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Neurorehabilitation and Neural


Spinal Reflex Activity: A Marker for Neuronal Functionality After Spinal Cord Injury
Michle Hubli, Volker Dietz and Marc Bolliger
Neurorehabil Neural Repair 2012 26: 188 originally published online 15 September 2011
DOI: 10.1177/1545968311420844

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bli et alNeurorehabilitation and Neural Repair
The Author(s) 2010

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Clinical Research Articles

Neurorehabilitation and

Spinal Reflex Activity: A Marker Neural Repair

26(2) 188196
The Author(s) 2012
for Neuronal Functionality Reprints and permission: http://www.

After Spinal Cord Injury

DOI: 10.1177/1545968311420844

Michle Hubli, MSc1, Volker Dietz, MD1, and Marc Bolliger, PhD1,2

Background. Alterations in the function of spinal neuronal circuits underlying locomotion after a spinal cord injury (SCI)
are associated with changes in the behavior of spinal reflexes (SRs) in both rats and humans. In healthy subjects, the SR
consists of a dominant early reflex component, whereas in chronic, severely affected SCI subjects, a later component
dominates. Objective. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between SR behavior and walking ability
in para-/tetraplegic subjects. Method. The SR was evoked by nonnoxious tibial nerve stimulation. Walking ability was
assessed by functional tests and questionnaires. Results. There was a correlation between walking ability and SR behavior in
chronic SCI: Severely affected SCI subjects unable to walk showed dominant late SR components, whereas in ambulatory
SCI subjects an early SR component dominated. A functional training with an improvement of locomotor ability was
accompanied by both a shift from a dominant to a smaller late and the appearance of an early SR component. Conclusions.
Our findings indicate that SR can serve as a marker for the locomotor ability of SCI subjects. Neuronal plasticity exploited
by a functional training is reflected in both an improvement of locomotor ability and a change in balance of SR components
toward the early SR component.

walking ability, spinal reflex, plasticity, spinal cord injury

Introduction stimulus cannot be determined in SCI subjects, the term spi-

nal reflex was chosen as a response perceived by healthy
Spinal polysynaptic reflex recordings in mammals have subjects to be below the nociceptive stimulation threshold.
been used to identify interneuronal circuits that are involved Although we use the term spinal reflex, we cannot exclude
in spinal locomotion.1,2 There is evidence for a relationship that latter parts of the SR are mediated by supraspinal
between the time course of these spinal cord reflexes (SR) pathways.
and locomotor capacity after a spinal cord injury (SCI) in
rats3 and humans.4
A severe complete SCI leads to a dysfunction of spinal Methods
neuronal circuits. This dysfunction is reflected in the exhaus- General Procedures and Subjects
tion of locomotor electromyographic (EMG) activity during
assisted locomotion and is associated with a change from The study protocol was approved by the local ethics com-
a dominant early to a dominant late SR component.4-6 mittee, and all patients gave informed written consent
However, subjects with sensorimotor incomplete SCI, before data recordings. Altogether, SR, walking ability, and
who regularly perform stepping movements, show no EMG muscle strength were assessed in 28 subjects with chronic
exhaustion and the early SR component dominates. (>1 year postlesion) SCI. In total, 10 subjects suffered
The focus of this study was to investigate whether SR a motor complete SCI (AIS [American Spinal Injury
behavior can be used as a marker for the functional state of
spinal locomotor circuitries underlying walking ability in 1
Balgrist University Hospital, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
SCI subjects. In addition, we evaluated the plasticity of neu- Sensory-Motor Systems Laboratory, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
ronal circuits and investigated whether an improvement in
Corresponding Author:
locomotor ability following functional training is accompa- Michle Hubli, MSc, Spinal Cord Injury Centre, Balgrist University
nied by a shift from a late to an early SR component. The Hospital, Forchstrasse 340, 8008 Zurich, Switzerland
SR was evoked by cutaneous afferents.7 Since a noxious Email:

