Jamming in Underwater Sensor Networks: Detection and Mitigation

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Published in IET Communications
Received on 5th September 2011
Revised on 1st January 2012
doi: 10.1049/iet-com.2011.0641

In Special Issue on Energy Aware Wireless Network


ISSN 1751-8628

Jamming in underwater sensor networks: detection

and mitigation
S. Misra1 S. Dash1 M. Khatua1 A.V. Vasilakos2 M.S. Obaidat3
School of Information Technology, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, West Bengal, India
National Technical University of Athens, Heroon Polytechniou 9, 15780 Zografou, Greece
Department of Computer Science, Monmouth University, New Jersey, USA
E-mail: smisra@sit.iitkgp.ernet.in

Abstract: Underwater sensor networks (UWSNs) can be deployed for sensing the environment in oceanographic columns and
other water bodies in which they are deployed. The peculiar characteristic of the underwater medium, coupled with the queer
nature of the sound waves in water, poses an enigmatic problem for UWSN researchers. In this study, the authors focus on
the problem of UWSN jamming, which is a popular type of denial-of-service attack. The existing jamming detection
solutions for sensor networks are primarily targeted towards the terrestrial ones. In this work, the authors study the unique
characteristics of jamming in UWSN, and propose a protocol, known as underwater jamming detection protocol (UWJDP), to
detect and mitigate jamming in underwater environments. The results show that if the packet delivery ratio (PDR) is less
than or equal to 0.8, the authors have the maximum probability of detecting jamming. The jamming detection ratio is around
2 11% more for the said PDR.

1 Introduction paper is on the DoS attacks because of jamming in

UWSN. A jammer is a device that intentionally disrupts
Sensor networks are generally resource constrained. the communication between nodes in the network. It can
The nodes are small in size, and if the limited resources disrupt a node from sending data or can inject malicious
in them are not managed properly, they can frequently packets into the network to be processed by the legitimate
run out of these resources, thereby affecting their nodes. Since data transfer occurs from bottom to top in an
functionalities. Battery life is an import factor while underwater column, a jammer located very deep in the
designing solutions for any sensor network. In underwater ocean can compromise the source of the information, and
sensor network (UWSN), the problem is even more grave, thus the whole network.
as it is more difcult than in terrestrial sensor networks to The prime motivation underlying the work reported in this
recharge the node batteries because of the absence of paper arises because of the fact that UWSN are a relatively
renewable sources of energy (such as solar). Other issues marginally explored area of research as compared to
such as the presence of limited bandwidth, occurrence of terrestrial sensor networks. Limited number of works
unreliable channel because of frequent reections and depicting an extensive study of underwater sensor networks
inter-symbol interference, large propagation delay because exist in the literature. Furthermore, to the best of the
of comparatively slow speed of sound in water as compared authors knowledge, there are no signicant contributions
to radio waves in air, and corrosion of the nodes because available on jamming attack detection and mitigation in
of prolonged submergence in water [1] make the problem UWSN. Underwater jamming is a serious issue considering
even more challenging. The conventional proactive or the physical properties of the channel it prohibits
reactive strategies that are available for routing in terrestrial information to be sent quickly and in a reliable manner.
sensor networks cannot be implemented in underwater Architectures similar to those used in military jammers such
environments for reasons attributed to energy constraints, as as spot, sweep and barrage jammers [2] can be used to
long distance communication is affected because of the effectively jam the underwater channel because of its
attenuation of sound waves. Therefore, geographical routing narrow bandwidth. Furthermore, most of the common
protocols [1], which rely on information exchange between terrestrial solutions to jamming are inefcient in UWSN.
the neighbours to facilitate communication, are better suited Hence, it is necessary to nd an effective solution to the
in underwater environments. Further, security problems underwater jamming problem. This paper discusses a
added to this can be highly taxing on the nodes. Among the UWSN jamming detection and mitigation approach, which
various security issues of UWSN, denial-of-service (DoS) bases on different pieces of existing works [3 7] available
attack is of a very serious type, considering the resource- in this area, integrates the ideas, modies them wherever
constrained underwater sensor nodes. Our focus in this relevant and provides a holistic solution for the purpose.

