Ultimate Prof Ed Review

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P R O F E D (1) c.

facilitators of learning
1) Researches established that complete coordination d. disciplinarians
of motor activities is attained at? 9) Psychologically, there is unity in all learning.
a. pre-natal stage However, there are distinct types of learning that are
b. childhood stage recognized. One is affective learning that involves:
c. adolescence stage a. understanding of the external world through the
d. infancy use of the senses
2) Parents and teachers are considered as authorities b. formation of concepts and ideas
and models by children at the early childhood stage. c. acquisition of attitudes, ideals, judgment and values
What does this statement imply? d. acquisition of facts and information
a. Parents should enforce strict discipline at home and 10) Identical twins are more alike than fraternal twins.
teachers in school. Which of the following statements/principles is
b. Teachers and parents should serve as role models supported by this?
at all times. a. Heredity has a part in determining physical
c. Teachers should demand complete obedience from appearance.
the learners in school. b. Intelligence is determined partly by pre-natal
d. Parent-teacher conference should always be an nutrition.
activity in school. c. Environment affects both fraternal and identical
3) This is the stage when the learner becomes twins.
confused and starts to experience identity crisis. d. Intelligence hinges in physical structure.
Which of these stages is it? 11) Childrens interests are generally largely
a. early childhood dependent on their experiences. Which of the
b. early adulthood following is an implication of this statement?
c. late childhood a. The curriculum should provide vital experiences if
d. adolescent the school must use its opportunities to develop
4) Which of the following will trigger additional interest.
development if a child is exposed to more challenges b. A large part of the subject matter has to be easy if
and stimuli in his surroundings? they are to be interesting and within the learners
a. potentials experience.
b. intelligence c. The experience of the child reduces the area in
c. emotional development which the school may choose to develop interests.
d. interest d. The school should not develop interest outside the
5) Which of the following is usually considered the experience of the child.
most important factor in a childs observable 12) The female gonads which are responsible for the
classroom behavior? production of egg cells are also called ________.
a. intelligence a. uterus
b. heredity b. ovary
c. cultural background c. fallopian tube
d. self-concept d. cervix
6) Social adjustment means the ability to behave in 13) It is the process by which an organism inherits the
accordance with? characteristic traits of the parents.
a. social expectations a. heredity
b. stereotyped behavior b. maturation
c. social unrest c. development
d. universal norms d. fertilization
7) Which of these theories holds that human activity 14) The childs concept of right and wrong is based on
is based on the interaction of stimuli and responses? external criteria laid down by adults during the stage
a. association of pre-conventional morality. This is based on the
b. vector ideas of?
c. cognitive-field a. Erikson
d. social-learning b. Freud
8) The tendency to imitate elders is very strong in the c. Kohlberg
early childhood stage. Teachers should therefore be d. Piaget
very good? 15) During the pre-operational stage, language skill
a. role models emerges and the child uses words to represent ideas.
b. counselors This theory is attributed to ________.
a. Wallace
b. Piaget a. Education takes place in the school where the
c. Kohlberg individual is exposed to specific, self-contained
d. Dewey experiences.
16) When the daughter is competing with the mother b. Education may take place anywhere and anytime
for the fathers attention, the daughter is said to be the individual desires.
experiencing ________. c. Education is never completed and goes on
a. electra complex throughout life.
b. identity crisis d. Education may take place formally or informally to
c. oedipus complex enable the individual to grow.
d. sexual deviation 23) The main function of philosophy of education is to
17) Denzels mother noticed that her son always ________.
wants to get her attention and is jealous of his father. a. Define the goals and set the direction for which
Denzel then can be classified under what education is to strive.
psychoanalytic stage of development? b. Aid the learner to build his own personal
a. latency philosophy.
b. genital c. Reconsider existing educational goals in the light of
c. phallic societys needs.
d. sexual deviation d. Provide the academic background prerequisite to
18) Classical conditioning theory is always attributed learning.
to him for his experiment involving the dogs 24) A teacher who subscribe to the pragmatic
salivation as a reaction to the sound of the buzzer. philosophy of education believes that experience
a. Bandura should follow learning. In her teaching, she therefore
b. Lewin exerts effort in?
c. Pavlov a. Requiring learners full mastery of the lessons.
d. Skinner b. Encouraging learners to memorize factual
19) Section 5, Article XIV, of the Constitution states knowledge.
that academic freedom shall be enjoyed in: c. Equipping learners with the basic abilities and skills.
a. state colleges and universities d. Providing learners opportunities to apply theories
b. all institutions of higher learning and principles.
c. public assemblies 25) The control and the administration of all
d. all levels of learning educational institutions shall be vested in the citizens
20) As provided for in the Education Act of 1982, how of the Philippines is stipulated in ________.
are the institutions of learning encouraged to set a. P.D. 6-A
higher standards of quality over and above the b. P.D. 1006
minimum required for state recognition. c. P.D. No. 176
a. academic freedom d. 1987 Constitution
b. continuing professional education 26) The first kindergarten also known as a garden
c. formal education where children could grow was the product of
d. voluntary accreditation research by ________.
21) Which if these statements regarding professional a. Pestalozzi
teachers is the major difference in the b. Herbart
professionalization of teachers and teaching as c. Rousseau
promulgated in Presidential Decree 1006 and Republic d. Froebel
Act 7836? 27) Which of the following embodies the operation
a. Assigned at the tertiary level in both private and Return to the Basics?
state colleges and universities. a. New Secondary Education Curriculum
b. Assigned at the elementary and secondary levels in b. National Elementary Achievement Test
both public and private schools. c. National Secondary Achievement Test
c. Holder of valid professional licensure and certificate d. New Elementary School Curriculum
of recognition. 28) Which of the following is a mandate of the 1987
d. Appointed on full-time basis and on a permanent Constitution that the state shall maintain to fight
status. illiteracy?
22) Education is a continuous process of experiencing a. Formal and non-formal education should be free
and of receiving or reorganizing experiences, and compulsory for all children and adults.
according to John Dewey. Which of the following b. Free education in both elementary and high school
situations is apt to happen in education as influenced and compulsory in elementary education for all
by Deweys philosophy? children of school age.
c. Education at all levels should be free and b. Jean Jacques Rosseau
compulsory. c. John Dewey
d. Free and compulsory education for both d. Aristotle
elementary and high school for all children of school 36) What was the philosophy of education in the
age. Philippines before the establishment of public school
29) Which of these philosophies is reflective of that system?
Deweys which stresses the development of an a. Idealism
individual capable of reflective thinking specially that b. Realism
of being able to solve the problem he faces c. Humanism
individually or collectively? d. Pragmatism
a. Developmentalism 37) Which of these options was not recommended by
b. Experimentation EDCOM?
c. Rationalism a. provisions for special education
d. Disciplinism b. institutionalization of pre-school education
30) Which of the following abilities is stresses by c. strengthening of Values Education
humanistic education? d. increasing the number of state colleges and
a. Enjoy the great works of man such as the classics. universities
b. Learn the different philosophies of education. 38) The present military training in our school
c. Make man distinctly civilized, educated and refined. curriculum is an influence of ________.
d. Develop man into a thinking individual. a. Greece
31) The Athenian ideal of education is to form a b. Athens
cultural soul in a graceful and symmetrical body. How c. Sparta
can this be achieved? d. Rome
a. by giving more focus on health education. 39) The Royal Decree of December 20, 1863
b. by adapting the philosophy know thyself. established in the Philippines a system of ________?
c. by improving emphasis on physical education. a. high school education.
d. by a well-balanced development of mind, body and b. intermediate education.
soul. c. higher education.
32) The government prescribes a higher percentage d. primary education.
on the administration of educational institutions to 40) Whose philosophy expounded the concept of the
Filipino citizens in order to ________. laboratory school?
a. Ensure the teaching of Filipino. a. Plato
b. Minimize the unemployment problem. b. John Dewey
c. Protect the rights of the citizens. c. Jean Jacques Rosseau
d. Produce globally competitive graduates. d. Irving Babbit
33) Which of the following was the fundamental 41) Whose philosophy influenced the present
reason why John Dewey proposed a transformation of emphasis on Character Education and Values
the public school system? Education in our school system?
a. He recognized that a traditional academic a. Confucius
education did not serve the ideals of a democratic b. Tagore
society. c. Gandhi
b. He recognized that the intellectual motivation of d. Bonifacio
the students was declining. 42) Who expounded on the need to study the child
c. He recognized that industrialization was destroying carefully for individualized instruction?
the home, neighborhood, and church. a. Bocaccio
d. He recognized that change and innovation were b. Ascham
essential ingredients of the progressive movement. c. Erasmus
34) Basic education includes secondary education. d. De Feltre
Which of the following contributed to the 43) Tutoring of learners is now practiced in our school
establishment of secondary schools? provided it is not done by their own teacher but by an
a. Humanistic education outsider. Which of these Western philosophies
b. Reformation influenced this practice?
c. Rationalism a. Egyptian
d. Realistic b. Greek
35) His philosophy advocated a classical type of liberal c. Roman
education or the study of the humanities. d. Athenian
a. Irving Babbit
44) Whose philosophy inspired the inclusion of themselves as each member of the group exercises:
Physical Education in the curriculum and the a. obedience to the teacher
replacement of lectures with textbooks? b. special interest
a. De Feltre c. peer influence
b. Bocaccio d. moral compulsion
c. Petrarch 2) A student collapsed in her Social Studies class. It
d. Erasmus was found out that she did not eat her lunch. What
45) The present Philippine Teachers principle is shown in this situation?
