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What are the factors that affect

the temperature of a place?

Ela Woman
(a) Latitude Temperature diminishes as we go shaft wards from the equator. The beams of the
sun fall vertically in the lower scopes and slantingly in the higher scopes. Spots situated in
the low scope (e.g., Nagpur) are more sizzling than places situated in the higher scopes (e.g.,

(b) Altitude Temperature diminishes with expanding elevation at the rate of 1C for each 165 m
of rising as the climate gets warmed by earthly radiation. Factors Affecting BBT the lower layers
of air are denser and have water vapor and tidy particles which retain warm, which is not
common in the higher height. Missouri is cooler than Delhi.

Dr. V. Padmaj is a Gynecologist and Infertility Specialist in Moghalrajpuram, Vijayawad. He Has

23-Year Experience in this field. The administration Provided by the specialist is High-Risk
Pregnancy Care, Hysterectomy (Abdominal/Vaginal), Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI), In-Vitro
Fertilization (IVF) and so on. she is currently practisiting at Padmaja Clinic

(c) Distance from the ocean Places situated on the drift have direct temperature as they are
influenced via land and ocean breezes, subsequently, the temperature is low. Places far from the
drift have extremes of temperature. Madras on the drift has direct temperature and Delhi has
extremes of temperature.

(d) Prevailing breezes Places which are influenced by winning on-shore winds have direct
temperature when contrasted with places which are influenced by seaward (arrive) winds.
e) Ocean streams Warm ebbs and flows raise the temperature of the spots, and places influenced
by chilly ebbs and flows have bring down temperature. Winds blowing over the warm current
likewise get overwhelming precipitation the locale. While twists blowing over icy current ingest
less dampness thus the precipitation is less, e.g., North eastern Canada is influenced by the cool
Labrador Current consequently it stays solidified in winters, though Northwestern Europe in a
similar scope is influenced by the warm North Atlantic float and has sans ice ports in winters.

Dr. Y. Swapna is a Fertility Consultant in Vijayawada. She has done an association in helped
origination in Sheffield Hospital, UK. Dr Swapna has acquired British Fertility Society accreditation
in helped origination, male fruitlessness, pelvic ultrasound, incipient organism exchange and IUI.
She is currently practisiting at Nova IVI Fertility

(f) Other elements influencing the temperature of a place are: heading of mountains, slant of the
land and vegetation, soil.
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