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Hubli et al 189

Table 1. Characteristics of the SCI Subjects Included in the Study

Subject Age, y Gender Level of Lesion AISa Lesion Duration, y SR Recordings Locomotor Training

1 43.1 M C4 D 15.6 +
2 61.3 M C6 D 6.4 +
3 34.1 M L3 C 7.1 +
4 59.9 M C5 C 7.7 + +
5 25.7 M T9 C 2.5 + +
6 42.6 M T12 D 5.7 +
7 33.0 M C7 C 2.8 +
8 44.2 M T4 D 21.0 +
9 21.7 F T8 C 7.0 +
10 61.8 M T5 C 32.0 +
11 69.9 M C4 D 1.8 +
12 56.0 M C6 D 7.0 +
13 69.3 M T8 D 1.1 + +
14 41.9 M C6 C 17.5 +
15 43.6 F T11 D 37.4 + +
16 58.3 M T4 B 4.5 + +
17 49.9 M T5 A 1.2 +
18 33.7 F T9 A 15.0 + +
19 46.3 M T4 A 2.6 +
20 57.4 M C7 A 15.9 +
21 23.6 M T4 A 4.3 +
22 34.3 M T7 A 11.0 +
23 19.4 M C6 B 2.4 +
24 27.9 F T4 B 3.5 +
25 47.4 M C7 B 16.9 +
26 60.4 M T11 C 3.8 + +
27 42.0 F C6 D 15.6 + +
28 53.3 M C5 D 2.5 + +
Abbreviations: SCI, spinal cord injury; AIS, American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale; SR, spinal reflex; M = male; F = female; C = cervical;
T = thoracic.
AIS classification: A = sensorimotor complete, B = motor complete, C = sensorimotor incomplete with less than 50% of key muscles below the
neurological level with muscle grade of less than 3 (of 5), D = sensorimotor incomplete with more than 50% of key muscles below the neurological
level with muscle grade 3 or more.

Association Impairment Scale] A/B)8 and 18 subjects a daily life can be validly assessed by the Spinal Cord
motor incomplete SCI (AIS C/D). The mean age of the 28 Independence Measure II (SCIM II) mobility part.11 This
subjects was 44.8 years (SD = 14.6 years), and the neuro- questionnaire has several items that quantify mobility and
logical level of lesion ranged from C4 to L3. All SCI sub- assesses mobility in the subjects daily environment. Scores
jects showed slightly increased muscle tone and normal of the SCIM II mobility part range from 0 to 40 with higher
tendon reflexes, that is, preserved lower motoneuron func- scores reflecting better daily mobility. We also assessed the
tion. The lesion duration ranged from 1.1 to 37.4 years lower extremity motor scores (LEMS) by manual muscle
(10 9.3 years). A total of 12 SCI subjects had tetraplegia, testing according to the AIS guidelines.8
16 had paraplegia, and all showed signs of spasticity. The
clinical data of all subjects are given in Table 1.
Walking ability was evaluated using the Walking Index Spinal Reflexes
for Spinal Cord Injury II (WISCI II) to determine ambula- Spinal reflexes were elicited by electrical stimulation of the
tory capacity.9 It is scored from 0 (cannot stand or walk) to distal tibial nerve at the dorsal aspect of the medial malleo-
20 (can walk more than 10 m without walking aids or assis- lus with the electrical stimulator AS 100 constant-current
tance). In addition, we used the 10-meter walking test source (ALEA Solution GmbH, Zurich, Switzerland). The
(10MWT).10 The results of the 10MWT were also con- stimulus consisted of a train of 8 biphasic rectangular
verted into walking speed with a speed of 0 m/s recorded pulses with single stimulus duration of 2 ms and a
when the WISCI II score was 0 or 1. Walking ability during frequency of 200 Hz, that is, the total duration of the

