Helical Gear Design

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STEP : 1

1 :-

Find the peripheral velocity using = , if Diameter / rpm is not given then assume V

between 20 m/s to 40 m/s. In some case it can be assumed up to 600 m/s.

Assume as per power, more power less velocity.
2 :-
Calculate transmission load :
= ,

Where 0 = , .
3 :-
Solve Lewis equation for dynamic loading :
= 0.75 , (use lesser value of )
Where = velocity factor
i. Assume f and y and find (normal module)
Y 0.912 200 Full means :

Y 0.841 200 stub

Addendum = Dedendum
0.684 14.50

0.29 200 Stub means :

0.35 200 stub Addendum > Dedendum
0.25 14.50

Where , =

Face Width ()
12.5 (m) to 20 (m) For Assumption
4.5 20 For validation
tan tan
4.5 V < 5 m/s
4.5 +
6 5 < V < 10 m/s
15 10 < V < 20 m/s
15 +
5.6 V > 20 m/s
5.6 +

ii. Select nearest standard value of m from table 22.2


iii. Calculate the value of and .

iv. Now again put the value of m in Lewis equation, so that we can get precise value of f & Y
from above equation by putting in it
v. The f will be different for gear and pinion so we have to do this process for both separately
vi. If the face width f comes very small in mm then f= 9.5 m to 12.5 is used
If f comes between 9.5 m to 12.5 m => highest one and below 9.5 m to 12.5 m => 9.5 m
STEP : 2 Buckinghams equation (Use for Checking) :
Buckinghams equation : = +
Where, = impact force

21 cos2 + cos
21+ cos2 +

Where c = machining error

c= 1 1

= youngs Modulus of pinion = 210 Gpa

= youngs Modulus of gear = 210 Gpa
K = factor depends upon the form of the tooth
Where k = 0.107 [14.50 ]
k = 0.111 [200 depth]
k = 0.115 [200 stub depth]
Buckingham value is same for gear and pinion

e = tooth action error

e = take the value from table 22.9 and 22.10
i. Find by putting above values
ii. Then find = +

STEP : 3 Beam strength :

1. First of all find the weaker value and proceed for beam strength.
Multiplication of [ ] of pinion and gear, from this the weaker value is used.
Then we solve the beam equation for weaker value only.
For some material [ will be same] the we take pinion as weaker and solve accordingly.
= 0.79
Flexural endurance limit ( )
1.75 (BHN) BHN < 400
700 MPa BHN 400
84 MPa Grey cast iron
126 MPa Semi - steel
168 MPa Bronze

2. By putting , f, , and in the main equation, We can get .

3. To check whether gear is safe or not :

For steady load 1.25

For pulsating load 1.35
For shock load 1.5

4. If the above calculation satisfy the safety condition then the gear is safe.
STEP : 4 Wear strength :

Where = pitch circle diameter of pinion
= load stress factor

2 sin 1 1
= +

Where = pressure angle

= surface endurance limit
We will take average BHN value of pinion and gear = 2.8 BHN 70 (steel material)
for other material from table 22.11
Q = ratio factor

Where = number of teeth for gear

By putting all the above value in the equation, we will get the value of .
For safety purpose, we check
If the gear satisfies the above condition then the gear is safe.

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