Target For Glycemic Control: Concentrating On Glucose

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D I A B E T E S P R O G R E S S I O N , P R E V E N T I O N , A N D T R E A T M E N T

Target for Glycemic Control

Concentrating on glucose
LOUIS MONNIER, MD of time at the end of the night. Further-
CLAUDE COLETTE, PHD more, taking into account the overlap
between the postprandial and postab-
sorptive periods, it can be asserted that all
the remaining parts of daytime corre-

t is commonly admitted that the glyce- guide management of diabetes, observa-
mic control of patients with type 2 dia- tional studies have indicated that glucose spond to postabsorptive states (Fig. 1).
betes proceeds from a complex testing at postprandial and postabsorp- Although the postprandial glucose excur-
alchemy in which the respective contribu- tive time points could play an important sions are usually higher and last for
tions of both fasting and postprandial glu- role (5,6). For instance, lessons from longer, with greater variability, in patients
cose are still a subject of debate (1). A1C, physiology tell us that humans spend half with diabetes compared with those in
which remains the gold standard for assess- of their lives in postprandial states (7,8). healthy individuals (9), these three peri-
ing glucose homeostasis, is an integration of The postprandial state, with respect to ods remain present in patients with dia-
both fasting and postprandial glucose vari- glucose, is defined as a 4-h period that betes. Therefore, the ideal regimen for
ations over a 3-month period (2). From a immediately follows ingestion of a meal assessing blood glucose variations over
mathematical point of view, the theory can (7). During this period, dietary carbohy- daytime should include one or several
be formulated as follows (3): drates are progressively hydrolyzed time points of self-monitoring of blood
through several sequential enzymatic ac- glucose within each of these three periods
[A1C]0 3 months 03 monthsFPG t dt
tions. Even though the insulin response (10). Accordingly, for the last few years,
03 months PPG t dt we have been advised to use the four-
rapidly reduces the postprandial glucose
where FPG (t) and PPG (t) are the time excursion with a return to baseline levels point glycemic profile as an investigative
courses of fasting and postprandial glu- within 2 h, the overall period of absorp- tool for the monitoring of blood glucose
cose, respectively. tion has approximately a 4-h duration in patients with type 2 diabetes (5,6). The
As a consequence, the glycemic control that corresponds to the postprandial prebreakfast glucose is a reflection of
of patients with type 2 diabetes can be sche- state. The postabsorptive state consists of the real fasting state, the mid-morning
matically depicted by the glucose triad, a 6-h period that follows the postprandial and the 2-h postlunch values can be con-
whose components are as follows: A1C, period. During this time interval, glucose sidered to reflect postprandial periods,
fasting, and postprandial glucose levels. At concentrations remain within a normal and finally the 5-h postlunch glucose