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190 Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 26(2)

stimulation was 40 ms; see Muller and Dietz.12 The motor the peak amplitude was calculated. If no response were
threshold (MT) was determined in a sitting position by a detected the value was set to zero.
gradual increase of stimulation intensity in steps of 2 mA Because of large interindividual variability in reflex
until the first visible contraction in abductor hallucis mus- amplitudes, the relationship between the 2 components was
cle was observed. The stimulation intensity was set to calculated. The amplitude relationship between the early
2 times MT threshold. Electrical stimulation was elicited and late SR component within a subject was the focus of
10 times in both legs in a supine position and was randomly interest. Therefore, the 2 reflex components were com-
released every 30 to 45 seconds to minimize habituation.13,14 pared and the greater component was set to 1 and then sub-
sequently used for normalization of the other component.
The normalized values of each subject were averaged and
Locomotor Training thereafter the difference between the normalized early and
Seven motor incomplete (AIS C/D) and 2 motor complete late SR component was calculated. This difference is used
(AIS A/B) SCI subjects underwent intense locomotor train- here as the term SR behavior. For further analyses, only the
ing. They each received individually adapted locomotor normalized values of the functionally worse leg (lower
training over 4 weeks, 3 to 4 times a week. One training ASIA motor score) were used.
session lasted 30 to 45 minutes using either the driven gait
orthosis (DGO) Lokomat15 or conventional treadmill train-
ing with partial body weight support. Two SCI subjects Statistics
were differentially trained: First, in the most impaired Correlations between the functional tests and the SR behav-
incomplete SCI subject, assisted treadmill training was ior were statistically tested using the Spearman rank corre-
combined with functional electrical stimulation (FES) of lation test. Correlation coefficients between 0.5 and 0.75
the lower limbs, stimulating the tibialis anterior (TA) and and with the number of observations n = 28 indicate moder-
peroneus muscles as well as the peroneal nerve behind the ate to good correlations and correlation coefficients higher
caput fibulae. This approach facilitates the swing phase by than 0.75 indicate very good correlations.18 Differences in
increasing foot clearance.16 Stimuli were manually triggered SR behavior and functional outcome measures before,
at the end of every stance phase in both legs to enhance hip, after, and at the 6-month follow-up following locomotor
knee, and ankle flexion during the swing phase. Second, one training were tested using the Friedman and Wilcoxon
motor complete SCI subject (AIS B) was trained using the signed-rank test. The significance level for all tests was set
Lokomat over several years once a week. at P < .05.
Spinal reflex and functional tests were assessed at the
beginning and end of the training period and also 6 months
after the end of training. One incomplete SCI subject did Results
not participate in the follow-up assessments. In the most As expected, the results of the walking tests varied among
severely affected, incomplete SCI subject the EMG activity the 28 SCI subjects investigated: The SCIM II mobility
of rectus femoris (RF), biceps femoris (BF), TA, and gas- score varied between 15 and 40 (median = 20.5); the
trocnemius medialis (GM) muscles were assessed during WISCI II score varied between 0 and 20 (median = 12); the
15 minutes of assisted walking in the DGO to detect changes gait speed of the SCI subjects varied between 0.0 and
in EMG amplitudes,17 before and after 1 month of locomotor 2.95 m/s (median = 0.21 m/s); and the LEMS varied
training. between 0 and 49 (median = 24).

Data Analysis Walking Ability and Spinal Reflex Behavior

In correspondence with earlier recordings, only SRs in the Figure 1 shows the SR behavior in relation to the 3 walking
ipsilateral TA muscle were analyzed. The early and late tests and questionnaires from all SCI subjects. There was a
components of the SR response were analyzed separately.4 moderate to good significant correlation (Spearman corre-
Time windows were set from 60 to 120 ms after stimulation lation coefficient = 0.626) between SR behavior and
onset for the early and from 120 to 450 ms after stimulation SCIM II mobility score (Figure 1A). This positive correla-
onset for the late component. The presence of reflex tion coefficient indicates that the more dominant the early
responses within these time windows was determined by an SR component in TA muscle, the higher the independence
increase of EMG activity 3 times above standard deviation in daily mobility of the SCI subject (high SCIM II mobility
of the mean baseline activity for at least 5 samples. If a score). Moderate to good correlations were found between
reflex response were detected, the highest peak amplitude the SR behavior and the WISCI II score (Figure 1B; = 0.703),
within the corresponding time window was determined and and very good correlations were found for the gait speed
the root mean square value of 25 ms before and 25 ms after (Figure 1C; = 0.772). These positive correlation coefficients

