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SNAIVIE Transactions, Vol. 87, 1979, pp.


A Method for Evaluating the Hydrodynamic Added Mass

in Ship Hull Vibrations
Jean-Louis Armand, 1 Member, and Pierre Orsero, 1 Visitor

One area of concern in predicting the dynamic behavior of a ship'at sea is proper evaluation of the
effect of immersion. The influence of hydrodynamic pressure on the submerged surface of a vibrat-
ing hull has traditionally been considered based on an added mass concept. The strip-theory ap-
proach used, although valid for the first few modes of vibration of the hull girder, is inconsistent with
the refined three-dimensional finite element structural models nowused to obtain the higher frequen-
cies of vibrational modes of interest, in the range of propeller blade frequency, in which deformation
of the ship cross section'plays an important role. A.three-dimensional finite element discretization
of the fluid domain is an approach which permits accurate values of'the frequencies of vibration to
be obtained in the range of interest. By using fluid elements with curved 15oundaries, the connection
between water and th e most complex structural geometries is rather easy to obtain. Since only one
degree of freedom per node (pressure) is considered, the computer time needed for calculation of
added mass is negligible in comparison with the time required for the total dynamic, analysis, al-
though the mesh extent may be large and many node points used. A derivation of the mathematical
foundations of the hydrodynamic mass matrix as computed by the-finite element method is presented
and applied for the case of a large liquefied gas carrier. The effect of various mesh sizes for the
water model on the accuracy of the results is considered and ensuing rules for modelization dis-
cussed. Derivation of an "infinite" element accounting for the unbounded nature ofthe fluid domain
is also presented. It is believed that calculations such as the one presented in this paper could be-
come routine at the design stage of a large ship, since an adequate mass-rigidity model of the struc-
ture will permit reliable determination of the ship's natural frequencies and modes, and therefore
will provide the rational choice ~atthe design stage of the number of propeller blades needed to avoid
global resonance.

', )
Introduction applicability of Lewis's method via the introduction of addi-
IN A PAPER which exactly 50 yearsago was read before this " tional coefficients obtained in a semirempirical fashion, such
Society prior to becoming.a naval architecture classic, the late as a mode-del:~ndent J-factor to account for three-dimensional
F. M. Lewis [1]2 wrote! "It has long been recognized that the effects or various local correction factors to account for the lo-
water surrounding a vibrating ship produces an effect equiv- cation of the section along the length of the ship [5, 7, 10, 11,
alent to a very considerable increase in the mass of the ship." 16, 18, 20, 35, 89, 47]. With increasingly more flexible ships,
A few years later, in the second edition of his well-known however, it has become apparent that the frequency range of
treatise on vibration, Timoshenko [4] added a footnote to a interest for propeller-induced vibrations comprises modes
paragraph devoted to vibration of hulls of ships, in which he which involve important deformations of the cross sections and
wrote: "To take into account the pulsating current flow in .the which therefore cannot ,be properly predicted from the simple
water due to vibration, certain mass of water must be added to beam models used successfully.foi" decades. The tremendous
the hull." progress recently witnessed in the continuing development of
For vertical flexural vibration of two and three nodes of the methods of structural analysis, aseyidenced by the extremely
hull girder, this important problem was given a brilliant and . sophisticated three-dimensional finite element models involving
definitive solution by Lewis [1] and,independently, by Lock- several thousand degrees of freedom which have been proposed
wood Taylor [2]. In the subsequent decades the method pro- by various authors [23, 28, 31, 45,.50, 52, 58] and which have
posed by Lewis was to be used considerably by naval architects proven to represent adequately the rigidity as well as the
at a time when emphasis was laid on the first few modes of vi- structural mass distribution of the structure, must be matched
bration of the hull girders. Various authors subsequently either by the development of comparable techniques for tbe treatment
extended the pioneering work of Lewis and Lockwood Taylor, of the fluid-structure interaction problem. . .
It is./ the purpose
using analytical procedures for simple shapes idealizing a ship of this paper to describe some techniques which may be viewed
hull [6, 8, 9, 13-15, 17, 24], or suggested widening the range of as the extension 'tothe presentstructural models of Lewis's
method for the classical, b u t now obsolete, hull girder
J Research engineer, Institut de Recherches de,la Construction model..
Navale, Paris, France.
"Numbers in brackets designate references at end of paper. Fluid f i n i t e e l e m e n t s
Presented at the "Annual Meeting, New York, N. Y., November
15--17, 1979, of T H E S O C I E T Y O F N A V A L A R C H I T E C T S A N D M A R I N E Consider the small oscillations of a ship partially immersed
ENGINEERS. in a fluid domain extending to infinity in all directions (Fig. 1).
" " Sf
OI / ,

\o,I /
Oo T "
Fig. 1 Submerged portion of ship hull and surrounding fluid domain

The fluid is assumed to be ideal (that is, nonviscous) and the For a finite element discretization of the surrounding fluid,
flow irrotational. Effects such as surface tension and cavitation the infinite boundary has to be truncated at some "sufficiently
are ignored. The assumption of incompressibility holds pro- large" distance; only a finite portion D~ of the fluid domain,
vided that ~st2 << (c/f)~, where ~st is a characteristic structural contained inside a surface Sr, is considered (Fig. 1).
wavelength for the motion of the ship hull and c/f a charac- At such a boundary a suitable condition must be imposed,
teristic acoustic wavelength for that motion, where c is the speed ensuring that no waves are reflected, since waves originating
of sound in the fluid and f a characteristic frequency of the at the hull of a vibrating ship travel far and are finally absorbed
motion. This condition is satisfied and the fluid can be treated without their reflection having any effect on the response of
in the incompressible limit if the dominant frequency corn-, the structure. For such a "nonreflecting" boundary, the con-
ponents characterizing the motion of the structure are low dition may be stated as [21]
frequency in nature, which is the case in the range of wave- and
propeller-excited vibrations as well as for rigid-b0dy motions bp = 0 on S, (3c)
(0 to 15 Hz). As a result, the fluid motion can be described by We must observe, as Zienkiewicz [48] notes, that such a con-
a velocity potential, d~(x,y,z,t), which satisfies the Laplace dition is valid for plane-wave situations only, and that in a real
'equation situation a test must be made to determine if the "infinite"
~2q~ = 0 ' (1) boundary has been placed "far enough." We will return to this
'condition later when we study the influence of the truncation
in the fluid domain. Bernoulli's theorem, moreover, yields the
on the solution and discuss the validity of the fluid finite ele-
following relationship at every point in the fluid domain
ment discretization.
q2 Following the classical Galerkin discretization pi'ocedure,
b~ + p + v + ~ - = c(t) (2)
bt p the distribution of pressure within the fluid p(x,y,z,t) is ap-
where p "is the pressure, p the density, q the absolute value of proximated by
the velocity, V the potential of applied external forces per unit p*(x,y,z,t) = NT(x,y,z) P(t) = ~ Nm(x,y,z) Pro(t) (4)
volume (gravity forces in our case), and C(t) an integration rn=l

function depending at the most on time t. where vector N is made up of pressure interpolation functions
For the set of axes depicted in Fig. 1, V is a linear function Nm(x,y,z), and the M components of vector P are the gener-
of y only, and the combination of equations (1) and (2) yields alized pressure coordinates.
simply, assuming the motions to be small enough so that q2 re- The equilibrium equation (3) is then only approximately
mains a second-order quantity (l{nearized theory) satisfied and leaves a residual R*
vz p = 0 (a) V2p* = R* (5)
which is to be satisfied at every point inside the liquid domain. which shall be as smai! as possible.
At every point on the part-of the hull surface, Sh, in contact with The Pm are now chosen so as to minimize this residual. TO
the water, Euler's equation must be satisfied yielding accomplish this purpose, and following the steps of the Galerkin
procedure, we use the.interpolation functions Nm as weighting
bp functions, each of them being successively multiplied by the
b-n = - P a - on Sh (3a)
residual and integrated over the fluid domain D~, leading to M
where un is the displacement normal to the interface (pointing equations of the form .
.inside the structure).
The equilibrium condition at the free surface (y = 0) is ex- . f f f _ Nm ~72p* dxdydz = 0, m = 1,2,... ,M (6)
pressed as
p=0 onSf (3b) which, after integration by parts and taking into account
boundary conditions (3b) and (3c), may be rewritten as
assuming that surface waves have negligible effects; this is a safe
assumption in the frequency range of interest for propeller-
induced vibrations.(6 to 15 Hz), but would be questionable at ~SShNm ~ dS "
very low frequencies such as those encounl:ered for rigid-body bNm bp* bNm bp* I
m m + m
motions or even for the first fundamental mode of vibration of
the hullgirder, which occurs at frequencies below 1 Hz for - ~ -~x bx by -by
- + Yz xayaz = o,

present-day large ships m = 1,2 . . . . . M (7i

10o A Method for Evaluating the Hydrodynamic Added Mass in Ship Hull Vibrations.

A finite element model of the fluid may then be conveniently Where the terms of matrices H and B are defined by equations
constructed, based on a Galerkin formulation such as discussed (10) and (14), respectively. This expression (15), linking the
in the foregoing, and applied to each individual element, the pressures at discrete points of the fluid domain to noimal ac-
integrations now being performed over individual element celerations of discrete points on the part of the hull surface in
voluraes and surfaces. The fluid domain D~ is divided into contact with the water, may be rewritten in the following
three-dimensional finite elements. The pressure distribution partitioned form
within each element is expressed by typical finite element in-
terpolation functions which are continuous between'elements. ~" ~-[Hrr H r h ] l P r [ = l O [ (15a)