present, and even though the debate re- range in nondiabetic individuals through (extended postlunch value) is a marker
mains wide open, it seems that the best as- the breakdown of the glycogen (glycogeno- of a postabsorptive period (7,8). It is
sessment of glycemic control is provided by lysis) stored during the postprandial pe- obvious that, in noninsulin-using type
the determination of the three above- riod. The real fasting state commences 2 diabetic patients, such a four-point
mentioned components. Most recommen- only at the end of the postabsorptive pe- glycemic profile should not be regularly
dations that have been published by riod (10 12 h after the beginning of the performed every day. For that reason, in
medical organizations in different countries last meal intake). During the fasting state, these patients, we have limited the use
take into account the three parameters, even plasma glucose is maintained at a near- of self-monitoring of blood glucose to
though the position statements differ normal level by the gluconeogenesis: glu- once a day, but we recommend to rotate
around the world, but also within the same cose derived from lactate, alanine, and glucose testing at the different times of
country (4). glycerol. Therefore, it appears that in a the day over a 4-day period to have a
nondiabetic patient who takes three broader picture of the glucose fluctua-
IMPORTANCE OF THE meals per day at relatively fixed hours, the tions over daytime (10).
FOUR-POINT DIURNAL 24-h period of the day can be divided into
GLYCEMIC PROFILE three periods corresponding to fasting,
postprandial, and postabsorptive states. A tool for establishing the
A tool for integrating the different The postprandial period (4 h each) is contributions of fasting and
periods of daytime equal to 12 h and covers a full half-day postprandial glucose to overall
Whereas many physicians continue to period of time (Fig. 1) (8). The real fasting hyperglycemia in patients with type
emphasize fasting glucose and A1C to period is only limited to a 3- to 4-h period 2 diabetes
In recent years, new data have provided
further information for the ongoing de-
From the Laboratory of Human Nutrition, Institute of Clinical Research, Montpellier, France.
Corresponding author: Louis Monnier, bate over whether A1C, fasting glucose,
The publication of this supplement was made possible in part by unrestricted educational grants from Eli and postprandial glucose contribute
Lilly, Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Generex Biotechnology, Hoffmann-La Roche, Johnson & Johnson, LifeScan, equally or not to the overall hyperglyce-
Medtronic, MSD, Novo Nordisk, Pfizer, sanofi-aventis, and WorldWIDE. mia in type 2 diabetes (6,1114). A few
DOI: 10.2337/dc09-S310
2009 by the American Diabetes Association. Readers may use this article as long as the work is properly
years ago, in noninsulin-treated type 2
cited, the use is educational and not for profit, and the work is not altered. See http://creativecommons. diabetic patients, we found that
org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ for details. postlunch and extended postlunch DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 32, SUPPLEMENT 2, NOVEMBER 2009 S199

