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Beginners Guide on How Speak English Fluently and

Improving English Speaking Skills require you to have the following:

1. Mastering English Vocabulary

2. Learning New Words Quickly
3. Taking yourself from Written to Spoken English
4. Being Motivated to Speak English

Hereunder, we shall take your thorugh each of the beginners steps to

start your journey to speak English fluently and confidently


Clearly there is great advantage in speaking good English. It helps you get around
better at work and in social circles. Dont we know that to get to an impressive
level of spoken and written English, you need an extensive English vocabulary?

Improving your English vocabulary may seem easy, but in real life, it requires a lot
of hard work. To know a word really well, you need to know

a) What the word means

b) How to use it and in what context

c) The pronunciation

d) The spelling [helps to look up the usage and the meaning in context]

The way most people learn new words is by listening to others, reading widely,
learning words that are related to each other, and practising through speaking
and writing. At inlingua, we emphasize the listening and speaking part in class and
outside at home and elsewhere, you can do the reading and writing.

Listen to others:

Listening carefully to others is a great way of learning new words and to improve
English skills. When you hear the word used several times hopefully, correctly
used you get a sense of how to pronounce it and how to use it. You also learn
the context. For example, if I hear the word moody in the sentence My friend
is really moody. I never know what she will feel and how she will behave from
morning to evening, I get a very good idea of what that word means.
Unfortunately, people dont provide us with such details when using words. But
they can say I really dislike him because he is so moody and unpredictable. Here
I get the idea that moody is a negative feeling for most people, and it annoys
people when someone is moody. I also understand that moody and
unpredictable are related. You can pick up (or learn) new words by listening to
others in your group talking away. More realistically, you can watch chat shows
when people talk about celebrities, or their own ongoing projects, or recent
events. Internet radio and FM radio also provide listening opportunities.
However, this technique requires good listening skills. If you feel yours are poor,
start by listening to the inlingua CD and make sure you know all the words and
what they mean. Be honest: have you listened to the CDs for the reading text as
well as the listening exercises? How many times have you listened?

Reading Good English publications:

To improve your English vocabulary, you must read a lot. When you read a lot of
English, your vocabulary; grammar and understanding of prepositions will
improve. Start reading short articles in the English newspapers, including HT City,
Delhi Times, and real estate or education supplements. If you enjoy reading, you
can read on any topic of interest. The rule is simple: pick a book or magazine or
comic on a topic you enjoy. As you start reading, you should also expand your
areas of interest.

Learning related English words:

When we learn words in class, we try to learn words that fit around a topic or
area of interest. For weddings, we learn the basic vocabulary for weddings and
marriages. For food, we learn that kind of vocabulary. This is what I mean by
related words words that fit around each other. E.g. for restaurants, I think
dish, waiter (server), chef, cuisine (type of cooking) and so forth. For
higher levels, ambience, quality of service, and different words for taste and
flavour come in. Some people like memorizing words by subject or list, and using
those words that day. Fine, if that works for you. (It never really did for me). What
worked was learning words that expressed what I wanted to say about a movie, a
restaurant, or a holiday experience.

Practicing the new English words:

One cannot stress this enough. It is quite easy to learn or memorize words,
including spelling and pronunciation, to do well in flashcard quizzes or to impress
at a particular event. It is much more difficult to retain the word in your everyday
vocabulary and pull it out as needed. The only way it works is to use the new
word(s) throughout the day or week, and to use it several times. (And with luck,
using it right), trying to make sentences with it in front of the mirror, speaking
into your mobile phone while self-recording, or practicing with a friend, using it in
spontaneous chats near the desert cooler or water dispenser. Writing it out
several times in a notebook and making sentences with it. Whatever works for
you works well.
It is fun to learn new words, but oh so hard to remember them! Even worse, the
right ones never seem to come out when they should. And., adding insult to
injury, the person I am talking to, uses my idea and the blessed word. Argghhh
How miserable can life get?

To speak English fluently you need to be armed with the right words. This is easier
said than done!

How often have you resolved to learn TEN new words a day; struggled against
forgetting them, writing, making lists, conjuring up crazy formulae for memorising
the bombastic beasts, and then, sadly using in sentences far from impressive?

One of the reasons why this occurs is that you are probably trying to memorise
words out of context. This is just rote learning and the content is hard to recall at
the right moment, because, in your mind there is no connection between the
word and its usage. Words are, in a way like us, social beings. They like to hang
out with friends in particular places. Put them randomly and they look and sound

So, for smooth, natural sounding language, one first needs to select the right kind
of words to learn. (No one needs all of them, and trying to cram ten per day is
simply too much). One way to do this is to listen to yourself as you speak. Are
there some words that you repeat very often? Try to identify these words, sorry,
expressions and look for synonyms. There are several excellent sites online. A
quick look at the lists will show you numerous options. Choose one or two
appropriate ones and substitute.
It is fun to learn new words phrases but oh so hard to remember them! Even
worse, they never come out when they should. Also, adding insult to injury- the
person you are talking to uses your idea and the blessed word lexeme.