2178 IET Commun., 2012, Vol. 6, Iss. 14, pp. 21782188

& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2012 doi: 10.1049/iet-com.2011.0641
The primary components of the solution discussed in this jammed nodes. This idea is unrealistic in underwater
paper are as follows: environments because: (i) some of the formulae involved in
calculating the probabilities need a lot of node energy, and
The development of a distributed approach to underwater (ii) the performance of the evolutionary algorithm depends
jamming detection in UWSN. As mentioned before, though on the situation, and the complexities are generally not in
many novel approaches exist for jamming detection in the polynomial time [2].
sensor network literature, they are solely designed to
function in terrestrial sensor networks. In this paper, we 2.2 Method by Cakiroglu and Ozcerit
emphasise the various shortcomings of different jamming
detection algorithms in the context of underwater Cakiroglu and Ozcerit [9] suggested a method which could
environments, and discuss an algorithm which can work distinguish jamming scenarios from the ones for normal
well within the constraints of the underwater channels. network congestion, hardware failures and other scenarios.
Mitigating the effects of jamming by mapping the jammed Their algorithm needs three parameters: packet delivery
area, so that data transmission can be undertaken through non- ratio (PDR), bad packet ratio (BPR) and energy consumption
jammed areas effectively. Only the data in the jammed area amount (ECA), and based on certain comparisons with
are temporarily lost. Thus, the entire network is not affected predened thresholds the algorithm can infer the presence
because of the presence of an underwater jammer at a of jamming. They also proposed a second algorithm which
particular position, as the ow of packets from the jammer use the information of other nodes along with their own
is limited to the jammed area only. It is worth mentioning through QUERY and REPLY packets to determine
here that the problem of mapping the jammed area for jamming. However, in underwater environments, poor and
terrestrial sensor networks was addressed by Misra et al. [2]. erroneous links can often lead to the absence of reply
packets and, thus, should not be a case of jamming which
The rest of the paper is organised as follows. In Section 2, the algorithm would normally indicate. Therefore, although
we summarise the works reported in some of the relevant the algorithm is highly efcient in terrestrial sensor network
pieces of literature. Since, there is a lack of work on a system, it does not work well in underwater system.
UWSN jamming to the best of our knowledge, we discuss
about the jamming, detection algorithm for terrestrial 2.3 Method by Reese et al.
wireless sensor networks (WSN) highlighting the merits
and demerits of each. Section 3 provides insight into the The method proposed in [10] is based on the measurement of
general problems with UWSN, and in Section 3.1, we focus standard deviation of signals to determine jamming. In this
on the security threats that are plausible in these networks. protocol the signals are classied as clean and jammed
In Section 4, we discuss the underwater architecture used in signal, and the deviation of the signal strength from the
our work. We present the jamming detection and mitigation normal mean of clean signal is calculated. If the received
solution, underwater jamming detection protocol (UWJDP), signal deviates from the calculated standard deviation by a
in Section 5 and present different results of simulations and certain threshold amount, then the signal is interpreted as
performance evaluation in Section 6. In Section 7, we coming from a jammer. Although it is computationally light
analyse the time complexity of our algorithm and nally, weight, this cannot be used predominantly, as the
we conclude the paper in Section 8 with few suggestions computation is needed almost all the time while it receives
for future work. signals. Further, it does not give any information about the
location of the jammer.
2 Related work
2.4 Method by Strasser et al.
Currently, there are no specic solutions for detecting and
mitigating jamming in UWSN, to the best of our The method proposed in [11] mainly focuses on identifying
knowledge. Owing to the unique problems of underwater the reactive jammer. The metrics used in this method are
environment, many existing solutions for jamming detection received signal strength (RSS) and bit error rate (BER). The
in terrestrial sensor networks are not ideal for use in main idea is to identify jamming from the BERs. The RSS
UWSN. We now briey present the different solutions is also recorded for each bit. In case of bit error, depending
proposed for detecting and mitigating the effects of on the value of RSS, they classify the situation as external
jamming in terrestrial sensor networks. interference, weak link or jamming.
The above-method involves three steps error sample
2.1 Method by Muraleedharan and Osadciw acquisition, interference detection and sequential jamming
test. In the rst step of the algorithm, the packet is received
Muraleedharan and Osadciw [8] proposed a method for initially and the RSS value is recorded. Then any error is
avoiding jamming attack in WSN using an ant colony examined by three methods suggested by them: (1) The
optimisation-based algorithm. This method suggested received instant bit is subjected to a XOR operation along
transition probabilities for optimising route selections. The with the given value of the bit which is assumed to be
authors used Single-tone, Multi-tone and Pulsed-tone known by the receiver. If the XOR result is true, then the
jammers as the jamming models for their algorithm. The bit has errors. This limits the information conveyed by the
jammers differed on the basis of their ability to block packets as the content is already known. (2) Use of error
particular frequencies, and the pulsed-tone jammer switched detecting/error correcting codes: the received and recovered
on and off to jam the channel intermittently. The ants or data are compared for the purpose. (3) Using wired node
agents are used to traverse from node to node and the route chains (n-tuple), they compare the RSS values and the
is selected by obtaining certain information from the sensor received packet sent through wired and wireless links. Then
nodes. Energy depletion causes the agents to alter their the values are passed through a XOR gate and the error
paths so that the network can performs even without samples are prepared.

