspecific presentation of fever,
cerebral edema or multiple cerebral infarcts from seizures, and neck stiffness may indicate a sub-
secondary inflammatory vasculitis.14 Increased in- dural empyema or an intracranial abscess with
tracranial pressure leading to cerebral herniation ventricular rupture rather than bacterial menin-
syndromes occurs in approximately 10% of pa- gitis. When CT scanning is deferred, either of
tients. Rarely, meningeal veins become necrotic these conditions may theoretically worsen with
or thrombosed, a condition leading to extensive lumbar puncture. If diffuse cerebral edema is
hemorrhagic cortical infarction and bihemi- present, herniation may occur with lumbar punc-
spheric swelling. ture despite removal of a small amount of CSF
Meningococcal meningitis may progress to (e.g., 5 mL) or the use of a smaller needle (e.g.,
shock from adrenal hemorrhages. Petechiae, 22 gauge), although herniation from fulminant
widespread purpuric rash with patches of necrotic meningitis may occur irrespective of lumbar
skin (see Color Fig. 16.2 in separate color insert), puncture. CT scan images are typically normal in
conjunctival hemorrhage, and punctate lesions in- bacterial meningitis.
side the mouth and on the lips are seen in con- Mild obstructive hydrocephalus (see Chapter
junction with shock, profound hyponatremia and 11), cerebral edema, and hypodensities from is-
hyperkalemia (Addison's disease), and laboratory chemic strokes have been reported in a small pro-
evidence of intravascular coagulation. portion of patients with acute bacterial meningi-
Tuberculous meningitis should be suspected in tis.3,17 However, CT scan findings are abnormal in
patients with human immunodeficiency virus 51% of patients with tuberculous meningitis. Ven-
(HIV) infection, malnutrition, drug abuse, home- tricular dilatation, superficial meningeal enhance-
lessness, or any immunosuppressed state. Pro- ment, and hypodensity representing cerebral in-
dromal symptoms of coughing, weight loss, and farcts are common in tuberculous meningitis.
night sweats followed by confusion and rapidly Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), particu-
developing coma with cranial nerve deficits are larly fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR)
frequent but nonspecific. Choroidal tubercles at sequences, may reveal important findings in any

type of bacterial meningitis because of its superb

sensitivity; cerebral infarcts (Fig. 16.3) or the in-
flammatory exudate18 (Fig. 16.4) may be de-
tected. MRI may also document involvement of
vestibular and cochlear structures in patients with
hearing loss.19

Cerebrospinal Fluid
The CSF in acute bacterial meningitis is typically
turbid or xanthochromic, with increased opening
pressure (>200 mm H 2 O) and polymorphonu-
clear pleocytosis (>1000 cells/mm3). CSF leuko-
cyte counts are increased less in meningitis asso-
ciated with S. pneumoniae than in N. meningitidis,
and could reflect a poor immunocompetent
state.20 Increased CSF protein (often >100 mg/
dL) and decreased CSF glucose concentration
(<40 mg/dL) are typical findings. CSF glucose Figure 16.4 Magnetic resonance image with fluid-
should be compared with serum glucose, which attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) sequences
may be increased as a stress response to the acute demonstrates purulent exudate (arrow) not visible on
neurologic illness (normal ratio of CSF glucose to routine sequences or after gadolinium T1 enhancement.
serum glucose is 0.6). Decreased CSF glucose (From Vernino et al.18 By permission of the American
Academy of Neurology.)
concentration is typical of bacterial meningitis but
may occur in fungal, tuberculous, or carcinoma-
tous meningitis, in neurosarcoidosis, or, rarely, as is bloody, the total white blood cell count is falsely
a reflection of marked hypoglycemia. When CSF increased, complicating interpretation. Red blood
cells from a traumatic puncture increase the total
cell count of 1 white blood cell per 700 red blood
CSF lymphocytosis is most compatible with vi-
ral, fungal, and tuberculous meningitis. However,
initial CSF lymphocytosis in bacterial meningitis
was found in 6% of 428 patients and in 24% of
patients with CSF leukocyte counts of fewer than
1000 cells/mm3, irrespective of previous antibiotic
use.20 A predominant CSF lymphocytosis may
occur early in the ictus, most often associated
with L. monocytogenes meningitis in immune-
suppressed patients. If glucose concentration is
decreased, the presence of predominantly lym-
phocytes in the CSF formula should strongly point
to the possibility of tuberculous or fungal menin-
gitis.20 At least three CSF samples are needed to
obtain material for a smear; an enzyme-linked im-
munosorbent assay may visualize the tuberculous
Figure 16.3 Magnetic resonance image with fluid-
attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) sequences in bacilli in 40% of smears. CSF cultures require up
patient with fulminant pneumococcal meningitis. Bi- to 6 weeks for growth. However, fungal meningi-
lateral thalamic infarcts (arrows) from penetrating tis may not be detected with any of these tests,
branch occlusions produce coma. (From Vernino et and meningeal biopsy may be needed. Other di-
al.18 By permission of the American Academy of Neu- agnostic tests are available to complement CSF
rology.) cultures (Box 16.2).
Acute Bacterial Infections 227

Box 16.2. Rapid Diagnostic Tests

Latex particle agglutination tests can rapidly detect certain unusual causes of bacterial infections, but
bacterial antigens in purulent CSF. The specificity processing takes from 12 hours to 3 days. It has a
is close to 100%; the sensitivity depends on the or- sensitivity of 70%-80% in Lyme disease.
ganism (H. Influenzas, 78%-86%; S. pneumonias, Gram stain has a positive yield in 60%-80% of pa-
69^-100%; 2V. meningjtidis, 33%-70%). Experi- tients, but the yield is much lower (40%-50%) with
ence with polymerase chain reaction in acute bac- previous antibiotic use. Acid-fast stain may diagnose
terial infection is limited. The technique is useful in tuberculosis in 35%-80% of cases.21

First Priority in Management continued for 14 days, if indicated. (Vestibular

damage is uncommon from vancomycin and is
Cephalosporins and vancomycin should be given
much more likely from direct inflammation of the
intravenously at once, before any further diag-
vestibular nerve due to meningitis.) Antibiotic
nostic tests are ordered and, in fact, when the first
therapy for specific organisms is summarized in
purulent spinal fluid drops appear in the test tube.
Table 16.1.23 A combination of three antituber-
Recommended empirical therapy is shown in Fig-
culous drugs is additionally needed if tuberculous
ure 16.5. The addition of vancomycin is important
meningitis is likely on the basis of the initial CSF
to immediately preempt cephalosporin-resistant
formula and clinical presentation.24 Dexametha-
S. pneumoniae, which has become increasingly
sone is reserved for fulminant variants (e.g., brain
frequent.22 Vancomycin administration should be
edema, impending brain herniation), including tu-
closely monitored (aiming at a trough of 10
berculous meningitis;25 and its use is proven in
mg/mL and a peak serum level of 50 mg/mL) and
adult-onset bacterial meningitis26 due to penicillin-
susceptible streptococcus meningitis. In other
conditions, dexamethasone may seriously reduce
penetration of cephalosporins and, particularly,
vancomycin (Box 16.3).26 Nonetheless, dexa-
methasone, 10 mg every 6 hours for 4 days,26 just
before administration of antibiotics should be very
seriously contemplated, if not considered stan-
dard. Rifampin, 600 mg/day, may increase the
bioavailability of vancomycin and should be added
if penicillin resistance becomes obvious.
Chemoprophylaxis is indicated in meningococ-
cal meningitis and is administered to any person
who had close contact with the patient. Recom-
mendations for chemoprophylaxis, which should
be discussed in the emergency department, are
shown in Table 16.2.3033

Predictors of Outcome
S. pneumoniae meningitis continues to cause se-
quelae such as hearing loss, seizures, personality
Figure 16.5 Empirical therapy for acute bacterial change, and cognitive deficits. In well-recovered
meningitis. CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; CT, computed to- patients with adult bacterial meningitis, neu-
mography; DD, divided dose (intravenously); MRI, ropsychologic tests have noted reduced reaction
magnetic resonance imaging; PMN, polymorphonu- speed and executive functioning but no memory
clear cells. deficits.35 Drug-resistant strains of pneumococci

Table 16.1. Recommended Antimicrobial Therapy for Bacterial Meningitis

Organism Antibiotic, Total Daily Dose (Dosing Interval)

Neisseria meningltidis Penicillin G 2024 million U/day IV q4h

Ampicillin 12 g/day IV (q4h)
Streptococcus pneumoniae Cefotaxime 812 g/day (q4h)
Gram-negative bacilli (except Pseudomonas aeruginosa) Ceftriaxone 24 g/day TV (q!2h)
Cefotaxime 8-12 g/day IV (q4h)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Ceftazidime 6-12 g/day IV (q8h)
Haemophilus influenzae type b Ceftriaxone 2-4 g/day (q!2h)
Cefotaxime 8-12 g/day q4h
Staphylococcus aureus
Methicillin-sensitive Oxacillin 9-12 g/day IV (q4h)
Methicillin-resistant Vancomycin 2 g/day IV (q12h) or nafcillin 8-12 g/day IV (q4h)
Listeria monocytogenes Ampicillin 12 g/day IV (q4h)
Enterobacteriaceae Cefotaxime 8-12 g/day (q4h)
Ceftriaxone 2-4 g/day (q12h)
Source: Modified from Roos et al.23 By permission of the publisher.

cause significantly higher mortality than other tympani of the middle ear, or indirectly, through
pneumococcal bacteria. Coma at onset or focal retrograde extension of thrombophlebitis.39 This
seizures, focal neurologic deficits, and low CSF bacterial infection is uncommon in adults and
leukocyte counts increase the risk of poor out- often mistakenly diagnosed at first as bacterial
come.36 Acute complications such as brain edema meningitis.40,41
and cerebral infarcts significantly increase the Epidural abscess is produced by sources similar
chance of a persistent vegetative state. Many pre- to those in subdural empyema, but in this condi-
dictors of poor outcome have been identified in tion, the suppurative infection is localized between
tuberculous meningitis, including extremes of the dura and bone. Continuous infection is most
age, malnutrition, miliary disease, hydrocephalus, common, and the abscess creates a mass effect,
documented ischemic stroke, and low total CD4 gradually lifting the dura from the overlying skull.
cell count in a subset with HIV infection.37
Clinical Presentation
Patients (often men in the second or third decade)
Urgent otolaryngologic evaluation. with subdural empyema are very ill with fever,
Admission to a neurologic intensive care unit vomiting, excruciating headache, and, most com-
is indicated to monitor the development of monly, localizing neurologic deficits, such as apha-
cerebral edema or, more commonly, hydro- sia, apraxia, visuospatial neglect, hemiparesis, and
cephalus. focal seizures.42 Most of these seizures arise in the
If seizures have occurred, loading with fosphen- premotor area of the frontal lobe (adversive
ytoin or phenytoin, 20 mg/kg intravenously. seizures), with turning of the head and eyes, ab-
duction of the contralateral arm, and flexion in the
Subdural Empyema and elbow with raised arm similar to the posture of a
Epidural Abscess fencer. Other patients have speech arrest with-
out impairment of consciousness or jacksonian
Sinusitis,38 recent sinus surgery, and, less com- seizures (the spread of the seizure reflects the cor-
monly, otitis or traumatic brain injury are sources tical topography, beginning in the hand and mov-
that may cause infection of the subdural space. ing to the face, the leg, and the foot).43
Infection may spread directly, through erosion of Clinical presentation is insidious and directly re-
the posterior wall of the frontal sinus or tegmen lated to the mass effect, which may take weeks to
Acute Bacterial Infections 229

Box 16.3. Dexainethasone in Bacterial Meningitis

Dexamethasone reduces the production of cytokiues bidity in tuberculous meningitis but only in the most
and thus reduces the inflammatory response. It may severe cases. In fulminant bacterial meningitis, dex-
reduce permeability of the blood-brain barrier and amethasone is arbitrarily recommended for 4 days.
thus reduce cerebral edema. However, reduction of Preferably, dexamethasone should be administered
meningeal inflammation may reduce the penetra- 30 minutes or less prior to the first antibiotic dose.
tion of antibiotics that require an impaired blood- Antibiotic therapy causes bacteriolysis and release of
brain barrier. endotorin. Dexamethasone may preempt production
Dexamethasone reduces mortality, deafness, and of tumor necrosis factor initiated after release of en-
neurologic deficits in children with bacterial menin- dotoxin.25.2729 In adults, a dose of 10 mg q6h for 4
gitis caused by H. influenzae. It also reduces mor- days reduces disability but not hearing loss.26

become prominent and critical. Papilledema may ally. Small collections may also be seen in the pos-
be observed in patients with a comparatively slow- terior fossa.44 Noncontrast CT scanning shows a
growing abscess. This allows time for increased in- hypodensity over or between the hemispheres
tracranial pressure to be transmitted to the optic along the falx, but enhancement of the pus col-
nerve sheaths, with subsequent venous stasis and lection after contrast administration reveals the
resultant disk swelling. Nuchal rigidity is present; characteristic crescent shape of the mass. Imag-
and if localizing neurologic signs are absent and ing of the mastoid and paranasal sinuses to seek
the classic association with recent pyogenic si- a potential source is imperative.45,46
nusitis or surgery is not appreciated, bacterial MRI with gadolinium is superior to contrast CT
meningitis is often incorrectly diagnosed. Misdi- because bone artifacts that may limit detection are
agnosis may also be more prevalent when the absent.41,47 MRI also clearly distinguishes be-
epidural empyema overlies or collects between the tween hydroma (similar T1- and T2-weighted sig-
hemispheres. Headache and fever may be the only nals to CSF) and pus (hyperintensive to CSF on
symptoms in these patients. An uncommon but lo- T2-weighted image and hypointense to CSF on
calizing symptom complex of facial pain (trigemi- T1).48 MRI may also detect parenchymal involve-
nal nerve involvement), facial palsy, and abducens ment and development of cerebral venous throm-
paresis can be observed if the petrous bone is in- bosis, but a separate magnetic resonance veno-
volved in the process (Gradenigo's syndrome). gram may be needed.
In a patient with an epidural abscess, a
Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests lentiform mass overlying the cerebral convexity
without hemispheric involvement is clearly evi-
Computed Tomography and Magnetic dent on CT scans with contrast and is not un-
Resonance Imaging commonly found after a prior craniotomy (Fig.
CT scanning or MRI demonstrates a fairly char- 16.7),49 MRI may further localize small locations
acteristic lesion (Fig. 16.6), usually supratentori- and their extent.50 Lack of gadolinium enhance-

Table 16.2. Chemoprophylaxis Options for Meningococcal Meningitis

Antibiotic Dose

Rifampin (oral agent) Adults: 600 mg q12h for 2 days

Children >1 year: 10 mg/kg q12h for 2 days
Children <1 year: 5 mg/kg q12h for 2 days
Ceftriaxone (intramuscular injection) Adults: 250 mg
Children: 125 mg
Ciprofloxacin (oral agent) Single dose of 500 mg

See references 30-33.


in 10% of patients), increased protein (60%-80%

of patients), normal glucose in CSF (at least 50%
of cases), but often negative Gram stain and ster-
ile culture (>90% of patients).39,43 The CSF
isolates are often Streptococcus milleri (otorhino-
genic source), Staphylococcus aureus, or coagu-
lase-negative Staphylococcus (sinus, trauma, or
surgery). When pneumonia is concomitantly pres-
ent, S. pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, and H. in-
fluenzae are common infectious agents. Blood cul-
tures are seldom diagnostic.

First Priority in Management

Surgical evacuation and immediate antibiotic cov-
erage are therapeutic interventions in the first
hours of presentation. Antibiotic therapy in the
emergency department should start with a combi-
nation of a third-generation cephalosporin and
Figure 16.6 Computed tomographic scan showing metronidazole. However, anaerobic isolates are
subdural empyema with mass effect (arrows). uncommon. Alternatively, a combination of piper-
acillin sodium and tazobactam sodium (Zosyn) can
be considered (Table 16.3). Craniotomy rather
ment of the dura below the mass strongly favors than aspiration over multiple burr holes is pre-
epidural localization.51 ferred.53-55 In a patient with an epidural abscess,
grafting may be needed if the dura is destroyed or
Cerebrospinal Fluid penetrated by the inflammation. Parenteral an-
Lumbar puncture is contraindicated. One study tibiotic therapy should continue for 2-6 weeks.
suggested clinical deterioration after lumbar Conservative management is seldom considered
puncture.52 When available (as mentioned earlier, and perhaps an option only in the remote clinical
often when bacterial meningitis was suspected), situation of full alertness, tiny fluid collections
the findings include variable total cell counts (<1 cm in diameter), and rapid clinical improve-
(10-500/mm3), increase in polymorphonucleated ment after intravenous antibiotics.55 However,
cells (fewer than 10 white blood cells may occur clinical deterioration may occur suddenly.

Figure 16.7 Computed tomographic scans and magnetic resonance image after frontal
craniotomy show epidural pus collections (arrows).
Acute Bacterial Infections 231

Table 16.3. Empirical Antibiotic Therapy in Subdural Empyema and Epidural Abscess
Likely Source Covers Antimicrobial Therapy

Otitis media or mastoiditis Streptococci Cefotaxime 8-12 g/day IV (q4h divided doses)
Anaerobes Metronidazole 15 mg/kg loading, 7.5 mg/kg (q4h)
Sinusitis Streptococci Or
Enterobacteria Piperacillin sodium and tazobactam sodium 3.375 g (q6h) IV
Staphylococcus aureus
Haemophilus species

Predictors of Outcome Start antibiotics and transport to the operat-

ing room.
Subdural empyema is a potential calamity if not
Consider mannitol, 1 g/kg, if CT scan shows
treated quickly.56 Complacency leads to death in
a significant mass effect before transport.
a matter of days, often from cerebral venous
Intravenous loading with phosphenytoin or
thrombosis as a result of cortical thrombo-
phenytoin, 20 mg/kg, if seizures have oc-
phlebitis. Surgical drainage craniotomy rather
than burr holes52 and intravenous antibiotics are
mandatory, resulting in the greatest chance of re-
covery with a minimal neurologic deficit. In a re- Brain Abscess
view of 102 patients with subdural empyema,
treatment before the patients lapsed into stupor In referral hospital emergency departments, the
increased the chance of survival, reducing mor- incidence of brain abscess may approximate 1 in
tality to 10%.57 Rhinogenic subdural empyema 10,000 hospital admissions.58 The causes are listed
had the best prospects for good outcome.52 in Table 16.4. The paranasal sinuses, middle ear,
and teeth remain the most common sources of
entry. One should expect the cause in 30% of pa-
tients with a bacterial brain abscess to remain un-
Otolaryngologic evaluation. resolved. Hematogenous source from endocardi-

Table 16.4. Brain Abscess: Predisposing Condition, Site of Abscess, and Microbiology

Predisposing Condition Site of Abscess Usual Microbial Isolates

Contiguous or Primary Infection

Otitis media or mastoiditis Temporal lobe or Streptococci (anaerobic or aerobic), Bacteroides fragilis,
cerebellum Enterobacteriaceae
Frontoethmoidal sinusitis Frontal lobe Predominantly streptococci (anaerobic or aerobic),
Bacteroides spp., Enterobacteriaceae, Staphylococcus
aureus, Haemophilus spp.
Sphenoidal sinusitis Frontal or Same as frontoethmoidal sinusitis
temporal lobe
Periodontal abscess Frontal lobe Mixed Fusobacterium, Bacteroides, and Streptococcus spp.
Penetrating head injury or Near the laceration S. aureus, streptococci, Enterobacteriaceae,
postsurgical infection Clostridium spp.

Hematogenous Spread or Distant Site of Infection

Congenital heart disease Multiple sites Streptococci (aerobic, anaerobic, or microaerophilic),
Haemophilus spp.
Lung abscess, empyema, Multiple sites Fusobacterium spp., Actinomyces spp., Bacteroides spp.
bronchiectasis Streptococcus spp., Nocardia asteroides
Bacterial endocarditis Multiple sites Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus spp.

tis, injected drugs, or tongue piercing should also evident if edema surrounds the mass and certainly
be considered.59,60 if rupture into the ventricular system occurs. Sud-
den worsening of headache and stupor may then
be common clinical features. Level of conscious-
Clinical Presentation
ness depends on the timing of referral, and now
Brain abscess most often is manifested by dull significantly more patients seen in the emergency
headache and rarely by fever or papilledema.61 department are fully alert, with headache alone.62
Neurologic signs depend on localization of the Seizures due to cerebral abscess are often gener-
abscess and, as expected because of a lack of ob- alized tonic-clonic seizures and have an estimated
vious symptoms, on localization in the frontal or incidence of 40%.
occipital lobe. Clinical findings may become more Localization of an abscess in the cerebellum

Figure 16.8 A: Computed tomographic scans show- tis media. Note absent air in mastoid and edema on
ing abscess in the frontal lobe with perilesional edema magnetic resonance imaging (arrows).
(arrows). B: Temporal lobe abcess associated with oti-
Acute Bacterial Infections 233

Figure 16.8 (Continued)

and brain stem is rare. The signs are ataxia, vom- images show a hyperintense signal with edema,
iting, appendicular dysmetria, and nystagmus. which should be separated from the actual lesion
in assessment of its size.64 MRI is also more
sensitive in detecting newly developing lesions,
particularly cerebritis, and it may demonstrate
Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests
the proximity of the abscess to the ventricular sys-
CT scanning is diagnostic (Fig. 16.8).63 A com- tem. Differentiation of brain abscess from cystic
mon misinterpretation of the abnormality in a brain tumor remains difficult. In preliminary
noncontrast CT scan image, lacking the ring con- studies, results from magnetic resonance spec-
figuration, is a cerebral infarct. MRI may further troscopy suggested that brain abscess could be
define mass effect and demonstrate additional le- distinguished on the basis of elevated acetate,
sions. In T1-weighted sequences, a hypodense succinate, and some amino acids.65-67 Using dif-
center consisting of pus with a ring at the pe- fusion-weighted imaging, hyperintensity was
riphery is characteristic and may become evident noted in abscess and hypodensity in necrotic
only after contrast enhancement. T2-weighted brain tumors.67

Table 16.5. Suggested Empirical Therapy for Brain Abscess by

Presumed Source

Putative Source Antibiotic Therapy

Paranasal sinus Cefotaxime 1-2 g IV (q4-8h, maximum dose 12 g/day)

Metronidazole 500 mg IV (q6h)
Otogenic Ceftazidime 1-2 g IV (q4-8h, maximum dose 12 g/day)
Metronidazole 500 mg IV (q6h)
Spread from other sites Nafcillin 2 g IV (q4-8h, maximum dose 12 g/day)
Cefotaxime 1-2 g IV (q4-8h)
Metronidazole 500 mg IV (q6h)
Penetrating trauma Nafcillin 2 g IV (q4-8h, maximum dose 12 g/day)
Cefotaxime 1-2 g IV (q4-8h)
Surgical procedure Vancomycin 1 g IV (q12h)
Ceftazidime 1-2 g IV (q4-8h)

First Priority in Management REFERENCES

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Chapter 17
Acute Encephalitis

Unravelling the cause in patients with acute en- ration of consciousness, brain death, and, in sur-
cephalitis is a burden with a dire need for specific vivors, permanent morbidity. The primary con-
management in many of them. There are a be- cern is to treat early and preempt further pro-
wildering number of causes of acute encephalitis. gression. Prompt treatment with acyclovir has
Clinical findings that are often diagnostic of acute considerably improved the neurologic outcome;
encephalitis are fever, agitation, localizing neuro- but even so, there may be ravaging consequences
logic signs, and changes in personal behavior despite early treatment.
(Chapter 7). Progression to coma is expected in
fulminant variants, and attending physicians may
Clinical Presentation
then feel pressured because little in the presen-
tation discriminates among the possible triggering The clinical diagnosis of herpes simplex en-
agents. cephalitis should be urgently considered in pa-
Viral infection remains the most common tients with abrupt onset of a triad of fever (up to
cause, but other infectious agents should be con- 39C-40C), change in personality, and localizing
sidered1 (Table 17.1). In the United States, one neurologic findings (e.g., aphasia, hemiparesis, and
new problem has emerged, West Nile encephali- apraxia).5'6 Seizures, often focal and transient, are
tis,2 and one may happen in the futureanthrax present in one-third of patients. As the disorder
meningoencephalitis.3 Noninfectious causes should progresses, epilepsia partialis continua and tem-
be considered in appropriate circumstances, and poral lobe seizures may reflect frontal or tempo-
the diagnostic considerations of major importance ral lobe involvement. Auras of temporal lobe
are listed in Table 17.2. This chapter concentrates seizures may consist of hallucinations and dysgeu-
on patients with acute encephalitis with more de- sia. Progression to coma may take days but can be
fined management and diagnostic tests. rapid, and even the interval between the develop-
ment of febrile illness and the late stages of coma
with extensor responses may be surprisingly short.
Herpes Simplex Encephalitis Some patients may be healthy in the morning and
fulfill the criteria for brain death at night. Unusual
Epidemiologic registries have demonstrated that features are visual field defects, papilledema (only
herpes simplex encephalitis is uncommon (2 cases in moribund patients), and memory loss (more
per 1 million population annually) and can be commonly apparent in late survivors). Autonomic
implicated in less than 10% of all reported en- dysfunction with profound instability in blood
cephalitides in middle-aged and elderly adults.4 pressure, tachypnea, and sweating may occur (60%
Untreated, it frequently leads to further deterio- of biopsy-proven cases) and in exceptional cases