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Hubli et al 191

Figure 1. Spinal reflex behavior and walking ability. Mean values of all SCI subjects are displayed. Correlation of the SR behavior
(normalized early late SR component) and (A) the SCIM II mobility score, (B) the WISCI II score, and (C) the gait speed. SCI subjects
were divided into 2 groups according to the completeness of injury, motor incomplete (AIS C/D) and motor complete SCI (AIS A/B)
subjects. A second trend line (B, gray interrupted line) was added to show the correlation when the subjects with a WISCI II score = 0
were excluded. Abbreviations: SCI, spinal cord injury; SR, spinal reflex; SCIM II, Spinal Cord Independence Measure II; WISCI, Walking
Index for Spinal Cord Injury II; AIS, American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale.

indicate that the more dominant the early SR component, able to walk (WISCI II score of 0). However, if these sub-
the less the SCI subjects required assistive devices to walk jects were excluded from data analysis, the correlation was
10 m (Figure 1B) and the higher was the subjects gait still good (Figure 1B; = 0.622). There was a moderate to
speed (Figure 1C). good correlation between SR behavior and LEMS ( = 0.611,
The correlations in Figures 1A and 1C seem to be split P < .01) indicating that greater muscle strength in muscles
up into 2 clusters of incomplete SCI subjects consisting of of the lower extremity is associated with a dominant early
8 subjects showing dominant late SR components (SR SR component.
behavior < 0.5) associated with no or poor walking ability
and 10 SCI subjects with dominant early SR components
(SR behavior > 0.0) associated with moderate to good walk- Effect of Locomotor Training
ing ability. In addition, one might argue that the high cor- Seven incomplete SCI subjects underwent individually
relation between the SR behavior and the WISCI II score adapted locomotor training lasting 4 weeks. Figure 2 shows
could be solely attributed to the SCI subjects who were not the changes in SR behavior and SCIM II mobility score

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192 Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 26(2)

Figure 2. Influence of locomotor training on SR behavior and SCIM II score. The descriptive statistic of the SR behavior and the SCIM
II mobility score is depicted in boxplots for the pretraining, posttraining, and follow-up assessments for all trained, incomplete SCI
subjects (n = 7, n = 6 for follow-up). Asterisks above the columns define the level of significance of the between-assessments comparison
(*P < .05). Abbreviations: SR, spinal reflex; SCIM II, Spinal Cord Independence Measure II; SCI, spinal cord injury.

