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Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.

ISSN 0077-8923

Issue: The Year in Human and Medical Genetics

Life-threatening infectious diseases of childhood:

single-gene inborn errors of immunity?
Alexandre Alcas,1,2 Lluis Quintana-Murci,3 David S. Thaler,4 Erwin Schurr,5 Laurent Abel,1,2
and Jean-Laurent Casanova1,2
Laboratory of Human Genetics of Infectious Diseases, Necker Branch, Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche
Medicale, University Paris Descartes, Paris, France. 2 St. Giles Laboratory of Human Genetics of Infectious Diseases,
Rockefeller Branch, The Rockefeller University, New York, New York. 3 Institut Pasteur, Human Evolutionary Genetics, Centre
National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, France. 4 Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Department of Microbiology and
Immunology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York. 5 McGill Centre for the Study of Host Resistance &
Departments of Medicine and Human Genetics, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Address for correspondence: Jean-Laurent Casanova, M.D., Ph.D., St Giles Laboratory of Human Genetics of Infectious
Diseases, Rockefeller Branch, The Rockefeller University, 1230 York Avenue, New York, NY 10065.

The hypothesis that inborn errors of immunity underlie infectious diseases is gaining experimental support. However,
the apparent modes of inheritance of predisposition or resistance differ considerably among diseases and among
studies. A coherent genetic architecture of infectious diseases is lacking. We suggest here that life-threatening
infectious diseases in childhood, occurring in the course of primary infection, result mostly from individually rare
but collectively diverse single-gene variations of variable clinical penetrance, whereas the genetic component of
predisposition to secondary or reactivation infections in adults is more complex. This model is consistent with (i) the
high incidence of most infectious diseases in early childhood, followed by a steady decline; (ii) theoretical modeling
of the impact of monogenic or polygenic predisposition on the incidence distribution of infectious diseases before
reproductive age; (iii) available molecular evidence from both monogenic and complex genetics of infectious diseases
in children and adults; (iv) current knowledge of immunity to primary and secondary or latent infections; (v) the
state of the art in the clinical genetics of noninfectious pediatric and adult diseases; and (vi) evolutionary data for the
genes underlying single-gene and complex disease risk. With the recent advent of new-generation deep resequencing,
this model of single-gene variations underlying severe pediatric infectious diseases is experimentally testable.

Keywords: immunity; inborn errors; infectious diseases

Background infectious diseases, what other factors are involved

in their pathogenesis? Infectious diseases are com-
Clinical heterogeneity among infected patients was
monly thought to be well understood and often
known to the microbiologists of the late 19th cen-
proposed as textbook examples of pure environ-
tury. Nevertheless, it was not until Charles Nicolles
mental diseases. However, nearly 150 years after Pas-
discovery of asymptomatic infections between 1911
teurs microbial theory of disease and 100 years after
and 1917 that the question of the mechanisms un-
Nicolles discovery of asymptomatic infections, it is
derlying interindividual, interfamilial, and inter-
striking that the actual pathogenesis of most infec-
population clinical variability among infected in-
tious diseases remains unknown for the vast ma-
dividuals became a fundamental challenge in the
jority of patients. Environmental factors, whether
field of infectious diseases.14 If microbes are nec-
microbial (the pathogen) or nonmicrobial (ecolog-
essary but not sufficient for the manifestation of
ical, including other microbes), and host factors,
whether genetic (germline-encoded) or nongenetic
Re-use of this article is permitted in accordance (somatic and epigenetic, e.g., acquired immunity),
with the Terms and Conditions set out at http:// all make potential contributions of various sizes to Terms this complex process.5 The respective merits of the

doi: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.2010.05834.x
18 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1214 (2010) 1833 
c 2010 New York Academy of Sciences.
Alcas et al. Genetic architecture of infectious diseases

microbial, ecological, immunological, and genetic complex genetic basis of many common infectious
theories of infectious diseases will not be discussed diseases.7
here. However, poverty, for example, favors infec- However, the genetic architecture described is un-
tious diseases,6 largely because of its impact on en- satisfactory in at least four ways. First, human in-
vironmental and host nongenetic factors, but only fectious diseases cannot be rigorously broken down
a small fraction of the poor fall victim to any spe- into rare or common infections, as annual incidence
cific infectious agent. In this context, that is, within differs tremendously between diseases (resulting in
groups in which other factors are mostly equivalent, an almost continuous range from less than 106
host genetic background is progressively emerging to more than 0.1). Likewise, the incidence of any
as a key determinant.79 Building on the continual given disease varies with the geographic region and
progress made in the forward genetics of infection in historical period considered. Second, patients can-
the mouse model since the 1920s,10 the field of hu- not easily be subdivided into those vulnerable to
man genetics of infectious diseases aims to identify a single or to many microbes, as there are var-
the genes and alleles rendering certain individuals, ious patterns of susceptibility between these two
families, and populations susceptible or resistant to extremes. Third, rare infections are not necessarily
past and present infectious diseases.11 associated with broad susceptibility, just as common
The common view of the genetic basis of infec- infections are not necessarily linked to narrow vul-
tious diseases reflects the theoretical and experimen- nerability, as illustrated by rare children with sin-
tal work of two different schools of thought that gle life-threatening infections in developed coun-
historically tackled this problem separately.12 Since tries and the large number of children with multiple
the early 1950s, an increasing number of Garrodian infections in developing countries. Fourth, despite
clinicians-scientists, pediatricians-immunologists, the spectacular progress made in the field of PIDs
in particular, have described and deciphered an in the last 50 years, most complex genetics stud-
expanding group of over 200 monogenic inborn ies have failed to identify a causal link between the
errors of immunity, designated as primary im- proposed genetic risk factors and biological func-
munodeficiencies (PIDs).1316 Over the same pe- tion or clinical use. The recent discovery of rare
riod, Galtonian population geneticists, particularly monogenic PIDs and common major genes, predis-
those interested in common tropical diseases, have posing patients and populations, respectively, to a
studied infectious diseases from a human genet- single infectious disease (one gene, one infectious
ics standpoint.1720 These investigations have led disease), has bridged the gap between monogenic
to the widespread acknowledgment that rare in- and complex predispositions to infection.9,12 These
fections with weakly virulent (opportunistic) mi- findings have triggered a move toward unification
crobes and/or multiple, recurrent infections in a in the field of human genetics of infectious diseases,
single patient result from rare monogenic PIDs hitherto separated into two separate branches.
(rare infectious phenotypes, rare alleles; multiple
infectious diseases in the same patient, one mor-
bid gene).1316 Conversely, common infections with This edifice is, however, fragile, due to the large dif-
more virulent microbes in otherwise normally re- ferences in apparent modes of inheritance between
sistant patients are often thought to result from diseases and between studies. A predictive architec-
the polygenic inheritance of common susceptibil- ture of genetic predisposition to infectious diseases
ity alleles (common infectious phenotypes, com- is currently lacking in this field. We suggest here
mon alleles; one infectious disease per patient, mul- that age at disease onset is the key factor determin-
tiple genes).1720 This paradigm is consistent with ing whether genetic predisposition is monogenic or
the view that rare inherited disorders are caused by complex, regardless of the incidence of the infection
rare alleles, whereas common diseases are favored by considered and the overall resistance of the patient
common alleles.21 It is also supported by the identifi- to other infections. We also suggest that, in popu-
cation of rare deleterious mutations as the molecular lations widely exposed to the causal microbes from
genetic basis of numerous Mendelian PIDs, and by birth, life-threatening infectious diseases in children
the large number of association studies examining mostly (but not invariably) result from collections
the contribution of common polymorphisms to the of diverse single-gene variants affecting immunity

