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Western Hemisphere

P.O. Box 1212
Houston Texas 77251-1212
Tel 713 939 2211
Fax 713 939 2620

Eastern Hemisphere
Cooper Cameron (U.K.) Ltd.
5 Mondial Way
Hayes UB3 5AR
Tel 44 181 9901800
Fax 44 181 9901888

Asia Pacific/Middle East

Cooper Cameron (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.
No. 2 Gul Circle, Jurong Industrial Est
Locked Bag Service No. 3
Jurong Town Post Office
Singapore 629560
Republic Of Singapore
Tel 65 8613355
Fax 65 8616197

Cooper Cameron Corporation, Cameron Division, Printed in USA, 9/03, CP/7M, TC1737

healthy working environment. ongoing part of the way we do business,

and continue to provide a safe and our HSE commitment and, as an
ter value to our customers Six Sigma are consistent with
supply chain, deliver bet- operation. The principles of
we eliminate waste in the defects in every area of our
improve our processes, eliminating and quality
continually working to lining processes, improving
Cooper Cameron. By the Six Sigma initiative for stream-
tomers have come to expecxt from Cameron family, Cameron has adopted
build upon the high standards cus- Like all divisions within the Cooper
The Cameron commitment to Health, The Procedures Manual
Safety and Environmental (HSE) is The HSE Procedures Manual provides
expressed through our HSE the minimum set of processes expected
Management System. This system to be in place throughout the organiza-
provides management with a tion. This document outlines specific
consistent approach to minimizing and processes such as assignment of
eliminating potential hazards and risks responsibilities, targets and objectives,
throughout the organization. The communication, training, emergency
Cameron HSE Management System response, data control, legal
also provides every level of our compliance procedures and other
company with a standardized frame- requirements to be implemented and
work for documenting HSE perform- maintained. The Procedures Manual is
ance, as well as promoting and maintained at the division level.
facilitating continual improvement. Operational Controls
The system is designed to conform to HSE Operational Controls are sets of
the requirements of the ISO 14001
Worldwide Commitment

procedures that allow for flexibility

Like the quest for the earths energy Environmental Management System within the system to address regional
Standard and the Occupational Health concerns, such as regulatory
resources, at Cameron, our commitment and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS) requirements and/or customer
to health, safety and the environment 18001 Specification. expectations. Each applicable business
unit within Cameron maintains its own
runs deep. Protecting our world and A Four-Tiered Approach
The Cameron HSE Management set of operational controls.
workplace is simply a matter of respect,
System is designed to meet and exceed Work Instructions

and a core value shared among all those evolving regulatory and other HSE Work Instructions address specific
requirements, while continually tasks that are performed at each facility
who wear the Cameron name. But noble
progressing toward our vision: a or business unit. They are similar to
intentions are only realized through workplace where no one gets hurt and operational controls in that they allow
nothing gets harmed. To this end, the for the ability to address local
tangible, measurable actions.
management system is structured regulatory requirements, as well as
So at Cameron, we understand that a through four governing documents: customer needs. Work instructions are
maintained at the facility level.
culture of safety and environmental The Policy Manual
The Cameron HSE Policy Manual
responsibility must be built upon a very outlines the general requirements and