from pretraining, posttraining, and follow-up assessment The SCIM II mobility score, the 10MWT and the LEMS
for all 7 SCI subjects. In every assessment, stimulation improved after 4 weeks of locomotor training but worsened
intensity for SR was kept constant at 2 times the MT of the after 6 months of no locomotor practice at home. In particu-
abductor hallucis muscle. There were improvements in lar, the proximal leg muscles (hip flexors and knee exten-
both the SR behavior (P = .018) and the SCIM II mobility sors) benefited from the locomotor training.
score (P = .038) after the locomotor training sessions. Figure 4 shows the changes in leg muscle EMG activity
However, neither of the other walking tests (WISCI II, in this severely affected incomplete SCI subject before
10MWT) nor the LEMS changed significantly over the and after locomotor training. The EMG recordings during
4 weeks of training or at the follow-up assessment. assisted walking within the DGO before (Figure 4A) and
Figure 3 shows the effect of a locomotor training on SR after 1 month of a locomotor training (Figure 4B) are
behavior and functional outcome in a severely affected AIS shown. At the beginning of the training period, the leg
C subject. The mean values of 10 evoked SR at the begin- muscle activity considerably decreased during 10 minutes
ning of (pretraining), after (posttraining) training, and 6 months of assisted walking (RF, 67%; BF, 80%; TA, 12%;
after the last training session (follow-up) of this severely and GM, 84%). After the training sessions (Figure 4B),
affected, incomplete SCI subject are displayed in Figure 3A. EMG activity showed less of a decrease (RF, 21%;
A late SR component dominated in the pretraining assess- BF, +10%; TA, +8%; and GM, +2%).
ment in both TA muscles (latency left 201 ms, right 165 ms). Two motor complete paraplegic subjects served as control
After 4 weeks of an assisted, body weight supported, tread- subjects. Neither the SR nor the functional outcome was
mill training combined with FES of TA and peronaeus mus- affected by the locomotor training. The late SR component as
cles and stimulation of a flexion reflex by strong stimuli well as the walking ability assessed by the SCIM II mobility
applied to the peroneal nerve behind the caput fibulae, an score, the WISCI II and the gait speed persisted over the train-
early SR component (latency left 90 ms, right 92 ms) ing period whereas the LEMS remained at baseline values.
appeared in addition to the late SR component. Six months
after the last training session and without stepping practice
no early SR component could be elicited (only a late com- Discussion
ponent: latency left 196 ms, right 226 ms). Figure 3B shows This study investigated the relationship between the SR
the functional changes in walking ability of the same subject. behavior and walking ability in SCI subjects. The main

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Figure 3. Changes in SR and walking ability after a locomotor training. A representative example of the effect of locomotor training in
an incomplete SCI subject (male, 59.9 years; AIS C; level of lesion C5; duration of lesion 7.7 years) is depicted. (A) The SR responses in
the TA muscles of the left and the right leg were recorded at 3 different time points: pretraining, posttraining, and at a follow-up 6 months
after the end of the training (training duration was 4 weeks). (B) Changes in SCIM II mobility score and 10 MWT from pretraining to
posttraining and follow-up assessments. Abbreviations: SR, spinal reflex; SCI, spinal cord injury; AIS, American Spinal Injury Association
Impairment Scale; TA, tibialis anterior; SCIM II, Spinal Cord Independence Measure II; 10 MWT, 10-meter walking test.

findings were as follows: (a) The more dominant the SR component described here. Second, the long-latency
early SR component, the better the locomotor ability of reflex discharges in the spinal cat evoked by administration
an SCI subject. This was reflected in increased daily of l-DOPA21 were considered to represent an activation of
mobility, less need for assistive walking devices, faster spinal locomotor circuitries19,20 and therefore seem to be
walking speed and higher leg muscle strength. (b) Intense reflected in the early SR component described here. The
locomotor training was followed by both a change in bal- comparisons between SR behavior in human and animal
ance of SR toward the early SR component and an improve- models were made on a functional point of view, although
ment of walking ability. Thus, SR behavior might be a the mode of stimulation was different. In addition, the clas-
useful marker for individual walking ability, which is sical cat model of Jankowska et al21 might not fully fit
modifiable by locomotor training after an SCI. with the SCI subjects studied here. For example, intrathecal
application of clonidine had a strong inhibitory effect on
spinal neuronal activity,22 whereas it enhanced locomotor
Spinal Reflex and Walking Ability activity in spinal cat.20,23
A close relationship between the generation of SR and Correspondingly, in humans the neuronal circuits under-
locomotor activity has been shown for rats3 and cats19,20: lying the SR have been suggested to share the same spinal
First, the late SR response in rat with transected spinal cord circuitries for locomotion.24,25 In chronic nonambulatory
is associated with the recovery of locomotor function,3 and SCI subjects, locomotor EMG exhaustion during assisted
this is assumed to correspond to the appearance of the early walking was associated with a shift from an early to a late

