Please Print Report On Both Sides of The Paper (There Is A Penalty For Not Adhering To This Norm)

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Groups are expected to critically analyze their respective brands on: 1) The brands market standing leadership

(category/sub-category)/# 2/irrelevant/pioneer/etc.; market share; etc., 2) Competitive scenario around the brand and
their relative market standings, 3) Brand strategies adopted by the company over the past few years with remarkable
milestones, if any, and 4) Communication strategies adopted by the company for the brand.

Based on the above analysis, groups are expected to put their respective brands in one of the four categories: 1) Non-
starter- which created high awareness but not the consumer preference (sales), 2) Laggard- which has done well in the
past but stagnated later, 3) Star- which is doing consistently well for a considerable time, 4) Promising- which has
started off well and has tremendous potential.

Once this diagnosis is done, the groups are expected to draw out a comprehensive brand plan - depending upon the
category of their brand - on following lines: 1) Non-starter- What went wrong with the brand? Strategic plan to re-
launch it, 2) Laggard- Whats wrong with the brand? Strategic plan to revive it, 3) Star- Whats good about the brand?
Strategic plan to increase the top line through: brand/line extensions; vertical stretch or market expansions,
4) Promising- Whats promising about the brand? Strategic plan to put it on the fast track.

Since all the brands available for this assignment are live brands, the groups are expected to function as Brand
consultants and do real time study so as to recommend practical and feasible solutions. The aim of this assignment is
to make you understand nitty-gritty of real life branding. You are encouraged to approach company
representative/dealers of the selected brand, conduct field studies- structured or unstructured, and also discuss finer
aspects of the assignment with faculty from time to time.

The final report is expected to be crisp and to-the-point- more like a proposal to the client. Kindly avoid making the
report content heavy. The main report is expected to be not less than 4 pages and not more than 20 pages* (you can add
extra information to the report as annexure) and cover at least the following: i) your critical observations; ii) analysis of
observations vis--vis the prevalent market scenario; iii) solution(s)- Strategic Brand Plan; iv) time-lines for
implementation; v) investment plan for implementation of the brand strategy; vi) expected outcome in the form of- top
line, bottom line, price premium and/or market share and; vii) future brand strategies.

The scope of this assignment is to cover brands performance only in India.

The deadline for submission of this assignment shall be- the day of 18th session (the day all sections finish their 18th session).
No requests, for whatsoever reason, regarding extension of the deadline shall be entertained. However, groups can use
their discretion of submitting the report late at the cost of one mark per day (per group member) of delay (week-ends
and holidays counted in delay).

Wish you all the best! Happy branding!

*Please print report on both sides of the paper (there is a penalty for not adhering to this norm).

Disclaimer: This assignment is part of the Brand Management course offered by Prof Rajeev Kamble at IMT-Nagpur. The scope of
this assignment is only to make students of Brand Management understand nitty-gritty of real time Brand Management.
This assignment, in no way, is attempted to make comments on the strategies adopted by practitioners.

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