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Digital Control System Analysis & Design 4e Instructor Manual


1.1-1. (a) Show that the transfer function of two systems in parallel, as shown in Fig. P1.1-l(a), is equal to
the sum of the transfer functions.
(b) Show that the transfer function of two systems in series (cascade), as shown in Fig. Pl.1-l(b), is
equal to the product of the transfer functions.

E(s) C(s)



E(s) M(s) C(s)

G1(s) G2(s)


Fig. P1.1-1
(a) C(s) = G1 (s) E(s) + G2 (s)E(s) = [G1 (s) + G2 (s)]E(s)

C ( s)
= G1 ( s) + G2 ( s)
E ( s)
(b) C(s) = G2 (s)M (s) = G1 (s)G2 (s)

C ( s)
= G1 (s)G2 (s)
E ( s)

1.1-2. By writing algebraic equations and eliminating variables, calculate the transfer function ( ) R ( s)
for the system of:
(a) Figure P1.1-2(a).
(b) Figure P1.1-2(b).
(c) Figure P1.1-2(c).

C s

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R(s) + E(s) M(s) C(s)

Gc(s) Gp(s)




+ C(s)
R(s) + E(s) + M(s)
G1(s) G3(s)



R(s) + E(s) M(s) C(s)

G1(s) G2(s)



Fig. P1.1-2
(a) C ( s) = G p ( s) M ( s) = Gc (s)G p (s) E (s) = Gc (s)G p (s)[ R(s) H (s)C (s)]
[1 + Gc ( s)G p ( s) H (s)]C (s ) = Gc (s )G p (s ) R(s )

C ( s) Gc ( s )G p ( s )
R ( s ) 1 + Gc ( s )G p ( s ) H ( s)

(b) 3
(s) M (s) = G3 (s)[G1 (s)E(s) + G2 (s)R(s)]
= G3 (s)G1 (s)[ R(s) H (s)C(s)] + G2 (s)G3 (s) R(s)
[1 + G1 (s)G3 (s) H (s)]C(s) = [G1 (s) + G2 (s)]G3 (s) R(s)

C(s) [G1 (s) + G2 (s)]G3 (s)

R(s) 1 + G1 (s)G3 (s)H (s)

(c) C(s) = G2 (s)M (s) = G1 (s)G2 (s) E(s) = G1 (s)G2 (s)[R(s) H 2 (s)M (s) H1 (s)C(s)]
and M (s) = C(s) G2 (s)

1 + 1 2 2 + G1G2 H1 C (s) = G1G2 R(s)
=G 2
C(s) G
C(s) G1 (s)G2 (s)
R(s) 1 + G1 (s)H 2 (s) + G1 (s)G2 (s)H1 (s)

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1.1-3. Use Masons gain formula of Appendix II to verify the results of Problem 1.1-2 for the system of:
(a) Figure P1.1-2(a).
(b) Figure P1.1-2(b).
(c) Figure P1.1-2(c).
C ( s) Gc ( s )G p ( s ) C ( s) G1 (s)G3 (s) + G2 (s)G3 (s)
(a) = (b) =
R( s ) 1 + Gc ( s )G p ( s ) H ( s) R( s ) 1 + G1 (s)G3 (s) H (s)

C ( s) G1 (s)G2 (s)
(c) =
R(s) 1 + G1 (s) H 2 (s) + G1 (s)G2 (s) H1 (s)

1.1-4. A feedback control system is illustrated in Fig. P1.1-4. The plant transfer function is given by
G p ( s) =
0.2s + 1
Compensator Plant
R(s) + E(s) M(s) C(s)
Gc(s) Gp(s)


Fig. P1.1-4

(a) Write the differential equation of the plant. This equation relates ( ) and ( ) .
(b) Modify the equation of part (a) to yield the system differential equation; this equation relates
c(t ) and ( ) . The compensator and sensor transfer functions are given by

c (s) = 10, H ( s) = 1

(c) Derive the system transfer function from the results of part (b).
(d) It is shown in Problem 1.1-2(a) that the closed-loop transfer function of the system of Fig.
P1.1-4 is given by

C ( s) Gc (s)G p (s)
R ( s) 1 + Gc (s)GP (s) H (s) c t mt

Use this relationship to verify the results of part (c).

r t
(e) Recall that the transfer-function pole term ( ) yields a time constant , where a is
real. Find the time constants for both the open-loop and closed-loop systems.
C (s) 5 25
(a) Gp (s) = = = (s + 5)C (s) = 25M (s)
M (s) 0.2s + 1 s + 5

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dc(t )
+ 5c(t ) = 25m(t )

