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Q. Variable creates in 3 types of keywords?

Dimension: which can hold any value?

Private: a variable will be to the block hold; apart from that block cant be used.

Public: it can use anywhere.

Variables: it is a name given to a memory location, which can hold a value and that can be
changed any no.of times in future if required.

Declaration variables: in VB script one can declared a variable using the following key words.

i. Public ii. Private iii. Dimensional

Naming convention of a variable:

1. Variable name should be meaningful

2. It should not 256 characters

3. It should start with alphabets

4. It should not include any periods (.)

5. It should not same as keywords (or) reserved words

Option explicit: this statement restricts the usage of new variable in a program without


Advantage: i. the variable is reusable / reusability

ii. Easy to update the values

Procedures: it is a set of reusable expenses to perform a specific task; procedure can be called
any no.of times in the same text / multiple texts.

There are 2 types of text procedures

i. function procedure

ii. sub procedure

Function procedure & sub procedure can accept the values but function procedure only can
return a value.

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Sub procedure will execute more faster than function procedure

So whenever the procedure no need to return any value then it is better to use sub procedure
gather then sub procedure.


Q. Methods with real time scenario?

1.Capture Bit map: It is used for capturing a snapshot of an object during the execution &stores
it in the desired location.
Syn: window(flight reservation).captured bitmap path of the location with a file name
.bmp extension

2. Exist Method: It is used for checking the objects is existing or not. If at all the object is
existing then it will return true and allows the QTP for further execution. If at all the object is not
existing then it will wait till the object exist, soon after the object exist then it will return true and
allows the QTP for further execution. If at all the object does not exist even after the maximum
time is specified than finally it will return falls and allows the QTP for further execution.
Syn: var= window(flight reservation).exist (12) msg box var

3. Wait property: it is used for making the tool to wait based on the object properties value are
up to the maximum time.
Syn: Object hierarchy.Wait property(property name)., property value, extra time in
milli seconds.

4. Wait: wait statement is used for making the tool time is wait till the specify time is elapsed.

5. Click: click method is used for clicking on a specified method.

0 is left, 1 is right, 2 is middle

Syn: object[ (x,y)],button]

6. Double click: it is used for double clicking on an object

Syn: object hierarchy DBL[ (x,y)],button]

7. Set: it is used for performing the operation mainly following objects

Edit box: it is used for setting any value into the object box

Check box: set method is used for selecting and de selecting the checkbox

Radio Button: set method is used for selecting a radio button in a group

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8. Activate method: it is used for activating a dialog or a window

Close Box: this method used for closing a window or a browser

Type: it is used for making the QTP perform some keyboard related operation

Set secure: it is used for setting the encrypted data into an edit box.

9. Set secure: it is used for setting the encrypted data into an edit box.

Syn: O.H.Set Secure encrypted String

10. to generate the encrypted string QTP has Provide a special tool by name password encoder:

Navigation: start programs QTP Tools Password encoder

11. Get RO Property: Runtime Object used for getting the runtime object properties value
during the execution.

12. Get TO property: Text Object used for getting the TO property value during the execution.

13. Set Text object: it is used for setting the text object property value temporally during the

Simple VB Script functions used for comparison and calculations:

C int: it is used for converting any value into integer value

C str: it is used for converting any value into String value

C dbl: it is used for converting any value into decimal value

C Bool: it is used for converting any value into Boolean value.

L Trim: it is used for trimming the left side phase

R Trim: it is used for trimming the right side phase

Middle Trim: it is used for trimming the both side phase

LEFT: it is used for getting the left side sub string

RIGHT: it is used for getting the right side sub string

Middle: it is used for getting the middle sub string

Length: it is used for getting the length sub string

Upper case: it is used for converting any String into Upper case
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Lower case: it is used for converting any String into Lower case

Round: it is used for rounding a decimal value to nearest integer.

Data table method: data table methods are used for performing the operation on the runtime
data table during the execution.
Add sheet: it is used for an extra sheet to the runtime data table
Syn: data table.add sheet sheet name
Delete sheet: it is used for a specified sheet from the runtime data
Syn: data table.delete sheet sheet name
Import: it is used for importing the data present in the excel file to the runtime data table
Syn: data table.import path of the excel file
Import sheet: it is used for importing a specific sheet of data from the excel file to a specify
sheet of Data in the runtime data type.
Syn: data table.import sheet path of the excel file
Export: it is used for exporting the completing data present in runtime data table to an excel
Syn: data table.export path of the excel file
Export sheet: it is used for exporting a specify sheet of data file to an excel file
Syn: data table.export sheet path of the excel file
Set current row: it is used for making the QTP focus on a specified row
Syn: data table.Set current row
Set next row: it is used for making the QTP focus on the next row of the currently focusable
Syn: data row
Set previous row: it is used for making the QTP focus on the previous row of the currently
focus row
Syn: data table.Set previous row
Get sheet: this method is used for making the QTP focus on a specified sheet
Syn: data table.Get sheet

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Get row count: It is used for getting the row count of a specified sheet. By default it will get the
row- count of global sheet. If required we need to first focus the required sheet and than get
the row count.
Syn: data table.get rowcount
Value: it is used for getting a value from a specified sheet, specified column and current focused
Syn: data table.value

Input Output parameters: it is a concept provided by QTP used for passing the values into
the action and returning the values from the action.
Depending upon the no.of values to be passed into the action that many no.of input parameter
need to be declared, depending upon the no.of values need to be return from the action that many
no.of output values need to declare.
Navigation for declaring Input and Output parameter:
Activate the menu edit
Go to action
Select the option action properties
Select the parameter tab declare the desire no.of I/p O/p parameters
Click on ok

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