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‘OIs’a Sfx-L0OW fx-LISW fx-570W fx-991W User’s Guide CASI. Removing and Replacing the Calculator’s Cover + To Remove the cover ‘asp he ep ol he cover, ard ete unio rm + To Replace the cover ‘rap the tp af te co botom. ‘di the unt in rom the ‘Aways sd the unt ino te cover wth he uit play ond st Never sie the keyboard end ofthe uti he ‘CASIO ELECTRONICS CO. LTD. Unit, 10 North Cola Fd, London NW2 710, UK. Safety Precautions Be cur to read the folowing eset precautions beore Uushg this caleulte Keep ts maa handy frre. ZX Caution This eymbol is used to indeate informaton that can resuin personal nur or material damage tigre. Batteries + Aiororoving the bates tom he excuse, put ‘ham ina sale place where Dee I no danger ot ‘hom gating lv the hands of ema chiaren and aceon slowed. + Keep baterios out ofthe reach of smal chien. ‘sccenty swallowed, consul wid physician ‘modi, + Nover charge bates, ty tee batons apart or slow bates to become shone. Never exgove ba teres fo rect hat or dispose of tem by ncn i i + Misuse of bates can cause ther ole ack thet possty of alin. ‘Aways mae cure tat batierye postive © and rnogatve © sldes are lang correcty when you Tea ini te eles + Remove he atlnes i you do nat plan to se the leit lor along tne + Use ont te typeof bles specie forth cal: ‘cdatr inthis mar isposing of the Calculator * Hover dispose af he cas by bung i. Doing socaneauso certain components ta sudden brs Creating the danger o re and pescnal iy + The displays andiusratins (uch as Key markings) hon nts User's Gide are lor Bust ps poses oly, and may ofr somenhal om the 9c tual tame they represont ‘The content ofthis manual are subject o change swthout notes ‘Inno event shall CASIO Comper Co Lid. eI tle to anyone for special colar, iderta. of ‘consoquential damages in connection wih o s+ ing cut of th purchase or use of hese matt Moreover, CASIO Comput Co, Lid. shall nat be Fable for any cai of any lind whatsoever egal tho eof eee materia by eny other party. Handling Precautions + Be sure to press the P bution onthe back ofthe ea. {lator stop) on page 35 o 36) betore using for {he ret me (Be5 70/1000). + Be cure oprese the (Dey betore using the calcule- {or forthe fet time (B-091W/te-15W). + Even the calelator is operating normaly replace thebattery a least once every three years forthe ‘:870W/t4-001W/te-115M, ora east once every {wo years forthe f-100W ‘Dead battery can leak, easing damage to and male: feof the caleltor Never loave the dead bate ne este. + Thebatter hat comes with he caleulator when you purchase its for testing only. may not provide {ul service ie. + Low battery power can cause memory contents to ‘Become corrupted or lost completely. Always keep wt record fal important data, + Avoid use and storagein areas subjected to tempore: ture extremes. \Veryow tempertues can cause sow clay response, {oltre oT pay, and shoronng of ater ‘eo avoid eaving the ealator nec unt ne ‘window, near a heater anywhere ele might be- ome expoced to very high temperatures, Heat can ‘cause coloration of deloration afte calcultors ‘ase, and damage oneal cru. ‘Avoid use and storage In areas subjected to large ‘moun of ity and dus {ake care never to Inve te sll where # ight bo eplshed by water or exposed to large amounts of hhaniy or 6st Such elements ean damoge ieral reutey ‘+ Never drop the calculator or otherwise subject 10 ‘song impact. + Never stor bend the eaeuator. ‘avid canying the esletato nthe pocket ol your trou srs other ightiting cating where might be sub Jest to twisting er bending. + Neva ryt take the caluiator apart. + over press tho hoys of e caleutator witha ballpoint pen oF other pointed objec. + Use a on cry coth fo clean the exterior ofthe uit ihe eat bocomes very diy, wie fof wih 8 ‘Gath moistened ina weak soon of wate and a mile reutal household detergent Wir out al excas mo {wo belore wiping the calor Never sethinne bon Ze o other woate agents ocean the eae. Do ing 20 can romove printed markings and mage the Contents Safety Precautions Handling Precautions... Key Layout Before Starting Calculation Twiiedes input Capac independent tenory " Vibes " Fraction Caleulations .. acto Caluations jena. Fraeton Conversion 2 i Frecton-te Decimal Conversion 2 Percentage Calculations se AB _TigonometictnverseTigonomtric Functions... 