Table 17.1. Infectious Diseases That Can An anterior operculum syndrome has been re-
Masquerade as Viral Central Nervous ported,9 and failure to recognize its distinguish-
System Infections ing features may potentially delay therapy.
Involvement of the anterior operculum (the op-
Bacteria erculum is the cortex and white matter tissue
Syphilis (secondary or meningovascular)
overlying the insula) results in difficulty chewing,
Leptospirosis a tendency for the mouth to be half open, bifacial
Borrelia burgdorferi infection (Lyme disease) palsy, dysphagia, drooling, anarthria, and trismus.
Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection Automatic facial movements, such as yawning, are
Cat-scratch fever preserved.9,10 Manic behavior (hallucinations, el-
Brucellosis (particularly due to Brucella melitensis)
evated mood, decreased need for sleep, increased
Tuberculosis sexual desire, flirtations) has been pointed out (pa-
Typhoid fever tients feel "absolutely marvelous, relaxed and
Parameningeal infections (epidural infection, petrositis) happy") but is highly uncommon.a11 Cerebellitis
Partially treated bacterial meningitis with profound swelling, a location more prefer-
Brain abscesses
Whipple's disease
entially affected in children, has been reported in
Fungi an adult.12 These complex presentations should
Cryptococcosis alert the neurologist to herpes simplex encephali-
Coccidioidomycosis tis, but the very untraditional presentation may
Histoplasmosis not be linked to this encephalitis.
North American blastomycosis
Parasites Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests
Cysticercosis Time is needed to document the source and na-
Echinococcosis ture of any infection, whether for careful prepa-
ration of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) for cultures,
Plasmodium falciparum infection priming of a polymerase chain reaction (PCR), or
Amebiasis (due to Naegleria and Acanthamoeba) awaiting the results of blood cultures. Certain lab-
Source: Modified from Johnson RT: Acute encephalitis. Clin Infect oratory tests are helpful in the emergency de-
Dis 23:219, 1996. By permission of the University of Chicago. partment and can be used in early assessment of

may further deteriorate into a sympathetic over- Cerebrospinal Fluid

drive with catatonia and extensive rigidity (Chap- Pleocytosis with lymphocytes (50-2000/mm3) and
ter 5). For unclear reasons, herpes simplex en- a fivefold increase in protein are common. CSF
cephalitis in immunocompromised patients seems glucose may be decreased. CSF is normal only ex-
to occur more often as a brain stem encephalitis ceptionally, mostly in patients examined very early
with diplopia, dysarthria, and ataxia.7'8 in the course of the illness. CSF PCR has a sensi-
tivity of 98% and a specificity of 94% (Box 17.1,
Table 17.2. Noninfectious Diseases Table 17.3). Acyclovir may reduce PCR sensitivity,
Mimicking Encephalitis but herpes simplex DNA can still be detected in
one-third of cases long after acyclovir treatment.4
CNS vasculitis
Fulminant bacterial meningitis Electroencephalography
ADEM In the electroencephalogram (EEC), typical
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
but not-to-be-mistaken nonspecific abnormalities
Fulminant hepatic failure, Reye's syndrome
Endocrine crisis (e.g., myxedema, Addison's disease) over the temporal regions are spike-and-slow-
Toxic encephalopathy (e.g., cyclosporine, tacrolimus, MTX, wave activity, delta waves, or triphasic waves
5-FU, illicit drugs) evolving into unilateral periodic lateralized
ADEM, allergic demyelinating encephalomyelitis; CNS, central epileptiform discharges, which rapidly spread to
nervous system; 5-FU, 5-fluorouracil; MTX, methotrexate. both temporal hemispheres.19 This pattern is seen
Acute Encephalitis 239

Box 17.1. Polymerase Chain Reaction Technology for Fulminant Encephalitis

PCR has revolutionized the diagnosis of herpes sim- stained by ethidium bromide. PCR is the method of
plex, cytomegalovirus, and toxoplasmic encephali- choice for diagnosis but not useful to monitor treat-
tides. Small quantities of viral DNA or RNA in the ment efficacy. In addition, persistent viral load DNA
CSF can be selectively amplified. Target sequences does not correlate with outcome.13 False-negative
of DNA are amplified by DNA polymerase, and with PCR may result from antiviral treatment or, more
multiple repeating of cycles, large copies can be ob- commonly, technical difficulty with primers.14~16
tained. This amplified DNA is visualized on gel

in 84% of typical cases of herpes simplex en- inversion recovery is more sensitive and may
cephalitis but with a specificity of only 30%.19 clearly show abnormal images not evident on rou-
tine T2-weighted sequences.21 MRI abnormalities
Computed Tomography and Magnetic may appear within 1 day of herpes simplex en-
Resonance Imaging cephalitis. Conversely, normal MRI findings in a
Computed tomographic (CT) scanning is gener- comatose patient virtually exclude herpes simplex
ally not useful in herpes simplex encephalitis, and encephalitis.
the findings become abnormal only after days and
predominantly in advanced cases evolving into
Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography
coma. Abnormal CT scan findings in the tempo-
With single-photon emission computed tomogra-
ral and insular regions (Fig. 17.1) develop in ap-
phy (SPECT), in which technetium Tc 99m hexa-
proximately 50% of patients, but the reported ra-
methyl propyleneamine oxime is the radiophar-
diologic series are certainly skewed toward the
maceutical, unilateral hyperfusion is a common
more severe cases. Initial unilateral involvement
finding and, as expected, the tracer preferentially
may occur in almost 60% of cases.20 Hypodensity
lodges in the temporal lobe and adjacent frontal
and swelling in the temporal lobe may become
lobe. This phenomenon of increased uptake is not
prominent and hemorrhagic and be initially mis-
interpreted as a lobar hematoma or hemorrhagic
infarct (Fig. 17.2). Unilateral swelling may suggest
a glioma or an abscess (and sometimes it is).
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the de-
finitive diagnostic test, with a high sensitivity and
specificity for early T2 changes in the temporal
lobe and, to a lesser extent, in the frontobasal or
cingulate gyms of the frontal lobe, in the insular
cortex, and across the splenium (Fig. 17.3). In-
creased signal solely present in the cerebellar
hemispheres has been noted.12 Fluid-attenuated

Table 17.3. Sensitivity and Specificity of

Polymerase Chain Reaction in
Cerebrospinal Fluid
Agent Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%)

Herpes simplex15 98 94 Figure 17.1 Computed tomographic scan findings of

Cytomegalovirus17 79 95 early herpes encephalitis with subinsular hypodensity
Toxoplasma18 42 100

Figure 17.2 Computed tomographic scans showing temporal lobe lesion from herpes simplex encephalitis
unilateral swollen, hypodense, and partly hemorrhagic (arrows).

specific for herpes simplex encephalitis and indi- loading with fosphenytoin, 18-20 mg/kg, is
cates only inflammation and early neuronal injury. needed after presentation with seizures; but its
Approximately half of SPECT scans performed use as prophylaxis is not established. Propofol is
within days of symptoms yield normal results. It useful to control extreme agitation. With the in-
may become a preferred test in patients seen in troduction of PCR and MRI, earlier dilemmas
the emergency department because data are rap- about the need for brain biopsy have almost been
idly acquired and, despite moderate sensitivity, it resolved.22,23 Biopsy should be considered if the
may be more helpful than EEC or MRI in the PCR result is negative, if CSF pleocytosis is ab-
first days after presentation. sent, and when, primarily to exclude a glioma, only
unilateral temporal lobe swelling is present. Co-
First Priority in Management matose patients with CT evidence of increased in-
tracranial pressure (mass effect, obliteration of
An immediate intravenous dose of acyclovir, 10 basal cisterns) should receive an intracranial pres-
mg/kg, is needed, followed by maintenance with sure (ICP) monitor. In patients with a markedly
10 mg/kg every 8 hours for 10 days. Intravenous swollen temporal lobe and shift and impending

Figure 17.3 Magnetic resonance images with typical poral, frontal lobe, and insular regions from herpes sim-
hypenntensities (T2-weighted [left], T1-weighted [mid- plex encephalitis (arrows),
dle], fluid attenuated inversion recovery [right]) in tem-
Acute Encephalitis 241

herniation despite conventional measures to re- wild animals. The most common viruses are bun-
duce ICP, a craniotomy with dural grafting is in- yavirus (La Crosse, California), alphavirus (east-
dicated. Some of the necrotic tissue may need to ern and western equine), and flavivirus (St. Louis,
be removed to decompress the supratentorial West Nile).29,30
Clinical Presentation
Predictors of Outcome
Differences in presentation are apparent. La
Treatment with acyclovir within 5 days of onset Crosse (California) encephalitis is most commonly
of the first symptoms remains associated with a reported to the Centers for Disease Control and
25% incidence of fatal outcome. Fatal outcome is predominates in children younger than 15 years.
associated with brain edema but more commonly The hosts for the mosquito are chipmunks and
as a consequence of persistent vegetative state and squirrels, and the mosquito breeds in rainwater-
terminal systemic infection. Good recovery with filled tires and birdhouses. In California enceph-
return to a similar productive life is possible in 50% alitis, seizures are common (50%) and seizure dis-
of patients.24 Mild forms of herpes simplex en- order develops later in many patients. Within 2
cephalitis have been reported in immunosup- weeks after prodromal fever, the patient may ex-
pressed patients with mostly involvement of the perience malaise, very severe headaches, confu-
nondominant temporal lobe.25 MRI abnormali- sion, drowsiness, and coma, in roughly that order.
ties26 and bilateral EEC abnormalities predict dis- The equine encephalitides (western and east-
ability, with memory deficits27 and inability to ern) differ substantially in mortality.31 The mos-
function at a normal intellectual level. A large quito breeds in freshwater swamps, and birds
study found a delay of more than 2 days between (sparrows, ducks, and pheasants) are the hosts. It
admission and that acyclovir was highly predictive is prevalent along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts, but
of poor outcome. This, again, emphasizes that sus- eastern encephalitis is infrequent. Evolution to
picion should be high and early treatment is coma from massive cerebral edema is rapid, usu-
needed while awaiting CSF/PCR results.20 ally within 1 week, but unusual.31,32 The virus
SPECT may have some predictive value: a close causes an acute encephalitis in horses, and it can
association between focal hyperfusion on SPECT be isolated from brain tissue specimens.32 West-
and poor outcome was emphasized in a large study ern equine encephalitis peaks in August and Sep-
of patients with acute encephalitis.28 tember, and outbreaks have been reported from
the midwestern United States. Improved vector
control has reduced the incidence of both types of
Supportive care, monitor and manage in- St. Louis encephalitis occurs commonly in the
creased ICP in the neurologic intensive care United States. Its manifestations appear to be
unit. milder in children than in adults. The susceptible
Consider video EEC monitoring in the populations are persons living in public housing
intensive care unit if the patient has had projects and, possibly, patients infected with hu-
seizures and impaired consciousness. man immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
In the tropics, Venezuelan equine encephalitis
is most common, particularly in Central and South
Arthropod-Borne Viral Encephalitis America, and is very comparable to western
equine encephalitis in prevalence, clinical pres-
Arthropod-borne (ARBO) viral encephalitides are entation, morbidity, and mortality. Japanese en-
widespread geographically and commonly en- cephalitis is endemic in Southeast Asia and India.
demic; sporadic cases are seasonal during the Vaccination of children has markedly decreased
summer months, and cluster cases may signal an its prevalence in Japan, but vaccination for trav-
outbreak. Fatality depends on the type of virus elers to endemic areas is recommended. Most
and amplifying host. The virus is transmitted cases occur in China, India, and Thailand.33
through ticks and mosquitoes after replication in Japanese encephalitis peaks during the rainy sea-

son. It may occur during only brief stays, such as cephalitis. The midbrain and cortex may be in-
a vacation,34 although the risk of exposure in- volved in some. In one study, MRI findings were
creases with a longer stay. abnormal in 11 comatose patients, but other ar-
The clinical features of Japanese encephalitis boviruses can produce coma without MRI abnor-
are nonspecific, but seizures are very common,35 malities in the earlier diagnostic phase.31 MRI ab-
with elements of diffuse involvement of both normalities, however, can be present soon after
hemispheres; spinal cord involvement (often lead- the onset of neurologic symptoms, if any. Diffuse
ing to the incorrect diagnosis of fulminant multi- cerebral edema appears after several days of
ple sclerosis) has been noted.33,36 coma. Similar MRI findings have been reported
Flaviviruses are transmitted by tick bites. En- in Japanese encephalitis44-46 and European tick-
cephalitis develops in only 1 of 10 infected per- borne encephalitis. The sensitivity of MRI in
sons, usually after a flu-like illness. Tick-borne en- these types of encephalitis is not known.
cephalitis has become a serious health problem in
forested areas of Europe and Russia.37,40 Cerebrospinal Fluid and Serology
West Nile encephalitis swept the western and As expected, pleocytosis with lymphocytosis is
midwestern United States in the summer of 2002, found along with increased protein. A CSF pro-
and in 2003 moved to western states such as Col- file mimicking bacterial meningitis has been de-
orado. The outbreaks are severe, and the ravages scribed in eastern equine encephalitis. The di-
in survivors are not yet entirely known. The fla- agnosis of arbovirus encephalitis is based on
vivirus is amplified in mosquitoes in the charac- determination of immunoglobulin M (IgM) anti-
teristic spring to fall season and is spread through bodies by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent as-
birds. The virus is commonly found in all conti- say, which has a high sensitivity, but needs con-
nents, with prior outbreaks in Africa, Romania, firmation with a plaque reduction neutralization
Russia, and Israel. The risk of developing en- test. Isolation of the virus from blood or CSF is
cephalitis is estimated to be 1 in 150 infected per- unrewarding. One study documented positive
sons and increases with age and prior poor im- findings in 10% of tested specimens of CSF.47
munologic state. Parkinsonism is a common PCR detection of virus-derived DNA is available
feature. Fatalities have been common. The com- but not very sensitive (50%) and thus the diag-
bination of neck stiffness, pleocytosis in the CSF, nosis is based on detectable IgM in the CSF or a
hyponatremia (30%), and clinical or electrophys- fourfold increase in IgM in serum measured in
iologic signs of asymmetric flaccid paralysis should the convalescent phase of the illness.
suggest the diagnosis. Polio-like syndromes
(marked asymmetry and pure motor involvement,
Fig. 17.4) involving facial, cervical, and limb mus- First Priority in Management
cles have been described, with early indications
of poor outcome.2,41-43 No specific antiviral therapy is available, but acy-
clovir (10 mg/kg intravenously every 3 hours)
should be administered until PCR results are
Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests confirmed negative. Supportive therapy consists
of antiepileptic drugs, mechanical ventilation, and
Diagnosis of arthropod-borne viral encephalitis is prevention of medical complications in the more
often delayed, and no specific neuroimaging find- severe cases. Corticosteroids are not effective.48
ing has been reported that would link it to a cer- Reduction of increased intracranial pressure is not
tain types of encephalitis. a typical feature of management in many ARBO
Computed Tomography and Magnetic
Resonance Imaging
Predictors of Outcome
CT scans are normal or may show diffuse cere-
bral edema (see Chapter 9). Abnormal MRI find- Mortality in La Crosse and California encephali-
ings have been described in a large series of pa- tides is fortunately low, but neurologic sequelae
tients with a predilection for basal ganglionic and with hemiparesis or aphasia are possible in 15%
thalamic lesions in all types of arbovirus en- of patients. Eastern equine encephalitis may cause
Acute Encephalitis 243

Figure 17.4 A: Patient with confirmed West Nile encephalitis. Marked

pleocytosis and asymmetric pure motor weakness of arms ("man in the bar-
rel"), able to lift only left hand. Follow-up photographs 1 month later show
asymmetric eyelid closing when asked to forcefully close eyelids (B) and
only partial lifting of left arm when instructed (C). Right arm remained
flaccid and paralyzed.41

numerous deaths, and up to 70% of patients have Triage

severe neurologic disability. In western equine Neurologic or medical intensive care unit for
encephalitis, in contrast, full recovery occurs, al-
supportive care.
though elderly patients may die. The death rate
in St. Louis encephalitis is approximately one
in four for elderly patients. Neuropsychologic se-
quelae seem more common than overt localizing Cytomegalovirus and Varicella-Zoster
neurologic signs in tick-borne encephalitis. Fatal- Virus Encephalitis
ity is high in West Nile encephalitis,41,42 but it ap-
pears that several patients awaken from coma Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is an opportunistic in-
without residual symptoms.42 fectious agent. In a review of 676 patients, 85%

with CMV encephalitis were infected with the cases, however, a rash developed days to months
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) before the onset but was not always remembered
virus.17,49 CMV ventriculoencephalitis is the hall- by the patients. In several reports, VZV encephali-
mark of the infection and the cause of death. tis actually occurred without a skin eruption.
The patterns of varicella-zoster virus (VZV) en- Progressive multifocal neurologic deficits oc-
cephalitis have been classified by Amlie-Lefond cur, often leading to visual field defects, aphasia,
et al.13 and Kleinschmidt-DeMasters et al.50 into apraxia, hemiparesis, and more specific neu-
three major categories: (1) large- or medium- rocognitive syndromes, such as Gerstmann's syn-
vessel vasculopathy involving large vessels at the drome (acalculia, finger agnosia, right-left con-
base of the brain or convexity, which may affect fusion, and agraphia) and Anton's syndrome (cor-
large territories and cause hemorrhagic infarc- tical blindness). Progressive mental impairment
tions (arteritis and the virus inside the artery have with frontal release signs and spastic paraparesis
been well documented); (2) small-vessel vascu- has been observed in patients with a type of small-
lopathy producing demyelinating ischemic lesions vessel vasculopathy causing widespread white mat-
with a more subacute clinical course; and (3) ven- ter demyelination without cortical involvement.
triculitis. VZV encephalitis has been associated
with hematologic-oncologic malignant disease,
sarcoidosis, rheumatoid arthritis, tuberculosis, Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests
transplantation, and AIDS.
Computed Tomography and Magnetic
Resonance Imaging
Clinical Presentation
MRI in CMV encephalitis may show nonspecific
Confusion and lethargy in a patient with a history brain atrophy and enlarged ventricles with typical
of CMV retinitis or pneumonitis should suggest ependymal signal enhancement.49 Brain stem and
the diagnosis. The clinical features include con- cerebellar abnormalities after gadolinium have
fusion (60% of patients), coma (45%), cranial been reported in isolated cases.
nerve palsy (40%), and seizures (25%).49 Ventric- In patients with VZV encephalitis, both neu-
ulitis and hydrocephalus may be the cause of re- roimaging studies show multiple T1-weighted hy-
duced consciousness. Hyponatremia from CMV pointensity and T2-weighted hyperintensity in-
adrenalitis is common and an important labora- volving the white and gray matter. Subcortical
tory indicator in patients with AIDS and rapidly enhancing, coalescing lesions followed by gray
developing encephalitis. matter involvement are characteristic.52 Involve-
VZV encephalitis should be the first considera- ment of multiple territories is compatible with
tion in immunosuppressed (e.g., HIV-infected) pa- several large intracranial vasculitides representing
tients with recent shingles.51 In most reported infarction (Fig. 17.5).

Figure 17.5 Varicella-zoster virus encephalitis with multiple infarcts (white arrows) and
vasculitis (black arrows) on carotid angiogram.
Acute Encephalitis 245

Cerebrospinal Fluid Other rickettsial infections that may involve the

The CSF formula is normal in many instances, central nervous system are encephalitides from
complicating detection. PCR of CMV has signifi- the typhus group. The typhus group includes Q
cantly increased the ability to make the diagnosis fever, epidemic typhus, murine typhus, and scrub
(sensitivity, 79%; specificity, 95%). typhus. The epidemic can be worldwide and pro-
In VZV encephalitis, a marked variation in in- duce similar neurologic manifestations, with typ-
flammatory response is known, from only a few to ical maculopapular rash and multifocal central
several hundred cells, with accompanying in- nervous system manifestations.55
crease in protein. Glucose concentration is nor-
mal. PCR has become available for VZV en-
cephalitis, but the diagnostic validity is not yet Clinical Presentation
known.53 Rocky Mountain spotted fever is evident in pa-
tients with fever who have a marked purpuric rash
involving the palms and soles. The flexor surfaces
First Priority in Management
of the hands and feet are involved first before the
Ganciclovir is the preferred agent (10 mg/kg), with rash spreads over the body. The purpuric lesions
maintenance of 5 mg/kg once a day for 14 days. are a consequence of rickettsiae invading small
Patients previously receiving a maintenance dose blood vessels and causing occlusion and necrosis.
of ganciclovir need the addition of foscarnet, 180 This rash (see Color Fig. 17.6 in separate color in-
mg/kg. The efficacy of cidofovir is not clear in these sert) may be absent early in the disease.56
infections, although successful in retinitis.54 Neurologic manifestations are protean, but
severe headache, profound neck stiffness, and
clouding of consciousness are common, with pro-
Predictors of Outcome gression to stupor in more than one-fourth of af-
The outcome in CMV-associated encephalitis is fected patients.
poor because of underlying HIV infection and, Q fever occurs as a result of exposure to farm an-
commonly, concomitant opportunistic infection. imals, rabbits, or deer and may result in fever, pneu-
The outcome in VZV encephalitis is entirely de- monia, myocarditis, endocarditis, and meningoen-
termined by associated vasculitis; without it, full cephalitis. The involvement of the central nervous
recovery is possible. system is less common in Q fever but may mimic
herpes simplex encephalitis.59 Neurologic involve-
ment from the responsible agent, Coxiella bur-
Triage netii, is uncommon but can be dramatic. Severe
headache and myalgias are common.60 Neurologic
Neurologic intensive care unit.
manifestations that may precede stupor are cra-
Consider ventriculostomy in patients with
nial nerve involvement and cerebellar signs.59
Acute confusion evolving into acute manic behav-
ior has been reported as well. Epidemic, murine,
and scrub types, which occur widely in Southeast
Encephalitis from Rickettsiae Asia, the Pacific Islands, India, and Nepal, are not
further considered here.
Rickettsial diseases are transmitted through ticks,
mites, lice, and fleas. The stings are often not re-
membered because they are painless and may not Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests
be followed by a rash at the injection site. The
most important and potentially fatal disorder is Computed Tomography and Magnetic
Rocky Mountain spotted fever, which causes a Resonance Imaging
generalized vasculitis and meningoencephalitis. It The findings in Rocky Mountain spotted fever are
emerges in late spring and summer, predomi- multiple small subcortical infarcts (often in the
nantly in the southeast region of the United basal ganglia), development of cerebral edema
States55 (regardless of its name, which suggests with loss of gray-white matter differentiation, and
the west). sulci effacement.5 A survivor in one report had

multiple punctate areas of increased intensity Clinical Presentation

throughout the white matter in the distribution
Cutaneous or gastrointestinal symptoms are com-
of the perivascular (Virchow-Robin) spaces, pos-
mon and found in association with fever. Seizures
sibly representing a perivascular inflammatory re-
appear in 40% of reported cases, followed by
sponse.61,62 Meningeal enhancement after gadolin-
marked decline in consciousness. Pleural effu-
ium is typical.
sions, widened mediastinum, and soft tissue
edema are additional clues.
Cerebrospinal Fluid and Serum
Increased protein occurred in only one-third of
patients, with only mild pleocytosis (<50 mm3) in Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests
most cases. PCR detection in blood samples from
infected patients has been successful, even in Computed Tomography and Magnetic
those obtained on the day of onset.63 Resonance Imaging
Due to its nonspecific appearance, multiple diag-
nostic tests are needed to point in this direction.
Predictors of Outcome Focal hemorrhages, subarachnoid hemorrhages,
These types of encephalitides are typically diag- diffuse edema, and meningeal enhancement have
nosed at autopsy because patients deteriorate rap- been noted; but the experience is limited.65,66
idly from brain edema. Contrast-enhanced CT scan may document, next
No early clinical predictors are known other to parenchymal hematoma, noticeable enhance-
than brain edema, which may be difficult to con- ment after contrast administration.66 The com-
trol. Increased ICP (>40 mm Hg) despite ag- bination of subarachnoid hemorrhage, lobar
gressive mannitol therapy predicts poor outcome. hematoma with pulmonary infiltrates, and cutan-
eous lesions could suggest the diagnosis.

First Priority in Early Management Cerebrospinal Fluid and Serum

Early treatment of rickettsial or tick-borne en- Blood and tissue cultures may document the
cephalitis with oral tetracycline is needed (25- gram-positive spore-forming Bacillus anthracis.
50 mg/kg daily in two or four divided doses). A The CSF is pink or bloody, with pleocytosis vary-
relapse can be treated with chloramphenicol, ing from a few increased polymorphonuclear
but tetracycline remains the agent for first-line leukocytes to several thousand. A high yield of
therapy.64 positive rods has been claimed on gram staining.

First Priority in Early Management

Management includes treatment of the rapid
Neurologic intensive care unit for monitor- evolution of multiorgan failure, hypotension, and
ing of ICP. therapy-resistant shock, with a high probability of
Cardiac consultation in Q fever for possible death. Ciprofloxacin and doxycycline are the pre-
myocarditis. ferred drugs. Rifampin with vancomycin has been
suggested as adjuvant therapy.
Encephalitis from Anthrax
Exemplary of the potential of effective bio- To medical intensive care unit for manage-
weaponry, anthrax may cause a fatal meningoen- ment of multiorgan failure
cephalitis. The clinical presentation emerging
from a cutaneous infection is dramatic and in-
volves multiorgan failure. (An important review Toxoplasmic Encephalitis
by Lanska is available.3) It may also cause a gas-
trointestinal symptom when spores are ingested Normal host immunity contains an infection with
from uncooked meat. Toxoplasma gondii. Therefore, toxoplasmic en-
Acute Encephalitis 247

cephalitis is a leading cause of acute encephalitis Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests

in patients with AIDS or in immunosuppressed
The diagnosis is confirmed by CSF PCR, MRI of
patients.67 HIV encephalitis has a more pro-
the brain, or biopsy of the brain in selected cases.
tracted course. Toxoplasma infestation can be a
defining illness in previously HIV-positive pa-
tients. It is much less common in transplant re- Computed Tomography and Magnetic
cipients, patients with Hodgkin's disease, or pa- Resonance Imaging
tients with systemic lupus erythematosus.68 Its CT scanning underestimates the number of ab-
incidence may be lower in patients with AIDS re- scesses, even when contrast material is adminis-
ceiving trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole prophy- tered in double doses; therefore, its use is limited
laxis for Pneumocystis carinii. to initial screening.70 Acute hydrocephalus with-
out defined abscesses may point to the diagnosis
in the proper clinical situation. Multiple intra-
Clinical Presentation
cerebral hemorrhages in patients with AIDS of-
Toxoplasma infection may result in a single mass ten indicate Toxoplasma (or Aspergillus] rather
effect, multiple abscesses, or multiple hemor- than a coagulopathy.71,72
rhages in abscesses mimicking coagulopathy-asso- MRI of toxoplasmic encephalitis, which dis-
ciated hemorrhages. The total parasite burden to plays multiple abscesses, is nonspecific because
the brain determines the clinical manifestations, very similar signal abnormalities and ring en-
but many of these abscesses do not produce clin- hancement can be seen with lymphoma, tubercu-
ical signs other than headache and lethargy. Pro- lous abscesses, nocardiosis, cryptococcosis, and,
gression may be in days or protracted over months. less commonly, syphilitic gummas.
Decreasing alertness, onset of seizures, and per- Hyperintensity on T2-weighted images is com-
sisting headache should alert one to the diagno- mon, but after treatment, it evolves into T2-
sis.69 Toxoplasma has a predilection for the basal weighted isointensity comparable with that of
ganglia and cerebellum, but hemichorea, hemibal- necrotizing abscesses (Fig. 17.7).73 Marked peri-
lismus, and ataxia are uncommon manifestations. lesional edema is typical.

