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Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (2005) 38: 1791-1798 1791

Curcumin induces apoptosis via the p53 pathway

ISSN 0100-879X

Curcumin induces human HT-29 colon

adenocarcinoma cell apoptosis by
activating p53 and regulating
apoptosis-related protein expression
G. Song1, Y.B. Mao1, 1TheKey Laboratory, Ministry of Education for Cell Biology and
Q.F. Cai1, L.M. Yao1, Tumor Cell Engineering, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China
G.L. Ouyang1 2Department of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology,

and S.D. Bao1,2 Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, USA


Correspondence Curcumin, a major yellow pigment and active component of turmeric, Key words
G.L. Ouyang has multiple anti-cancer properties. However, its molecular targets Curcumin
The Key Laboratory and mechanisms of action on human colon adenocarcinoma cells are Apoptosis
Ministry of Education for Cell
unknown. In the present study, we examined the effects of curcumin HT-29 cells
Biology and Tumor Cell Engineering p53
Xiamen University
on the proliferation of human colon adenocarcinoma HT-29 cells by
422 South Siming Road the 3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide
DNA ladder
Xiamen 361005 method and confirmed the curcumin-induced apoptosis by morpholo-
China gy and DNA ladder formation. At the same time, p53, phospho-p53
Fax: +886-592-218-6091 (Ser15), and other apoptosis-related proteins such as Bax, Bcl-2, Bcl-
E-mail: xL, pro-caspase-3, and pro-caspase-9 were determined by Western
blot analysis. The colon adenocarcinoma cells were treated with
Research supported by the National
curcumin (0-75 M) for 0-24 h. We observed that p53 was highly
Natural Science Foundation of China
(Nos. 30170463, 30370307, and
expressed in HT-29 cells and curcumin could up-regulate the serine
30400239). phosphorylation of p53 in a time- and concentration-dependent man-
ner. An increase in expression of the pro-apoptotic factor Bax and a
decrease in expression of the anti-apoptotic factor Bcl-2 were also
observed in a time-dependent manner after exposure of 50 M
Received April 26, 2005
curcumin, while the expression of the anti-apoptotic factor Bcl-xL was
Accepted September 1, 2005
unchanged. Curcumin could also down-regulate the expression of
pro-caspase-3 and pro-caspase-9 in a time-dependent manner. These
data suggest a possible underlying molecular mechanism whereby
curcumin could induce the apoptosis signaling pathway in human HT-
29 colon adenocarcinoma cells by p53 activation and by the regulation
of apoptosis-related proteins. This property of curcumin suggests that
it could have a possible therapeutic potential in colon adenocarcinoma

Introduction is currently receiving attention from cancer

investigators for its chemopreventive prop-
Curcumin is the major yellow pigment in erties against human malignancies. Recent
turmeric which is derived from the herb Cur- studies have demonstrated that curcumin can
cuma longa Linn (1). Consumption of tur- be used for cancer prevention for its anti-
meric or curcumin has been associated with inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-cancer, an-
many beneficial effects on human health and tipsoriatic, and anti-atherogenic properties

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1792 G. Song et al.