Professionalization Act had its beginning on what a. physiological need
period of Roman History? b. security need
a. A.D. 275-259 government established a monopoly c. safety need
on education d. psychological need
b. A.D. 100 A.D. 175 government increased its 3) Which of these combination of classes is
subsidy for education organized in places where the required number of
c. 132 B.C. A.D. 100 Latin literature and grammar pupils of the same grade levels has not met the
were perfected required number to make up a separate class thus the
d. 295 B.C. 153 B.C. schools were elementary only teacher apportions class time for instruction to every
46) He suggested that competition and awards should grade level within the class?
be used to motivate people. a. multi-grade
a. Aristotle b. heterogeneous
b. Plato c. extension
c. Herbart d. homogeneous
d. Socrates 4) Manual-aesthetic activities involving attitudes and
47) The singing of the National Anthem is an offshoot feelings are primarily expressive of emotions and
of the philosophical ideals of ________. values not thoughts. An example of this motor skill is
a. Nationalism ________.
b. Naturalism a. baking a cake with background music.
c. Pragmatism b. manipulating a bowling ball to achieve a strike.
d. Socialism c. dancing and playing musical instruments.
48) The idea of Practical Arts and Home Economics d. saving a board for the wall of a book cabinet.
subjects for boys is the philosophy of ________. 5) Education is a life long process. This simply means
a. Confucius that education:
b. Gandhi a. takes place in the school where the individual is
c. Rizal exposed to specific, self-contained experiences.
d. Tagore b. is a continuous process of experiencing and
49) A popular mass education for the Filipinos under reorganizing experiences.
the American regime came into being upon the c. may take place formally or informally to enable the
passage of ________. individual to grow.
a. Act No. 74 in 1901 d. may take place anywhere and anytime the
b. Education Decree of 1863 individual so desires.
c. Monroe Education Survey of 1929 6) These are some of the motivational theories: I.
d. Royal Decree of 1865 Humanism, II. Cognitivism, III. Behaviorism. Which of
50) An adolescent combines his ability to use these theories views the consequences of behavior as
deductive and inductive reasoning in realistic rules regulator and controller of an individuals action?
that he can respect and live by. When he does this, a. II only
how does he perceive his environment? b. III only
a. He views the world from his own perspective. c. I and II only
b. He sees the world through the eyes of other d. II and III only
people. 7) Which of the following is not a correct statement
c. He interprets events from a limited point of view. regarding positive and negative reinforcement as they
d. He sees events apart from himself and other relate to behavior change in the classroom?
people. a. Positive reinforcement refers to the rewarding of
certain responses to specific stimuli.
PROF ED (2) b. Social disapproval is a form of negative
1) If the children are cooperatively engaged with the punishment.
teacher in a group project the children will discipline c. Punishment tends to be more effective than
rewards in controlling behavior.
d. Punishment suppresses behavior but does not c. presentation
change it. d. preparation
8) An appreciation lesson is one that is designed to 15) In large classes where little of the work can be
lead the class to conduct and enjoy something. Which individualized, the most effective and practical way to
of the following statements closely approximate the individualized instruction is to:
meaning of the above? a. Give the pupils freedom to launch individual
a. One cannot fully appreciate what he does not projects.
understand or enjoy. b. Devise group activities which afford every pupil an
b. A teacher should plan lessons that will guide opportunity to work at his own level.
children to appreciate what is beautiful and c. Assign homework and check it regularly.
worthwhile. d. Assign programmed material for out-of-class-hours.
c. An appreciation lesson should be a lesson in values. 16) Which of these is the MOST important principle
d. Appreciation lessons help pupils weigh and clarify that a teacher should follow in initiating a program of
values. positive reinforcement?
9) Which of the following activities should be resorted a. Punish negative behavior and reward positive
to by a teacher if a fifth grade pupil tells him, I want behavior.
to draw the corridor, but I cant make it look right? b. Provide regular opportunity for socially acceptable
a. Give him a book of perspective to study and copy. behavior.
b. Advise the pupil to draw something else which does c. Make sure the reward comes immediately after the
not require perspective. appropriate behavior.
c. Ask the pupil to learn the rules of perspective. d. Consider peer approval and recognition.
d. Make the pupil observe carefully similar form from 17) Which of these methods aptly applies to lessons
the classroom window or his own street. needing experiments?
10) Which of the following refers to the repetition of a. laboratory
facts and skills which the teacher wishes to reinforce b. process approach
for mastery? c. demonstration
a. drill d. problem solving
b. review 18) Punishment should not be often used as a
c. recitation reinforcement because:
d. mastery a. Research findings on the relative effects of reward
11) In the educative process the three most important and punishment are not yet conclusive.
factors are the: b. It is deterred for effective pupil growth.
a. child, teacher and parents c. It motivates the child to conform.
b. child, teacher and method of teaching d. It undermines the childs feeling of self-confidence.
c. child, teacher and subject matter 19) Any change should be made on the basis of
d. child, teacher and venue for learning evaluation. Which of the following points to this
12) Which of the following is the best time for a statement?
teacher to set up routine activities that will contribute a. Facts should be collected.
to effective classroom management? b. Place for revision are based in terms of judgment
a. During each homeroom day made.
b. On the very first day of school c. Grades are arbitrary assigned.
c. Daily at the start of the session d. Judgments are based on facts.
d. As soon as the students have established and 20) If you will use a film in your class presentation,
adjusted their schedules which of the following will you do?
13) Which of the following refers to the orderly steps a. To tell the class to pay close attention to what they
and procedures used by the teacher to make the are going to see because a quiz will be given after the
learning process more meaningful and interesting? show.
a. learning continuum b. Conduct a preparatory discussion and a follow-up
b. device in which the relationship of the film to work of the
c. plan class is established.
d. method c. Not to tell the class anything about it in advance in
14) In teaching, the teacher reaches a step where data order that interest will be high.
are critically evaluated and a conclusion is generally d. To assume that the film need not be related to the
arrived at. How is this step called? work of the class as long as they enjoy seeing it.
a. application 21) The best way the teacher can be sure of the
b. generalization appropriateness of an instructional material is to
a. try it out before using it in class a. It is the most used method.
b. consider its cost b. It is applicable to all types of learner.
c. consider its availability c. It combines all the best features of all other
d. consider its technical quality method.
22) Which of the following should class management d. It is recommended by curriculum experts.
and discipline problems take into consideration? 29) Mrs. Alvea is encouraging problems on classroom
a. Changing rules show weakness on the part of the discipline. Which of these activities should she employ
teacher. to maintain classroom discipline?
b. The proper functioning of the classroom and the a. Enforce a system of rewards and punishments.
individual interest of the learners should be b. Plan constructive and purposeful activities.
interrelated. c. Punish erring students in front of the class.
c. Class management is based on a teachers ability to d. Tell the class that she is the person in authority.
subordinate the interest of individual students. 30) The main reason for the use of remedial teaching
d. The interests of the individual child are more is to ________.
important than the classroom as a whole. a. Guide the child to look for the proper procedure to
23) Task analysis involves the breaking down of a learn what is taught.
learning task into subtasks or subskills. Given a task to b. Re-study something which was wrongly taught.
retell a story, which of the following skills is NOT c. Guide the child to correct his own errors in all types
needed? of learning.
a. to outline a selection d. Provide more opportunities to repeat what was
b. to disseminate information taught for better mastery.
c. to identify topic sentence 31) In the class of Mrs. Dioneda, she asked the
d. to arrange events in sequence question, How can you distinguished facts and
24) You are assigned to teach students with varied opinions in the study presented?. How is this
abilities. You want to teach a more homogeneous question classified?
grouping. Which type of grouping will tend to benefit a. Analysis
your students? b. Evaluation
a. high ability grouping c. Application
b. mixed ability grouping d. Comprehension
c. low ability grouping 32) Instructional objectives should inform one who is
d. with-in class ability grouping to perform the desired behavior, the actual desired
25) The trend of focusing attention on the childs behavior, the result, the relevant conditions under
interest, abilities and needs and on the improvement which the behavior is performed and:
of community living necessitate the use of the a. The best items to be used in evaluating the
a. conceptual approach objectives.
b. integrative technique b. The criterion to be used in evaluating the success of
c. project method the performance.
d. discovery approach c. The materials and references to be used.
26) What is the best way to reduce the plateau in the d. The criteria to be followed in carrying out the
learning curve. lesson.
a. Use a variety of situations in the learning process. 33) What must a teacher keep in mind during oral
b. Introduce new materials in the learning situation. reading?
c. Provide better space and rest periods during a. Children do not enjoy reading aloud.
learning. b. Oral reading increases comprehension and recall
d. Use another form of motivation for learning. better than silent reading.