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1214 (2010) 1833 

c 2010 New York Academy of Sciences. 19
Genetic architecture of infectious diseases Alcas et al.

Figure 1. Schematic representation of a hypothetical, age-dependent, human genetic architecture of infectious diseases. We
suggest that single-gene human variants make an important contribution to the determinism of life-threatening infectious diseases
of childhood, in the course of primary infection. By contrast, predisposition to severe infectious diseases in adults, in the course
of microbial reactivation from latency or secondary infection, is less influenced by germline human genetic variations, resulting
in a more complex and, perhaps, polygenic contribution. Somatic and epigenetic processes are likely to play a greater role with
advanced age.

to primary infectionmostly rare variants display- focus on the frequency of the at-risk genotype, a
ing incomplete clinical penetrance. By contrast, the more relevant entity in this context, particularly for
corresponding infectious diseases in adults, partic- recessive traits. This frequency can be denoted as
ularly the elderly, are thought to be less influenced qV (Fig. 2). We consider these rare single-gene vari-
by germline variations and to reflect more complex ants to display a continuous spectrum of effects.
predisposition affecting immunity to secondary or At one end of this spectrum, there are classical
latent infection, including polygenic and monogenic Mendelian variants: very rare (qV < 104 ), with a
variations (Fig. 1 and see Text Box). This model high penetrance (denoted as FR ) (>0.5) and a very
may apply to most infectious diseases, regardless of high relative risk (RR) (>1,000). At the other end
the proportion of cases in the populationranging of the spectrum, there are less rare variants (qV in
from exceedingly rare cases, in which the monogenic the range of 0.0010.01) with a substantial RR (e.g.,
and complex predisposition in the patients would an RR value of 10) making a potentially large con-
be investigated, to very frequent cases, in which at- tribution to mortality rates, depending on the med-
tention would instead be focused on monogenic ical environment. The example of severe childhood
and complex resistance in asymptomatic individu- malaria is discussed in a specific section later. In all
als. According to this model, genetic susceptibility infectious diseases, there are, of course, a very large
to invariably benign infections, if such susceptibil- number of intermediate situations, as illustrated in
ity exists, would obey more complex rules of in- Figure 2, including, for example, quite rare variants
heritance, and emerging pathogens may reveal the (104 ) in very rare disorders (105 ) with a high RR
single-gene component of susceptibility and resis- (1,000) but very low penetrance (0.01).
tance in patients of all ages. However, these estimates probably vary geo-
What do we specifically mean by single-gene graphically and historically, and with changes in
variations conferring a predisposition to severe pe- the microbial and medical environment. Before im-
diatric infectious diseases? These variants do not provements in hygiene and the advent of vaccina-
often define fully penetrant Mendelian traits, be- tion and antibiotics, 50% of the population used
cause the familial segregation of infectious diseases to die before the age of 15 years, the vast majority
is only rarely Mendelian. In addition, they are pre- succumbing to infectious diseases.8,22 This observa-
dicted to be rare, typically with a frequency of less tion highlights a critical but misunderstood aspect
than 1% in the population. Indeed, we prefer to of the natural history of genetic predisposition to

20 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1214 (2010) 1833 

c 2010 New York Academy of Sciences.
Alcas et al. Genetic architecture of infectious diseases