real foundation a foundation of expectations of our health, safety and

environmental commitment. This
communication, high expectations,
document establishes the structure of
accountability, achievement and the HSE Management System and is
maintained at the division level.
continuous challenge for improvement.
he management philosophy at This statement of policy is the
T Cameron incorporates health, foundation that supports our entire HSE
safety and environmental excellence as a Management System. It establishes our
core value. Along with our customers, management philosophy with regard to
contractors and suppliers, we share the the HSE values, as well as a shared vision
vision that we can perform our opera- between our customers, contractors and
tions in such a way that no one gets hurt suppliers.
and nothing gets harmed or adversely Our HSE Policy Manual describes the
impacted. Therefore, it is our policy to: HSE Management System responsibilities
of the Cameron organization, and control
Comply with all relevant HSE
features necessary for achieving our HSE
legislation, regulations and other
vision. Compliance with this manual is
consistently applied at all Cameron
Ensure that systems are developed
facilities. Each employee identified
and implemented to identify, assess,
with responsibilities in the HSE
Jack Moore, President, Cameron Division monitor, periodically review and
Management System is responsible for
control HSE impacts related to our
implementing the requirements specifi-
Camerons commitment to HSE is a business activities
cally assigned, and visibly demonstrating
work ethic that carries throughout the Set HSE objectives and targets, and
their commitment to the HSE process
achieve superior performance
Cameron organization from the through their actions while performing
(i.e., pollution prevention, hazard
their work duties.
corporate office to the shop floor. elimination, no accidents or incidents)
At Cameron, we are committed
through the utilization of a continuous
This commitment can be seen in ethically, financially and personally to a
improvement process incorporating
working environment where no one gets
day-to-day activities throughout our Six Sigma methodology
hurt and nothing gets harmed.
Provide necessary training and
worldwide network of sales, service and
education to enable our employees to
manufacturing locations. understand and perform their roles
Jack B. Moore
and responsibilities involved with their President
Cameron management actively works Cameron Division
job functions
to incorporate HSE considerations into Implement mechanisms to
communicate with and obtain input
business decisions by implementing
from employees, customers,
programs designed to protect the health contractors and other interested parties
to the HSE Management System.
and safety of our employees,

contractors, communities, customers,

partners and the environment.

Planning is an integral component Identification of legal and other
within the HSE Management System, requirements

and allows Cameron to assess needs, Relevant legal aspects and other

set targets and lay the groundwork requirements (customer requests, for

toward achieving our objectives. example) are considered during the

Planning is an ongoing activity, which HSE planning process. This ensures

requires the identification of hazards, that each facility identified has access

risks, controls and legal requirements, to, and evaluates, any laws, regulations

as well as establishing our long-term and other requirements that affect HSE

goals. issues relating to its activities, products

and services.
HSE hazard identification, risk
assessment and control HSE objectives and targets
This process involves a cross-functional Objectives and targets are initiatives
team made up of representatives from designed to minimize hazards and
various levels of the organization, risks within specific activities that have
Education and Promotion
including management, operations and been identified through the assessment
other support and staff functions, process. An objective is a general goal
Cameron has invested heavily in
utilizing established management and may carry with it any number of
educating and promoting effective system tools to identify the hazards measurable targets. Objectives and
and risks associated with the various targets may be initiated at the division,
HSE practices among its employees
activities performed at each location. business unit or facility level, and are
worldwide. Courses in safety Each activity is carefully examined managed by a representative of the

management and leadership, first aid, using a risk matrix and ranked to cross-functional team. Effectiveness is
establish risk priorities. This process evaluated at least annually at the
cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) ensures accurate identification and management review.
and automated external defibrillator implementation of necessary control
measures before any work begins.
(AED) certification, fire prevention,

hazardous material and waste

handling, HSE workshops, emergency

preparedness drills and educational

literature are just a few examples.

Implementing and maintaining HSE documenting and responding to
processes involves a coordinated set of internal and external communications
management functions at all levels from relevant interested parties.
within the Cameron organization. In Document and data control
addition to these functions outlined Effective document and data control is
below, each business area has an important link in providing current
developed a set of operational controls and accurate information regarding the
to address regional regulatory HSE Management System. Cameron
requirements, as well as specific has processes in place to review, store
operations and activities. and distribute relevant documents and
Management of change data encompassed in the system.
The ability to make operational and Training, awareness and competency
procedural changes is essential to a requirements
successful HSE program. Yet, changes Ensuring that employees are aware,
Health Management Programs that are not adequately controlled and trained and competent in minimizing
communicated often appear as a and eliminating hazards and risks is a
Cameron strongly promotes a healthy contributing factor in many severe critical component in providing a safe
incidents. The Cameron Management and healthy workplace. The process
workforce. Across the worldwide
System includes specific actions for for identifying, documenting and
Cameron network, programs are in notifying affected employees of a delivering any appropriate training

place to encourage health process or procedural change to pre- and consultation takes into considera-
vent such an incident from occurring. tion each employees skills, knowledge
consciousness and wellness. Some of and attitudes, which are necessary to
Structure and responsibility
these include regular health awareness Everyone within the Cameron organi- conduct operations safely under

zation has a role to play in the success various circumstances.