Targeting glucose in diabetes

9.3%). For all patients who had A1C

levels ranging between 7.3 and 9.3%, the
contributions of fasting and postprandial
hyperglycemia were approximately
equivalent. These results seem to concili-
ate the controversial data that were ob-
served in the literature and it can be
concluded that the respective contribu-
tions of fasting and postprandial can be
depicted by a continuous spectrum from
fairly to poorly controlled patients with
type 2 diabetes.

A tool for simplifying the

recommendations: the trilogy of
By analyzing and comparing the recom-
mendations in 13 countries, the authors
of the AGREE study concluded that de-
spite disparities in guidelines around the
world, there exists a high degree of inter-
national consensuswhen the recom-
mendations are limited to both A1C and
fasting glucose concentrations (4). At
Figure 1Duration of the postprandial, postabsorptive, and fasting states. The postprandial and present, two levels of A1C are usually rec-
the postabsorptive states last for 4 and 6 h, respectively. Therefore, the cumulative duration of ognized as threshold values for satisfac-
postprandial state is 12 h, which is equivalent to a full half-day period of time, and the real tory diabetic control: 7% for the American
fasting state is limited to a 3-h time interval at the end of the night. Diabetes Association (17) and 6.5% for
the American College of Endocrinologists
plasma glucose values correlated better the fasting plasma glucose value and was (18) and the International Diabetes Fed-
with overall glycemic control as estimated therefore considered a reflection of the eration (19). In terms of fasting glucose,
from A1C than did prebreakfast and pre- postprandial responses to breakfast and recommended goals are set within a 70
lunch glucose levels (12). In the same lunch. The second one was calculated 130 mg/dl (3.9 7.2 mmol/l) range for the
type of patients, Bonora et al. (13) re- above a baseline level equal to 6.1 mmol/l American Diabetes Association (17) and
ported that preprandial plasma glucose (110 mg/dl), reflecting the increases in at 110 mg/dl (6.1 mmol/l) and 100
concentrations were related to A1C more both fasting and postprandial plasma glu- mg/dl (5.5 mmol/l) for the American Col-
strongly than postprandial concentra- cose. The baseline value of 6.1 mmol/l lege of Endocrinologists (18) and the In-
tions. In an analysis of a dataset collected was chosen because this threshold had ternational Diabetes Federation (19),
in the Diabetes Control and Complica- been defined as the upper limit of normal respectively. For postprandial glucose
tions Trial, Rohlfing et al. (14) reported plasma glucose at fasting or preprandial threshold values, large discrepancies are
that better correlation with A1C was ob- times by the American Diabetes Associa- observed. For the American Diabetes As-
tained for postlunch and mean daily glu- tion up to 2003 (15) i.e., before the revi- sociation, the postprandial glycemic
cose concentrations. These study-to- sion for the 2004 recommendations (16). threshold value has been set at 180 mg/dl
study discrepancies are certainly Therefore, the difference of the two pre- (17). This value corresponds to the upper
confounding information for clinical ceding areas can be considered an assess- limit that was chosen in patients who
practice. By contrast, from a scientific ment of the increment in fasting plasma were allocated to the intensively treated
point of view, these differences are not glucose values. Using this model of calcu- group of the DCCT (20). For the Ameri-
surprising, since it is well known that the lation, we have shown that regardless of can College of Endocrinologists (18) and
multiple regression analysis used for the quality of the diabetic control, post- the International Diabetes Federation
studying the relationship between A1C prandial glucose made a substantial con- (19), the recommendation is to maintain
and glucose values at different times is an tribution to the overall hyperglycemia. postprandial glucose values below 140
unstable model when explanatory vari- However, when patients were divided mg/dl. The selection of this value was
ables, i.e., the glucose values in the into five groups, according to the quin- mainly based on the fact that 140 mg/dl is
present example, are intercorrelated. To tiles of A1C, we found that postprandial the cutoff value for defining the impaired
provide a correct answer, we used a dif- glucose levels made the highest contribu- glucose tolerance at the second hour of an
ferent methodology that consisted of cal- tion (70%) in the lower quintile (A1C oral glucose tolerance test.
culating two incremental areas under a 7.3%), i.e., in patients with well- The variability in the recommenda-
four-point diurnal glycemic profile from controlled to moderately controlled diabe- tions results in difficulties for diabetes
8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., with two interme- tes (6). By contrast, fasting hyperglycemia management. Trying to struggle with the
diary time points at 11:00 A.M. and 2:00 appeared as the main contributor to the jumble of recommendations and values is
P.M. (6). The first incremental area was overall diurnal hyperglycemia in patients obviously more complicated for health
calculated above a baseline level equal to with poorly controlled disease (A1C care providers than memorizing a single


