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I would like to thank the following person for the

accomplishment of my research paper:

Ms. Judith Marcelo, my English Instructor

Troy Justin Fadulla

BSBA students

For being there when I have frequently question about my

research, and to help me to finish it.


Table of Contents


II.Table of Content2


Statement of the Problem.8

Significance of the Study9

Scope and Limitation..10

Definition of Terms..11-13

IV. Main Body14-24

V. Conclusion25

VI. Reference26


Rodrigo Rody Roa Duterte, also known Digong, was born

on March 28, 1945, is a Filipino Lawyer and Politician of

Visayan descent. Duterte is among the longest-serving

mayors in the Philippines and has been mayor of Davao City,

a highly urbanized city on Mindanao Island for 7 terms,

totaling more than 22 years. He has also served as vice-

mayor and Congressman in the city.

On November 21, 2015, Duterte declared his candidacy

for President of the Philippines in the upcoming 2016

election after a period of banter.

Early life

Duterte was born on March 28, 1945 in Maasin, Leyte in

the Philippine Commonwealth to Cebuano lawyer Vicente G.

Duterte, who served as Governor of (the then-undivided)

Davao and Soledad Roa, a native of Cabadbaran, Agusan who

was a school teacher and a civic leader. Duterte's father

Vicente, prior to being provincial governor of Davao, was

once a mayor of Danao in Cebu. Rodrigo's cousin Ronald, on

the other hand, served as Cebu City mayor from 1983 to

1986. Ronalds father, Ramon Duterte, also held the position


from 1957 to 1959. The Dutertes consider the political

families of the Durano and the Almendras clan as relatives.


Rodrigo spent his elementary days at the Sta. Ana

Elementary School in Davao City, where he graduated in

1956. He finished his secondary education at the Holy Cross

Academy of Digos in Digos City, Davao del Sur after being

expelled twice from previous schools, including one in

Ateneo de Davao University due to misconduct. For his

tertiary education, he took up Bachelor of Arts in

Political Science degree at the Lyceum of the Philippines

University in Manila, where he graduated in 1968. He also

obtained a law degree from San Beda College of Law, still

in Manila, in 1972. In the same year, he passed the bar

exam. Duterte eventually became Special Counsel at the City

Prosecution Office in Davao City from 1977-1979; Fourth

Assistant City Prosecutor from 1979-1981; Third Assistant

City Prosecutor from 1981-1983; and Second Assistant City

Prosecutor from 1983-1986.

Personal life

Duterte is known for being an avid fan of big bikes but

detests luxury cars. He once owned a second-hand Harley


Davidson and currently a Yamaha Virago. He was once a

habitual smoker but he eventually quit after a doctor's

suggestion due to health concerns. Duterte is also openly


of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender ( LGBT) rights

and is an avid reader of Robert Ludlum and Sydney Sheldon



Duterte has siblings named Benjamin "Bong" Duterte, a

one-term city councilor of Davao between 1992-1995, younger

sister Jocelyn Duterte who lost in several attempts to grab

a Third District city council seat as well as for the mayor

post in 2001, and Blue Boy Duterte who ran and lost in the

First District congressional race in 1998. Duterte is also

known for his straightforward and vocal attitude in public

especially in interviews, showing no hesitation in using

profanity profusely live on-screen on numerous occasions

despite formal requests by media groups and schools

beforehand to abstain. Duterte was once married to

Elizabeth Abellana Zimmerman, a flight attendant who hails

from Davao City and is of German American descent.


There are 3 children of this marriage: Paolo

("Pulong"), Sara ("Inday Sara") and Sebastian ("Baste").

Paolo and Sara ventured into politics while Baste, with no

interest in politics, concentrated on business. In 2012,

Duterte made a notorious remark in a media interview

regarding an incident where Paolo's name was allegedly

linked to a car napping syndicate led by Ryan Yu. Duterte

is infamously quoted as having said kill my son Paolo if he

is involved in crime.

Paolo was never charged for lack of evidence and eventually

won the Davao City vice mayoralty in 2013. Duterte's mother

Soledad died on February 4, 2012 at the age of 95.


Despite being raised as a communicant of the Catholic

Church, he was thought to have cursed Pope Francis for the

pontiff's visit to the Philippines in January 2015 because

it caused a traffic jam. He immediately then apologized

through the media saying he wasn't 'cursing' the Pope but

the government's way of preparing the Pope's visit. On

January 19, 2016 while meeting with businessmen in Binondo,

Manila on Tuesday, he clarified that he did not still

attend church since it was incompatible with his mayoral

responsibilities: "If I obey the Ten Commandments or listen


to priests, I would not be able to do anything as a mayor."