presentations, immunization
of our HSE program. Therefore, each Emergency response procedures
programs, medical incentives, fitness employees responsibilities with regard Actions taken immediately following
to the HSE Management System is an emergency situation can significant-
facilities, health screenings, and
clearly defined and communicated. ly reduce or minimize danger to
after-hours sporting and recreational All Cameron employees are provided personnel, the environment or
the necessary resources, leadership, property. The Cameron HSE
support and equipment to establish, Management System requires
implement and maintain an effective establishing and rehearsing emergency
HSE program. response procedures to ensure

Consultation and communication personnel are prepared to take the

HSE-related information is communi- appropriate actions in the event of an

cated in an effective and timely emergency.

manner. The Cameron Management

System includes components which
outline the process for receiving,
HSE Management System
Process Model
Camerons HSE Management System
Process Model maps the HSE process
to ensure a consistent approach to
ever-changing requirements. The
model consists of five basic parts:

HSE Policy Statement

At Cameron, we are commit-
ted ethically, financially and
personally to a working
environment where no one
gets hurt, nothing gets

Planning is an integral com-
ponent within the HSE
Management System and
allows Cameron to assess
needs, set targets and lay
the groundwork toward
achieving our objectives.

Implementation and Operation

Implementing and maintain-
ing HSE processes involves
a coordinated set of man-
agement functions at all
levels within the Cameron

Monitoring and Corrective Action

At Cameron, HSE is an ongo-
ing, vibrant process that
responds to the needs of
our industry and environ-
ment. This process entails
continuous review to ensure
compliance with all applicable
regulations as well as our own strict
internal standards.

Management Review
A management review of
the HSE process is conduct-
ed annually and is intend-
ed to provide a forum for
open discussion and
improvement of the Cameron
HSE Management System.
At Cameron, HSE is an ongoing, compliance with HSE requirements,
vibrant process that responds to the and to ensure the use and effectiveness
needs of our industry and environ- of the HSE policy, procedures, opera-
ment. This process entails continuous tional controls and other elements of
review of the Cameron HSE the management system. This compo-
Management System to ensure compli- nent outlines the process for perform-
ance with all applicable health, safety ance monitoring and measurement
and environmental regulations as well within the management system.
as our own strict internal standards. Records and record management
Accident and incident investigations, Meeting regulatory requirements, as
non-conformances and well as minimizing liability expenses,
corrective/preventive actions
require that a process for records and
Learning from the past is vital to
record management be maintained as
ensuring accidents are never repeated.
part of HSE policy. The Cameron HSE
The Cameron Management System
Safety Management Programs Management System outlines general
incorporates well-established methods
requirements for record identification,
for handling and investigating
At Cameron, a safe and healthy maintenance and disposition.
accidents, incidents and non-confor-
working environment is more than a Audits and inspections
mances. In addition, these processes
Cameron routinely conducts audits
matter of policy. Its a matter of are used to identify, document, analyze
and inspections to assist management
and implement preventive and
practice. In addition to safety with identifying potential hazards,
corrective actions to identify all
risks and liabilities prior to the occur-
programs outlined in the HSE incident causes and prevent similar
rence of an incident. The process for
incidents from occurring. This
Management System, each Cameron conducting these periodic audits and
includes notification and communica-
inspections is defined within the HSE
business unit and facility develops its tion of all information and learning to
Management System.
relevant parties.
own safety management initiatives
Performance measurement,
geared toward its own employees and statistical reporting and monitoring
Cameron conducts monitoring and
work practices. These include HSE
measuring procedures to confirm
site committees, regular safety

training sessions, employee HSE

manuals, HSE compliance audits,

new employee orientation programs

and incident investigation policies.