Monnier and Colette


A tool for improving our knowledge

on the pathophysiology of type 2
Type 2 diabetes is a disease characterized
by three main abnormalities (28): 1) a de-
fect of -cell function (29,30), 2) a state of
insulin resistance (31), and 3) an overpro-
Figure 2How to translate the glucose triad into the trilogy of sevens. duction of glucose by the liver (32). De-
spite that currently available oral
hypoglycemic agents are able to target de-
number. As a consequence, the targets that have been made around the world ficiencies in either the endogenous insu-
should be as simple as possible. An an- (3). lin secretion or the insulin sensitivity at
swer to this problem can be obtained from However, all these recommendations different target sites, the attainment of sat-
data that we have previously published should be revisited on the basis of the new isfactory diabetes control becomes more
(21). perspectives raised by the analysis of the and more difficult the longer the duration
By analyzing the four-point diurnal results obtained in the three main con- of the disease (9).
glucose profiles in 480 noninsulin-using trolled trials that were recently published: By analyzing continuous glucose pat-
type 2 diabetic patients, we tested the per- the ACCORD (22), ADVANCE (23), and terns over 24 h, we recently demonstrated
formance of plasma glucose at each time VADT Diabetes (24) trials. As the AD- that the deterioration of glucose ho-
point to detect a cutoff value that defines VANCE results (23) indicate a small but meostasis can be approximated to a
the quality of patients diabetic control as incremental benefit in microvascular out- three-step process (9). The first step
estimated from A1C levels. The tests were comes with A1C levels as close as possible corresponds to a loss in postprandial con-
performed at a 7% threshold of A1C, a to normal, it is suggested that, for patients trol that occurs in patients with A1C lev-
value less than this level being considered in whom the treatment is not at risk of els between 6.5 and 6.9% and with mean
as a reference for good or satisfactory di- hypoglycemic episodes or other adverse diabetes duration of 4.4 years. As men-
abetic control (17). Sensitivities and spec- effects, the general goal can be 7% (25). tioned above, the second step is charac-
ificities for predicting the quality of Such patients include those with short terized by a deterioration of the glycemic
diabetic control were calculated at differ- duration of diabetes, long life expectancy, control during the pre- and postbreakfast
ent levels of plasma glucose using step- and no significant cardiovascular disease. periods in patients who exhibit A1C levels
by-step increments of plasma glucose By contrast, the results of the ACCORD between 7 and 7.9% and who have mean
from low to high values. study (22) seem to indicate that less strin- diabetes duration of 8.4 years. The final
The most important result of this gent goals than the general target of 7% step in the deterioration of diabetic con-
study was that a value of 7 mmol/l mea- may be more appropriate in patients trol occurs generally beyond the end of
sured at 2 h after lunch appeared to be treated with such hypoglycemic agents as the first decade of diabetes duration and is
the optimal threshold value for predict- sulfonylureas and/or insulin that are at represented by a chronic sustained basal
ing treatment success defined by high risk of producing severe hypoglycemic hyperglycemia over both nocturnal and
specificity (90%) A1C levels of 7%. events. More flexible recommendations interprandial periods and excess post-
By considering first that the criteria for should also be applied to patients who prandial glycemia. In conclusion, the nat-
the diagnosis of diabetes is a fasting have a limited life expectancy or who ural history of the worsening of
plasma glucose level 7 mmol/l and exhibit advanced micro- or macrovas- dysglycemia in type 2 diabetes is marked
second that 7% has, for a number of cular complications (25). As a conse- by an early loss of prandial glycemic con-
years, been the American Diabetes As- quence, the question is to know trol that precedes a deterioration of basal
sociations A1C threshold value for sat- whether a future reevaluation of the hyperglycemia. This deterioration
isfactory diabetic control (17), we fasting and postprandial targets will not progresses from a period corresponding
suggest that these two number sevens become necessary in patients exhibiting to a short time interval limited to the end
can be joined by an additional post- an increased risk for adverse events. of the overnight fast up to an extended
prandial seven to complete the series. Such changes should take into account period that covers the nocturnal and in-
As a consequence, the glucose triad the new data on the correlation between terprandial periods considered as a whole
could be translated for clinical purpose A1C and average glucose levels (26). (9). The prebreakfast glucose deteriora-
into the trilogy of sevens (Fig. 2) that The relationship indicates that a 6% tion that occurs at the end of the over-
integrates a cluster of measures, includ- A1C level is equivalent to a 126 mg/dl night fast is known as the dawn
ing diagnosis (7 mmol/l glucose at mean glucose concentration and that phenomenon (33) and is mainly ex-
fasting), interventional threshold val- each 1% increment of A1C corresponds plained by the circadian variation of the
ues for completing treatment: A1C goals to a 29 mg/dl increase in mean glucose hepatic glucose production that starts to
7% and postprandial glucose targets concentration. However, these correla- rise in the evening and reaches a peak to-
7 mmol/l at 2-h after lunch. This tions remain unable to provide a mea- ward the end of the nocturnal period (32).
seven rule is certainly easier to re- sure of glycemic variability and/or These abnormal high glucose excursions
member than many recommendations hypoglycemia (27). that are observed after breakfast can be DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 32, SUPPLEMENT 2, NOVEMBER 2009 S201

