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Endodontic Topics 2012, 22, 3349 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S
All rights reserved ENDODONTIC TOPICS 2012

Biofilms in endodontic infection


Bacterial biofilms are very prevalent in the apical root canals of teeth with primary and post-treatment apical
periodontitis. These bacterial endodontic communities are often found adhered to or at least associated with the
dentinal canal walls, with bacterial cells encased in an extracellular amorphous matrix and often facing host
inflammatory cells. This pattern of bacterial community arrangement in the root canal system is consistent with
the acceptable criteria for including apical periodontitis in the set of biofilm-mediated diseases. Whereas
intraradicular biofilms are common in teeth with apical periodontitis lesions, extraradicular biofilms are found
much less frequently and usually in association with symptoms. Morphological studies reveal that the structure of
endodontic biofilms can vary from case to case and a unique pattern has not been established. Bacterial biofilms
are expected to be even more prevalent in the root canals of teeth associated with long-standing pathologic
processes, including large apical radiolucencies and cysts. The very high frequency of biofilms in the root canals
of treated teeth with post-treatment disease may be interpreted as indirect evidence that, depending on location
and possibly species composition, biofilms can be a challenge for proper root canal disinfection.

Received 19 May 2011; accepted 13 November 2011.

Introduction tive in reaching and eliminating as many bacterial cells

as possible from the root canal system.
The infectious etiology of apical periodontitis has been Morphological studies of the endodontic micro-
well established over the last four decades and a myriad biota in untreated (primary infection) and treated
of studies, first using advanced anaerobic culture tech- (persistent/secondary infection) teeth have demon-
niques and then sophisticated molecular microbiology strated that the dominant pattern of bacterial coloni-
methods, has contributed to define the microbial zation of the root canal system resembles that of
species associated with the disease (1). These studies typical biofilms (812). These structures represent one
have demonstrated that endodontic infections are of the most successful strategies for microorganisms
invariably caused by a mixed community whose diver- to adapt to their environment and to resist environ-
sity may vary according to the type of infection and mental stresses and threats. The recognition of bio-
clinical manifestation of the disease (2). Some infected films as the main form in which bacteria are found in
root canals, especially those associated with large apical endodontic infections permits apical periodontitis to
periodontitis lesions, have been shown to harbor bac- be included in the set of biofilm-induced oral diseases,
terial population densities in the same order of mag- along with caries and marginal periodontitis. In some
nitude as human populations inhabiting large aspects, mixed (multi-species) biofilm communities
countries (37). Thus, bacterial diversity and density can act as a multi-cellular organism, with a resultant
in root canals have been a matter of continuous study collective pathogenic effect on the host. This
as this knowledge may have an impact on the under- community-as-pathogen concept may well be applied
standing of the disease pathogenesis and response to to the etiology of apical periodontitis (13).
treatment. Also in this regard, knowledge concerning This review paper focuses on the concept of apical
the patterns of microbial colonization in the infected periodontitis as an infectious disease caused by bacte-
site is of paramount importance, not only for a better rial communities primarily organized in intraradicular
understanding of the disease process, but also for the biofilms. Several aspects of the biofilm lifestyle, devel-
establishment of therapeutic strategies that are effec- oping dynamics, collective pathogenicity, prevalence,

Siqueira et al.