27) What makes the experimental method better than c. Understanding pupils difficulties is the important
the lecture method? goal.
a. Pupils memorize whatever principle they learn and d. This is the best method for determining good
retain it longer. readers.
b. Learner used in the experiment assure retention of 34) Proper selection is the first concern of a teacher
learning. who plans to use some audio-visual devices. Which of
c. Learner discovers the principle by themselves and the following criteria must be considered by the
thereby understand it better. teacher?
d. Experiment is a form of a play activity which I. Suitability of the material for the intended purpose
children enjoy with understanding. II. Availability of the material
28) Which of the following is the essential feature of III. Quality
the eclectic method? IV. Cost
a. I, II, and IV d. Children learn as a result of their observations and
b. II and IV the experiences they undergo.
c. I and III 40) The audio-visual experience is an opportunity for
d. I, II, III and IV the teacher to guide students for more fruitful
35) The new teacher entered a noisy classroom. She learning. Learning will be more effective if the
shouted immediately at the students desperately learners ________.
trying to get order and discipline. Since then the a. are told to remember and memorize facts.
teacher has not controlled the class. Which is the b. listen attentively and jot down notes.
most probable cause of the teachers failure? c. participate actively through open discussions.
a. The new teacher wants to show the class who is the d. are given quizzes immediately after the
authority. presentation.
b. Rules and procedures are not defined to sustain 41) Which of these processes can be used to prevent
order. forgetting and unlearning?
c. The class wants to test the ability and patience of a. motivation
the teacher. b. presentation
d. The students reactions to the teacher are the c. evaluation
consequences of her behavior. d. drill and review
36) As manager of the learning situation, the teacher 42) Inquiry lessons require the use of questions in
is responsible for the setting up of a physical instructing the learner to analyze, interpret and draw
environment that is most conducive to learning. She conclusions from data gathered. Which type of
could see to it that: questions ask for additional data on application of
a. The efficiency with which time and energy are principle?
spent on the part of the students and the pupils are a. leading questions
considered. b. probing questions
b. The type of class reactions to the learning situation c. historical questions
are well directed by the teacher. d. informational questions
c. The lighting and ventilation of the room and flexible 43) The educational implementation of research
arrangement of equipment are relevant to the type of findings relative to the ability of dull learners and
activity being pursued. bright learners to organize and generalize is for the
d. The effectiveness of class routine in the daily class teacher
activities is carried out. a. to give both the dull and bright learners concrete
37) Individuals differ from each other in their interest, and abstract experiences to serve as basis for
abilities, needs and their learning style at any given generalizing.
point in time. Which type of instructional program b. to make the bright learners guide the dull ones in
may best enhance the academic achievement of learning to generalize.
students? c. to make the bright learners to generalize and the
a. remedial instructions dull ones to memorize.
b. adaptive instructions d. to give the dull learners more concrete experiences
c. traditional instructions to serve as basis for generalizing.
d. computer-assisted instructions 44) Textbooks can be used to best advantage by
38) In dealing with classroom misconduct, teachers ________.
tend to ________. a. utilizing the study questions found at the end of
a. plan long curative responses. every chapter.
b. respond to basic causes b. using them one at a time.
c. respond to immediate causes c. basing achievement tests on them.
d. seek stronger punishment than parents would d. combining them with many other kinds of
39) The success of the discovery approach entails instructional materials.
following certain principles. Such principles are as 45) Which of the following will you do first to
follows except one. Which of this? establish good class management?
a. Learning through self-discovery is enhanced by a. Discuss the work plan for the year.
individualized and small group explanations. b. Prepare a seat plan.
b. Children discover relationships and make c. Train the class in the distribution of materials.
generalizations in their own individual ways. d. Discuss the required rules for proper class behavior.
c. Methods used by children in learning through self- 46) Ms. Reyes is preparing for her afternoon class.
discovery should not be likened to the ways in which Which of these criteria should be her primary
scientist think, work, and organize knowledge. consideration in her choice of instructional devices?
a. appropriateness
b. novelty c. Announce to the students the scope of the test.
c. availability d. Prepare the table of specification.
d. attractiveness 5) Under what type of multiple choice test can this
47) Which of the following should be observed question be classified? Which of the following
relative to the method in a review? statements expresses this concept in different
a. It should be longer and more complicated than a forms?
development lesson. a. cause
b. It should be the same as that used in teaching the b. association
subject. c. definition
c. It should not be the same as that used in teaching d. difference
the subject. 6) Setting up criteria for scoring essay tests is meant
d. It should follow a definite time pattern and to increase their ________.
structures. a. reliability
48) Which of the following devices provide the b. validity
appropriate interface between a communication link c. objectivity
and system to another? d. usability
a. RAM 7) Read the following objective carefully, After
b. INTERNET listening to a group report on ecology the students
c. ANALOG are expected to defend their position on the issue.
d. MODEM To what domain does it belong?
49) Which of the following software will you use if you a. Psychomotor
want to create programs and customize application? b. Cognitive
a. application software c. Affective
b. programming languages d. Perceptive
c. operating system 8) The control group in an experimental study is the
d. business software group which is ________.
50) The blinking underline on a computer that a. compared to the normal group
indicates the active or working point file is the? b. not given the treatment under study
a. arrow c. given the treatment under study
b. dot d. not included in the study
c. cursor 9) Carol obtained a 97 percentile rank in an aptitude
d. pointer test. This means that ________.
a. she answered 97% of the items correctly.
PROF ED (3) b. she belongs to the 97% of the group who took the
1) The most frequent score in a distribution is the test
________. c. 97% of the examinees did better than her who took
a. mode the test
b. mean d. she surpassed 97% of those who took the test
c. midpoint 10) Stanines may be used as means of integrating raw
d. median scores. What is its basis?
2) Which is the most stable measure of central a. distribution of the raw scores in a sampling
tendency? population
a. median b. distribution of the percentages in the normal curve
b. mean c. unselected and identical population
c. percentage d. purposive and random population
d. percentile rank 11) A class got a mean raw score of 50 and and SD of
3) Norms obtained in a certain school evaluate 5 in an 80 items physics test. If Nica is a member of
pupil/student performance is? the class and her score is 60. Which of the following
a. National norms describes her performance?
b. Local norms a. Nica scores 2 SD below the class mean.
c. Grade norms b. Nica missed answering correctly 49% of the test
d. Age norms items.
4) What should a teacher do before constructing c. Nica scores 2 SD above the class mean.
items for a particular test? d. Nica scored better than 60% of her classmates.
a. Review the previous lessons. 12) What is the advantage of using computers in
b. Determine the length of time for answering it. processing test results?
a. Its processing takes a shorter period of time.
b. Test results can easily be assessed. 20) What should be AVOIDED in arranging the items
c. It statistical computation is accurate. of the final form of the test?
d. All of these a. Space the items so they can be read easily.
13) Which of the following statements about the b. Follow a definite response pattern for the correct
validity and reliability of a test is TRUE? answers to ensure ease of scoring.
a. A valid test is always valid but a reliable test is not c. Arrange the sections such that they progress from
always valid. the very simple to very complex.
b. A reliable test measures what intends to measure. d. Keep all the items and options together on the
c. A reliable test contains representative items from same page.
all important topics covered. 21) For mastery learning, which type of testing will be
d. A valid test consists of test items that have most fit?
moderate levels of difficulty. a. Formative testing
14) The English class of Ms. Reyes is composed of b. Criterion-reference testing
students with different mental abilities although they c. Aptitude testing
are in the same curriculum level. What should she do d. Norm-reference testing
first so she can make a good start? 22) In which of the following types of research would
a. Ask them to tell something about themselves. data processing using computers be MOST
b. Make them write a brief composition about their advantageous?
plans and aspirations. a. descriptive
c. Determine their strengths and weaknesses through b. historical
a diagnostic test. c. experimental
d. Call for a dialog with parents. d. casual-comparative
15) The major shortcoming of school grades or mark is 23) In which of these research methods can the
that: researcher control certain variables?
a. the schools different clientele find them a. qualitative
satisfactory b. descriptive
b. they make students become more cooperative c. experimental
c. the same grade may mean differently to different d. historical
teachers 24) Of the following types of tests which is the most
d. they reflect the true word on performance subjective in scoring?
16) What is the first step the teacher should take in a. multiple choice
carrying out a research? b. matching type
a. identify the problem c. simple recall
b. gather data d. essay
c. advance hypothesis 25) In constructing achievement tests, the first step is
d. formulate tentative solution to:
17) Which of the following is a tool for evaluating a. determine the highest rating to be given to
personal social adjustment of students? students
a. Interview guide b. assess the teaching capability of teachers
b. Observable checklist c. determine the content and skills covered by test
c. Sociometry d. determine the characteristics of highest takers
d. All of these 26) Which of the following methods would improve
18) The following are factors affecting the evaluation the validity and reliability of an examinations?
of essay responses EXCEPT: a. providing hints in answering the test items
a. the present condition b. providing time allotment for each item
b. mood of the rater c. giving long essay test items
c. answers written on the papers d. giving weights to the items for scoring
d. volume of the test papers 27) The following are test scores in geometry
19) It is generally believed that the best way of arranged in a descending order: 52, 52, 42, 41, 37, 37,
meeting the need of mentally superior learners is 37, 37, 30, 30, 30, 28, 25. Based on the data given,
through ________. what is the mean?
a. enriching the curriculum a. 36.77
b. accelerating them b. 34.60
c. involving them in extra-curricular activities c. 33.92
d. providing opportunities for them to help the slow d. 33.08
learners 28) The following are reasons why we evaluate the
learning outcomes EXCEPT:
a. provide tangible evidence useful in interpreting 36) The first process in analyzing score is ________.
school achievements to the community a. finding the mean
b. provide parents information on how well their b. grouping
children are doing in school c. ranking
c. analyze the learning task d. tallying
d. monitor student progress 37) The lower limit of the step 45-49 is ________.