Figure 17.7 Toxoplasmic encephalitis with multiple and more evident by magnetic resonance imaging fluid-
abscesses (arrows and arrowhead). The abscesses are attenuated inversion recovery (C) and postcontrast
poorly defined by computed tomographic scan (A,B) T1-weighted scan (D).

Figure 17.7 (Continued)

Cerebrospinal Fluid First Priority in Management

An inflammatory profile is present in the CSF,
The standard therapeutic agents for toxoplasmic
with increased protein concentration and, rarely,
encephalitis are pyrimethamine, 50-100 mg, and
marked mononuclear pleocytosis (fewer than 100
sulfadiazine, 4-8 g, daily, combined with folinic
cells). The sensitivity of PCR for Toxoplasma is
acid, 10 mg/day, to reduce bone marrow depres-
42%, but the specificity is 100%.18,74 The com-
sion. 78
paratively low sensitivity is determined by intra-
Adverse reactions are a rash and anemia, leuko-
parenchymal localization of Toxoplasma, so it is
penia, or thrombocytopenia, occurring in 20% of
more likely that CSF does not contain Toxoplasma
patients. Any allergic reaction should result in re-
DNA. Its diagnostic value, therefore, is limited,
placement of sulfadiazine by clindamycin (600-
but PCR technology has reduced the number of
900 mg every 8 hours).79 When Toxoplasma is the
brain biopsies for confirmation.
culprit, within 3 weeks radiologic improvement
(defined as less edema and isointense signals
Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography
rather than hyperintense signals on MRI) or com-
SPECT of the brain with thallium-201 may dif-
plete resolution should be expected in 70% of
ferentiate lymphoma from toxoplasmic enceph-
alitis. The high mitotic activity of the lymphoma
increases uptake, causing a "hot" region. Its ac-
curacy in predicting lymphoma is questionable Predictors of Outcome
despite impressive predictive value in a first se- Fatal outcome occurs in patients with multiple
ries of patients.75-77 hemorrhagic abscesses. The response to therapy
determines outcome.78,80 Often, underlying cen-
Serum Serology tral nervous system lymphoma (together with toxo-
Low or absent antitoxoplasmic antibody titers plasmic encephalitis) reduces prospects of full
(IgG) are common in immunosuppressed patients, recovery.
and IgM titers are negative. Variation is great, from
1:8 to titers exceeding 1:1024. A significant in-
crease in serum titer over time has no significance
because it may occur in immunocompromised pa- Most patients can be initially managed on
tients without active Toxoplasma infection. wards rather than in an intensive care unit.
Acute Encephalitis 249

Surgical drainage of a large abscess should ubiquitous and protean in its presentation, rang-
be considered if a mass effect is present. ing from indolent changes in cognitive function to
Biopsy should be strongly considered when florid meningoencephalitis.82,83 H. capsulatum is
PCR is negative, primarily to exclude lym- found in the Ohio and Mississippi river valleys,
phoma. Immunofluorescence techniques can and most persons in endemic areas have positive
confirm Toxoplasma in brain tissue with the skin tests for previous infection. Active disease is
use of monoclonal antibodies in the tissue rare and, again, seen most commonly in im-
samples. munocompromised hosts. Aspergillus is a com-
mon fungal pathogen with a predilection for the
brain parenchyma over the meninges. Abscess for-
Fungal Encephalitis mation is common, as is central nervous system
Viral meningoencephalitis is the most common Case reports of blastomycotic meningitis are
cause in patients with progressive headache, noteworthy for the frequent misdiagnosis of tu-
nuchal rigidity, confusion, and lymphocytic pre- berculous meningitis (see Chapter 16).84,85 The
dominance, but a fungal cause should always be similar clinical characteristics and the nodular ap-
considered.81 One should be especially alert if an pearance of meningeal enhancement on MRI in
acute presentation is followed by an insidious both diseases make distinction between the two
course, particularly in endemic regions. Prompt difficult. Not infrequently, patients have been
diagnosis and therapy with amphotericin B result treated with antituberculous agents before the ac-
in survival and reduced morbidity. curate diagnosis of blastomycotic meningitis. This
can further confuse the diagnosis, because ri-
fampin has some therapeutic benefit in treating
Clinical Presentation
blastomycosis and incomplete treatment with that
The lung is the port of entry of the fungus and drug may lead to reactivation of disease.
generally the primary site of infection. Evidence
of infection in organ systems outside the central
nervous system, such as skin, bone, and prostate, Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests
is commonly needed to implicate fungal infection.
Typical clinical features are headaches, myalgia, Magnetic Resonance Imaging
fever, intermittent nausea, and photophobia. Prominent enhancement of the meninges can be
Cognition may rapidly become impaired, and pa- found. A nodular appearance may suggest a fun-
tients may have marked abulia and lethargy due gal cause. Scattered hyperintensities in the basal
to irreversible, devastating brain damage. The ganglia may represent extension of infection along
presentation often is nonspecific and atypical, penetrating arteries (Fig. 17.8).86
making the diagnosis very difficult.
Coccidioides immitis is endemic to the south-
Cerebrospinal Fluid
western United States and the central valley of
Typical findings are lymphocytic pleocytosis,
California. Dissemination is usually seen only in
borderline decreased glucose concentration, and
immunosuppressed patients but occurs in 1% of
mildly increased protein level. CSF serology for
infected patients. Central nervous system in-
C. neoformans, C. immitis, H. capsulatum, and B.
volvement is typically severe and fatal if untreated.
dermatitidis should be done; but the results may
Other fungal causes must be considered in the
be negative.
differential diagnosis. Organisms include Cryp-
tococcus neoformans, Blastomyces dermatitidis,
Histoplasma capsulatum, Aspergillus species, and Brain Biopsy
a number of uncommon pathogens, all with pos- Brain biopsy should be considered early, but the
sibly similar presentations and CSF formulae. poor sensitivity of microscopy in identifying the
Meningitis is the most common manifestation organism in biopsied specimens is often remark-
of infection by C. neoformans and is generally able. Culture of CSF and brain tissue obtained at
found in immunocompromised patients. It is operation remains the prime diagnostic test.

Figure 17.8 Magnetic resonance images showing dif- bitemporal lesions representing encephalitis (arrows).
fuse nodular enhancement of basal meninges, with ab- The fungus isolated from brain biopsy culture was Blas-
normal T2 signal in the basal ganglia bilaterally and tomyces. (From Friedman et al.86)

First Priority in Management Paraneoplastic Limbic Encephalitis

Ketoconazole or, more recently, itraconazole is the
The rare disorder paraneoplastic limbic enceph-
first-line agent for pulmonary blastomycosis.87 Am-
alitis should be considered when infectious agents
photericin B is usually reserved for more serious
seem highly unlikely. A history of depression, ag-
clinical situations or refractory disease, but many
itation, paranoia, and feelings of depersonalization
experts believe that it is the drug of choice in pa-
and memory loss may be obtained.89 The patho-
tients with meningeal involvement. Most authori-
logic substrate can be extensive, with neuronal
ties recommend a total dose of amphotericin B of
loss, perivascular monocytic infiltrates, and mi-
2-3 g. One should also consider intrathecal (using
croglial nodules, predominantly in the limbic and
the Ommaya reservoir) amphotericin B (test dose
insular cortices but also located in the brain stem,
of 0.01-0.1 mg for 3 days followed by 0.5 mg 3
spinal cord, and dorsal root ganglia.90 It is un-
times a week). Hydrocephalus may become con-
common to find a neoplasm during life, but the
siderable, and ventriculostomy is needed. This pro-
condition can be the first manifestation or appear
vides the opportunity to culture CSF, but brain
in a patient with a previous diagnosis of small cell
biopsy may be needed to unveil the fungus.88
(oat cell) carcinoma, Hodgkin's disease, or testic-
ular seminoma.91-94
Predictors of Outcome
These disorders are rare, but morbidity is sub-
Clinical Presentation
stantial. Amphotericin therapy may be successful
in arresting progression of neurologic manifesta- Rapid onset of mood changes, usually sadness, de-
tions. Despite early initiation of empirical treat- tachment, and loss of recent memory, is the char-
ment with amphotericin, death has been reported. acteristic presentation, but more fulminant forms
are manifested by agitation, hallucinations, and
bizarre behavior preceding a decrease in alert-
ness. (The diagnosis is often suggested when the
Brain biopsy to confirm the diagnosis, and psychiatric symptoms progress despite psycho-
surgery may be indicated if a single abscess tropic drugs.) Lack of topographic orientation has
has formed. been noted.95 Coma is uncommon and, if present,
Ventriculostomy may be needed to relieve mostly from secondary causes, such as infections,
hydrocephalus. sepsis, and acute metabolic derangements.
To the ward for intravenous amphotericin B Neurologic examination clearly demonstrates
therapy. only poor recall, clinical signs of major depression,
Acute Encephalitis 251

and, if the patient is specifically asked, behavioral T2-weighted hyperintensity changes in the medial
abnormalities and hallucinations. Subtle brain temporal lobes may appear with contrast en-
stem or cerebellar signs and symptoms may be ev- hancement in the temporal lobes, amygdala, and
ident in some patients. hippocampus (Fig. 17.9).94 MR abnormalities
may improve with successful treatment of under-
lying cancer.99
Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests
Full evaluation for a possible malignancy workup Cerebrospinal Fluid and Serum
is therefore needed and should include CT scan CSF is under normal opening pressures, but an
of the chest and lymph node biopsy in patients increased protein and mononuclear pleocytosis
with lymphadenopathy because of the common varied from 30 to 150 total nucleated cells in more
association with Hodgkin's disease and lung can- than 50% of the reported cases. Normal CSF or
cer. However, diagnostic evaluation may be ex- only mildly increased protein is less common.
tended to exclude gastrointestinal, kidney, and Anti-HU (term derived from a patient's initials)
gynecologic malignant diseases and thus should denotes an autoantibody in patients with cancer,
include mammogram, pelvic examination, testic- predominantly small cell lung cancer (Chapter 2).
ular ultrasonography, serum cancer markers, and It is found mostly in patients with subacute sen-
antineuronal nuclear antibodies.92,93,96,98 sory neuropathy leading to severe ataxia but can
be found in paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis.96
Electroencephalography Anti-HU is a polyclonal IgG antibody reacting
The EEG may be normal early in the course but with neuron nuclei in vitro. The HU antigen has
will show progressive nonspecific slowing of the been cloned, and a cell-mediated response toward
background rhythm with temporal slow waves and one of the HU antigens (HUD) has been docu-
spike foci. Epileptiform activity is uncommon. mented.97 The specificity and sensitivity for the
anti-HU test are not exactly known, but low titers
Computed Tomography and Magnetic can be found in patients with cancer and no neu-
Resonance Imaging rologic involvement. Antibodies to voltage-gated
Normal findings are common and often suggest potassium channels were detected and seem to
the diagnosis in the proper situation. However, correlate with clinical manifestation.100

Figure 17.9 Magnetic resonance images of limbic paraneoplastic encephalitis, showing

symmetric T2 signal in mesial temporal lobe (arrows).

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Chapter 18
Acute White Matter Diseases

Devastating white matter disorders are fulminant mundane viral respiratory episodes. ADEM may
multiple sclerosis (MS), transverse myelitis, and also follow any well-defined illness (e.g., rubeola,
disseminated encephalomyelitis. Even in aca- varicella, mycoplasmal pneumonia,1,2 infectious
demic institutions, they are sporadically seen. mononucleosis, and hepatitis C3) or may occur
They are included in this book because it is im- without an identifiable antecedent event.
portant to diagnose and manage these disorders Even in the most severe fatal cases, use of poly-
quickly. merase chain reaction analysis to recover a virus
Acute demyelination of the neuraxis may turn (e.g., enterovirus, adenovirus, herpesvirus, and
out catastrophic, and treatment in the acute phase respiratory syncytial virus) from the brain during
remains problematic. Generally, rapid cures re- autopsy has not been successful (no virus has been
main few and far between. However, aggressive isolated from the cerebrospinal fluid [CSF]).
immunosuppression or plasma exchange may More recently, human herpesvirus 6 has been
shorten the relapse and, in certain disorders, re- associated with ADEM.4 Neurologic manifesta-
solve some or virtually all of its manifestations. tion occurs after a delay of 1-3 weeks but pro-
A related disorder, often with an acute onset, gresses rapidly to a maximum within days. Wide-
is acute leukoencephalopathy, occurring in a di- spread involvement of the central nervous system
verse group of patients. In this entity, demyelina- may affect many eloquent areas of the brain and
tion or edema is part of a more global involve- cord. White matter destruction involving the op-
ment of white matter structures. Toxicity from tic tract, brain stem, and spinal cord that resem-
immunosuppressive and chemotherapeutic agents bles acute transverse myelitis is a classic finding
is commonly implicated or a hypertensive crisis if the disorder progresses. Pathologic features of
may touch off white matter edema or demyelina- ADEM include multifocal patchy perivenous
tion. These disorders may resolve quickly after demyelination.
elimination of the trigger alone.
Clinical Presentation
Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis Patients or their consulted family members recall
a flu-like illness with a variable combination of
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) is fever, aching joints, swollen lymph nodes, and fa-
a dramatic monophasic illness resulting from an tigue. Some of these constitutional symptoms may
autoimmune response activated by a viral infec- still be present at onset.
tion or vaccination. ADEM occurs more often in Initially, headaches with transient focal neuro-
children and young adults, and most infections are logic signs may be prominent and fluctuating.

Neurologic findings further reflect acute myelin matter and basal ganglia involvement may differ-
destruction and may consist of any degree of im- entiate it from MS.9,10 All of these abnormalities
pairment of consciousness, with several prompts may hardly be detected by CT, and only some de-
needed to alert patients to their surroundings. creased attenuation in the white matter of the cen-
In others, ophthalmoplegia, cerebellar ataxia, and trum semiovale is seen, even at the stage of promi-
speech abnormality may evolve to muteness. nent neurologic manifestations. MRI remains a
Fever, loss of consciousness, and meningism, if crucial determinant for its diagnosis. Gadolinium
present, are more common in patients with a sin- enhancement is a reflection of the blood-brain
gle event.5 barrier breakdown in the earlier stages of de-
Spinal cord involvement may be the first pre- myelination. Enhancement may appear in some
senting symptom or may quickly merge into a lesions on MRI and not in others, suggesting dif-
more diffuse or multifocal neurologic symptom ferent stages in demyelination.11,12 Enhancement
complex. Progressive quadriparesis may result in may be marginal because of corticosteroid treat-
early inability to walk, but level of consciousness ment, which reduces the blood-brain barrier per-
should also become involved at this time. meability.13 If enhancement is found, abnormal
Progression is within days, but a clinical course signal intensity is more commonly found in the
with up to 2 months of gradual, protracted change optic nerves (as opposed to unilateral optic neu-
has been documented. ADEM can be mistaken ritis in MS). Generally, these MRI features can-
for central nervous system lymphoma, vasculitis, not be easily differentiated from those of MS nor
viral encephalitis, and manifestations of flaring up has a more distinct histologic feature been iden-
rheumatologic disorders, some of which have yet tified in brain tissue specimens.
to be diagnosed (Table 18.1). Hemorrhagic changes (Fig. 18.1C,D) suggest an
acute hemorrhagic leukoencephalitis (Weston
Hurst disease); and this disorder, noted after sim-
Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests
ilar triggering circumstances, may primarily be
an aggressive variant of ADEM. Not infrequently,
Computed Tomography and Magnetic
it presents with massive brain edema.14,15 Hyper-
Resonance Imaging
intense lesions on T2-weighted images, with ring-
Computed tomographic (CT) and magnetic reso-
like solid enhancing lesions and perifocal edema,
nance imaging (MRI) findings are fairly typical
have been reported as well. Cortical involvement
but may be rather subtle in earlier stages. The typ-
is compatible with the diagnosis, albeit less ex-
ical appearance in ADEM is multiple discrete le-
tensively distributed.
sions in the cerebral white matter and rarely in
periventricular areas, a location much more typi-
Cerebrospinal Fluid
cal of fulminant MS. The lesions predominate in
CSF may show moderate pleocytosis (up to 200
occipital-parietal white matter (Fig. 18.1A,B) but
cells/mm3). In ADEM, the CSF contains lym-
may involve the basal ganglia, thalamus, and brain
phocytes; in Weston Hurst disease, polymor-
stem.6,7 A single bout confined to the brain stem
phonuclear leukocytes are prominent.14 The pleo-
has been recorded.8 Symmetrical cerebellar white
cytosis is usually out of proportion to what is
expected during a flare-up of MS. Oligoclonal
Table 18.1. Disorders Mimicking Acute bands can be found in up to 50% of cases5 and
Disseminated Encephalomyelitis may disappear after treatment (oligoclonal bands
commonly persist in MS).
Acute viral encephalitis (arboviruses)
Herpes simplex encephalitis
Central nervous system vasculitis First Priority in Management
Intravascular lymphoma
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy High-dose methylprednisolone (1000 mg intra-
Neurosarcoidosis venously daily) remains the first therapy of choice.
Systemic lupus erythematosus Excellent recovery has also been observed with
Sjogren's disease
plasma exchange, and failure to improve rapidly
Acute White Matter Diseases 257

Figure 18.1 A,B: Magnetic resonance imaging with coronal views of acute disseminated
encephalomyelitis. C,D: Hemorrhagic leukoencephalitis (Weston Hurst).

(arbitrarily defined as 1-2 days) with cortico- Predictors of Outcome

steroids should prompt its use. The exact number
of plasma exchanges is unknown, although ex- Improved arousal can be rather rapid and is fol-
changes for up to 10 days (or until improvement) lowed by improvement in diplopia, bulbar dys-
have been proposed.16,18 Alternatively, intra- function, and, more gradually, ambulation. Resid-
venous immunoglobulin, 0.4 g/kg for 5 days, can ual symptoms may remain but are in a minority
be used,19,20 again, typically in patients worsening disabling. MRI findings should closely parallel
while receiving methylprednisolone.21'22 clinical improvement. Full recovery after Weston

Hurst disease has been described in several cases. acute fulminant MS. Quadriparalysis and involve-
One study suggested that one of three patients ment of the lower cranial nerves with sparing of
with AD EM develops MS within 3 years; this in- only the oculomotor nerves closely resemble a
cluded patients with well-established triggers locked-in syndrome and often are linked to a fa-
such as infection or vaccination.5 This report also tal outcome.23,24
emphasized that the diagnosis of AD EM as a The most dramatic variant, one with high mor-
monophasic demyelinating disorder becomes tality, is the Marburg variant.25,26 Within days,
likely only if the patient has remained asympto- progressive ophthalmoplegia, dysarthria, dyspha-
matic for at least 1 year.5 gia, and blindness may develop and the patient
becomes comatose. An uncal brain herniation pat-
tern appears when a large inflammatory demyeli-
nating tumefactive lesion shifts brain tissue.
A brief period of observation in the intensive Mechanical ventilation is often needed in pa-
care unit and support with mechanical ven- tients whose condition deteriorates to coma and
tilation may be needed, but many patients in patients with bulbar signs. Neurogenic pul-
are soon able to protect their airway and ven- monary edema as a result of sympathetic disinhi-
tilate normally. bition may accompany the fulminant form.27 In
Brain biopsy should be deferred until the ef- most patients, marked bulbar failure and inability
fect of immunosuppressive therapy or plasma to swallow secretions lead to aspiration pneu-
exchange has been evaluated. monitis, and upper cervical or spinal cord in-
volvement impairs pulmonary mechanics.28

Fulminant Multiple Sclerosis

Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests
Patients with clinically definitive or laboratory-
The diagnostic criteria of MS, including labora-
supported MS may have very severe exacerba-
tory abnormalities, have been expertly outlined.
tions. Progression into a devastating condition or
A modification of the Poser criteria is shown in
death rarely is the first presentation. The desig-
Box 18.1.29
nation fulminant in this condition is usually de-
fined by symptoms and signs emerging in days
rather than weeks and presupposes involvement Computed Tomography and Magnetic
of multiple areas in the cerebral white matter and Resonance Imaging
often the brain stem. Demyelination, which leads MRI assists in the diagnosis, but findings are non-
to loss of ambulation from weakness or ataxia, may specific. MRI suggests demyelination when lesions
involve the bulbar function and respiratory con- are hypointense or isointense on T1-weighted im-
trol. A brain biopsy, usually performed to charac- ages, occasionally display hyperintense edges, and
terize the source of a new mass, shows fairly are small, irregular, or confluent. White matter le-
typical neuropathologic features of marked in- sions are invariably located in the pons, medulla,
flammatory perivascular infiltrates, extensive additional hemispheric areas involving the junc-
myelin breakdown that spares the nerve cell bod- tions of gray and white matter, and corpus callo-
ies and axis cylinders, and diffuse macrophage sum. Larger confluent areas in periventricular
infiltration. white matter can be seen as well.30,31 Ovoid le-
sions at right angles to the ventricular surface are
characteristic (Fig. 18.2). Unilateral mass effect
Clinical Presentation
with developing edema may occur. Mass effect
Earlier descriptions of this fulminant variant em- may be the most prominent CT scan manifesta-
phasized an accelerated development of ataxia, tion (Fig. 18.3). Ringlike structures may appear,
hemiparesis, or paraparesis; blindness or progres- corresponding to layers of macrophages, which
sive ophthalmoplegia; and notable bulbar in- generate free radicals to produce this paramag-
volvement leading to dysphagia and aspiration. netic effect.32 However, magnetic resonance
Brain stem involvement is a common feature in spectroscopy studies have found that these rings
Acute White Matter Diseases 259

Box 18.1. Diagnostic Criteria for Multiple Sclerosis

No. of
No. of Clinically Paraclinical CSF Oligoclonal
Category Subcategory Clinical Attacks Evident Lesions Evidence0 Bands

CDMS Al 2 2 N/A N/A

A2 2 1 and 1 (or more) N/A
A3 1 1 2' N/A
LSDMS Bl 2 1 or 1 (or more) +
B2 1 2 +
83 1 1 and 1 (or more) +

CDMS. clinically definite multiple sclerosis; CSF. cercbrospinul fluid: LSDMS, laboratory-supported definite multiple sclerosis; N/A, not
applicable; 4 . present.
Implies magnetic resonance imaging, evoked potentials. or CSF.
A diagnosis of CDMS A3 requires panclineallclinical evidence for dissemination in time as well as space.
Source: Paly DW, Noseworthy JH. Ebers GC: Diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. In DW Paty, GC Ebers leds), Multiple Sclerosis. Coiji-
purary Neurology Scries. Philadelphia: FA Davis, 1998. p. 48. By permission of Oxford Univcisity Press.

more than likely represent central edema in the 60% of patients with early MS.31 The sensitivity
core of the ring plaque.33 in median nerve somatosensory evoked potentials
is similar. Brain stem auditory evoked potentials
Evoked Potentials are less sensitive and positive in only 20%-25% of
Evoked potential studies may detect asympto- patients with MS.34
matic lesions.34,35 Pattern reversal visual evoked Evoked potentials probably are most useful for
potential is sensitive for lesions in the optic nerve providing supportive laboratory evidence of MS
and chiasm, and findings are abnormal in 40%- when additional diagnostic tests are abnormal.35

Figure 18.2 Fulminant multiple sclerosis with multi- istic scattered lesions in the corpus callosum and brain
ple periventricular white matter lesions and character- stem.

Figure 18.2 (Continued)

Cerebrospinal Fluid tation of MS. Intrathecal immunoglobulin in the

Cell count can vary from 10 to 50 lymphocytes/ CSF is a result of increased plasma cell synthesis
mm3, with a mixture of monocytes, plasma cells, and leakage from the brain through a defective
and macrophages. Total protein is mildly in- blood-brain barrier. Oligoclonal bands in the CSF
creased, and immunoglobulin G (IgG) is increased (at least two different and distinct bands) but not
in 70% of clinically definite MS. Two or more in the serum are typical for MS but can occur in
oligoclonal bands in the gamma field may be de- 8% of patients with other neurologic diseases that
tected in only 40% of patients with first presen- may superficially mimic MS (viral meningoen-

Figure 18.3 Marked mass effect and edema common in the Marburg variant of multiple
Acute White Matter Diseases 261

cephalitis, neurosyphilis, sarcoidosis, and fungal etate (20 mg subcutaneously daily), are similar.41
meningitis). The sensitivity of oligoclonal bands in An evidence-based report on therapy in MS has
CSF for MS is more than 90%.36 been made available by the American Academy of
Neurology, and some of the pertinent conclusions
are summarized in Table 18.2. There is insuffi-
First Priority in Management
cient proof of effect and concern of more harm
Intravenous administration of methylprednisolone, using sulfasalazine, mitoxantrone, cyclophos-
1 g per day for 3-5 days, is followed by 60 mg of phamide, and cladribine.42
prednisone.37 The number of contrast-enhancing
lesions is significantly reduced.38 Tapering of oral
Predictors of Outcome
prednisone should be completed in 14 days. Over-
all prognosis is not affected by corticosteroids. Aza- Fulminant MS is associated with a high probabil-
thioprine, methotrexate, cyclophosphamide, and ity of permanent disability and with a somewhat
cyclosporine have no demonstrated benefit in acute shortened life span, strongly dependent on the de-
progressive MS. gree of disability. Unfavorable prognostic factors
High doses of corticosteroids may not be suffi- are age over 40, male gender, and extensive MRI
cient to counter the fulminant attack, and evi- abnormalities (increased T2 lesion load and num-
dence in patients with fulminant MS suggests that ber of active enhancing lesions). The relapse rate
plasma exchange may be useful.39,40 Improve- varies after a first major attack but decreases over
ment begins within several days, reversing quad- time. After the first attack, approximately 25% of
riplegia and dependence on a mechanical venti- patients have a relapse within 1 year and 50%
lator. Plasmapheresis has shown no effect in within 3 years. The extent of disability 5 years af-
long-term outcome of progressive MS, but it may ter the diagnosis strongly determines the future
be beneficial in fulminant exacerbations by re- clinical course.29 Recovery may be protracted,
moving soluble factors involved in the process of lasting 3-4 weeks; and intercurrent infections may
demyelination. The number of plasma exchanges contribute to early mortality.
is unknown, but up to six exchanges every other
day may be needed.39,40
Two forms of recombinant interferon-beta
should be considered. These agents decrease clin- Early aspiration pneumonia, fever, or major
ical relapses by 30%, halve the number of severe oropharyngeal involvement justifies admis-
relapses, and lengthen time to first relapse. They sion to an intensive care unit.
are administered subcutaneously (interferon- Placement of an intracranial pressure device
beta-Ib, 8 million units every other day) or in- is warranted in the Marburg variant of MS,
tramuscularly (interferon-beta-la, 6 million units to monitor clinical progression and treat in-
weekly). The effects of a new agent, glatiramer ac- creased intracranial pressure.

