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John Salvador Y.

Philippine Coral Reefs

One of our most precious resources are the coral reefs. If land animals have forests, the seas

and oceans have corals. A single square kilometer of healthy reef can produce up to 30 metric tons of

fish per year. In the Philippines, more than 50 percent of the Filipino people depend on how many fishes

the oceans can produce for their protein source. However, as shown in the documentary, our country is

rapidly running out of healthy reefs that can sustain fish production. Almost all of our reefs have been

damaged by different destructive fishing methods such as dynamite fishing, muro- ami, trawling, and

cyanide fishing. Because of our mistreatment to our coral reefs, catches of fishes are sharply declining.

If we continue these practices that result to the death of coral reefs, in a few years, the

Philippines can no longer feed itself and Filipinos will starve. Although this is a continuing problem in

our country, there are steps that can be taken to preserve the coral reefs. As shown in the documentary,

one of the most obvious and most effective practice is not resorting to destructive fishing which is not

only a threat to our coral reefs, but also dangerous to the fishermen using these techniques. The

documentary however emphasized the importance of the implementation of marine/coral reefs

sanctuary in the Philippines. In line with these marine sanctuaries, is the complete and whole- hearted

participation and cooperation of the municipalities. It is the duty of the residents, especially the fisher

folks to tend to and protect these marine reserves by taking shifts/rounds around the area. With their

hard work, they are rewarded by the bounties of the seas. These sanctuaries drastically increase the

fishes being caught. As said by the fishermen, from a mere 2 kilos per day, implementing the sanctuaries

increased it up to 10 kilos per day.

The documentary showed us what the effects of our destructive human activities to the coral

reefs and to ourselves. It also showed us a way to protect our marine resources and how to continue

sustaining our country. Now, it is our duty to apply what we have learned for it is us that bring

destruction to ourselves, and it is also us that can save us from ourselves.

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