The organisms-as-machines analogy such as shimmy and tramp. This analogy can be
articulated in precise genetic terms (Thaler et al.
In this analogy, living organisms are considered
as machines. This analogy is imperfect but as- in preparation). In the vocabulary of genetics,
sists reflection. The automobile is a machine with the model predicts that individual genes become
increasingly pleiotropic as the organism ages.
which we are all familiar. Consider an automo-
bile and its lifetime as analogous to the life span Thus, phenotypes controlled by a single gene in
the young gradually come under the influence of
of a multicellular differentiated organism. If a
many genes in adult and aged organisms.
new car breaks down in the first 1,000 miles, the
breakdown is probably caused by the failure of
infectious diseases: the dynamic nature of the effect
single component or an incorrect interaction be- of a given genetic variant (Fig. 3). Nowadays, only
tween two components. Furthermore, it is likely a small fraction of all genetic variants conferring a
that the broken component was defective in its
predisposition to potentially fatal infectious diseases
original manufacture. The defect in manufactur- confer a detectable phenotype in developed coun-
ing probably occurred before the component was tries, thanks largely to considerable medical progress
assembled into the car. The defect and its con-
(hygiene, vaccination, drug-based treatments for in-
sequences are exclusively restricted to a single fection, and supportive care, in particular).8,22 By
component. If a junction between components
contrast, fewer than 200 years ago, the penetrance
failed, this connection was probably assembled
of these variants was higher, simply because their
in a defective manner. By contrast, consider a effects were not yet masked by medicine. It also
car that breaks down after having been driven
seems likely that the range of allelic frequencies of
100,000 miles. A single component may still be
such morbid variants was initially larger than that
responsible for the final breakdown; however, the observed today, with even relatively frequent mor-
context of the rest of the car is involved in a
bid alleles (qV > 0.01), the penetrance of which
way that was not true for the failure in the first
decreased with the recent conquests of medicine.
1,000 miles. The component that has failed was This idea of dynamic penetrance should be borne
probably manufactured well and its failure results
in mind when reflecting on the genetic architecture
from two factors with an intuitively clear mean- of infectious diseases. Indirect evidence for the exis-
ing that nonetheless requires careful considera- tence of rare variants underlying pediatric infectious
tion: (1) Wear and tear (W&T) resulting from
diseases is provided by the lack of compelling evi-
normal machine function and (2) Cumulative dence favoring the alternative, polygenic model
environmental effects (CEE). These two factors attributing an essential role in life-threatening pe-
predominate beyond 100,000 miles, but have al-
diatric infections to common variants.18,19 This
most no effect before 1,000 miles. More work is model is increasingly being called into question,
required to define W&T and CEE more precisely even for late-onset nonlethal diseases.2328 Further-
in this context, but a few key points can already
more, several lines of evidence are consistent with
be made. These two factors are akin to the phys- rare variants making an important contribution, as
ical concept of increasing entropy in the system.
reviewed later.
W&T and CEE are distributed diffusely through-
out the system. In the context of W&T and CEE, Supporting evidence
each discrete component becomes more likely
to fail. The degrading effects concern both the Epidemiologic evidence: U or L incidence
individual components and the connections be- distribution pattern of severe infectious
tween all the individual components. A part that diseases
was originally manufactured with a minor de- Infectious diseases, whether endemic or epidemic,
fect, perhaps well within the tolerable limits, may have historically been among the major killers
be differentially vulnerable to W&T. In an engi- of humans, particularly before recent improve-
neering context, parts that do not fit together ments in hygiene and the advent of vaccines and
perfectly are likely to become sites of vibrations, antibiotics.8,22 About 60% of deaths in mid-19th
century England were due to infectious diseases, and

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1214 (2010) 1833 

c 2010 New York Academy of Sciences. 21
Genetic architecture of infectious diseases Alcas et al.

this proportion was probably even higher in previ-

ous centuries. The impact of infectious diseases be-
fore diagnosis became widely available at the start of
the 20th century can be estimated from overall mor-
tality curves. In 1690, mortality rates were very high
in the first year of life (28%), sharply decreasing
thereafter until early adulthood, and then progres-
sively increasing again in adults over the age of 30
years (U pattern, Fig. 4A). From the late 19th cen-
tury onwards, it is possible to measure the impact
of infectious diseases by means of disease-specific
mortality curves. Tuberculosis is probably the only
major infectious disease for which reliable data were
collected in the 19th century. This disease displays
a very similar U pattern, with a golden age of low
mortality rates around puberty (Fig. 4A).29 Life ex-
pectancy has now increased considerably, princi-
pally due to progress in the control of infectious
diseases, itself resulting from the development of
hygiene, vaccines, and drugs for treating infections.
The WHO has reported specific mortality rates for
infectious diseases in several countries, including
the United States, Brazil, and Egypt (Fig. 4B). Again,
these three curves follow a very similar pattern to
those for the 17th and 19th centuries, although
Figure 2. Illustration of the concept of rare single-gene vari-
ants. Our general hypothesis is that, in young children, life-
the absolute values differ between studies. Mortality
threatening infectious diseases are mostly controlled by a col- rates are always much higher for subjects under the
lection of rare single-gene variants with strong effects on the age of 1 year and over the age of 44 years than in sub-
occurrence of the disease/mortality (see also Fig. 3). Based on jects between the ages of 5 and 24 years, regardless of
the classical definition of polymorphism frequencies, we will whether the data originate from a country with a low
consider rare to be defined as a frequency of the risk variant of
less than 0.01. Note that, for variants with a recessive effect, this
(United States) or high (Brazil and Egypt) infectious
frequency of 0.01 applies to the frequency of the homozygous mortality rate. Finally, worldwide age-dependent
genotype at risk, that is, the frequency of the risk variant itself mortality curves for the two main WHO-defined
may be as high as 0.1. We will denote as qV the frequency of causes of infection-related mortality (infectious and
subjects carrying the at-risk genotype for a specific variant V . parasitic diseases, and respiratory infections) are
The effect of the variant can be measured in terms of penetrance
(denoted as FR )that is, the probability of a subject carrying the
still U-shaped, as are curves for mortality due to
genotype at risk actually having the diseaseand/or in terms of diarrheal diseases, the leading cause of mortality
relative risk (RR) FR divided by the probability of having the in the infectious and parasitic diseases category
disease, for a subject who is wild type at the risk locus, denoted
by F WT . F WT is often estimated as the general prevalence of the
disease, denoted by K , which is a reasonable approximation of
F WT , provided that the risk variant accounts for a low propor- in more than 2,000 control chromosomes. We also assume, for
tion of total cases. Assuming that this is the case, when K is fixed, HSE, that K = 105 and that the proportion of HSE cases due
there is a straightforward correspondence between RR and F R , to TLR3 P554S is 0.02 (we found two patients heterozygous for
with RR being equal to FR /K (A). In addition, the maximum P554S in a sample of approximately 100 HSE patients sequenced
value of FR depends directly on qV , as it should verify the fol- for TLR3). From qV , we can therefore calculate FR as 0.02 K /
lowing condition, qV FR K . Thus, penetrance is complete qV (we know that penetrance is incomplete, as some TLR3 P554S
(FR = 1) only when qV K ; otherwise, max FR = K /qV . As an carriers in the patients family are healthy). Figure B presents
example, we will consider the TLR3 P554S dominant mutation the TLR3 P554S FR and RR values associated with HSE for qV
we recently identified as conferring a predisposition to herpes values ranging from 106 to 103 . This results in penetrance and
simplex encephalitis (HSE) (B).34 We do not know qV for TLR3 RR values decreasing from 0.2 to 0.0002 and from 20,000 to 20,
P554S, but it is likely to be <103 , as P554S was not found respectively.