IET Commun., 2012, Vol. 6, Iss. 14, pp. 21782188 2179

doi: 10.1049/iet-com.2011.0641 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2012
In interference detection, if a packet contains errors, then The velocity of sound in water is around 1500 m/s, which
the RSS is used to determine the reason. The RSS value is is less by ve orders of magnitude than the speed of radio
compared to a threshold and if the value is greater than the waves in air. This accounts for a large propagation delay
threshold value, a counter for packet error is increased. In and a low transmission delay in water, whereas it is the
the sequential jamming test, likelihood ratio, probability of opposite in terrestrial sensor networks.
false alarm being true and false alarm being not true is BERs are high and the links are broken frequently because
taken into account. Then the decision is made if the node is of loss of connectivity between the nodes, which may be due
jammed or not. to geometric spreading of sound waves and/or man made or
This method, although mathematically sound, can be oceanic noise [19].
energy consuming in UWSN. A common problem in the Lack of solar energy to replenish the batteries of the
underwater networks is high error rates because of dynamic sensors.
characteristics of the underwater environment; thus, Corrosion of nodes because of prolonged exposure in
checking bit errors every time to determine jamming can be water.
cumbersome for energy constrained nodes. Also, storing the Other effects such as reection of waves, inter symbol
values of RSS in a situation of high error rates can interference and fading.
consume more space. Since radio waves are quickly absorbed in water, they are
not preferred. This leads to the lack of availability of GPS
services, and thus, the nodes have to use distributed
2.5 Other methods approach for localisation and synchronisation [20].
The ocean currents enforce the nodes to move passively;
None of the algorithms described above map the jammed area
thus, we have different topologies at different intervals of
to mitigate the effects of jamming. Methods proposed by Xu
time, whereas, in general the nodes in terrestrial networks
et al. [3] were quite effective, but those too suffer from the
are stationary [21].
limitations of not mapping the exact jammed area. Xu et al.
proposed four types of jammers: Constant, Deceptive,
Random and Reactive. Constant jammers have a xed 3.1 Different types of security attacks in UWSN
data rate and do not obey any MAC protocol. Deceptive
jammer obeys the MAC protocols, but it sends data at a Many of the attacks do not require knowledge of
very high rate that consume energy unnecessarily from the cryptographic keys. The adversary in many cases simply
legitimate nodes. Random jammer switches between the has to know when a packet is being sent in the network.
above two, and the Reactive jammers only transmit when it The different terrestrial attacks, as suggested in [22], are
overhears that any communication is going on. Therefore, applicable to underwater communications. The following is
energy-wise, constant jammer is the worst whereas the a list of such attacks:
random jammer is better of the lot.
Other methods, such as direct sequence spread spectrum
(DSSS), which require more bandwidth than necessary to Jamming attacks: Jamming is one type of DoS attack. This
decrease the interception and interference, are so effective attack occurs when an adversary intentionally tries to disrupt
in terrestrial networks, but cannot be used in UWSN communication either corrupting the valid packets by sending
because of low bandwidth. Frequency hop spread spectrum illegitimate packets to the nodes or sending excess amounts of
(FHSS) technique also cannot be used in UWSN because of packets to drain out the batteries of their energy. Jammers
frequent switching from one frequency to another to may be idle when there is no transmission taking place in
transfer data [12]. Any centralised approach of jamming the network, but as soon as they overhear transmission, they
detection, where the base station (BS) processes the can start disrupting data-ow in the network. It is a crucial
information received from different nodes to calculate the issue in underwater environments also because of high
effect of jamming in the network, are quite effective for energy constraints on the nodes. Further, high propagation
terrestrial sensor networks, but are unsuitable in UWSNs delay prohibits a node from communicating with the control
[13, 14]. This is because of large propagation delay in centre or a surface sink. Thus, a node has to optimally use
UWSNs. Furthermore, high error rates and presence of its scarce resources to mitigate the attack.
temporary loss of connectivity between links may lead to Wormhole attacks: In case of wormhole attack, a pair of
faulty information. So, a distributed approach, in which the attackers can lure the neighbouring nodes into believing
neighbouring nodes of the jammed area share information about the presence of better routing paths in terms of
for jamming detection, and choosing alternatives to mitigate transmission delay in the network. Such pair of attackers
the effect of jamming, is a better and viable option. can form a virtual path known as a wormhole. The
wormholes are connected through a better link that provides
less delay. When the legitimate nodes send data through the
3 General problems in UWSN better path, the attacker can then cause packet collisions,
packet modication and packet corruption. The attacker
Solutions designed for UWSN should take into account the does not need to know about the cryptographic protection
extreme nature of the underwater channel [15 17]. The and keys to disrupt the network, but it just needs to
major problems in underwater environments are overhear when the packets are being sent. Control packets
summarised below. can be easily distinguished from data packets as the control
packets are shorter in size, thereby the attacker gets an
The bandwidth of channels that are used for advantage from it. Certain methods like packet leaches,
communication underwater is very less as compared to that measuring time of ight and angle of arrival (AoA) of
of radio frequency. Secondly, as suggested in [18], the packets [23 28] can control wormhole attack in terrestrial
attainable range rate product is less underwater, which networks, whereas [29] includes the wormhole attack in
results in lower bit rates compared to terrestrial networks. UWSNs as well. In an environment with high propagation