(2,3). In vivo, curcumin suppresses carcino- tion of human colon adenocarcinoma cells by
genesis of the skin (4), the forestomach (5), curcumin, in the present study we evaluated
the colon (6), the breast (7), and the liver (8) the effect of curcumin on HT-29 cells in vitro,
in mice, and in vitro, it has been shown to and investigated the possible underlying mo-
inhibit the growth of a wide variety of tumor lecular mechanism. The study showed that
cell lines (9). Although the mechanisms of curcumin can induce the apoptosis signaling
the anti-cancer action of curcumin are not pathway in human HT-29 colon adenocarci-
fully understood, in recent years, curcumin- noma cells through p53 activation and the
induced apoptosis by targeting mitochon- regulation of apoptosis-related proteins.
dria, affecting p53-related signaling or block-
ing NF-B activation, has emerged as the Material and Methods
major anti-cancer mechanism (10).
The p53 protein has emerged as a key Antibodies
tumor suppressor protein by playing a central
role in cellular stress response pathways. Mouse anti-p53 monoclonal antibody and
Through these pathways, one of its roles is to rabbit anti-phospho-p53 (Ser15) polyclonal
survey cellular stress and to induce apoptosis. antibodies were purchased from Calbiochem
p53 can promote apoptosis by several mechan- (Darmstadt, Germany). Rabbit anti-Bax, Bcl-
isms (11). The Bcl-2 family has been shown to xL, Bcl-2, pro-caspase-3, and pro-caspase-9
be a p53 target. Bax, the pro-apoptotic mem- were purchased from Santa Cruz Biotech-
ber, is up-regulated in a number of systems nology (Santa Cruz, CA, USA). Mouse anti-
during p53-mediated apoptosis (12). On the actin monoclonal antibody was purchased
other hand, down-regulation of Bcl-2, the anti- from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO,
apoptotic member, has also been demonstrated USA). Anti-rabbit IgG and anti-mouse IgG
during apoptosis (12). Recent studies have antibodies were purchased from Santa Cruz
proposed that the alteration of the Bcl-xL (a Biotechnology.
pro-proliferative member of the Bcl-2 family)
and Bax ratio is one of the important factors Cell culture and curcumin treatment
which decide the fate of a cell (13). However,
the mechanism of curcumin-induced apopto- The human HT-29 colon adenocarcinoma
sis involved in the regulation of the balance cell line was obtained from the Institute of
between these pro- and anti-apoptotic proteins Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Chinese
is not fully clear. Academy of Sciences. The cells were main-
Colon cancer is a serious health problem in tained in Dulbeccos modified Eagles me-
most developed countries and is one of the dium (Life Technologies, Inc., Grand Is-
leading causes of cancer mortality throughout land, NY, USA) supplemented with 10% (v/
the world (14). To date, chemoprevention is a v) heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum, 100
major strategy since other therapies have not U/mL penicillin, and 0.1 mg/mL streptomy-
been effective in controlling either the high cin in a humidified atmosphere of 95% air
incidence or low survival rate of colon cancer and 5% CO2 at 37C. Curcumin (Sigma) was
(15). The anti-cancer properties of curcumin dissolved in DMSO at a concentration of 5
on colon cancer have been demonstrated in mM and was stored in a dark-colored bottle
vivo (6,16) and, in vitro, curcumin has been at -20C as a stock solution. The stock was
shown to inhibit the growth of human colon diluted to the required concentration with
cancer cells independent of cyclooxygenase-2 serum-free medium immediately before use.
(COX-2) expression (17,18). In order to ex- Before treatment with curcumin, the medi-
tend the observations on the potential inhibi- um was removed when cells were about

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Curcumin induces apoptosis via the p53 pathway 1793

80% confluent, the cells were starved over- PBS). Cell morphology was then observed by
night in serum-free medium and then ex- fluorescence microscopy (Leica DM IRB,
posed to curcumin at different concentra- Wetzlar, Germany).
tions (0-75 M) and for different periods of
time (0-72 h). Cells grown in medium con- DNA fragmentation assay
taining an equivalent amount of DMSO with-
out curcumin served as control. Briefly, cells (2 x 106) were harvested
and lysed in cold buffer containing 10 mM
Cell viability assay Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, 150 mM NaCl, 2 mM
MgCl2, 1 mM dithiothreitol (DTT), and 0.5%
Cell viability was assessed by the 3-[4,5- NP-40 on ice for 40 min. Lysates were cen-
dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium trifuged and the pellets were resuspended
bromide (MTT, Sigma) method. Briefly, cells in cold buffer containing 10 mM Tris-HCl,
were plated onto a 96-well plate at a density of pH 8.0, 350 mM NaCl, 1 mM MgCl2, and
5 x 103 cells/well in 200 L of medium. After 1 mM DTT on ice for 20 min. Lysates
24 h they were treated with a series of curcu- were then extracted once with a phenol:
min concentrations (0-75 M) for 12, 24, 36, chloroform:isoamyl alcohol mixture (25:
48, and 72 h. After treatment, medium con- 24:1) and DNA was precipitated with 10
taining curcumin was carefully removed, and mM MgCl2 and 2.5 volumes 100% ethanol
100 L MTT solution (0.25 mg/mL in PBS) overnight at -20C. DNA was collected by
was added to each well. After 4 h of incubation centrifugation at 14,000 g for 20 min, resus-
at 37C, MTT was discarded and 200 L of pended in TE buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl, pH
extraction buffer (90% DMSO, 10% 0.1 mol/ 8.0, 1 mM EDTA) plus 0.1 mg/mL RNase A,
L glycine-NaOH, pH 10.0) was added to each and incubated at 37C for 1 h. Proteinase K (1
well, followed by shaking for 30 min. Absorb- mg/mL) was added and the mixture was incu-
ance (A) at 570 nm was measured with an bated at 37C for an additional hour. Frag-
ELISA plate reader, with the extraction buffer mented DNA was then electrophoresed in
used as a blank. Percent cell viability was 1.5% agarose gels containing 0.5 g/mL EB.
calculated as follows: A of the experimental
group/A of the control group x 100%. Western blot analysis