Table 18.2. Therapy in Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Drug/Procedure Specific Effect Effectiveness

Glucosteroids Shorten acute attack Established

Reduce attack rate of relapsing-remitting MS Possible
Interferon- Reduces attack rate in MS or isolated syndromes at high risk Probable
of developing MS
Intravenous immunoglobulin Reduces attack rate in relapsing-remitting MS Possible
Glatiramer acetate Reduces attack rate in relapsing-remitting MS Possible
Methotrexate Alters disease in progressive MS Possible
Azathioprine Reduces relapse rate Possible
Cyclosporine Some benefit in progressive MS Possible
Plasma exchange Severe acute episodes in previously nondisabled patients Possible
Data from Goodin et al.42

Neurosurgical consultation for craniotomy or Motor weakness may vary substantially, with a
biopsy may be needed to pathologically con- maximum deficit usually within 1-2 days, al-
firm the diagnosis. though subacute progression up to 2 months is
known. However, maximal motor deficit may be
reached within several hours.
Acute Transverse Myelitis The neurologic findings are typical of a func-
tional cord transection at one segment, with loss
Acute transverse myelitis is an uncommon, po- of motor and sensory function and areflexia. All
tentially devastating disorder associated with spinal cord levels can become involved. Partial
many illnesses (Table 18.3). Diagnostic criteria for variants have been described, with incomplete in-
idiopathic transverse myelitis have been pub- volvement, patchy and dissociated sensory symp-
lished.43 It is not a likely consideration if there toms, and sparing of the bladder.
had been prior radiation to the spine within the
last 10 years, evidence of connective tissue dis-
ease, or a variety of infectious agents.43 A vigor- Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests
ously mounted immune response is attributed to
its pathogenesis. Demyelination and inflamma- Magnetic Resonance Imaging
tion involve the spinal cord at any level, but often MRI is preferred, to exclude causes that are po-
the effects are limited to a few segments. How- tentially reversible. The rarity of the disorder
ever, patients presenting with acute paraparesis implies that other causes of paraplegia are more
and a distinct sensory level more commonly have frequent in clinical practice. MRI should be per-
extramedullary cord compression or another formed at once and, if necessary, patients should
cause of myelitis. Chapter 12 presents the overall be referred to a tertiary center.
evaluation of acute spinal cord compression. MRI findings are swelling of the cord, in-
creased T2-weighted signal, and often abnormal
enhancement throughout the cord.46-50
Clinical Presentation More extensive involvement may be found on
Rapid ascending sensory deficit and difficulty MRI than is clinically evident and vice versa (Fig.
walking within days are hallmarks of the disor- 18.4). A swollen cord is difficult to differentiate
der.44 Fever and nuchal rigidity may occur in 27% from an intramedullary neoplasm or dural arterio-
and 13% of patients, respectively.45 Paresthesias venous malformation causing venous hyperten-
may be widespread, but usually a sensory level be- sion (see Chapter 12), but follow-up MRI, usually
low which sensation is abnormal is pointed out by within weeks, should demonstrate complete res-
the patient. olution or substantial improvement. MRI of the
brain and visual evoked potentials are useful to
demonstrate other demyelinating lesions that in-
Table 18.3. Causes of Acute
crease the probability of MS or Devic's disease,
Transverse Myelitis
with acute transverse myelitis as the first defining
Echovirus lesion.
Herpes zoster Cerebrospinal Fluid
Herpes simplex (HSV1, HSV2)
CSF examination may show pleocytosis of up to
Epstein-Barr virus 10,000 cells (both lymphocytes and polymor-
Cytomegalovirus phonuclear leukocytes), but CSF cell count can
Mycoplasma be almost normal. CSF protein is commonly in-
Parasite infection (e.g., schistosomiasis) creased (in more than three-fourths of patients)
Multiple sclerosis
and may reach values as high as 500 mg/dL.
Lupus erythematosus
Sjogren's syndrome Miscellaneous
Syphilis Vasculitis (e.g., systemic lupus erythematosus)
Lyme disease
and a vascular malformation are important con-
Acute White Matter Diseases 263

Figure 18.4 Acute transverse myelitis (magnetic res- cord abnormality. Both patients had complete cord le-
onance images, sagittal view). A: Long segment of T2 sions on examination.
signal in cervical cord. B: Subtle enhancing thoracic

siderations, and spinal angiography should be per- or intermittent compression devices) should be-
formed if involvement is at a high or middle tho- gin early.
racic level. This localization in a spinal watershed
zone may suggest a vascular rather than an auto-
Predictors of Outcome
immune mechanism.
Viral serology may be useful because well-known One-third of patients with acute transverse
viruses may cause acute transverse myelitis.51 myelitis do not recover ambulation or bladder or
bowel control. Partial recovery with a consider-
able handicap and good recovery each account for
First Priority in Management
one-third of patients.52 Transverse myelitis has a
Treatment with corticosteroids is controversial. much better prognosis if there is no progression
No measurable effect has been reported, and with to a complete cord syndrome and sensation re-
marked variability in recovery time, improvement mains preserved. MRI findings are not predictive
cannot be attributed to this treatment without a of outcome. No correlation has been found with
formal clinical trial. Most physicians, however, extent of the initial deficit, neurologic deficit and
prefer a brief course with methylprednisolone prognosis, and MRI findings53 (Fig. 18.4).
(1000 mg/day).
It is unknown whether specific antibiotic or an-
tiviral therapy improves outcome. Experience
with plasmapheresis and intravenous immuno- MRI of the spine on an urgent basis.
globulin is lacking. It is important to place an in- Neurology ward or rehabilitation unit.
dwelling catheter in patients with minimal blad-
der reflex activity. Dysautonomia may occur alone
from a distended bladder when the lesion is above Acute Leukoencephalopathy
the sympathetic outflow (T6), and any stimulus
may produce severe hypertension. Prophylaxis for Selective white matter damage has become more
deep venous thrombosis (heparin subcutaneously apparent with the introduction of immunosup-

pressive agents and chemotherapeutic agents. been used in many well-documented cases of
These lipophilic substances preferentially target acute leukoencephalopathy. Breakdown of the
myelin because of its high lipid content. MRI blood-brain barrier or facilitated transport is re-
predominance in the bilateral parieto-occipital quired for these immunosuppressive drugs to enter
hemispheric regions justifies the term posterior the brain. Cyclosporine or tacrolimus may have a
leukoencephalopathy.54-58 The term posterior re- direct damaging effect on the vasculature, leading
versible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) has to microvascular damage and access to the brain.
been suggested, connotating a relationship with Tremors, vivid visual hallucinations, and be-
hypertension. This section describes acute leuko- havioral changes with paranoid behavior and wide
encephalopathy in adults. Causes are presented in mood swings are common and associated with
Table 18.4. Chronic, protracted leukoencephalo- rambling, nonsensible speech.60 Commonly, the
pathies consist of a very wide array of disorders, speech disorder is characterized by stuttering
including aminoacidopathy, organic acid disor- when words are spoken rapidly or even at a nor-
ders, and lysosomal storage disease. mal pace but normal output when the patient is
instructed to speak slowly. Speech may be dis-
torted, with similarity to a foreign accent, and a
Clinical Presentation
single, generalized tonic-clonic seizure may be the
Decrease in level of consciousness and marked only clue to toxiciry. Less common presentations
cognitive decline, but also behavioral changes are blindness, cerebellar syndrome, orofacial
alone, may be presenting symptoms. Headache is dyskinesias, and mutism.60 Presentation is similar
prominent. Seizures are prevalent, mostly gener- in tacrolimus and cyclosporine neurotoxicity: less
alized tonic-clonic but focal onset has been noted. severe signs and symptoms regress rapidly after
The disorder may progress rapidly to cortical discontinuation but may recur after a different
blindness, marked ataxia, and speech or language immunosuppressive agent is substituted. With the
abnormalities. Akinetic mutism may occur if the oral microemulsion of cyclosporine (Neoral),
disorder is not recognized in the earlier stages of neurotoxicity is less severe, mostly tremor and
presentation. Akinetic mutism (summarized by headache only.61 There are no reports of neuro-
Cairns et al.59 as "motionless, mindless wakeful- toxicity with sirolimus (the term suggests a phar-
ness") can be explained by extensive involvement macologic similarity with tacrolimus, but although
of the thalamofrontal fibers and isolation of the receptor linkage is similar, the two agents differ
anterior cingulate cortex. in structure).
Immunosuppressive agents (cyclosporine and Another well-identified leukoencephalopathy
tacrolimus) in transplantation recipients have has been associated with chemotherapeutic agents,
predominantly 5-fluorouracil and levamisole. The
Table 18.4. Acute Leukoencephalopathy estimated incidence of this toxic leukoencepha-
in Adults lopathy is 2%.62
The lesions are more confluent and multifocal
Immunosuppressive agents (cyclosporine, tacrolimus) when tissue is examined. Perivascular lymphocytic
Hypertensive crises
inflammation is found next to demyelination. A
Eclampsia, HELLP syndrome
Chemotherapeutic agents (methotrexate, 5-fluorouracil, more delayed manifestation, often with seizures,
levamisole, intra-arterial nimustine [ACNU]) has been reported with chemotherapeutic agents.
Fulminant multiple sclerosis In these patients, a history of insidious decline in
Postradiation period intellectual function is obtained together with
Human immunodeficiency virus encephalopathy
clinical evidence of a progressive disorder char-
Interferon-a acterized by spasticity and bulbar palsy. Its clini-
Heroin inhalation cal presentation can be nothing more specific than
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy depression and withdrawal, sometimes mistaken
ACNU, l-(4-amino-2-methyl-5-pyrimidinyl)-methyl-(2-chloroethyl)-
for a psychological response to the diagnosis of
3-nitrosourea); HELLP, hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low cancer. Ataxia, impaired thinking, slurring of
platelet count. speech, and memory impairment follow, and pro-
Acute White Matter Diseases 265

found stupor or coma may ensue. The predomi- munodeficiency virus (HIV) and progressive mul-
nant trigger of neurotoxicity is 5-fluorouracil,62-64 tifocal leukoencephalopathy associated with JC
but toxicity with levamisole alone has been re- virus by examination of CSF, polymerase chain re-
ported.65 action, or brain biopsy.79-82 In addition, we noted
Methotrexate is used intravenously, intrathe- that posterior leukoencephalopathy can be the
cally, and orally.66 All of these modes of adminis- first manifestation of CNS vasculitis, with pro-
tration may be associated with toxic damage to the gression in other vascular territories when un-
white matter.67,68 Methotrexate barely crosses the treated.83 Finally a link with hypercalcemia has
blood-brain barrier because it is an ionized and been suggested.84
lipid-insoluble compound, but prior radiation-
induced damage to the integrity of the blood-
brain barrier may facilitate its transport. Intra- Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests
arterially administered nimustine (ACNU) has
produced leukoencephalopathy in the treatment Computed Tomography and Magnetic
of glioma.69 However, combined use of radiation Resonance Imaging
and chemotherapy may complicate finding a pre- CT scanning is not nearly as diagnostic as MRI in
cise cause-and-effect relationship. It may occur leukoencephalopathy, and a CT scan may be sur-
without prior radiation.70 The mechanism is un- prisingly normal. A comatose patient with any of
clear, but reversible cerebral vasospasm has been the toxins or triggers mentioned above should
documented.71 therefore undergo MRI.
In the management of leukemia, three recog- Routine MRI sequences, gadolinium enhance-
nized chemotherapy-associated leukoencephalo- ment, and, if available, diffusion-weighted imaging
pathy syndromes have been described: (I) an may further delineate the white matter lesion. Re-
acute syndrome within 24 hours after intrathecal stricted diffusion on diffusion-weighted MRI may
administration of methotrexate, cranial irradia- support cytotoxic edema, which indicates ischemia
tion, or use of cytarabine, resulting in an acute and is associated with reduced ADC values (see
confusional state and seizures resolving in 2-3 Chapter 9).85
days; (2) subacute leukoencephalopathy 12 weeks The extensive lesions are nonspecific, but some
after intravenous administration of methotrexate, MRI characteristics may point to a certain cause.
with focal motor neurologic signs, behavioral These are sparing of the U fibers (cytomegalovirus
changes, and seizures; and (3) insidious leukoen- and HIV encephalopathy); capping of the lateral
cephalopathy progressing over months, with per- ventricles, centrum semiovale, and corpus callo-
sonality changes, marked intellectual decline, and sum (MS); additional gray matter involvement
spasticity.72 (central nervous system vasculitis, organic
Leukoencephalopathy may occur after heroin acidurias, postanoxic-ischemic encephalopathies,
abuse, particularly after inhalation of heroin va- including carbon monoxide and cyanide); en-
por ("chasing the dragon").73,74 Progression from hancement with gadolinium (ADEM, MS,
cerebellar symptoms to extrapyramidal involve- Alexander's disease, Schilder's diffuse sclerosis);
ment to spasticity to akinetic mutism is due to in- and sparing of the basal ganglia (lysosomal disor-
volvement of both cerebral hemispheres, the ders, including sphingolipidosis). Several exam-
cerebellar peduncles, and the midbrain. ples of acute leukoencephalopathies are shown in
Anecdotal reports of acute leukoencephalopa- Figures 18.5-18.7. Most patients with mild forms
thy with erythropoietin,75 amphotericin,76 and in- of cyclosporine or tacrolimus neurotoxicity do not
terferon57 have appeared. Hypertensive enceph- have MRI abnormalities,86,87 which are typically
alopathy and eclampsia may cause headache, seen in the most severe instances,88-90 often in pa-
seizures, cortical blindness, and papilledema tients with seizures at presentation. Progressive
and may produce reversible posterior leukoen- multifocal leukoencephalopathy may mimic these
cephalopathy syndrome.77,78 disorders. Little or no mass effect or gadolinium
It remains important to exclude multifocal enhancement is noted. The lesions are in focal ar-
leukoencephalopathy associated with human im- eas of the gray-white junction (Fig. 18.8).

Figure 18.5 Magnetic resonance images demonstrate radiation leukoencephalopathy (ra-

diation for glioma).

Cerebrospinal Fluid and Serum with blood or plasma levels is unreliable, and in
CSF examination is useful to obtain material for some patients progression may occur despite de-
detecting the JC virus, and the test has 100% clining blood levels. In only 30%-40% of reported
specificity in immunosuppressed patients after cases, trough plasma levels are increased or show
transplantation. Oligoclonal bands and IgG index a significant upward trend. Plasma levels of these
are not diagnostic and can be seen in many de- immunosuppressive agents are more likely to be
myelinating disorders. increased when leukoencephalopathy is demon-
The correlation of cyclosporine and tacrolimus strated on MRI, but correlation remains poor.
Acute White Matter Diseases 267

Figure 18.6 Methotrexate leukoencephalopathy on (similar findings possible with 5-fluorouracil and lev-
axial T2-weighted (A) and sagittal fluid-attenuated in- amisole).
version recovery (B) magnetic resonance imaging

First Priority in Management sirolimus. Methylprednisolone (1 g for 3-5 days)

has been administered intravenously in inflam-
Discontinuation of therapy with the causative matory leukoencephalopathies associated with
drug may resolve most of the symptoms within chemotherapeutic agents, with a successful result
2 days. Cyclosporine or tacrolimus can be re- but no proof of its effect.65 Suspicion of progres-
placed by mycophenolate mofetil (CellCept) or sive multifocal leukoencephalopathy should be

Figure 18.7 Cyclosporine-associated leukoencephalopathy, with multiple areas of in-

volvement but normal diffusion-weighted imaging, suggesting edema.

Figure 18.7 (Continued)

high in patients who have acquired immunodefi- clinical resolution and MRI resolution are ex-
ciency syndrome (AIDS) and in transplantation pected after cessation of the immunosuppressive
recipients. Treatment with cytarabine (2 mg/kg) and chemotherapeutic agents. Incomplete recov-
should await biopsy determination, but it may re- ery has been noted, however, particularly in com-
tard progression only for several months. atose patients.62 The median survival with pro-
gressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in HIV
infection is 10 weeks, but survival appears pro-
Predictors of Outcome
longed when leukoencephalopathy emerges in pa-
The prognosis for complete recovery in drug- tients receiving highly active antiretroviral ther-
associated leukoencephalitis is excellent, and both apy, increasing to 46 weeks.91

Most patients can be treated with supportive
care on the ward.
Status epilepticus or focal partial status
epilepticus is very uncommon, but a pro-
longed series of seizures may justify 24-hour
observation with video and electroenceph-
alographic monitoring in an intensive care


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Chapter 19
Traumatic Brain and
Spine Injury

The management of accidental traumatic brain 8.5) and the presentation computed tomography
and spine injuries commonly involves patients who (CT) scan. Head injury can be classified into sev-
have had motor vehicle accidents or have fallen eral characteristic categories, and each may have
some from significant heights. On arrival in the different triage options (Table 19.1). Coexisting
emergency department, the medical complexities categories are common in catastrophic trauma.
in these highly unstable patients and in those with
nonpenetrating trauma to the central nervous sys-
Clinical Presentation
tem may be a predicament for most neurologists.
The life-threatening potential of injuries to vital Traumatic brain injury frequently impairs level of
organs encompasses most of the activity in the alertness, but the mechanism is diverse. Coma
emergency department. On closer examination, it may occur from bihemispheric contusions, extra-
appears in some instances that neurologists and cerebral hematoma causing a mass effect on the
neurosurgeons may have only a peripheral role and opposite hemisphere or thalamus and, rarely, an
be consulted only after many hours or even days isolated brain stem lesion.
of stabilization of vital organ functions. (As the The Glasgow coma score reliably measures the
adage goes, many patients are "too sick to oper- degree of traumatic coma. Eye opening and mo-
ate."1) Quite frankly, the priority to manage chest tor responses remain the most important leads
and abdominal trauma in multitraumatized pa- and often closely correspond with other changes
tients may undermine the management of head in the brain stem reflexes, such as pupillary and
and spine trauma. Also, intoxication often leads to oculocephalic responses. In addition, the Glas-
trauma (e.g., bar brawls, intravenous drug use), gow coma score predicts outcome after traumatic
and its drugging effect on the brain may confound brain injury irrespective of the underlying struc-
clinical assessment. Some of these patients are tural lesion. Assessment is most reliable after car-
found on the street or in the recesses of buildings, diopulmonary resuscitation and at least 6 hours
often in deplorable clinical condition. This chap- after injury.2 Coma is closely linked to a Glasgow
ter discusses how to determine the severity of the coma sum score of 8 or less (e.g., ability to open
initial injury, accomplish medical management of eyes only to pain, E2; incomprehensible sounds,
traumatic brain edema and contusions, and assess V2; and arm withdrawal to pain, M4).
the need for acute neurosurgical intervention. Pupillary light response and pupil size further
localize and measure degree of impact. Unilater-
ally enlarged pupil is often due to an evolving in-
Traumatic Brain Injury tracranial mass lesion and may become oval when
intracranial pressure (ICP) is increased. The fixed
The severity of injury is graded on the basis of the pupil of an extracranial hematoma is on the same
Glasgow coma score (see Chapter 8, Table 8.4, Fig. side; but occasionally a falsely localizing con-

Traumatic Brain and Spine Injury 273

Table 19.1. Classification of Traumatic examined. Causes of hypotension (e.g., abdomi-

Brain Injury nal/thoracic bleeding source) should be aggres-
sively sought. Scalp avulsions may cause signifi-
Closed cant blood loss and shock and should be repaired
immediately. However, hypotension in adults is
Hemorrhagic contusion
Contrecoup contusion almost never a direct result of central nervous sys-
Shear lesion tem trauma. In a few instances, hypotension may
Malignant brain edema result from major external scalp bleeding, spinal
Diffuse axonal injury shock, and brain death; and in children it may oc-
cur with a large epidural hematoma.3 Orbital
Subdural swelling can be profound and may prevent full ex-
Penetrating amination of fundi and eye movements. If the
Parenchymal swelling is associated with ecchymosis of the eye-
Intracerebral hematoma lids (so-called raccoon or panda bear eyes) (see
Color Fig. 19.1 in separate color insert), it may in-
Subdural hematoma
Skull fracture dicate a fracture of the orbital roof or, more
Vault commonly, a Le Fort III (nasal-orbital-ethmoid
Linear or stellate midface) or zygomatic fracture. The orbital roof
Depressed fracture may extend through the ethmoid or
Open or closed
cribriform-ethmoid junction and result in a cere-
With spinal fluid leak brospinal fluid (CSF) fistula. Petrous bone frac-
With facial nerve palsy tures may result in facial paralysis from direct in-
With carotid artery trauma jury to the facial nerve, ecchymosis over the
mastoid (Battle's sign), and a CSF leak from the
external canal. The Battle and raccoon eye signs,
however, take several hours to develop, and speci-
ficity for basal skull fracture is low. Abrasions of
tralateral pupil is seen, an observation not ade- the chin are clues to possible retroflexion trauma
quately explained. Mydriasis of one pupil after of the spine and should prompt precautionary
head injury indicates a swollen temporal lobe measures, such as a collar, until a cervical spine
causing traction of the third nerve or direct com- radiograph or CT scan has excluded a fracture or
pression. However, when a patient with a fixed dislocation.
pupil is seen early after trauma, the most frequent Seizures are associated with traumatic brain in-
cause is an ipsilateral epidural or large subdural jury in only up to 10% of patients and are more
hematoma. common in patients with a cortical contusion or
Fixed pupils of midposition size (diameter 5- traumatic intracerebral hematoma, depressed
6 mm) may indicate a mesencephalic stage of skull fracture, and dural tear.
herniation and may be the first indication of Dysautonomia may coexist, but if so, it indi-
brain death in the emergency department. Brain cates catastrophic diffuse axonal brain trauma.4
death in head injury is a result of massive cere- Patients clench both fists, burying the thumbs
bral edema, multiple hemorrhagic contusions, or into the palms; grind teeth; lock the jaw; and
a rapidly evolving epidural hematoma causing bite the endotracheal tube. Other manifesta-
an irreversible shift of the brain stem. It is often tions are profuse sweating (Fig. 19.2) and tachy-
observed in subtentorial epidural hematomas, cardia.
which are not accommodated for in the small Many algorithms and trauma scores have been
compartment of the posterior fossa. devised and may be helpful in triage; however, it
In the midst of multiple trauma to limbs, ab- is more important to weigh factors that would jus-
domen, or chest, facial trauma may receive less tify rapid transportation to a neurotrauma center
attention; and neurologists are often the first to or neurologic-neurosurgical intensive care unit
point out the injuries when the cranial nerves are (Table 19.2).

Table 19.3. Coma in Traumatic Brain Injury

but "Normal" Findings on Computed
Tomographic Scanning

Drug or alcohol overdose

Postanoxic insult to both hemispheres from asphyxia
(vomiting, aspiration, foreign body)
Postictal state after seizures or nonconvulsive status
Vertebral artery dissection with basilar artery occlusion

considered when CT scans do not fully explain the

clinical presentation, but it is not readily available
and is probably unsafe in mechanically ventilated
patients with unstable multiple traumatic lesions
to vital organs. Major dissimilarities between CT
scan findings after trauma and the patient's state
of impaired consciousness should point to con-
founding factors, including additional insults to
the brain, some of which are reversible (Table
Figure 19.2 Profuse sweating (arrows) from dysauto- 19.3).
nomia in a patient with axonal brain injury.
Several CT scan patterns can be recognized,
and they are illustrated in the figures of this chap-
ter. The severity of head injury in comatose pa-
Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests tients can be further classified. Absence of visu-
alization of the basal cisterns, midline shift, and a
Computed Tomography and Magnetic mass lesion are strong predictors of increased
Resonance Imaging ICP. Mass effect with absence of a third ventri-
CT scan imaging is imperative in any patient with cle and trapping of the temporal horn correlates
facial lacerations or hematoma, reduced level of strongly with increased ICP.
consciousness, significant impact to the cranium Most parenchymal injuries are a direct effect of
(particularly from a fall or fist fight), and certainly a blow to the brain. These contusions are created
any evidence of focal neurologic signs or pupillary when brain tissue becomes impacted against the
inequality during transport.5 CT scan of the brain bony protuberances of the base of the skull. They
should be part of a complete evaluation in a pa- are further subdivided into fracture contusions,
tient with multitrauma and not be deferred to a contrecoup contusions, and shear lesions.
later time. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is Contusions are common in the frontal and tem-
poral lobes (Fig. 19.3) and can be seen in associ-
ation with a fracture of the anterior fossa. This ab-
Table 19.2. Severity Indicators of Traumatic normality may be accompanied by an epidural or
Brain Injury subdural hematoma, which may be responsible for
the clinical symptoms. In patients with acute sub-
Inability to remember trauma
dural hematoma, follow-up CT scans show lacer-
Fall, fist fight, car collision
Age >60 years ated brain tissue at the same site or this becomes
Tachypnea apparent during craniotomy and removal of the
Hypotension extradural hematoma.
Scalp or face injury Contrecoup contusions (Fig. 19.4A,B) are often
Penetrating injury
two or more lesions diametrically opposite to one
Pupils fixed to light
Abnormal findings on computed tomographic scan
another. Shear lesions (Fig. 19.5) are punctate le-
sions from disruption of small penetrating arter-
Traumatic Brain and Spine Injury 275

Figure 19.3 A: Frontal lobe contusions (arrows). B: Temporal lobe burst hematoma

ies due to rotational forces at impact. The local- the overwhelming evidence of axonal destruction
ization of shear lesions varies, but often they may be noted only microscopically at autopsy.8 CT
are identified at the gray-white matter junction. scan findings may appear initially normal, but of-
Basal ganglia (predominantly putamen) may be ten subtle changes are present, such as intraven-
involved. tricular blood (small amounts from corpus callo-
Hemorrhagic contusions may not be evident on sum tearing), punctate shear lesions, or sulci
initial CT scanning, are unmasked only after re- effacement. Later CT scans may show (ex vacuo)
peat studies, and are not always associated with enlargement of the ventricles from reduction of
clearly documented clinical deterioration (Fig. the white matter tissue.
19.6). Mass effect from cortical contusions is sel- Corpus callosum lesions may be demonstrated
dom severe initially but may increase from peri- on MRI but seldom are found by CT scanning.
contusional swelling. Corpus callosum lesions are in the splenium and
Another rather frequent CT scan image is dif- posterior body because relative fixation from the
fuse axonal injury.6 The pathologic damage is posterior falx results in a tensile force rather than
caused by acceleration-deceleration forces,7 and release with rotation. Brain stem lesions have

Figure 19.4 A: Contrecoup contusions (arrows). B: contusion (arrowheads) and basal cistern effacement
Epidural hematoma with contrecoup temporal lobe (arrows).

been noted, often with multiple hemispheric le- differentiating features of the white matter and
sions. A focal hemorrhage is most commonly seen gray matter disappear and the basal cisterns are
in the dorsolateral aspect of the brain stem from obliterated, resulting in a "featureless grayout of
a blow to the edge of the tentorium or in the in- the brain." This malignant edema is often fatal and
terpeduncular cistern. Diffuse cerebral swelling may occur after an asymptomatic interval and
(Fig. 19.7) occasionally is seen early after impact "trivial" impact (fall off a horse or bicycle).
and indicates severe axonal damage. Typically, the A subdural hematoma typically is recognized as

Figure 19.5 Shear lesions (arrows), including basal ganglia.