and morphology are discussed as they relate to apical


The biofilm lifestyle: an overview

It is now widely recognized that the vast majority
of microorganisms in nature invariably grow and
behave as members of metabolically integrated
communitiesbiofilms (1415). The study of micro-
bial biofilms assumes a great importance in different
sectors of industrial, environmental, and medical
microbiology. For instance, microbial biofilms are
involved in the corrosion of pipes and the degradation Fig. 1. Endodontic bacterial biofilm. Section taken at
of submerged structural components in off-shore oil the apical third of the mesial root of a mandibular molar
platforms and boats, and can threaten the safety of with necrotic pulp and apical periodontitis lesion. This
drinking water by growing in water distribution pipes is typically a sessile multi-cellular bacterial community
characterized by cells attached to the dentin surface and
(16). The importance in medical microbiology arises
enmeshed in a self-produced matrix of extracellular poly-
from the fact that estimates indicate that biofilm infec- meric substances (Taylors modified Brown & Brenn,
tions are responsible for 6580% of human infections original magnification 1,000 ). Reproduced with per-
in the developed world (17). In the oral cavity, caries, mission from Ricucci D. Patologia e Clinica Endodontica.
Bologna, Italy: Edizioni Martina, 2009.
gingivitis, and marginal periodontitis are typical
examples of diseases caused by bacterial biofilms in the
form of supragingival or subgingival dental plaque
(18). Recent evidence tends to include apical (iii) it allows for extracellular enzymes to accumulate
periodontitis in this set of biofilm-induced oral and exert important activities, which include
diseases (9). nutrient acquisition and co-operative degrada-
Biofilm can be defined as a sessile multi-cellular tion of complex macromolecules;
microbial community characterized by cells that are (iv) it keeps biofilm cells in close proximity, thus
firmly attached to a surface and enmeshed in a self- allowing for interactions including quorum
produced matrix of extracellular polymeric substances sensing, genetic exchanges, and pathogenic
(EPS) (14,19) (Figure 1). In bacterial biofilms, indi- synergism;
vidual cells grow and aggregate to form micro- (v) in periods of nutrient deprivation, it can serve as
colonies (populations) that are embedded and non- a nutrient source, although some components
randomly distributed in the EPS matrix and separated of the matrix may be only slowly or partially
by water channels (1922). In most biofilms, while the degradable;
bacterial populations account for less than 10% of the (vi) it retains water and maintains a highly hydrated
dry mass, the EPS matrix can account for over 90% microenvironment surrounding the biofilm
(23). Dental biofilms can exhibit up to 300 or more populations;
cell layers of thickness (22). (vii) it plays a protective role against host defense
The EPS matrix confers unique characteristics to the cells and molecules as well as antimicrobial
biofilm community and is essential to biofilm physiol- agents.
ogy, output, and existence. EPS are hydrated biopoly- The biofilm community represents a complex bio-
mers (usually polysaccharides, but also proteins, logical system that is structurally and dynamically or-
nucleic acids, and lipids) secreted by biofilm cells (14). ganized. Populations of cells are strategically positioned
The EPS matrix serves the following important func- for optimal metabolic interaction and the resultant
tions in the microbial community (23): architecture favors the physiology and ecological role of
(i) it mediates biofilm adhesion to surfaces, very the community. The properties displayed by a multi-
often acting as a biological glue; species biofilm community are mostly dictated by the
(ii) it provides mechanical stability to the biofilm; interactions between populations, which create novel

Biofilms and apical periodontitis

physiological functions that cannot be observed with (v) facilitated genetic exchanges, which may include
individual components. Consequently, in some aspects genes encoding antibiotic resistance and virulence
the biofilm community behaves in a complex way factors;
that is somewhat similar to multi-cellular organisms (vi) enhanced pathogenicity, especially due to syner-
(2425). gism between different bacterial species in a
It is also noteworthy that bacteria living in biofilms mixed community. This results in a net patho-
present a different pattern of gene expression. It has genic effect (36). In fact, even the ability to
been demonstrated by proteomic techniques or DNA form biofilms has been regarded as a virulence
arrays that genes expressed by cells organized in bio- factor (25).
films differed by 2070% from those expressed by the
same cells growing in planktonic cultures (2628). The community-as-pathogen
Consequently, biofilm cells exhibit a different pheno-
type that has been found to be more resistant to
antimicrobial agents, stress, and host defenses when Since the pioneering observations of Robert Koch,
compared to their counterparts living in a planktonic studies of the etiology of infectious diseases have tra-
state. This contributes to biofilms being a great ditionally been conducted under the aegis of the
problem with respect to treatment susceptibility. single-species etiology concept. This is certainly
Several aspects of the biofilm, such as encasement valid for many classic diseases caused by exogenous
and immobilization of the populations in close prox- and true pathogens. However, this concept may not be
imity, favor co-operation and communication between successfully applicable to most human endogenous
the community members. Co-operation is of utmost infections, for which no single pathogen but a set of
importance in making nutrients available and may also species usually organized in mixed biofilm communi-
contribute to provide resistance to environmental ties has been associated with disease causation. These
stresses. Communication is especially important to diseases have very often been regarded as having a
virulence and survival (29). One of the most studied polymicrobial etiology.
communication mechanisms is that of quorum sensing There is a current trend to accept a more holistic
(3032). By this mechanism, bacteria are able to esti- approach regarding the etiology of endogenous infec-
mate the total number of individuals in their local tions in that the microbial community as a whole is
community and act accordingly. For instance, by regu- indeed the unit of pathogenicity (13,3738). Accord-
lating the growth of the overall community, nutrients ing to this concept, the whole can very often be
can be conserved during periods of starvation (32). As greater than the simple sum of its parts and any com-
for virulence, quorum sensing can delay the produc- ponent cannot be thoroughly understood except in
tion of virulence factors until the population reaches a relation to the whole (38). The concept of the com-
sufficient level or quorum to cause damage and resist munity as a pathogen is based on the principle that
the host defenses (31). teamwork is what eventually counts. The behavior
To summarize, a number of advantages have been of the community and the outcome of the host
recognized for bacteria living in biofilm communities. bacterial community interaction will depend upon the
They are as follows (1820,22,25,3335): species comprising the community and how the
(i) creation of a broader habitat range for the growth myriad of associations that can occur within the com-
of a more diverse microbiota; munity affect and modulate the virulence of the
(ii) increased metabolic diversity and efficiency species. The virulence ability of a given species is alleg-
due to food chains/webs and enzymatic edly different when it is in pure culture, in pairs, or as
co-operation to degrade complex nutrients; part of a large bacterial society (community) (13,
(iii) protection from competing microorganisms, 3842).
host defenses, antimicrobial agents, and environ- Conceivably, the pathogenesis of apical periodontitis
mental stresses; requires the concerted action of bacteria in a multi-
(iv) facilitated cellcell communication (quorum species community. Bacterial virulence factors involved
sensing), which can influence survival and in the pathogenesis of apical periodontitis consist of
virulence; a summation of structural cellular components,