14 Hpeboteinvere Hyperbole Functone wn. 14 ‘Angle Uni Conversion 15 Common and Natural gata Antbogastans. 15 Square Rees, Cube Roos esa, Squares, (Cabes, Reciprocal, Factorial, Fandom Numbers and 8 1m, Sci, AND 6 NG Calton 7 Inputing ENG Calciation Symbol. 7 Conversion (Poli) Rec 18 Perma 18 Combinaton ° Statistical Calculations ‘Siandard Devaton (SD ode) 0 ababilty Distibtion Calculations 20 ‘Fogrosson Caletatons (REG Mee). a ‘Complex Number Calculations (CMPLX Mode) — Abeoue Valvegument Caution. 24 Formula Memory Metric Conversions ((x-570W/tx-991W) Scientific Constants (1x-570W/tx-991W). Base" Calculations .. Integration Calculation : Degrees, Minutes, Seconds Calculations... 90 Technical information. ‘men you havea ecb WEror Messages Order of Operations ac Powe Sippy. input Ranges ‘Specification ose Key Layout 3 ssw GG ” Before Starting Calculations... Modes se |e ee — oom SS = ean = a, oa ane = saa a mea —— I heen jo ‘specitication) rea = Sigit specification scr Se Szemaserans| oo | ee ‘Note! + Mode nese appear inthe lower part ote dep twceptorthe Basen ndeators which appea the ponent pat fe cepa. + Tha ENG moda cennat be elected whe the calolstor itn the CMPLX or BASEN mode, + You canna! se the ange unt or the cepay mode wile the coculorIs nthe BASEN mode, + The COMP, CMPLX, 5D, and REG modes canbe used lreonbinaion wt ibe angi unt modes. + Bosureta check he curentelelaon mode (SO, REG, ‘COW, CNPLX) and angle unt made (DEG, RAD, GA) betore begining a caeulaion. input Capacity +The memory area uso for caleulation int can eld 79 "eps Whenever yu input the 73 stop ol any eau late hecusorchanges tom= "1o"m flat youkoow ‘memory is rong owt you sil need to nput move, you shold dvi or akon nto we acme parts. Making Corrections During Input + Use and to move the curso othe location you wont + rece o delete the number ar unten a he curent ‘utsor peo, + Press) to change oan insert cursor £3. puting Semeting wh te er carr ison the lay be ‘sels the nga the incr cursor pion. + Press), = 3, rE relumsto the porate ‘501 fom te inert curso, Replay Function + Pressing (Dor recals he ls calculation you pr foumed: You ean fen make any changes you want the caeun and ve-exeete + Pressing BB doesnot lear Repla memory £0 yovean ‘ecal els caution even cateulon,change te another mode, o tun ol power Error Locator + Pressing ©) or ) ster an erorcccursoepays the Caleuaton wih the ewer postion atthe lation ‘heen er occured. Exponential Display Formats ‘This caluatr can epay up o 10 ig. Larger valos tomaticdy delayed using exponential notation in ‘of decimal vans, you can soec batwoon [Wo {ormate hat stemine al whal poet exponential notation 'e veed,_ Prose €=l Et € € (2) CD (or) to sleet, [NOR tor NORA 2 + NORM 1 ‘With NORM 1, exponent notations aorta used Tortoger vals wth mere than 10 digits and decal values with more than two decimal places. + NORM 2 Wis NORM 2, exponent notations automaticaly used forleger values wih mere than 70 pis snd decir ‘oles th more an rine decimal places. {Al the exemple ins manual show eaclaton re fein he HORM frat. Answer Memory + Whenever you press Baer Inputing values or eno Pression the ealousted re automaticly stored n Dnower Memory. Yu can recs Answer Memory co fens by rosin 5. ewer Maroy ean sore upto 12 6D we + Example: TOA] Patio quakatis gression to de Bo_| He teins earssion ema