For a'typical element referred to by superscript (e) [Hhr HhhJ / t / P/ h BUn . (15b)
M(e) where the global vector P of nodal pressures has been separated
p*(e) = NT(e)p(e)'= ff[. Nm(e)pm (e) (8) into two vectors: Ph, listing the pressures at the hull nodes, and
m=l Pr the pressuresat the remaining (noninterface) nodes of D~.
the Pm (e) being the values of the pressure at the nodes of the Equation (15a) can be solved to express th e pressure at ex-
element. For a characteristic element (e), equation (7) may terior nodes in terms of the interface'node pressures
therefore be rewritten as
'Pr = - - H r r - l H r h P h
yfS(e ) Nm (e) dS(~) -- H(e)p(e) = 0 (9) By substituting this expressiori into equation (15b), we arrive
where the coefficients of the square symmetric matrix H (e) are
given by HhPh = BUn (16)
where the matrix Hh is defined as
H h = H h h -- H h r H r r - l H r h (17)
ONto i)Nm, I dxdydz (i0) and is seen to be symmetrical as matrix H is also symmet-
+ Oz Oz ] rica.1.
To evaluate the first term of equation (9), we must introduce The normal acceleration Onto at any node m may be ex-
the boundary condition (3a) at the interface of the fluid and pressed in terms of the nodal Cartesian coordi-
the iitructure for each element which possesses a face in corn- nate accelerations 0n, Vm, and Wm as follows "
mort with .the hull surface Sh. : Interface displacements are
expressed in terms of the structure element displacement in- Unto = xra(] m + .Xym~m + XzmVlTm= A n , Turn
terpolation functions and nodal displacements , that is -where Xxm, hum, and Xzm are the direction cosines of the nor-
Un(e) = N'(e)rUn(e) (11)" mal n to the hull surface at node rn.
The. complete vector of hull surface node normal accelera-
where Un (e) is the ~,ector of normal displacements of interface tions Un may then be expressed as " "'
nodes and N '(e) lists the'interpolat!on functions defining the
displacement pattern in the direction normal to the boundary ". 0n = 2~()h (18)
.Sh. This is naturally defined as pointing from the structure into where A is a rectangular diagonal array of the normal coordi-
the fluid, that is, in the direction opposite to the normal defined nate direction cosines A,. r for the successive hull nodes, and-
for the corresponding adjacent fluid element according to the Uh 'is a vector listing the Cartesian coordinate accelerations of
conventions ensuring validity of equation (3a). all nodes on the part of the hull surface Sh in contact with the
Obviously, the same relationship may be used to express the water.
normal accelerations of the hull surface for the.element con- As a result, equation (16) may be rewritten as
Hh Ph -= SlJ h
/ lJn (e) = N t ( e ) T U n ( e ) (12)
or, equivalently
Substituting equation (12) into the surface integral of equa-
tion (9), and taking into account boundary condition (3a), we .. Ph = ~ I h - l S U h (.19)
obtain--keeping in mind that in all that follows the positive which expresses the relationship between the vector Ph('t) of
direction of the normal at a point of the hull surface is defined dynam!.c pressures at nodal points of the boundary Sh and the
as that pointing from the structure into the fluid, a convention vector Uh of nodal acceleratiom at points on the same bound-
which results in a change of sign in the right-hand side of ary. The expression of matrix Sis
equation (3a)
bp*(e) -' S = BA (20)
.~ft.i(,) Nm (4 --~n ds(e)= B(e)ljn(e) (13)
If we now assume that the structure has also been discretized
using a standard three-dimensional finite element formulation,
where the coefficients of the square matrix B (e) are given by
the equations of motion of the discretized structure can be .
written in matrixform as
'Bmm"(e) = p . f.(,) Nn i (e)Nm ,' (e)dS(e) ( 14)
MsO(t)"+ CsU(t) + KsU(t) - Fs(t) + Rfs(t) (21)
The complete set of equations for the entire fluid domain Di
may now be formed by assembling individual contributions of where Ms is the ship mass matrix of the structure in vacuo (no
the form (9) and noting that the contributions given by. equation water), Cs the ship damping matrix (no water), Ks the ship
(13) apply only to hull nodes. stiffness matrix (no water), Fs the vector of external excitation,
The discretized finite element equivalent of equation (7) is and Rfs the vector of hydrodynamic nodal forces acting on the
thus immersed part of the ship hull due to fluid.interaction, and
corresponding to the dynamic pressure field acting on the
HP = B 0 . (15) hull.
A Method for Evaluating the Hydrodynam!c Added Mass In Ship Hull.Vibrations 101
The pressure distribution acting on the wet part of the hull, in which the distinction has been made between displacements
Sh, is expressed by means of the fluid element pressure inter- Uh of the nodes located on the part Sh of the hull in contact with
polation functions defined by equation (8) and the nodal hull the water and displacements Ur of all remaining nodes of the
pressures Ph obtained from equation (19). For a typical in- structure, Or
terface element (e) then
(Ms + Ma)U(t) + CsU(t) + KsU(t)= Fs(t) (;32)
p*(e) = N(e)Tph(e) (22)
which shows that the interaction of the surrounding fluid with
The nodal element forces R/s (e)which are equivalent to the the structure is fully represented within theinitial assumptions
distributed pressure may then be evaluated by the virtual work made regarding the fluid motion by the addition to the struc-
principle. If we apply a virtual displacement ~3Un(e) of the tural mass matrix of a hydrodynamic mass matrix
structure nodes in the normal direction, the normal displace-
ment of the element hull surface is, from equation (11) Ma = [oOMOh] (;3;3)'
~ttn (e) = N'(ff)TSu n (e) " (23). where
The work done by the hull pressures in this virtual displacement
is, by definition Mh = pLHh-IL T = _1 STHh_I S (;34).
~)W(e) = -- . f (,) P*(e)~ttn(e)dS(e) We are therefore led back to the standard structural problem
of the vibration in vacuo of the "dry" ship amended only by.
Replacing p*(e) and ~3Un(e) by their respective expressions (22) the addition to the structural mass matrix of this symmetrical
and (2;3), we obtain -, hydrodynamic matrix, the treatment of which is standard and
has been fully discussed in reference [49].
~W(e) = -~Un (e)T[ f f Nz(e)N(e)Tds(e)I ph (e) " Such a mode-independent hydrodynamic mass matrix rep- .
t dd s~) I resents the natural extension to three-dimensional models of
(24) the discrete added masses of Lewis for one-dimensional beam
models. As opposed to the two-dimensional flow assumed by
Lewis, the flow may be apprehended in its full three-dimen-
~b!~}g ~ihlge t~!he !iv~ofrU~un~[~i~ ~th!~a~to~ ~ ; ~ Rer~i: sionality by a finite element discretization. By using fluid el-
ements with curved boundaries of the isoparametric type, we
namic forces at each node of the element (e) can easily represent th e connection between water and the most
6W (e) -- 4- ~Un (e)TRJsn(e) (25) Complex hull geometries. Twenty-node isoparametric brick
elements of the type discussed by Zienkiewicz [49] in the case
Therefore, equating the two expressions (24) and (25) of three-dimensional continua have been derived and imple-
mented in a structural analysis computer program used by the
a[sn (e) = _ 1-- B (e)rPh (e) (26) authors.
P The finite element discretization of the fluid domain for
where the coefficients of the square matrix ]B(e) are given by interaction problems was first suggested by Zienkiewicz, Irons,
etiuation (14). and Nath [12] in the context of vibrations of water-retaining.
Assembling all the element nodal forces on the fluid-structure civil engineering structures such as dams. The formulation was
interface Sh then leads to the normal force vector " subsequently extended to shipbuilding applications by Zienk-
iewicz and Newton [21] and applied by Newton [;36]to obtain
Rfsn = - 1_ P BTPh (27) values of two~dimensional added mass associated with rigid-
.body motions of a ship. Holand [19] compared various types
Similar to the procedure used to express the nodal accelera- of two- and three-dimensional fluid elements used in the context
tions in the normal directions in global Cartesian coordinates, of the classical Westergaard's problem of a rigid wall moving
the normal direction nodal forces can now be resolved in terms in a basin. His work was extended by Blaker [32], who has
of their Cartesian coordinate components, that is carried out the vibration analysis of a propeller blade sub-
merged in water, in which both structure and fluid are discre-
Rfs = A TRfsn . (28) tized. Finite element discretization of the fluid was also ad-
where A T is a rectangular diagonal array of the normal coor- vocated by Clough [44], who formulates in detail the problem
dinate direction cosines Am, the transpose of the matrix A. al- of the response of a water-retaining dam to an earthquake.
ready having been defined in equation (18). An alternative variational procedure involving the total
Equation (27) can now be rewritten as Lagrangian of the system obtained from an evaluation of. '
energies of both the body and the fluid has been suggested by
afs = 1 ATBTFh = LPh (29) Misra [;30], who applied it to obtain vibration characteristics of
P . a submerged Timoshenko beam which compared well with
with matrices S and L being related by, from equation (20) experimental data, and suggested that the procedure described
could be extended to deal with the general case of a submerged
S -pL T (30) ship hull of arbitrary shape.. Eatock Taylor [;331presented an
analysis of the [lexural vibrations of a spheroid in an ideal fluid.
In partitioned form, equation (21) may therefore be re- The finite element method has been used to represent the
"written, if we replace the fluid-structure interaction force vector structural properties of the spheroid, and a consistent added-
Rfs by its expression,, equation (29), as mass matrix has been derived from the exact solution of the
Mrr Mrh] l~Jr i [Crr Crh]
Mhr Mhh]'[[Jh] + [Chr ChhJ .
{~i~q'} -[KKhh: {UUh}
K~hhhl infinite fluid potential problem, truncated at a suitable number
of terms.
Gomez et al [59] presented the theoretical basis of a general
= lFsr(t)[ 0 formulation to calculate pressure forces acting on the surface
[Fsh(t)J + [O- pLHh-'LT] {0~} (;31) of a solid vibrating in a fluid based on a finite element discret-
102 A Method for Evaluating the Hydrodynamic Added Mass in Ship Hull Vibrations
' ization of the fluid medium. Matsumoto'[22, 26] compared Slructure
numerical results obtained using a finite element discretization
of the fluid domain in the context of a so-called layer division
method to the exact analytical solutions for the case of trans-
lation of an ellipsoid 9f revolution, of flexural sinusoidal vi-
bration of an_ infinite cylinder; and of translation of a finite
circular cylinder. Fuiii, Tanida, and Y6kokura [34] investi-
gated the problem of the vibration of a plate in water exten-
sively considered under various boundary conditions by Kim
[46]. They used a finite element discretization of the fluid,
compared their results with those obtained from approximate.
calculations used in practice, and for an actual ship showed an
applic,ation to the vibration of Web frames in a tank submerged
with 'water. Marcus [55] used a finite element approach to
simulate the free vibration of submerged cantilever plates,
taking into account free-surface and partial submergence ef-
fects, and suggested applications to the vibration in water of
rudders, propeller blades, and, other shipappendages.. Oh-
numa, Nagamoto, and Ushijima [27] investigated local vibra- i/ .
tions of submerged structural members in the tanks of large.
ships; the added mass of water surrounding the deep girder was
obtained by a two-dimensional finite element method incor- Fig. 2 Finite element discretization~ of structure of barge and of fluid
porating the source-sink technique and corrected for the effect domain
o f three-dimensional flow by a simplified calculation. Madsen
[53] presented a procedure to obtain the natural frequencies
of a 'l?rismatic plate structure submerged in an ideal fluid and finite element discretization of the fluid is full and mode-in-
vibrating sinusoidally in one direction, using a prismatic fluid dependent and corresponds to the actual three-dimensional
finite element w!th a triangular cross section adapted to the flow On the other hand, the two-dimensional flow approxi-
. special nature of the problem: He fiarther extended this ap- mation used in Lewis's approach yields a diagonal hydrody-
proach [54] to investigate the effect of restricted water depth namic mass matrix which must be rendered mode-dependent
on the vibratior/pattern for a ship modeled as a Bernoulli-Euler through a variable global reduction factor J to account for
beam. Chowdhury [25] derived explicit expressions for the coupling between various sections of the hull girder, which is
matrices of two prismatic fluid elements, and, in a later work not the same for different mode shapes.
' [88], presented an application to theMbration of,a cantilever This hydrodynamic mass matrix has been evaluated for
,and a free-free box and conducted experiments to qualify the .-various fluid discretizations, in which both size and number of
accuracy of the predicted frequencies and mode shapes elements of the mesh are allowed to vary. Meshes M4,.M5, and
Meijers [40] presented the formulation of a prismatic fluid M6 depicted in Fig. 4 have been obtained by successively
finite element with six nodes used to model thewater sur- adding an extra external layer of elements tothe original mesh,
. rounding the hull Of a containership. In his paper, he described M3. Mesh M'4 serves to assess the influence of element dila-
what appears to be the first true finite element discretization tation; this mesh is similar to Mesh M4 but has the same spatial
of both ship structure and surrounding fluid for the case of an extent as Mesh M5.
actual ship. The convergence index which has been retained involves the
An application to the vibrations of a.liquefied natural gas sum of all terms in the hydrodynamic mass matrix, and in each
(LNG) carrier involving a highly detailed model of both direction. Such sums may in fact be interpreted as the added
structure and surrounding fluid was presented by Armand, masses in the three rigid-body displacements (heaving, surging,
Orsero, ~nd Robert [50] and swaying) associated with each direction of the ship, where
. Orsero and Armand [56] studied a simplified' model of a the effectof surface waves has not been considered. Figure
barge, a quarter, of which is shown in Fig. 2. For reasons.of 5 shows the variation of the aforementioned quantities as a
symmetry, only one half of the complete ship is takeninto function of the mesh used, and suggests the following conclu-
cons{deration. The model exhibits 1340 degrees of freedom, sions:
reduced to 470 for the eigenvalue solution. Located on thehull Values obtained for the global added masses M y , ML, and
surface are 151 nodes, each possessing three degrees of freedom. M T in the vertical, longitudinal, and. transversal directions,
,The dimension of the hydrodynamic mass matrix Mh is respectively, obviously converge for increasing mesh size.
therefore 453 by 453. The aim was to compare added-mass The difference between the results obtained using Meshes
effects in both a finite element approach and a conventional M'4 or M5 is negligible
approach based on Lewis's theory. To this effect, to be con- Mesh M3 appears to be insufficient. On the other hand,
sistent with the simi~lifying hull girder model associated with results observed for all other meshes appear to be very sim-
conventional procedures, a further assumption that all nodes ilar.
located in the sametransversal section have the same vertical It may therefore be concluded that the numerical procedure
displacement is introduced, therefore reducing the dimension used to determine the hydrodynamic added, mass matrix con-
of the hydrodynamic matrix to 13 by 13. verges with the number of liquid elements used and with the
Figure 3 shows the distribution of the added mass computed increasing extent of the mesh, although no complete mathe-
accordingly along the length of the ship. It may be viewed as matical proof can offered Moreover, the precision of
a series of bell-shaped curves Centered on each of the 13 sections the elements used is sufficient to allow Mesh M'4 to represent
of the ship, in contrast to the discrete portions of straight lines correctly the same fluid volume as is occupied by a more refined
also represented and corresponding to the added mass obtained Mesh M5. Rules for adequate modelization of the liquid do-
from the conventional Lewis approach, for which coupling main may then be immediately inferred from the foregoing
between sections is'ignored. The mass matrix obtained via a results.