Siqueira et al.

antigens, and secreted substances that accumulate in heterogeneous etiology for apical periodontitis,
the biofilm (43). The concentration and virulence of where multiple species combinations can lead to
this bacterial soup will depend upon the population similar disease outcomes.
density, species composition, and bacterial interactions (iv) Bacterial communities seem to follow a specific
in the community. Once the biofilm forms in the apical pattern according to the clinical condition
canal, this soup of antigens and virulence factors (asymptomatic apical periodontitis, acute apical
becomes in constant and direct contact with the per- abscesses, and post-treatment apical periodonti-
iradicular tissues to cause damage and stimulate/ tis) (45,47,54). Therefore, disease severity (inten-
modulate the host immune responses (1). sity of signs and symptoms) or response to
treatment may be related to the bacterial commu-
The study of bacterial communities nity composition. In other words, from the per-
spective of the single-pathogen concept, apical
in apical periodontitis
periodontitis can be considered as of no specific
It has been demonstrated that, whereas associations of microbial etiology. However, based on the
any specific species with any form of apical periodon- community-as-pathogen concept, it is possible
titis are seldom (if ever) observed, the bacterial com- at this point to infer that some bacterial commu-
munity profiles seem to follow patterns related to the nities are more related to certain forms of the
different clinical presentations of apical periodontitis disease than others (45,54).
(13). Community profiles are essentially determined (v) There seems to be a geography-related pattern in
by species richness and abundance. Many molecular community profiles. Inter-individual variability is
microbiology techniques used to profile communities lower amongst individuals residing in the same
in different environments have been applied to the geographical location when compared to that
study of the microbial communities associated with observed for individuals living in distant countries
human healthy and diseased sites. Some of these tech- (4445,47,55).
niques have been used in endodontic microbiology (vi) The apical portion of the root canal harbors a
research and the results of community profiling analy- microbiota that is significantly different in com-
ses of the endodontic microbiota can be summarized position than that occurring in the more coronal
below. aspects of the root canal (5657). The apical bac-
(i) The different types of endodontic infections terial communities are as diverse as those occur-
were confirmed as being composed of multi- ring at the middle/coronal thirds. A high
species bacterial communities (4446). This also variability is observed for both inter-individual
applies to persistent/secondary infections associ- (samples from the same root canal region but
ated with treated teeth (3,4651), which had from different patients) and intra-individual
been traditionally considered as being composed (samples from different root canal regions of the
of only one or two species based on culture same tooth) comparisons (56).
(ii) Some underrepresented as-yet-uncultivated bac-
Biofilm and apical periodontitis
teria can be commonly found in infected root
canals as part of endodontic communities The evidence that apical periodontitis is a biofilm-
(5253). induced disease comes from in situ investigations
(iii) There is a great individual-to-individual variability using optical and/or electron microscopy (8,1012,
in the diversity of endodontic bacterial commu- 5859). These studies have allowed observations of
nities associated with the same clinical disease bacteria colonizing the root canal system in primary
(4546,51). In other words, each individual or persistent/secondary infections as sessile biofilm-
harbors a unique endodontic microbiota in terms like structures usually covering the dentinal root canal
of species richness and abundance. The fact that walls (Fig. 2). Apical ramifications, lateral canals, and
the composition of the endodontic microbiota isthmuses connecting main root canals have all been
differs consistently between individuals suffering shown to harbor bacterial cells frequently organized
from the same disease (4445,47) indicates a in biofilms (6062) (Fig. 3). Moreover, biofilms