Duterte then clarified that he had not abandoned God, only

"forfeited" his religion for the meantime.


Duterte personally disclosed that he suffers from

Buergers Disease, an inflammation of blood vessels mostly

in the limbs that has been traced to previous habitual

smoking, contrary to earlier rumors of throat cancer.


Statement of the Problem

1. What are the possible plans of Duterte?

a. Lessen the criminal cases

b. Revive the Death Penalty

c. Stop the drug cases

2. Duterte can bring the back the discipline of Filipinos?

a. He is strict

b. He is brave and strong

c. He is vulgar.

3. Duterte's Rules

a. He purposely say what he really is

b. He clearly say what is his platform

c. He has a better plan for the country

1. Economy

2. Stop Corruption

4. Is Duterte can win?

5. Duterte knows for being real.


Significance of the Study

1. To the voters

To give the right information if Duterte will be worth

their vote and to give them the data that will satisfy

their needs on background of Duterte.

2. To the Community

For them to be informed of Duterte's platform for the

betterment of the country and let them know if he is

qualified on the Presidential Candidacy.

3. To the Government

To give them the data of his capability to run a good

governance. Duterte's skills on having a good communication

and faster transaction between the community and the


Scope and Limitation

This study entitled DUTERTE2016 is focused on the

profile of Duterte, what are his accomplishments, his

records that people are not aware of, and how he will

affect the community if he will be the President of the


While conducting the study, the researchers did not

include the bad records such as assault and having a fling

of girls.

Definition of Terms

1. Political Science

Is a social science discipline that deals with systems

of government and the analysis of political activity and

political behavior. It deals extensively with the theory

and practice of politics which is commonly thought of as

the determining of the distribution of power and resources.

2. Lyceum of the Philippines University

Is an institute of higher education located in

Intramuros in the City of Manila, Philippines. It was

founded in 1952 by Dr. Jos P. Laurel, who became the third

president of the Philippines. He named the institution

after lykeion, the grove in ancient Athens where Aristotle

taught his pupils. LPU is the only university founded by a

president of the republic. Its educational vision is

founded on principles Dr. Jos P. Laurel set down. It

opened its gates to its first students on July 7, 1952.

3.San Beda College of Law.

Is the law degree- granting unit of San Beda College, a

private, Roman Catholic college run by the Benedictine

monks in the Philippines.



Is an initialism that stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual,

and transgender. In use since the 1990s, the term Is an

adaptation of the initialism LGB, which was used to replace

the term gay in reference to the LGBT community beginning

in the mid-to-late 1980s. Activists believed that the term

gay community did not accurately represent all those to

whom it referred.

5. Profanity

As defined by Merriam-Webster, is "an offensive word" or

"offensive language". It is also called bad language,

strong language, coarse language, foul language, bad words,

vulgar language, lewd language, swearing, cursing, cussing,

or using expletives.

6. Common-law marriage

Also known as Sui Juris marriage, informal marriage, or

marriage by habit and repute, is a legal framework in a

limited number of jurisdictions where a couple is legally

considered married, without that couple having formally

registered their relation as a civil or religious marriage.

The original concept of a "common-law marriage" is a

marriage that is considered valid by both partners, but has


not been formally recorded with a state or religious

registry, or celebrated in a formal religious service.

7. Davao Death Squads or DDS

Is a vigilante group active in Davao City in the

Philippines. The group is allegedly responsible for summary

executions of individuals suspected of petty crimes and

dealing in drugs in Davao. It has been estimated that the

group is responsible for the murder or disappearance of

between 1,020 and 1,040 people between 1998 and 2008.

8. Buerger disease

Is a recurring progressive inflammation and thrombosis

(clotting) of small and medium arteries and veins of the

hands and feet. It is strongly associated with use of

tobacco products, primarily from smoking, but also from

smokeless tobacco.

9. COC

Certificate of Candidacy


The Partido Demokratiko Pilipino-Lakas ng Bayan

(Philippine Democratic Party-People's Power), more commonly

known as PDPLaban, is a political party in the Philippines.


