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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 23.


(6) Exceeding the maximum permis- at 75 percent of maximum continuous power

sible speed or allowable limit load fac- results in nose-high attitudes exceeding 30
tor. degrees, the test may be carried out with the
power required for level flight in the landing
(c) Compliance with the require- configuration at maximum landing weight
ments of this section must be shown and a speed of 1.4 VSO, except that the power
under the following conditions: may not be less than 50 percent of maximum
(1) Wing flaps: Retracted, fully ex- continuous power; or
tended, and each intermediate normal (iii) For turbine engine powered airplanes:
operating position; The maximum engine thrust, except that it
(2) Landing gear: Retracted and ex- need not exceed the thrust necessary to
maintain level flight at 1.5 VS1 (where VS1
corresponds to the stalling speed with flaps
(3) Cowl flaps: Appropriate to configu- in the approach position, the landing gear re-
ration; tracted, and maximum landing weight).
(4) Power: (6) Trim: The airplane trimmed at 1.5 VS1.
(i) Power off; and (7) Propeller: Full increase rpm position for
(ii) 75 percent of maximum contin- the power off condition.
uous power. However, if the power-to-
weight ratio at 75 percent of maximum 23.207 Stall warning.
continuous power results in extreme (a) There must be a clear and distinc-
nose-up attitudes, the test may be car- tive stall warning, with the flaps and
ried out with the power required for landing gear in any normal position, in
level flight in the landing configura- straight and turning flight.
tion at maximum landing weight and a (b) The stall warning may be fur-
speed of 1.4 VSO, except that the power nished either through the inherent aer-
may not be less than 50 percent of max- odynamic qualities of the airplane or
imum continuous power. by a device that will give clearly dis-
(5) Trim: The airplane trimmed at a tinguishable indications under ex-
speed as near 1.5 VS1 as practicable. pected conditions of flight. However, a
(6) Propeller. Full increase rpm posi- visual stall warning device that re-
tion for the power off condition. quires the attention of the crew within
the cockpit is not acceptable by itself.
[Amdt. 2314, 38 FR 31820, Nov. 19, 1973, as
amended by Amdt. 2345, 58 FR 42159, Aug. 6, (c) During the stall tests required by
1993; Amdt. 2350, 61 FR 5191, Feb. 9, 1996] 23.201(b) and 23.203(a)(1), the stall
warning must begin at a speed exceed-
EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: By Amdt. 2362, 76
ing the stalling speed by a margin of
FR 75755, Dec. 2, 2011, 23.203 was amended by
revising paragraph (c), effective Jan. 31, 2012. not less than 5 knots and must con-
For the convenience of the user, the revised tinue until the stall occurs.
text is set forth as follows: (d) When following procedures fur-
nished in accordance with 23.1585, the
23.203 Turning flight and accelerated stall warning must not occur during a
turning stalls.
takeoff with all engines operating, a
takeoff continued with one engine in-
* * * * * operative, or during an approach to
(c) Compliance with the requirements of landing.
this section must be shown under the fol- (e) During the stall tests required by
lowing conditions: 23.203(a)(2), the stall warning must
(1) Wings flaps: Retracted, fully extended, begin sufficiently in advance of the
and each intermediate normal operating po- stall for the stall to be averted by pilot
sition as appropriate for the phase of flight.
(2) Landing gear: Retracted and extended as
action taken after the stall warning
appropriate for the altitude. first occurs.
(3) Cowl flaps: Appropriate to configura- (f) For acrobatic category airplanes,
tion. an artificial stall warning may be mu-
(4) Spoilers/speedbrakes: Retracted and ex- table, provided that it is armed auto-
tended unless they have no measureable ef- matically during takeoff and rearmed
fect at low speeds. automatically in the approach configu-
(5) Power: ration.
pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

(i) Power/Thrust off; and

(ii) For reciprocating engine powered air- [Amdt. 237, 34 FR 13087, Aug. 13, 1969, as
planes: 75 percent of maximum continuous amended by Amdt. 2345, 58 FR 42159, Aug. 6,
power. However, if the power-to-weight ratio 1993; Amdt. 2350, 61 FR 5191, Feb. 9, 1996]


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23.221 14 CFR Ch. I (1112 Edition)

SPINNING with the ailerons in the neutral posi-

tion, and then with the ailerons de-
23.221 Spinning. flected opposite the direction of turn in
(a) Normal category airplanes. A sin- the most adverse manner. Power and
gle-engine, normal category airplane airplane configuration must be set in
must be able to recover from a one- accordance with 23.201(e) without
turn spin or a three-second spin, which- change during the maneuver. At the
ever takes longer, in not more than one end of seven seconds or a 360 degree
additional turn after initiation of the heading change, the airplane must re-
first control action for recovery, or spond immediately and normally to
demonstrate compliance with the op- primary flight controls applied to re-
tional spin resistant requirements of gain coordinated, unstalled flight with-
this section. out reversal of control effect and with-
(1) The following apply to one turn or out exceeding the temporary control
three second spins: forces specified by 23.143(c); and
(i) For both the flaps-retracted and (iii) Compliance with 23.201 and
flaps-extended conditions, the applica- 23.203 must be demonstrated with the
ble airspeed limit and positive limit airplane in uncoordinated flight, cor-
maneuvering load factor must not be responding to one ball width displace-
exceeded; ment on a slip-skid indicator, unless
(ii) No control forces or char- one ball width displacement cannot be
acteristic encountered during the spin obtained with full rudder, in which
or recovery may adversely affect case the demonstration must be with
prompt recovery; full rudder applied.
(iii) It must be impossible to obtain (b) Utility category airplanes. A utility
unrecoverable spins with any use of the category airplane must meet the re-
flight or engine power controls either quirements of paragraph (a) of this sec-
at the entry into or during the spin; tion. In addition, the requirements of
and paragraph (c) of this section and
(iv) For the flaps-extended condition, 23.807(b)(7) must be met if approval for
the flaps may be retracted during the
spinning is requested.
recovery but not before rotation has
(c) Acrobatic category airplanes. An ac-
(2) At the applicants option, the air- robatic category airplane must meet
plane may be demonstrated to be spin the spin requirements of paragraph (a)
resistant by the following: of this section and 23.807(b)(6). In addi-
(i) During the stall maneuver con- tion, the following requirements must
tained in 23.201, the pitch control be met in each configuration for which
must be pulled back and held against approval for spinning is requested:
the stop. Then, using ailerons and rud- (1) The airplane must recover from
ders in the proper direction, it must be any point in a spin up to and including
possible to maintain wings-level flight six turns, or any greater number of
within 15 degrees of bank and to roll turns for which certification is re-
the airplane from a 30 degree bank in quested, in not more than one and one-
one direction to a 30 degree bank in the half additional turns after initiation of
other direction; the first control action for recovery.
(ii) Reduce the airplane speed using However, beyond three turns, the spin
pitch control at a rate of approxi- may be discontinued if spiral charac-
mately one knot per second until the teristics appear.
pitch control reaches the stop; then, (2) The applicable airspeed limits and
with the pitch control pulled back and limit maneuvering load factors must
held against the stop, apply full rudder not be exceeded. For flaps-extended
control in a manner to promote spin configurations for which approval is re-
entry for a period of seven seconds or quested, the flaps must not be re-
through a 360 degree heading change, tracted during the recovery.
pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

whichever occurs first. If the 360 degree (3) It must be impossible to obtain
heading change is reached first, it must unrecoverable spins with any use of the
have taken no fewer than four seconds. flight or engine power controls either
This maneuver must be performed first at the entry into or during the spin.


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