Cell morphology studies After harvesting, the experimental cells

were washed twice with PBS and lysed in lysis
After treatment with 50 M curcumin for buffer (20 mM Tris-HCl, 100 mM NaCl, 20
24 h, the cells, cultured on glass coverslips, mM KCl, 1.5 mM MgCl2, 50 mM -GPA, 10
were washed three times with PBS, fixed with mM NaF, 0.5% NP-40, plus proteinase and
3% paraformaldehyde for 10 min at room phosphatase inhibitors) for 10 min and centri-
temperature, and then washed in PBS again, fuged at 12,000 g for 10 min at 4C. Total
and the morphological changes were observed. protein, as determined by the Bio-Rad protein
Some cells were incubated with 10 g/mL assay, was mixed with 4X loading buffer, and
Hoechst 33258 (Calbiochem, San Diego, CA, pre-heated at 95C for 10 min. The samples
USA) for 10 min. In addition, when the cells were then loaded on SDS-polyacrylamide gel
had been treated for the indicated time, both and the proteins were transferred to a PVDF
adherent cells and floating cells were centri- membrane for 1.5 h using a semi-dry transfer
fuged and the pellet was resuspended in 2 L system (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA, USA). The
acridine orange and ethidium bromide (AO/ membrane was blocked in 0.25% gelatin for
EB, AO 100 g/mL and EB 100 g/mL in 1.5 h at room temperature and then incubated

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1794 G. Song et al.

for 1.5 h with primary antibody. After hybrid- HT-29 cells for 12, 24, 36, 48, and 72 h by
ization with the primary antibody, the mem- the MTT method (Figure 1). Curcumin in-
brane was washed with Tris-buffered saline hibited growth in a concentration- and time-
containing Tween-20 three times, then incu- dependent manner. At the concentration used
bated with HRP-labeled secondary antibody here (50 and 75 M), a significant loss of
for 1 h at room temperature and washed with viability was detectable during the 48 h of
Tris-buffered saline containing Tween-20 three treatment. The cell growth-inhibiting rate
times. Final detection was performed with was about 80% at 50 M curcumin concen-
ECL enhanced chemiluminescence Western tration after 72 h of treatment. Furthermore,
blotting reagents (Amersham, Pharmacia DNA fragmentation, a hallmark event in cell
Biotech, Piscataway, NJ, USA). The blot was apoptosis, was also detected in a concentra-
then stripped in buffer (62.5 mM Tris-HCl, pH tion- and time-dependent manner in HT-29
6.8, 2% SDS, 200 mM 2-mercaptoethanol) at cells (Figure 2A,B). The results showed a
50C for 30 min. After extensive washing, the typical ladder pattern of internucleosomal
same blot was used to probe for the next fragmentation in HT-29 cells treated with 25
protein, beginning from the blocking step. and 50 M curcumin for 48 and 72 h.

Results Effect of curcumin on cell morphology of

HT-29 cells
Effect of curcumin on the growth of HT-29
cells To determine curcumin-induced apopto-
sis of HT-29 cells, we first examined the
We examined the effects of different con- changes in cell morphology after exposure
centration of curcumin on the viability of to curcumin. Twenty-four hours after expo-
sure to 50 M curcumin, HT-29 cells began
Figure 1. Effect of curcumin on to show cell shrinkage, rounding and frag-
HT-29 cell viability. Cell viability
mentation, thus taking on the typical appear-
was determined by the 3-[4,5-
dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphen- ance of apoptotic cells when compared to
yltetrazolium bromide assay. untreated cells (Figure 3A). We also ana-
Data are reported as the means lyzed changes in cell morphology by Hoechst
SD of three separate experi-
ments. 33258 (Figure 3B) and AO/EB (Figure 3C)
staining. The curcumin-treated cells also
exhibited morphological changes indicative
of apoptosis, including chromatin condensa-
tion and nuclear fragmentation.

