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Risk Monitoring of Buildings Using Wireless Sensor Network

N. Kurata
Planning Section, Kobori Research Complex, Kajima Corporation, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-8502, Japan

B.F. Spencer, Jr.

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana,
IL, 61801, USA

M. Ruiz-Sandoval
Department of Civil and Geological Sciences, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, 46556, USA

ABSTRACT: A risk monitoring of buildings for natural and man-made hazards mitigation is discussed in
this paper. Ubiquitous monitoring using a network of wireless sensors is one of the most promising emerging
technologies for this purpose. A smart sensor based on the Berkeley Mote platform was introduced, and ap-
plication to the next generation of structural health monitoring and control was recently proposed (Spencer et
al., 2002, Spencer 2003). Herein, the performance of the MICA Mote is investigated through free vibration
and shaking table tests of a two story steel structure. The MICA Mote as a wireless acceleration sensor is
shown to have sufficient performance for the intended purpose.

1 INTRODUCTION A number of studies have been conducted on

structural health monitoring for buildings and civil
Computing Everywhere or Ubiquitous Comput-
engineering structures in recent years (Spencer et al.
ing is expected to be realized over the next ten
2002, Spencer 2003, Dyke et al. 2000, Fujino & Abe
years. The interest in sensing technology for various
2002, Iwan 2002, Mita & Takahira 2002). Some of
uses has been growing, and new kinds of sensors
these studies have focused on wireless sensing tech-
have been developed by micro electro mechanical
nology. Researchers at the Stanford University have
systems (MEMS) technology. Environmental infor-
developed a wireless sensing unit for real-time struc-
mation, such as brightness, temperature, sound, vi-
tural response measurements and conducted a series
bration, and a picture of a certain place in a building,
of validation tests (Lynch et al. 2002, Lynch 2002).
is evaluated by the network to which a huge number
The Mitsubishi Electric Corporation has developed
of microcomputer chips with sensors were con-
energy-saving wireless sensor network and also the
nected (Sakamura 2002). Fig. 1 shows the flow to-
University of Tokyo and the Oki Electric Industry
wards a ubiquitous computing/network society. A
have devoted their effort to develop new wireless
structural health monitoring technology will play an
sensor networks (Skyley networks 2003).
important role in this stream.
A commercially available wireless sensor plat-
form called the Berkeley Mote with an operating
2003 system was provided by researchers at the Univer-
Computer with sensors
sity of California, Berkeley (Horton et al. 2002,
are getting smaller, Wait et al. 2002), and its application to the next gen-
2004-2006 smarter and cheaper
eration of structural health monitoring and control
Small networks of 2011-2015 was recently proposed (Spencer et al. 2002, Spencer
computer/sensors will be 2003). Because of its open hardware and software
increased. Ubiquitous Computing/
Network Society
platform, the Berkeley Mote has a possibility as a
2007-2010 useful tool for research activities. In this paper, the
Large scale networks of feasibility of monitoring of various risks for build-
computer/sensors will ings by using the smart sensors is discussed, and the
performance of the MICA Mote as a wireless ac-
celeration sensor is tested.
Figure 1. Towards a ubiquitous computing/network society.

Kurata, Spencer and Ruiz-Sandoval 1

2.1 Risk monitoring and hazard mitigation Wireless sensor network
Buildings are subjected to natural hazards such as temperature/light/
severe earthquakes and strong winds, as well as image/sound/etc.
man-made hazards such as fire, crime, and terrorism, Fiber optic network
during their long-term use. To mitigate these haz-
ards, monitoring various risks in a building by an in-
telligent sensor network is necessary. The sensor
network could measure acceleration, displacement,
strain, etc. The risk to buildings includes aging of
structural performance, fatigue, damage, gas leak, Internet
invasion, fires, etc. According to the results of risk
monitoring, appropriate risk control measures such
as structural control, maintenance, evacuation guid- Main server/base station
ance, warning, alarm, fire fighting, rescue, security
measures, can be applied (see Fig. 2). Figure 3. Example of risk monitoring system.

Table 1. Sensor Applications.