tome 22118 endconetaioncoetisent orth data ‘oar. Next use the repression fr 74 [38.0] mula to ects the vats or ee 708 [46.4] timated vaio fs) for v= t@and ¢ HE [48.07] (timated vave ot) for1= 20, v2 Enler REG moro (Quadratic rogresion) aso0aD Sao 29166060 aase0 747) 360001099 46.400 11a 480080) 118. Comncaieny — 3D EB LSS SRRBETE |] cowincanins — OE! commen — IO ea STE umn 1069 00 raseear0e7 ] ote 2m Laser | ten oo ata Input Precautions + BD inputs te same daa ico. ‘You can also mpl muaipe eis ol he same dat ws Ing CD. To mput the data "20 and 3 hve ines, tr rape press 20(2) 30 6200) 5D, «The above resus canbe otsinedn any oder, anno rcosealy thal shown above. + Todite din you have ft np, rose 3D, Complex Number Calculations (CMPLX Mode) + Press €3(2) to oner the CMPLX Mad for clelatons iat nue compe umber, + You can use variables AB, C and Mt oy Variables D, FX. and ate wedi sirage oe magiy pals ‘i vaties ad eo cannot be used by you wae + Bxample:(243) + (44 59 Enter OMPLX Mode £3 C2) Oesnoe omsooe ssa) Tora M Absolute Value/Argument Calculation +The procedze dacrbed below can be uted to deer ie the absolve valve (bs) and argument (a) for & enmpex number ofthe fom Z =a is wich pre sumed tenis as coordinates ona Gaussian plane “Example: To oblain the abso value (*) and aigu- ‘ent (2) forte complex naber3 + 4, whan DEG efor the angie ont med Determine the absohte va, Ss00.008 5 Delemine the argument Sene.208 RE] Formula Memory + Formula memory lts you input a singe formula ia ‘memory, and then input value forth fort's va sbos 1 eal eau, + Memory can hold ingle formula, up 079 stp ng. Ths uncon can be used inthe COMP ot CHPLX mode + Noe mat tbe forma actualy stored in memory when you pres he hay in the sequence below + Example: To save the folowing formula, ect and than usa to calulte result Y= X74 3X12 Input ne orm Osean Qe ITE Seeoeuen a St itin memory. eFo Inouta vale forte varabe, 78 [ba] 7 | Metric Conversions (1xs70w/ix-991) + Alotal of 20 fern conversion pls te btn topo: ‘ide quick and easy conversion a anaron metic oi + See the Conversion Pair Tale on page 2 or conn lee st of availabe conversion pos ‘Example: To conver 1 inches to centineters vee] op or Tas g af =3,, 2250 + Conversion Pair Table Based on 150 Standard 1902) data nd CODATABUetn 165 (1006) cata Tn [ Gani Fat [toro 01 finan at fora 02 fen -+i0 2 [ps0r afm 23 |bokg of fmt 24 fig (05 |yd=om 25—[aim= Pa 05_|mayd 26 [Pa aim (7 i =» 27 [ntl Pa ‘06 fen = mis 20 [Pa ming ‘08 [nmi m——| 29 [hp = kw 10" |m-snmie | a0 [up Hi [age = nF Si [glare Pa 12 [nF =vacre ‘32 [Pa agen 13 [psf (US) 1 | 35 ign = J 14 [0 — galUs] | 30+ habrn 15 | gal) ¢ | 35 — [ti = KP 50 € = gal UK| a8 [aa be 7 [pei afr 18 [ken pe 33 ooe 19—[ kwh =» ve | a3 [yea 20—[mis 9s | 40 fea Scientific Constants (t-s7ow/n-9910) + Atotal of 40 commoni-used siete constants, suc the speed ol igh in vacuur and Panel’ constent ‘re bultin for quekandeasy loop whenever younced them, ‘Simply input the eo that conesponde othe slen- ‘lc constantyou wanttelook sp andi appets intra onthe pty. + See the Scie Coston Table on pages 27 and 28 Tora complete fe avaiable constr, vase ‘ Example:_ Te determine tow much oa energy & per on weighing 65g has (E = me) ea of of |S 8ie00cce + Scientific Constant Table ‘Beted on 150 Standard 1902) dala and CODATA Buln 15 (1006) cate Tose ie a sons rm |B ae Be ‘Trew ret ri Ee agro 1 Pals eee ISR TEDT| — tse detente = Te — [esata Congr og 7 Te ptr Cop weve 7 15 [neon Cong wang Te Te [Risberg eset ca Ta pear ee aR 7 13 [Seceareapeat mo fie 2 —|rmsoon mares nner i 31 — forage rene ie 2 |Feyeoer Taal ia Deeps ost ca Bakara cer i 8 fipeed ip veo Ge i [ Star Bana coer o = cn 20 [sited simone cm Base-n Calculations + adaton to decimal values, calotan can be per- formes using binary. etl and hexadecimal valves, + You ean speci the doit rumbersycem tobe ap ‘lad tall np and splayed values, nd the mamber {yee for nv ales you inet ‘You eanot ue eclenicknetlons in inary. ot, de. ‘ma andhexadecmaleatssatons You caret nul va es ta nto decinal at and an exponent, + Hyou nput a value tat etd a decimal pat the uit ulomateal cuts of he decal port + Negative binary. ctl aed hexadecal values are pro- ced by taking the two's compement + You can use te fllewing gies! operators between values in Basow caloatons: and (egies prod, oF (ooical su), xr (exes logieal eum), kor (ex ‘ogee reat ete), ang “+The fooning are the lowebie ranges foreach of he vaoble number eystens. Binery ——r0ponoco0D = ws 1911111111 Oars oii eta Aooowm000 srs I777TTITT Decimal 2147403648 5 v5 2147480647 Hexadecimal 80000000 = x FFFFFFFF Oars TFFFFTE ‘Example 1: To perform the folowigcslevation and produce « binary recut Sie seme 10111, €8 s10:0, 3] sine + ample 2 To ptt rng aan ad produee an octal rest Greiner’ EDO Lay Bewoprswea (5) (29 Ga 6240] eae] “Example 3 To pelo the foloning clelaton and produce a hexadecmalrent 120,651.00) Ses ees D001, [——o}] we | | | Integration Calculations + The folowing four inputs are required or integration ct. ‘uations: a uncon wih the varae tu and wach ‘elne he igraion range of the define mtegral and ‘nics the number of partons (equivalent N=2)) forintepration using Simpson's ne. Bexpression uO 4O 9 + Use the COMP mode fr inesaton ealelations, ‘Example: To caleuote: [2 (21° + 3: + 8) at encase eBseOl—] a tet + Ileal integration caletions may ake considerable ‘ine fo complete + Display conens are cleared while an negation cau: lation fs being pertormed intemal Degrees, Minutes, Seconds Calculations + Youcanpertom sexagesnalencuaon usin degrees (hours), minutes, and seconds, and convert betwen ‘sexagesimal and decimal aes, “Example 1: To convert he deciml volue 2258 1 & coe oer] sol aeas] 1263 5403 so eases] se Lseesi2) 1200 Technical Information When you have a problem, Meacuaton results re not wa you expect ran ero ‘249, perorm ihe aloming sep 1.3 (cow mede) 2 SSIES (De mode) 3.6 6 BS CAILD (HORM 1 mode) 4. Check the formula you are woring wi to conn ls 5. Ener the cone mode operon tne ealevtation ad ty gga, fx-670Wx-100W> ite above eps de net coc! your grblam, pres the Paton (ee page 3503) en he backof he clear toreeett Pressing tho P bution deletes al da sored Imeslelsiarmarery. Make sure you always hep wien copes of alimporant dala -fx01W/ta-116W> Te above steps do no coret the problem, press the Gi. Te cals porters aelcheck operation and oes all data sired im memory Hany abrormay elcid. Make sure you ways keep wilen copies oa Inpatnt data MError Messages: ‘The caleultr i locked up while an enor message ison he eptyPrees BD fo ler the err, or pres 1 to splay the eaelation and eotec he probe, See “EinrLoesto’on page TO or cla, Ma ERROR ‘Cause + Caleation rest i ute the aowabi catcution range: + feo perom afunconcsesionesing a aie ‘hal exceeds he owe np ange ssi * tempt 1 pein an ileal operation avision by ‘et, et), + Aeon * Check your input values and make eure they ae a vethin te atowable ranges. Pay special tron 10 ‘valves in any memory seas yu ate using. Stk ERROR. couse * Capacly of te numeric stackoropecaorstackisex: | ‘ceded. + pation + Sipliy the calculation. The names slack has 10 levels end he operate tec hae 2 lees + Dido you eae rio wo ormore spare pas. ‘Syn ERROR couse + film opofom an ilegal matheatical operation. + etion * Pres ©) or) to display the calottion wih the | ‘cursor located at he lcaton the er taken ‘scary comectine, | ' ‘Arg ERROR "cause ‘improper use of axgoment tion { * Press Dor (Bo iia he locaton ofthe cause of ‘ho ror ard make raquredcorecton { ‘M Order of Operations Calelatons ar pertrmedin the allowing rer o prec: ‘eden ©) Coortnate vanstrmation: Pls, he: €) Integrations: @ Type A tincons ith these functions, the