Biofilms and apical periodontitis

Fig. 2. Apical intraradicular biofilm. Mandibular second

premolar subjected to endodontic surgery and extracted
three months later due to recurrence of symptoms and
sinus tract. (a) Section cut on a bucco-lingual plane. The
overview shows that the surgical approach was inappro- Fig. 3. Biofilm extending to a lateral canal. (a) Man-
priate, leaving the lingual canal (on the right) unde- dibular second premolar with necrotic pulp. There have
tected and untreated (Taylors modified Brown & been several pain episodes with severe swelling and
Brenn, original magnification 16 ). (b) Magnification the tooth was clinically deemed as non-restorable. The
of the area of the lingual canal demarcated by the rec- radiograph shows a large radiolucency, located on the
tangle in (a). A dense biofilm is layering both walls mesial aspect of the root. (b) Longitudinal section
(original magnification 100 ). (c) Higher magnification passing through the main canal, encompassing a lateral
of the rectangular area in (b). Note the abundance of canal at the transition between the apical and middle
extracellular matrix. Some polymorphonuclear neutro- thirds. A bacterial biofilm fills half of the lateral canal
phils are attracted to the biofilm surface (original mag- and is faced by a severe concentration of inflammatory
nification 400 ). cells (Taylors modified Brown & Brenn, original mag-
nification 50 ). (c) High power view of the area indi-
cated by the arrow in (b). Note the biofilm adhered to
the dentinal walls. The lateral canal content is character-
adhered to the apical root surface (extraradicular bio- ized by amorphous necrotic debris heavily colonized by
films) (Fig. 4) have been reported and regarded as a bacterial flocs (original magnification 400 ).
possible cause of post-treatment apical periodontitis
Although the concept of apical periodontitis as a untreated teeth (primary infections) and treated teeth
biofilm-induced disease has been built upon these (persistent/secondary infections) with apical peri-
observations, the prevalence of biofilms and their asso- odontitis and looked for associations between
ciation with diverse presentations of apical periodon- endodontic biofilms and clinical/histopathological
titis were only very recently investigated. Ricucci & conditions. Some of the most important findings of
Siqueira (9) evaluated the prevalence of biofilms in this study can be summarized as follows:

Siqueira et al.

Fig. 4. Extraradicular biofilm. (ab) Untreated mandibular canine with a destructive carious process. After extraction,
calculus can be seen exclusively around the root apex. (c) Section passing approximately at the center of the root canal.
Calculus seems to fill the foramen (Taylors modified Brown & Brenn, original magnification 25 ). (de) Higher
magnifications of the left and right calculus in (c) showing different bacterial concentrations. Inset shows a dense
biofilm with predominantly filamentous forms at the outer layer of calculus (original magnification 100 ; original
magnification of the inset 400 ).