29) About how many percent of the cases fall a. 44
between -2SD and +SD in the normal curve? b. 44.5
a. 99.85 c. 45
b. 99.72 d. 49
c. 68.26 38) The standard deviation is a measure of
d. 95.44 _________.
30) Miss Dioneda observed that some of her pupils do a. central tendency
well in written tests but they seldom participate in b. relationship
oral activities. It would be advisable for her to: c. reliability
a. make use of group dynamics such as buzz sessions, d. variability
small group discussions, etc. 39) In making the step distribution the first thing to do
b. tell the students that full credit is given to written is:
work a. decide on the class interval
c. assign the students to take turns in reading the b. find the range
lessons to the class c. rank the scores
d. stress to the students that participation in the d. tally the scores
recitation makes up 25% of their grades 40) The non-intellective dimension of a person is his?
31) During the first grading period, a student obtained a. achievement
failing marks in five academic subjects. Which of the b. character
following tests would best explain his performance? c. personality
a. aptitude d. skills
b. attitude 41) Evaluation is effective and useful only when the
c. personality result is _________.
d. mental ability a. reliable
32) Measuring the work done by a gravitational force b. true and valid
as a learning task is what level of cognition? c. used to promote programs suited to the learners
a. knowledge d. used to promote of fail a student
b. application 42) Standardized tests when conducted at the
c. evaluation national level require ________.
d. comprehension a. random implementation
33) It is the value representing typical or average b. reading of instruction
performance of persons of various age groups. c. specific guidelines
a. national norms d. uniform administration
b. local norms 43) Content validity is determined by the degree to
c. grade norms which?
d. age norms a. there are enough time to measure the ability of the
34) It refers to the process of evaluating a single test pupils
items by any of several methods. It usually involves b. the contents are valid
determining the difficulty, and the discriminating c. the items are representative samples of the content
power of the item, and often its correlation with some of the course
criterion. d. none of these
a. inventory test 44) The crude mode is the ________.
b. item analysis a. highest score
c. factor analysis b. highest score minus the lowest score
d. normal distribution c. score with the highest frequency
35) Which of these completion items is best? d. standard deviation
a. A type of guidance that is goal-oriented 45) The distance of the scores from the mean is called
b. Goal-oriented guidance is called guidance ________.
c. Guidance is goal-oriented a. deviation
d. Developmental is goal-oriented b. mean

10 | P R O F E D
c. mode d. Use unfamiliar materials as examples in order to
d. range arouse their curiosity.
46) In order to find out if there is relationship 3) You have a student who is always boasting in the
between age and level of intelligence, the measure to class his mastery of the Bible because he is a
be used is: protestant. How would you react being a Catholic?
a. analysis of variance a. Challenge him to a debate.
b. correlation b. Share with him your knowledge of the Bible.
c. standard deviation c. Keep silent and respect his belief.
d. t-test d. Listen to him once in a while.
47) The counting median when the number of cases is 4) Mrs. Dioneda was scheduled to give district
even is ________. demonstration one morning but her husband needed
a. average of the two middlemost score her presence in his office. What should she do under
b. highest score these circumstances?
c. middlemost score a. Send a note to her principal asking to be excused.
d. range b. Go with her husband to support him and then
48) The same test is administered to different groups proceed to her demonstration even if she would be
at different places at different times. This process is late.
done in testing the ________. c. Send her lesson plan to her co-teacher who can
a. comprehensiveness substitute for her.
b. objectivity d. Arrange her schedule so that she can be with her
c. reliability husband immediately after her demonstration.
d. validity 5) All the statements below are kinds of pleasure.
49) Multiple choice test is considered as the best type Which one is morally good?
of test because: a. Pleasure in winning in a beauty contest by means of
a. it is easy to conduct ballot.
b. it contains many responses b. Pleasure in offering ones hard-earned grades to
c. it measures several competencies in one test ones parents.
d. it possesses the qualities of other types of tests c. Pleasure in winning in a chance number game.
50) It tells the relative position of a score from the d. Pleasure in winning in a sports game by default.
rest of the scores. 6) The chairman of a committee which you are a
a. arrangement member of, came to you personally to inform you
b. frequency about a meeting at 2:00 in the afternoon the next
c. percentage day. You are sure you could not attend it because of
d. rank an earlier appointment that is equally important.
What would you do?
PROF ED (4) a. Send a proxy to the meeting instead.
1) Which of the following statements is true about b. Call up before the meeting starts and tell her you
teacher-parent relationship? will not be able to attend.
a. Parents should be welcome in school and treated c. Answer yes as if you are sure you will attend.
with consideration. d. Tell her honestly that you wanted to but you have
b. Parents should be welcome only during PTA committed yourself to other appointment.
meetings. 7) Happiness is different from pleasure in being an
c. Parents are given the rights to interfere in school abiding consequence of result which is not destroyed
management. even by the presence of pain. The best illustration of
d. Parents should be given a hand in evaluating this principle is:
students performance in school. a. a student topping the board exam
2) A person strives to work at a given task because of b. a mother giving birth
a need. Which of the following situations can make a c. an engaged couple getting married
person strive to meet his needs? d. a jackpot winner collecting his prize
a. Ask pupils to submit test questions or reactions 8) The barangay leaders request you to explain the
from which you can select items for tests or topics for present comprehensive agrarian reform program to
discussion. the barangay members. What would be the best thing
b. Minimize the unpleasant consequences of student to do?
involvement. a. Inform them that the implementing rules and
c. Utilize your comprehension as teacher in making guidelines are being prepared in the Congress.
final decision in the classroom. b. Invite a resource speaker from DAR.
c. Take it up as a lesson in all intermediate classes for
11 | P R O F E D
further dissemination to parents. for this project. Which of these actions will you take?
d. Distribute copies of the handouts on the a. Involve the community in preparing a financial plan.
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program. b. Accept the offer of the richest illegal logger to
9) As a parent and at the same time a teacher, which finance the project.
of the following will you do to show your cooperation c. Stop all illegal loggers in engaging with their illegal
to a PTA project in your school to be financed with the work.
proceeds of the sales from the school canteen where d. Involve all citizens in the barangay and its neighbor
food prices are a little bit higher? to do reforestation.
a. Buy all your food in the school canteen but request 15) You teach in a privileged school where each
for a discount. classroom is air-conditioned. Aware of the present
b. Bring baon for you and your children but always economic problems of the country, how do you think
make it a point to buy something from the school your schools can contribute to the solution of this
canteen. problem of the country?
c. Bring baon enough for you and your children even if a. Students cannot be made to sacrifice and recite in
you really do not like to do it. warm classrooms especially that they do not directly
d. Buy all your food from the canteen even if you cause the countrys economic problem.
cannot afford to do so everyday. b. Air-conditioning classrooms could be cut off on
10) How can you help a habitual borrower of money certain days especially if they are not in use.
get rid of his habit? c. Savings on cutting down air-conditioning could be
a. Do not lend him anymore. spent on other worthwhile activities for the students.
b. Let him do something for you in return for the d. Air-conditioning is such a small matter savings on it
money you lent him. could hardly affect the economy.
c. Direct him to others. 16) Which of the following situations will manage
d. Ask for a collateral for the cash he is loaning. conflicting situations to bring out values enhancing
11) Since you are looked up to as a leader in the nationhood?
community, what would you do if the barangay a. Filipino models posing nude to advertisers.
captain seeks your advice on some important b. Ambush interviews of politicians.
matters? c. Distributing lands to the landless tenants.
a. Inform the barangay captain that you have to get d. Celebrating the Centennial of Independence.
permission from your principal. 17) You were asked by your head to buy gifts for the
b. Recommend a co-teacher to take your place. family of their foreign friend. You were told to decide.
c. Discuss with the barangay captain how you can be Which of these gifts you will buy?
of best help to him. a. embroided Philippine products
d. Impress upon the barangay captain that you really b. chinaware dining set
know what to do for all his problems. c. a set of towels and imported bed sheets with pillow
12) Which of the following is another illustration of cases
happiness? d. a pair of very expensive elephants for good luck
a. A family dining at a 5 star hotel. 18) The chairman in the election precinct wants you
b. A family admiring their newly bought car. to change the entries in the election returns in
c. A family looking at their crops ready for harvest. exchange for special favors. It would be best for you
d. A family on their way for a Hong Kong holiday. to:
13) Which of the following situations will manage a. say No and be firm in your decision
conflicting situations to bring out values enhancing b. say Yes but do not do it
nationhood? c. change some as discretely as you can
a. Kidnapped victims refusal to report cases to d. tell him to make the changes himself
authorities and paying ransom money instead. 19) Which of the following situation will manage
b. The coddling of squatters before election time and conflicting situations to bring out values enhancing
evicting them after election. nationhood?
c. Aling Tacing and her son patiently pick out worms a. A barangay captain accepts relief goods to help the
and insects in their vegetable plots rather than use flood victims.
insecticides made from foreign chemicals? b. An old-fashioned grandmother insists in the
d. Hostage-taking incidents leading to the granting of pamanhikan way of asking for the hand of her
the hostage takers demands in exchange for the grandsons socialite fiancee.
release of the hostages. c. A Filipina entertainer in a formal gathering requiring
14) A barangay captain needs money to save their wearing of the official attire of ones country opted
barangay and neighboring barangays from flood instead to wear something similar to another
caused by illegal logging. There is no appropriations countrys costume.