A Method for Evaluating the Hydrodynamic Added Mass In Ship Null Vibrations 103
. - -Nl2
Mh -r T


i-~- Convenhonal approach

i I
'2000 I -
"I J-- 1- .4- -n,IO

~ Numerical approoch

'ooo// X / \ \

I 2 3 4
. . - ,
6 7 8 9 I0 II 12 135
Fig. 3 Longitudinal distribution Of added mass

For the same structural model, we also compared the nu- The loading .case considered is that.corresponding to ballast
merical values of the frequencies obtained using the finite el- conditions, with a displacement of 76 935 metric tons--t
ement discretization when the inertia of the surrounding water (75 396 long tons--LT) and a corresponding draft of 9 m (29.52
was taken into account with those obtained using conventional ft).
added masses computed from the Lewis method as modified One half of the finite element model of the structure is shown
by Andersson and Norrand [18]. As was expected, the results in Fig. 6. The model consisted of 1904 grid points corre-
agreed very well for the first two modes of vertical vibration, sponding to 5331 degrees of freedom, and connected by 5972
for which the behavior of the.ship may be safely identified as elements, approximately evenly divided among rod (one-
that of a beam in the first modes of vibration. Beyond the third dimensional) and triangular and quadrilateral (two-dimen-
mode of vertical vibration, however, the discrepancies rose to sional) membrane elements.
unacceptable levels. The finite element discretization of the surrounding water
Use of the method will be demonstrated here for the realistic is represented in Fig. 7. It extends 273 m (895.44 ft) in the
case of a 129 500-m 3 (--'4.6 million ft3) LNG carrier. The longitudinal direction, 132 m (432.96 ft) in the lateral direction,.
general characteristics of the ship are as follows: and 113 m (370.64 ft) in the vertical direction. Twenty-node
isoparametric brick elements have been used. The model of
Length between perpendiculars: 266.20 m (873.13 ft) the fluid comprises a total of 612 such elements, corresponding
Breadth molded: 41.60 m (136.44 ft) to 3869 nodes with one degree of freedom per node. There are
Depth molded: 27.60 m (90.52 ft) 559 nodes in contact with the submerged part of the hull.
The 5331 degrees of freedom of the structure were subse-
quently reduced to 900 using static condensation. Great care
was exercised in the selection of the dynamic degrees of free-
dom so that the desired dynamic characteristics would be al-
tered as little as possible, with, for reasons for economy, the.
smallest number of dynamic degrees of freedom. All degrees
of freedom associated with small contributions to the kinetic
energy have been eliminated.
Figure 8 represents measured and calculated values of the
longitudinal acceleration at a point on top of the superstructure
as a function of the frequency for a known punctual excitation
force provided by an exciter located in the aft part of the Ship
and simulating the effect of the propeller. It shows the excel-
lent correlation obtained between measured and calculated
values of the natural frequencies. Damping, which remained
the only unknown parameter, was entered into the model as a
percentage of the critical damping for each mode, the values
of which had been adjusted to recover the measured amplitudes
Fig. 4 Various liquid meshes investigated of the peaks.

104 A Method. for Evaluating the Hydrodynamic Added M&ss in Ship Hull Vibrations

As pointed out in reference [50], the computational effort

. . \
mw)lved m calculahons such as those just described when a fi-
.nite element discretization of the fluid domain has been ef- -60
fected is not significantly increased compared to the same
calculation with added masses obtained in the conventional way
and quite arbitrarily distributed among a few points of the M6
bottom part of the hull, in contrast with the finite element ap- Mv
proach, in which all nodes on the submerged "p~rt.0f the hull -50
carry a portion of this mass. A fluid finite element possesses
only one degree of freedom (that is, pressure) per node and all
degrees of freedom in the fluid domain are condensed on the
hull using the straightforward procedure given by equations
(,1.5), (16), and (17). In preparing input data, the main diffi-. --40
culty lies in describing the hull surface compatible with the"
me~h used to model .the structure, as well as adequately rep-
resenting its hydrodynamic characteristics. Once the hull
surface has been described and the hull nodes chosen, genera-
tion of the complete fluid mesh can be effected rapidly and -30
efficiently using automatic data generation procedures.

Infinite elements
M4 M5 M6
Ahhough no real physical domain extends to infinity, it has - 20.
+ / + '" ~. Mx
been found convenient in developing the analytical equations
[field equation (3) and boundary conditions (Sa), (Sb), and (~)]
governing the behavior of the fluid flow to assume that the fluid
extends to infinity in all directions. " The associated finite ele-
ment analysis has dealt with this situation by a simple trunca- -I0

tion, therefore implicitly assuming that beyond a boundary at

a "'sufficiently large" distance the effects of the fluid motion
on the fluid-structure interaction problem can be safely ne- M3
glected. It has been shown [56] that within such an assumption M'4 ML
convergence occurs with increasing domain sizes, although 1 I I I
0 2"4 4-0 S'O 8'4
these domains necessarily remain finite. Therefore, nothing
but physical intuition has assured us yet that, at the limit, when Fig. 5 Added mass in vertical, transversal, and longitudinal directions
we go from a finite tO an infinite domain, an accompanying corresponding 'to the different fluid meshes of Fig. 4
discontinuity in results will not occur..
The method suggested herein is based on the use of an ele- in the radial direction with constant velocity/~. It is immersed
ment shape function which extends to infinity. The common in an inviscid, incompressible fluid extending to infinity in all
characteristic of conventional, finite elements is that some directions; the resulting flow is assumed to be irrotational.
quantity is integrated over a finite domain; however, there Although the problem obviously,exhibits spherical symmetry
seems to be no reason why the domain should not be infinite and may be treated using one spatial variable only, as will be
provided that the quantity integrated remains finite. the case to obtain the analytical solution, discretization will use
The use of infinite elements was first proposed and subse- fully three-dimensional elements and involve one eighth of the
quently developed by Zienkiewicz and Bettess [87] and Bettess sl)here ar{d of the fluid domain (Fig'. 9, showing one layer of
[4S]. Although the approach is too recent to have had wide- fluid elements).
spread application; its use clearly demonstrates great potential
[57]. - In applying such infinite elements, we are concerned not Analytical solution
with obtaining a true indicationof the behavior-of the fluid The flow may be described by a velocity potential qs, which
toward infinity, but, rather, with modeling the effect of the far is found as a sol.ution of the following boundary-value
region on the domain of interest. problem
'The shape function chosen to define an infinite element must
conform to certain requirements. Obviously, it should be re- ~72~ = 0 throughout fluid domain (35)
alistic, it should also lead to integrations over the element
domain which are finite. Satisfaction of the condition at ins . . . . Url on surface of. sphere, with Un denoting
fin!ty may be obtained in various ways--among them, using On velocity normal to surface of sphere
exponential or reciprocal decay. Accordingly, two types of pointifig inward (35a)
elements have been devised for the purpose of this study, fol-
lowing one type of decay or the other. lim q5 = 0 being condition at infinity . (35b)
The application to the classical problem of radial expansion
of an elastic sphere in. water, for which an analytical solution For uniform expansion of the sphere (u, = -/~ = constant),
exists [3], will be presented here for various meshes involving the solution takes the form
finite and infinite elements. Comparison ofnumerical results RZR
obtained with the exact solution will serve-to demonstrate the forr>R qS=--- (36)
validity of such discretizations. r
and R(t) = Ri + Rt denotes the radius of the sphere at time t.
Statement of the problem This solution satisfies the kinematic condition on the spherical
A spherical shell of radius Ri at initial time'expands uniformly boundary
A Method for Evaluating the Hydrodynamic Added Mass In Ship Hdll Vibrations 105
' -~nr=R]
At initial time