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& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2012 doi: 10.1049/iet-com.2011.0641
delays, the attackers sharing a wired link can easily lure the
trafc towards its wormhole link, and hence can disrupt it.
Spoong attacks: This is one of the common modes of
attack where an attacker can use an identity of a legitimate
node undetected, and thus, can have access to vital
information or can change routing information to regulate
trafc. An adversary can also ood the network with
broadcast and acknowledgement packets by spoong an ID
of a legitimate node. Once it has authenticated itself, it can
start disrupting the network by causing other nodes to
believe that it is a legitimate node exists within the
communication range, and thus, the data can be in insecure
hands without the other nodes even getting any information
about it. Same as in the rst case, there is no control centre
nearby to facilitate quick detection of the adversary.
Sybil attacks: In this type of attacks, a faulty node can
present multiple identities, that is a node can be appeared at
different positions at a particular time instant. This can Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of an underwater architecture used in
degrade performance of many fault-tolerant routing our problem
protocols, topology maintenance protocols and geographical
routing protocols. Some solutions for these sorts of attacks passively like a swarm [33, 34] (see Fig. 1). Each sensor
include issuing certicates to a node from more than one node consists of an acoustic transceiver for underwater
trusted nodes before communication [31]. As the nodes in communication. There are surface sinks which oat on the
underwater only depend on communication between surface of the sea water. These sinks have both acoustic and
neighbours, a large number of spoofed nodes in a particular RF communication capabilities. The RF links are helpful
area can disrupt transmission without being noticed. for long-distance satellite communication. They are also
presumed to have GPS connectivity. Furthermore, multi-
3.2 Different metrics used for jamming attack hop data transmissions are preferable than single-hop
detection transmissions, as multi-hop transmission consumes less
energy, and supports less delay and more reliability by
Different jamming attack detection metrics, as observed from reducing the error rates.
various jamming algorithms in literature, mentioned earlier Such an architecture has many advantages. The system can
are used to counter jamming. Most notable of them are help in constant monitoring of the entire oceanographic
carrier sensing time (CST), which is dened as the time column in both space and time, and thus, it can provide
between a node ready to send a packet and it actually able time-critical data. The network can also be easily
to send the packet into the channel; packet send ratio recongured, whenever necessary, as the nodes can adjust
(PSR), which is the ratio between the number of packets it their own depths. Thus, data redundancy can be achieved as
actually sends and the number of packets a node wants to and when some nodes are faulty; other nodes can adjust
send; and packet delivery ratio (PDR), which is dened as their level to replace the faulty nodes logically.
the ratio between the number of packets that have been
successfully delivered to the number of packets successfully 5 Underwater jamming detection protocol
sent by the sender. Other metrics that are found in jamming
detection and prevention methods include energy We now propose a novel approach, known as UWJDP, to
consumption amount (ECA), standard deviation in detect underwater jamming. The metrics used for detecting
received signal strength (SDRSS), BER, received signal jamming are PSR, PDR and ECA. Our approach is
strength (RSS) and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). motivated from the work of Xu et al. [3] designed for
WSN. The reasons for choosing these metrics are primarily
4 Underwater architecture because of the simplicity of measuring values in each node.
We assume that the jamming attack is done by the injection
Different architectures exist for deploying nodes in UWSN. of malicious packets into the network at high rate. This
The initial works in this eld proposed the anchoring of prevents the legitimate packets from being processed and
nodes to the ocean bottom. Such architectures are used for sent by the node.
deploying nodes for a particular period in order to record
the necessary data and then recovering the instruments after 5.1 Protocol description
the completion of the work [31]. The limitations with such
kind of solutions include the absence of real-time monitoring, UWJDP consists of three phases: neighbour discovery,
online system reconguration, failure detection and limited jamming detection and jammed area mapping. We discuss
storage capacity. Architectures that consider the chaining of the three phases below in detail.
nodes to the bottom of the ocean [32] tend to restrict the
node mobility and create hindrance for aquatic life movement. 5.1.1 Neighbour discovery: The aim of this phase is to
In our work, we use the concept of pressure nodes [4]. determine the neighbours of a node by sending hello
According to [4], pressure nodes are those which can packets periodically. Upon receiving a broadcast message,
control their depth under water through bladder apparatus the node replies by sending some acknowledgement signal.
and pressure gauge. These sensor nodes are deployed at Then the sender can determine the neighbour list using out-
various levels of sea according to their depth support and of-range information [5] obtained in this phase. This stage
they move along with the direction of water currents is similar to the latency detection phase in R-MAC [6],