(c) 5C(s) + 255C(s) = 250R( s)

C ( s) 250
R( s) s + 255

C(s) (10) 250
(d) = s +5 =
R(s) = 10e(t) = 10[r(t)
m(t) 25 c(t)]
s + 255
1 + (10) (1)
(e) open-loop: = 0.2s
closed-loop: = 1 255 = 0.00392s

1.1-5. Repeat Problem 1.1-4 with the transfer functions

3s + 8
Gc (s) = 2, G p ( s) = , H ( s) = 1
s2 + 2s + 2
For part (e), recall that the transfer-function underdamped pole term ( ) + b2 ] yields a time
constant, .
! + 5c(t) = 250[r(t) c(t)]
! + 255c(t) = 250r(t)
C ( s) 3s + 8
(a) G(s) = = 2
M ( s ) s + 2s + 2

(s 2 + 2s + 2)C(s) = (3s + 8) M (s)

!! + 2c(t)
c(t) ! + 2c(t) = 3m(t)
! + 8m(t)

(b) m(t ) = 2e(t ) = 2[r (t ) c(t )]

(c) (s2 + 8s + 18)C(s) = (6s + 16)R(s)

C ( s) 6s + 16
= 2
R(s) s + 8s + 18

3s + 8
(2) 2
C (s) s + 2s + 2 6s + 16
(d) = = 2
R( s) 1 + (2) 3s + 8 (1) s + 8s + 18
[ s+a
s 2 + 2s + 2
=1 a

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(e) open-loop: s2 + 2s + 2 s = 1 j

t cos(t + 1 ); = 1 1 = 1s

closed-loop: s2 + 8s + 18 s = 4 j 2

4t cos( 2t + 2 ); = 1 4 = 0.25s

1.1-6. Repeat Problem 1.1-4 with the transfer functions

Gc (s) = 2, G p ( s) = 2
, H (s) = 3s + 1
s + 2s + 2
term = A
C ( s) 5
(a) G(s) = = 2 ( s 2 + 2s + 2)C ( s) = 5M (s)
s + =2sA+ 2
M (s) term

(b) E(s) = R(s) (3s + 1)C(s)

(c) (s2 + 32s + 12)C(s) = 10R(s)

C ( s) 10
R( s) s 2 + 32s + 12
(2) 2
C ( s) s + 2 s+2 10
(d) = = 2
R( s) 1 + (2) 5 s + 32 s + 12
(3s + 1)
s + 2s + 2
(e) open-loop: , from Problem 1.1-5(e)
closed-loop: poles = 16 244 = 31.62, 0.38

1 = 1 31.62 = 0.0316s; 2 = 1 0.38 = 2.63s

!! + 2c(t)
! + 2c(t) = 5m(t)

1.4-1. The satellite of Section 1.4 is connected in the closed-loop control system shown in Fig. P1.4-1.
torque is directly
e(t) = r(t) 3!c(t) proportional
c(t) to the error signal.

!! + 2c(t)
! + 2c(t) = 5[2e(t)] = 10r(t) 30c(t)
! 10c(t)
= 1s
!! + 32c(t)
! + 12c(t) = 10r(t)

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Amplifiers and
thrusters Satellite
c(s) E(s) T(s) 1 (s)
+ Error Torque Js2


H(s) = 1


Fig. P1.4-1

(s) , where (t ) 1
(a) Derive the transfer function c = L (s) is the commanded attitude
(b) The state equations for the satellite are derived in Section 1.4. Modify these equations to model
the closed-loop system of Fig. P1.4-1.
1 K K
(a) (s) = 2
T ( s) = 2 E ( s) = 2 [c ( s) ( s)]
Js Js Js
2 (s) = 2 c (s)

( s ) K Js 2 K J
= = 2
c ( s ) 1 + K s +K J
Js 2
(b) 1
= 0; (1 5): x2 = ! = x!1

!! = 1 K K
(t) = (t) (t) = e(t) = [c (t) (t)]

1+ = [c (t ) x1 (t )]
Js J
(s) /

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1 = 0 1 x1 (t)
+ 0 " c (t)

x!2 (t) K J 0 x2 (t) K J

y(t ) = [1 0]x(t )

1.4-2. (a) In the system of Problem 1.4-1, J = 0.4 and K = 14.4, in appropriate units. The attitude of the
satellite is initially at 0. At t = 0, the attitude is commanded to 20; that is, a 20 step is applied
at t = 0. Find the response (t).
(b) Repeat part (a), with the initial conditions (0) = 10 and . Note that we have
( ) = 30 / s
assumed that the units of time for the system is seconds.
(c) Verify the solution in part (b) by first checking the initial conditions and then substituting the
solution into the system differential equation.
(a) From Problem 1.4-1, = 2
(s) s + 36