Main Body

Duterte declared his Candidacy for president in Comelec

(Commission on Election) on November 21, 2015. And He

confirmed on November 23, 2015 that his vice-presidential

running mate is Alan Peter Cayetano.

What would the Philippines be like if Duterte and

Cayetano are elected president and vice president,

respectively? Heres what they said they would do.?

1. On crime, corruption, and drugs

Campaign promise: Suppress crime, spread of drugs,

corruption within 3 to 6 months after election into office.

Increase police salaries to P75,000 to P100,000 within

3 years

Modernize crime-fighting strategies, like putting

CCTVs in major thoroughfares.

Bring back the death penalty for drug trafficking,

kidnapping, rape, robbery, homicide

Pass the Freedom of Information Act Lift Bank Secrecy

Law for public officials and pass Anti-Dummy Law


Monitor front-line government offices using real-time

video and audio surveillance.

Bring back special criminal courts to speed up

resolution of serious crime cases.

2. On economic development

Campaign promise: Spread economic growth throughout the

country and decongest Metro Manila.

Call a constitutional convention, within first year of

term, to study the shift to a federal form of


Limit requirements for business permits to 5

signatures and impose a 30 to 60-day processing time

Maintain Conditional Cash Transfer program (Pantawid

Pamilyang Pilipino Program or 4Ps) but with a

livelihood component that will give loans to the poor

for small and medium enterprises -Establish tourism,

agricultural, and industrial hubs in the countryside

to create jobs

Introduce P1 billion small capital fund for every

region outside Metro Manila where farmers and other

poor workers can borrow from to put up businesses


3. On agriculture and fisheries

Provide free irrigation and subsidized fertilizer and

seeds for farmers

Reduce the cost of food by getting rid of unscrupulous

middlemen and loan sharks

Build food terminals in the countryside with cold

storage facilities

Build Mindanao Railway system

4. On OFWs and other workers

Campaign promise: Improve labor conditions for Filipino


No income tax for workers earning P20,000 and below.

Phase out contractualization

5. On Metro Manila transportation

Campaign promise: Improve mobility of people and goods.

Add more carriages to train lines -Build fast train

linking airports and seaports to Metro Manila

Develop Clark Airport and Batangas seaport to ease

traffic congestion

6. On education

Double salaries of teachers by the end of their term

Build adequate classrooms, double classroom shifts

7. On health

Require all hospitals to have a facility for very poor

patients with government paying for the health

services using PhilHealth reserve funds, sin tax

revenues, and Department of Health budget

Create specialized hospitals (heart, lung, kidney) in

Visayas and Mindanao

8. On disasters and climate change

Create a single, permanent Emergency Response

Department in charge of disaster preparedness, relief,

and rehabilitation.

Different communication styles

Asked why they did not present the platform together,

Cayetano said it boiled down to a Difference in

communication styles.

Ive been in Congress for 15 years,hes been in the

streets of Davao for 30 years, so ask me to do a Duterte

for the masses, that wont be me. Ask him to do a Powerpoint

in a hall, that wont be him. So its just a role-playing.

But 100% of the platform came from him and me, he told.

In an ambush interview, Duterte said he hadadopted

Cayetanos platform but that they each have their priority

issues. The other issues of governance are his. As for

mine, I am sure he will not want to tinker with law and

order, criminality, and drugs because that really gets

bloody, he said.

No 'Daang Matuwid

Duterte criticized the Aquino administration for

supposedly allowing corruption to take root in government

agencies. His primary example: airport personnel involved


in the alleged laglag-bala (bullet-dropping) scam. the

straight path, there is no real straight path, he said.

Can Rodrigo Duterte win by being himself?

Duterte wants voters to take him for who he is. But is

his authenticity alienating the moderates who could win him

the presidency.

He pulled the rug under everyone when he announced his

presidential run. He continues to shock with incendiary

statements on freeing villified political personalities,

lips-to-lips kissing with supporters, and curses at the

Pope. Yet, to many, his presidential candidacy is a long

time in the making. Those who believe in his no-nonsense

approach to fighting crime and corruption, in his

upliftment of Davao City, say its about time the

Philippines is led by someone who wont take no for an

answer. Dutertes popularity is evident in recent electoral

surveys. He is now at second or third place among the

countrys top choices for president. With margins between

candidates so slim, analysts still say its anyones ball

game. The next 90 days left in the campaign season will

determine who will outrun the rest on election day In May.


Duterte, a latecomer in the race, has a lot of catching

up to do. With time running short, no one can afford to

make the wrong move.