(i) Intraradicular biofilm arrangements were in (ii) Morphologically, intraradicular bacterial bio-
general observed in the apical segment of 77% films were usually thick and composed of
of the root canals of teeth with apical periodon- several layers of bacterial cells. Different mor-
titis (80% in untreated canals and 74% in treated photypes were commonly seen per biofilm. The
canals). There were cases in which the biofilm relative proportions between bacterial cells/
even formed on the inflamed soft tissue near the populations and the extracellular matrix were
apical foramen (Fig. 5). highly variable. Therefore, endodontic biofilm

Biofilms and apical periodontitis

Fig. 5. Apical level of infection. (a) Radicular fragment of a maxillary second premolar destroyed by a carious process,
showing an apical radiolucency. (b) Section cut approximately at the center of the main foramen. The canal space
appears completely clogged with a dense bacterial biofilm formed onto the canal walls and also on the inflamed soft
tissue near the apical foramen (Taylors modified Brown & Brenn, original magnification 100 ). (c) Detail from the
right wall in (b). The biofilm is composed mainly of filamentous forms (original magnification 400 ). Modified with
permission from Ricucci D. Patologia e Clinica Endodontica. Bologna, Italy: Edizioni Martina, 2009.

morphology differed consistently from indi- ditions in order to adapt to the environment and
vidual to individual. create a mature and organized biofilm commu-
(iii) Dentinal tubules underneath biofilms covering nity. The fact that infected root canals of teeth
the walls of the main apical canal were very often with large lesions harbor a large number of cells
invaded by bacteria from the bottom of the and species almost always organized in biofilms
biofilm structure. In addition, biofilms were also may help to explain the long-standing concept
commonly seen covering the walls of apical rami- that the treatment outcome may be influenced
fications, lateral canals, and isthmuses. All of by lesion size (66).
these areas usually represent a challenge for (v) The prevalences of intraradicular biofilms in
proper disinfection because of the difficult (or teeth associated with apical cysts, abscesses, and
even impossible) access to instruments and granulomas were 95%, 83%, and 69.5%, respec-
irrigants. tively. Biofilms were significantly associated
(iv) Bacterial biofilms were visualized in 62% and 82% with epithelialized lesions. Because apical cysts
of the root canals of teeth with small and large develop as a result of epithelial proliferation in
apical periodontitis lesions, respectively. All of some granulomas (67), it may be anticipated
the root canals associated with very large lesions that the older the apical periodontitis lesion, the
(>10 mm in radiographic diameter) were found greater the probability of it becoming a cyst.
to harbor intraradicular biofilms. Because it takes Similarly to teeth with large lesions, the age of
time for apical periodontitis to develop and the pathologic process may also help to explain
become radiographically visible, it seems reason- the high prevalence of biofilms in association
able to surmise that large lesions represent a with cysts.
long-standing pathological process caused by an (vi) No correlation was found between biofilms and
even older intraradicular infection. In a long- clinical symptoms or sinus tract presence.
standing infectious process, the involved bacteria (vii) Extraradicular biofilms were very infrequent,
may have had enough time and appropriate con- being observed in only 6% of the cases. Except

Siqueira et al.

Fig. 6. Bacteria occurring in the canal lumen as flocs and planktonic cells. Mesio-buccal root apex of an untreated
maxillary molar. (a) Section encompassing the main apical canal and the entrance of a ramification (Taylors modified
Brown & Brenn, original magnification 16 ). (b) Higher magnification of the canal content in the area indicated by
the arrow in (a). Necrotic tissue colonized by sparse bacterial cells and faced with an accumulation of polymorpho-
nuclear neutrophils (original magnification 100 ). (c) Higher magnification of the bacterial front/neutrophils
(original magnification 400 ). (d) Higher magnification of the bacterial flocs and planktonic cells in the context of
necrotic tissue (original magnification 630 ).

for one case, they were always associated with necrotic pulp tissue or possibly suspended in a
intraradicular biofilms. All of the cases showing fluid phase (Fig. 6). Bacterial flocs in clinical
an extraradicular biofilm exhibited clinical symp- specimens may originate from the growth of
toms. Thus, it seems that extraradicular infec- cell aggregates/co-aggregates in a fluid or they
tions in the form of biofilms or planktonic may have detached from biofilms (68). Flocs
bacteria are not a common occurrence, are may exhibit many of the same characteristics as
usually dependent on intraradicular infection, biofilms (25), and are sometimes regarded as
and are more frequent in symptomatic teeth. planktonic biofilms. Along with planktonic
(viii) Bacteria were also seen in the lumen of the bacterial cells, flocs may play a role in the
main canal, ramifications, and isthmuses as flocs pathogenesis of acute clinical forms of apical
and planktonic cells, either intermixed with periodontitis (13).