IET Commun., 2012, Vol. 6, Iss. 14, pp. 21782188 2181

doi: 10.1049/iet-com.2011.0641 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2012
Table 1 High priority packet format

Location Node Id Timestamp Jammed bit(0/1)

(X, Y, Z coordinates)

acknowledgement (ACK-ND) packet containing the

duration between ND receive and ACK-ND send. After
receiving the ACK-ND, the node can compute the
propagation latency between two nodes.

5.1.2 Jamming detection: If a node gets any abnormality

in values of PSR, PDR or ECA, the nodes undergo the
Fig. 2 Pseudo-code for jamming detection for the sender jamming detection phase as shown in Algorithms 1 and 2
(see Figs. 2 and 3). These algorithms will run on every
node. The pseudo-code for jamming detection in the sender
side is shown in Algorithm 1 of Fig. 2.
In Fig. 2, SendEmergencyPacket() function sends a high
priority packet to its neighbours to indicate the occurrence
of jamming and increases the Sleep-Wake ratio to conserve
energy. The Wait() function keeps waiting for the links to
be normal. The function BetterRoutingRoutes() infers the
network congestion and requests the node to nd an
alternate route. NormalService() instructs a node to continue
its scheduled function. The high priority packet format is
diagrammatically shown in Table 1.
The pseudo-code for jamming detection in the receiver
side is shown in Algorithm 2 of Fig. 3. If a node detects
jamming attack, it informs the occurrence of jamming to its
neighbours through a high priority packet sent by the
Fig. 3 Pseudo-Code for jamming detection for the receiver SendEmergencyPacket() function. Upon receiving the
packet the neighbouring nodes determine their own
where each node randomly selects a time to broadcast jamming status, and if jammed, append similar information
neighbour discovery (ND) packets. In R-MAC, upon to a list and forward it to their own neighbours. If the
receiving the ND and then saving the arrival time of it, a neighbour nodes are not jammed, they continue sending
node randomly selects a time to respond through sending an periodic acknowledgements to the sender and carry on with

