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Multiple Choice Cloze Worksheet 1

For each question, choose which of the four possible answers fits the space best. Also think about why
the other three answers are not possible.
1. Don't waste time looking ___________ a cheap hotel when you arrive. They are all about the same
a. at
b. by
c. for
d. on
2. The man was questioned by the police after acting in a(n) ___________ way outside the bank.
a. suspicious
b. faulty
c. dishonest
d. unfriendly
3. Sharon never stops telling us how wonderful she is. She can be a little ___________.
a. selfish
b. arrogant
c. sensible
d. silly
4. If you ___________ all the lessons on the course, you get a certificate anyway.
a. go
b. frequent
c. attend
d. assist
5. Although they tried to put ___________ the fire for nearly two hours, eventually the firefighters had
to give up.
a. out
b. off
c. away
d. on
6. It's absolutely ___________ tonight so make sure you wear both your gloves and your heavy coat.
a. mild
b. cold
c. freezing
d. chilly
7. Your behavior today will have serious ___________ for your future promotion chances.
a. warnings
b. predictions
c. consequences
d. results
8. How can you deny the allegations Mrs. Penney? ___________ people saw you leave the store
without paying.
a. several
b. few
c. some of
d. any
1. How can you possibly work in a zoo if you are terrified ___________ snakes?
a. at
b. of
c. with
d. in
2. Are you ___________ on foreign language films?
a. enthusiastic
b. excited
c. keen
d. liking
3. This government should be using far ___________ policies in an attempt to beat unemployment.
a. crueler
b. meaner
c. tougher
d. harder
4. Homeschooling, which involves ___________ children at home, is becoming ever more popular.
a. training
b. managing
c. bringing up
d. educating
5. Can you put me ___________ for two days if I come and stay with you?
a. up
b. about
c. in
d. out
6. The floods were caused by two days of ___________ rain.
a. pouring
b. drowning
c. flowing
d. shattering
7. It was only a minor accident and we all escaped without ___________.
a. damage
b. wounds
c. injury
d. hurt
8. By 10pm it was very dark and the black car was ___________ almost impossible to see.
a. so
b. therefore
c. that
d. such
1. Can I borrow $10 ___________ you until tomorrow. I have to buy a book for college.
a. to
b. from
c. for
d. with
2. There is so little time left until the exams. I think I need to just concentrate my effort ___________
the most important two exams that I cannot fail.
a. for
b. with
c. of
d. on
3. I was never very ___________ at history at school and now I work in a museum. How ironic!
a. good
b. expert
c. keen
d. able
4. My mother would like to consider herself ___________ but I think even she would be shocked if we
took her to see that film!
a. broad-minded
b. independent
c. stubborn
d. well-behaved
5. When I first arrived in Russia, I took ___________ lessons from an old woman to help me with the
a. private
b. secret
c. personal
d. reserved
6. There was only a light ___________ in the morning with no sign that a storm was coming.
a. gale
b. cyclone
c. breeze
d. draught
7. A new type of transistor radio has been ___________ by South African electrical engineers.
a. developed
b. found
c. discovered
d. looked into
8. I want to play a game with you. First, ___________ about an animal you would like to be. Ready?
a. consider
b. imagine
c. think
d. wonder
1. Seeing you in that red dress reminds me a lot ___________ our honeymoon. Do you remember that
red dress you bought in Hawaii and you wore it nearly every day!
a. about
b. to
c. on
d. of
2. My favourite ___________ at school was undoubtedly geography. Now I want to study it at
a. material
b. subject
c. object
d. matter
3. You will need very different clothes when you go on holiday ___________ to where you go and the
time of year.
a. relying
b. according
c. depending
d. concluding
4. This wine is from the north of the country, is drunk with the local fish and must be ___________ ice
a. given
b. prepared
c. made
d. served
5. The price of heating oil has been ___________ up again by the local government. Many people have
criticised them for doing so as winter approaches.
a. pushed
b. taken
c. put
d. cost
6. Houston is a very ___________ city in the summer and it can be very difficult to sleep at night.
a. wet
b. damp
c. dripping
d. humid
7. My uncle is ___________ deaf so you may have to raise your voice a little, but don't shout at him!
a. slightly
b. hardly
c. extremely
d. just
8. After the government's defeat in parliament last night, the new transportation recommendations will
have to ___________ a little longer before becoming law.
a. anticipate
b. expect
c. wait
d. delay
1. "Does this pen belong ___________ you Juan?" "No, it is Mick's I think."
a. to
b. at
c. with
d. on
2. I need to pass a difficult ___________ even before they see me for interview.
a. proof
b. skill
c. test
d. course
3. Pass me the ___________, I need to put these sheets together.
a. scissors
b. eraser
c. stapler
d. sharpener
4. If you help me ___________ the potatoes, I will chop them and you can go and watch the movie.
a. mash
b. skin
c. break
d. peel
5. It isn't going to rain tomorrow, they said, but there may be a few ___________ in the evening.
a. puddles
b. showers
c. breezes
d. gales
6. ___________ sounding very boring, the film was actually pretty interesting. I would recommend it!
a. although
b. however
c. despite
d. nevertheless
7. My doctor told me to follow a more ___________ diet and to cut down on my sugar and caffeine.
a. even
b. balanced
c. equalised
d. unbiased
8. I went back to that house ___________ again but never saw anything that looked like a ghost ever
a. over and over
b. repeatedly
c. constantly
d. moreover

1. I am not accusing you ___________ taking the money. I just want to know if you know where it is!
a. of
b. by
c. to
d. from
2. Older people are going to make ___________ a larger proportion of the population in the future.
a. up
b. out
c. off
d. on
3. She saw me crying and I expected her to be ___________ to my problems but she just walked away.
a. merciful
b. friendly
c. sympathetic
d. understanding
4. You should make an omelette in a ___________ pan for the best results.
a. flat
b. frying
c. roasting
d. cooking
5. The equipment at the school is old-fashioned and in bad condition. ___________, the teachers seem
very unmotivated.
a. anyway
b. furthermore
c. however
d. and
6. The machine can be very dangerous, especially when it ___________ in motion.
a. is
b. moves
c. goes
d. has
7. You got back so late and you didn't even give me a proper ___________ why you hadn't called me!
I'm very unhappy with you.
a. reason
b. cause
c. motive
d. result
8. We have such a long car journey tomorrow. Make sure we bring enough food and games to
___________ for 4 hours so the kids don't get bored.
a. endure
b. tolerate
c. last
d. during

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