22 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1214 (2010) 1833 

c 2010 New York Academy of Sciences.
Alcas et al. Genetic architecture of infectious diseases

patterns of age-dependent incidence also apply to

other infectious diseases, such as invasive pneumo-
coccal disease and herpes simplex encephalitis (U
pattern), and diphtheria and poliomyelitis (L pat-
tern) (data not shown). There is thus overwhelming
epidemiological evidence for an age-dependent in-
cidence distribution of mortality due to infectious
diseases worldwide and throughout history. The ac-
tual incidence of any infectious disease depends
partly on the available preventive/curative measures
available in the population considered. However,
for almost all infectious diseases, young children
are by far the most susceptible, with adolescents
and young adults the least susceptible. In older sub-
jects, susceptibility may remain low or may progres-
sively increase with age. These clear epidemiologic
patterns of incidence for severe infectious diseases
suggest that different mechanisms of susceptibility
Figure 3. The relative risk as a function of allelic frequency
is dependent on both the microbial and medical environment
operate in children and in people who have reached
and, therefore, on the geographic region and historical period reproductive age. A distinct set of mechanisms may
considered. Before improvements in hygiene and the advent come to the fore in those of advanced age who are
of vaccination and antibiotics, 50% of the population used to biologically senescent.
die before the age of 15 years, and it is clear that the vast ma-
jority of these individuals died from infectious diseases. The
impact of any given genetic variant may therefore change with Mathematical evidence: modeling of the
time. Nowadays, in developed countries, only a small fraction underlying genetic architecture
of all genetic variants intrinsically predisposing to death from a One of the most striking observations from
particular infectious disease confer a detectable phenotype (the Figure 4 is the sharp decrease of childhood mortal-
upper part of the triangle; strong effect), because of consider-
ity with increasing age. Age-dependent epigenetic
able medical progress, including the development of preventive
strategies such as improved hygiene and vaccines (preventing or somatic modifications may have an effect. How-
disease) and prompt drug-based treatments and supportive care ever, we nonetheless used a simulation-based proce-
(preventing death from the disease). By contrast, 200 years ago, dure to test the potential impact of two main modes
these predisposing variants had a much higher penetrance, sim- of inheritance of germline genetic predisposition
ply because their effects were not masked by preventive and
(monogenic and polygenic) to death from infec-
therapeutic measures. The range of allelic frequencies of these
morbid variants was probably much larger, and there were prob- tion. We considered an endemic disease with an
ably many frequent alleles (the middle part of the triangle; effect overall prevalence of 1% and compared two equiv-
depending on medical environment), the penetrance of which alent groups of newborns displaying autosomal
decreased and became negligible with medical progress. Some recessive (AR) or polygenic predisposition. The sim-
of these alleles may make an oligo- or polygenic contribution to
ulated data were generated as follows: (1) we gen-
susceptibility to other infectious diseases (i.e., only individuals
carrying a large number of susceptibility alleles at variant loci erated genotypes at 20 loci for 1,000,000 newborns;
will display a detectable phenotype, perhaps different from that (2) the first 10 loci were assigned an AR impact, and
associated with such variants centuries ago). Finally, a group of any individual carrying two risk alleles at any locus
common variants intrinsically have little or no impact on the was considered to be disease prone (to fit with the
risk of developing the disease (the bottom part of the triangle;
overall prevalence, the frequency of the predispos-
modest effect).
ing allele at each locus was fixed at 0.022 so that
the 10 loci accounted for an overall frequency of
(Fig. 4C). By contrast, malaria results in very high homozygous susceptible subjects in the population
mortality rates in the youngest children, but with of 0.005); (3) the remaining 10 loci were considered
no distinct peak in the elderly (L pattern). A similar to contribute to polygenic susceptibility, five acting
L pattern was observed for tetanus and measles be- dominantly and five recessively, and for each of these
fore vaccination became widely available. These two polygenic loci, the allelic frequency was calculated

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1214 (2010) 1833 

c 2010 New York Academy of Sciences. 23
Genetic architecture of infectious diseases Alcas et al.

Figure 4. Annual mortality rates (log scale) as a function of age, before (A) and after (B and C) the development of hygiene,
vaccination, and antiinfectious drugs. (A) Overall rates observed in Breslau (blue line) by the English astronomer Edmund Halley,
who conducted the first reliable life table survey in 1690 (adapted from the book by John Cairns22 ), and tuberculosis-specific rates
for the inhabitants of Bavaria, Germany, in 1905 (purple line) (adapted from the paper by Stead114 ). (B) Specific mortality rates
due to infectious and parasitic diseases in 2000, observed in the United States (green line), Brazil (red line), and Egypt (blue line),
as reported by the WHO ( (C) Specific worldwide mortality rates reported in
2004, by the WHO, for the three main infection-related causes of death, infectious and parasitic diseases (dark blue line), diarrheal
diseases (red line), and respiratory infections (green line). In addition to these three groups of diseases, rates of mortality due
to malaria (yellow line) (2004 WHO), tetanus before vaccination (orange line) (United States 19001969115 ), and measles before
vaccination (light blue line) (Brazil 1979, are shown. We excluded HIV/AIDS
because the modes of transmission are age-dependent, and tuberculosis, which is now strongly influenced by vaccination/treatment
and HIV infection.

so as to obtain a proportion of susceptible individ- ing from 0.001 for one susceptible allele to 0.85 for
uals of 20%; (4) in each, an individual was consid- 10 susceptibility alleles); (6) individuals developing
ered to have a probability of 0.5 of being infected disease (cases) were removed from the population;
with the microbe; (5) following infection, individ- and (7) we repeated steps 46 50 times (i.e., until
uals displaying AR susceptibility would be expected surviving individuals reach the age of 50 years), and
to develop disease in either 100% or 50% of cases steps 17 were repeated 100 times. The mean distri-
(i.e., the penetrance at the individual level was set at bution of cases displaying AR and polygenic predis-
1 or 0.5), whereas other individuals would develop position, as a function of age, is shown in Figure 5.
disease with a variable probability, depending on When comparing the observed (Fig. 4) and sim-
the number of polygenic susceptibility loci (rang- ulated data (Fig. 5), we observed that single-gene