Biofilms and apical periodontitis

Apical periodontitis as a dontic biofilms were often confined to the root canal
biofilm-induced disease system, in only a few cases extending to the external
root surface, but dissemination through the lesion
The following criteria have been proposed by Parsek & never occurred (criterion 3). In the great majority of
Singh (69) to establish a causal link between biofilms cases, biofilms were directly facing inflammatory cells
and a given infectious disease: accumulated in the most apical canal, in ramifications,
(i) The infecting bacteria are adhered to or associ- and in isthmuses (criterion 5).
ated with a surface (by associated with they Although criterion 4 was not assessed in that study,
meant that bacterial aggregates/co-aggregates it is widely known that intraradicular endodontic infec-
do not need to be firmly attached to the tions cannot be effectively treated by systemic antibi-
surface). otic therapy, even though most endodontic bacteria in
(ii) Direct examination of infected tissue shows bac- the planktonic cell state are susceptible to currently-
teria forming clusters or micro-colonies encased used antibiotics (7072). The lack of efficacy of sys-
in an extracellular matrix. temic antibiotics against intraradicular infections is due
(iii) The infection is generally confined to a particular to the fact that the drug cannot reach the bacterial
site and although dissemination may occur, it is a pathogens because they are located in an avascular
secondary event. necrotic space. The recognition of biofilms as the main
(iv) The infection is difficult or impossible to eradicate mode of bacterial establishment in the root canal
with antibiotics despite the fact that the respon- system further strengthens the explanations for the
sible microorganisms are susceptible to killing in lack of antibiotic effectiveness against endodontic
the planktonic cell state. infections. As for criterion 6, the frequent observation
A fifth criterion was further added by Hall-Stoodley of biofilms in treated canals with post-treatment
& Stoodley (68): disease may at least suggest that there is a potential for
(v) Ineffective host clearance, which may be evidenced fulfillment of this criterion.
by the location of bacterial colonies in areas of the
host tissue associated with host inflammatory cells. The dynamics of endodontic
Accumulation of polymorphonuclear neutrophils
biofilm formationa theory
and macrophages surrounding bacterial
aggregates/co-aggregates in situ considerably At first, one might think of endodontic biofilms
increases the suspicion of biofilm involvement forming in a way similar to many other biofilms in
with disease causation. nature, i.e. colonization of a solid surface by plank-
Ricucci & Siqueira (9) proposed another criterion: tonic bacterial cells floating in a fluid phase that bathes
(vi) Elimination or significant disruption of the that surface. In the root canal, for biofilm formation to
biofilm structure and ecology leads to remission follow that dynamics, the pulp would have to become
of the disease process. necrotic and liquefied before bacterial invasion.
These criteria have obvious limitations, but it is However, if one takes into account the dynamics of
widely assumed that they provide general characteris- root canal invasion by bacteria present in caries lesions
tics by which to consider the role of biofilms in the that exposed the pulp tissue, a different dynamics for
pathogenesis of a certain disease (68). The findings biofilm formation can be envisioned, which is sup-
from Ricucci & Siqueiras study (9) showing biofilm ported by histobacteriological observations.
structures in the great majority of cases of primary and Caries is a disease caused by biofilms (Fig. 7) (73).
post-treatment apical periodontitis, along with the As the caries lesion advances toward the pulp, so does
observed morphological features of these biofilms, the biofilm that causes it (Fig. 7). Eventually, when the
were considered to fulfill four of the six criteria. last dentin layer is destroyed in advanced caries lesions,
Bacterial agreggates/co-aggregates were observed the pulp becomes exposed primarily to the caries
adhered to or at least associated with the root canal biofilm (and also to planktonic bacteria floating in
dentin surface (criterion 1). Bacterial colonies were saliva) (Fig. 8). As a result of exposure, the pulp
seen in the huge majority of the specimens encased in portion beneath the carious lesion becomes severely
an amorphous extracellular matrix (criterion 2). Endo- inflamed, necrotic, and eventually the frontline of

Siqueira et al.