12 | P R O F E D
d. A Filipino singer wants to impress his audience in a 25) In his relationship with his superiors the teacher
foreign land by singing the songs of the foreign should:
country and imitating the way the songs are sang by a. work with self-vested interests
native speakers of the country. b. work with them without expecting any material
20) Which of the following is the best situation benefits
wherein you can balance responsibility and c. expect to be promoted for every favor done to
accountability? them
a. A fireman responds to a fire call because all the d. adopt an indifferent attitude
other firemen are doing so. 26) A teacher can best help a withdrawn child to
b. A fireman responds to a fire call to save life and assert himself and win the respect of his classmates
property. by:
c. A fireman responds to a fire call because he is paid a. giving him opportunity to show his talents
to do so. b. providing him leadership roles
d. A fireman responds to a fire call because his fire c. always calling him to answer questions
chief reprimands him if he does not. d. encouraging him to study harder to outwit his
21) Which of the following situations will manage classmates
conflicting situations to bring out values enhancing 27) The best way for a teacher to impart values to his
nationhood? pupils is:
a. A shoemaker decided to abandon his shop to go to a. constant repetition of actions to make them
the city. routinary
b. A fisherman taught his son how to use dynamite in b. inflicting corporal punishment
order to get a bigger catch. c. acting as a role model
c. A Filipina beauty queen candidate for a world title d. always scolding his pupils
tried to imitate native English speakers in answering 28) While serving during the elections, some
questions. troublemakers enter your precinct. What do you think
d. Conchita gifted her British visiting friend with native is the most appropriate thing to do?
bags, sandals and hand-embroidered blouse. a. challenge them to a duel
22) Which of the following is the best situation b. close the precinct and go home
wherein you can balance rights and authority? c. ignore them and look for a safe place
a. Mrs. Dieta sets ten oclock for her 15 year old sons d. seek the assistance of law enforcers
curfew hour. 29) Schools must train the students to be productive
b. Mrs. Dieta allows her 15 year old son to say out as for the following reasons: I. To become economically
long as he wants. self-reliant; II. To cushion the impact of El nio; III. To
c. Mrs. Dieta completely forbids her 15 year old son to compare favorably with those in other parts of the
stay out at night. world; IV. To gain control over others. Which of the
d. Mrs. Dieta allows her 15 year old son to stay out following belong to our educational philosophy?
late as long as he is with friends. a. III and IV
23) Which of the following is the best situation b. I, II and IV
wherein you can balance responsibility and c. II and III
accountability? d. I and III
a. A carpenter, paid on an hourly basis rushes his work 30) Which of the following conduct of a teacher will
to accomplish more unmindful of the quality of work. merit the confidence and respect of parents?
b. A carpenter, paid on an hourly basis delays his work a. One who dresses properly depending on the
to get bigger pay. occasion, mingles with all kinds of parents and
c. A carpenter, paid on an hourly basis does his work entertain all complaints.
with the right quality only when the master carpenter b. One who gives on the spot decisions over cases
is present. which require careful deliberation.
d. A carpenter, paid on an hourly basis tries to finish c. One who deals only with well-to-do parents and
as much as possible without sacrificing quality. intelligent pupils.
24) When a teacher practices professional ethics, d. One who dresses properly, arranges the hair
which of the following he is not likely to do? meticulously, and entertains only the high officials of
a. maintain cordial relationship with his colleagues government and school.
b. shares an outstanding outcome of an undertaking 31) Which of the following situations will manage
with others conflicting situations to bring out values enhancing
c. engages in gossips nationhood?
d. respects his superiors a. After a 20 year stay in London as a housekeeper.
Mila decided to return to her country and share her
13 | P R O F E D
retirement pay with her relative and friends in the a. Develop a program responsive to changing needs of
form of a business venture. the community.
b. Illegal recruitment of Filipinos by Foreigners. b. Allow community participation in the evaluation of
c. Filipinos act as a drug couriers unsuspectingly to teachers performance.
foreign lands by foreign drug syndicates. c. Maintain an instructional program that stresses a
d. Filipino actresses accepting roles against Filipina traditional academic education.
modesty in favor of attractive remuneration. d. Rely on the media to improve the image of the
32) Which of the following will you do if somebody school.
confided to you an offense which will implicate your 37) Which of the following Filipino attitudes is
brother? enhanced by the teaching of Planting Rice Is Never
a. Find out the full account of the matter. Fun?
b. Tell him to report the matter to the authorities. a. increase once tolerance
c. Advise the person who confided to you to get the b. love for the farm
services of the lawyer. c. dislike for work
d. Encourage him to keep quiet so as not to implicate d. love for music
your brother. 38) An inventor is offered by a foreigner four times as
33) Underground economy is a great help in much as what he will get practicing in the Philippines.
improving the countrys economy. Banana cue, He refused the offer, is he right? Which of the
camote cue, barbecue and the like are sold in school following is the best answer?
and other public places. Students are captive buyers. a. No, because opportunity knock once.
To augment her income, Mrs. Reyes is selling in b. Yes, because his invention will help improve the
school. Which of the following does Mrs. Reyes need country.
to do? c. Yes, because the beneficiaries of his invention are
a. Increase the price of hers since the students will no his relatives.
longer go out of the campus d. Yes, because the amount he will get from the
b. Ask her students to sell her items in different foreigner can also be spent in the Philippines.
places. 39) Which of the following situations will manage
c. Sell her items lower than the prevailing price to conflicting situations to bring out values enhancing
help the students nationhood?
d. Seek her co-teachers to help her sell the items. a. A logger was asked to replace the trees he cut.
34) Which of the following situations will manage b. Filipino contract workers abroad accepting lower
conflicting situations to bring out values enhancing wages than other contract workers from other
nationhood? countries performing the same job.
a. A local manager took the companys counterpart c. A baby dress exporter changes the quality,
based abroad to a very typical resort famous for all workmanship wise of the goods she delivered to her
Filipino cuisine and entertainment. foreign partner after learning of the great profit her
b. The balut vendor who agrees with the foreigners partner is getting.
that balut are rotten eggs that should not be eaten. d. Local manufacturers agreeing business partners to
c. A balikbayan comes home wearing leather jacket, provide cheap labor by Filipino workers.
high leather boots and dark glasses one summer 40) Pick out the teacher-student relationship that was
evening. violated when Miss Vera gave Marie a grade of 75% in
d. A balikbayan teenager greets her grandmother with her Science class due to poor conduct?
a Hi instead of kissing her hands to show that she is a. A teacher should not make deductions on pupils
now a state-side. scholastic ratings for acts that are not manifestations
35) Garbage disposal has become a serious problem in of poor achievement.
your community. Garbage are scattered and flies are b. A teacher may deduct on pupils scholastic ratings
feasting on it. As a teacher which of the following will for acts that are manifestations of poor moral values.
be your priority? c. Maintain an instructional program that stresses a
a. Lead the students to burn there own trash in their traditional academic education.
own yard. d. Rely on the media to improve the image of the
b. Create a desire among your students o clean the school.
community as an outcome of your lesson. 41) Norman, a second year student, received a failing
c. Start a campaign to put up a covered garbage can in grade in English in the second grading period. The
every home. teacher requested a conference. During the
d. Write the major for assistance in cleaning the place. conference, the teacher, in trying to make a point,
36) The key to continuing community support for an compared Normans grade with the other members of
instructional program is to: the class. An argument ensued between the parent
14 | P R O F E D
and the teacher. Which of the following is a 46) Which of the following will you recommend to a
fundamental mistake the teacher made in conducting senior high school scholar who is impregnated by a
the conference? fellow student?
a. The teacher did not close the conference with a a. force her boyfriend to marry her
constructive comment. b. tell her parents about her condition
b. The teachers comments directed attention away c. stop schooling till after she gave birth
from the problem. d. direct her to an abortion clinic
c. The teacher did not have an interview guide to use 47) Normal conflicts can be avoided into becoming
during the conference. crises through appropriate and timely intervention.
d. The teacher showed her bias against the students. How can this be done?
