Solution To The Car On A Sloped Circular Track With Friction

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Solution to the Car on a Sloped Circular Track with Friction

In the vector representation of this problem, it must be considered that the

cross-sectional diagram is really a plane, that is rotating around the track and as
a result, we must consider that the car exerts a centrifugal force on the track.

Note that “symbols” used are for ease of typing and do not affect the solution
or its understanding.
Now the most convenient x-y coordinate system to use in this problem is one
that has the x-axis parallel to the slope and the y-axis perpendicular to the slope.
The angle of the slope is “A”.
Also note that the force F, that the slope exerts on the car is the total force
exerted by the slope. If friction is involved it will be part of this force and, we will
address that situation later in this solution.
We now break the forces into their x-component and y-component.

For the x-axis the sum of the forces is as follows:

Sumx = - M*G*sin(A) + Fx + [M*V*V / R ]*cos(A) (1)

For the y-axis the sum of the forces is as follows:

Sumy = - M*G*cos(A) – (M*V*V / R)*sin(A) + Fy (2)

In many cases people refer to Fy as the “Normal Force”, but it is not necessary,
and it can lead to confusion for the student.


1. The Flat Track

Consider the case where the track is flat, that is: A = 0

Sumx = Fx + M*V*V / R (horizontal to ground ) (3)

Sumy = - M*G + Fy (vertical to ground ) (4)

1.) If the car does not accelerate in either the x or y directions then we have
the result

Fx = - M*V*V / R (horizontal to ground ) (5)

Fy = M*G (vertical to ground ) (6)

The force Fx is generated by the frictional force due to the car’s tires contact
with the road surface. And the magnitude of this force varies with the square of
the speed of the car.

Frictional forces act to oppose an applied force, and vary in the static case
from 0 to a maximum value.

Fx is the static frictional force and it points in the negative x-direction (toward
the center of the track). Since the car is not slipping, then the magnitude of Fx
satisfies the inequality

Fx = - M*V*V / R < u*M*G u = coefficient of static friction (7)

To summarize this case, one can drive around a flat track at various speeds,
without slipping as long as the speed remains below the critical maximum value.
Racing cars drivers use special wide tires and heat them prior to racing by
skidding on the track. This increases the value of “u” significantly. Also race car
drivers will drive to the limit of maximum lateral frictional force, since it is the
condition of highest speed “V”. If the driver feels the car beginning to slide, then
they “scrub “ off just enough speed to regain traction.

Also note that if you are a passenger in the car, wearing a seat belt, your head
and body are subjected to the centrifugal force and you body tends to lean

2. The Vertical Track

In the case of the vertical track (A = 90), the equations become

Sumx = - M*G + Fx (8)

Sumy = - (M*V*V / R) + Fy (9)

If we consider the static case where Sumx and Sumy both = 0, then

Fx = M*G (vertical to ground) (10)

Fy = - (M*V*V / R) (horizontal to ground) (11)

In this case Fy, is not related to any gravitational force, but is determined by the
speed of the car and it is the centripetal force.

Since we are considering the static case, then the resultant force due to friction,
equals MG and is independent of the speed. The car does not fall off the track.

This is the basic principle used in amusement park rides. The riders enter a
vertical cylinder and place their backs against the inside wall of the cylinder. Now
the cylinder begins to rotate and after it reaches a specified speed, the floor of
the ride is removed. The people are held against the wall by the centrifugal force
and they do not slide down the wall, due to the frictional force exactly canceling
their MG force.


The equations listed above describe the general conditions and can be easily
solved, for given values of A, M, R and V. One has to remember that frictional
forces are always less than or equal to u*Fy. Many times this point is forgotten.

There are other very interesting situations where these equations can be
If one considers the case where Fx = 0 and Sumx = 0, ( a hinged centrifuge),
then there is no lateral force on the driver, and there is a relationship among A,
V, and R. It is independent of M. In this case, the y-component of the centrifugal
force can be used as an artificial gravity and, in fact, this situation is used in
training fighter pilots and astronauts to experience “high G forces”.

If one considers the general case, where A is not equal to 0, then there is a
range of values of V, Vmin to Vmax, where the car will not slide on the track. If
the angle A is sufficiently large and the car’s speed is very small, then it is
possible for the car to slide down, or inward on the track.

Finally, these equations are used in the design of curves on roads and race
tracks. When a car begins to slide outward, the slide can be stopped by
increasing the value of A. This can be seen on many professional race tracks.
The curve does not have a constant slope. The slope increases the further one
moves to the outer part of the track.

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