Creating Rubric Advartst

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Final Work - Creating Name:_____________________________ Class: Adv Art Studio I Hour:_____

Criteria Advanced Proficiency Proficiency Partial Proficiency Developing Proficiency Not able to
10 8 5 3 assess
Technique: I am Student went above and Student explored the Student somewhat Student began to explore Not present.
interested in this way of beyond i n exploring a technique, and explored the technique, the technique, but it is
working: ___________ technique, and it is clear understands the but material unfinished.
the student understands material. understanding could
(examples: photo the material. have been pushed
collage, glazing, farther.
charcoal transfer, image

Investigate: is your Student responsibly Student responsibly Student Student attempted to Not present.
work original? Is it fully appropriated any appropriated imagery somewhat responsibly responsibly appropriate
yours? imagery used by used by fully altering appropriated imagery imagery used from found
dramatically altering found references, or used by slightly altering references, or began to
VA:Cr2.2Ia found references, or fully generated their found references, or generate their own
thoughtfully generated own references. generated their own references, but did not
their own references . references. push it far enough to be
Conceptual Theme: Student strongly linked Student linked the class Student slightly linked Student made an attempt Not present.
How did you the class theme to their theme to their final the class theme to their to link the class theme to
incorporate the class final work visually work visually final work (composition, their final work, but it is
theme into your (composition, imagery, (composition, imagery, imagery, style of not finished.
physical artwork? style of painting...etc). style of painting...etc). painting...etc).

Planning: Did you make Student created at least Student created at least Student created multiple Student begins to make Not present.
sketches or studies? Did three detailed sketches, three sketches, plans, or sketches, plans, or sketches, plans, or
you explore multiple plans, or painting studies painting studies from painting studies from painting studies, but they
compositions? from the still life the still life composition the still life composition, are unfinished.
composition that altered that altered its nature but did not expand upon
VA:Cr1.1.IIa its nature considerably. considerably. it.
Craftsmanship Edges of the work are Edges of the work are Edges of the work are Edges of the work are very Not present.
clean or painted cleanly, slightly messy or messily noticeably messy or messy or marred, hanging
and hanging wire has painted, and hanging messily painted, hanging wire is not installed. If the
been installed correctly. wire has been correctly wire has been installed. work is not a painting, it is
If the work is not a installed. If the work is If the work is not a not ready to be displayed.
painting, it was neatly not a painting, it was painting, it was outfitted
and thoughtfully correctly outfitted to be to be displayed.
outfitted to be displayed displayed.
for the media chosen.
Creating Score: _____________/ 50

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