42) A police officer informs you that there has been a a. A case conference is immediately called.
rash of stealing within the vacinity of the school. He b. The principal intervenes in the case.
asks you for the names of some clients you believe c. The counselor should be a friend to the counselee.
might have been involved. Which of the following will d. Identify and analyze the problem and its causes.
you do? 48) Mr. Dioneda, an incoming Mayor, is interested to
a. Remind the police officer of confidentiality of know where to focus his attention relative to human
information. rights violation in his town. He requested you to
b. Promise him that you will ask information about conduct the survey. What human right was violated in
this crime. a war of aggression?
c. Provide him with the names of likely suspects. a. right to own property
d. Ask him to seek permission from the principal. b. right to form family
43) What will you do with the extra amount of c. right to life
voluntary contribution you solicited from your class d. right to work
for typhoon victims? 49) What does teaching require teachers to be most
a. Spend the extra contribution for their own needs. alert to?
b. Return the extra amount to them. a. public concerns about education
c. Buy some snacks and distribute them to your b. poor behavior and use of immediate punishment
pupils. c. the family backgrounds of students
d. Use the extra contribution to buy visual aids. d. appropriate behavior and rewards
44) Which of the following should a teacher do if she 50) You received an advice from the COMELEC that
cannot pay the monthly installment of an appliance you will be the Chairman in Precinct 3A in your town.
she got in a department store in their town? You are the first cousin of one of the candidates for
a. Offer to return the used appliance to the store on councilors. Your cousin and your parents are very
the condition that she will be refunded on the happy for your appointment. What will you do?
monthly installment she paid. a. I will report to Precinct 3A and do my job very well.
b. Move to another neighborhood to escape payment. b. I will help my cousin by requesting the voters in my
c. Reject any notice of demand for payment to make precinct to vote for him.
the impression that she did not receive any. c. I will decline the appointment and explain to the
d. Inform the manager of the store personally and COMELEC that I have a relative who is a candidate for
make a satisfactory arrangement of payment on or councilor.
before the due date. d. I will read the name of my cousin even if his name
45) Which of the following is the best situation does not appear in the ballot.
wherein you can balance responsibility and
accountability? P R O F E D (5)
a. A construction firm who won the lowest bid for the 1) Parents usually complain that the school where
construction of a bridge employs the lowest paid their children go, changes their textbooks. If you are
workers to justify his lowest bid. the teacher, how would you explain to the parents,
b. A construction firm who won the lowest bid for the the practice they are complaining about?
construction of a bridge hurries his workers so they a. Textbooks are already old and with pages torn or
can work on other projects. destroyed.
c. A construction firm who won the lowest bid for the b. Textbooks cover are dirty and faded and do not
construction of a bridge lets his workers to look presentable.
themselves while he looks on other projects to bid on. c. There are authors of textbooks who are popular.
d. A construction firm who won the lowest bid for the d. There are new developments in the curriculum
construction of a bridge carefully supervises his content included in the book
workers on the project.

15 | P R O F E D
2) Which of the following school activities is closely b. The child is held more accountable because the
related and has greater impact to curriculum teacher has more power.
development? c. The teacher is more accountable because the
a. Principal's evaluation of teachers teacher has more power.
b. Monthly meeting with the barangay officials d. Nobody can be claimed to be more accountable
c. Review of the textbooks and reference material because we are not given a concrete situation.
d. School visit of visitors from other places 8) School curricula reflect worldwide economic issues,
3) The Parent-Learning Support System targets the political, integration and industrialization. What do
acceptance of the parent's responsibility of educating these point to in curriculum development?
the child. In attending to this responsibility, which a. The trends towards globalization and localization.
role(s) of parents should be given priority. b. The trend toward participatory curriculum
I. As a learner development.
II. As a educator c. The shift in the paradigm of curriculum
III. As a particular in school activities development from a process-oriented to a product-
IV. As a model for children's development oriented one.
V. As a provider of home environment conducive to d. The trend towards the classical approach to
learning curriculum development.
a. V 9) Integrating the concept of sustainable development
b. II into the curricula demands which approach to
c. IV curriculum development?
d. I and II I. Multidisciplinary approach
4) Every school should plan for and support students II. Holistic
with learning needs. Which two (2) vital components III. Systematic
have to be addressed to provide such needs? IV. Participatory
I. Principles of inclusive education a. I, II, III and IV
II. Content area and transdisciplinary knowledge b. I, II and IV
III. Learning styles, abilities and disabilities of students c. I, II and III
IV. Relevant curriculum frameworks d. II, III and IV
a. I and III 10) This is the ability to interpret, make meaning from
b. II and III information presented in the form of an image.
c. III and IV a. Visual literacy
d. I and IV b. Scientific literacy
5) Schools are communities of learners committed to c. Media literacy
pre-determined measure quality criteria for student d. Economic literacy
learning. Which statement BEST describes schools 11) The community can serve as rich sources of
that will ensure attainment of such criteria? instructional materials.
a. Everyone in the school is accountable for student's a. Values exhibited
outcomes. b. Instructional centers and materials
b. Families are encourage to support and participate c. Organized associations
in student learning. d. Collaborative relationships
c. Regular evaluation of student achievement is done 12) An example of collaboration among schools,
by teachers and administration. parents, and community.
d. Teachers continually update themselves by a. Brigada eskwela
attending training programs. b. PTCA
6) When the schools take the responsibility for c. SGC
developing high quality performance, teachers d. All of the above
develop a/an ________ ethic and standards of 13) ________ schools and laboratories for Field study
practice. courses and practice teaching, hence the exposure of
a. Responsibility future teachers to the reality of teaching.
b. Accountability a. CHED
c. Assessment b. DepEd
d. Work c. State Universities
7) Between the child and the teacher, who is more d. All of the above
accountable for learning and why? 14) Linkages, also termed ________, with institutions
a. The teacher and the child are equally accountable functioning along the same mission are intended to
because both have a role in the teaching-learning serve members of both sides according to their
process. respective needs, interests and objectives.
16 | P R O F E D
a. Interrelations a. Visual literacy
b. Interconnections b. Scientific literacy
c. Incorporations c. Media literacy
d. Organizations d. Economic literacy
15) The center for training educational leaders from 23) It encompasses written, numerical and digital
Southeast region under the SEAMEO organization. literacy as they pertain to understand science, its
a. INNOTECH methodology, observations and theories.
b. ASCD a. Visual literacy
c. WCCI b. Scientific literacy
d. BIOTA c. Media literacy
16) A grid/web whose members actively demonstrate d. Economic literacy
how they can work together to attain common 24) Creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving,
objectives, undertake innovative practices and update decision-making and learning belongs to:
members regarding breakthrough in different a. Ways of working
disciplines. b. Tools of working
a. Taft Consortium c. Ways of thinking
b. The Mendiola Consortium d. Skills for living
c. Network 25) The ________ is highly collaborative; a lifelong
d. Pi Lambda Theta learner is accountable for results and is information,
17) To ensure high standards of the teacher's personal media and technology literate.
and professional development, what tool/instrument a. 21st century teacher
was developed by the DepEd for self-assessment? b. 21st century learner
a. TSNA c. Global teacher
b. NCBTS d. Global learner
c. SGC 26) They are responsible for the development of
d. All of the above values, attitudes, and habits that will be needed as
18) For what main reason are schools as change their children associate with classmates in school.
agents advised to offer courses that industries need? a. Teachers
a. Economic b. Parents
b. Environmental c. Grandparents
c. Political d. All of the above
d. Historical 27) ________ in the schools continues to enrich
19) For more efficient and effective management of students' experiences at home, thus strengthening
schools as agents of change, one proposal for the the valuable personal traits and characteristics initially
DepEd to do is to cluster remote stand-alone school developed.
under one lead school head. Which factor has the a. Teachers
strongest influence on this proposal? b. Administrators
a. Political c. Community
b. Psychological d. Students
c. Historical 28) Extremes of behavior need detailed consideration
d. Geographical of past experiences in school and at home.
20) Which one works against the improvement of a. Difficulties
quality education? b. Values developed
a. Deregulation of tuition fees c. Solutions
b. Voluntary accreditation d. All of the above
c. School working in isolation from community and 29) The school officials actively participate in
industry community projects such as literacy assistance project
d. Identification of center of excellence/centers of for out-of-school children and house campaign for
development healthful practice.
21) The ability to apply economic concepts in a. Organized associations
situations relevant to one's life. b. Collaborative relationships
a. Visual literacy c. Public safety, beautification and cleanliness
b. Scientific literacy d. Values exhibited
c. Media literacy 30) Peace and order, safety in public conveyances and
d. Economic literacy compliance with ordinances afford ample protection
22) The ability to critically analyze the messages that and disciplinary measures deserved by all.
inform, entertain and sell to us every day. a. Organized associations
17 | P R O F E D
b. Collaborative relationships beyond what is taught in the classroom where other
c. Public safety, beautification and cleanliness stakeholders of curriculum implementation are
d. Values exhibited involved?