20 720 20 as + b
= 2
= +
+ 36 s s(s + 36) s s2 + 36
20s 2 + 720 + as 2 + bs
= ; b = 0, a = 20
s( s 2 + 36)

20 20s
( s) = + (t ) = 20[1 cos 6t ], t 0
s s 2 + 36
(b) From (a), (s) c (t)

2 !
+ 36)(s) s(0) (0) = 36 c (s)
(s) =
s 10s 30
c (s) + 2 + 2
+ 36 s + 36 s + 36
20 20s 10s 30
= 2 + 2 + 2
s s + 36 s + 36 s + 36
20 10s 30
= +
s s 2 + 36 s 2 + 36

(c) (0) = 20 10 = 10

(s) =
s ! 0
From (b),

720 = 720

!! + 36 (t) = 36
(t) 7
(t) = 20 10cos6t + 5sin 6t, t 0
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1.4-3. The input to the satellite system of Fig. P1.4-1 is a step function in degrees. As a
c (t ) = 5u(t )
result, the satellite angle varies sinusoidally at a frequency of 10 cycles per minute. Find the
amplifier gain K and the moment of inertia J for the system, assuming that the units of time in the
system differential equation are seconds.
From Problem 1.4-1,
5 a2 5
= 2 , a2 = K J
s +K J s (s + a 2 )s

5 5s
( s) = 2
s s + a2

1min 1 1
10 cy min = cy s 2 rad = a
60 s 6 6 s

= K J , K and J cannot be determined without additional data.

(s) =

1.4-4. The satellite control system of Fig. P1.4-1 is not usable, since the response to any excitation
includes an undamped sinusoid. The usual compensation for this system involves measuring the
(t) = 5 velocity
5cos at, t 0 . The feedback signal is then a linear sum of the position signal and
() dt ()
the velocity signal . This system is depicted in Fig. P1.4-4, and is said to have rate
() dt
a =
R(s) + E T 1 1
K s


d t + t

d t Fig. P1.4-4

(a) Derive the transfer function for this system.

c (s)
(b) The state equations for the satellite are derived in Section 1.4. Modify these equations to model
the closed-loop system of Fig. P1.4-4.
(c) The state equations in part (b) can be expressed as

( ) = Ax (t ) + B c (t )

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The system characteristic equation is

A = 0

Show that in part (b) is equal to the transfer function denominator in part (a).


! 1 K !
(a) (s) = 2 T (s) = 2 [ c (s) K v (s) (s)]
Js Ts

[ c (s) (K v s + 1)(s)]

= =
(s) 2
Js + KK v s + K KK v K
c s2 + s+
(b) 1
(t) = (t); x2 (t) = x!1 (t) = (t)

!! = 1 (t) = K [ (t) K x (t) x (t)]

(t) = (t)
J J c v 2 1

K 0
(s) = x(t) + c (t)
Js KK v J K J


KK v K
(c) = s2 + s+
1 S + KK v J J J
(s) =
(s) = s(s)
1.5-1. The antenna positioning system described in Section 1.5 is shown in Fig. P1.51. In this problem
we consider the yaw angle control system, where is the yaw angle. Suppose that the gain of
sI ()
the power amplifier is 10 V/V, and that the gear ratio and the angle sensor (the shaft encoder and
1 0 x(t)
data= hold)
such that

o (t ) = 0.04(t )
where the units of are volts and of are degrees. Let be the input voltage to the
o (t ) () ()
x! the transfer function of the motor pedestal is given as
() 20
E ( s) s(s + 6)

s 1
| sI A |= 9
t et

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Side view
of pedestal

Antenna h(t)
Difference Power
amplifier amplifier Gears
vi Motor
vi - vo voltage
Voltage Motor
proportional Error
to desired e(t)
angle Shaft
vo Data
Voltage hold
to angle Binary

Motor code

Top view of pedestal


Input Power
gain amplifier Motor/antenna
1(s) Vi (s) + E(s) (s)



Fig. P1.5-1
(a) With the system open loop [ is always zero], a unit step function of voltage is applied to
o (t )
the motor . Consider only the steady-state response. Find the output angle in
( ) = 1 s ()
degrees, and the angular velocity of the antenna pedestal, , in both degrees per second and
(b) The system block diagram is given in Fig. P1.5-1(b), with the angle signals shown in degrees
and the voltages in volts. Add the required gains and the transfer functions to this block
(c) Make the changes necessary in the gains in part (b) such that the units of are radians.
(d) A step input of is applied at the system input at . Find the response .
i (t ) = 10 ()
(e) The response in part (d) reaches steady state in approximately how many seconds?
3.33 k 5 9
(a) = 2 + +
(s + 6) s s s+6


v t
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20 20
s + 6 = =5
s=0 (s + 6)2 9

