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Meaning: Microenvironment consists of the factors close to the

company that affect its ability to serve its customers, the
company, suppliers, marketing intermediaries, customer markets,
competitors, and publics.

Factors of MACRO divided into


#Top management #Finance #R&D #Purchasing #Operations #Accounting


# They provide the resources to produce goods and services

# Treat as partners to provide customer value


#They help the company to promote, sell and distribute its products to final buyers


@Resellers= is a person who buy product to sell it back

=can gain a big profit

=got brand byself but didnt sell their product EXP: 7-eleven

@Physical distributions firms= is a logistic transportation company that distribute

product physically and directly bcs is a part of business

-order a goods from a company direct to customer

MEANING: firm=company and shop

@Marketing services agencies= distributes pamphlets to the end users()

= which agencies help u to promote

EXP: Flyers distribution firm

@Financial intermediaries= are company who provides credit loans for customers to
purchase a product

#advantage-get the product as well as the that day

#disadvantage-Along yang ada lesen(AEON Credit card)

#Firms must gain strategic advantage by positioning their offerings against
competitors offerings.

#Any group that has an actual or potential interest in or impact on an
organizations ability to achieve its objectives
Examples :
Financial publics
Media publics
Government publics
Citizen-action publics
Local publics
General public
Internal publics

# Consumer markets consist of individuals.
# Business markets buy goods and services for further processing or use in their
production processes, whereas reseller markets buy goods and services to resell
at a profit.
# Government markets consist of government agencies that buy goods and
services to produce public services or transfer the goods and services to others
who need them.
# International markets consist of these buyers in other countries, including
consumers, producers, resellers, and governments. Each market type has special
characteristics that call for careful study by the seller.

Meaning : Macroenvironment is uncontrollable environment
where marketers have no or little influences which includes
marketing for domestic and international economies. Its
consist of natural resources, economy, demography, technology,
culture, political & legal environment.

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