Convert the unconvinced

If the recent surveys are an indication of Dutertes

consistency as a favored candidate, they also indicate that

he is in danger of stagnating.

For instance, the January Pulse Asia Survey saw Dutertes

numbers go from 23% in December to 20% in January.


Understand the cost of authenticity

Dutertes response to all this: he is being true to


I would rather lose the elections than lose my God-

given identity, he has said in response to appeals that he

changed his public demeanor.

If most politicians conform to public demands, Duterte

is asking the electorate to do the opposite: accommodate

me, take me for what I am.If you cant, dont vote for me.

His speeches are typically impromptu, although he has a

dependable line-up of jokes executed dozens of times. Only

once did this reporter see Duterte read a speech, and it

was in front of elementary school students.

His authenticity has paid off with some voters. People

reacting to his speeches have told this reporter they

appreciate his genuineness, saying its a welcome change

from politicians who are wolves in sheeps clothing.

Duterte is at his best, and some would say at his worst,

in moments of spontaneity. Audiences of all economic

classes are typically in fits of laughter when he speaks.

He is disarming and witty, able to press the right buttons


to diffuse tension in almost every setting. Though adamant

about showing his true colors, Duterte has shown

flexibility in making some slight changes to his image.

He has apologized for cursing the Pope, even promising

to personally seek pardon from the religious leader after

elections. His declarations of waging a bloody war against

criminals are now back-ended with a caveat that police and

military are to follow the rules of engagement and can only

kill when their lives are threatened and when there is

resistance to arrest.

In front of middle- to upper-class audiences, he tones

down the cursing and flirting. But will his crassness and

outrageous statements seriously affect his chances of

winning? It seems that for certain voters, particularly the

well-to-do, his behavior is something they are willing to

put up with as long as the candidate represents what they

value the most: competence.

Strengthen political machinery

Duterte is up against at least two candidates who have

been oiling their political machinery for years in

preparation for 2016. But Dutertes campaign team is not

sitting pretty. Theyve been putting up regional chapters


and enlisting locals for support. Substantial mobilization

is going on even among Overseas Filipino Workers who have

been tasked to influence the votes of their family members

back home. Its also definitely possible for existing

alliances at the local level to shift to Duterte,

especially in Mindanao.

Articulate his strengths

Despite the challenges facing Duterte, he has the cards

to win the game. Its important for Duterte to communicate

that there is something wrong with our political system,

thus drastic change is called for. To do this, Duterte

needs to elaborate on his advocacy for federalism, the most

radical of changes he is proposing.

Another strength Duterte can emphasize is that he is not

part of the political establishment something his rivals,

all national officials, cannot say.Though Duterte may, in a

sense be part of a political dynasty, with his children

holding local positions and his father a former governor of

Davao, he is still small potato in terms of being a member

of the ruling elite.

To win on this front, Duterte should also dedicate

speech time to persuading voters of his competence to


tackle national issues, aside from his Davao City


One such national issue he excels at compared to other

candidates is the problem of Mindanao, said Alampay.

Dutertes understanding of Muslim

Mindanao, the dynamics of the region, his ties with the

ethnic groups there can strengthen his pitch that he is the

lone candidate who can truly bring peace and development to


Duterte remains a formidable candidate because of his

strengths and the almost zealous devotion of his solid base

of supporters. But pulling ahead requires him to step out

of his comfort zone and perhaps accommodate the comfort

zones of those he has not yet convinced. He and his

campaign team need to beef up their vote-delivery system on

the ground. He needs to tone down on his furor-causing

antics and focus on articulating his good ideas. He owes

that much to a discerning voting public his future

constituents, should destiny grant him the presidency.



If elected president, Duterte said he would allot the

biggest budget to 3 sectors: education, agriculture, and

health services.

And if he elected, he also revived the death penalty, he

would enforce a nationwide smoking ban, No over speeding

and Dollar for the Presidency.

Many Filipinos believe that the style of leadership and

incorruptibility of Duterte is what our country needs to

bring back the days of glory. Don't waste your vote. If you

want an American president, go to Grace. If you want a

competent person, vote for Mar. If you want a man of

integrity, you vote for Binay. If you want a brilliant

president, integrity and all, competence, vote for Miriam.

And if you want a brave, a strict, a strong person, and a

person who will change the status of the Philippines, the

corruptions and widespread killing vote for DUTERTE!



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