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Five Sprre Initiate Medium hamarod (on re oylolagnmert ‘rmor Class 15. ite Poms 351008 + 10) speed 30". swk OK CON INT. IS. GHA W261) 1863) 12041) 100) 151-2) 101-0) ‘Saving Throws Dex 5, Wis ‘Sls sight +4, Perception +4 ‘Senses passive Perception 14 Languages Common Challenge 370010) Unarmored Defense. Wl the nites wearing no aemorand welding no hel. ts AC inches Wt Wiecom modifi. Actions Master or THE Five Spires ean namarod 0 rce ny Ine egnmere ‘mor class 17 Hic Potmts 931408 +25) Speed 30% STR DK CON NTS. CHA 146) 1964) 1562) 2G) 1763) 13141) Soving Throws Dex 7, Wis 6 Sls lsight 6, Perception +6 ‘Usermered Defense. Whie the master is wearing no armor and | weling ole ACincues ts Wade maior, -Mutirtack. The inklte makes two attacks: one with unarmed strike a ove wth He ab, Unarmed Seike. Hele Weopon Atak 10 Nt reachS Rone target it 7(148 +) bludgecning damage. Fire ab Mele Weepon toc: +5 toi each 5, one arg. He 78 3) budgeaning damage pls 10 (346) fre damage ‘Three Point Strike Recharge 6). Te ntate rakes tree ‘arte sre attacks again one tr get to attacks hi the targets incopacated, three atacks hit. the get's stunned. “hese coniions lst ul theend ofthe kiae's nex tre ‘lock. The iritiate adds 3 to ts AC aalnstone meee tack that would nit To d05o, the tate mist see the stacker. —_—_—_— | Acrrows | Muttiotack he master makes tree attacks: wo withits ‘Unareed sre ae ene wit see ck Unarmed Sere. Melee Weopon tac: +7 eit each Rone target. 11 (206 4) Bidgeoning damage, Fre Kick Meee Weepon tack +7 tit, reach Sone target Hs 11 (2a +8) Blodgeoring cumage pus 14 (46) ire damage. the targetis a creature it must succeed on a OC 14 Strength ‘ving throw or be knocked prone ary of the Five Spires (Recharge 5. The master makes fve ‘unarmed srk attacks agsinatone target The target must hen ‘ake AOC 10Consituion saving thow wth a +1 OC for every tack tat he. On afoledsovetne trgetis knocked unconscious ‘ntl the end ofthe master's nexttum. REACTIONS ‘ery Black. Ie master 2865 510 ts AC against ane melee ack that would hitt-Todo so, the master mus: see the attacker If the attack mises, te attacker ‘okes 7 (2a) re samage a Art Credit: Eric Belisle

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