Traumatic Brain and Spine Injury 277

Figure 19.6 Delayed abnormalities on computed to- seen. Bottom row, Multiple lobar contusions (arrows)
mographic scans. Top row, Contusion (arrow) is barely develop later.

a hyperdense lesion with a characteristic crescen- When hyperdensity is seen within an isodense col-
tic (curving with the skull) collection.9 Acute lection, rebleeding is likely. A fluid-blood inter-
subdural hematomas are hyperdense, but when face may suggest rebleeding (Fig. 19.8). Usually,
marked anemia (hemoglobin <8 g/dL) is present, a subdural hematoma isodense to the gray matter
they may approach the density of brain tissue. is evident 3 weeks after onset. A change to a hy-

Figure 19.7 Axonal injury to the brain and diffuse swelling (arrows), with so-called fea-
tureless grayout.

Figure 19.8 Different types of subdural hematoma.

A: Subdural hematoma (arrows) on magnetic resonance
imaging (fluid-attenuated inversion recovery) in a pa-
tient with transient ischemic attacks on presentation
who had normal computed tomographic findings but
abnormal findings on magnetic resonance imaging.
B,C: Typical subdural hematoma with no shift but com-
pression of the white matter (white arrows in B). D:
Rebleeding subdural hematoma with fluid interface
(arrow) between recent and older collections of blood.
E: Falx subdural hematoma (arrow).
Traumatic Brain and Spine Injury 279

podense collection follows, but estimation of the Subdural hematoma can be seen as an inter-
age of the hematoma on CT images is difficult. In hemispheric collection along the falx, and this col-
elderly patients, isodense subdural hematomas lection tends to enlarge (Fig. 19.8E).
may only be recognized by loss of sulci and small Epidural hematomas (Fig. 19.9) are associated
ventricles (false CT-age mismatch). Small layers with fracture in more than 95% of cases. The
of subdural hematoma may go undetected on CT hematoma, which is due to a tear in a meningeal
scans because they can hardly be distinguished artery, strips the dura away from the inner table
from bone; MRI visualizes them (Fig. 19.8A). of the skull, producing a biconvex, or lens-shaped,

Figure 19.9: A-C: Supratentorial epidural hematoma (arrows, see hyperlucent areas).
D: Subtentorial epidural hematoma.

configuration. Anterior-posterior extension is ture was present in 77% of patients with contu-
usually limited by the skull sutures. Its mass ef- sion, 87% with an extradural hematoma, 72% with
fect is significant in both the supratentorial and a subdural hematoma, and 66% with an intra-
the infratentorial spaces and may rapidly lead to cerebral hematoma.15 The degree of depression
brain herniation syndromes. An ominous CT scan of skull fracture can be easily visualized. Linear
feature is a hyperlucent area, which should be rec- fractures are more commonly associated with
ognized on CT images (Fig. 19.9A). It indicates epidural or subdural hematomas than are de-
active bleeding because a completed epidural he- pressed skull fractures (Fig. 19.10).15 Of specific
matoma is uniformly dense. An epidural hema- note is the presence of blood in the sphenoid,
toma in the posterior fossa is caused by a torn which is typical of a foramen lacerum fracture and
dural sinus (Fig. 19.9D); it may become large may indicate damage to the carotid artery (Fig.
enough to cause full effacement of the brain stem 19.10).
cisterns. Vertex epidural hematomas, which are
very rare, are caused by rupture of the superior Serum
sagittal sinus. Unlike the rapid evolution of arte- Next to a routine laboratory survey, obtaining a
rial epidural hematomas, involvement of the dural serum (and urinary) toxicologic screen is of value.
sinus may not become clinically noticeable for sev- Blood alcohol level is imperative not only for
eral hours.10 medicolegal reasons but also for judging its influ-
Traumatic subarachnoid collections in sulci and ence on level of consciousness. Increased serum
fissures should not involve any of the suprasellar osmolality may also indicate alcohol intoxication
cisterns.11 Occasionally, some sediment is seen in (a more detailed discussion is in Chapter 8). Lab-
the ambient cistern (see Chapter 13). Blood from oratory support of disseminated intravascular
traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage may have coagulation needs to be sought and includes
collected in the sylvian fissure alone. The distinc- prolonged prothrombin time, thrombocytopenia
tion between a ruptured middle cerebral artery (<60,000 platelets), increase in fibrin degradation
aneurysm, with blood deposited in the sylvian fis- products, red cell fragments in smears, and in-
sure, that causes the patient to fall and subarach- creased D-dimer. Early appearance of dissemi-
noid hemorrhage from trauma alone is impossi- nated intravascular coagulation indicates massive
ble if no clear history of a thunderclap headache destruction of brain tissue, releasing thrombo-
is volunteered by the patient. Cerebral angiogra- genic substances such as thromboplastin into vas-
phy is always needed. Traumatic intraventricular cular space.
hemorrhages are commonly associated with other
contusional lesions, which may become apparent
on follow-up CT scan.12-14 Coma and traumatic Miscellaneous
intraventricular hemorrhage are associated with Routine X-ray imaging in a head-injured patient
poor outcome, but isolated intraventricular blood should include the cervical spine with lateral and
in an alert patient is associated with good outcome odontoid views and, when relevant, plain films of
and more often seen with use of warfarin. The the abdomen and pelvis. Diagnostic peritoneal
source of bleeding is typically the choroid plexus. lavage or CT scan of the abdomen or chest is in-
Primary intraventricular hemorrhage may be as- dicated in patients with fluctuating blood pressure
sociated with a fall and additional traumatic le- after adequate fluid replacement.
sion, further obfuscating the etiology. Thus, in
young patients with frank intraventricular hemor-
First Priority in Management
rhage, a cerebral angiogram is warranted.
The main principle of management of traumatic
Bone Window Computed Tomography head injury is immediate treatment of increased
Bone windows on CT scans are important to show ICP, which may involve removal of an extracra-
linear fractures in the skull and are equivalent to nial hematoma or contusion with mass effect.16,17
routine skull radiographs. In many instances, they Immediate stabilization is summarized in Table
indicate the site of the blow and are next to the 19.4. Rapid triage to CT scanning is essential be-
contused area of the brain. In one study, skull frac- cause it determines the cause of impaired con-
Figure 19.10 Major skull fractures. A: Nondepressed. B: Depressed. C: Petrous. D: Blood
in the sphenoid sinus is typical of a fracture of the foramen lacerum.


Table 19.4. Immediate Priorities in when infused in patients with contusional ex-
Head Injury panding temporal lobe hematoma.23
A restless patient may require intubation and
Secure airway sedation with propofol (infusion of 0.5 mg/kg
Remove foreign body
Endotracheal intubation
hourly)24 or, less attractive, morphine (infusion
Immobilize spine of 1 mg hourly) if the endotracheal tube and
Inspect for scalp laceration and depressed fracture mechanical ventilator are not tolerated. Because
Peritoneal lavage with hypotension propofol also reduces increased ICP, it is a use-
Secure venous access with two catheters ful drug in agitated patients with early brain
Normal saline resuscitation in hypotension
Obtain cervical spine X-ray
swelling.24 There is no rationale for use of corti-
Chest radiography costeroids or barbiturates, all of which may seri-
Computed tomographic scan of brain ously complicate management and possibly in-
Computed tomographic scan of abdomen (if appropriate) versely affect outcome through adverse effects of
hypotension, hyperglycemia, and infectious com-
plications.25-29 Simple measures also reduce ICP,
such as preventing head rotation to one side (jugu-
sciousness in most instances. Scalp lacerations lar vein compression); suctioning without stimu-
should be temporarily repaired in the emergency lation of the soft palate or posterior pharyngeal
department unless they are contaminated. It is im- wall, which elicits a gag and cough reflex; and suc-
portant to secure the airway, provide fluids with tioning through an endotracheal tube with one
two large-bore catheters, and exclude abdominal passage only. Intravenous administration of lido-
trauma with peritoneal lavage if blood pressure caine30,31 or increasing the dose of propofol may
remains marginal despite fluid loading with hy- blunt these ICP responses. Several drugs may in-
pertonic saline or dextran.18,19 Some experts ar- crease ICP through an increase in cerebral blood
gue for a flat body position to maximize cerebral flow by vasodilation (Table 19.5).
perfusion pressure (GPP). Early fluid resuscita- Hypoxemia should be aggressively managed,
tion in an attempt to improve organ and brain per- and after intubation, positive end-expiratory pres-
fusion may seem beneficial but could also worsen sure (PEEP) is needed to improve gas exchange.32
bleeding due to increase in blood flow. Others PEEP may increase intrapleural pressure and su-
have argued that fluid administration may reduce perior vena cava pressure and reduce cerebral ve-
blood viscosity, dilute clotting factors, or interfere nous outflow. ICP may become seriously elevated
with hemostasis (particularly, use of starch). Ad- if PEEP values higher than 10 cm H2O are
ministration of poorly warmed fluids may also needed, but its increase can be countered with
contribute to a coagulopathy. A reasonable con- mannitol and head elevation. PEEP may increase
sensus is to use aliquots of 250 ml normal saline partial pressure of arterial CO2 (PaCO2) because
in traumatized patients.20 of increased physiologic dead space; this effect
The focus of management involves not only re- should be anticipated and managed by increasing
duction of ICP but also maintenance of interre- the minute volume of the ventilator. Conversely,
lated GPP (Box 19.1). It is prudent to hyperven- the effects of hyperoxia are unclear and, when
tilate the patient (frequency of more than 20 studied with microdialysis catheters, did not re-
breaths per minute or squeezing the anesthesia sult in improved glucose oxidation.33
[Ambu] bag every 3 seconds) and to give a single Systemic hypothermia (32C-33C) within 6
loading dose of mannitol (20%), 1 g/kg over 10 hours is not likely to be beneficial in severe head
minutes, but only if blood pressure has remained injury. Its benefit and potential complications
stable throughout. Mannitol in multiple doses may (cardiac arrhythmias, pneumonia, coagulation
have the opposite effect by accumulating within problems, and increase in prothrombin time) have
the brain and thus reversing the osmotic gradient been investigated. There is some early indication
between edematous brain and plasma.22 However, that 35C-35.5C may be more optimal.34 Cer-
en route to the operating room, mannitol in a dose tainly, fever should be aggressively treated with
of 1.4 g/kg was significantly better than lower doses cooling blankets, alcohol rubbing, or, as a last re-
Traumatic Brain and Spine Injury 283

Box 19.1. Management of Cerebral Perfusion in Traumatic Brain Injury

Cerebral blood flow is held constant within the matic head injury. Cerebral perfusion is usually
range of mean arterial pressure from 80 to 160 mm aimed at 70-80 mm Hg and can be increased by in-
Hg. Outside this homeostatic range, cerebral blood creasing systolic arterial blood pressure (SABP),
flow is linearly coupled with pressure. Below the draining CSF pressure, and using mannitol (CPP =
lower threshold, a decrease in CPP results in a de- MAP - ICP).
crease in blood flow and ischemia. Theoretically, These vasodilatory and vasoconstriction cas-
above the upper threshold, an increase in CPP re- cades (Fig. 19.11), have led to management of CPP
sults in breakdown of the blood-brain barrier and irrespective of ICP.21 Blood pressure can be in-
edema, but studies suggest that high perfusion pres- creased with adrenergic receptor drugs, and nor-
sures are tolerated for brief periods. movolemia is maintained with albumin. Early results
Management of CPP has been advocated, but suggest good to superior outcome, but this approach
it assumes intact autoregulation, which may not be (endorsed by the Brain Trauma Foundationwww.
present in up to 50% of patients with severe trau- remains unproven.

sort, ice gastric lavage. These measures are cer- ameter less than 1.5 cm, no midline shift, and, as
tainly needed in patients with a severe sympa- alluded to earlier, no lucent area inside the
thetic outburst, who usually have tachycardia, hematoma suggesting recent bleeding could be
tachypnea, and profuse sweating, with tempera- managed with observation.37,38 For subdural
ture increases up to 40C. Propofol can effectively hematomas, medical management is considered if
mute shivering most of the time. the thickness of the hematoma is similar to the
The use of prophylactic antiepileptic agents to thickness of the skull. Large subdural hematomas
prevent seizures has been established. Current without any shift (caused by atrophy of the brain
reasonable recommendations are intravenous
loading with phenytoin in patients with contusions
on CT scan or depressed skull fractures.35 Main-
taining therapeutic phenytoin levels for at least 1
month, a period when seizures are most common,
seems reasonable. Surgical management of ex-
tracerebral hematomas is urgently indicated.
Usually, time can be allowed to evacuate the
hematoma in the operating room, but in rapidly
deteriorating patients without a nearby CT scan-
ner, emergency drilling in the emergency depart-
ment has been lifesaving.36 Medical management
and observation in extracerebral hematomas are
considered only for patients with a maximal Glas-
gow coma score. Epidural hematomas with a di-

Table 19.5. Medications to be Avoided with

Increased Intracranial Pressure
Sodium nitroprusside
Halogenated inhalation anesthetics (halothane, isoflurane) Figure 19.11 Vasodilatation and vasoconstriction cas-
cades. GPP, cerebral perfusion pressure; ICP, intra-
Calcium channel blockers (nicardipine, nimodipine)
cranial pressure; CBV, cerebral blood volume.

in elderly patients or chronic alcoholics) can be profile consists of men in their thirties seen most
surgically managed in a delayed fashion when the often during weekends in the summer months.
clinical signs are minimal. Burr hole placement Complete cord lesions have decreased in preva-
after the hematoma has liquefied is preferred lence, which is tentatively explained by improved
above a large craniotomy. care in the field, increased use of seat belts, and,
Acute chest or abdominal exploration for injury possibly, surgical care of unstable spine trauma.
often has a priority over traumatic brain injury It is prudent to assume that spinal cord injury may
management due to its immediate life-threaten- have occurred in patients who have had multiple
ing condition. Complicated decisions pertain to trauma, motor vehicle or sports accidents, or a
timing of fixation or instrumentation of long bone documented spine fracture.44,45
fractures. When the patient is stable for several This section is not intended to comprehensively
hours, bone fixation avoids traction and its com- discuss all spinal traumatic lesions and surgical
plications of prolonged immobilization but also re- management, which can be properly addressed
duces pain and possibly fat emboli.1 only by experienced spine surgeons or neurosur-
geons with special qualifications in the manage-
Predictors of Outcome ment of spine trauma. Guidelines for surgical
management are outlined (Box 19.2). The field
It is impossible to make an accurate prediction of has evolved into a subspecialty in which the role
outcome in the emergency department. Early pre- of a neurologist or emergency physician is impor-
dictors commonly have been inaccurate, proposed tant but limited to accurate clinical description of
cut-off points in certain scales have been dis- the damage, appropriate stabilization, recognition
proved, and successful resuscitation of a patient of unstable spine fractures or dislocations, and,
for systemic injuries may greatly improve the out- when necessary, early specific medical manage-
come. Prognosis estimates at least in the 24 hours ment. An overview of spine fractures can be found
after injury are thus unreliable.39 elsewhere.48
Age remains an important factor in prognosis,
with 80% mortality from diffuse axonal injury in pa-
tients older than 55 years.40 Prognosis is worse with Clinical Presentation
the following factors: shock, subdural hematoma,41 Traumatic spinal cord injury involves the cervical
and coma in the elderly; early diffuse edema and cord in approximately 50% of cases, the thoracic
increased ICP;42 and failure to decrease ICP with segment in 35%, and the lumbar segment or conus
conventional methods. In a study of MRI in 80 se- in the others. Subtle signs of cervical spine injury
verely injured patients, corpus callosum lesions and are physical signs of an injury above the clavicle,
dorsolateral brain stem lesions predicted an unfa- neck pain, and tilting of the head to one side.
vorable outcome, including vegetative state.43 Tetraplegia or paraplegia is evident from the
onset, but most clinical challenges involve the
Triage management of its commonly associated dysau-
tonomia and urogenital manifestations.
Evacuation of any epidural or subdural hema-
In the spinal shock phase, a generalized state
toma if the patient has a decrease in con-
of hypoexcitability occurs. The marked reduction
sciousness, hemiparesis, or speech deficit.
of sympathetic outflow results in peripheral va-
Evacuation of hemorrhagic contusion if mass
sodilatation, decreased cardiac output, brady-
effect occurs.
cardia (from cardiac chronotropic activity), and
Placement of ICP monitor and monitoring in
venous pooling, all factors that reduce blood pres-
neurologic-neurosurgical intensive care unit.
sure. Blood pressure typically is less than 100 mm
Hg and depends on position and volume; reduc-
Spinal Cord Injury tion in the sitting or upright position may result
in syncope. The lower extremities may show a
Spinal cord injury may have been caused by traf- bluish discoloration from vasodilatation and ve-
fic accidents in more than 50% of patients arriv- nous pooling. Typically, pain does not produce an
ing at emergency departments. The demographic increase in heart rate or blood pressure. Passive
Traumatic Brain and Spine Injury 285

Box 19.2. Surgical Management of Spinal Cord Injury

Surgical management of spine injury in a patient than 3.5 mm or 20%. A stable lesion allows for ear-
with spinal cord injury is pursued to prevent further lier mobilization and transfers. Operative stabiliza-
injury in incomplete lesions, to ensure stability, and tion has not been shown to improve recovery in com-
to prevent deformity. Unstable cervical lesions plete or incomplete lesions, although one survey
should he expected if anterior or posterior elements called for a trial based on suggestive data review.46
are destroyed, sagittal diameter of the spinal canal Deformity requires instrumentation and poste-
is less than 13 mm, or sagittal displacement is more rior fusion in many instances.47

engorgement of the penis (priapism) occurs as a by neurologic findings at presentation. Careful

consequence of sympathetic loss and always indi- clinical delineation of level of involvement may
cates an extensive spinal cord lesion. tailor orientation and selection of the studies.
Temperature may be unregulated. Shivering Neuroradiologists should have access to clinical
cannot occur below the lesion because of loss of information that may further determine certain
sympathetic tone, and lack of increase in metabo- MRI sequences. The priority in the emergency
lism may result in hypothermia. Paradoxically, core department is to diagnose unstable cervical or
hypothermia may be present in patients with oth- thoracic spine fractures or spine compression.
erwise warm extremities. The bladder is completely
paralyzed, causing urinary retention and overflow. Spine Plain Films
Detrusor muscle contraction only later results in Screening cervical spine radiographs for alert pa-
spontaneous or external stimuli-induced voiding. tients with no neck tenderness and no neurologic
It is important to determine the sensory level abnormalities have a very low yield.49 Combined
by cutaneous innervation of the dermatomes. Pin- lateral, anteroposterior, and odontoid views have
prick sensation should be evaluated serially. It is a high diagnostic yield and should recognize more
important to memorize and document clinical than 90% of the lesions, although a false-negative
markers (nipple, T4; navel, T10; midway from arm rate of 26% was found in a study of 70 patients.
to chest, C4T2 border). It may be difficult to de- The lateral cervical spine radiograph and odon-
termine whether the level is cervical or thoracic toid views (Fig. 19.12) should be viewed system-
because the C4 and T2 levels abut each other, but atically.50,51 A common pitfall is focusing on a sin-
examination of motor function and reflexes of the gle fracture or misalignment while overlooking
arm further helps localization. other abnormalities. The essentials of cervical
Reflexes such as the anal wink (puckering of spine plain film viewing are shown in Table 19.6.
the anus with stimulus to the perianal region) and Evaluation is very difficult. Only the trained eye
the bulbocavernosus reflex (traction on a Foley of an experienced physician can identify fractures,
catheter or digital pressure on the clitoris or pe- but even then a CT scan is often needed for con-
nis while anal sphincter contraction is monitored firmation. The threshold for ordering a CT scan
with a gloved finger in the rectum) should be ex- of the cervical spine must be very low, particu-
amined. Neurologic examination should be care- larly when plain films of the cervical spine give
fully documented by use of the American Spinal dubious information or are of marginal quality.
Injury Association neurologic classification of First, the cervical vertebral bodies should be
spinal cord injury (Appendix 19.1). The American identified, and particular attention should be paid
Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale can to the lower cervical spine. Hand traction should
also be used to monitor progress. be used to pull both arms and shoulders of the
patient down. Inadequate films should prompt CT
scanning of the spine. When a lateral spine film
Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests
is evaluated, four lordotic curves and alignments
Neuroimaging of the spine and spinal cord has a are assessed to look for displacement (Fig.
high priority. The extent of imaging is determined 19.12A).

Figure 19.12 Plain spine radiographs with examina- tebral margin alignment line; III, spinal laminar (L) line;
tion techniques to uncover fractures and dislocations. IV, relation of the dorsal spinous processes. B: Indica-
A: Normal alignment lines: I, normal alignment along tors of normal odontoid interspace (arrows). C: Incom-
the anterior (A) vertebral margins; II, posterior (P) ver- plete cervical spine examination (C7 is missing, arrow).

Common findings are compression of the ver- ment of the odontoid bone (odontoid tip should
tebral bodies (vertebral body often several mil- be aligned with tip of clivus).
limeters less anteriorly than posteriorly), dis- Indications of instability are displacement of a
placement in the lateral view (more than 3 mm vertebral body, widening of the interspinous or in-
between adjacent vertebral bodies), and displace- terlaminar distance, widening of the facet joints
Traumatic Brain and Spine Injury 287

Table 19.6. Essentials of Disciplined Cervical Hyperextension injuries (sudden deceleration

Spine Viewing impact) produce fairly characteristic features, such
as a hyperextension teardrop fracture (avulsion of
Count the number of cervical vertebral bodies; seven the site of attachment of the anterior longitudinal
cervical spine bodies and the superior end plate of T1
ligament), hangman's fracture with bilateral frac-
should be visible
Trace contour of every body to detect fractures ture through the pars interarticularis of C2, Jeffer-
Evaluate the alignment lines (see Figs. 19.12, 19.13A) son's fracture (fracture of the ring of Cl), and odon-
1. Anterior spinal line along the anterior longitudinal toid fractures (tip is type I, base is type II, and
ligament extension into the body of C2 is type III). Figure
2. Posterior spinal line along the posterior longitudinal
19.13 illustrates the most common unstable cervi-
3. Spinolaminar line along the base of the spinous cal fractures. Facial injury is more common as a re-
processes sult of direct impact.
4. Line of the spinous processes
Assess soft tissue Computed Tomography and Magnetic
Assess facet lines Resonance Imaging
Assess craniocervical junction CT scans added to a plain cervical spine film are
Assess space between the dens axis and lateral masses of Cl unsurpassed in diagnostic value for demonstration
of fractures. Myelography combined with CT can
more clearly demonstrate the cord and nerve
or spinal canal, disruption of the posterior spinal roots and determine whether they are compressed
line, and anterolisthesis or retrolisthesis with flex- by the misalignment or fracture. In most in-
ion or extension (Table 19.7).52 The odontoid stances, specific areas are scanned with axial slices
bone typically lies within 13 mm of the posterior 1.5-3 mm thick for the cervical spine and 35 mm
cortex of the anterior Cl arch. thick for the thoracic and lumbar spines. CT scan
Hyperflexion injuries of the cervical spine reconstructions are very useful in imaging loose
direct trauma to the head, spine in the flexed bone fragments and facet dislocation.
positioncan be seen in various degrees, from Intrathecal administration of contrast medium
mild widening of the posterior intervertebral (myelography, CT scanning) is usually reserved
space to subluxation of the vertebra; and the in- for patients who cannot undergo MRI (presence
ferior articular facet may become lodged on the of a pacemaker, aneurysm clips, cochlear im-
superior facet of the vertebra below (so-called plants, bullet fragments, and morbid obesity). It
perched facet). A cord lesion is common or eas- has become the second-choice imaging modality
ily induced with further manipulation, making this in spine injury because it is time-consuming and
a highly unstable condition. requires patient movement.
Unilateral facet distortion can be recognized by MRI in spine injury should first obtain sagittal
an alteration in the laminar space, namely, the dis- Ti-weighted images, with axial images through ab-
tance between the spinolaminar line and the pos- normal areas.53 A T1-weighted image is important
terior margin of the articular mass. to rule out major abnormalities and can be fol-
lowed by T2 or gradient echo sequences (short
Table 19.7. Spine Instability time to acquire and sensitive for early hemor-
rhages in the spine). On Ti-weighted images (short
Cervical TR, 3001000 msec; TE, 1030 msec), subacute
Widened interspinous space or facet joints hemorrhage is bright and CSF is dark. On T2-
Anterior listhesis >3.5 mm
weighted images (long TR, 15003000 msec; TE,
Narrowed or widened disk space
Focal angulation >11 degrees
60-120 msec), CSF is bright, cord edema is bright,
Vertebral compression >25% and acute hemorrhage is dark.54 An example of
Thoracic cord trauma and swelling is shown in Figure 19.14.
Fracture dislocation
Posttraumatic kyphosis >40 degrees
Spine fractures associated with sternal fractures
First Priority in Management
Concomitant rib fracture or costovertebral dislocation Immediate cervical spine immobilization and en-
Source: Imhof and Fuchsjager.52 By permission of Springer-Verlag. dotracheal intubation are needed.