Hazard Application Sensor
Risk Monitoring Sensor Network observation acceleration
experiment acceleration, strain
Aging of structural performance/ Acceleration/Displacement/Strain/ Earthquake structural control acceleration
Fatigue/Damage/Gas leak/ Temperature/Light/Image/ /Wind health monitoring acceleration, strain
Invasion/Fires/etc. Olfactory/Smoke/Sound/etc.
damage detection acceleration, strain,
temperature, smoke,
fire detection acoustic, acceleration,
Risk Control Hazard Mitigation gas leak detection olfactory
alarm, warning sounder
Structural Control/Maintenance/ Natural Hazard
Evacuation guidance/Warning/ (Earthquake, Typhoon, etc.) temperature, smoke,
Alarm/Fire fighting/Rescue/ Man-made Hazard evacuation control acoustic, light,
Security measures/etc. (Fire, Crime, Terrorism, etc.) olfactory
surveillance acceleration, acoustic,
Crime light, camera
security alert sounder
Figure 2. Building risk monitoring and hazard mitigation.

2.2 Role of sensor networks 3 NETWORK-ENABLED WIRELESS SENSOR

A wireless sensor network plays an important role in
such strategies and can be connected to the internet 3.1 Smart dust project
so that this information can be used for monitoring This technology is based on the smart dust project
future risks. Wireless sensors are easy to install, re- supported by the Defense Advanced Research Pro-
move, and replace at any location, and are expected jects Agency (DARPA) under the Network Embed-
to become increasingly smaller (i.e., smart dust) ded Software Technology (NEST) program in the
by using MEMS technology. They will provide a Wireless Embedded Systems at the University of
ubiquitous, networked sensing environment in build- California, Berkeley (Berkeley WEBS). The goal of
ings. For example, acceleration and strain of each this project is to explore the fundamental limits to
beam and column, temperature and light in each the size of autonomous sensor platforms. Many new
room, images and sounds in desired locations can be applications are expected to become possible when
obtained by the smart dust sensors, as illustrated actual smart dust can be realized on a millimeter
in Figure 3. Additionally, a single kind of sensor size scale (Pister et al. 1999).
such as a condenser microphone can be used for
multiple purposes (Yamasaki & Watanabe 2001).
Furthermore, a fiber optic network is not only util- 3.2 MICA Mote
ized as infrastructure for information technology, The MICA Mote (see Photo. 1) has been developed
but also as a wired sensor network. Table 1 shows by researchers at the University of California,
various kinds of hazards, and possible applica- Berkeley. It is an open hardware and open software
tions/combination of sensors. platform for smart sensing and consists of plug-in
sensor boards, AT-mega 128L processor, 916 MHz
Kurata, Spencer and Ruiz-Sandoval 2
transceiver, and attached AA battery pack as shown 3.4 Sensor board
in table 2.
A variety of sensor boards for the MICA are avail-
able. A MTS310 Sensor Board manufactured by
Crossbow Technology, Inc. (2003), which was used
in this research, has acceleration, magnetic, light,
temperature, and acoustic sensors, as well as a
sounder (see Photo. 2). The sensor board can be de-
signed and manufactured freely for each purpose.
The Tadeo sensor board which is equipped with a
high-sensitivity acceleration sensor has developed
and tested for the civil engineering applications
(Ruiz-Sandoval et al. 2003).
Microphone Magnetometer
Photograph 1. Wireless sensor MICA Mote.

Table 2. Specifications.
Processor/Radio MICA Remarks Temperature
CPU Atmega128 sensor
CPU clock 4 MHz
Program memory 128 KB Light sensor
Data memory 512 KB
AD converter 10 bit 8 channel
5.5 mA Active current Accelerometer
Processor current draw Sounder
<20 A Sleep mode
Radio frequency 916 MHz Photograph 2. MTS310 Sensor board.
Data rate 40 KB/sec Max
12 mA Transmit current
Radio current draw 1.8 mA Receive current 4 PERFORMANCE TEST
<1 A Sleep current
Radio range 100 feet Programmable 4.1 Test set-up
Power 2 AA batteries
To investigate the performance of the MICA as the
External power 3 Volts
Expansion connector 51 pin Plug-in sensor
wireless acceleration sensor, a free vibration test and
board damage detection tests using a shaking table were
conducted. Figures 5 and 6 show the two story test
3.3 TinyOS structure considered with elastic and elasto-plastic
columns, respectively. They are made with duralu-
TinyOS is a distributed, open-source operating sys- min or aluminum for columns, and steel for beams.
tem which supports large scale, self-configuring Additional mass is attached on each floor. The
sensor networks as shown in the Figure 4. TinyOS MICA and a reference accelerometer were attached
includes radio messaging, message hopping from to the top of the test structure.
Mote to Mote, low power modes, sensor measure-
ments and signal processing. nesC is used as the MICA
programming language for TinyOS. 300mm 100mm Reference
Routing Tree Link Steel 4mm Gauge A

