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July 14, 2008 Board of Directors Wilamette ESD 2611 Pringle Road SE Salem, Oregon 97302 Dear Board Members: \We have serious concerns regarding recent allegations alleging the misuse of regional and resolution funds for purposes other than providing service to the students in our 22 schoo! districts, These allegations initially came tothe Executive Counc of Superintendents via an anonymous letter received by Executive Counc Chair, Wat Blomberg (Superintendent, Woodburn) and Vice-Chair, Christy Pery (Superintendent, Dal ‘The anonymous letter was received on April 12, 2009. The ltter was subsequently brought tothe entire Executive Council of Superintendents on Apri 16, 2009. At this meeting, the superintendents agreed the letter should be turned over to legal counsel, the Board Char of Wilamete ESD and tothe Secretary of State's Office Audit Division. The letter was faxed to Ramona Mitchell atthe Secretary of State's Office on ‘April 21,2009 and was then assigned to Dale Bond. We have no knowledge of any action by the Secretary of States office in response to this letter. Mr. Blomberg provided WESD Board Chair lack Stoops witha copy of thisletterin May. We recognize that the WESD Board of Directors I stil investigating this matter, However, we stil have a ‘number of our own concerns regarding these allegations and would like to request the following fom Willamette E50: 41. thorough and independent audit reviewing the financial information related to resolution dollars ‘over the past five years. We request the auditing frm be silled in aulting public agencies, and that the transer of funds and co-mingling of funds between accounts be thoroughly reviewed. ‘Throughout the auditing process we believe communication with school district i essential toa ‘thorough audit to determine if what was pald for was provided in services to school district. The superintendents business managers and district level personnel from our districts will make ‘themselves available tothe auditor. 2. review ofthe contract with Sunguard Pentamation and the exclusive rights to sell Pentamation in Oregon. We request detaled findings on how this project has been pald for since the orginal signing ofthe contract. 3. Areview of actual cost of services to school districts vs. the amount school districts pad for the 4, Clear communication from the WESD Board of Directors regarding the findings ofthe audit and steps the Board wil take in remedying any issues found in the audit. The superintendents on behalf of theie local eistriets, boards of directors and local communities respectfully equest a review of the aut findings prior tothe issuance of a fina port. We are committed to making sure the funds allocated to our students through WESD are spent on services to students. We trust this matter wil be investigated thoroughly and brought toa quick resolution. As we move forward we would like to work with WESD leadership to develop a process that s transparent for local istics, our school boards, and the communities we serve, so that our public can be assured the dollars are pant on our students Sincerely, Executive Council Superintendents: eg McShane, Amity Schoo! District Darin Dil, Cascade School District Joseph Hunter, Central School District ‘Christy Pery, Dallas Schoo! Distriet Janelle Beers, Dayton School District Peter Tarian, Falls ity Schoo! District Rick Henshel, Gervais School District Kent Klewitz, Jefferson School District “Maryalice Russel, McMinnville School District, Bob Young, Mt Angel School District Paula Raich, Newberg School District LUnda Reeves, North Marion School District, Jack Adams, North Santiam Schoo! District Robin Stout, Perrydale School District, Craig Roessler, iver Falls School District [A Graver, Sheridan School District ‘Mark Jeffrey, Wllamina Schoo! District Walt Blomberg, Woodburn School District ‘Steve Chiovaro, Yamhil Catton School District James Chogyol Sr, Board Chair, Newberg Schoo! District

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