24 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1214 (2010) 1833 

c 2010 New York Academy of Sciences.
Alcas et al. Genetic architecture of infectious diseases

disease in children with multiple infections and

rare, fully penetrant Mendelian PIDs.1316 Single-
gene predisposition to more common pathogens
in otherwise resistant children has also been doc-
umented, as illustrated by invasive pneumococcal
disease (IPD) in patients with IRAK-4 and MyD88
deficiency,3032 and herpes simplex virus encephali-
tis (HSE) in patients with UNC-93B, TRAF3, and
TLR3 deficiency.3336 HSE is a particularly infor-
mative disease, as the known UNC93B1 and TLR3
alleles display full penetrance at the cellular level
(with impaired response to TLR3 agonists) but in-
complete penetrance at the clinical level (with only
two of seven TLR3-deficient individuals having de-
veloped HSE upon infection with HSV-1). Chil-
dren with genetically determined IPD or HSE dis-
Figure 5. Estimated frequency of Mendelian/single-gene and
polygenic cases of a fictitious infectious disease as a function of
play a selective impairment of immunity to primary
age. We fixed the prevalence of the disease to 1%, with a 50/50 ra- infection.37 Even predisposition to very common
tio of Mendelian/single-gene and polygenic cases, a population infectious diseases of childhood (and adulthood)
size of one million, and for the Mendelian cases, a penetrance at can be Mendelian, as illustrated by susceptibility
the individual level of either 1 or 0.5 (see text for further details to norovirus diarrhea in children with autosomal-
on the simulation parameters).
dominant FUT2 proficiency (resistance to norovirus
is conferred by AR FUT2 deficiency),3840 and sus-
susceptibility, unlike polygenic predisposition,
ceptibility to Plasmodium vivax infection in chil-
could account for the dynamics of the curve in child-
dren with autosomal-dominant DARC proficiency
hood, consistent with our model (Fig. 1). The single-
(resistance to P. vivax is conferred by AR DARC
gene susceptibility hypothesis also closely matches
deficiency).4143 Susceptibility to HIV infection in
the observed mortality curved for malaria, tetanus,
adults also displays Mendelian inheritance, with
and measles (L pattern, Fig. 4C). However, this sim-
resistance conferred by AR CCR5 deficiency.4446
ple model cannot account for the changes in the
The nature of genetic predisposition to most other
curve during adulthood for other infectious diseases
infections in adult patients remains unknown al-
(U pattern), highlighting a more complex determin-
though two major loci TST1 and TST2 were re-
ism of gene-environment interactions in such cases.
cently shown to be involved in the control of tuber-
This process may involve polygenic predisposition,
culosis infection.47 With the notable exception of
age-dependent somatic and epigenetic factors po-
malaria, which is extensively discussed in another
tentially leading to a progressive impairment of im-
section later, perhaps the best understood adult in-
munity, and a cumulative effect of microbial chal-
fectious disease is leprosy, which was found to be
lenge and ecological variations (see Text Box).
under the control of several genes, including LTA
Genetic evidence: pediatric infectious and PARK2/PACRG.4850 For the leprosy-associated
diseases due to single-gene variants variants of these two genes, odds ratios showed the
The human molecular genetic basis of susceptibil- effect to be much stronger in patients with early
ity to most infectious diseases remains elusive in onset leprosy than in patients whose disease be-
most patients. However, for a small but steadily gan later (Ref. 49 and unpublished data). By con-
increasing number of patients and infections, the trast, although much less is known about the ge-
available data are consistent with our hypothesis. netic basis of tuberculosis, at least a few examples of
In particular, there are well-documented examples single-gene predisposition have been identified in
of single-gene variants conferring a predisposition children, and more complex predisposition seems
to severe pediatric infectious diseases.9 This is the to occur in adults.5153 For example, a number of
case for some of the least virulent pathogens, such genes (e.g., HLADQ, NRAMP1, IL12RB1) have been
as the fungus Pneumocystis jiroveci, which causes reported to play a role in adult tuberculosis.54,55

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1214 (2010) 1833 

c 2010 New York Academy of Sciences. 25
Genetic architecture of infectious diseases Alcas et al.

