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Metering Report (May 22-24, 2017)

Day 1 (Power)

I was assigned at the power team at my first day at Metering Department. From my
understanding, this team aims to check and replace meters that are reported to be defective. I was with
Sir Pongs group. We are assigned to check meters from different location. Our first destination was
Parola, Tondo. We check the meter that was reported that is not used anymore because the owner of
that meter has left the place, yet the team cannot remove the meter because no one would want to sign
for it. Our next stop is Pier 15. Near Philippine Navy. Unfortunately, we didnt find the said meter. Next
destination is Divisoria. We found the reported meter yet the owner didnt allow us to check or replace
the meter instead he asked us to comeback at non-working hours. The last two reports was
accomplished, the meters have been checked and replaced.
Day 2 (Phase Angle)

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