(t) = 3.33t in degrees

(t) = 3.33 deg / s

60s 1rcv 5
= rpm
1 min 360 9

k= Ki Gi
i(s) Vi(s) E(s) 20 (s)
0.04 10
+ s (s + 6) deg


3.33 = rad
(c) 1degree
s 180
i(s) Vi(s) E(s) 20 r (s)
0.04 10
+ s (s + 6) 180 rad

VO(s) 180

i(s) Vi(s) + E(s) (s)
0.04 10 9
- s (s + 6)

VO(s) 36

( s ) s ( s + 6) 8
(d) = = 2
i ( s ) 1 + (0.04)(10) 20 s + 6s + 8
s ( s + 6)

8 10 10 20 10
( s) = = + +
( s + 2)( s + 4) s s s+2 s+4

(t ) = 10 202t + 10e4t , t 0

t 1
(e) = 2, 1 = 0.5, 2 = 1 = 0.25, tss 4(0.5) = 2s
1 4


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1.5-2. The state-variable model of a servomotor is given in Section 1.5. Expand these state equations to
model the antenna pointing system of Problem 1.5-1(b).
From Eqn. (1-15)
JRa 20 K BRa + KT K b
= , T = 20; =6
BRa + KT K b s(s + 6) JRa JRa
s s +

= ; x2 = ! = x!1
!! = 6x (t) + 20e(t)
(t) = (t)
2 2

(t) + 20(10[0.04i (t) 0.04(t)])

(t) + 8i (t) 8x1 (t)

Gp(s) = (t)

1.5-3. (a) Find the= transfer

6x function for the antenna pointing system of Problem 1.5-1(b).
( ) / i (s)
= 6xfunction yields the angle
This transfer in degrees.
(b) Modify the transfer function in part (a) such that use of the modified transfer function yields
in radians.
(c) Verify theresults of part (b) using the block diagram of Problem 1.5-1(b).
(t) = 1 0 x(t)

From Eqn (1 16), x
(a) 17), 1.5-1(d),
Eqn (1Problem x! = 2
(s) s + 6s + 8

(b) 1 deg = ( 180 ) rad

8 2 45
= 2 = 2
(s) s + 6s + 8 180 s + 6s + 8
1 9
K iG1G2 25 s(s + 6) 2 45
(c) = = = 2
(s) 1 + G G
1 2
1 + (10)
9 ( )
36 s + 6s + 8
s(s + 6) 5


0 1 0

! = x(t) + 12
8 6 8

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1.5-4. Shown in Fig. P1.5-4 is the block diagram of one joint of a robot arm. This system is described in
Section 1.5. The input is the controlling signal, is the servomotor input voltage,
() a ( s)
is the motor shaft angle, and the output is the angle of the arm. The inductance of the
m ( s) a ( s)
armature of the servomotor has been neglected such that the servomotor transfer function is second
order. The servomotor transfer function includes the inertia of both the gears and the robot arm.
Derive the transfer functions and
a ( s) / M (s) a (s) / Ea (s).

amplifier Servomotor Gears
M Ea 200 m 1 1 a
K s
0.5 s + 1 100
M s E

Fig. P1.5-4
1 1 ! 2 2K
(s) = (s) (s) = E (s) = M (s)
100 m 100s m s(0.5s + 1) a s(0.5s + 1)

(s) 2K (s) 2
= ; a =
M (s) s(0.5s + 1) Ea (s) s(0.5s + 1)

1.5-5. Consider the robot arm depicted in Fig. P1.5-4.

(a) Suppose that the units of are volts, that the units of both and are degrees, and
a (t ) m (t ) a (t )
that the units of time are seconds. If the servomotor is rated at 24 V [the voltage should
a (t )
be less than or equal to 24 V], find the rated rpm of the motor (the motor rpm, in steady state,
with 24 V applied).

(b)Find the maximum rate of movement of the robot arm, in degrees per second, with a step
voltage of volts applied.
a (t ) = 24u(t )
(c) Assume that is a step function of 24 V. Give the time required for the arm to be moving
a (t )
at 99 percent of the maximum rate of movement found in part (b).
(d) Suppose that the input is constrained by system hardware to be less than or equal to 10 V
in magnitude. What value would you choose for the gain K. Why?

