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SubJect: CERP
6SI) 5 U.S.C. 852(b)(,)
_ . called at 0800. but you were not available.

Contrary to what the article suggests, CERP funds have not dried up. $25M of non-appropriated funda were transferred to
CPA for CERP purposes last week to provide an adequate cash reserve until appropriated funds kick In. RegUlations for
use of the appropriated funds will be In place by the end of the week (If not sooner), providing access to the funding
provided by Congrees In the supplemental, which was Signed on 6 November

.. 5 U.S.C. 582(b)C4)
Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)

D'. 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(t)

Page detennined to be Unolll8lfttd

Rellifi'ed Chief. ROD. WHS
lAW EO 13526, Section 3.5
Date: APR 1 5 2D14

Office of the Sccl'Ctary ofDcfcnseSV.{.c.~~2

Chief, RqQ!..~SD, WHS +
Date: f S"trrL2DN Authority: EO 13526
Declassify: ~ Deny in Full: _ _
Declassify in }'art: :r---n h_'

Ole. \
__________~~. .____. . . .~~. .~. .~~. . . .~M.O~~~,._ ...~


",...,. 0 13126
ChJef, Racorde &~l'*. WH8
DMe: APR 1 5 2014
= ~

0 1C:a Z i 1Ci2LI ours UUA l'1Va""

1 AD; NS'I'R..
101 ABN: A very good day in AO North. We received and distributed our $1M CERP reload, and we are continuing to 1ry to
develop a sense of what the future holds for CERP reloads so we can plan our actions. We are continuing to work every

avenue fOr funds, and Governor AJ Basso is following suit As an example. $1OK earned through bus fees from the recently
authOrized trips to Syria wUl be absorbed into the city budget to be applied to other requirements as determined by the City
Council. He and the majority of the lraqlleader$hip at aU levels are increasingly taking clulmA I'Alvinn

initiatiVe. maIdAg sound Qecfsions. and ~~. . . . - -. . ~


CGAfflONt ;,1(4)


OSD 1A(r.U+ 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(~ SSS1..


Office of the Secretary ofDefenseS'V..\.(.. l~
Chief, RDD, ESD, WHS ......,.... ~
, . ,
~ Date: /DIf'I:/PN Authority: EO 1~S26
Declassify: Deny in Full: _ __
~ ~ ..
!:s:s:: Declassify in ~: >t
:v'~' ~ ~:~
': '7~'

~~ r~
Reason: ~~
MDR: J!L-M- 2(61 .....
~ 6 :.

-..0 iii

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