Lexeme, sounds weird! Chuck it. Stick to word or expression or phrase.

Happily, now you have three very usable words options. These are not
monumental changes; but I am sure you agree, that they make the whole passage
less repetitive and thereby more interesting.

Now you might say, writing is no big deal, speaking is the problem. Well, record
your voice, listen to yourself, think of substitutes and then as step two, google
synonyms, sorry alternatives.

Use the right word in the context and soon you will be speaking English fluently.

Record! Such a drag! I am no sound engineer!

Relax, you dont need to be. Thanks to technology, recording is no big deal. Just
whip out your cell-phone and get going! Moreover no one need know you are
practicing English speaking. On the road, in the metro or park, while waiting for
friends to turn up, each useless, boring minute can be made productive. Instead
of just twiddling your thumbs, you will actively be in the process of enhancing
your communication skills while people think you are merely chatting on the

Speak better English right now!

Written English skills no issues, but English speaking skills not a chance!

The traditional way of learning English

Many people know how to read English words but few know how to read
English, understand spoken English as well as form their own sentences to
converse in English. From a very young age, the focus of children and their
parents is on scoring marks in written exams. As a result, children manage to do
extremely well in exams but when it comes to speaking they are unable to put a
simple sentence together. By learning English the traditional way you can become
very good at writing but you still wont be able to speak English fluently, because
the traditional way focuses on reading and writing skills. Also, as education
progresses further, students keep focussing on acquiring higher qualifications but
still find it extremely difficult to be able to speak in English. Needless to say, one
must be able to balance ones knowledge and expertise with the confidence to
communicate the same as otherwise, a lot of acquired knowledge would remain

Writing in English Vs Speaking in English

When we learn our own (native) language, speaking skills comes before written
skills. In fact, we learn to speak almost automatically. It is natural. We usually
write with correct grammar and in a structured way. We organize what we write
into sentences and paragraphs. We usually speak in a much less formal, less
structured way. We usually speak in a spontaneous way, without preparation, so
we have to make up what we say as we go. This means that we often repeat
ourselves or go off the subject. However, when we speak, other aspects are
present that are not present in writing, such as facial expression or tone of voice.
This means that we can communicate at several levels, not only with words. The
cold reality is that unless someone points it out to that person, the likelihood is
that he/she will carry on without being consciously aware of the real situation!

Focussing on the real need Speaking fluently in English

Speaking is the most common way of communicating. The choice of words and
the way things are said in speech are known to have an impact on people. There
is no way to improve English speaking skills than by speaking itself. The friendly
atmosphere at inlingua enables students to leave their fears behind to speak with
confidence. The students are discouraged from writing in the class so that the
entire concentration is on developing listening and speaking skills. Careful
listening is also an extraordinary skill which when developed helps people to be
able to respond appropriately.

Speaking in English is NOT about grammar alone!!!

English speaking skills are also improved by not learning grammar as a book of
rules and regulations but in understanding the concept which helps people to use
the language as life situations occur. This method enables students to remember
things for a longer period of time as unlike school, there is no rote learning but
empowered learning which is purely application based and extremely relevant.
The activities selected carefully by the instructors help students to practice and
speak as much as they can. Eventually a student progress from making single and
simple sentences to sustaining a conversation for a longer period. They begin to
put newly learnt language with language already learned and use their own
creativity to experiment with the language, therefore making their learning
fruitful and truly worthy of all the time and effort.
Chapter 4: Being Motivated to Speak English

Good English Speaking Skills Earns More

The truth about speaking in English

It may seem a bit unfair but its the truth it has been proven that people who
can talk well in English have a chance of earning 34% more than people with
average communication skills who earn up to 13% higher than those who dont
speak in English at all. Why so? One may argue the answer is simple Speaking
in English is not a luxury these days but has become a necessity and is perhaps, a
skill that is more important than any other. In an increasingly competitive
environment, the most common challenge people face is the inability to speak in
English fluently either in a discussion or an interview. The same people may be
filled with better ideas and attitude if not less than any other person who can
speak fluently in English. Quite often we find ourselves being more deserving and
worthy of a certain opportunity but dont have the proper English speaking skills
to express ourselves.

Speaking in English the need of the hour

It is known that English is the language of all businesses, government and

education. The entire university education in India is in English. English language
skills are a must to get an entry into corporate India.