S0 = 'R~/~ f o r r > R ~ (87)

The kinetic energy of the fluid is at any time given by

2T = -p ~ dS (88)

and at initial time

, R tt
2T0=-p -. (R)dS
i /"

= 47rpR~[{ 2 (~39)
~l'he kinetic energy of the fluid may be interpreted as that
of a mass Mh = 4rpR~ which represents three times the mass
of the fluid volume displaced by the sphere, to which velocity
R has been imparted. The'action of the fluid on the sphere is
therefore equivalent to additional inertia terms characterized '
by this equivalent mass Mh.
If we now assume that the condition at,infinity (35b) is im-
posed at a finite distance Re, the corresponding potential o'
O is obtained from the potential 0 corresponding to the infinite
z domain by subtracting a term corresponding to So(Re), that
O S0' - R~/~ R~z/~" for R~ < r < Re (40)
r Re.
The corresponding added mass now becomes
Mh" = (1-- -~e)Mh (41)
2 This expression (41) will allow us to assess the validity of nu-
merical solutions obtained by finite elements with truncation
of the fluid domain at a finite distance Re, the condition S =
"5 0 being then imposed on the finite boundary of the discretized
E Numerical solutions obtained using finite and infinite
elements: description of the diseretization method
E used
Due to the spherical symmetry of the problem and as was'
..a already noted, only one eighth of the sphere and of the fluid
domain have been considered for numerical calculations.
Twenty-noded isoparametric fluid finite or infinite elements
have been used according to the following guidelines "
There are three elements in contact with the surface of the
sphere (Fig. 10).
The mesh is made of n concentric layers of elements dis-
tributed between radius Ri and Bn measured from the center
of the sphere (Fig. 11).
For a model built up solely of finite elements, condition S -=
0 is imposed at all nodes of the outer layer (Fig. 12) For a
model featuring infinite elements, the latter are obviously lo-
cated in the outer layer (Fig. 13).
Two meshes haye been used, differing by their spacing be-
tween element layers, which are given in the table below.

Mesh MI (coarse
in contact IR1/Ri l 7 R3/Rt l Rs/R~I
81 RI/R~
with sphere)

Mesh M2 (fine
in contact
with sphere) .I 1.6 2.6
R3:R,I RsJR,I 'o'R,
. . s 25

106 A Method for Evaluating theHydrodynamic Added Mass in Ship Hijll Vibrations
Fig. 7 Finite element model.of surrounding fluid (one half)

220- 7
,0o- i
C A [ C U L A rE

,0" i,,. / . :': ,I""t", !;; ~.....

i /;/ ', - "?

,oo! /;/i
/,." /
', ~ 7 / I"
I \",.
%\ "-,
80", 7 "/ ',,
; /'
; /
\\.- ................. .,
,~j./ ,",.,.},..;
,;i I /i
",,. '-,c - ,1 ~::: ........... ..
'. . \/'

i \,.,7

o" ............................................................... ~--' ...................... :-"............................. -: ........ : ................. ':- f['t'

Fig. 8 Comparison of measured and calculated frequency response

A Method for Eva!uating the Hydrodynamic Added Mass In Ship Hull Vibrations 107
,I z

'/ ". .

.~ ~.-....-:.:.~ Y.



O Ri R1 .-Rn .

Fig. 11 Concentric mesh with n layers

diate vicinity of the sphere did not appear to influence greatly

the results, since, for the same number of elements, the external
boundary of the model is now closer to the sphere than that for
Fig. 9 One eighth of sphere with one layer of fluid elements the coarser mesh.
The solution obtained using infinite elements with reciprocal
decay (proportional to 1/r) nearly reproduces the exact ana-
Results lytical solution (Fig. 15). This is not surprising for this partic-
A comparison between the two types of elements will be ular case, since the analytical solution decreases as 1/r. It may
made from the numerical values obtained for the velocity po- be noted that a model consisting of one layer only of infinite
tential as well as the added mass Mti. MeshEs'M1 and M2 elements leads to a better value for the potential on the surface
were examined. The number of layers used was successively of the sphere than a finer mesh comprising finite elements,
taken as 1, 2, 3, 5, and 10. which implies that the presence of the latter in the vicinity of
Velocity potential ~b--The solution obtained using the finite the sphere may hamper the quality Of the approximation.
element model is clearly a function of the distance at which Figure 16' shows that excellent ~ipproximations for the po-
condition q~ = 0 is imposed (Fig. 14). Realistic values for the tential are obtained using infinite elements With exponential
potential may be obtained provided that the condition is im- decay (e-r/L). The accuracy of the results is continuously
posed at a sufficiently long distance from the center of the improved as the number of layers of finite elements is increased.
sphere (of the order of 20 to 80 times the radius Ri of the However, the values obtained do not appear to vary greatly
sphere). On the other hand, refining the mesh in the imme- with the fineness of the mesh.
Added mass--Figure 17 shows the values obtained for the
added mass using the different models as a fraction # of the
z - exact value Mh = 47rpR~3.
It is worthwhile to examine the convergence of the finite
element model when the external boundary is moved away
from the center of the sphere by successive addition of element
layers;.we note that there exists an asymptote which is different
for each mesh. For instance, at best, Mesh M1 is able to yield
only a value of the added mass equal to 94.5 percent of the true


Fig. 10 Distribution of nodes on surface of sphere Fig. 12 Finite element mesh

108 A Method for Evaluating the Hydrodynamic A d d e d Mass in Ship Hull Vibrations
valuel whereas Mesh M2 yields a value equal to 98.5 percent
of the exact one. The asymptotic value' therefore seems to
depend heavily on the fineness of the mesh in the vicinity of the
sphere. The curves corresponding to Meshes M1 and M2 are
seen to reach from below the limit set by the exact value [1 -
(RdR,,.)]. Mesh M2 appears tobe sufficiently fine due to the
small discrepancy with the limit which.has been obtained.
Infinite elements, on the other hand, for a single layer, and
therefore at minimal effort, yield values equal to 99 and 95
percent of the exact value, for reciprocal and exponential decay,
respectively. The fineness of the mesh in the vicinity of t h e
sphere appears to have had very little influenceon the results )
for the added mass, Since added mass is obtained by integra-
tion of the potential on the surface of the sphere, the value of
that potential must be known with precision only on the surface
of the sphere, thereby yielding an accurate representation of J
The approach using infinite elements therefore appears ex- Fig. 13 Finite e l e m e n t and infinite e l e m e n t m e s h
tremely promising. For the simple example of a sphere ex-
panding uniformly in an infinite medium,, consideration of
numerical values obtained using a finite element discretization Discretization of the fluid domain using only a single layer
of the fluid domain allows us to draw the following conclusiorts, of infinite elements leads to very accurate results for the values
which appear to be valid for the most general fluid-structure of the velocity potential as well as for the added mass. The
interaction problem. accuracy obtained, however, is to some extent a function of the
A model composed of' finite elements only converges type of decay chosen, as was noted in the case of our simple
toward the exact analytical solution provided that the mesh is example, in which the exact solution was obtained from a ve-
"fine enough" in the vicinity of the structure and, more im- locity potential proportional to 1/r.
portantly, that the external boundary, on which the condition Elements such as described herein have been implemented
at infinity (~ = 0) is enforced, is "far enough." Fineness and. in a general computer program used for dynamic calculations
mesh extent being relative, they necessarily depend on the similar to that for the 129 500-m3 LNG carrier, and are pres-
specific problem being considered. ently being tested: In particular, infinite elements have been

i! ',,'J,S4,BEi~OF LAYERS 1 2 5 I
M10 O ~,

M2 1 2
M1 O 'O


:::I,'1, ' ' , ... '

i . ',k ' . ' . ,

. . . . . . - -..
, "*" ._-~....~.. ~ _ . . ~
\ 2b 3o
R ,'o 2'0 3'o
Fig. 14 V a l u e s of v e l o c i t y potential using finite e l e m e n t s ; influence Fig~ 15 Values of velocity potential using finite and infinite elements
of m e s h g e o m e t r y " (reciprocal decay); influenc e of m e s h g e o m e t r y

A Method for Evaluating the Hydrodynamic Added M a s s In S h i p H u l l V i b r a t i o n s 109

Corresponding values for the global added masses Mv and.
Mr associated with rigid-b0dy motions in.vertical and trans-
versal directions have been represented in Fig. 18, which shows
the significant improvement achieved over previousresults. At
NUMBER OF LAYERS I 2 the same time, the decrease in the number of fluid elements has
MI 0 /'1 been accompanied by a sensible alleviation in the computational
effort required to build the hydrodynamic mass matrix. It may
safely b~ concluded thatadvantages are tobe gained from an
introduction of infinite elements in actual vibration calculations,
especially since models,grow rapidly to significant sizes. Their
systematic Use will undoubtedly improve the reliability of finite
element calculations without requiring significantly greater
computational effort.
.3 EXACT Conclusions
Finite element and infinite.element discretization of the fluid
domain has been shown to provide a reliable and efficient
method Of representing accurately the inertia of the water
surrounding a vibrating ship in a way consistent With the
three-dimensional.structural models necessitated by the increase
insize and flexibility of present-day ships. Results to date in-
dicate excellent accuracy for the method. Other approaches.
. are also possible, and appea r very promising. Deruntz and
Geers [51] have presented a computational technique for the
treatment of fluid-structure interaction effects by discrete
boundary integral methods based upon a variational approach.
involving the assumption of constant source strength over each
surface element. "
Q Chopra [29], in the context of the earthquake analysis of
structures such as dams, treats the structure .and the fluid as
substructures. The structure "may be idealized by the finite.
element method, thus taking advantage of its ability to handle.
5 10 30 R systems of arbiti'ary geometry and variation of material prop-.
Fig. 16 Values of velocity potential using finite and infinite elements erties. ' At the same time, the fluid may be treated as a con-
(exponential decay); influence of mesh geometry tinimm, an approach which is ideally suited to the simple
boundary, conditions and to the great extent of the surrounding,
water. The analysis procedure then couples the.substructures
used to' represent the effect of the water surrounding the sim- by considering Compatibility conditions and the forces inter-
plified barge model 9f Fig. 2 already considered for testing the acting at the fluid-structure interface.
validity of finite elements. Mesh M1 = consists of 46 infinite Webster [42], in extending the classical method of Frank [1:3]
elements with reciprocal decay, distributed in a single layer to compute the hydrodynamic pressure around an arbitrary
in contact with the hull surface: section undergoing an arbitrary deformation, has shown that