Targeting glucose in diabetes

Figure 3The 24-h recordings from the continuous glucose monitoring system in noninsulin-using type 2 diabetic patients with A1C between 7 and
8%. The patients were divided into two subgroups according to whether plasma glucose at fasting was higher (n 25) or lower (n 7) than 126
mg/dl (7 mmol/l).

depicted as an extended dawn phenom- premeal boluses of rapid insulin analogs interval are usually more elevated than at
enon, which is due to the remnant effect should be added, especially before the any other period of daytime. However,
of the hepatic glucose overproduction meals that result in the more pronounced this group of patients can be divided into
during the morning period in combina- glycemic excursions. The problem is two subsets according to whether pre-
tion with the dietary intake of carbohy- slightly more complex in those patients breakfast glucose levels were lower or
drates at breakfast. The dawn and the who exhibit A1C levels between 7 and greater than 126 mg/dl (7 mmol/l). Most
extended dawn phenomena are two 8%. In this situation, most patients are patients (more than two-thirds) had glu-
main causes of failure in the diabetic con- reluctant to being treated with insulin. cose patterns with both a dawn and ex-
trol of many patients with type 2 diabetes, Furthermore, despite recent publications tended dawn phenomena (Fig. 3) and
especially those who have A1C levels of more stringent recommendations, should be treated with a single injection of
ranging from 7 to 8% and who are already many physicians delay insulin treatment long-acting insulin analog before dinner
treated with maximal doses of oral hypo- until further deterioration in A1C occurs. or at bedtime. In less than one-third, pre-
glycemic agents. Such observations help The new recommendations (34) indicate breakfast glucose values remained below
us to understand why type 2 diabetes, a that insulin treatment should be initiated 126 mg/dl (Fig. 3). In this latter subgroup
relentless progressive disease, requires as soon as A1C remains above 7%, with of patients, the dawn phenomenon was
advances from monotherapy with oral an- maximal doses of oral hypoglycemic absent. Nevertheless, these patients with
tidiabetic agents to combination therapy agents combining insulin sensitizers near-normal glycemia before breakfast
using multiple oral agents and finally in- (metformin glitazone) with an insulin experience abnormal postbreakfast ex-
sulin replacement without undue delay secretagogue. These recommendations cursions, which result in sustained hyper-
(34). are in agreement with our data, since the glycemia over the entire morning period.
mean interval of time that separates the To combat this glycemic profile, which is
A tool for choosing between insulin moment at which A1C levels reach 7 and limited to the postbreakfast period, it is
regimens in patients suffering from 8% is 4 years (9), a duration that is not probably preferable to administer a small
severe insulin deficiency negligible in terms of risk for develop- bolus of a rapid-acting insulin analog at
Insulin should be implemented as soon as ment or progression of diabetic complica- prebreakfast than a long-acting insulin
oral hypoglycemic agents at maximal tions. At present, it is recommended to analog before dinner or at bedtime. Con-
doses do not achieve satisfactory diabetic start insulin with one injection of a long- tinuous glucose monitoring can be a use-
control (34). At present, there is little acting insulin analog before dinner or at ful tool for guiding the choice between
doubt that patients with a sustained level bedtime (35). With such a regimen, the these two insulin regimens. When this
of A1C 8% should be treated with insu- insulin action reaches a maximum over a type of monitoring is not available, the
lin. Because in these patients basal hyper- period corresponding to the dawn and ex- clinician can use, as a surrogate, the glu-
glycemia is preponderant over prandial tended dawn phenomena, i.e., over a pe- cose values at prebreakfast and at 2-h
hyperglycemia, insulin regimens based riod that covers the end of the overnight postbreakfast times. The observation of
on basal insulin should be preferred to fast and the postbreakfast period (9). In concomitant elevation of both pre- and
prandial insulin at initiation of the insulin patients with A1C ranging between 7 and postbreakfast glucose suggests that the
therapy. If the target cannot be achieved, 8%, plasma glucose values over this time basal hyperglycemia should be controlled


Monnier and Colette

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