Gauge B
Mote Base Station Strain
Steel Gauge C

Gauge D

Figure 4. Ad hoc and multi hop sensing. Figure 5. Test structure A.

Kurata, Spencer and Ruiz-Sandoval 3
(a) Top Acceleration by Reference


300mm 100mm Reference
Steel 4mm Strain
(b) Top Acceleration by MICA

Gauge A


10mm Strain
Gauge B (sec)

Steel Steel Strain Figure 7. Free vibration test results.

Gauge C

Aluminum Strain 4.3 Damage detection test-1

Gauge D
The first damage detection test for structure B
shown in Figure 6 was carried out using the shaking
table. The input wave was JMA-Kobe (NS) earth-
quake. An additional mass of 3.3 kg is attached on
Figure 6. Test structure B.
each floor. Photograph 4 and Figure 8 show the
damage process for test structure B, and the meas-
4.2 Free vibration test
ured top floor acceleration and strain in the columns,
Free vibration tests of structure A, shown in Figure respectively. The first story collapsed at stage 2 of
5, were conducted. An additional mass of 3.3 kg is the process, subsequently the second story collapsed
attached on each floor. Figure 7 shows measured ac- at stage 3 and 4, as shown in Photograph 4. Compar-
celerations at the top of test structure A using both ing measured results between reference acceleration
the reference accelerometer and the MICA. Accel- senor and the MICA, the MICA was able to measure
erations from the MICA were sent to the base sta- the response of the structure and detected its damage
tion, which was wirelessly attached to the notebook wirelessly.
PC (see Photo. 3). The sensitivity of the accelerome-
ter on the MTS310 Sensor Board is not sufficient for
accurate measurement of small amplitudes (Ruiz-
Sandoval et al. 2003). Some of data were lost during 1 2
the test because of wireless communication prob-
lems such as packet collisions. However, it has suf-
ficient performance for the detection of vibration of
the structure itself, and monitoring of certain risks.

3 4

Test structure, shaking table, PC with base station

Photograph 4. Damage process.

MICA on roof floor Base station

Photograph 3. Test set up.

Kurata, Spencer and Ruiz-Sandoval 4

(a) Top Acceleration by Reference (a) Top Acceleration by Reference


(sec) (sec)

(b) Top Acceleration by MICA 4

(b) Top Acceleration by MICA

2 4


1 3 1 2 3
(sec) (sec)

(c) Strain of Column Gauge A

Gauge C

Gauge A Gauge D
(c) Strain of Column
(sec) (sec)

Figure 8. Damage detection test-1 results. Figure 9. Damage detection test-2 results.