value ie tered and then the pany ene 1 Powors and roots: wae { aut {B Aebievated mutipiation oman onto x memery rama, or variable name: 2, 5A, nA ee i (© Type Bhnctons: | ‘th these functions, he function key is pressed and | “han the value entree | T7130 og, ne 10%, non, tn, sn cost, | fan ih, coe, arin sinh east tank" (=) | Abbveviatod mutipicaton formalin ont of Type 8 | ‘unctions: 2 ¢3, Alog2 et. | i {& Permutation andcombinalon Pr, nr Ox Oe * Operation othe same precedence se performed tom fight en 120» (ind 120)) (ther opeetons ave pei mtacks ‘Thiscaeulatorsesimeror ares, caldwtack totem orl store values (rsmers sel) and corned (com ‘mand sack according fo the prececence during cau Tats The numer stack hae levels athe command sack has 24 lvol. A slack enor (Sik ERROR) cecus ‘never you ty to prio sean tat 2 come ‘lexthat he eapactyof slacks exceoded, Power Supply ‘The ype of ballet you should use depends on the mode umber ef youreaeulsion The TWO WAY POWER system actualy has two power ‘supplies a sla col and e G13 Type (LRta Dutton et {en Normal, clears eaupped witha sla cl lone 2 operate only when relatively bright Kot Is present The TWO WAY POWER system, however lls you eon: ‘int se he clear a ong as thee is ence Sh tereatne dapay ‘Replacing the Battery Either athe folowing symptoms inccsesbatiry power ‘stow, anda the ball should bo veplace, * Display figures aren and cut eo nas hore thee tle ight erate “Noting appears on he epay when you press the Brey + To replace the battery ‘old he bac cover place and then remove the Beek 1 Remove theo bate, ' Wipe off he sides ofnen bat texywiady.cctetoh Lond Iino the ut th he poss ‘ee @ Seca ey ) Replace the back cover ant ‘secure lin pace wih te sit (& Prese@totunpower on Be ‘sure net kp a step. ate ‘Thc caeultorspowerdby sngle G13 Type LRA bu ‘onda + Replacing the Battery ‘im foures onthe ply of he clear neato that bully power i low. Continued use ofthe esiaasor ‘whe te bar sow can ech inpreper operation. Replace the batiry a8 soon as posse whan dslay figures become aim. + Toreplace the battery Pres totum power oh 12 Remove th wo sews old the batery cover nplace nd. then remove the baler cover, {Remove theo batley 14 Wipe of he ste fnew betry thay sf eh Lowa tina {hewn wth he posite @ sie {scing up (0 you ean se). (f Replece the batty cover and * See ce Wa we (Use thin, pointed object to Drees the Puton. Be tena {ossip tis ep. "te ross 8 foun power on e386 | | | -tx-1000"> ‘This cacao e powered by single AA size baton. + Replacing the Battery ‘io gues on he cepa ol the cate nical hat baliey power Is ow. Continued use othe calor ‘hen te balay sow ean result oper operation, Feplace tne batty es soon as posse whan delay ‘ites become de, * To replace the battery 4) Pross totum poner of @ Remove the six screws that hold te back coven scew sgow Place and then move the back cover @) Remove the old bat. 4) Loasa now batery othe Unie te poaitve @ and Iogatve © sides ave fac hngeonecy. © Replace the back cover ‘and secroitinplace wit the sic crews (® Use 8 ti, pores objct to press the P baton. Be ute nt fo hp ts stp, ( Press to turn power on, + Auto Power Off Cattle power automatically uns of you dont per term any operation for ebout ix minutes, Won ts hep ens, press (3-901 Wi 115¥7 (3) to ban power back +300 Mi Input Ranges Internal ais: 12 ‘Recuracy: Asal, accuracy i 81 at he 70h dit Fone ipa ‘i [0EB [ou Ms e00000000%70% ao os bl a7ess001685, a |x In 34 99096800570" ‘oar | DEG [os In 4 Soo000008310" ad ox bt =7ess061040 [a os I] 5 00000000050" Tan [EG | sare esi, exept when r=. RAD | Sar ass. excnt when ie rt) ra | areass,except wen (rt) 100 Sos st tary [0 I SO anDDODDOORIO™ Jos 1 <200 2888002 sis Los | sa 909000000. 10" coe ‘enh legis] = 10*_|-s.9oossen0esiora va 9090000000 | -a.saenon000%

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