=" ( - r / . ) (Yr


Fig. 17 Values of added-mass

ratio for various mesh types and
0.5 geometries

l I I
5 50 100 150 200 250

110 A Method for Evaluating the Hydrodynamic Added Mass in, Ship Hull Vibrations
the hydrodynamic forces acting on a discretized'structure may LMh . ,
be represented as the product of a matrix that isdependent on (xlO3ton)

the ship geometry, but not its vibrational motions distribution,

and of a vector which depends only on the motion. ,Webster's
approach has the advantage of being able to deal
with lower frequencies, at which the creation of surface waves , M I o~
. . . . -7---+ Mv
drains energy from the vibrating structure and gives rise to
-50 M5 M6
effective damping of the motion, the added-mas~:fiiatrix be- J M.,i
coming in that case complex and frequency-dependent. 4~"
With greater knowledge and the attendant development of M3
improved methods, the naval architect is now able to predict
with confidence the natural frequencies and corresponding"
mode shapes of a ship. This constitutes an important first step.
toward reliable predictiofi of the response of a ship under ser-
vice conditions, which can be realized only when present -40
techniques for determining excitation forces are improved and,
most of all, when the effects of damping are more fully un-
derstood [41, 6 0 ] . . )
If, however, it can be ascertained with reasonable assurance
that the natural frequencies of the hull are not likely to coincide
with any of the forcing frequencies, then the vibration is u n -
likely to cause concern even if the excitation forces are of con-
siderable magnitude. For present-day ships, the most signif- -30
icant forces causing vibration are those induced in the propeUer
and which occur at frequencies equal to the product of the shaft
revolutions per minute and the number of blades.
Partial knowledge of damping as obtained from correlations
between the results of theoretical calculations and full-scale
measurements [58] ma~, now be sufficient to determine the MlCO
response of a ship to unit forces applied at the thrust bearing ~+ MT

?and on the hull in way of the propeller disk. If the damping -20 +~ "." M4 5 ' . M6
is quantitatively introduced in the model in the form of viscous. M3

damping as a fraction of the critical damping for each mode,

the naval architect will be able to recognize potentially dan- I i i I
gerous frequencies at .the design stage and to thus determine .0 2,4 4.0 6 0 8.4 rn
in a r~ttional manner the number of propeller blades Fig. 18 Added mass in vertical and transversaldirections corre-
sponding to one layer of infinite elements fo r barge problem of Fig. 2,
Acknowledgments as well as to the different fluid finite element meshes of Fig. 4
Part of the research described herein has been carried out i
'with funding from the French Maritime Administration (Di- 10 Kruppa, C., "Beitrag zum Problem der Hydrodynamisehen
rection G~n~rale de la Marine Marchande). T~gheitsgr6ssenbei Elastischen Schiffsschwingungen,"Schiffstechnik,
The authors are particularly indebted to Professor O. C . Vol. 9, 1962.
Zienkiewicz and Dr. P. Bettess, both of the University of W~iles ' 11 Csuporl D., "'Discussion to Report No. 9 on Vibration," Pro-
ceedings International Ship Structures Congress, Delft The Nether-
'at Swansea, for their invaluable assistance in part of the re- lands, 1964.
search, as well as for their helpful comments and continued 1 2 Zienkiewicz, O. C., Irons, B., and Nath, B., "Natural
encouragement. Frequencies of Complex, Free or Submerged Structures by the Finite
Element Method" in Vibration in CivilEngineering, B. O. Skipp, Ed.,
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International Symposium on Computing Methods in Applied Science presented at the RINA Vibration Symposium, London, Dec. 11-13,
and Engineering, Versailles, France, Dec. 15-17, 1975.
38 Chowdhury, P. C., "Free Vibrations of Fluid-Borne Structures: 1979.
Investigations on a simple Model," Trans. North East Coast Institution 59 Gomez, G. P., Guti~rrez de la Cueva, J. J. F., and Orge, S. P.,
of Engineers and Shipouilders, Vol. 91, No. 1, 1976. "Calculation of the Pressure Distribution over the Surface .of a Vi-
39 Langecker, E. and Palm, L., "Zur Anwendung der Kor- brating Solid in a Semi-Incompressible Fluid by Means of the Finite
rekturfaktoren der hydrodynamischen Masse nach Kruppa bei Element Method," International Shipbuilding Progress; Vol. 26,
SchiffskSrperschwingungen'" (Application of Kruppa's Correction 1979.
Factors for Added Mass in Hull Vibrations), Schiffbauforschung, Vol. 60 Report of Committee ii. 4, "Steady-State Dynamic Loading
15, March-April 1976. and Response," Proceedings, Seventh InternationalShip Structures
40 Meijers, P.~"Numerical Hull Vibration Analysis of a Far-East Congress, Paris, 1979 ,

Knut T. Skaar, 3 Visitor, and Svein SkjCrdal, Member bution to the understanding of hydroelastic problems in ship
This paper is the most complete one of a series of papers in We agree to the application of the fluid finite element ap-
which t h e p r e s e n t authors have presented a valuable contri- proach as a research tool and also for future design calculations
3 Det norske Veritas, Oslo, Norway in the case of detailed investigations of local or coupled local/

112 A Method for Evaluating the Hydrodynami Added Mass in Ship Hull Vibrations
HULL GIRDER can be interpreted as a lift effect. It seemsto us that the authors
i tv,....,o.
have formulated a hydroe]astic problem for a Ship at zero for-
-ward speed. However, we fee] that all first-Order hydrody-

namic effects should be included when a rigorous 8-D theory

8.(). for prediction of hull girder vibration is developed. "
" ' " IN AI~R~)a/~/f Additional references
FLUID FINITE,. ~ / , ~ " v::.'L"::-::
~LEME.~S "/ //'.S~R'~-~'EOR~ [61] ' Carlsen,.~G;~A,. Skaar, KT., and Kucharski, M., "Propeller
Induced Ship Hull'Vi6"ration. DesignStageCalculation with Sufficient'
Accuracy at a Reasonable Cost," Euromech 122, Paris, Sept. 1979.
[62] "Superelement Structural Analysis Program Modules,"
t.0. SESAM-69, User's Manual, Det norske Veritas, Oslo, Norway.

G. C. Volcy, Member
I wish first to thank the authors for their invitation tocon-
2.0- ~ , JS . tribute, and to compliment them for the elegance of solution
and Cartesian approach shown in their study.
In fact, the introduction of infinite elements into the study
of virtual 'mass of water is very original, but also promising,
3 /. 5 6 7 8 9 technically and economically.
' NUMBER OF NODES Of course, we are awaiting with interest the results of the
Fig. 19 Addedmass of water calculations of the supplementary study announced by the
authors at the end of this paper.
We would like to have the authors' opinion on how they
global vibration phenomena. However, we do not find any propose to apply these infinite fluid elements studied on a
inconsistencybetween the use of strip theory with correction simple cylindrical convex model to real ships, especially in way
for three-dimensional flow and the 3-D finite element structural of the aft part of the vessel, where not only convex but also
m(xlels commonly applied. In the case where the deformation concave surfaces are present. We would like to know also
of the ship cross section plays an'important role, not. only the whether for such cases one layer of infinite elements will be
added mass but also the modeling of the steel structure and the sufficient, because in this part of the ship, interaction problems
distribution of steel, equipment and, in particular, cargo mass between different pressures reflected by these surfaces may
should be reconsidered. For more details about modeling, see occur.
Carlsen et al [61] (following this discussion). As the results obtained by the autl~ors in the correlation be-
Det norske Veritas has used the fluid finite element and the tween the calculations of natural frequencies of hull girder with
sarne computer program as the authors [62] in connection with finite liquid elements, they are really satisfaetory, and I am
vibration calculations of bulkheads, web frames, propeller pleased to add that the measurements to which the authors refer
blades, and propeller ducts, and in reference [61] a study similar have been executed by calling for use of an out-of-balance ex-
to the bargeshown in Fig. 2 of the paper is presented. citer of25-ton output Conceived and built by Bureau Ver-
The results are summarized in Fig. 19. In the case of strip itas. "
theory the J-factor is taken from reference [18] of the paper, We would also appreciatethe authors' opinion on w h i c h
for a.five-noded hullgirder mode. Thus, for higher modes the" discrepancies arisingbeyond the third vertical mode they
added mass is overestimated, and a .lower J-factor should have consider as unacceptable when calling for the results of calcu-
been introduced to obtain complete agreement with the fluid lations of virtual mass of .water determined by the Lewis
element approach. method and modified by Andersson and Norrand. - According
The dotted line in Fig. 19 shows the results when the added to our experience; we are even surprised by the degree of cor-
mass is lumped to the nodal points along the bottom in the relationwhich is obtained between measurements and calcu-
centerline. This gives large deformations of the transverse lations done by applying the aforementioned method.
sections, which has nothing to do with the strip theory but Table 1 givesthe results of calculations of hull girder vibra-
emphasizesthe importance of mass modeling in general. tions of a 558 000-dwt tanker where even five modes show a
Finally, we would like to comment, on the mathematical good degree of correlation[63]. Table 2 gives the i-esults of o u r
formulation of the hydrodynamic part of the problem. The calculations executed in an analog way for the sea-barge carrier,
high-frequency assumption that the unsteady velocity potential built recently by Valmet Shipyard, where the correlation degree
e r = 0 on the mean free surface is widely accepted, an as- of vertical hull girder vibrations may be considered satisfactory,
sumption involving no loss of energy through surface waves even for the eight lowest modes [64].
radiated away from the body. Further, if the ship is advancing I think that an interesting study which should-be under-
at constant forward speed in the positive x-direction, the total taken--now that we have the necessary rational tool for correct
velocity potential should be written assessment of external mass of water--is to examine more
b(x,y,zlt) = - U x + G(x,y,z) + ~bT(x,y,z,t) closely the reasons why even the simplified calculation method
as established by Professor Lewis gives such satisfactory results.
where - Ux + ~ is the steady contribution, with U the for- I think that this is a good occasion to pay homage to his ge-
ward speed of the ship, and eT is the unsteady potential. As- nius.
sunaing ~bs to be a small quantity, the linearized unsteady In view of this aforementioned consideration, it may be un-
pressu~'e is found from Bernoulli's equation: derstood also that Bureau Veritas's interest in hydroelasticity
problems has been oriented mainly not to the calculation of the
external virtual mass of water but to the study of the internal
mass of water which we have encountered in, the past [65}. ,
The second term in the parentheses is well known in the theories In fact, as everybody knows, oil tankers have suffered serious
for ship motion and wave-induced hull girder vibration, and damage to their internal steelwork, and it has become absolutely