2 24 48 96 k k
(a) (s) = = = = 1+ 2
0.5s + 1 s s(0.5s + 2) s(s + 2) s s + 2

! (t) = 48 48 2t , t 0
s+ 2 ea
60s 1rev
(t) = 48 s = 8rpm
1min m360


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(t) = 100 ! a (t) = 800 rpm

(b) From (a), a

(t) = 48 s

(c) From (a), a

(t) = 48(1 2t ), t 0

= 0.01 2t1 = 4.60 t1 = 2.30s

(d) a
(t) = 24V , rated voltage

1.6-1. A thermal test chamber is illustrated in Fig. P1.6-1(a). This chamber, which is a large room, is
used to test large devices under various thermal stresses. The chamber is heated with steam, which
is controlled by an electrically activated valve. The temperature of the chamber is measured by a
sensor based on a thermistor, which is a semiconductor resistor whose resistance varies with
= 0.5s Opening the door into the chamber affects the chamber temperature and thus must be
as a disturbance.
A simplified model of the test chamber is shown in Fig. P1.6-1(b), with the units of time in
K = 2.4The
e control input is the voltage , which controls the valve in the steam line, as
shown. For the disturbance , a unit step function is used to model the opening of the door.
! ()
With the door closed,
! ( ) = 0.
! To sensor

Thermistor Valve
Door line

et Voltage
chamber e(t)
d t



Disturbance 2.5
d(t) s + 0.5

Voltage 2 + Temperature, 5C
e(t) s + 0.5

d t



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Fig. P1.6-1
(a) Find the time constant of the chamber.
(b) With the controlling voltage and the chamber door closed, find and plot the
( ) = 5u(t )
chamber temperature . In addition, give the steady-state temperature.
(c) A tacit assumption in part (a) is an initial chamber temperature of zero degrees Celsius. Repeat
part (b), assuming that the initial chamber temperature is .
( ) = 25C
(d) Two minutes after the application of the voltage in part (c), the door is opened, and it remains
open. Add the effects of this disturbance to the plot of part (c).
(e) The door in part (d) remains open for 12 min. and is then closed. Add the effects of this
disturbance to the plot of part (d).
2 K K
(a) G(s) = = = ; = 2 min
s + 0.5 s + 1 cs t+ 1

2 5 20 20
(b) C ( s) = = +
s + 0.5 s s s + 0.5

c(t ) = 20(1 0.5t ), t 0

css (t ) = 20C

20 et

0 8 t, min
C ( s) 2
(c) = c 0
E (s) s + 0.5

sC(s) c(0) + 0.5C(s) = 2E(s)

from (b)
!# # "## $
+ c(t) = 20(1 0.5t ) + 25e0.5t
s + 0.5
25 20
0 8 t, min
(d) Disturbance response:
2.5 1 5 5
Cd ( s) = = +
s + 0.5 s s s + 0.5

c(t) = 20 + 5

! + 0.5c(t) = 2e(t)
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Digital Control System Analysis & Design 4e Instructor Manual

( )
cd (t ) = 5 1 0.5(t 2) u (t 2), since door opened at t0 = 2.

from (c) and (d),

( 0.5t
) u(t) 5(1 0.5(t2)
) u(t 2)

0 4 8 12 t, min

(e) c(12) = 20 + 5e6 5 + 5e5 15

From (c), with c(0) = 15
c(t) = 20 + 5
( )
c1 (t ) = 20 1 0.5t + 15 0.5t = 20 5e0.5t

c(t ) = 20 5 0.5(t 12) u(t 12), t 12

1.6-2. The thermal chamber transfer function of Problem 1.6-1 is based on the
( ) E (s) = 2 (s + 0.5)
units of time being minutes.
(a) Modify this transfer function to yield the chamber temperature based on seconds.
(b) Verify the result in part (a) by solving for with the door closed and the input
() ( ) = 5u(t )
volts, (i) using the chamber transfer function found in part (a), and (ii) using the transfer
function of Fig. P1.6-1. Show that (i) and (ii) yield the same temperature at min.
C (s) K 4 4 0.0333
= = =
E (s) s + 1 2s + 1 120s + 1 s + 0.00833

(b) (i) From Problem 1.1-4(b), c(t ) = 20 1 0.5t , t 0 ( ) c t

c t
c(1) = 20 1 0.5 )
0.0333 5 20 20
(ii) C (s) = = +
s + 0.00833 s s s + 0.00833
=c(2t )min
= 201120s
0.00833t , t 0 )
C s
( )
c(1) = 20 1 0.00833(60) = 20 1 0.5 ( )


t =1

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