Fig. 4 Pseudo-Code for the jammed area mapping

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& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2012 doi: 10.1049/iet-com.2011.0641
the data transmission. Other functions perform similarly as location information. Any node that comes under the
described in Fig. 2. broadcast range of a DNR beacon will get the broadcasted
location information. This information will be used to
5.1.3 Jammed area mapping: Finally, the nodes in the calculate its own position. The model and the principle of
boundary of the jammed area receive the list, and then working, as suggested by them, are given below.
distribute it among themselves to form a common list. This According to classical physics, the motion of a body is
is done by using a variant of the algorithm proposed by given by
Wood et al. [7]. Each non-jammed neighbour of a jammed 
area executes a convex hull algorithm (such as Graham Fnet = ma (1)
Scan [36]) to map the jammed area. It only chooses the
entries of the list having the same Z-coordinate as itself. where Fnet is the net force acting on a body, m is the mass of
Thus, nodes neighbouring the jammed region have the that body, and a is the acceleration of the body.
convex hull of jammed area in that particular level, and also The different forces acting on a DNR beacon, as shown in
the list containing entries of all jammed nodes in that area. Fig. 5, are:
The pseudo-code for mapping the jammed region is
presented in Algorithms 3 of Fig. 4. Fweight: force because of the gravitational force acting on
The reason for using the distributed approach to detect the body.
jamming is to avoid the long propagation delay taken by Fbuyoant: force because of buoyancy.
the packet to reach the BS, and vice versa; and to avoid Fuidresistance: force which is encountered when a body
other problems such as fading, attenuation and high BERs. moves through a uid.
Lemma 1: The number of entries in the jammed list Fcurrent: force because of the ocean current.
determines the density of nodes in the jammed area and/or
the intensity of jamming. (The proof of this lemma is in the The equations for the forces are given below
Fweight = rdnr Vg (2)
5.2 Localisation algorithm Fbuoyant = rwater Vg (3)
For mapping the jammed region, we need the geographical
Ffluidresistance = k rwater mAwater V (4)
locations of the nodes. In terrestrial localisation, the
availability of GPS helps a node to instantly receive its Fcurrent = C sAc (vc v) (5)
localisation information. However, in UWSN, the GPS
facility is not available because the radio waves are quickly where rdnr is the density of DNR node, rwater is the density of
absorbed in the water medium. Thus, the need for water, V is the volume of water displaced, k and C are
alternative localisation schemes led to many efcient and constants and m, s are shape-dependent parameters. Awater
innovative ideas [20, 37 40]. Localisation can be done by and Ac are the cross-sectional areas. Subject to resistance
measuring AoA, received signal strength indicator (RSSI) and current respectively, and g is the acceleration due to
or time difference of arrival (TDoA). For example, in the gravity. The velocity of the object and current are v and vc
localisation approach proposed by Tian et al. [21], three respectively.
phases are involved. In the rst phase, it obtains location
information either using the value of AoA, RSSI or TDoA. The equations dening the coordinates of DNR beacons in
The position estimation is done in second phase where underwater environments are given in [39, 40]. The equation
some mathematical techniques are used to estimate the of motion of the underwater sensor is given in [39]. Then, by
position. In the renement phase, the accuracy of the using triangulation techniques nodes can get their own
position is improved by multiple iterations. This approach coordinates if they receive locations of three or more DNR
comes under the category of range-based localisation. Few beacon nodes.
other approaches of localisation do not use such kind of
distance measurement, and hence, can be brought under Lemma 2: Diving nodes used in the proposed algorithm for
range-free localisation schemes. relaying location information must broadcast the
In our algorithm, we use the localisation scheme proposed information at a frequency which can be different from the
by Erol et al. [39]. They proposed the idea of dive-N-rise frequency in which the receiver is listening. (The proof of
(DNR). They suggested the use of DNR beacons which are this lemma is in the Appendix.)
capable of using GPS when present on water surface. Then Another advantage of localisation in underwater jamming
the DNR beacons dive into the water and broadcast the detection is that it can help to control wormhole attack.
Using the localisation information, a receiver can determine
whether the received information has come through the
wormhole link or normal channel, since it knows the
average speed of the sound wave in acoustic medium.

5.3 Convex hull algorithm

For mapping the jammed region, we use a mapping technique

known as the convex hull algorithm. Bradford et al. [41]
dened the convex hull of a set of points as the smallest
convex set containing the points. Convex hull algorithms
Fig. 5 Forces acting on a DNR beacon exist for 2D and 3D planes. Two examples for computing

IET Commun., 2012, Vol. 6, Iss. 14, pp. 21782188 2183

doi: 10.1049/iet-com.2011.0641 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2012
Table 2 Parameters and their corresponding values used for simulating both the UWSN and the jammer

Parameter UWSN Underwater jammer

frequency 25 kHz 25 kHz

transmitted power 2.0 mW variable
type of antenna omnidirectional omnidirectional
range 100 m 100 m
channel model underwater channel underwater channel
propagation model underwater propagation underwater propagation
filter gradient filter gradient filter
position update interval 0.3 s 0.3 s
packet size 50 bytes variable
ad hoc routing vector-based forwarding vector-based forwarding
bit rate 10 kbps variable
encoding efficiency 1 1
spherical spreading constant (K ) 2.0 2.0

convex hull of a set of points in 3D are the beneath and chosen over constant jammer and reactive jammer,
beyond algorithm [42] and the quick hull algorithm [41]. because of their energy efciency. In some cases, we used
Since our architecture is 3D, we should ideally use 3D the transmission duration of a random jammer similar to
convex hull algorithm. However, because of the large time that of a deceptive jammer, though it could pause in
complexity it becomes unsuitable for UWSNs. Thus, we between. We follow two types of pattern for sending data
use the convex hull algorithm designed for 2D, such as the from each type of jammer: exponential (Exp) and constant
Graham Scan algorithm [35], in 3D environment with some bit rate (CBR). ECA, PSR and PDR were chosen to be the
adaptations which are explained below. metrics to detect jamming, as according to the authors, they
The 2D convex hull algorithm is applied to run at each could suitably combine to detect underwater jamming.
level (nodes having xed z-coordinate). So, the neighbour
nodes of a particular level map the jammed area of that 6.1 Experimental results
level. We have different mappings at different levels and
there is a node at each level which does the mapping. Since The energy consumed by the network was calculated by
any data have to pass through the nodes neighbouring the varying the jammer parameters, such as packet length and
jammed region before it enters into the jammed region and transmission power of the jammers, as well as the network
these neighbouring nodes already have mapped the jammed parameter, such as number of nodes in the network. The
area, so data transmission through the jammed area can be plots of results derived from the above simulations are
reduced. This algorithm runs on all nodes which are explained in the following experiments. The outputs were
immediate neighbours of the jammed region. on expected lines, though, few interesting results were also
6 Simulation results and performance
evaluation Experiment 1: Energy consumed by the network was
measured by varying the packet length of the jammer
Aqua-Sim [43, 44], an UWSN simulator, was used to perform whereas the transmission power of the network was kept
the simulation tasks. The results were recorded in both tabular constant. The received result is shown in Fig. 6. From the
and graphical forms. The details of the input parameters used received results we can conclude that the energy consumed
in our simulation and their respective values for both by the network because of random jammer was less than
legitimate nodes and underwater jammer are listed in Table 2. the deceptive jammer. This proves the idea on the other
The nodes were distributed randomly in a 3D space. Two way that random jammer is more energy-efcient.
types of jammers were used for the simulation study: Secondly, the increase in packet length of the jammer
random jammer and deceptive jammer. They were increases the overall energy consumed by the network for
both types of jammer.