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194 Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 26(2)

essential role in the recovery of locomotion.27,28 Neuroplastic

changes can occur at cortical, brainstem, and spinal levels.
One conceptual basis for specific types of locomotor training
is based on enhancing neuronal plasticity29 as well as the
reorganization of sensorimotor pathways.30
In our study, the 6 incomplete SCI subjects who received
gait training without FES showed only mild gains, whereas
the 1 SCI subject who received FES in addition showed
good improvements of walking ability. Nevertheless, a func-
tional improvement after the training period was always
associated with a strengthening of the early SR component.
The rather limited effects on locomotor improvements
might be explained by the following aspects. First, the
training period over 4 weeks might have been too short to
induce stronger long-lasting changes in functional out-
come. Second, the changes induced in spinal locomotor
circuitries were less reflected in the functional outcome
measures used, and third, 4 (AIS D) out of the 7 SCI sub-
jects already had a moderate to good walking ability (floor
effect) at the beginning of the study prior to training.
Figure 4. Effect of locomotor training on EMG exhaustion. However, training with the DGO Lokomat is more effec-
Representative EMG recordings of 4 leg muscles during assisted tive in AIS C SCI subjects.31 Correspondingly, the most
walking at 2 and 10 minutes are displayed for pretraining (A) and severely affected incomplete SCI subject with dominant
posttraining assessment (B). Relative decreases of RMS value (in late SR components at the beginning of the intervention
percentage of the initial value) of 4 gait cycles from 2 to 10 min- profited the most from a combined locomotor and FES
utes of assisted walking are depicted on the right line. Abbre- training in terms of neuronal function, locomotor ability,
viations: EMG, electromyography; RMS, root mean square; RF,
rectus femoris; BF, biceps femoris; TA, tibialis anterior; GM, gas-
and SR behavior. Such a combined training approach pro-
trocnemius medialis. vides more appropriate input to nonfunctional neuronal
circuits that might turn them into a functional state. This
is in line with the observation in rats that a combination of
SR component, whereas in incomplete SCI subjects the locomotor training, epidural stimulation, and pharmaco-
presence of an early SR component was associated with logical intervention leads to a conversion of spinal circuits
a preserved and stable locomotor EMG activity during from a nonfunctional into a functional state.32
10 minutes of assisted walking.4 Regular training combined with afferent input to spinal
Our present findings suggest that in chronic, incomplete neuronal circuits seems to prevent neuronal dysfunction
SCI subjects, the presence of an early SR component is associ- and is even able to regain normal neuronal function in
ated with walking ability whereas in chronic, severely affected severely affected, incomplete SCI subjects. In contrast, no
SCI subjects, immobility leads to dominance of the late SR change in locomotor capacity occurs in motor complete SCI
component. Hence the SR component might serve as a marker subjects after intense locomotor training.31 Correspondingly,
to identify chronic SCI subjects with functional spinal loco- a dominant late SR component as a marker of no walking
motor circuitries that have the potential to ambulate. ability persisted even after the training in motor complete
The functional state of spinal locomotor circuitries, paraplegic subjects.
reflected in the SR behavior, seems to depend rather on the This study shows that the SR changes in parallel with
regular practice of locomotor movements in chronic SCI ambulatory improvement following locomotor training. The
subjects than on the completeness of the SCI. Thus, an effects on SR behavior can be because of activation of spinal
appropriate afferent input is essential to maintain spinal neuronal circuits or, alternatively, because of an influence of
locomotor circuitries.26 The loss of this input, because of the training on supraspinal centers. For example the applica-
immobility after an SCI, leads to a neuronal dysfunction of tion of FES has been shown to increase the excitability of the
spinal locomotor circuits, specifically comprising a domi- cortex or/and corticospinal pathways.33,34
nant late SR component and EMG exhaustion.5,6
Physiological Considerations
Plasticity of Locomotor Circuits In vertebrates, an interaction between excitatory and inhib
Neuronal plasticity within the central nervous system can itory neuronal circuits shapes the locomotor pattern.35
contribute to improved walking ability after SCI and plays an Following SCI in cats, an imbalance between excitatory

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