Figure 2. Curcumin induces DNA Effect of curcumin on the serine

fragmentation in HT-29 cells. A, phosphorylation of p53.
Cells were treated with 50 M
curcumin and the control was
treated with medium containing an p53 has been shown to be involved in
equivalent amount of DMSO with- apoptosis induced by a broad range of agents.
out curcumin. At the indicated
In order to understand the exact mechanism
times, the cells were harvested
and lysed. DNA fragmentation was of curcumin-induced apoptosis in HT-29
examined by agarose gel electro- cells, we first examined the activation of p53
phoresis. B, Cells were incubated in the presence of 50 M curcumin for dif-
in medium containing curcumin at
the indicated concentrations for 48 h. The cells were harvested and lysed. DNA fragmenta- ferent periods of time or at different curcu-
tion was examined by agarose gel electrophoresis. (M: 1 kb DNA marker). min concentrations for 6 h. Results showed

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Curcumin induces apoptosis via the p53 pathway 1795

very little or no change of total p53 expres- 6 h as compared to other curcumin concen-
sion for different exposure times or at differ- trations (Figure 4B).
ent concentrations for 6 h (Figure 4A, B).
However, a notable change was observed in Effect of curcumin on the expression of
p53 phosphorylation. Upon treatment with apoptosis-related proteins
50 M curcumin, the serine phosphorylation
level of p53 started to increase as early as To further understand the mechanism of
after 1 h, and reached a high level at 6 h curcumin-induced apoptosis in HT-29 cells,
(Figure 4A). The serine phosphorylation level we also examined the expression of apopto-
of p53 also started to increase in a concentra- sis-related proteins. Bcl-xL levels were mod-
tion-dependent manner. Upon treatment with erately high in HT-29 cells and remained
75 M curcumin, the serine phosphorylation almost unchanged after curcumin treatment,
level of p53 reached a maximum level after but Bcl-2 levels decreased after 4 h. On the

Figure 3. Morphological changes

of HT-29 cells after exposure to
curcumin. HT-29 cells were
treated with DMSO (control) or
50 M curcumin for 24 h. A, The
images were captured by phase
contrast microscopy (Leica DM
IRB). Original magnification,
200X. B, Cells were fixed and
stained with Hoechst 33258,
and the images were captured
by fluorescence microscopy
(Leica DM IRB). Original magni-
fication, 400X. C, Cells were
harvested and stained with AO/
EB, and the images were cap-
tured by fluorescence micros-
copy (Leica DM IRB). Original
magnification, 400X. The arrows
indicate cells undergoing apop-

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1796 G. Song et al.

other hand, the Bax levels increased signifi- growth of many human cancer cell lines in
cantly and remained higher after 4 h (Figure vitro (9). A number of mechanisms of cell
5A). The levels of pro-caspase-3 and pro- proliferation inhibition and apoptosis induc-
caspase-9 zymogen in HT-29 cells treated tion by curcumin have been demonstrated.
with 50 M curcumin were low and de- The present results and other literature re-
creased in a time-dependent manner. Simul- ports (17,18) show that curcumin strongly
taneously, we observed a clear reduction of reduces the viability of HT-29 colon adeno-
pro-caspase-9 zymogen expression after 6 h carcinoma cells by the induction of apopto-
of curcumin treatment (Figure 5B). sis. However, the signaling pathways gov-
erning apoptosis in mammalian cells are
Discussion complex and the pro- and anti-apoptotic var-
iations regulating cell survival change ac-
Curcumin [1,7-bis(4-hydroxy-3-meth- cording to cell type (20). The cellular and
oxyphenyl)-1,6-heptadiene-3,5-dione] is a molecular mechanisms underlying curcumin-
hydrophobic molecule that passes easily induced apoptosis in HT-29 cells have not
through the plasma membrane into the cyto- been well defined. Therefore, it is interest-
sol (19). This phenolic substance inhibits ing to study the mechanism of action of
tumor initiation induced by various carcino- curcumin on HT-29 cells.
gens and has also been shown to inhibit the In agreement with a previous study (18),