4.4 Damage detection test-2

The second damage detection test for test structure B
was also carried out using the JMA-Kobe (NS)
The feasibility of risk monitoring for buildings using
earthquake. Additional masses of 0.66 kg and 3.3 kg
the smart sensors was discussed and a performance
were attached on the first and second floors, respec-
of the MICA Mote as a wireless sensor was tested.
tively. Photograph 5 and Figure 9 show the damage
The results showed the MICA has a promising fu-
process, and the measured top floor acceleration and
ture as an effective tool for risk monitoring in build-
strain in the columns, respectively. The columns of
ings. Further research on more effective modes of
the second story entered the plastic range at stage 2
communication is needed to achieve a wireless sen-
of the process, subsequently the second story col-
sor network for building risk monitoring.
lapsed at stage 3 and the first story at stage 4, as
shown in Photograph 5. As was found in the first
test, the MICA wirelessly measured the response of
the structure and detected its damage. However, it
should be added that the development of strain gage Agha, Gul. 2003. Networked Embedded Systems for Civil
sensor board for the MICA is desirable because de- Infrastructure. Proc. of the International Workshop on
tailed damage process of the structure can be de- Advanced Sensors, Structural Health Monitoring, and
tected by the strain of the column. Smart Structures, Tokyo, 10-11 November 2003.
Berkeley WEBS.
1 2 Crosbow Technology Inc. 2003.
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ing of a Benchmark Structure for Damage Identification.
Proc. of the Engineering Mechanics Specialty Confer-
Fujino, Y. & Abe, M. 2002. Structural Health Monitoring in
Civil Infrastructures and Research on SHM of Bridges at
the University of Tokyo. Proc. of the Third World Con-
ference on Structural Control, Vol.1: 125-140.
Horton, M.A., Glaser, S. & Sitar, N. 2002. Wireless Net-
3 4 works for Structural Health Monitoring and Hazard Miti-
gation. Proc. of the US-Europe Workshop on Sensors and
Smart Structures Technology, 19-23.
Iwan, W.D. 2002. R-SHAPE: A Real-Time Structural
Health and Performance Evaluation System. Proc. of the
US-Europe Workshop on Sensors and Smart Structures
Technology, 33-38.
Kling, Ralph. 2003. Intel R Mote. Proc. of the Interna-
tional Workshop on Advanced Sensors, Structural Health
Monitoring, and Smart Structures, Tokyo, 10-11 Novem-
Photograph 5. Damage process. ber 2003.
Kurata, Spencer and Ruiz-Sandoval 5
Pister, K. S. J., Kahn, J. M. & Boser, B. E. 1999. Smart
Dust: Wireless Networks of Millimeter-Scale Sensor
Nodes. Highlight Article in 1999 Electronics Research
Laboratory Research Summary.
Lynch, J.P., Kiremidjian, A.S., Law, K.H., Kenny, T. &
Carryer, E. 2002. Issues in Wireless Structural Damage
Monitoring Technologies. Proc. of the Third World Con-
ference on Structural Control, Vol.2: 667-672.
Lynch, J.P. 2002. Decentralization of Wireless Monitoring
and Control Technologies for Smart Civil Structures.
Ph.D. Dissertation, department of civil and environmental
engineering. Stanford University.
Mita, A. & Takahira, S. 2002. Damage Index Sensors for
Smart Structures. Proc. of the Third World Conference on
Structural Control, Vol.2: 29-34.
Ruiz-Sandoval, M., Spencer, B.F. & Kurata, N. 2003. De-
velopment of a High Sensitivity Accelerometer for the
Mica Platform. Proc. of the 4th International Workshop
on Struc-tural Health Monitoring, Stanford.
Sakamura, K. 2002. Ubiquitous Computer Revolution. Ka-
dokawa Shoten, Tokyo (in Japanese).
Skyley networks. 2003. Seminar on Sensor Network. Tokyo
21 April 2003. (in Japanese).
Spencer, B.F., Ruiz-Sandoval, M. & Gao, Y. 2002. Fron-
tiers in Structural Health Monitoring. Proc. of the China-
Japan Workshop on Vibration Control and Health Moni-
toring of Structures and Third Chinese Symposium on
Structural Vibration Control, Shanghai.
Spencer, B.F. 2003. Opportunities and Challenges for Smart
Sensing Technology. Proc. of the First International
Conference on Structural Health Monitoring and Intelli-
gent Infrastructure, Tokyo, 13-15 November 2003.
Wait, J.R., Tanner, N.A., Sohn, H. & Farrar, C.R. 2002.
Application of a Wireless Sensor Module as a Distributed
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The authors would like to express their gratitude to

Dr. Yuji Miyamoto, Dr. Yuji Sako, and Mr. Michio
Imai of Kajima Corporation for implementing the
shaking table tests. The author gratefully acknowl-
edges the partial support of this research by the
CUREE-Kajima Joint Research Program Phase-V.

Kurata, Spencer and Ruiz-Sandoval 6

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