Figure 19.13 A,B: Two examples of hangman fracture spinal laminar line is disrupted. Dens is outlined (ar-
(C2 bilateral fracture through pars articularis), common row). D: Locked facet dislocation (arrows, hyperflex-
with windshield injuries. C: Odontoid fracture. The ion injury). E: Jefferson Cl fracture (arrows).

Hypotension from unopposed parasympathetic an a-adrenergic receptor agent, such as phenyl-

tone is common, particularly with change in posi- ephrine, is needed. In occasional patients, auto-
tion or in the first minutes after connection to the nomic dysregulation is manifested as marked hy-
mechanical ventilator. Volume resuscitation or pertensive surges, which should be treated with
Traumatic Brain and Spine Injury 289

Table 19.8. Emergency Room Management of

Traumatic Spine Injury

Intubation and mechanical ventilation with lesion at C3 or

Intubate if aspiration
Volume loading with albumin or Ringer's lactated solution
Epinephrine drip
Body warming with blanket, warming intravenous fluids
Subcutaneous heparin, 5000 U
Codeine for pain
Proton pump inhibitor (e.g., Protonix) to prevent
gastrointestinal bleeding
Interval 03 hours methylprednisolone 30 mg/kg
Infusion of methylprednisolone 5.4 mg/kg hourly for 24
Interval 3-8 hours methylprednisolone 30 mg/kg
Infusion of methylprednisolone 5.4 mg/kg hourly for 48
Figure 19.13 (Continued)

labetalol. Administration of methylprednisolone correction of core hypothermia, and deep venous

has resulted in better recovery 1 year after injury thrombosis prophylaxis are important before triage.
(Third National Acute Spinal Cord Injury Ran-
domized Controlled Trial).55 Maintenance ther-
Predictors of Outcome
apy depends on when therapy has been started
(Table 19.8). The degree of cord injury and the presence of
Catheter placement, gastric ulcer prophylaxis, head injury at presentation determine initial out-

Figure 19.14 Magnetic resonance images of traumatic cord swelling (arrows).


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Appendix 19.1.
American Spinal Injury Association
(ASIA) Impairment Scale


This form may be copied freely but should not be altered without permission from the American Spinal Injury Association.


Functional Independence Measure (F1M)

7 Complete Independence (Timely, Safely) No
L 6 Modified Independence (Device) Helper ASIA IMPAIRMENT SCALE
Modified Dependence
E A = Complete: No motor or sensory
V 5 Supervision
4 Minimal Assist (Subject = 75%+) function is preserved in the
E 3 Moderate Assist (Subject = 50%+) Helper sacral segments S4-S5.
Complete Dependence
S B = Incomplete: Sensory but not
2 Maximal Assist (Subject = 25%+)
motor function is preserved
1 Total Assist (Subject = 0%+)
below the neurological level and
includes the sacral segments S4-S5.
ADMIT DISCH C = Incomplete: Motor function is
Self Can
preserved below the neurological
A. Eating
level, and more than half of key
B. Grooming
C. Bathing muscles below the neurological
D. Dressing-Upper Bex level have a muscle grade less
E. Dressing-Lower Ba than 3.
F. Toileting D = Incomplete: Motor function is
Sphincter Control preserved below the neurological
G. Bladder Managemei level, and at least half of key
H. Bowel Management muscles below the neurological
Mobility level have a muscle grade of 3
Transfer: or more.
I. Bed, Chair. Wheelcl E = Normal: motor and sensory
J. Toilet function are normal
K. Tub, Shower
L. Walk/Wheelchair
N. Comprehension Central Cord
O. Expression Brown-Sequard
Social Cognition Anterior Cord
P. Social Interaction Conus Medullaris
Q. Problem Solving Cauda Equina
R. Memory

Total HM

NOTE: Leave no blanks; enter 1 if patient not

testable due to risk.
Chapter 20
Forensic Neurologic Injury

Nonaccidental injury to the brain is frequently skull with comparatively little injury to the brain
encountered in the emergency department, and may be due to an immobilized head striking a wall
more so where street crime is common. Injury to or floor and may suggest battering. Periorbital
the brain can be self-inflicted or due to a fight, hematomas from the use of blunt instruments or
robbery, rape, or battering. Gunshot wounds are fist impacts are common in spousal abuse. Left-
a not-infrequent cause of death in younger indi- sided facial injuries are more frequent than right-
viduals and adults. Because death often follows sided injuries, reflecting the simple logic that most
such an injury, a forensic neuropathologist typi- assailants are right-handed.1,2 Facial fractures
cally takes responsibility for the case. Neurologists with dental fractures are also more common in as-
seeing patients with neurologic injury should al- saults, and zygomatic complex fractures are more
ways have nonaccidental injury in mind and, par- frequent than mandibular fractures.24 In general,
ticularly, should be primed toward the possibility the combination of head, neck, and facial injury
of spousal abuse. In some instances, crime is ob- is more likely in victims of domestic violence.
vious. In others, evidence is circumstantial and Other criteria, such as delay between time of in-
these cases eventually need jurisdiction. Neurol- jury and arrival for treatment; reluctance of the
ogists who evaluate patients in the emergency de- patient's companion to leave the patient during
partment may be asked to render opinions in le- the examination; trauma to the head, face, shoul-
gal proceedings. Information on neurologic injury ders, breasts, and abdomen; and bilateral injuries,
associated with assault is difficult to obtain else- increase the possibility of abuse.5
where; thus, including it in this monograph pro-
vides some practical value. This chapter's major
focus is on the conditions that have been best Shaken Baby Syndrome
characterized, but it is necessarily tentative and
caveated due to lack of data in this field. One stunning neurologic injury is shaken baby
syndrome. Shaken baby syndrome has many syn-
onyms (shaken impact syndrome or battered ba-
General Forensic Considerations bies).6 Child abuse is a common cause of infant
death but, as expected, a history suggesting neg-
A detailed history may not be readily available, lect and foul play is commonly inconsistent or in-
and the law enforcement agency involved may complete. One study on children admitted with
provide additional details about the crime scene. subdural hematomas suggested that 59% had abu-
When the type of insult is unclear, certain clues sive injury.7 Shaken baby syndrome is typically ob-
may point toward crime. Massive fracture of the served in children less than 3 years of age, with a


peak incidence in the first year.810 Epidemiologic hemorrhage and subdural hematomas but may
studies might be complicated to interpret and less also show diffuse brain edema indistinguishable
precise due to missed cases. However, a prospec- from patterns seen in anoxic-ischemic injury. The
tive epidemiologic study in pediatric units in Scot- brain is hypodense, with loss of white and gray
land found quite a high annual incidence of 24.6 matter differentiation but with sparing of the basal
per 100,000 children younger than 1 year. In the ganglia and posterior fossa structures.16 Inten-
United States, it is common in urban regions and tional injury is more likely when the CT scan
during autumn and winter months.11 Risk factors shows subdural hematoma over the convexity. In
for shaken baby syndrome that have been identi- addition, subdural hematomas have a high pro-
fied include younger parents, low socioeconomic clivity, being located in the interhemispheric fis-
status, child disability, or being premature. Fa- sure. The age of the subdural hematoma may be
thers, boyfriends, and female babysitters most of- difficult to estimate, and a magnetic resonance
ten cause the injuries; less commonly, the mother imaging (MRI) scan could be more useful in this
of the child is the cause. Although the clinical fea- determination.17 The presence of layers of sub-
tures are well delineated, the syndrome is still dural hematomas of different ages is very sugges-
clouded in controversy and overcharged in legal tive of nonaccidental head trauma. In some in-
proceedings.12 fants, fractures are absent and hygromas are
found.18 Contrecoup lesions are perhaps more
Clinical Presentation common and a reflection of acceleration/deceler-
ation force.19
Clinical presentation is very dramatic, and pro- The CT scan may also include petechial or
gression to brain death is common. Brain death is punctate hemorrhages along the gyral surfaces
a consequence of sustained increased intracranial and the inferior surface of the frontal lobe and
pressure that is in close proximity to the injury. A temporal and frontal poles (Fig. 20.1).
prolonged episode of lucidity between injury and Eventually pathologic examination is an impor-
the onset of symptoms is highly uncommon. On tant adjunct in confirming the clinical diagnosis.
examination, the infant is comatose, is commonly However, the interpretation of injury is complex,
mildly to moderately anemic, and may display and a meticulous autopsy is usually performed by
signs of severe disseminated intravascular coagu- experts in this field (Box 20.1).20 Important stud-
lation. Pancreatic traumatic damage may be seen, ies have recently been published.21,22
with high amylase levels, and liver injury may also
be present. Femur, humerus, and rib fractures
and superficial bruises should be actively sought. Prediction of Outcome
A fairly common finding is bilateral retinal hem- Many neonates and children progress to brain
orrhage (60%), which should be specifically death and may become potential organ donors.
sought.13 (A recent study found that more than Morbidity is substantial and ranges from 15% to
50% of nonophthalmologists did not visualize the 40%.23 Morbidity in survivors includes spasticity,
retina.14) Presence of retinal hemorrhages to- microcephaly, and seizure disorders.17
gether with retinal folds or detachments, which
can be seen only by expert evaluation of an oph-
thalmologist, is much more suggestive of the Triage
diagnosis.15 Neonatal intensive care unit.

Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests

Hanging and Strangulation
Computed Tomography
The computed tomographic (CT) scan should in- Victims of hanging, a common method of suicide,
clude bone windows and may detect skull frac- will appear in the emergency department. At-
tures that could be multiple and cross suture lines. tempted strangulation of an intruder or strangu-
The CT scan typically detects a subarachnoid lation in the setting of abuse may result in a sim-
Figure 20.1 On computed tomographic scans of
shaken baby syndrome, both subarachnoid hemorrhage
and subdural hematomas are seen (arrows). On chest
X-ray, note multiple rib fractures (arrows).

Box 20.1. Injury in Shaken Baby Syndrome

The tenn shaken baby syndrome suggests that im- injury seems to play a major role, which can be due
pact on a Hat surface is necessary to create the in- to intentional suffocation as well. Other injuries in-
jury. Some evidence suggests that shaking alone may clude posterior rib fractures due to tight squeezing
not produce the angular acceleration to create shear of the chest of the baby and should not !>e attrib-
injuries and subdural hematoma. Small axonal size uted to cardiopulrnonary resuscitation (CPR) (none
predisposes a young brain to injury, but the shell of were found in 91 infants with CPR).19 An associa-
the skull base also allows the brain to rotate more tion between subdural and retinal bleeding has been
readily.6 An "injury" should be distinguished from found pathologically.2122 Hemorrhage at the pe-
transiational forces, such as falling down stairs. With riphery (ora serrata) and posterior pole of the retina
skull fractures, skull bruises, or subgaleal hemor- is more common.
rhage, an impact can be assumed. Anoxic-ischemie

ilar injury. The pathophysiologic mechanisms may subconjunctival hemorrhages. Sore throat, hyper-
be entirely due to postanoxic brain injury. ventilation, and uncontrollable shaking have been
documented. Strangulation can cause a comatose
state; then the abnormalities will involve lesions
Clinical Presentation
to areas that are susceptible to anoxia.
There is a major difference between suicidal and Neurologic injury associated with spousal abuse
judicial hangings. The fall from a lesser height is of major concern and may be underrecognized
may result in lesser prevalence of cervical spine in the emergency department.27 Alcohol abuse,
injury (fracture or dislocation). Neck fracture oc- unemployment or intermittent unemployment,
curs in fewer than 10% of hanging victims.24 Only estranged husbands, or former boyfriends in-
a fall from a major height with a sudden stop may crease the risk.28 Head, neck, and facial injuries
fracture the upper cervical vertebra and detach have been found as significant markers, but there
the pons from the medulla. Drug or alcohol in- is increasing evidence of the presence of arterial
gestion was present in 70% of 44 cases reported dissection associated with strangulation.29 The
from Australia.25 mechanism is thought to be compression of the
Many patients are found pulseless, apneic, and carotid artery against the bony cervical vertebrae,
suspended free at the scene. Marks around the resulting eventually in dissection of the me-
neck but also subconjunctival or facial petechial dia.30,31 Other suggestive injuries are defensive in-
hemorrhages are quite common. If severe, these juries of the forearm, bruises in various stages of
may be associated with tongue hemorrhages; one healing, or any poorly explained injury.32 The time
study suggested that gross tongue hemorrhages lapse between presentation may be months; thus,
were more common in strangulation.26 Acute pap- skin lesions may not be present.
illedema with hemorrhages may occur due to as-
phyxia. Myoclonus status epilepticus in comatose Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests
patients is observed frequently and reflects the se-
riousness of this injury (see Chapter 10). Brief Computed Tomography
generalized tonic-clonic seizures may occur as The CT scan is rarely abnormal but may show the
well. The responsible injury may be neck vein effects of severe anoxic-ischemic injury in the
compression, carotid artery occlusion, or laryngeal resuscitated patient.33 In these cases, massive
injury leading to diffuse anoxic-ischemic impact. edema with loss of white-gray matter differenti-
Attempted strangulation is another condition ation and sulcal architecture is common (see
that can produce neurologic injury, and many of Chapter 9). The cerebellum may be spared.34 Hy-
the symptoms are initially nonneurologic. Patients podensity in lentiform nuclei and thalami may be
who present to the emergency department may seen.35 One report noted bilateral lobar hemato-
have petechiae of the skin of the upper eyelid and mas due to massive elevated cerebral venous pres-
Forensic Neurologic Injury 299

sure. These could represent hemorrhagic infarcts prognostication. Acute dystonia and an akinetic
with a mechanism comparable to cerebral venous rigid syndrome have been reported, but these
sinus thrombosis.36 findings are nonspecific and a representation of
anoxic injury to basal ganglia.40
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
More or less specific findings have been reported
on MRI, which has a much better sensitivity for
lesions. Signal changes in the lentiform nuclei or Medical intensive care unit for mechanical
the thalamus often are noted, but a rent lesion ventilation and support.
from sudden deceleration and flexion at the junc- A mandatory law for reporting domestic vio-
tion of the pons and medulla oblongata is more lence may exist.41
characteristic (Fig. 20.2). Severe anoxic injury is
often combined with ischemic injury from cardiac
arrest, even if brief; and, in permanently coma- Gunshot Wounds to the Head
tose patients, the cortex signal may be extremely
hyperintense (Fig. 20.3). The impact to the brain when penetrated by a bul-
let is explosive and, due to its shock wave, enor-
mously damaging. Not only do bullets penetrate
Predictors of Outcome the skull, brain, and vascular structures, but the
The presence of a Glasgow coma score of 3, fixed great force and high pressure in the cavity of pas-
dilated pupils, or cardiac arrest at the scene is as- sage also damage the surrounding structures. De-
sociated with a grim outcome.37 Pulmonary tails of ballistics require special expertise and are
edema is common. Delayed anoxic encephalopa- not discussed here. However, some observations
thy has been reported.39 It is very important to seem consistent. The entrance wound often leaves
obtain a drug and alcohol screen in these patients, unburned residues in the skin ("tattooing") and
and their presence can markedly confound the as- is typically smaller than the exit wound. The exit
sessment. Somatosensory evoked potentials (ab- may be larger due to mushrooming of the bullet.
sent bilateral scalp potentials with preserved cer- Suicide wounds are often in the dominant tem-
vical cord potentials) may be considered for poral region or in the mouth, with an angulation

Figure 20.2 Magnetic resonance imaging (left) shows Hyperintensities of the lenticular nucleus are also noted
rent in pontomesencephalic region typical of hanging. in globus pallidus (right).

Figure 20.3 Anoxic injury leading to diffuse overwhelming cortical hyperintensities.

matching the handedness. When multiple gun- injuries, with skull fracture, tracks of bone, and
shot wounds are present, suicide is unlikely. How- missile fragments. Often, an associated intracere-
ever, penetration of the head without loss of im- bral hematoma determines the initial clinical con-
pairment of consciousness due to the low energy dition. Cerebral contusions may be seen at the en-
of aged ammunition may result in multiple self- try and exit sites.
inflicted wounds.42 The brain stem and deeper
structures of the brain are frequent sites of hem-
Clinical Presentation
orrhage, and ectopic bone fragments are seen.
Guns placed in the mouth may destroy the brain Evaluation of patients with gunshot wounds to the
stem, or bullets may lodge under the skull base, head involves assessment of the Glasgow coma
damaging the carotid artery and cranial nerve score, but scores are very low. Patients not un-
XII.43 Gunshot wounds to the brain are complex commonly present with fixed unreactive pupils,
Forensic Neurologic Injury 301

and extensor posturing. Early deterioration may bone showing the track of the bullet or even lodg-
be due to enlarging intracranial hematoma or ing of a large fragment. Suicidal gunshots are of-
acute subdural hematoma from a fall. ten with guns placed against the temple or with
the barrel inside the mouth, producing charac-
Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests teristic tracks. A CT scan is performed to detect
parenchymal hematoma, subdural hematoma, or
Computed Tomography contrecoup lesions. The hematomas are along the
CT scan images are shown in Figure 20.4. A bone tracks of the bullet in the ventricles or in the sub-
window may identify small residue of metal or dural space.

Figure 20.4 Examples of computed tomographic on temple with bullet cutting through the brain hori-
scans of patients with gunshot wounds. A: Gun placed zontally and leaving a hemorrhage in its tracks.
Figure 20.4 (Continued) Examples of computed terial in the occipital bone and lobe. C: Transventricu-
tomographic scans of patients with gunshot wounds. lar injury (track with intraventricular hematoma) with
B: Shotgun with barrel in mouth, disposing most ma- bone destruction (arrows) and intracranial air.

Forensic Neurologic Injury 303

Figure 20.4 (Continued) Examples of computed Gunshot-induced intracranial hematoma with intra-
tomographic scans of patients with gunshot wounds. D: ventricular hematoma. Air is visible in ventricles.

First Priority in Management ment is possible; but if none is present, salvage-

ability is unlikely.
The management of gunshot wounds is similar
to that of any other type of non-penetrating
Predictors of Outcome
trauma.44 A large intracerebral hematoma with
mass effect and imminent herniation should be Important factors that determine outcome relate to
removed. No further therapy can be offered to the size of the parenchymal hematoma, the degree
patients who, after initial resuscitation, have a of destroyed parenchymal tissue, the development
Glasgow coma score of 3, no operable hematoma, of cerebral edema, infection, and mass effect.46 The
and no major confounder such as drug ingestion.45 presence of contrecoup contusions could be an im-
Reconstructive repair of the bone and dura should portant additional determinant. Tension pneumo-
begin immediately.38 The wound is considered cephalus may occur after penetrating injury to the
contaminated, and broad-spectrum antibiotics frontal sinus or the anterior ethmoidal-cribriform
(vancomycin with cefotaxime) should be adminis- plate area.4749 Gradual enlargement may occur,
tered early. When injury to the cerebral vascula- with clinical deterioration that requires drainage
ture is anticipated, angiography can be per- and closure of the defect (Fig. 20.5).
formed, but therapeutic options other than Poor outcome is expected in comatose patients
endovascular or surgical occlusion are limited. A with extensor posturing at admission, abnormal
major problem is the early development of dis- pupils, CT scan demonstrating ventricular in-
seminated intravascular coagulation. Its occur- volvement, crossing of midsagittal or midventric-
rence is related to the amount of brain tissue dam- ular horizontal planes, intraparenchymal hemor-
age; thus, it is frequent in gunshot wounds. Its rhage, and a high volume of contused or damaged
appearance on laboratory tests (e.g., increased D- brain.50,51 Evidence of increased intracranial
dimer or fibrinogen split products) denotes a poor pressure as noted by obliteration of the mesen-
outcome. If there is evidence of a full track cephalic cisterns, presence of subarachnoid and
throughout the brain, there appears to be very lit- interventricular hemorrhage, and intracranial
tle benefit of aggressive intracranial pressure hematoma are all associated with poor outcome,
management. A bolus of mannitol, 1-2 g/kg, can according to the National Institutes of Health
be administered to determine whether improve- Traumatic Coma Data Bank.52,53

Figure 20.5 Developing tension pneumocephalus after gunshot wound.

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Note: Page numbers followed by the letters b, f, and t denote boxes, figures, and tables, respectively

Abdominal radiography, in comatose patient, 80 Anesthetics, inhalation, for status epilepticus, 114
Abdominal reflexes, in acute spinal cord compression, 134 Aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. See Subarachnoid
Abscess hemorrhage, aneurysmal
brain, 23134, 231t, 232f233f, 233t Angiitis, cerebral, ischemic stroke in, 21013, 212f
epidural, 22831, 230f, 231t Angiography
spinal, acute spinal cord compression in, 13435, cerebral. See Cerebral angiography
137f, 138 computed tomography, in large vessel occlusions, 201,
Absence status epilepticus, 108 203
Abuse magnetic resonance. See Magnetic resonance
child, shaken baby syndrome as, 29597, 296f297f, angiography
298b spinal, in acute transverse myelitis, 26263
drug, coma from, 7274 Anion gap, in comatose patient, 81
Acetaminophen poisoning, 7677 Anoxicischemic encephalopathy, brain edema in, 96, 99f
NAcetylcysteine, for acetaminophen poisoning, 77 Anterior cerebral artery occlusion, 193
Achromatopsia, 44 Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy, 24
Acidbase disorders Anterior operculum syndrome, in herpes simplex
in status epilepticus, 110, 112t encephalitis, 238
in toxininduced coma, 81, 81t Anthrax, encephalitis from, 246
Acyclovir, for herpes simplex encephalitis, 240, 241 AntiHU antibody, in paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis,
Adduction paralysis, associated with coma, 63f 250
Agnosia Antibiotics
auditory, 44 for acute bacterial meningitis, 227, 227f, 228t
finger, 195 empirical
Airway management for brain abscess, 233t, 234
in comatose patient, 910, 9f10f, 82 in comatose patient, 85t
in status epilepticus, 112 for epidural abscess, 230, 231t
Akinetic mutism, in acute leukoencephalopathy, 264 for subdural empyema, 230, 231t
Akinetic rigid crisis, with hyperthermia, 34b Anticoagulation
Alcohol for arterial dissection, 208
intoxication, coma from, 7071 for ganglionic hemorrhage, 172
toxic, coma from, 7576 Antidepressants, tricyclic, coma from, 72
American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA), spinal cord Antiepileptic drugs
injury classification, 285, 29394 coma from, 77
Ammonia, elevated. See Hyperammonemia discontinuation, 118
Amphotericin B, for fungal encephalitis, 250 in pregnancy, 118
Amyl nitrite, for cyanide poisoning, 75 prophylactic, in traumatic brain injury, 283
Amyloid angiopathy, lobar hemorrhage in, 180, 180f for recurrent seizures, 118
Anal reflexes for status epilepticus, 11417, 115b117b, 115f
in acute spinal cord compression, 134 Antihypertensive drugs, for ganglionic hemorrhage, 174
in spinal cord injury, 285 Antiparasitic therapy, empirical, in comatose patient, 85t


Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, ischemic stroke in, Basilar artery occlusion, 19395, 194t
21415, 215f, 215t, Color Figure 15.17 management, 8485, 85t
Antithrombotic therapy, for arterial dissection, 208 Battle's sign, in traumatic brain injury, 273
Antiviral therapy, empirical, in comatose patient, 85t Benzodiazepines
Anton's syndrome, 244 coma from, 72
Aortic dissection, paraplegia in, 14, 15b endogenous, coma from, 87
Aphasia, 44 Benztropine, for acute dystonia, 34, 34b
Apnea test, in brain death, 65t Bicaudate index, 126, 128f
Apneustic breathing, 3 Bihemispheric lesions, coma in, 6465
Apraxia of gait, 1213 Bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP), in respiratory
Arrhythmia(s) failure, 10, lOf
in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage, 151 Biopsy, brain. See Brain, biopsy
in comatose patient, 83 Bladder assessment, in acute spinal cord compression,
in status epilepticus, 112 134
Arterial blood gas studies, in status epilepticus, 110, 112t Blastomycotic meningitis, 249
Arterial dissection, 2069, 207f210f Blindness
clinical presentation, 2078 acute, clinical assessment, 19, 19t
diagnostic tests, 208, 208f210f legal, 17
management, 208 Bloodbrain barrier, 95b
predictors of outcome, 2089 Blood gas studies, in status epilepticus, 110, 112t
predisposing factors, 2067 Blood pressure, in comatose patient, 8283
process, 207f Blood tests
triage, 209 in central nervous system vasculitis, 211
Arteriovenous malformation in comatose patient, 82, 82t
cerebral, brain edema in, 101 in multiple ischemic infarcts, 21314
dural, spinal cord swelling in, 13839, 139f Bone scan, technetium 99m diphosphonate, in acute spinal
Arthropodborne viral encephalitis, 24143, 243f cord compression, 135
Ascending reticular activating system Bone window computed tomography, in traumatic brain
anatomy, 54f injury, 280, 281f
dysfunction, 54b Bradycardia, in cerebellar hemorrhage, 185
Athetosis, 3132 Brain
Auditory agnosia, 44 abscess, 23134, 231t, 232f233f, 233t
Automatic control, of respiratory drive, 3, 5b causes, 231t
Autonomic dysfunction, in traumatic brain injury, 273, clinical presentation, 23233
274f diagnostic tests, 232f233f, 233
Axilla petechiae, from fat emboli, Color Figure 8.3 management, 233t, 234
Axonal injury, diffuse, in traumatic brain injury, 275, 276, predictors of outcome, 234
277f triage, 234
in central nervous system vasculitis, 211
Bacterial meningitis in fungal encephalitis, 249
acute, 22328 in herpes simplex encephalitis, 240
brain edema in, 100101 in paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis, 251
causative organisms, 223 edema, 94103
clinical presentation, 22325, Color Figure 16.2 in acute bacterial meningitis, 100101
diagnostic tests, 22526, 226f, 227b from acute metabolic derangements, 96100, lOOf
management, 227, 227f, 228t229t, 229b and bloodbrain barrier, 95b
predictors of outcome, 22728 in brain lesions, 101, 102f103f, 103b
triage, 228 classification, 9496, 95t, 96f
acute obstructive hydrocephalus in, 124, 124f clinical manifestations, 9495
pathogenesis, 224b in diabetic ketoacidosis, 9495, 100, 1023
pathophysiology, 224f diffuse cerebral, 80t
Balance examination, in gait abnormalities, 12 in fulminant hepatic failure, 94, 9697, lOOf
Balint's syndrome, 195 in head injury, 101
Barbiturates in hyponatremia, 98100
classification, 71t imaging studies, 9596, 97t, 98f99f
coma from, 71 management, 1013
for status epilepticus, 114, 117b pathophysiology, 97b
Basilar artery aneurysm, ruptured, neuroophthalmologic in postanoxicischemic encephalopathy, 96, 99f
signs in, 151 severity scores, 97t
Basilar artery migraine, coma in, 87 in traumatic brain injury, 276, 277f
Index 309

herniation, in comatose patient, 6567, 66b, 67f69f Bronchus, mucus plugging of, chest radiography in, 78, 8f
injury. See Brain injury BrownSequard syndrome, 133f, 134
lesions. See Brain lesions Brudzinski sign, in comatose patient, 60, 61f
vascular territories, computed tomography of, 196f197f
Brain death
diagnosis, in comatose patient, 6263, 64f, 65t California encephalitis, 241
neuroimaging studies, 80 Carbamazepine
in shaken baby syndrome, 296 overdose, 77
in traumatic brain injury, 273 for recurrent seizures, 118
Brain injury Carbon monoxide poisoning, coma from, 74
from gunshot wounds, 299304, 301f304f Carotid artery aneurysm, ruptured, neuroophthalmologic
from hanging, 29799, 299f300f signs in, 151
in shaken baby syndrome, 29597, 296f297f, 298b Carotid artery dissection, 2068, 208, 208f, 210f. See also
from strangulation, 29899 Arterial dissection
traumatic Carotid cavernous fistula, 21
bone window computed tomography in, 280, 281f Catatonia
cerebral perfusion in, 282, 283b, 283f coma in, 87
classification, 273t lethal, 33, 34
clinical presentation, 27273, 274f, 274t, Color Figure Cauda equina lesion, 132, 133f, 14445
19.1 Caudate hemorrhage, 170, 171, 171t, 175f
coma in, 272, 274t Central nervous system. See also Brain entries; Spinal
computed tomography in, 27480, 274t, 275f279f entries
diagnostic tests, 27480 herniation, in comatose patient, 6566, 67f
dysautonomia in, 273, 274f infection
increased intracranial pressure in, 282 bacterial, 22334
drugs to be avoided with, 283t in confused, febrile patient, 4445, 45t
magnetic resonance imaging in, 27480, 278f diagnostic tests, 47t48t
management, 280, 28284, 282t283t, 283b, 283f etiology, 47t48t
predictors of outcome, 284 treatment, 49
serologic testing in, 280 vasculitis
severity indicators, 272, 274t ischemic stroke in, 21011, 212f
triage, 284 subarachnoid hemorrhage in, 155, 161f
Brain lesions Central nervous system depressants, coma from, 7072
acute obstructive hydrocephalus from, 123t Central nystagmus, 2627, 28t
brain edema in, 101, 102f103f, 103b Cephalosporins, for acute bacterial meningitis, 227
in comatose patient Cerebellar ataxia, gait abnormalities in, 13
bihemispheric, 6465 Cerebellar hemorrhage, 18386
structural, 54t, 6365 acute obstructive hydrocephalus in, 12223, 123f
subtentorial, 8485, 85t clinical presentation, 184
supratentorial, 8384, 85t diagnostic tests, 18485, 184f185f
unilateral, 6567, 65t, 66b, 67f69f management, 185
in confused, febrile patient, 44 predictors of outcome, 186
unilateral triage, 186
differential diagnosis, 65t Cerebellar infarction, 193, 195, 201, 202f
herniation patterns, 6566, 66b, 67f69f Cerebellar softening and swelling, 95
Brain stem lesions Cerebellar tonsillar herniation, in comatose patient, 66,
in comatose patient, 8485, 85t 69f
in traumatic brain injury, 27576 Cerebral angiitis, ischemic stroke in, 21113, 212f
Brain stem syndromes, 193, 194t Cerebral angiography
Breath, foul, in comatose patient, 55 in acute headache, 40
Breathing in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage, 161, 165f
automatic control of, 3, 5b in arterial dissection, 208, 209f
impaired, patterns of, 3 in central nervous system vasculitis, 211, 212f
Breathlessness, 310. See also Respiratory failure in intraventricular hemorrhage, 182f, 183
bedside respiratory and laboratory equipment, 68, in large vessel occlusions, 203
7f8f in lobar hemorrhage, 180
clinical assessment, 36, 5b6b Cerebral arteriovenous malformation, brain edema in, 101
line of action, 810, 9f10f Cerebral artery occlusion(s)
British Medical Research Council, muscle strength grading anterior, 193
scale, 134, 146 middle, 19293
Broca's aphasia, 44 posterior, 195

Cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical Chorea gravidarum, 32

infarct and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL), Chronic paroxysmal hemicrania, headache in, 38t
coma in, 88 Circulation, in comatose patient, 8283
Cerebral edema. See Brain, edema Cluster breathing, 3
Cerebral hematoma. See Intracerebral hematoma Cluster headache, 38, 38t, 40t, 41
Cerebral perfusion, in traumatic brain injury, 282,283b, 283f Cocaine overdose, coma from, 73
Cerebral venous thrombosis, 21618 Coccidioides immitis encephalitis, 249
clinical presentation, 216 Cognitive examination, in confused, febrile patient, 4314,
diagnostic tests, 217f, 218 45b
management, 218 Coil embolization, in aneurysmal subarachnoid
predictors of outcome, 218 hemorrhage, 16162, 164, 166f
thunderclap headache in, 37t Colloid cyst, of third ventricle, acute obstructive
triage, 218 hydrocephalus in, 125
Cerebrospinal fluid examination Coma, 5388
in acute bacterial meningitis, 226, 227b in acute obstructive hydrocephalus, 121
in acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, 256 in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage, 150
in acute headache, 3839 and ascending reticular activating system, 54b, 54f
in acute leukoencephalopathy, 266 blood pressure in, 8283
in acute spinal cord compression, 135 and brain death, 6263, 64f, 65t
in acute transverse myelitis, 262 causes, 55t
in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage, 15859 circulation in, 8283
in arthropodborne viral encephalitis, 242 classification, 53, 55t
in central nervous system vasculitis, 211 funduscopy in, 61, Color Figure 8.10
in comatose patient, 80 general clinical features in, 5557, 55t56t, Color
in confused, febrile patient, 4849 Figures 8.2 and 8.3
in cytomegalovirus encephalitis, 244 and Glasgow Coma Scale, 5760, 57t, 58f59f
in epidural abscess, 230 history in, 5455
in fulminant multiple sclerosis, 26061 hyperammonemic, 8788, 88b, 88f
in fungal encephalitis, 249 and increased intracranial pressure, 8384
in gait abnormalities, 1516 with infectious disease, 85, 85t
in herpes simplex encephalitis, 238, 239b, 239t laboratory studies, 8082, 81t82t
in paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis, 250 versus lockedin syndrome, 57, 63, 78, 78f
in status epilepticus, 112 management, 8388, 85t86t
in subdural empyema, 229 meningeal irritation in
in toxoplasmic encephalitis, 24748 assessment, 60, 61f
in varicellazoster encephalitis, 24345 management, 85, 85t
Cerebrospinal fluid hypovolemia syndrome, thunderclap from metabolicendocrine derangements, 55t
headache in, 37t assessment, 7778, 78t
Cerebrospinal shunt, for acute obstructive hydrocephalus, management, 8586
129 myoclonus status epilepticus in, 109
Cervical spinal cord injuries neuroimaging studies, 7880, 78f79f, 80t
diagnostic tests, 28587, 286f, 287t, 288f289f neurologic features in, 5762, 61f63f
localization, 14344 onset of, 55
Charcoal, activated, in comatose patient, 86 pain response in, 56f, 5859, 60
Chemoprophylaxis, for meningococcal meningitis, 227, 229t from poisoning
Chemotherapy acidbase disorders in, 81, 81t
for leukemia, leukoencephalopathy syndromes assessment, 68, 7077, 70b
associated with, 265 laboratory studies, 8082, 81t82t, 9293
toxic parkinsonism from, 33 management, 8687, 86t
Chest pain mechanisms, 70b
in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage, 150 vital signs in, 57, 57t
with paraplegia, differential diagnosis, 135, 135t pupillary abnormalities in, 6061, 62f63f
Chest radiography skin abnormalities in, 56, 56t
in mucus plugging of bronchus, 78, 8f from structural brain injury, 55t, 6365
in phrenic nerve injury, 8, 8f with subtentorial mass, 8485, 85t
in pulmonary edema, 7, 7f with supratentorial mass, 8384, 85t
CheyneStokes breathing, 3 in traumatic brain injury, 272, 274t
Child abuse, shaken baby syndrome as, 29597, 296f297f, with unilateral brain mass
298b differential diagnosis, 65t
Chorea, 3132 herniation patterns, 6567, 66b, 67f69f
druginduced, 32, 33t of unknown origin, management, 8788
Index 311

vital signs in for central nervous system vasculitis, 213

initial management, 910, 9f10f, 82 for comatose patient with supratentorial mass lesions, 84
poisoninginduced changes in, 57, 57t for fulminant multiple sclerosis, 261
Coma blisters, Color Figure 8.2 Cranial nerve palsy, diplopia in, 20f, 21, 21t
Coma cocktail, 86 Craniotomy
Computed tomography for ganglionic hemorrhage, 176
in acute bacterial meningitis, 225 for herpes simplex encephalitis, 24041
in acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, 256 Cremaster reflex, in acute spinal cord compression, 134
in acute obstructive hydrocephalus, 12527, 126f128f Cricothyrotomy, 910
in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage, 15157, CSF. See Cerebrospinal fluid entries
15lf157f, 159f163f, 165f166f CT. See Computed tomography
in arthropodborne viral encephalitis, 242 Cyanide antidote kit, 75
bone window, in traumatic brain injury, 280, 281f Cyanide poisoning, coma from, 7475
in brain abscess, 232f233f, 233 Cyclophosphamide, for central nervous system vasculitis,
in brain edema, 9596, 97t, 98f 213
in central nervous system vasculitis, 211, 212f Cyclosporine, neurotoxicity, 264
in cerebellar hemorrhage, 18485, 184f185f Cyproheptadine, for serotonin syndrome, 34, 34b
in cerebral venous thrombosis, 217f, 218 Cyst(s)
in comatose patient, 7879, 79f, 80t colloid, of third ventricle, acute obstructive
in epidural abscess, 22930, 230f hydrocephalus in, 125
in fulminant multiple sclerosis, 258, 260f epidermoid, acute obstructive hydrocephalus in, 125
in ganglionic hemorrhage, 17072, 171f176f Cytarabine, for acute leukoencephalopathy, 268
in gunshot wounds, 301, 301f303f Cytomegalovirus encephalitis, 24345
in hanging, 29899
in herpes simplex encephalitis, 239, 239f240f
in intraventricular hemorrhage, 182, 182f, 183t Dantrolene, for neuroleptic malignant syndrome, 34, 34b
in large vessel occlusions, 195203, 196f201f Death, brain. See Brain death
in lobar hemorrhage, 17879, 178f179f, 178t Decompressive hemicraniectomy, for ischemic stroke, 205,
in paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis, 250 206b
in pontine hemorrhage, 18687, 186f187f Delirium, diagnostic criteria, 45b
in shaken baby syndrome, 29697, 296f297f Depressants, coma from, 7072
single photon emission Desflurane, for status epilepticus, 114
in herpes simplex encephalitis, 23940 Dexamethasone
in toxoplasmic encephalitis, 248 for acute bacterial meningitis, 227, 229b
in spinal cord injury, 287 for acute spinal cord compression, 140b, 141
in status epilepticus, 109, 11Of for brain abscess, 234
in strangulation, 29899 Dextrose, for comatose patient, 83
in subarachnoid hemorrhage, 38, 39f Diabetic ketoacidosis, brain edema in, 9495, 100, 1023
in subdural empyema, 229, 230f Diaphragm, dysfunction, 6b
in toxoplasmic encephalitis, 247 Diencephalic herniation, in comatose patient, 6566, 67f
in traumatic brain injury, 27480, 274t, 275f279f Diffusionweighted imaging (DWI), in large vessel
of vascular territories of brain, 196f197f occlusions, 198200, 201f
Computed tomographic angiography, in large vessel Diphenhydramine, for acute dystonia, 34, 34b
occlusions, 201, 203 Diplopia
Confusion, in febrile patient, 4349 clinical assessment, 1921, 20f, 22f23f
clinical assessment, 4346, 44t46t, 45b in cranial nerve palsy, 21t
line of action, 4649, 46f, 47t48t urgent disorders in, 21t
Contrecoup contusion, in traumatic brain injury, 273, Diuretics, osmotic
276f for brain edema, 102
Contusion, in traumatic brain injury, 27375, 275f277f for increased intracranial pressure, 84
Conus medullaris lesion, 132, 144 Drug(s)
Convulsive status epilepticus, management algorithm for, abuse. See also Poisoning
115f coma from, 7274
Corneal response, in comatose patient, 62 contraindications, with increased intracranial pressure,
Corpus callosum lesion, in traumatic brain injury, 275 283t
Cortical blindness, 195 screening tests, 8182, 9293
Corticosteroids Dry skin, in comatose patient, 56
for acute spinal cord compression, 140b, 141 Dural arteriovenous malformation, spinal cord swelling in,
for acute transverse myelitis, 263 13839, 139f
for brain abscess, 234 Dysautonomia, in traumatic brain injury, 273, 274f
for brain edema, 103 Dyspnea. See Breathlessness

Dystonia hypertensive, thunderclap headache in, 37t

acute laryngeal, 33 mitochondrial, coma in, 88
assessment, 31, 32f posterior reversible, 264
druginduced, 31, 33t Wernicke's, in comatose patient, 83
treatment, 34, 34b Endocrinemetabolic derangements, coma from, 55t
assessment, 7778, 78t
management, 8586
Ecchymosis, in traumatic brain injury, 273, Color Figure Endotracheal intubation, in respiratory failure, 10, lOf
19.1 Endovascular coil placement, in aneurysmal subarachnoid
Edema hemorrhage, 164, 166f
brain, 94103. See also Brain, edema Environmental toxins, coma from, 7476
in parenchymal hematoma, 170b Ependymoma, acute obstructive hydrocephalus in, 125
periorbital, in traumatic brain injury, 273, Color Figure Epidermoid cyst, acute obstructive hydrocephalus in, 125
19.1 Epidural abscess, 22831
pulmonary, chest radiography in, 7, 7f clinical presentation, 22829
Electrocardiography, in comatose patient, 80 diagnostic tests, 22930, 230f
Electroencephalography management, 230, 231t
in confused, febrile patient, 46 predictors of outcome, 231
in herpes simplex encephalitis, 23839 triage, 231
in paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis, 250 Epidural hematoma, in traumatic brain injury, 27980,
in status epilepticus, 107, 107f, 112, 113f 279f
Emesis, in comatose patient, 86 Epidural spinal abscess, acute spinal cord compression in,
Empyema, subdural, 22831. See also Subdural empyema 13435, 137f, 138
Enalaprilat, for ganglionic hemorrhage, 174 Epidural spinal hematoma, acute spinal cord compression
Encephalitis in, 135, 137f138f, 138
acute, 23752 Epilepsia partialis continua, treatment, 114
from anthrax, 246 Epilepsy. See Status epilepticus
California, 241 Equine encephalitis, 241
in comatose patient, management, 85, 85t Ethanol intoxication, coma from, 7071
cytomegalovirus, 24345 Ethosuximide, for recurrent seizures, 118
diagnostic tests, 47t Ethylene glycol poisoning, coma from, 7576
equine, 241 Evoked potentials, in fulminant multiple sclerosis, 259
etiology, 47t Expiratory pressure, assessment, 67
fungal, 24950, 250f Eye movements
herpes simplex, 23741. See also Herpes simplex examination, 18, 18f
encephalitis spontaneous, in comatose patient, 6162
infectious diseases masquerading as, 238t Eye opening, in neurologic examination of comatose
Japanese, 24142 patient, 59
La Crosse, 241 Eyelid ecchymosis, in traumatic brain injury, 273, Color
multisystem involvement associated with, 45 Figure 19.1
noninfectious diseases mimicking, 238t
paraneoplastic limbic, 25052, 251f
from rickettsiae, 24546 Fat emboli, axilla petechiae from, Color Figure 8.3
Rocky Mountain spotted fever, 24546, Color Figure 17.6 Fentanyl overdose, coma from, 73
St. Louis, 241 Ferric chloride test, for salicylate poisoning, 76
toxoplasmic, 24649, 247f248f Fever
typhus group, 24546 in acute bacterial meningitis, 22324
varicellazoster, 24345, 244f in comatose patient, 5556
Venezuelan equine, 241 in confused patient, 4349
viral, arthropodborne, 24143, 242f243f clinical assessment, 4346, 44t46t, 45b
West Nile, 242, 242f243f line of action, 4649, 46f, 47t48t
Encephalomyelitis, acute disseminated, 25558 in traumatic brain injury, 28283
cerebrospinal fluid examination in, 256 Finger agnosia, 195
clinical presentation, 25556 Fluidattenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR), in large
diagnostic tests, 256, 257f vessel occlusions, 198200, 201f
disorders mimicking, 256t Fluid resuscitation, in traumatic brain injury, 282
management, 25657 Flumazenil
predictors of outcome, 25758 to reverse coma, 86
triage, 258 side effects, 86
Encephalopathy 5Fluorouracil, neurotoxicity, 264
anoxicischemic, brain edema in, 96, 99f Focal status epilepticus, 108
hepatic, in acetaminophen poisoning, 77 Folinic acid, for toxoplasmic encephalitis, 248
Index 313

Fomepizole, for ethylene glycol poisoning, 7576 GuillainBarre syndrome, 7

Foramen magnum syndrome, 143 Gunshot wounds, 299304, 301f304f
Forensic neurologic injury, 295304 clinical presentation, 300301
general considerations, 295 computed tomography in, 301, 301f303f
gunshot wounds as, 299304, 301f304f management, 303
hanging as, 29799, 299f300f predictors of outcome, 303, 304f
shaken baby syndrome as, 29597, 296f297f, 298b tension pneumocephalus after, 303, 304f
strangulation as, 29799 triage, 304
for herpes simplex encephalitis, 240
for refractory trigeminal neuralgia, 41 Hallucination, visual, 22
for status epilepticus, 114, 116b Hanging, 29799, 299f300f
Fracture(s) Hangman's fracture, 287, 288f
hangman's, 287, 288f Head injury. See Brain injury
Jefferson's, 287, 289f Headtilt/chinlift technique, 9, 9f
odontoid, 287, 288f Headache. See also Migraine
skull, 280, 281f acute, 3641
Freezing gait, 12 abortive therapies for, 4041, 40t
Frenzel glasses, 27 benign, 38t
Frontal lobe clinical assessment, 3638
contusion, 273, 275f line of action, 3841, 38f
hematoma, 178 nonneurologic causes, 37t
mass, behavioral manifestations, 44 triptans for, 40, 40b
Frontal lobe syndrome, 44 warning signs, 37t
Fulminant hepatic failure, brain edema in, 94, 9697, lOOf in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage, 149
Fulminant multiple sclerosis, 25862. See also Multiple in arterial dissection, 2078
sclerosis, fulminant cluster, 38, 38t, 40t, 41
Funduscopy, 18 thunderclap, 36, 37t, 3840
in coma, 61, Color Figure 8.10 Hematologic disorders, ischemic stroke in, 21315, 215f,
Fungal encephalitis, 24950, 250f 215t
clinical presentation, 21314
diagnostic tests, 21415, 215f
GABAbenzodiazepine chloride iodophor receptor management, 215, 215t
complex, and toxininduced coma, 70b predictors of outcome, 215
Gabapentin, for recurrent seizures, 118 triage, 215
Gadolinium, in neuroimaging of acute spinal cord Hematoma
compression, 13536 epidural, in traumatic brain injury, 27980, 279f
Gait abnormalities, 1216 epidural spinal, acute spinal cord compression in, 135,
clinical assessment, 1215, 13b, 14t, 15b 137f138f, 138
line of action, 1516, 15f intracerebral, 16989. See also Intracerebral hematoma
Ganglionic hemorrhage, 16977 intracranial
clinical presentation, 16970, 170b, 171t acute obstructive hydrocephalus in, 12223, 123f
diagnostic tests, 17072, 171f176f aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage associated with,
hypertensive crisis in, 17374 151, 155f
management, 17276, 177b brain edema in, 101
predictors of outcome, 177 subdural
triage, 177 in shaken baby syndrome, 296, 296f297f
Gas exchange, in comatose patient, 910, 9f10f in traumatic brain injury, 27679, 278f
Gastric lavage, in comatose patient, 86 temporal lobe, 177, 178
Gaze abnormalities, assessment, 20f, 21 in traumatic brain injury, 273, 275f
Gazeevoked nystagmus, 27 Hemianopia, 44
Germinoma, pineal, acute obstructive hydrocephalus in, Hemicrania, paroxysmal, chronic, headache in, 38t
125 Hemicraniectomy, decompressive, for ischemic stroke,
Gerstmann's syndrome, 195, 244 205, 206b
Geste antagoniste, 31 Hemodialysis, for toxininduced coma, 8687
Glasgow Coma Scale, 5760, 57t, 58f59f Hemoperfusion, for toxininduced coma, 8687
in subarachnoid hemorrhage, 150, 150t Hemorrhage
in traumatic brain injury, 272 cerebellar, 18386. See also Cerebellar hemorrhage
Glatiramer acetate, for fulminant multiple sclerosis, 261 ganglionic, 16977. See also Ganglionic hemorrhage
Glaucoma, acuteangle, acute severe headache in, 37t intraventricular, 18283. See also Intraventricular
Gram stain, in acute bacterial meningitis, 227b hemorrhage
Granulomatous vasculitis, ischemic stroke in, 21013, 212f lobar, 17782. See also Lobar hemorrhage

Hemorrhages (continued) Hyperflexion injuries, cervical, 287

pontine, 18689. See also Pontine hemorrhage Hyperosmolaliry, and brain edema, 98
retinal, in shaken baby syndrome, 296 Hypertension, in comatose patient, 57, 8283
subarachnoid. See Subarachnoid hemorrhage Hypertensive crisis, in ganglionic hemorrhage, 17374
subhyaloid Hypertensive encephalopathy, thunderclap headache in,
in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage, 15051, 37t
Color Figure 13.2 Hyperthermia
in comatose patient, 61, Color Figure 8.10 akinetic rigid crisis with, 34b
Hemorrhagic contusion, in traumatic brain injury, 274, in comatose patient, 5556
277f Hyperventilation, for increased intracranial pressure, 84
Hemostatic therapy, for ganglionic hemorrhage, 176 Hypoosmolality, and brain edema, 98100
Heparin Hypoglycemia
for cerebral venous thrombosis, 218 in comatose patient, 70b, 78t, 8586
for ischemic stroke, 205 status epilepticus and, 110
Hepatic encephalopathy, in acetaminophen poisoning, 77 Hyponatremia
Hepatic failure, fulminant, brain edema in, 94, 9697, lOOf brain edema in, 98100
Hepatic necrosis, in acetaminophen poisoning, 76 in comatose patient, 78t, 86
Herniation, of brain, in comatose patient, 6567, 66b, status epilepticus and, 110
67f69f Hypotension, in comatose patient, 82
Heroin Hypothermia
neurotoxicity, 265 in comatose patient, 56, 83
overdose, coma from, 73 in traumatic brain injury, 282
Herpes simplex encephalitis, 23741 Hypovolemia syndrome, CSF, thunderclap headache in,
cerebrospinal fluid examination in, 238, 239b, 239t 37t
clinical presentation, 23738 Hypoxia, and toxininduced coma, 70b
computed tomography in, 239, 239f240f
diagnostic tests, 23840
electroencephalography in, 23839 Immunoglobulin, intravenous, for acute disseminated
magnetic resonance imaging in, 239, 240f encephalomyelitis, 257
management, 24041 Immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies, in fulminant multiple
predictors of outcome, 241 sclerosis, 260
single photon emission computed tomography in, Immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibodies, in arthropodborne
23910 viral encephalitis, 242
triage, 241 Industrial toxins, coma from, 7476
Herpes zoster oticus, Color Figure 4.1 Infectious disease
Horner's syndrome central nervous system. See Central nervous system,
in caudate hemorrhage, 170 infection
pupillary abnormalities in, 18 coma with, 85, 85t
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, in masquerading as encephalitis, 238t
confused, febrile patient, 45 Infectious myelitis, evaluation, 1516
Hydrocephalus, acute obstructive, 12129 Inhalation anesthetics, for status epilepticus, 114
in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage, 12324, 124f, Inspiratory paradox, clinical features, 6
16061 Inspiratory pressure, assessment, 67
in bacterial meningitis, 124, 124f Interferonbeta, for fulminant multiple sclerosis, 261
clinical presentation, 12122 Intracerebral hematoma, 16989. See also specific types
in colloid cyst of third ventricle, 125 cerebellar, 18386
in ependymoma, 125 ganglionic, 16977
in epidermoid cysts, 125 growth of, 170b
in intracranial hematoma, 12223, 123f intraventricular, 18283
management, 12829, 129b, 129f lobar, 17782
masses causing, 123t pontine, 18689
neuroimaging studies, 12527, 126f128f Intracranial hematoma
pathophysiology, 122b acute obstructive hydrocephalus in, 12223, 123f, 123t
in pineal region tumors, 123t, 12425 aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage associated with,
in plexus papilloma, 125 151
Hyperammonemia brain edema in, 101
biochemical interactions causing, 88f Intracranial pressure, increased
coma from, 8788, 88b in comatose patient, 8384
valproateinduced, 77 drugs to be avoided with, 283t
Hypercalcemia, in comatose patient, 78t, 86 in traumatic brain injury, 282
Hyperextension injuries, cervical, 287, 288f289f Intravenous access, lack of, in status epilepticus, 115
Index 315
Intraventricular hemorrhage, 18283 Leukoencephalopathy
acute obstructive hydrocephalus in, 122, 123f acute, 26368, 264t, 266f268f
clinical presentation, 182 causes, 264t
diagnostic tests, 18283, 182f, 183t clinical presentation, 26465
management, 183 diagnostic tests, 26566, 266f268f
predictors of outcome, 183 management, 26768
in traumatic brain injury, 280 predictors of outcome, 268
triage, 183 triage, 268
Intubation, endotracheal, in respiratory failure, 10, lOf cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with
Ischemicanoxic encephalopathy, brain edema in, 96, 99f subcortical infarct and, coma in, 88
Ischemic stroke syndromes, 191218 Levamisole, neurotoxicity, 26465
arterial dissection, 20610, 207f210f Limbic encephalitis, paraneoplastic, 25052, 251f
cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, 21618, 217f Lithium, coma from, 72
large vessel occlusions, 19196. See also Large vessel Liver. See Hepatic entries
occlusions Lobar hemorrhage, 17782
multiple small vessel occlusions, 20915, 210t, 212f, clinical presentation, 178
215f, 215t diagnostic tests, 17880, 178f181f, 178t
NIH stroke scale in, 191, 192t management, 18081
Isoflurane, for status epilepticus, 114 predictors of outcome, 181
Isopropyl alcohol poisoning, coma from, 76 triage, 18182
Itraconazole, for fungal encephalitis, 250 Lockedin syndrome, 57, 63, 78, 78f
Lorazepam, for status epilepticus, 114
Lumbar pain
Japanese encephalitis, 24142 in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage, 150
Jawthrust/headtilt technique, 9, 9f with paraplegia, differential diagnosis, 135, 135t
Jefferson's fracture, 287, 289f Lumbar spinal cord lesion, localization, 144
Lymphocytosis, in acute bacterial meningitis, 226