31) At the end of ________, the graduate must be a. Formulation of lesson objectives
able to demonstrate more knowledge and skills with a b. Doing home work
higher degree of independence. c. Motivating the learners
a. Grade 12 d. Evaluating the lesson
b. Grade 11 39) Which is true of the integrative approach to lesson
c. Grade 10 planning?
d. Grade 9 I. Multidisciplinary
32) Refers to one qualification level defined in the II. Teacher-centered
Philippines TVET Qualifications Framework where the III. Highly structured
worker performs a routine and predictable tasks. a. II and III
a. NC I b. II only
b. NC II c. I only
c. NC III d. III only
d. NC IV 40) You consider learning styles in you lesson
33) Performs prescribe range of functions including development. What do you avoid?
known routines and procedures, has limited choice I. Trace the root causes of varied learning styles
and complexity of functions and has little II. Allow children to use preferred learning styles
accountability. III. Prescribe a uniform way of accomplishing a task
a. NC I a. I and III
b. NC II b. II only
c. NC III c. I and II
d. NC IV d. III only
34) The teacher uses variety of questioning strategies
to determine if the students understand. PROF ED (6)
a. Checking for Understanding 1) You have a pupil who is so talkative, naughty and
b. Guided Practice aggressive that he is a burden to the entire members
c. Independent Practice of the class. What is the first remedy to this problem?
d. Anticipatory Set a. talk to him seriously
35) Which holds true when each level of subject b. report the case to the principal
matter is smoothly connected to the next level and c. reprimand him always
glaring gaps, wasteful overlaps in subject matter are d. call the parents for a dialogue
avoided. 2) Behavior is the result of a continuous interaction
a. The curriculum must be sequenced between personal and environmental variables.
b. The curriculum must be articulated Which approach to personality best describes the
c. The curriculum must be continued above statement?
d. The curriculum must be integrated a. Humanistic approach
36) Which of the following represents a minuscule b. Psychoanalytic approach
curriculum? c. Social learning approach
a. Textbook that learners use d. Cognitive approach
b. Reference materials that supplement the text 3) Which of the following best describes behaviorism?
c. Lecture notes of the teacher a. Stimulus-response
d. Lesson plan that teachers prepare b. Action-reaction
37) A P.E. Teacher wrote this objective in her lesson c. Conscious-unconscious
plan, "to execute the four fundamental steps." When d. Nature-nurture
observed by the school principal, she was showing her 4) You are convinced that whatever a student
class how to execute basic dance step correctly. Why performs a desired behavior, provide reinforcement
did the teacher use a demonstration method to and soon the student learns to perform the behavior
implement her objective? on her own. On which principle is your conviction
a. It is a chance to show teacher's expertise based?
b. No students know how to execute the steps a. Cognitivism
c. Class time is limited to ask students to execute b. Behaviorism
d. It is easier to imitate a teacher who shows the steps c. Constructivism
38) Which step of a daily lesson plan provides d. Environmentalism
opportunities for the students to independently learn
18 | P R O F E D
5) It focuses on the learning that occurs within a social c. Withdrawal
context. d. Epigenetic
a. Social learning theory 14) When a person feels as if their entire being rides
b. Gestalt theory on everything they do, and so everything must be
c. Connectionism theory done perfectly.
d. None of the aforementioned a. Impulsiveness
6) The concepts of trust vs. mistrust, autonomy vs. b. Compulsiveness
self-doubt, and initiative vs. guilt are most closely c. Will power
related with the works of ________. d. Courage
a. Erickson 15) Which is one role of play in the pre-school and
b. Piaget early childhood years?
c. Freud a. Develops competitive spirit.
d. Jung b. Separates reality from fantasy.
7) Too much initiative and too little guilt means a c. Increases imagination due to expanding knowledge
maladaptive tendency Erickson called ________. and emotional range.
a. Ruthlessness d. Develops the upper and lower limbs.
b. Sociopathy 16) There is such a thing as too much "ego identity"
c. Courage where the person is so involved in a particular role in
d. Both a and b a particular society or subculture that there is no
8) A little "shame and doubt" is not only inevitable but room left for tolerance. Erickson calls this maladaptive
also beneficial. Without it a person will develop the tendency ________.
maladaptive tendency of ________. a. Fidelity
a. Impulsiveness b. Fanatism
b. Ruthlessness c. Role confusion
c. Compulsiveness d. Rites of passage
d. Courage 17) It means loyalty, the ability to live by societies
9) If a person gets the proper, positive balance of standards despite their imperfections,
autonomy and shame and doubt, that person incompetencies and inconsistencies.
develops the virtue of ________. a. Fidelity
a. Impulsiveness b. Fanatism
b. Compulsiveness c. Role confusion
c. Will power d. Rites of passage
d. Courage 18) Referring particularly to the tendency to become
10) This principle says that we develop through a intimate to freely, too easily, and without any depth
predetermined unfolding of our personalities in eight to intimacy.
stages. a. Promiscuity
a. Epigenetic b. Exclusion
b. Psychoanalysis crisis c. Stagnation
c. Malignancy d. Overextension
d. Maladaptation 19) A maladaptive tendency in stage eight is called
11) ________ is not quite as bad and involves too ________. This is what happens when a person
much of the positive and too little of the negative. "presumes" ego integrity without actually facing the
a. Epigenetic difficulties of old age.
b. Psychoanalysis crisis a. Disdain
c. Malignancy b. Presumption
d. Maladaptation c. Rejectivity
12) A named disposition within one of the crisis stage d. Overextension
reflects the significant relationship between adults 20) The person in old age believes that he alone is
and the best interest of children. right. He does not respect the ideas and views of the
a. Generativity young. This malignant tendency is called ________.
b. Stagnation a. Disdain
c. Withdrawal b. Presumption
d. Epigenetic c. Rejectivity
13) This is characterized by depression, paranoia, and d. Overextension
possibly psychosis. 21) This malignancy refers to the tendency to isolate
a. Generativity oneself from love, friendship and community, and to
b. Stagnation develop certain hatefulness in compensation for one's
19 | P R O F E D
loneliness. a. The end does not justify the means.
a. Exclusion b. The principle of double-effect.
b. Disdain c. Always do what is right.
c. Presumption d. Between two evils, do the lesser evil.
d. Rejectivity 29) At the high school level, Kohlberg's advice is for
22) Moral reasoning is based on the them to begin discussing with students about abstract
consequence/result of the act not on whether the act principles such as justice and human rights. On the
is good or bad. average, in which moral development stage are high
a. Post conventional school students supposed to be?
b. Conventional a. Post-conventional stage
c. Pre conventional b. Conventional stage
d. Law and order c. Between conventional and post-conventional stage
23) In a social studies class, Teacher Anna presents a d. Pre conventional
morally ambiguous situation and asks her students 30) It refers to a learning opportunity where a
what they would do. On whose theory is Teacher knowledgeable adult such a s a teacher or parent or
Anna's technique based? more advanced peer can assist the child's
a. Kohlberg development.
b. Bandura a. Scaffolding
c. Piaget b. Zone of actual development
d. Bruner c. Zone of proximal development
24) A sixth grade twelve-year old boy comes from a d. Cultural development
dysfunctional family and has been abused and 31) It refers to the child that attempts to perform a
neglected. He has been to two orphanages and three skill alone.
different elementary schools. The student can decode a. Scaffolding
on the second grade level, but he can comprehend b. Zone of actual development
orally material at the fourth or fifth grade level. The c. Zone of proximal development
most probable cause/s of this student's reading d. Cultural development
problem is/are ________. 32) It helps the learner regulate and reflect on his
a. emotional factors own thinking.
b. poor teaching a. Private speech
c. neurological factors b. Talking to oneself
d. immaturity c. Language
25) Who among the following needs less verbal d. Social interaction
counseling but needs more concrete and operational 33) Piaget believed that as a child develops and
forms of assistance. The child who has ________. mature, he goes through universal stages of cognitive
a. mental retardation development that allows him to move from simple
b. attention-deficit disorder explorations with senses and muscles to complex
c. learning disability reasoning.
d. conduct disorder a. Cultural factors
26) MKO means: b. Social interaction
a. Most Knowledgeable One c. Socialization
b. More Knowledgeable Other d. Scaffolding
c. More Knowledgeable One 34) Piaget's work on Piagetan's task focused heavily
d. Most Knowledgeable Other on how an individual's cognitive development became
27) Rodel is very aloof and cold in his relationships evident through the individual's own processing of the
with his classmates. Which basic goal must have not tasks.
been attained by Rodel during his developmental a. Cultural factors
years, according to Erickson's theory? b. Social interaction
a. Autonomy c. Socialization
b. Trust d. Scaffolding
c. Initiative 35) It is the appropriate assistance given by the
d. Generativity teacher to assist the learner accomplishes a task.