A Method for Evaluating the Hydrodynamic Added Mass in Ship Hull Vibrations 1 13
Table 1 Natural frequencies of TT Batillus [64] Volcy, G. C., Baudin, M., Andreau, C., Manner, A., and Sep-
pala, S., "European Built Sea Barge Carriers, Their Design, Machinery
Mode No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Hull Interaction and Investigations into Vibratory Behaviour," IME,
Calculated, Hz 0.408 0.84 1.24 1.55 1.99 2.19 [65] Volcy,G. C.,,Garnier, H., and Masson, J. C., "An Analysis of
Measured, Hz 0.44 " 0.95 . 1.15 1.32 1.85 2.7 the Free and Forced Vibrations of Cargo Tank Structure by Finite
c~s Element Technique," HANSA, 1974.
[66] Volcy, G. C., Morel, P., Bereau, M., and Tanida, K., "Some
Studies and Researches Related to Hydroelasticity of Steel-Work,"
Table 2 Natural frequencies of sea-barge carrier Julius Fuschik [67] Bourceau,G. and Volcy, G. C., "Forced Vibration Resonators
and Free Vibration of the Hull," Nouveaut6s Techniques Maritimes,
Mode Vertical Transverse Paris, 1969.
No. Measurements Calculations Measurements Calculations d. G; Lekkerkerker, 4 Visitor
1 1.05 1.04 1.52 1.57 Iwould like to compliment the authors for their valuable step
2 1.85 1.90 2.65 2.46 toward reliable prediction of vibrational behavior of ship hulls.
3 2.67 2.69 4.07 4.01 I have the following comments and questions.
4 3.62 3.59 5.12 5.16
5 4.52 4.17 6.27 6.04 1. Is it possible to replace the approximate boundary con-
6 5.42 5.49 dition at the free surface by a more correct one with the finite
7 6.10 5.86 element method described? If the height of the water level is
8 7.02 6.89
denoted by h (x, z, t), we have, for y = 0, p = pgh and conse-
quently gh = - b / b t , using equation (2) [but apart from C(t)].
necessary to establish a correct program that will allow free and On the other hand, continuity requires bh/bt = be~by.
Hence we have bz/bt 2 = - g b / b y or, for harmonic motions
forced calculations of this internal element of the tanks to
with frequency 60, be~by = (wZ/g). For large o~ this is often
proceed. For this reason, Bureau Veritas has established a
replaced by = 0, which is equivalent to equation (3b). En-
program calling for finite fluid elements as well as coupling
elements which describe correctly the transition from the liquid forcing the more accurate boundary condition, unfortunately
expressed in teims of the velocity potential, one could assess the
domaiia to the steel. I am happy to announce that we have
accuracy of the simpler condition = 0, and it is also concei-
succeeded in establishing such a program that has practically
able that one could treat wave-induced vibrations.
no technical limitation from the point of view of number Of
elements or dynamic degrees of freedom. This program has 2. In treating wave-induced vibrations, the virtual added
mass depends not merely on the hull geometry alone. For
been already tested with measurements executed on a VLCC,
example, in the limiting case of zero flexural rigidity and zero
and Bureau Veritas is preparing a paper to be submitted to the
mass; the ship follows the sea motion completely, and in the
Society for acceptance. This paper may well complete the
absence of excitation forces; thus we have no added mass. In
present paper of the authors related to the external virtual mass
more realistic cases the Virtual added mass should be applied
of water. Some preliminary results of the Bureau Veritas
only in connection with the difference in acceleration of ship
studies related to simple elements and partial steelwork of the
and waves, whereas the real mass, of course, is connected with
ship can be found in Volcy et al [66].
the total ship hull acceleration.
Besides our agreement and appreciation, however, I trust that
3. Does the method developed enable the ship's speed in
the authors of this very interesting paper will also accept some
the case of engine- or propeller-induced vibrations to be taken
divergence of opinion. This concerns their views expressed on
into account? A part of the vibratory energy generated by the
the subject of the prediction of natural frequencies of hull girder
excitation source is left behind in the wake field. This obviously
for determining the necessary number of propeller bladek
Based upon this discusser's shipboard experience with big has the effect of damping and probably dwarfs the influence
of structural damping. It would be of interest to know more
ships, to avoid high vibratory levels the most important task is
about the role of speed in this respect. Another problem is to
to look for the presence of forced vibration resonators and
assess the influence of structural damping on wave-induced
detune them. In fact, the numerous elastic systems on board
have a multitude of natural frequencies,' and their resonant vibrations where the water itself is the source of the mechanical
vibratory energy.
response to the excitation present (even small) can be considered
4. In the regponse calculation of an LNG carrier, damping
as secondary sources of excitation. If this is so, the corre-
sponding dynamic amplification of their response may be the coefficients have been adjusted so as to match measured peak
basis for the unexpected increase of the vibratory level, which values. Can anything be said about the magnitude of the
looks to be the case for the Newport News-buih LNG carrier ensuing damping parameters, and are there any measured
phase shifts that corroborate the results?
mentioned in the next paper in this volume, "Limitations on
the Maximum Power of Single-Screw Ships." M. dourdain, 5 Visitor
In fact, this ship, similar in size and design to the one built In their conclusions to the paper, the authors reiterate the
by France Dunkerque and having apparently a higher vibi'a- well-known fact that the computation of forced vibration
tory level, may have on board a non-detuned forced vibration amplitudes requires as input data the exciting forces, the natural
resonator [67] which, if not considered at the calculation stage, frequencies, and the damping.
may be the origin of the problem. In spite of the efforts from various quarters, data concerning
But this problem is dealt with in tlae discussers contribution the exciting forces, especially the surface forces when the
to the next paper, by Chang et al, and is mentioned here only cavitation is present, remain somewhat uncertain. As for the
to better illustrate his difference of opinion from the authors damping, it isgenerally estimated at some arbitrary value, and
as expressed in their "Conclusions" section. although some insight into its dependence on frequency and
Additional references structural location is expected from correlations currently being
[68] Volcy,G. C., Baudin, M., and Morel, P., "Integrated Treat- 4 Laboratory of Engineering Mechanics, Delft University of Tech-
ment of Static and Vibratory Behaviour of Twin Screw 553 000-tdw nology, Delft, The Netherlands.
Tankers," RINA, 1978. 5 lnstitut de Recherches de la Construction Navale, Paris, France.

114 A Method for Evaluating the Hydrodynamic Added Mass in Ship Hull Vibrations
performed by the authors, such work is tedious, requirirlg a and associated stiffeners.between transverse members, artificial
large number of measurements to be made before any general spring elements were included to represent the local shell-water
conclusions can be drawn. . interaction. A version of the model was utilized to determine
Given this state of affairs, it may be questioned whether it the effect of the shell plating spring elements on response. The
is worthwhile to refine the determination of natural frequencies, comparison of the response spectra calculated indicates that
as the authors have done, by introducing the liquid elements, these-springs make a significant difference in response and
either finite oi: infinite. In my opinion, the answer is positive therefore should be incorporated in the analyses.
in view of the fact th~it with respect to the excitingfqrces gen- The model also studied the effect of varying the compress-
erated by a propeller, which is the most frequent c~i~eatpresent, ibility of the Warier. -If was found that variations of the elastic
the exciting frequencies are known. As soon as the natural modulus had very little effect on the results. This is consistent
frequencies are also co/nputed with accuracy, it becomes pos- with the authors' assumption of incompressibility.
sible to provide a large interval between thetwo sets, at least Another modification of the model was used to determine
.in the critical range. Thus, the degree of damping becomes the effect of water element mesh refinement. In this variation
negligible for the response and, unless the exciting forces are of the baseline model,the water elements between the FNP and
exceptionally large: the amplitude of the vibration must be the basin boundaries were divided into layers. The baseline
acceptable. model had 0nly one layer of Water elements. The comparison
of the response spectra indicates that the refinement (number
David Linter, Member of layers) of. the water elements has very little significance in
I found the paper very gratifying in that it addressed hy- the response and therefore the extra refinement is'not needed
drodynamic added mass of ship vibration much more com- for our analysis. This is consistent with the statement in the
prehensiwly than anyprevious work I have r e a d . paper that boundary location is more important than mesh
The problem of ship vibration influence by the sui;rounding refinement for a model composed of finite elements.
water is one that has been addressed by this discusser's company In conclusion, I hope the authors can present the individual
wilEh varying degrees of success during recent years.. Although terms used in the mass matrix Mh for both the 20-noded iso-
our problem is somewhat different than the one the authors parametric fluidelement and the infinite fluid element so that
address, someof the reSults.may help to extend their efforts. others may try these elementson.their problems. Also, local-
Our problem consists of a nuclear power plant (FNP) ized.hull natural frequencies may exist over such a portion of
mounted on a barge-like floating platform and moored within the ship that the naval architect'should be informed of this fact
a protective basin. Therefore, we do not have any propeller in order to determine in a rational manner the number of
exeitation, nor do we have infinite extent of boundary water. propeller blades; this situati6n cap be included inthe structural
The excitation we are required to 9f vertical model. " " -" -~
seismic.origin, which happetas to be die same frequency range The authors' are to be congratulated, for presenting'such a
as propeller excitation referred tO in the paper. well-developed work on so cor/aplicated a subject. " We look
Perhaps the method we have developed would-also be ap- forward to reading their other .papers which the list of refer-
plicable to vessels operating in sfiallow waters--harbors, canals, ences suggests are soon to be pub!ished.
and rivers. "
For our work, We obtained satisfactory results using an or- Donald Liu, Member
dinary isoparametric solid element which included incom- . The.authors have made a verystrong case for the need to
patible displacement shapes. We assumed that .the .pressure develop a procedure for determining .the added-mass matrix
(stress) woiald be the same in all directions al~any element (ax for use in the analytical modeling'of the motions and structural
=. ~ry := crz): This is approached by assigning a value of Pois. response of a ship in a seaway. - In common 9ractice, the hy-
son's ratio,which approaches 0.5. The compressibilitycan then. drodynamic forces are usually calculated by using the strip
be considered by a~igning a value to the elastic modulus which theory and b~ introducing the assumption that each cross sec-
is proportional to the bulk modulus of water: tion deflects without deforming in its own plane, as in beam
K = E/3(1 - 2,) theory. For the lower beam-like modes, the sectional defoi'-
mation is indeed negligible. Howevei', we have found in our
This procedure allowed accomplishment of the.anal~;sis without own finite element vibration analyses of tankers that significant
the addition of a new type of element into an existing finite deformation of the ship sections appears in the 4th and higher
element analysis production computer code. vertical bending modes. It is well known that in the case of
After studying a reservoir similar to.Chopra's in "Earthquake ships such as large bulk carrier~ and tankers the local defor-
Analysis of Reservoir Dam Systems~" Proceedings of the Fourth mation of the bottom panels can significantly affect the response
World Conference on Earthquake Engineerifig, Chile, 1969, of the entire ship. This is due not only to the structural cou-
we tried two-dimeristonal models of our problem. pling, but also to the changes in magnitudes of the motion-
The'two-dimensional finite element models of the.FNP- induced hydrodynamic forces. -The significance of the hy-
' water system consisted of variatiofis of a refined-mesh model droelastic coupled probti~m has long been recognized, and yet
and a coarse-mesh model. The model was a two-dimensional little work has been done in this regard.
finite element model of the FNP in a rectangular basin of water Using fluid finite (or i'infinite") elements in connection with
with clearance between the seabed and bottom shell of the FNP the 3-D finite element model of the structure, as demonstrated
and b~tween each end of the .FNP and the vertical basin by the authors, appears to be a good means to solve the fluid-
boundaries. structural interaction problem. Although the fluid finite ele-
The FNP platform.was modeled as an assembly of various ments were introduced some time ago (i966) and numerous
two-dimensional structural elements. The water was modeled applications have been made sincethen,, the authors' work
as an assembly of two-dimensionalplane-strain isoparametric appears to be the most extensive application to ship vibrations
elements with spring elements included to .represent the to date and has provided some useful insight for engineers and
buoyancy force of the water. The basin was represented by designers performing a ship vibration study.
nondeforming, boundaries. In dealing with ship vibration problems, however, it is my
Becalase the deg_ree of element refinement in the model was belief that the surface (or boundary) integral method appears
not sufficient to represent the local flexibility of the shell plating to be even more effective in the calculation of added mass and

