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Minilesson Planning Sheet NAME: Amanda Tustin

Subject/Grade Level: ELA/ 8th grade Length of lesson:

15-20 minutes

Skill/Strategy/Focus: Determining the difference between

active and passive voice

Format Activities

Objectives SWBAT identify whether active or passive voice is used

throughout a sentence.
Clearly state what children
will do and how they will do it SWBAT analyze a sentence with passive voice, identify the to be
verb, and change it so the sentence contains active voice (action verbs.)

SWBAT identify the importance active voice has in our writing.

Standards Standard - CC.1.2.8.E Analyze the structure of the text

through evaluation of the authors use of specific sentences
Include PA Common Core and paragraphs to develop and refine a concept.

Include Content Area AND

Standard - CC.1.4.8.T With some guidance and support
from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as
needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a
new approach, focusing on how well purpose and audience
have been addressed.
Formative & Summative Formative:
Students will be observed throughout the lesson to ensure students
Explain how teacher will understand the strategy of using active voice in our writing.
determine whether objectives are met
Students will also be given an exit ticket at the end of the mini-
What evidence will you have that the lesson. They will have to identify what a to be verb is and why they believe
objectives were met? What, active voice can enhance their writing.
specifically, are you looking for?

Summative: Students independent practice worksheets will be collected at

the end of class.

Materials Students writers notebooks

State the materials to be used Most common list of to be verbs

in the lesson
Definitions worksheet (adaptation for periods 4 & 6)

Sentences with passive voice (independent practice)

Introduction CONNECT

Gain childrens attention Today we are going to learn a new strategy to help make our writing more
engaging. We are going to learn how to paint with action verbs. Before we
Name the skill and tell get started lets discus two different voices we use in our writing- Active &
students when they would use the Passive voice. Has anyone ever heard of passive voice before?
Yes, Ive defiantly heard of it. Does it deal with the past?
Relate to prior knowledge
You're on the right track. Passive voice is when the subject is acted upon by
the verb (I will be writing this on the board.) When we use passive voice we
Explain why the skill is
use to be verbs. Does anyone know an example of a to be verb?
useful/important to know

Hmmmis by one?

No that's actually a preposition! That can be used throughout a sentence

with passive voice. You're on the right track.

Is am, is and are?

Great job! When we see a sentence that uses these to be verbs we know that
it is using passive voice.

The most common to be verbs include am, is, are, was, were, be, being
and been.

In order to make our writing more engaging and exciting we can practice
using active voice in our sentences. Does anybody know what active voice

Would that be in in the present? When I think of active I think of now.

Yes! That's great. Active voice describes a sentence where the subject
performs the action stated by the verb. I will write this on the board. Active
voice using action verbs throughout a sentence. This helps bring images to
life for the reader!

Teacher Modeling TEACH

Explicitly show children how I am now going to read you a sentence. While I read, I would like you to
to use the strategy/skill close your eyes and just listen.

Include all think alouds The runaway horse was ridden into town by an old, white-whiskered
Write out what you will say!
Who can tell me what the to be verb was in this sentence?

Now I am going to read you a second sentence. As I read, I would like you
to close your eyes again and listen.

The old, white-whiskered rancher rode the runaway horse into town.

What did you think of that sentence? What did you notice? What was
different? Which sentence did you like better?

It was more action packed, it felt like I was there!

Exactly! Active voice speeds up the texts and makes it more action packed.
Passive voice often can weaken images by freezing the action. I was able to
change the passive verb (to be verb) to an action verb to make it more
exiting! I first identified the to be verb and then changed the subject and
verb to active. In this case I changed the subject from the runaway horse
to the old, white whiskered rancher. I also changed the verb from ridden to

Guided Practice ENGAGE

Provide an opportunity for Now in pairs I am going to give you each a sentence. First I would one
students try the strategy with teacher partner to read it while the other is closing their eyes. Then switch. Once
and/or peer guidance and support you have a mental image of what the sentence is about. I would like you to
identify the passive verb or to be verb. I am going to hand out a to be
verb list that you can refer to when identifying one throughout a sentence.
Before you refer to the list, I would like you to try to identify the to be verb
first. If you are stuck, then you can look at the list for help.