A management review of the HSE
process is conducted annually and is
intended to provide a forum for open The results of any HSE management
system audits conducted since the
discussion and improvement of the
last management review
Cameron HSE Management System.
Setting or updating HSE objectives
The review also provides management
and targets for the coming period
with a vehicle for making any neces-
The suitability, adequacy and
sary changes toward achieving the
effectiveness of training efforts
HSE vision that we can perform our
The results of any action items from
duties in such a way that no one gets
the previous management review
hurt and nothing gets harmed.
Minimal requirements for the man-
The results of tests or utilization of
agement review include consideration
emergency preparedness and
of the following:
response procedures
Environmental Management Programs The suitability, adequacy and
Any changes or proposed changes to
effectiveness of the health, safety and
operational controls
environmental policy
Cameron takes seriously its role as a Waste minimization efforts
The suitability, adequacy and
responsible corporate citizen, and is effectiveness of the current HSE The adequacy of risk assessments
objectives and targets, and the and environmental aspects scoring
committed to a work environment
organizations current status against Current levels of HSE risk and the
that exists in harmony with the these objectives effectiveness of existing control
The overall suitability, adequacy measures
natural environment. In addition to
and effectiveness of the HSE The effectiveness of the hazard and
fully complying with all local laws, Management System incident reporting process
The status of corrective and Data relating to accidents and
Cameron business units also develop
preventive actions incidents that have occurred since
and maintain a number of effective the last management review.

environmental protection programs.

These include strict waste disposal

policies, waste minimization and

recycling programs, and regular air

and water monitoring.

Since the early days of the oil and gas to share information and develop new
industry, Cameron has been recognized ways to enhance safety and improve
as an industry leader. Today, that environmental performance.
position extends far beyond the award- At the heart of every Cameron opera-
winning technology that we develop to tion is an ongoing commitment to
help our customers drill for and pro- achieving an incident- and injury-free
duce oil and gas. Within our industry, environment. This is a goal that cannot
Cameron is recognized as a leader in be achieved without a deep-seated
the advancement of HSE policies and cultural work ethic and a tradition of
procedures and as a premier company high HSE standards.
dedicated to operating with the utmost
The Cameron HSE Management
respect for the environment as well as
System is designed to meet and exceed
human health and safety.
evolving regulatory and other require-
Cameron continues to be recognized ments and to achieve the Cameron
Worldwide Vision by our customers for excellence in HSE vision of a workplace where no
health, safety and environmental plan- one gets hurt and nothing gets harmed.
From our division headquarters in ning and implementation. From the
North Sea to the Gulf of Mexico,
Houston to our operations in the
Cameron works closely with customers
Eastern Hemisphere, Asia Pacific

and the Middle East, Cameron has

adopted a multi-cultural, worldwide

philosophy that puts HSE first and

foremost in the minds of our

employees. Cameron has invested in

the resources and training required

to develop and implement HSE

policies, management systems,

programs and procedures that ensure

a working environment where no one

gets hurt and nothing gets harmed.

Like all divisions within the Cooper build upon the high standards cus-
Cameron family, Cameron has adopted tomers have come to expect from
the Six Sigma initiative for stream- Cooper Cameron. By
lining processes, improving continually working to
quality and eliminating improve our processes,
defects in every area of our we eliminate waste in the
operation. The principles of supply chain, deliver bet-
Six Sigma are consistent with ter value to our customers
our HSE commitment and, as an and continue to provide a safe and
ongoing part of the way we do business, healthy working environment.
Western Hemisphere
P.O. Box 1212
Houston Texas 77251-1212
Tel 713 939 2211
Fax 713 939 2620

Eastern Hemisphere
Cooper Cameron (U.K.) Ltd.
5 Mondial Way
Hayes UB3 5AR
Tel 44 181 9901800
Fax 44 181 9901888

Asia Pacific/Middle East

Cooper Cameron (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.
No. 2 Gul Circle, Jurong Industrial Est
Locked Bag Service No. 3
Jurong Town Post Office
Singapore 629560
Republic Of Singapore
Tel 65 8613355
Fax 65 8616197

Cooper Cameron Corporation, Cameron Division, Printed in USA, 9/03, CP/7M, TC1737

healthy working environment. ongoing part of the way we do business,

and continue to provide a safe and our HSE commitment and, as an
ter value to our customers Six Sigma are consistent with
supply chain, deliver bet- operation. The principles of
we eliminate waste in the defects in every area of our
improve our processes, eliminating and quality
continually working to lining processes, improving
Cooper Cameron. By the Six Sigma initiative for stream-
tomers have come to expecxt from Cameron family, Cameron has adopted
build upon the high standards cus- Like all divisions within the Cooper

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