Experiment 2: The transmission power of the jammer was

varied to study the energy consumption in the network and
the plot is shown in Fig. 7 drawn based on the results
obtained. This experiment establishes a clear difference
between deceptive and random jammers for both the
CBR and the exponential data streams. If the transmission
power of the jammer is increased, it can inject more
number of packets into the network to jam, however, the
jammer will consume more energy than earlier. So, there is
a trade-off between energy consumption and jamming
intensity for a jammer.

Fig. 6 Graphic representation of the variation of energy Experiment 3: In this experiment, the difference in energy
consumption with respect to jammers packet length consumption between jammed and normal conditions of a

2184 IET Commun., 2012, Vol. 6, Iss. 14, pp. 21782188

& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2012 doi: 10.1049/iet-com.2011.0641

Fig. 7 Graphic representation of the energy consumption with the

variable jammer power Fig. 8 Graphic representation of energy consumption by a normal
network and a jammed network whereas the number of nodes in the
network varies
UWSN was determined. Varying the number of nodes in the
network we received different results that are plotted in Fig. 8.
It shows an increase in energy consumption whereas the
number of nodes increases. It also proves the fact that an the jammer equally affects the node in its range, no matter
underwater sensor node consumes more energy than normal whether the node is actively participating in any routing
when it is under a jamming attack, because for a certain policies or not.
number of nodes the energy consumption increases because
of the increase of number of packets dropped. Lemma 3: The PDR is the indicator of the lifetime of a
For the mentioned simulation setup, the energy consumed network. (The proof of this lemma is in the Appendix).
by the individual nodes were calculated for both normal
condition and jamming condition. The jammer was placed Lemma 4: Jamming at least a node of all shortest paths is
almost in the middle of the network to cover maximum necessary but not sufcient condition for jamming the
number of nodes under jamming range. Thus, in this small network completely (The proof of this lemma is in the
network of 20 nodes all nodes were entirely under the Appendix.).
jammers impact. Table 3 gives the values of this
experiments result where the position of the nodes, the 6.2 Performance evaluation
consumed energy difference between the two conditions,
and the ratio of the consumed energy for both the cases As mentioned earlier, there is no standard benchmark solution
were shown. for underwater jamming detection to the best of authors
From Table 3, it can be observed that irrespective of the knowledge. Therefore we aim to set a threshold value for
difference in energy consumption, the ratio of the energy the PDR (PDRth), which will eventually indicate the
consumption after and before jamming was within a unit jamming scenario. In this simulation, 600 simulation setups
range (3 4 in this case).This leads to the conclusion that (or 120 for each PDRth value) were performed. Different

Table 3 Output values regarding the energy consumption by each node in the network under normal and jamming condition

Node Id X Y Z Energy consumed Energy consumed Extra energy consumption Ratio

in normal in jamming because of jamming (E2/E1)
condition (E1 mJ) condition (E2 mJ) (E2 2 E1 mJ)

0 500 20 0 6.72 14.59 7.87 2.17

1 450 20 0 9.75 38.51 28.76 3.95
2 400 40 20 10.91 47.94 37.03 4.39
3 350 20 20 10.89 43.96 33.07 4.03
4 300 40 20 9.06 37.70 28.64 4.16
5 250 20 20 7.88 35.57 27.69 4.51
6 200 40 40 5.6 24.06 18.46 4.30
7 450 20 40 7.85 30.36 22.51 3.86
8 400 40 40 8.98 42.49 33.51 4.73
9 350 20 40 9.00 33.75 24.75 3.75
10 300 40 60 7.88 25.09 17.21 3.18
11 250 20 60 6.75 23.61 16.86 3.49
12 200 40 60 5.6 17.47 11.87 3.12
13 450 20 60 7.85 27.07 19.22 3.45
14 400 40 80 8.98 37.31 28.33 4.15
15 350 20 80 9.00 31.59 22.59 3.51
16 300 40 80 7.88 27.33 19.45 3.46
17 250 20 80 6.75 22.80 16.05 3.37
18 200 40 80 5.61 17.14 11.53 3.05
19 300 20 40 9.78 27.20 17.42 2.78