After you have identified the to be verb, I would like you to change the
sentence so that has active voice instead of passive voice.

As students are working, I will walk around to each group to ensure that
each student understands the task assigned.

Could I have a few volunteers to share their sentences with the group?
When you share I would like you to read the first sentence, what the to be
verb is and your sentence that you rewrote to contain active voice.

We will share Ms. Tustin. Our sentence was Passengers are reminded to
fasten their seat belts before takeoff. The to be verb is are. Our sentence
that we rewrote is Flight attendants urge passengers to fasten their
seatbelts before takeoff.

Wow! That's great! The action verbs gives the reader a much better mental
picture of what is going on throughout this sentence! Good job.

Anyone else?.....

Independent Practice &

Application ENGAGE Now that students have a better idea of the importance active voice plays in
writing, I will have them investigate their own writing. Students will flip
Children try the strategy on through their writers notebooks and look for any sentences that contain
their own or in a new situation passive voice. As they look, I will have them underline any to be verbs they
notice. Once students have identified a handful of sentences, I will have
them go back and change them to be active voice.
Once students have had bough time to change a couple of their sentences to
active voice, I will ask students if anyone would like to share with the
whole class. After each student shares, I will have the rest of the class
respond. What did they notice? How did active voice make the sentence
more exciting, intriguing.

Closure LINK

Provide closure through At the end of the mini-lesson, it is important that students have time to
reflection, extension, and/or discuss the differences between active and passive voice and there
summarization importance in our writing. Students will have the opportunity to discuss
which voice, active or passive, they enjoy reading more and why.
Tell students how they should
use the strategy skill Alright, to conclude our active and passive voice writing experience, I
would like you to turn and talk to your neighbor and quietly share your
thoughts about active voice in our writing. Why do you think it is
important? What do you like about it? Do you think you will use it in your
writing? If so, why?

Let's come back together as a class and discuss our thoughts. Who can
share one thing they liked about active voice?

I really liked how it makes our writing more enjoyable to read. You can
really tell the difference between a sentence with active voice and a
sentence with passive voice.

I really like that observation! Active voice paints a picture of what is going
on throughout a sentence because of action verbs. Although active voice
makes our writing more exiting and fast paced, passive voice can still be
implemented to slow down the pace of the piece!

Active verbs transform still photos into motion pictures. Passive voice do
not communicate action, often creating still photograph. With active voice,
a writer can bring and inanimate object to life by implementing action

Differentiation (content, process, product)

Tell how your methods Lower level classes, periods 4 & 6, will receive a definitions
support the childrens reading worksheet for active and passive voice. The worksheet will be fill in the
development needs (below level, blank with important words omitted.
above, ELL)
Students will receive the most common list of to be verbs to help
guide them during guided practice when they are asked to identify the to
be verb in the sentence given.

Reflection on Planning (BEFORE)

State your rationale for

the lesson content and design.
Connect with information learned
in this course and others.

How did you select your

teaching activities and materials?
How did you consider students
assessment needs when planning
your lesson? Why did you make
the choices you did in your
planning? How did your
cooperating teacher/other
professionals help you in your
planning? What concerns do you
have about the lesson?

Reflection on Instruction (AFTER)

Write an analysis about

how your lesson went after the
follow-up conference. Please

What went well?

What evidence do
you have that learning
occurred and
objectives were met?

Was your
assessment of the
students adequate and

Based on your
formative and
summative assessment
(observations, student
work samples, other)
and your post-teaching
conferences, what
interventions might be
necessary and

What might you

change to improve this

What does this

teaching experience
suggest to you, your
cooperating teacher,
and/or your university
supervisor about areas
where you might
pursue further
development and

What specific
questions and goals
related to teaching
literacy have emerged
from this teaching
experience? How do
you plan to answer
those questions and
meet those goals?

Provide specific details and

incidences to support your answers
and make reference to class

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