However, it has never been determined whether in which an even greater proportion of the genes ex-
these genes act independently and additively on the pressed are involved in host defense. Lymphoid cells
same phenotype in the same patient, or even in the do not begin to play a role until several days after the
same population. Several genes have repeatedly been initial infection, but are subsequently particularly
reported to have a potential influence on the onset important in the control of latent microbes and cur-
of a given infectious disease, but there is currently tailing microbial invasion rapidly during secondary
no experimental proof of polygenic predisposition infection (adaptive immunity).65 Thus, the number
per se in individual human beings.9 The genetic ba- of cells and genes involved in immunity to infec-
sis of progression to AIDS in HIV-infected patients tion and their redundancy increase over time during
provides another beautiful example of complex de- infection, following progressive recruitment of the
terminism, with various common alleles, including intrinsic, innate, and adaptive arms of immunity.
those encoding HLA, KIR, and chemokines, mak- The host is therefore probably most vulnerable to
ing an important contribution.5658 Finally, recent monogenic defects affecting nonhematopoietic or
studies have highlighted the contribution of com- myeloid cells during the initial stages of microbial
mon alleles, including alleles of IL28B (encoding invasion. Fewer genes are expressed during primary
IFN-3) in particular, to the control of infection infection in childhood, and redundancy levels are
with hepatitis C virus either under treatment59 or lower. Single-gene defects are therefore more likely
spontaneously.6062 Thus, the few molecular genetic to manifest early in life. The broader range of cells
studies carried out to date have generated results and genes involved at later stages of primary infec-
consistent with single-gene predisposition in chil- tion, and the even greater range involved in latent
dren and more complex predisposition in adults. and secondary infections, ensures more robust cov-
erage and a greater degree of molecular and cellular
Immunological evidence: immunity to primary redundancy. The greater genetic and functional re-
infection requires fewer genes than immunity dundancy in immunity to latent and secondary in-
to secondary or latent infections fections developing gradually with age would favor
The age-dependent U or L incidence distribution a more complex predisposition in adults. The infec-
of death from infectious diseases mirrors the age- tious phenotype of children with profound develop-
dependent interaction with microbes. Infectious mental or functional defects of adaptive immunity
diseases of childhood follow primary infection, is severe, presents early in life, and invariably deteri-
whereas infectious diseases in adults more com- orates. By contrast, although initially equally severe,
monly result from a secondary infection or from single-gene lesions in nonhematopoietic or myeloid
the reactivation of a latent infection.63,64 This pat- cells may be progressively compensated by adap-
tern has been observed for many diseases, whether tive immunity. Indeed, the clinical consequences of
bacterial (tuberculosis, IPD), viral (HSE), or para- single-gene disorders of intrinsic and innate immu-
sitic (malaria) in nature, almost regardless of their nity that affect the TLR3-UNC-93B pathway3335 or
global incidence. This is relevant to our discussion the MyD88-IRAK-4 pathway3032 have been shown
because the number of genes involved in immunity to improve with age.37 The occurrence of pathogen-
to infection increases daily after microbial invasion, specific T and B cells probably compensates for the
culminating in the recruitment of a large number of poor innate immunity in such patients.66,67 Cur-
somatically diverse, antigen-specific T and B lym- rent understanding of the differences in immunity
phocytes. In the first stage of infection, the non- between primary and latent/secondary infection is
hematopoietic cells of the body (e.g., epithelial cells thus consistent with our model.
at the host barrier, cells from inner tissues) rely on
their own set of expressed genes, only some of which Clinical evidence: most single-gene traits first
are involved in host defense (a process often referred appear in childhood, whereas corresponding
to as intrinsic immunity). Myeloid cells expressing diseases in adults reflect more complex
numerous genes contributing to host defense are inheritance
rapidly recruited and play a key role in the course of Our hypothesis is also consistent with progress in
primary infection (innate immunity). They precede clinical genetics, whether in pediatrics or internal
the production of antigen-specific lymphoid cells, medicine, since the work of Archibald Garrod.68

26 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1214 (2010) 1833 

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Alcas et al. Genetic architecture of infectious diseases

Indeed, the pattern of genetic inheritance of whereas the corresponding syndromes in adults ap-
most human diseases depends almost entirely pear to display a more complex pattern of inheri-
on age at onset. Inherited diseases of child- tance. However, there is still some uncertainty about
hood are typically monogenic, and most of the whether this pattern results from genetic hetero-
8,000 or so known monogenic traits have an geneity or truly polygenic inheritance (at the indi-
onset during childhood.69,70 There is a large vidual level), or both. The polygenic model, as-
overlap between pediatrics, clinical genetics, and cribing an essential role to common variants, is
Mendelian genetics. These diseases are gener- increasingly being called into question for various
ally defined clinically and then classified ac- diseases in adults, and rare variants may also be
cording to their genetic causes. Some mono- involved.2328 Inborn errors conferring predisposi-
genic diseases may be relatively common, with tion to the development of metabolic illnesses in
an incidence similar to that of common infec- the context of a specific nutritional context display
tious diseases. For example, muscular dystrophies an age-dependent inheritance pattern. Single-gene
and congenital deafness result from a collection traits have a major impact in children, during their
of single-gene disorders (>20 genes for muscular initial exposure to necessary but deleterious nutri-
dystrophies and >100 genes for congenital deaf- ents. The similarity between the pathogenesis of in-
ness), with an overall incidence at birth of between born errors of metabolism and that of inborn errors
104 and 103 (see Refs. 71, 72), which is strikingly of immunity is striking, in terms of the respective
similar to the incidence of severe malaria in young contributions of predisposing genetic traits and en-
children. Pediatric inborn diseases that do not result vironmental triggers and, by inference, possibly also
from single-gene defects often result from chromo- their genetic architecture.
somal aberrations, which may involve several genes
but typically result from a single, large genetic lesion. Evolutionary evidence: unequal selective
By contrast, predisposition to disease in adults is pressures on genes underlying single-gene
more complex, with a less pronounced genetic com- and complex disease risks
ponent. Moreover, most known single-gene traits The hypothesis of a bimodal pattern of human ge-
conferring predisposition to an adult-onset disease netics of infectious diseases finds further support
typically affect young adults.73 This general pattern in the observed evolutionary fate of alleles underly-
applies to virtually all fields of medicine, including ing single-gene and complex traits.24,87,88 As mor-
inborn errors of metabolism, the clinical expression bid single-gene variants are not transmitted from
of which is highly dependent on nutrition, a critical individuals dying during childhood, accounting for
environmental variable.74 For example, phenylke- their relatively low frequency in the general popu-
tonuria is clinically severe only if excessive amounts lation (e.g., <1%), the corresponding genes should
of phenylalanine are ingested. Moreover, the five display low levels of variation and, therefore, sig-
major metabolic disorders that can strike at all natures of purifying selectiona selective regime
agesdiabetes, obesity, hypertension, osteoporosis, eliminating almost all newly occurring amino-acid
and atherosclerosisall show a dual pattern of in- variations. Indeed, at the entire genome scale, most
heritance. These disorders are usually caused by a single genes associated with disease (for both infec-
single-gene defect in early childhood, whereas their tious and noninfectious diseases) have been shown
mode of inheritance seems to become more com- to be under purifying selection, particularly in cases
plex with increasing age. For example, neonatal dia- in which the disease-causing mutations are domi-
betes, and even type I diabetes occurring before the nant.8890 In the context of infectious diseases, for
age of six months, may be monogenic,75,76 whereas example, single-gene TLR3 deficiency confers a pre-
in older children, diabetes is usually due to a ma- disposition to HSE in childhood,34 and TLR3 is
jor HLA gene effect,77 Similarly, type II diabetes in under strong purifying selection.91 Conversely, the
young adults is often monogenic, whereas late-onset single-gene resistance alleles revealed at the start
type II diabetes is apparently more complex.78 Sim- of new, epidemics of emerging, life-threatening
ilarly, single-gene causes of obesity,7981 osteoporo- diseases may be positively selected, even if resis-
sis,82 hypertension,83 hypercholesterolemia,84 and tance is AR, as shown by four classical examples
atherosclerosis85 have been identified in children, of Mendelian resistance (DARC deficiency and P.