IET Commun., 2012, Vol. 6, Iss. 14, pp. 21782188 2185

doi: 10.1049/iet-com.2011.0641 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2012
Table 4 Relation between PDRth and jamming detection ratio In the future, we aim to study a gradual gradation of
intensity of jamming in the nodes, instead of marking the
PDRth Jamming detection ratio
nodes in a binary way, as jammed or not jammed. We can
1 87 also investigate about the need and implementation an
0.8 98.33 adaptive threshold policy in future. Furthermore, like
0.6 96.67 jamming, other security issues and different attack are yet
0.4 94.16 to be explored in the eld of underwater. Thus, this paper
0.2 90 also encourages research work in the eld of security
breaches in UWSN.

network scenarios with varying packet length, transmission 9 Acknowledgments

range, faults and jammers were implemented to test the
versatility of our algorithm in detecting underwater This work has been partially supported by a grant from the
jamming. Jamming detection ratio is dened as the number Department of Information Technology, Government of
of correct detections made to the total number of jamming India, Grant No. 13(10)/2009-CC-BT, which the authors
events. Table 4 illustrates that setting the PDRth too low or gratefully acknowledge. The work of the second author was
too high may lead to erroneous result. done when he was a summer visiting student at IIT
Thus, a PDRth threshold value around 0.8 proved to be Kharagpur, India. This author is currently with IIM
most successful in detecting jamming. This may be because Shillong, India.
of the fact that in cases of very high threshold (nearly equal
to unity), minor faults in the network also will be treated as
jamming by our algorithm if it results to drop packets. On 10 References
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IET Commun., 2012, Vol. 6, Iss. 14, pp. 21782188 2187

doi: 10.1049/iet-com.2011.0641 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2012
messages at a frequency ( f0) which is different from the there may exist other paths that may be used for routing the
received frequency ( f ) of the receiving nodes. A data from source to destination. A

Lemma 3: The PDR is the indicator of the lifetime of a

Lemma 5: Inserting the entries into the jammed list according
to the angle of incidence with respect to the x-axis gives a
better performance of the proposed JammedAreaMapping
Proof: The low PDR implies that more erroneous packet is
received by the receiver, and thus, either packets are to be
retransmitted again or some error correction approach is to
be followed. Since retransmission is quite costly in UWSNs Proof: Especially in the convex hull algorithm the above
in terms of energy, a network having a low PDR value for technique will helps us a lot. In the Graham Scan
more number of nodes tends to die out quickly. Hence, the algorithm, the time complexities of various important steps
lifetime of the network is reduced as all energy of the are as follows. Choosing the pivot point, that is the point
member nodes is expended quickly and it is difcult to with the lowest y-coordinate takes O(n) time. Sorting of the
replenish in quick time. Therefore the PDR value can be an list according to increasing order of angle with x-axis takes
indicator of network lifetime. A O(n log(n)) time. To compute the angle with respect to x-
axis, a loop has to run traversing n points which takes O(n)
Lemma 4: Jamming at least a node of all shortest paths is time. There is another for loop running to calculate the
necessary but not sufcient condition for jamming the convex hull, which runs from the 3rd vertex to the last
network completely. vertex. Time complexity of this loop is O(n 2 2). Finally,
appending the points to the nal list for convex hull takes
Proof: UWSN is energy constrained network. Generally, a O(n) time. Hence, the sorting is the most time consuming
shortest path between source and destination is used for phase of the algorithm, and it denes the overall time
data communication to avoid the large energy consumption. complexity of the algorithm which turns out to be O(n
Additionally, the shorter paths are more preferred to log(n)). Now, if we can provide the sorted list to the
minimise the hop counts. So, the nodes lying on the Graham Scan algorithm then its time complexity will be
shortest paths have a higher probability of being a part of reduced to O(n). In our JammedAreaMapping() algorithm if
the route responsible for data communication. If a jammer we can insert the entries into the jammed nodes list
wants to block the network completely then at rst it has to according to the angle with respect to the x-axis then we
block those paths. Hence, jamming at least one node of could have a sorted list for applying the convex hull
each shortest path is the necessary condition for jamming algorithm. In that case the time complexity of our algorithm
the network. However, this is not the sufcient condition as can be reduced to O(n). A

2188 IET Commun., 2012, Vol. 6, Iss. 14, pp. 21782188

& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2012 doi: 10.1049/iet-com.2011.0641

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