Most of the job postings these days specify the need for excellent English
speaking and writing skills as an important requirement. It is also a known fact
that the number of people available to fill a position is far greater than the
opportunity itself. Even if a job needs a person to be technically skilled in the
beginning, rising up the ladder, leading a team, communicating clearly with senior
management and important clients is not going to come easy without English
communication skills. In such situation, hiring managers are faced with the
dilemma of who eventually to select. Needless to say, the choice is easy, even at
the point of ignoring a few other requirements; the people who are able to make
a positive impression are those with good English speaking skills.
Getting an English speaking environment

The entire service industry which includes BPOs, hotels, restaurants, retail
requires good English speaking skills. Interaction in all these places happens with
real people so hesitation to speak in English happens mostly in situations where
one hasnt been provided with an environment to do any English conversation. If
youve not had an English speaking environment, chances that you will get one
are very rare unless you make an effort to practice English in an environment
where learning is fast and fun. The highly interactive class environment and the
activities encourage the students to use the newly learned language with
accuracy and confidence. As the language taught is functional every day at the
class is a day of new learning and more practice. The inputs given by the
instructors will not only improve your English speaking skills but will go a long way
in developing other aspects of speaking the language.



The world is looking at India

Look around. Look at some of the worlds largest multi-national companies. Look
at Google. Look at Pepsi. Look at Mastercard. Besides being amongst the worlds
most valuable and immensely successful businesses, besides being the companies
that touch our lives in a very meaningful and intimate way, they all have one thing
in common: They are headed by Indians. Yes, thats right. All the three companies
mentioned above have India born CEOs.

And these are but a few of the many, many success stories surrounding the Indian
corporate achiever of the day.

A few decades ago, it would have been impossible to think such a possibility. An
Indian heading a company that has a predominantly white management?

But here we are. Not only has this become a reality, it seems to be setting a trend
for the future. More and more companies are looking to hire Indians in top-
management positions. And why not?

Indians are hard-working, dedicated and loyal employees. They are well-
mannered, family-oriented, for the most part scandal-free, mindful of the people
around them, comfortable in all geographies, in all cultures, in all conditions. And
one thing they have going for them are their English Speaking Skills.

Start Early, Go a Long way

Most Indians speak average to good to excellent English. In fact, when an Indian
goes abroad to work in the western English speaking countries, such as the US,
Canada, the UK or Australia, a common question that is asked of most of them is,
Hey man, how do you speak such good English?

Most countries are unaware that most Indians start to speak English at a very
early age in school. Our conscientious teachers go the extra mile to give us a good
foundation. They introduce us to the correct etiquettes of the language, the right
way to speak, a better understanding of the native English speaking countries
through books and stories. They help to lay the right foundation for our English
Speaking Skills.

And it is this foundation that goes a long way in building global careers.

Lets face it

We need to speak good English to do well in our careers. Whether your job is
customer-facing like that of executives or sales people or at a call-centre, or
software development you will be required to deal with English speaking clientele
more times than not.
And if you can speak confidently, clearly and come across as smart and informed,
you will create a very favourable impression that does not go unnoticed, neither
by your customer, or by your superior.

Which is why, most companies now have a survey at the end of every interaction,
where they ask you to rate your experience. And you wont give a good rating to
the person, if you found it hard to communicate with him. Or her.

Various Types of English Speaking Skills

At inlingua you will find that there are a variety of courses to help you improve
your professional Englsih Speaking Skills.

There are courses that help you work on your Interview Skills, your Presentation
Skills, your Negotiation Skills, Telephonic Skills and very interestingly they have a
course that helps you pick up the language Skills to Socialize across Cultures.

This last course takes on a highly significant meaning in todays times. While some
Indians travel abroad for work, a lot of Indians are now dealing with Bosses from
abroad. Whatever be the scenario, you need to be able to cross-over to the other
side. A non-Indian boss has only one way to assess his Indian colleague. By
speaking to him, by understanding what he says, by supporting his ideas.

And if language is not a barrier, then surely, a positive assessment will follow.

A positive assessment means one thing and one thing only: Promotion. And

Whatever your profession, someone who speaks English well, communicates

clearly and is confident, will be preferred over someone with poor
communication and English Speaking Skills.

For one, you create a good impression.

Secondly, the boss feels that he doesnt have to explain things to you over and
over again, because you understand him easily.

And thirdly, as you move up the ladder, speaking good English is absolutely
mandatory. Senior managers have to meet and do business with both Indian as
well as non-Indian counterparts.

English is the language that binds businesses across the globe.

And there is no better place than inlingua to learn English the right way.

After all, inlingua is an international chain, not your local, desi English speaking
dukaan. They understand English, they have developed highly specialized
techniques of teaching, but most importantly, they have the necessary experience
to understand your needs deeply and help you turn your career around.

So, dont wait.

Step into a global institution, and get ready to take on the world.

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