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c 2010 New York Academy of Sciences. 27
Genetic architecture of infectious diseases Alcas et al.

vivax infection, P antigen and parvovirus, CCR5 terious mutations in host defense genes under puri-
and HIV, and FUT2 and norovirus) (reviewed in fying selection are likely to predispose the individ-
Refs. 9, 92) Another interesting example is provided ual to severe infectious diseases in childhood. Our
by the resistance to Neisseria gonorrhoeae in vitro model of single-gene inborn errors of immunity
of acidic sphingomyelinase-deficient cells from pa- contributing to severe pediatric infectious diseases
tients with Niemann-Pick disease.93 In principle, is thus consistent with several lines of evidence. This
Mendelian resistance may operate at all ages. Only model, in turn, raises several questions.
rarely does such resistance result in a population
being almost completely protected against an in-
fectious agent, as reported in West Africa for the How about malaria?
DARC mutation, which prevents P. vivax infection. Malaria deserves special consideration, as it was the
Mostly, susceptibility to infection remains common first infectious disease to be studied from the hu-
in the population, with additional single-gene sus- man genetics standpoint and remains the most thor-
ceptibility genes conferring a predisposition to more oughly investigated, and these studies have paved
severe, lethal forms of the disease, as discussed be- the way to further evaluations of the contribution
low for P. falciparum malaria. Complex suscepti- of various erythrocyte disorders.20,99101 In regions
bility alleles generally have a lower penetrance and in which P. falciparum is highly endemic, host ge-
are therefore able to reach higher frequencies in the netic factors are estimated to account for 25% of
population (i.e., >510%) than single-gene suscep- the risk of severe malaria.102,103 Heterozygosity for
tibility alleles.24,87,94 As the alleles contributing to various recessive erythrocyte disorders confers pro-
late-onset diseases will be transmitted from genera- tection against life-threatening forms of disease. For
tion to generation, the corresponding genes should example, patients with HbS are heterozygous at the
be under less pervasive purifying selection. Indeed, HBB locus and have a risk of P. falciparum malaria
a global relaxation of selection constraints has been only one-tenth that of individuals lacking this al-
observed among genes contributing to complex dis- lele.20,99,100,104,105 However, while this and other red
ease risk (i.e., bearing weakly deleterious mutations) cell variants (e.g., HbC, HbE) have been strongly
with respect to single-gene disease genes (i.e., bear- positively selected by malaria in various geographic
ing strongly deleterious mutations), and the selec- regions worldwide,20 most people living in regions
tion coefficient of mutations associated with com- of endemic malaria do not carry any of these variants
plex disease risk is lower than that for single-gene (e.g., the HbS allele is maintained at a frequency of
mutations.90 Thus, the weaker evolutionary conser- 10% in several areas). Moreover, only a very small
vation of complex disease genes indicates that this fraction of infected children (whether or not they
class of genes may include loci targeted by purify- carry erythrocyte disorders) are susceptible to se-
ing selection to various extents (e.g., genes under vere malaria. The high malaria mortality rates in
weak or no purifying selection) and loci subject young children (0.001 before the age of 4 years),
to positive selection.90 A higher frequency of tar- followed by the rapid decrease in malaria mortal-
gets of positive selection has been documented for ity in older children (Fig. 4C), thus remain unex-
complex disease genes than for single-gene disease plained. Initial GWA studies of severe malaria in
genes.90,95 In addition, genome-wide scans for se- Gambia103 and Ghana (R. Horstman, personal com-
lection have revealed that genes playing a role in munication, 2010) identified only the HBB gene
immunity-related processes and host-pathogen in- as a major signal of association, despite the con-
teractions are among the most common targets of clusions of epidemiological studies of African chil-
recent positive selection.9698 Thus, overall, evolu- dren estimating that the HbS allele makes a minor
tionary and population genetic studies are generally contribution (<10%) to the total impact of host
consistent with a dichotomy in the mode of evo- genetics on the risk of severe malaria.102 Further
lution of purely single-gene and complex disease genome-wide association (GWA) studies on larger
genes. The evolutionary footprints of natural selec- samples, based on arrays with broader SNP coverage
tion in genes involved to various extents in both to account for the known low level of linkage dise-
single-gene and complex diseases are likely to be quilibrium (LD) displayed by African populations,
much more complex. Nevertheless, in general, dele- will probably identify additional genes with more

28 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1214 (2010) 1833 

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Alcas et al. Genetic architecture of infectious diseases

Figure 6. Specific death rates due to influenza per 100,000 persons in each age group in the United States, 19131918. Influenza-
specific death rates are plotted for the interpandemic years 19131917 (dashed line) and for the pandemic year 1918 (solid line).116