A Method for Evaluating the Hydrodynamic Added Mass in Ship Hull Vibrations 115.

Fig. 20 Isometric views of FEM tanker modelT-port side

damping, especially when fluid'-structure interaction is to be quency-dependent added-mass and damping coefficients can
incorporated in the formulation. Recently the American Bu- be obtained in the form of complex, frequency-dependent
reau of Shipping (ABS) has undertaken a research study for the matrices.
purpose of determining the effects of structural flexibility on As for the example study of the 129 500-m3 LNG carrier, the
the hydrodynamic forces, using the surface integral method. 6
authors indicated that for economic reasons the degrees of
The key feature of the method is that the.effects of the sur-
freedom of the structure were reduced from 53_31 to 900 by
rounding fluid are accounted for withou't requiring interior using static condensation. I would point out that for the case
modeling in the fluid region. In this regard, it is analogous to
of steady-state response to a single excitation force of varying
the "infinite" fluid element described in the present paper. frequency as presented in the paper, static condensation; as
Furthermore, by using the surface integral method, the effects normally understood, is in fact a part of the Gauss elimination
of surface waves can be readily considered and both the [re- solution process. If such is the case, this operation may not gain
6 Chen, Y. K. and Klosner, J. M., "Effects of Structural Flexibility economically.
of Hydrodynamic Forces," to be published It is interesting to note that good correlation between the

Steering Gear Flat Deckhouse Top Bridge Wing

Calcul'ated Measured

--Vertical X
-- i00
..... Longitudinal O

--80 1
-- 70

-- 60

--50 __ II I
If I
--40 -- I 1

--30 -- i


I I ] I I "I " I I I I I I 1 I
350 400 450 500 350 400 450 500 350 . 400 450 500
Frequency (Hz)

Fig. 21 Propeller-induced vibration displacement

116 A Method for Evaluating the Hydrodynamic Added Mass in Ship Hull Vibrations
calculated and measured resgnance (peak) frequencies of the curves in Fig. 3 are therefore really bell-shaped surfaces which
LNG carrier is observed in Fig. 8 of the paper. This can be extend athwartships as well as fore-and-aft.
attributed to the ideal situatiofl of the measurements, in Which There are some special, but nonetheless important, problems
an exciter is used to provide the harmonic force simulating the for which the method presented here cannot be used. These
propeller-induced vibratory force. include the springing of Great Lakes ships and the vibration of
For the.interest of the readers, I would like to present some floating bridges and free-floating docks. In these cases the
results of the vibration study for a tanker carried out by ABS. frequency of vibration,is low enough to make wavemaking an
The analysis was performed using a finite element model (Fig. important phenomenon. As a result, equation (3b) is no longer
20) consisting of 2605 dynamic degrees of freedom.(no'static valid. If forward .speed is present, then this speed also enters
condensation was used) with the added, mass calculated by the into the free:surface boundary condition in a fundamental way,
surface integral method and lumped at nodes on the hull sur- even if the ship is slender.' The resulting added-mass matrix,
face. Figure 21 shows the vertical and longitudinal vibration Ma, is frequency dependent, and the natural modes cannot be
displacements at the deckhouse top, wing bridge, and.steering solvedas a simple linear eigenvalue problem. Further, it does
gear flat due to propeller-induced vibratory forces at blade not seem possible to extend the fluid finite elements introduced
frequencies in the operating range~ along with some measure- here to treat these problems.
ments taken during a sea trial of the vessel. Although the
measured values were not taken at peak frequencies, the J. P. Breslin, Member "

measured and calculated values are nevertheless in good This'landmark paper provides the results ofa long-awaited
agree ment. numerical procedure for rational evaluation of the reaction
force distribution arising from the presence of the fluid around
William C. Webster, Member a ship which is vibrating in a three-dimensional fashion at high
The authors are to be congratulated for presenting an ex- frequencies, that is, at propeller blade rate frequencies and
ceptionally fine paper, one which I believewill be regarded as integer multiples thereof. In contradistinction to two-di-
a landmark in the field of ship vibration. I think that the results mensional strip theory methods, it accounts for the fact that
shown in Fig. 8 demonstrate the remarkable achievement that nearby elements interact hydrodynamically or, in a figurative
the authors made by the use of a rational and innovative ap- sense, that they "talk" to one another.
proach. There are a few technical pointsl however, which It has been known for sometime that the local forces arising
deserve some elaboration beyond that presented b y the au- from acceleration of a flexing ship boundary are not well ap-
thors. proximated by sectional theory (which ignores the flow and,
The authors appear to imply that equation (3) can be derived hence, pressures induced by longitudinally separated elements)
from equations (1) and (2) if the.assumption is made that the whenevi~r the model wave forms ha~e lengths comparable to
vibratory motion is small. In fact this assumption alone is not the transverse dimensions of the vessel. This can be appre-
sufficient to obtain this result. The standard situation in which ciated immediately by considering the following problem
one obtains this result is when the body, in addition, has no which I formerly posed to graduate students studying, theo-
forward velocity. This woulcl be a somewhat curious as- retical hydrodynamics:
sumption to make since the aim of the paper is to investigate "Given an infinitely long circular cylinder of radius b im-
propeller-induced vibration. A closer examination of the na- mersed in an inviscid incompressible fluid, find the force
.ture of these eqmitions shows that the term resulting from q2/2 density at any section when the cylinder is vibrating har-
is small compared with that resulting from i)~/~)t if the pa- monically with small amplitude a at frequency w and the
rameter U/Lee is small, where U is the forward speed, L is a standing wave form has a wave lengthX. Compare the
characteristic length in the longitudinal direction, and 60 is the answer with the result obtained by assuming the flow is
frequency of the vibration. The characteristic length is defini~d two-dimensional at any section."
such that if the potential q5 is of order unity, the x-derivative A sketch of the geometry is given in Fig. 22. As the verti-
of ~bis of order 1/L. Thus, for a moderate velocity U, we can cal velocity is w(x,t) = ieeaei(2rrx/ ~ + wt ) (real part understood)
recow~r equation (3) if the product of ee and L is large in addi- and the radial component is w(x,t) cos0, the solution for the
tion to the motion being small. A high frequency, co, is already velocity potential is
assumed by the authors in deriving the free-surface condition,
equation (3b). A large value of L is associated with a slender
ship, typical of the types of ships considered by the authors. In iawKl(~)e'(2"x/x+~ t,
conclusion, the procedure used by the authors appears readily
justifiable. The resulting development of a finite element
procedure for solving the hydrodynamic flow seems to be very
efficient for the high-frequency problem. The Use of the in-
finite elements by the authors appears particularly attrac- where K1 is the modified Bessel function of the second kind and
tive. ,-
Kl' is the derivative. Retaining only.the linear term for the
Equations (32) and (33) display an important feature of a pressure, one obtains the three-dimensiofial vertical force
density as
rational approach to the ship vibration problem which is worth
emphasizing. The hydrodynamic added-mass matrix Ma, can
be computed a priori and is dependent 0nly on the undeformed dZ Paee2bXK](~~) e'(2~x/x+~t)
geometry of the hull and the nodal distribution. As such, Ma dx - Za' = ' (2i
is independent of any assumed modesl . The mass matrix, is
dense and this implies, as the authors state, that it is incorrect
to even attempt to approximate the effect of the water by at-
taching lumped added masses to the structttral nodes of the hull. NOw when 2~rb/X << 1, thai is, when the circumference is small
The hydrodynamic pressures induced at one point due to mo- compared with the wave length X, we find that
tions of that same point are not localized, but diffuse slowly in
all directions. In fact, the field equations (3), is identical in lim (bXK1/Ko + K2) = -rob 2 (3)
form to that for the three-dimensional diffusion of heat. The b/x~O
A Method for Evaluating the Hydrodynamic Added Mass in Ship Hull Vibrations 1 17
. l~_ x x "']1

cosO w = i~a e i(2~x/X+ ~t) .