Fig. 7. Caries biofilm. (a) Maxillary first molar with severe caries destruction in an 11-year-old girl. The pulp
responded normally to sensitivity tests. The patient and her parents did not accept any treatment aimed at conser-
vation of the tooth, and requested extraction. (b) Overview of the heavily infected carious dentin and the subjacent
pulp tissue. Note the amount of irritation dentin formed under the carious attack, which is penetrated by bacteria in
the mesial pulp horn (on the right) (Taylors modified Brown & Brenn, original magnification 16 ). (c) Detail from
the carious cavity surface with several infected dentin spicules (original magnification 100 ). (d) Higher magnification
of the dentin spicule indicated by the arrow in (c) showing a dense biofilm is adhered all over to its circumference. On
one side this appears to be composed mainly of filamentous forms. Dentinal tubules and their branches are completely
filled by bacteria (original magnification 400 ). (e) High power view of the interface between dentin surface and
bacterial biofilm (original magnification 1,000 ). Modified with permission from Ricucci D. Patologia e Clinica
Endodontica. Bologna, Italy: Edizioni Martina, 2009.

infection advances to involve first the tissue in the pulp In the advanced front of a root canal infection, the
chamber and then moves inward in the pulp in an biofilm enters into contact with the host tissue, which
apical direction. The biofilm is what is present at the is inflamed (Fig. 9). This inflamed area is expected to
frontline of the infection (Fig. 9). These events of contain large amounts of inflammatory exudate,
bacterial aggression, inflammation, necrosis, and infec- which is rich in proteins and glycoproteins that serve
tion occur by compartments of pulp tissue and gradu- as an optimal source of nutrients for the advancing
ally move in an apical direction. Ultimately, the apical bacterial community. In histobacteriological sections,
canal will become necrotic and infected. Therefore, it biofilms can be observed not only adhered to the
is reasonable to assume that the process of biofilm canal walls, but also covering the surface of the
formation occurs gradually in the canal as the infec- inflamed tissue in the forefront of the infection
tious process migrates in an apical direction. (Fig. 9) (9).

Biofilms and apical periodontitis

Fig. 8. Pulp exposed to caries biofilm. (a) Mandibular first molar with advanced periodontal disease and a deep distal
radicular caries approaching the pulp. The patient requested extraction because of severe spontaneous pain. (b) Section
passing in the area where the carious lesion exposes the pulp tissue (Taylors modified Brown & Brenn, original
magnification 25 ). (c) Detail from (b) (original magnification 100 ). (d) Detail from the perforation in the dentin
wall from (c). A biofilm can be seen on the dentin surfaces (original magnification 400 ). (e) Magnification of the
bacterial colony in the pulp tissue in (c). This is surrounded by a concentration of neutrophils (original magnification
400 ). Reproduced modified with permission from Ricucci D. Patologia e Clinica Endodontica. Bologna, Italy:
Edizioni Martina, 2009.

Siqueira et al.

Fig. 9. Biofilms at the frontline of infection. (a) Mandibular molar with a severe carious process. The pulp was
clinically necrotic and radiolucencies were present on both mesial and distal roots (Taylors modified Brown & Brenn,
original magnification 2 ). (b) Detail of the distal root canal at the middle third. Transition from necrotic/infected
to vital/non-infected pulp tissue can be observed (original magnification 16 ). (c) Magnification of the area indicated
by the rectangle in (b). The tissue is severely inflamed, but no bacterial colonization can be seen (original magnification
100 ). (d) Detail from the coronal root canal in (b). Dense bacterial biofilms can be seen at this level, surrounded by
a severe concentration of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (original magnification 100 ). (ef) High power views of
the areas indicated respectively by the rectangle and the arrow in (d) (original magnification 400 ).

In addition to microscopic observations, microbio- primary intraradicular infections (7478). This sug-
logical studies of the composition of the microbiota in gests that these species participate in the processes of
dentinal caries and primary endodontic infections pulp inflammation and necrosis and are the pioneer
seem to indirectly support the theory that biofilms colonizers of the necrotic root canal. As the process
form on the canal walls as the infection moves apically. advances apically, it is highly possible that these
Several bacterial species/phylotypes found in biofilms advancing bacteria receive reinforcements of new-
from deep dentinal caries lesions are also present in comers from saliva. After the infection reaches the