modest effects. However, all the common variants tion, we would predict that the observation of single-
identified by these GWA studies are likely to account gene cases (regardless of their incidence) would not
for only a small proportion of the overall genetic be correlated with age per se in a naive popula-
variation, as reported for other diseases and de- tion recently exposed to a new and potentially lethal
scribed as missing heritability.26,27 The many non- microbe. Thus, individuals carrying the deleterious
mutually exclusive explanations for the observed genotype would be expected to be affected at the
missing heritability include the contribution of rare time of infection, regardless of their age. The exam-
variants.28 For example, we recently showed, by a ple of the exceptionally severe Spanish influenza
simple calculation, that a small proportion (5%) pandemic of 19181919, which killed between 2%
of Mendelian forms (dominant risk allele with a and 20% of infected individuals and caused 50
penetrance of 20%) in Crohns disease may largely million deaths worldwide, provides a good oppor-
account for missing heritability.106 It is therefore en- tunity to address this issue. An unusual feature of the
tirely possible that severe malaria in young children 1918 flu pandemic was that it mostly killed young
results from a collection of rare single-gene vari- adults, with 99% of pandemic influenza deaths oc-
ants accounting for the pattern of malaria mortality curring in people under the age of 65, and more
rates in children (Fig. 4C). The observed mortal- than half in young adults between the ages of 20
ity curve for malaria is well fitted by our simulated and 40 years.107 Figure 6 contrasts influenza-specific
curve generated under a simple Mendelian hypoth- mortality rates in each age group between the inter-
esis (Fig. 5). As an illustration of the definition and pandemic years 19131917 and the pandemic year,
role of single-gene variants (Fig. 2), a morbid vari- 1918. Consistent with the predictions of our model,
ant with qV = 0.002 and RR = 10, and therefore the classical U-curve has been replaced by a flat-
a clinical penetrance of 0.01 (assuming an overall ter one. A similarly high mortality rate is observed
prevalence K of 0.001 for severe malaria) would ac- across all age groups. As a consequence, the sharp
count for about 2% of all cases of severe malaria. decrease until young adulthood observed during the
A few dozen variants exerting a similar effect could interpandemic years (a pattern similarly observed in
therefore potentially account for the human genetic Fig. 4) is much less pronounced in 1918, with a ra-
contribution to malaria. tio of mortality between young adults and children
of 10 in 1918, rather than the ratio of 100 ob-
Does age matter per se? served during the interpandemic years (Fig. 6). A
In this model of single-gene variations accounting similar pattern was observed in terms of the age dis-
for severe diseases in the course of primary infection, tribution of the 318 patients (280 of whom died)
late-onset cases in low-exposure settings may also diagnosed with Ebola hemorrhagic fever during the
result from single-gene variations and merely reflect 1976 outbreak in Zaire.108 These observations sug-
late infection. Moreover, assuming that single-gene gest that age at primary infection and disease onset,
disease genes are generally subject to purifying selec- rather than the age per se, is the determinant of the

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1214 (2010) 1833 

c 2010 New York Academy of Sciences. 29
Genetic architecture of infectious diseases Alcas et al.

incidence distribution of mortality due to infec- mon pediatric illnesses have resulted in resistance
tious diseases in human populations and, possibly, to thinking about pediatric infections as monogenic
of the corresponding genetic architecture. Emerg- diseases. Rare pediatric illnesses are thought to be
ing, virulent pathogens strike across a broad range Mendelian, whereas common illnesses are thought
of ages. The corresponding cases may reflect single- to be infectious. However, many individual infec-
gene case predisposition, and the ensuing selective tious diseases in children are less common than
pressure against single-gene case susceptibility al- some well-known genetic diseases. Severe infec-
leles accounts for both the U/L incidence distri- tious diseases are globally common because there
bution pattern seen and our model of a dual ge- are many of them and some are common. More-
netic architecture proposed on the basis of data for over, the incomplete clinical penetrance of single-
more ancient microbes. This process would be much gene variations can largely account for the lack of a
slower and less efficient if susceptibility to emerging clear Mendelian pattern of infection for most infec-
pathogens were polygenic. tions. Our model unifies pediatrics, recasting both
rare and common infectious diseases as the result
of single-gene variations, like most other pediatric
After many generations of exposure to a particu- illnesses. The model of the dual architecture of hu-
lar microbe, a large fraction of the corresponding man genetics of infectious diseases, with single-gene
single-gene susceptibility alleles may still account for traits predominating before puberty and more com-
much of the disease incidence. For example, purify- plex predisposition developing with increasing age,
ing selection inefficiently purges the genome of AR is theoretically plausible. Equally important, the
alleles, as most alleles are carried by heterozygous in- proposed model is now experimentally testable at
dividuals who are not vulnerable to the infection and a large scale (i.e., at the population level), follow-
therefore not subject to evolutionary counterselec- ing the recent development of new-generation deep
tion. Moreover, autosomal-dominant lesions may resequencing techniques and the possibility of se-
occur de novo in each generation, possibly balanc- quencing the whole exome and, soon, the whole
ing out the loss of mutations from deceased indi- genome from patients111,112 as illustrated by the
viduals who inherited the susceptibility allele from recent discovery of STIM1 deficiency in a single
a parent. The inheritance of a susceptibility allele child with HHV8-driven Kaposi sarcoma.113 This
from a parent is, in turn, made possible by the model provides a conceptual framework for exper-
incomplete clinical penetrance of most autosomal- imental exploration of the genetic basis of human
dominant traits, particularly those conferring a pre- infectious diseases, a field with considerable biolog-
disposition to infectious diseases (Fig. 3). Examples ical and clinical implications. We predict that the
of autosomal-dominant predisposition to specific investigation of death from infection in childhood
infectious agents include IFNGR1, STAT1, TRAF3, will reveal some of the most interesting impacts of
and TLR3 deficiencies.34,36,109,110 The hypothesis single-gene variations on human phenotypes.
that life-threatening infectious diseases in most chil-
dren result from single-gene variations may at first
glance appear provocative but actually merely repre- We thank the members of our laboratories for
sents the extension to the field of infectious diseases helpful discussions, critical reading, and experimen-
of a paradigm well-established in human medicine. tal testing of the model proposed. Special thanks go
There are two probable reasons for which a single- to Danielle Malo, Sylvia Vidal, and Marcel Behr for
gene theory of pediatric infectious diseases was not critical reading; Jerome Flatot for the simulation
proposed earlier, at odds with most other fields in study; and Michel Garenne (Unite dEpidemiologie
medicine. First, the germ theory of disease holds des Maladies Emergentes, Institut Pasteur, Paris,
such sway that there is still some reluctance to think France) for the data on Spanish flu. We also thank
of infectious diseases in terms of human genetics. the INSERM, ANR, Institut Pasteur, CNRS, FRM,
This has impeded the development of models of The Rockefeller University, HHMI, Dana Founda-
genetic architecture. Second, the popularity of the tion, March of Dimes, The Bill and Melinda Gates
common disease-common variant hypothesis and Foundation, St. Giles Foundation, Jeffrey Modell
the fact that infectious diseases are the most com- Foundation and Talecris Biotherapeutics, The Sloan

30 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1214 (2010) 1833 

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