Fig. 22 Geometry of intinitely long vibrating circular cylinder

and, as expected, one recovers the strip theory result, An alternative method to that of the authors for arbitrary hull
namely shapes is to subdivide the hull (and its geometric reflection in
the water surface) into panels and to distribute piecewise uni-
lim Z3' = Z2' = -pa(TrbZ)o~2e~(2=x/x+~t) (4) form" sources m on these panels The source densities are then
b/X~o found from the integral equation
that is, the force density is that due to accelerating a mass of
fluid equal to the sectional displaced mass pTrb2. -m 1 Y~s b(1 ~'~i) dS
The modulus of the ratio of the three-dimensional to the
two-dimensional force densities is
2- [ x , y , z ( x , u ) ] - s, m

where R is the distance.between x,y,z and any dummy point


= Vn[XfiJ,X(7,Z)] (6)
on the submerged hull surface and Ri the corresponding dis-
tance from dummy points on the reflected hull; v, is the com-
= I<0 -- + K2 plex amplitude of velocity normal to the hull surface elements.
The local pressures and sectional forces can be found by inte-
gration, that is
A graph of thisratio is given in Fig.. 23. It is clear that beyond
a value of 27rb/X = 0.25, the strip method yields inaccurate
assessment of the force arising from acceleration of the fluid. = + ~ m --~ dS (7)

A program for inverting the foregoing integral equation has

been developed at McDonnell-Douglas for Davidson Labora-
tory, where it is used to determine the forces on hulls due to

1.0~ s t
Strong interactions
s h o r t wave l e n g t h s
propeller blade-frequency onset flow. A basic difficulty for
me at present is that, at the outset, the normal velocities are
computable from the modal vibrations in vacuo. But the hull
natural mode deflections themselves are different when the
fluid is present. This isnot a problem for the authors. I can
imagine that, at blade frequencies, the natural modal forms are
not greatly affected by the presence of the liqui d (although the
natural frequencies most assuredly are). Can the authors give
some indication of the influence of water on the mode
I think it would be a worthwhile exercise to compare the
I I I I. I authors' method with the source-panel method. Although the
10 latter is not, I realize, a natural "continuation" of their finite
2~b circumference element method and may not be attractive to them, nonetheless
wave l e n g t h a comparison of the "added mass forces" by the two methods
Fig. 23 R a t i o of t h r e e - d i m e n s i o n a l to t w o - d i m e n s i o n a l (strip t h e o r y ) should be examined.
force densities as a function of the ratio of sectional circumference to The Society is indeed indebted to Drs. Armand and Orsero
wave length of vibrating mode for their timely and most useful contribution.

118 A Method for Evaluating the Hydrodynamic Added Mass in Ship Hull Vibrations
T. R. Goodman, 7 Visitor represent an effective solution to the hydrodynamic.fluid-
The inversion of very large matriees can frequently tax the structure interaction problem. However, if we are concerned
capabilities of even the largest computer and may also be ex- only with solving for the Laplace equation in the fluid domain
pen,;ive. One method that is very efficient and that has been" with simplified boundary conditions, the fluid finite and infinite
used extensively in solving transonic flow. problems in aero- element approach may be sufficient. The corresponding so-
dynamics is the method of relaxation, and I am curious to know lution method is easily implemented and yields satisfactory
if the authors have attempted to apply this technique to their results at a cost whidh is negligible when compared with the.
problem. : ~'...~:~- total effort needed,to build a ship structural model.
Two possible methods for'overcoming the p~ol~lemof the Professor Wel3ster has come to our aid and very convincingly
boundary condition at infinity are these: (i) Map the irffinite shown that the effects of the forward speed can be neglected
space onto a finite domain and then solve the problem using in our problem for the type of sh!ps discussed. Such effects
finiteelements in the mapped space; and (ii) obtain an ana- have not been incorporated in our equations for reasons already
lytical representation of the far field in terms of the gross be- mentioned. The negligible influence of the forward speed of
havior of the boundary and then match this result to the finite the ship on the response to propeller-induced excitation has long
element solution at some finite but distaiat barrier. This must been suspected, based on fragmentary experimental evidence
be superior to letting the velocity potential vanish at the barrier collected by the authors, in particular. We are grateful to
since, by the nature of the far field behavior, it will compel the Professor Webster for providing theoretical proof.
solution to behave at the barrier insuch a way that the complete Professor Webster has also pointed out a major characteristic
solution vanishes at infin!ty. , of the added-mass matrix obtained by a numerical method:
due to the hydrodynamic coupling, the mass matrix is no longer
diagonal because the hydrodynamic pressures induced at one
point are not localized.
Authors' Closure Regarding wave-induced vibrations, it is true'that the finite
We first of all wish to thank all of the discussers for their element approach presents some difficulties in accounting for
helpful suggestions and comments. the surface wave effect; the resulting equations are a set of two
Professor Lekkerkerker suggests that the exact boundary frequency-dependent systems which are very difficult to un-
condition at the free surface be used instead of the appropriate couple, as already mentioned in our response to Professor
one presented in the paper. It is certainly possible to apply the Lekkerkerker's comments.
discretization process described to the free-surface condition. Mr. Linter, in his kind discussion, correctly points out that
However, the resulting set of equations will represent two in using fluid finite elements the main difficulty lies in the ex-
coupled differential systems, one pertaining to the structure and tent of the liquid mesh, assuming that this mesh is fine enough
accounting for structural displacements, velocities, and accel- in contact with the structure. Before conducting any dynamic
erations, and the other for the fluid domain and involving the analysis involving fluid elements, we must ensure that the
pressure and its time derivatives. It then becomes necessary correct liqUid mesh is used. This can be accomplished by
to work in the frequency domainin order to solve these equa- simulating a rigid-body motion and solving the linear system
tions for each frequency; the degree of difficulty involved in terms of pressure within the fluid.
would then be comparable to that resulting from the intro- It would take up too much space to present the expressions
duction of compressibility effects in the fluid domain. of the individual terms of the added-mass matrix in this closure.
In calculating the response of the LNG carrier, we found, Details of the basic features of the fluid finite and infinite ele-
after identifying the damping parameters, ,that damping is very ments can be found in references [21,43,56] as well as in a
mode-dependent and the range of damping values is between forthcoming paper by the authors to appear shortly in the In-
0.5 and 5 percent of the modal critical damping. The phase ternational Journal for Numerical Methods. in Engi-
was also in good agreement but only in the limited interval neering.
between 5 and 10 Hz. Beyond 10 Hz, the excessive number Professor Breslin's generous comments are gratefully ac-
of rninor modes precluded identification of their damping knowledged. We are certainly willing to engage in a com-
values. Consequently, damping identification was carried out parison of our results with those obtained by the source-panel
only for the most significant modes in terms of their contribu- method exposed in the discussion.
tion to the total response. , The question of the change in "dr;" and "wet" modal shapes
The method we describe is not applicable without modifi- is a pertinent one. We have found that a smaller'modal strain
cations, such ~s just discussed, to the case of wave-induced vi- energy is associated with a mode in water than with the corre-
brations, the study of which would require proper consideration sponding mode in vacuo. Thus, the global deformation of a
of free-surface.effects. Professor Lekkerkerker's comments "wet" mode appears to be less:severe than that for the corre-
on this particular instance are most appreciated. sponding "dry" mode, but this is only a preliminary finding.
Tile influence of speed was not assessed in the present study, It must be admitted that a method of relaxation similar to the
since the objective of the identification procedure was to cor- one used in transonic flow problems and discussed by Dr.
relate calculated values with measured values of the response Goodman has not been applied to our problem. The two types
at sea to an exciter, this experiment being conducted during sea of problems, however, do appear to us to be quite different.
trials., the ship having come to a halt. The use of infinite elements is in fact equivalent' to adding an
We are in complete agreement with Dr. Liu about the effects exterior solution coming from the infinite part of the fluid do-
of sectional deformation in ship vibrations. It is also our ex- main. In this sense, the second method proposed by Dr.
perience that after the first few modes it no longer becomes . Goodman appears promising; the only problem remaining is
possible to assume a beam-like behavior of the ship. This was in determining how,to construct the exterior solution. Infinite
one of the reasons why it was decided to develop a complex elements represent one possible solution.
finite element approach for both ship and water. We cannot but agree with Mr. Jourdain when he states that
' It is also our opinion that the boundary integral method may I~hecorrect determination of a natural frequency spectrum is
, at present the most important goal in a dynamic analysis of a
7 Davidson Laboratory, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, ship. The nUmber of propeller blades may be rationally chosen
N.J. with the aim to avoid resonant frequencies. The complete

A.Method for Evaluating the Hydrodynamic Added Mass in Ship Hull Vibrations 119
response analysis involves the introduction of damping and elements should be restricted to research purposes only. We
dynamic forces, but due to our insufficient knowledge of these must state that this is contrary to our belief. It is now time to
two parameters it does not appear possible at present to simulate incorporate the most recent developments in structural dy-
the dynamic response of a ship under service conditions. namics and associated numerical methods into the solution'of
Mr. Volcy's comments are most welcome~ The use of infinite the complex and challenging problem of ship vibrations.
elements is very promising indeed. However, fluid finite el- Concerning the question of the computer program used for
ements are still necessary to model the liquid domain around our calculations, we have been indiscriminately using our own
complex geometric surfaces, particularly those located in the modified versions of the SAP IV, SESAM '69, and NASTRAN
aft part of a ship. The most efficient way to use infinite ele- programs. As far as we are aware, fluid infinite elements are
ments thus appears to be to attach them to a layer of finite el- n o t implemented into the currently available versions of these
ements in contact with the hull surface so as to obtain a liquid programs.
mesh with minimal distortion. In closing, we wish to thank the readers for their indulgent
Although it is also true that we can get good results for the response to this presentation and their interest in our research,
natural frequencies using the conventional approach~ these may as incomplete as it may be at the present time. The illumi-
be due in fact to a combination of two contrary effects; on one nating comments of the discussers have added much to the
hand, the finite element model of the structure tends to over- scope of applicability of our results. Lastly, the Society must
estimate its stiffness, while on the other hand the classical be thanked for providing the opportunity whereby scientists
added~mass evaluation overestimates the fluid kinetic energy working in the area of naval architecture and marine engi-
and therefore the mass effects. neering may discuss present research and thereby foster greater
Mr. Skaar seems to imply that the application of fluid finite international cooperation within the scientific community.

120 A Method for Evaluating the Hydrodynamic Added Mass in Ship Hull Vibrations

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