Biofilms and apical periodontitis

apical part of the canal, the possibility obviously exists species are considered to be major candidate endodon-
that latecomers now present in the fluid phase in the tic pathogens based on prevalence studies. However,
necrotic canal may gain entry into the biofilm com- as one considers the community as the unit of patho-
munity, provided they are competitively competent genicity, virtually all species/phylotypes present in the
and bring ecological advantages to the overall commu- root canal become important, even those community
nity physiology. With the passage of time, the biofilm members found in low numbers that can be dispro-
structure becomes more and more organized and portionate to their ecological role (13).
reaches a state of community homeostasis and Studies of the endodontic microbiota are plagued
balancea climax community. Once this state is estab- with technical limitations. For instance, the great
lished, the composition of the biofilm community is majority of microbiological studies have examined
expected to remain stable over time, unless it is mark- samples taken by paper points from the main root
edly challenged by environmental changes. canal. This sampling approach does not allow for dis-
tinctions of the root canal portion that is sampled
Microbial diversity in (apical, middle, or coronal portion), nor is it able to
reach areas distant from the main canal, including
endodontic biofilms
ramifications and isthmuses, which can also harbor
Culture and culture-independent molecular microbi- microbial cells. A couple of studies have recently used
ology studies have identified more than 1,000 differ- the entire apical root portion sectioned off from
ent bacterial species/phylotypes in the oral cavity extracted teeth and then cryogenically ground (56
(79), but this number may actually be an order of 57). This approach permits a more selective analysis of
magnitude higher with the advent of massively paral- the apical microbiota and incorporates all of the
lel DNA pyrosequencing techniques (80). Specifically, difficult-to-reach anatomical areas in the final sample.
the diversity of the endodontic microbiota has also Therefore, members of the apical bacterial biofilms are
been unravelled by numerous culture and molecular certainly included in the sample for identification.
studies. Collectively, more than 400 different micro- Following the recognition that biofilm communities
bial species/phylotypes have been identified in endo- are very common in the apical root canal and are
dontic samples from teeth with different forms of involved in disease causation, it seems important to
apical periodontitis (2). These taxa are usually found identify the species composition of these apical bacte-
in combinations involving many species/phylotypes rial communities, excluding the portion of the micro-
in primary infections and fewer ones in secondary/ biota that remains planktonic. It is highly likely that
persistent infections (81). planktonic bacterial cells floating in the main canal
At high phylogenetic levels, endodontic bacteria fall may have been dettached from the biofilms, but they
into 15 phyla, with the most common representative may also be by-standers, latecomers, or individuals
species/phylotypes belonging to the phyla Firmicutes, that did not succeed in joining the community due to
Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria, Fusobacteria, Proteo- a lack of competitiveness. Approaches involving
bacteria, Spirochaetes, and Synergistetes (4,51,54, microscopy in association with either in situ hybrid-
8285). In addition to bacteria, other micro- ization or open-ended molecular microbiology tech-
organisms can be found in endodontic infections. niques can be of great value in helping to decipher the
Archaea and fungi have been only occasionally found specific composition of endodontic biofilms. This will
in intraradicular infections (8689), though the latter aid in the understanding of the ecology of these patho-
can be more prevalent in treated teeth with post- genic communities. These and other sophisticated
treatment disease (90). methods for the study of biofilms have yet to be
Endodontic infections develop in a previously sterile applied to the study of endodontic biofilms.
place which does not contain a normal microbiota.
Therefore, any species found in the root canal has the
Concluding remarks
potential to be an endodontic pathogen or at least to
play a role in the ecology of the microbial community. Bacterial biofilms are very prevalent in the apical root
Despite the long list of bacterial taxa so far detected in canals of teeth with primary and post-treatment apical
endodontic infections, no more than 2030 bacterial periodontitis. The pattern of bacterial community

Siqueira et al.

arrangement in the canal fulfills acceptable criteria to should keep abreast of the literature on this topic as it
include apical periodontitis in the set of diseases caused relates to other areas in order to expand their views on
by biofilms. the concepts and methods applied to the study and
Future research should address several issues that treatment of biofilms.
arise from these observations. The ultrastructure of
endodontic biofilms should be studied so as to provide
a better understanding of its physiology, ecology,
pathogenicity, and response to treatment. Unravelling This study was partially supported by grants from Fundao
the specific composition of endodontic biofilms will Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado do Rio
require the integration of sophisticated microscopic de Janeiro (FAPERJ) and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvi-
and molecular microbiology approaches. This knowl- mento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq), Brazilian govern-
edge can be of utmost importance not only in pro- mental institutions.
moting a refined understanding of endodontic
biofilms, but also in helping to develop better strate-
gies for treatment. Moreover, community profiling
techniques applied directly to endodontic biofilm
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