KearnsSayre syndrome, coma in, 88

Kernig sign, in comatose patient, 60, 61f Magnesium sulfate, for seizure management in
Ketamine, for status epilepticus, 114 preeclampsia, 11415
Ketoacidosis, diabetic, brain edema in, 9495, 100, 1023 Magnetic resonance angiography
Ketoconazole, for fungal encephalitis, 250 in acute headache, 3940
in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage, 158, 164f
in arterial dissection, 208, 209f
La Crosse encephalitis, 241 in cerebral venous thrombosis, 217f, 218
Lamotrigine, for recurrent seizures, 118 Magnetic resonance imaging, 46, 48
Large vessel occlusions, 19196 in acute bacterial meningitis, 22526, 226f
anterior cerebral artery, 193 in acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, 256, 257f
basilar artery, 19395, 194t in acute headache, 39
cerebral angiography in, 203 in acute leukoencephalopathy, 265, 266f268f
clinical presentation, 19195 in acute obstructive hydrocephalus, 127
computed tomographic angiography in, 201, 203 in acute spinal cord compression, 13539, 136f139f
computed tomography in, 195203, 196f201f in acute spinal cord syndromes, 139, 139f
diagnostic tests, 195203, 196f202f in acute transverse myelitis, 262, 263f
magnetic resonance imaging in, 198201, 201f202f in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage, 15758, 158f,
management, 2035, 203t, 204b, 204f, 205t206t, 206b 164f
middle cerebral artery, 19293 in arterial dissection, 208, 208f
posterior cerebral artery, 195 in arthropodborne viral encephalitis, 24243
predictors of outcome, 2056 in brain abscess, 233
triage, 206 in brain edema, 96, 99f
Laryngeal dystonia, 33 in central nervous system vasculitis, 211, 212f
Latex particle agglutination tests, in acute bacterial in cerebral venous thrombosis, 217f, 218
meningitis, 227b in comatose patient, 78, 78f, 80t
Leg weakness, acute disorders associated with, 12 in cytomegalovirus encephalitis, 244
Leigh's disease, coma in, 88 in fulminant multiple sclerosis, 258, 259f260f
Lentiform nucleus, obscuration of, in ischemic stroke, in fungal encephalitis, 249, 250f
19697, 198f in gait abnormalities, 15
Lethal catatonia, 33, 34 in ganglionic hemorrhage, 171, 175f
Leukemia, chemotherapyassociated leukoencephalopathy in hanging, 299, 299f300f
syndromes in, 265 in herpes simplex encephalitis, 239, 240f

Magnetic resonance imaging (continued) Middle cerebral artery

in intraventricular hemorrhage, 183 hyperdense sign, 198, 200f
in large vessel occlusions, 198201, 201f202f occlusion, 19293
in lobar hemorrhage, 180, 180f181f Migraine
in multiple ischemic infarcts, 214, 215f abortive therapies for, 4041, 40t
in paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis, 250, 251f acute, 38t
in pontine hemorrhage, 188f crash (blitz), 38
in spinal cord injury, 287, 289f triptans for, 40, 40b
in status epilepticus, 109, 11Oflllf Mitochondrial encephalopathy, coma in, 88
in strangulation, 299, 299f300f Motor deficit, in subarachnoid hemorrhage, 150, 150t
in subdural empyema, 229 Motor response, in neurologic examination of comatose
in toxoplasmic encephalitis, 247, 247f248f patient, 5960, 60f
in traumatic brain injury, 27480, 278f Movement disorders, 3034
in varicellazoster encephalitis, 244, 244f clinical assessment, 3033, 32f
Malignant lesion, magnetic resonance imaging of, 137 druginduced, 31t, 33t
Malignant neuroleptic syndrome, coma in, 87 line of action, 3334, 34f
Mannitol MR A. See Magnetic resonance angiography
for brain edema, 102, 103 MRI. See Magnetic resonance imaging
for increased intracranial pressure, 84 Multiple sclerosis, fulminant, 25862
for traumatic brain injury, 282 clinical presentation, 258
Marburg variant, in fulminant multiple sclerosis, 258 diagnostic tests, 25861, 259b, 259f260f
Mask ventilation, 9, 9f management, 261, 261t
Maximal expiratory pressure (PEmax), 67 predictors of outcome, 261
Maximal inspiratory pressure (PImax), 67 triage, 26162
Mechanical ventilation, in respiratory failure, 10, lOf Muscle rigidity, in confused, febrile patient, 43
Medulla oblongata Muscle strength grading, in acute spinal cord compression,
brain stem syndromes in, 194t 134, 146
lesions, coma in, 63 Muscle tone, in comatose patient, 60
MELAS syndrome, coma in, 88 Myelitis
Meningeal irritation, in coma paraplegia in, 1415, 14t
assessment, 60, 61f transverse, acute, 26263, 263f
management, 85, 85t Myelopathy, paraplegia in, 14, 14t
Meningitis Myoclonus
bacterial. See Bacterial meningitis assessment, 3031
diagnostic tests, 47t48t in confused, febrile patient, 43
etiology, 47t48t druginduced, 30, 31t
in fungal encephalitis, 249 generalized, in acute bacterial meningitis, 225
meningococcal, 225, Color Figure 16.2 segmental, 31
chemoprophylaxis for, 227, 229t treatment, 34
tuberculous, 225 Myoclonus status epilepticus, 34f, 109, 115, 117
Mesencephalic lesions, coma in, 63
Metabolic derangements
acute, brain edema from, 96100, lOOf Naloxone
coma from, 55t for opiate overdose, 7374
assessment, 7778, 78t to reverse coma, 86
management, 8586 side effects, 86
hereditary, coma in, 87 Narcotics, overdose, coma from, 7374
Metamorphopsia, 22 National Institutes of Health (NIH), stroke scale, 191, 192t
Metastasis, hemorrhage in, 179f Neck stiffness, in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage,
Methanol poisoning, coma from, 75, 80t 150
Methotrexate, neurotoxicity, 265 Nerve conduction studies, in gait abnormalities, 16
Methylprednisolone Neuralgia, trigeminal, refractory
for acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, 25657 abortive therapies for, 40t, 41
for acute leukoencephalopathy, 267 headache in, 38, 38t
for acute transverse myelitis, 263 Neuroophthalmologic disorders, 1724, 24f
for anterior ischemic optic neuropathy, 24 Neuroophthalmologic signs, in aneurysmal subarachnoid
for central nervous system vasculitis, 213 hemorrhage, 151
for fulminant multiple sclerosis, 261 Neuroleptic malignant syndrome, 33, 34
Metoclopramide, for migraine, 41 Neurologic disease, respiratory failure in, causes, 3, 4f, 5t
Micropsia, 22 Neuronal damage, in status epilepticus, lllb
Midazolam, for status epilepticus, 114, 116b Neutropenia, febrile, 456
Midbrain, brain stem syndromes in, 194t Nuchal rigidity, in acute bacterial meningitis, 225
Index 317

Nystagmus Parenchymal hematoma. See Intracerebral hematoma

central, 2627, 28t Parietal lobe hematoma, 178
gazeevoked, 27 Parietal lobe mass, behavioral manifestations, 44
periodic alternating, 27 Parinaud's syndrome, 12122
peripheral, 27 Parkinsonian gait, 12
positional, 27 Parkinsonism, 33, 242
vertical, 27 Paroxysmal hemicrania, chronic, headache in, 38t
Pastpointing test, 2728
PCR. See Polymerase chain reaction
Occipital lobe hematoma, 178 Pentobarbital, for status epilepticus, 114, 117b
Occipital lobe mass, behavioral manifestations, 44 Periodic alternating nystagmus, 27
Oculocephalic responses, in comatose patient, 62 Periorbital edema, in traumatic brain injury, 273, Color
Oculogyric crisis, 31, 32f Figure 19.1
Oculomotor palsy, 20f, 21, 23f Peripheral nystagmus, 27
Oculovestibular responses, in comatose patient, 62 Phencyclidine, overdose, coma from, 73
Odontoid fracture, 287, 288f Phenobarbital, for status epilepticus, 114, 117b
Ondansetron, movement disorders due to, 31, 32f Phenytoin
Ondine's curse, 3 for epilepsia partialis continua, 114
Ophthalmologic disorders, 19, 19t overdose, 77
Ophthalmoplegia, 21, 63, Color Figure 3.5 for recurrent seizures, 118
Opiates, overdose, coma from, 7374, 86 for status epilepticus, 114, 116b
failure to reverse, 86t Pheochromocytoma, acute severe headache in, 37t
Optic ataxia, 195 Phrenic nerve injury, chest radiography in, 8, 8f
Optic neuritis, causes, 19 Pineal region tumors, acute obstructive hydrocephalus in,
Optic neuropathy 123t, 12425
anterior ischemic, 24 Pineoblastoma, acute obstructive hydrocephalus in, 12425
blindness in, 19 Pituitary apoplexia, thunderclap headache in, 37t
Ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency, coma in, 8788, Plasmapheresis, for fulminant multiple sclerosis, 261
88b, 88f Platelet disorders, ischemic stroke in, 214, 215t
Oromandibular dyskmesis, 31, 32f Plexus papilloma, acute obstructive hydrocephalus in, 125
Oscillopsia, 26 Pneumocephalus, tension, after gunshot wounds, 303, 304f
Osmol gap, in comatose patient, 81 Poisoning. See also specific toxins
Osmolality, plasma, in status epilepticus, 10910 coma from
Osmotic diuretics acidbase disorders in, 81, 81t
for brain edema, 102 assessment, 68, 7077, 70b
for increased intracranial pressure, 84 laboratory studies, 8082, 81t82t, 9293
Otologic emergencies, vertigo and, 26, 27t management, 8687, 86t
Oxygen mechanisms, 70b
for cluster headache, 41 vital signs in, 57, 57t
hyperbaric, for carbon monoxide poisoning, 74 Polycythemia vera, ischemic stroke in, 213, 215t
Oxygenation, in respiratory failure, 10 Polymerase chain reaction
in acute bacterial meningitis, 227b
in central nervous system infection, 48
Pain in herpes simplex encephalitis, 238, 239b, 239t
in acute spinal cord compression, 134, 135, 135t in toxoplasmic encephalitis, 248
chest or lumbar Polyradiculopathy, paraplegia in, 14, 14t
in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage, 150 Pons, brain stem syndromes in, 194t
with paraplegia, differential diagnosis, 135, 135t Pontine hemorrhage, 18689
in epidural spinal hematoma, 135 diagnostic tests, 18687, 186f188f
Pain response, in coma, 56f, 5859, 60 management, 18788
Palinopsia, 22 predictors of outcome, 18889
Papilledema, in comatose patient, 61, Color Figure 8.10 triage, 189
Paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis, 25052, 251f Pontine lesions, coma in, 63
Paraneoplastic syndromes, gait abnormalities in, 13b Porphyria, acute, coma in, 87
Paraparesis Positional nystagmus, 27
clinical assessment, 1215, 13b, 14t, 15b Positive endexpiratory pressure (PEEP), in traumatic
line of action, 1516, 15f brain injury, 282
Paraplegia Posterior cerebral artery occlusion, 195
acute, differential diagnosis, 1415, 14t Posterior communicating aneurysm, 21, 23f
acute chest or lumbar pain with, differential diagnosis, ruptured, neuroophthalmologic signs in, 151
135, 135t Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES), 264
in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage, 150 Posturing, extreme, in comatose patient, 60, 60f

Prednisone, for fulminant multiple sclerosis, 261 Rifampin, for acute bacterial meningitis, 227
Preeclampsia, seizure management in, 11415 Rocky Mountain spotted fever encephalitis, 24546, Color
Pregnancy, antiepileptic drugs in, 118 Figure 17.6
Propofol Romberg's test, 28
for myoclonus status epilepticus, 34f, 115, 117
for status epilepticus, 114, 116b
Proprioception, loss of, 13 Sacral lesion, localization, 144
Prosopagnosia, 195 Saddle anesthesia, in acute spinal cord compression, 132
Pseudopontine hemorrhage, 186, 188f Salicylates
Pseudoseizures, 1089, 117 overdose, 76
Pseudosubarachnoid hemorrhage, 15657, 163f urine testing for, 81
Psychogenic status epilepticus, 1089, 117 Saline, hypertonic, for brain edema, 102
Psychogenic unresponsiveness, coma in, 87 Seizure(s). See also Status epilepticus
Ptosis, complete, 2122, 24f in acute bacterial meningitis, 225
Pulmonary edema, chest radiography in, 7, 7f generalized tonicclonic, in aneurysmal subarachnoid
Pulmonary function tests, 67 hemorrhage, 151
Pupillary abnormalities in preeclampsia, 11415
afferent, causes, 19 recurrent
assessment, 18 diagnostic tests, 117t
in comatose patient, 6061, 62f63f management, 11718
in traumatic brain injury, 27273 in subdural empyema, 228
Putamen hemorrhage, 16970, 171, 171t, 172f, 176f and toxininduced coma, 70b
Pyrimethamine, for toxoplasmic encephalitis, 248 Sensory abnormalities, in acute spinal cord compression,
133f, 134
Sensory testing, in acute spinal cord compression, 132
Q fever, 245 Serologic tests
in acute leukoencephalopathy, 266
in acute transverse myelitis, 263
Raccoon eyes, in traumatic brain injury, 273, Color Figure in arthropodborne viral encephalitis, 243
19.1 in central nervous system vasculitis, 214
Radiography in cerebral venous thrombosis, 218
abdominal, in comatose patient, 80 in gait abnormalities, 1516
in acute spinal cord compression, 135 in multiple ischemic infarcts, 214
chest in paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis, 250
in mucus plugging of bronchus, 78, 8f in toxoplasmic encephalitis, 248
in phrenic nerve injury, 8, 8f in traumatic brain injury, 280
in pulmonary edema, 7, 7f Serotonin syndrome, 33, 34
in spinal cord injury, 28587, 286f, 287t, 288f Shaken baby syndrome, 29597, 296f297f, 298b
in traumatic brain injury, 280 Shear contusion, in traumatic brain injury, 27374, 276f
Radiotherapy, for acute spinal cord compression, 140b, Shortness of breath. See Breathlessness
141 Shoulder injuries, in status epilepticus, 112, 114f
Rash, in Rocky Mountain spotted fever, 245, Color Figure Shunt, cerebrospinal, for acute obstructive hydrocephalus,
17.6 129
Red blood cell disorders, ischemic stroke in, 21315, Sicklecell disease, ischemic stroke in, 21314, 215t
215t Singlephoton emission computed tomography
Respiratory drive in herpes simplex encephalitis, 23940
abnormal, 3 in toxoplasmic encephalitis, 248
automatic control of, 3, 5b Sinusitis, acute, acute severe headache in, 37t
Respiratory failure. See also Breathlessness Skew deviation, diplopia in, 21, 22f
in neurologic disease Skin abnormalities
causes, 3, 4f, 5t in acute bacterial meningitis, 225, Color Figure 16.2
imminent, critical steps in, lOf in comatose patient, 56, 56t
Respiratory mechanics in Rocky Mountain spotted fever, 245, Color Figure
abnormal, 46 17.6
anatomy, 6b Skull fracture, in traumatic brain injury, 280, 281f
Reticular activating system, ascending Slow syndrome, in thalamic/mesencephalic lesions, 64
anatomy, 54f Small vessel occlusions, multiple, 20915
dysfunction, 54b. See also Coma in central nervous system vasculitis, 21013, 212f
Retinal hemorrhage, in shaken baby syndrome, 296 diagnostic considerations, 210t
Retroclival hematoma, thunderclap headache in, 37t in hematologic disorders, 21315, 215f, 215t, Color
Rickettsiae, encephalitis from, 24546 Figure 15.17
Index 319

Sodium deficiency. See Hyponatremia complex partial, 108

Sodium nitrate, for cyanide poisoning, 75 convulsive, management algorithm for, 115f
Sodium thiosulfate, for cyanide poisoning, 75 electroencephalography in, 107, 107f, 112, 113f
Spasm. See Movement disorders focal, 108
Spastic gait, 13 intravenous access in, lack of, 115
SPECT. See Singlephoton emission computed laboratory tests, 10910, 112
tomography management, 112, 11417, 115b117b, 115f
Speech, incomprehensible, in comatose patient, 60 myoclonus, 109, 115, 117
Spinal abscess, epidural, acute spinal cord compression in, neuroimaging studies, 109, 110flllf
13435, 137f, 138 neuronal damage in, lllb
Spinal angiography, in acute transverse myelitis, 26263 nonconvulsive, 108, 114
Spinal canal compartments, localization of metastatic in preeclampsia, 11415
lesions in, 139f psychogenic (pseudoseizures), 1089, 117
Spinal cord compression tonicclonic, 1078, 107f
acute, 13241 Strangulation, 29799
corticosteroids for, 140b, 141 Streptococcus pneumoniae meningitis, 22728
laboratory testing, 139 Stridor, 31
localization of lesion, 139f, 14314 Stroke, ischemic. See Ischemic stroke syndromes
management, 13941, 140b Subarachnoid hemorrhage
metastatic aneurysmal, 14966
localization, 139f acute obstructive hydrocephalus in, 12324, 124f,
pathophysiology, 140b 16061
neuroimaging studies, 13539, 136f139f cerebrospinal fluid examination in, 15859
neurologic assessment, 13235, 133f, 133t, 135t clinical presentation, 14951, 150b, 150f, 150t
pain in, 134, 135, 135t computed tomography in, 15157, 151f157f,
radiotherapy for, 140b, 141 159f163f, 165f166f
sensory abnormalities in, 133f, 134 etiology of rupture, 150b
syndromes associated with, 132, 133t, 134 laboratory test interpretation, 15159
in aortic dissection, 14, 15b magnetic resonance imaging in, 15758, 158f, 164f
neurologic disorders mimicking, 1415 management, 15962, 164, 164t
Spinal cord infarction, 139f outcome predictors, 16466
Spinal cord injury, 28490 rebleeding in, 16162, 164, 165f166f
ASIA classification, 285, 29394 triage, 166
clinical presentation, 28485 in central nervous system vasculitis, 155, 161f
computed tomography in, 287 computed tomography in, 38, 39f
diagnostic tests, 28587 grading system, 150, 150t
magnetic resonance imaging in, 287, 289f nonaneurysmal, 15557, 161f163f
management, 28789, 289t in shaken baby syndrome, 296, 296f297f
predictors of outcome, 28990 thunderclap headache in, 36, 38, 39f
radiography in, 28587, 286f, 287t, 288f traumatic, 15556, 161f162f
surgical management, 285b in traumatic brain injury, 280
triage, 290 xanthochromia in, 3839, Color Figure 6.3
Spinal cord lesions, localization, 139f, 14344 Subdural empyema, 22831
Spinal cord syndromes clinical presentation, 22829
with acute spinal cord compression, 132, 133t, 134 diagnostic tests, 22930, 230f
without acute spinal cord compression, 13839, 139f management, 230, 231t
Spinal instability, indicators of, 28687, 287t predictors of outcome, 231
Spinal shock, 28485 triage, 231
Spine, normal magnetic resonance imaging of, 135, 136f Subdural hematoma
Spinning sensation, 2629. See also Vertigo in shaken baby syndrome, 296, 296f297f
St. Louis encephalitis, 241 in traumatic brain injury, 27679, 278f
Stabilization Subhyaloid hemorrhage
in acute spinal cord compression, 141 in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage, 15051, Color
in traumatic brain injury, 280, 282, 282t Figure 13.2
Status dystonicus, 33 in comatose patient, 61, Color Figure 810
Status epilepticus, 10618 Substance abuse, coma from, 7274
absence, 108 Subtentorial mass, management, 8485, 85t
causes, 108t Sulfadiazine, for toxoplasmic encephalitis, 248
classification, 1069, 107f Sumatriptan, for cluster headache, 41
clinical presentation, 1069, 107f Supratentorial mass, with brain shift, management, 8384,
complex, 108 85t

Sweating Troponin I, elevated, in aneurysmal subarachnoid

in comatose patient, 57 hemorrhage, 151
in traumatic brain injury, 273, 274f Tuberculous meningitis, 225
Systemic disease, in confused, febrile patient, 45, 46t Twitching. See Movement disorders
Typhus group encephalitis, 24546

Tacrolimus, neurotoxicity, 264

Tandem gait walking test, 28 Uncal herniation, in comatose patient, 66, 68f
Technetium 99m diphosphonate bone scan, in acute spinal Urine tests, drug screening, 8182, 9293
cord compression, 135 Urokinase, for acute obstructive hydrocephalus, 128
Temporal arteritis, acute severe headache in, 37t
Temporal horns, in acute obstructive hydrocephalus, 123f,
12627 Valproate
Temporal lobe for epilepsia partialis continua, 114
hematoma, 177, 178, 273, 275f overdose, 77
mass, behavioral manifestations, 44 for recurrent seizures, 118
Tension pneumocephalus, after gunshot wounds, 303, 304f Vancomycin, for acute bacterial meningitis, 227
Terson's syndrome, 15051, Color Figure 13.2 Varicellazoster encephalitis, 24345, 244f
Tetrodotoxin, in coma, 87 Vascular territories of brain, computed tomography of,
Thalamus 196f197f
hemorrhage, 170, 171, 171t, 173fl74f Vasculitis, central nervous system
lesions, coma in, 64 ischemic stroke in, 21113, 212f
Thiamine, for comatose patient, 83 subarachnoid hemorrhage in, 155, 161f
Third ventricle, colloid cyst of, acute obstructive Venezuelan equine encephalitis, 241
hydrocephalus in, 125 Venous thrombosis, cerebral, 21618, 217f
Thoracic spinal cord lesion, localization, 14344 Ventilation
Thrombin, in parenchymal hematoma, 170b mask, 9, 9f
Thrombocytosis, ischemic stroke in, 214, 215t mechanical, in respiratory failure, 10, lOf
Thrombosis, cerebral venous, 21618. See also Cerebral Ventricular size index, 126, 128f
venous thrombosis Ventricular system
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, ischemic stroke enlargement. See Hydrocephalus, acute obstructive
in, 214, 216t measurement, 128f
Thunderclap headache, 36, 37t, 3840 Ventriculostomy, for acute obstructive hydrocephalus, 128,
Tissuetype plasminogen activator 129b,129f
intracerebral hematoma from, 17778, 180, 181f Verbal response, in neurologic examination of comatose
recombinant patient, 60
for intraventricular hemorrhage, 183 Vertebral artery dissection, 20610, 207f210f. See also
for ischemic stroke,' 2035, 203t, 204b, 204f Arterial dissection
Tongue bite, in tonicclonic status epilepticus, 107, 107f subarachnoid hemorrhage in, endovascular
Tongue jaw lift/finger sweep technique, 9, 9f management, 164, 166f
Tonicclonic status epilepticus, 1078, 107f thunderclap headache in, 37t
Topiramate, for status epilepticus, 114 Vertebrobasilar artery occlusion, 200201, 202f
Toxic alcohol, coma from, 7576 Vertical nystagmus, 27
Toxic parkinsonism, 33 Vertigo, 2629, 66
Toxins. See Poisoning clinical assessment, 2628
Toxoplasmic encephalitis, 24649, 247f248f druginduced, 27b
Transverse myelitis line of action, 28, 28f
acute, 26263, 263f and otologic emergencies, 26, 27t
paraplegia in, 15 systemic illnesses associated with, 27b
Traumatic brain injury. See Brain injury, traumatic Vestibulospinal reflex testing, 2728
Traumatic spinal cord injury. See Spinal cord injury Viral encephalitis, arthropodborne, 24143, 242f243f
Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage, 15556, 161f162f Visual illusion, 22
Tremor, 3233 Visual loss, 1724
in confused, febrile patient, 43 clinical assessment, 1722, 18b, 18f, 20f, 22f23f
druginduced, 33, 33t complete ptosis as, 2122, 24f
Tricyclic antidepressants, coma from, 72 degree of, 18b
Trigeminal neuralgia, refractory diplopia as, 1921, 20f, 21t, 22f23f
abortive therapies for, 40t, 41 line of action, 22, 24, 24f
headache in, 38, 38t monocular
Triptans, for acute headache, 40, 40b versus binocular, 17
Trismus, in confused, febrile patient, 43 transient, 19
Index 321

Vital capacity (VC), assessment, 67 White matter disease, 25568

Vital signs, in coma acute disseminated encephalomyelitis as, 25558, 256t,
initial management, 810, 9f10f, 82 257f
poisoninginduced changes in, 57, 57t acute leukoencephalopathy as, 26368, 264f268f, 264t
Vomiting, in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage, acute transverse myelitis as, 26263, 263f
14950 fulminant multiple sclerosis as, 25862, 259f260f, 259t,
Wilson's disease, dystonia in, 31
Walking, impaired, 1216. See also Gait abnormalities World Federation of Neurological Surgeons, grading
Wernicke's aphasia, 44 system for subarachnoid hemorrhage, 150, 150t
Wernicke's encephalopathy, in comatose patient, 83
West Nile encephalitis, 241, 242, 243f
Parkinsonism in, 242 Xanthochromia
Weston Hurst disease, 256 in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage, 15859
White cell counts, in status epilepticus, 109 in subarachnoid hemorrhage, 3839, Color Figure 6.3

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