28) Teacher Bob knows of the illegal activities of a a. Scaffolding
neighbor but keeps quiet in order not to be involved b. Assistance
in any investigation. Which foundational principle of c. Support
morality does Teacher Bob fail to apply? d. Social interaction

20 | P R O F E D
P R O F E D (7) c. learning to know
1) Which is an offshoot of the fourth pillar of "learning d. learning to live together
to live together"? 9) Transforming certified skills into personal
a. Schools teach respect for diversity. competence is the concern of which pillar of learning?
b. Schools show concern what happens to children a. learning to be
after they leave school. b. learning to do
c. Schools celebrate United Nations Week. c. learning to know
d. Schools teach care for the environment. d. learning to live together
2) "Learning to be" as another pillar of learning is 10) With the four pillars of education from UNESCO
applied when schools ________. Commission on Education in mind, which
I. Facilitate the students' personality development correspond/s to the affective domain?
II. Empower people to learn more about themselves I. Learning to live together
III. Encourage students to become immersed in their II. Learning to do
culture III. Learning to be
a. I, II and III a. I and III
b. II and III b. II and III
c. I and II c. I and II
d. I and III d. I only
3) Material development at the expense of human 11) This pillar of education is anchored within the
development points to the need to do more ________ context of lifelong learning and technical and
in school. vocational education and training, in preparation for
a. learning to be life and the world of work.
b. learning to do a. learning to be
c. learning to know b. learning to do
d. learning to live together c. learning to know
4) The specialization required of every professional d. learning to live together
teacher for him/her to be competent is in line with 12) This type of learning is concerned less with the
which pillar of learning? acquisition of structured knowledge but more with
a. learning to be the mastery of learning tools.
b. learning to do a. learning to be
c. learning to know b. learning to do
d. learning to live together c. learning to know
5) Teaching students and adults the art of dialogue is d. learning to live together
in accordance with which pillar of learning? 13) This pillar of education implies that the teacher
a. learning to be should help the students to develop an understanding
b. learning to do of other people and appreciation of interdependence
c. learning to know since we live in a closely connected world.
d. learning to live together a. learning to be
6) Which pillar of learning is aimed at the holistic b. learning to do
development of man and his complete fulfillment? c. learning to know
a. learning to be d. learning to live together
b. learning to do 14) It refers to the role of education in developing all
c. learning to know the dimensions of the complete person; the physical,
d. learning to live together intellectual, emotional and ethical integration of the
7) Inculcating the spirit of empathy among learner individual into a complete man.
fulfills which pillar of learning? a. learning to be
a. learning to be b. learning to do
b. learning to do c. learning to know
c. learning to know d. learning to live together
d. learning to live together 15) It is the process of becoming aware of the
8) Developing an understanding of life, the world contradictions existing within oneself and in society
around us and other people is the concern of which and of gradually being able to bring about personal
pillar of learning? and social transformation.
a. learning to be a. Scientific
b. learning to do b. Conscientization
c. Commitment
d. None of these
21 | P R O F E D
16) A type of communication that refers to use of a. Mores
language. b. Rituals
a. verbal c. Norms
b. mimic d. Folkways
c. non-verbal 26) ________ are defined as culturally defined
d. language standards of desirability, goodness and beauty, which
17) It is an abstract system of word meaning and serve as broad guidelines for social living.
symbols for all aspects of culture. a. Ideas
a. verbal b. Customs
b. phonetics c. Symbols
c. language d. Values
d. vocabulary 27) One of the cognitive components which are
18) What is a system of sounds? mental representations used to organization stimulus;
a. grammar they are the basic units out of which knowledge is
b. phonology constructed and a world emerges.
c. pragmatics a. Ideas
d. speech b. Language
19) It is concerned rules for the use of appropriate c. Knowledge
language particular contexts. d. Accounts
a. pragmatics 28) Along with language and non-verbal signals, these
b. grammar form the backbone of symbolic interaction.
c. language a. Symbols
d. verbal b. Language
20) It refers to the attitudes, values, customs, and c. Phonology
behavior patterns that characterize a social group. d. Ideas
a. beliefs 29) This type of learning operates on the fundamental
b. language principle that education must contribute to the total
c. culture development of the whole person - body and soul,
d. grammar mind and spirit, intelligence and emotion.
21) The process of learning culture of one's own a. learning to be
group. b. learning to do
a. Enculturation c. learning to know
b. Acculturation d. learning to live together
c. Assimilation 30) This type of learning believes in a holistic and
d. Taboo integrated approach to educating the human person,
22) Those are formalized norms, enacted by people as an individual and as a member of society and
who are vested with government power and enforced focuses on the full development of the dimensions
by political and legal authorities designated by the and capacities of the human person.
government. a. learning to be
a. Mores b. learning to do
b. Customs c. learning to know
c. Laws d. learning to live together
d. Rituals 31) When a certain culture is acceptable to one group
23) These are rules expectations by which a society and questionable to others, it shows that:
guides the behavior of its members. a. Culture is borrowed
a. Mores b. Culture is varied
b. Customs c. Culture is a shared product
c. Norms d. None of these
d. Folkways 32) When an individual or group adapts the culture of
24) These are the behavioral patterns of society which others, practice them and become habitual, this is:
are organized and repetitive. a. Culture change
a. Rituals b. Culture lag
b. Customs c. Culture shock
c. Norms d. None of these
d. Folkways 33) It refers to a set of belief, language, rules, values
25) These are highly scripted ceremonies or strips of and knowledge held in common by members of
action that follow a specific sequence of actions. society.
22 | P R O F E D
a. Society 42) "Always ladies first" is an example of:
b. Culture a. Mores
c. Action System b. Folkways
d. All of these c. Rituals
34) Man assigns meanings to his environment and d. Laws
experiences by symbolizing them. What 43) Not interrupting a conversation is an example of:
characteristics of culture is being emphasized? a. Mores
a. Culture change b. Folkways
b. Culture is ideational c. Rituals
c. Culture is diverse d. Laws
d. Culture is learned 44) Not wearing red dress on a funeral is an example
35) Filipino vocabulary has grown because of of:
borrowed words from other languages like Spanish, a. Mores
Chinese and English. This simply means that Culture is b. Folkways
________. c. Rituals
a. Culture change d. Laws
b. Culture is dynamic 45) Marrying before having a child is an example of:
c. Culture is diverse a. Mores
d. Culture is learned b. Folkways
36) Which of the following Cognitive components c. Rituals
defined as culturally defined standards of desirability, d. Laws
goodness and beauty, which serve as broad guidelines
for social living.
a. Values
b. Knowledge
c. Accounts
d. Norms
37) The following are the Components of culture,
a. Communication
b. Symbols
c. Cognitive
d. Material
38) Which of the following types of norms that are
commonly known as Customs?
a. Mores
b. Folkways
c. Rituals
d. Laws
39) Celebrating Christmas/Thanksgiving with the
family is an example of:
a. Mores
b. Folkways
c. Rituals
d. Laws
40) Not drinking alcoholic drinks until 18 years of age
is an example of:
a. Mores
b. Folkways
c. Rituals
d. Laws
41) Saying "Please" and "Thank you" is an example of:
a. Mores
b. Folkways
c. Rituals
d. Laws

23 | P R O F E D
1. B 1. C 1. A 1. A 1. D 1. A 1. A
2. B 2. A 2. A 2. D 2. C 2. C 2. A
3. D 3. A 3. B 3. B 3. C 3. A 3. C
4. C 4. C 4. D 4. D 4. A 4. B 4. C
5. A 5. B 5. D 5. B 5. A 5. A 5. D
6. A 6. B 6. C 6. D 6. D 6. A 6. A
7. A 7. C 7. C 7. B 7. C 7. A 7. D
8. A 8. B 8. C 8. B 8. A 8. A 8. A
9. C 9. D 9. D 9. B 9. C 9. C 9. B
10. A 10. A 10. B 10. D 10. A 10. A 10. A
11. A 11. A 11. A 11. C 11. B 11. D 11. B
12. B 12. B 12. D 12. C 12. A 12. A 12. C
13. A 13. D 13. B 13. C 13. B 13. C 13. D
14. C 14. B 14. C 14. A 14. B 14. B 14. A
15. B 15. C 15. C 15. B 15. A 15. C 15. B
16. A 16. C 16. A 16. C 16. C 16. B 16. A
17. C 17. A 17. C 17. A 17. A 17. A 17. C
18. C 18. D 18. A 18. A 18. A 18. A 18. B
19. B 19. D 19. A 19. B 19. D 19. B 19. A
20. D 20. B 20. B 20. B 20. C 20. A 20. C
21. C 21. A 21. A 21. D 21. D 21. A 21. A
22. C 22. C 22. C 22. A 22. C 22. C 22. C
23. A 23. C 23. C 23. D 23. B 23. A 23. C
24. D 24. B 24. D 24. C 24. C 24. C 24. D
25. D 25. B 25. C 25. B 25. A 25. B 25. B
26. D 26. A 26. D 26. B 26. B 26. B 26. D
27. D 27. C 27. A 27. C 27. A 27. B 27. A
28. B 28. C 28. A 28. D 28. C 28. C 28. A
29. A 29. B 29. D 29. D 29. B 29. A 29. A
30. C 30. D 30. A 30. A 30. C 30. C 30. A
31. D 31. A 31. D 31. A 31. A 31. B 31. B
32. C 32. B 32. D 32. A 32. A 32. C 32. B
33. A 33. B 33. D 33. C 33. B 33. A 33. B
34. D 34. D 34. B 34. A 34. A 34. B 34. B
35. B 35. D 35. D 35. B 35. B 35. A 35. B
36. D 36. C 36. D 36. A 36. D 36. A
37. D 37. B 37. C 37. A 37. D 37. B
38. C 38. C 38. D 38. B 38. B 38. B
39. D 39. C 39. B 39. A 39. C 39. C
40. B 40. C 40. C 40. A 40. D 40. D
41. A 41. D 41. C 41. B 41. C
42. C 42. B 42. D 42. A 42. A
43. D 43. D 43. C 43. B 43. A
44. A 44. D 44. C 44. D 44. B
45. A 45. D 45. A 45. D 45. A
46. B 46. A 46. B 46. B
47. A 47. D 47. A 47. A
48. A 48. D 48. D 48. C
49. A 49. A 49. C 49. A
50. A 50. C 50. D 50. C

24 | P R O F E D

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