Figure 4. Enhanced serine phosphorylation of p53 in HT-29 cells Figure 5. Expression of the apoptosis-related proteins Bax, Bcl-2,
by treatment with curcumin. A, Cells were incubated in serum- Bcl-xL, pro-caspase-3, and pro-caspase-9 in HT-29 cells by treat-
free medium overnight and then further incubated for 0, 1, 2, 4, ment with curcumin. A, Cells were incubated in serum-free medium
6, and 12 h in the presence of 50 M curcumin. B, Cells were overnight and further incubated for 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 12, and 24 h in the
incubated in serum-free medium overnight and then further incu- presence of 50 M curcumin. B, Cells were incubated in serum-free
bated for 6 h in the presence of 0, 10, 25, 50, and 75 M curcumin, medium overnight and then further incubated for 6 h in the presence
respectively. Equal amounts of cell lysates were resolved by SDS- of 0, 10, 25, 50, and 75 M curcumin, respectively. Equal amounts of
PAGE and analyzed by Western blot using specific antibodies. The cell lysates were resolved by SDS-PAGE and analyzed by Western
blots were re-probed with anti-actin antibody to confirm equal pro- blot using specific antibodies. The blots were re-probed with anti-
tein loading. actin antibody to confirm equal protein loading.

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Curcumin induces apoptosis via the p53 pathway 1797

the present investigation showed that cur- ous reports (25,26). However, we found that
cumin inhibited the growth of HT-29 colon the serine phosphorylation level of p53 was
adenocarcinoma cells in a concentration- enhanced prominently when HT-29 cells
and time-dependent manner. In our study, were treated by curcumin. A recent study
however, we observed that a cell growth implicated that curcumin could impair p53
inhibitory rate of about 80% occurred at the function required for serine phosphorylation
curcumin concentration of 50 M after 72 h of p53 in colon cancer cells (27). The activa-
of treatment. In contrast to our results, in a tion of p53 by curcumin would affect the
previous report the same cell growth inhibi- expression of its downstream effectors, such
tory effect of curcumin was observed at as the Bcl-2 family proteins. This implies a
about 75 M after 72 h of treatment (18). We possible underlying molecular mechanism
also observed a typical ladder pattern of of curcumin action on HT-29 cells.
internucleosomal fragmentation through It is well recognized that the Bcl-2 family
DNA fragmentation in HT-29 cells treated proteins are central regulators of apoptosis
with 50 M curcumin for 48 h. Similar ef- and the Bcl-2 family members act like check-
fects of curcumin in inhibiting cell growth points through which survival and death sig-
have been previously reported for other co- nals pass before they determine the fate of
lon cancer lines (21,22). the cell (20). In our study, the high serine
In a study of the mechanism of action of phosphorylation level of p53 was shown to
curcumin on HT-29 cells, Hanif et al. (17) be capable of both down-regulating the anti-
reported that curcumin inhibits the growth apoptotic factor, Bcl-2 and up-regulating the
of human colon cancer cells independent of pro-apoptotic factor Bax, thereby decreas-
COX-2 expression. Goel et al. (18) also ing the Bcl-2/Bax ratio and disposing to
reported that curcumin markedly inhibited apoptosis. Interestingly, curcumin induced
the mRNA and protein expression of COX- apoptosis with an increased serine phospho-
2, but not of COX-1. In the present study, we rylation level of p53 which transactivates
propose another possible underlying molec- Bax expression. But in these cells, Bcl-xL
ular mechanism of curcumin-induced HT- levels remained almost unchanged, thereby
29 cell apoptosis via the activation of p53 shifting the Bcl-xL/Bax ratio towards apop-
and the regulation of apoptosis-related pro- tosis. The activation of the p53-mediated
teins. Despite its central role in cell apopto- apoptotic signaling pathway may play an
sis, the mechanism of p53-mediated apopto- important role in apoptosis by modulating
sis after cellular stress remains unclear. Cur- the Bcl-2/Bax or Bcl-xL/Bax ratio, as also
rent evidence indicates that the mode of reported for breast cancer cells (28).
action of p53-mediated apoptosis involves p53-mediated transcriptionally activated
transactivation of target genes and direct pro-apoptotic proteins are usually classified
signaling events that are transcription inde- into two groups including the death-receptor
pendent (23). It has been proposed that p53 pathway and the mitochondrial apoptotic
may induce two sets of genes upon stress pathway. Caspases are the key proteins that
signals. One set, such as p21/waf-1 and modulate the apoptotic response and are rep-
GADD45, mainly functions in cell growth resented by a family of cysteine proteases
control, and the other, such as Bax and Bcl- (29). Caspase-3 is a key executioner of ap-
2, acts on apoptosis (24). optosis, which is activated by an initiator
In the present study, we observed that caspase such as caspase-9. These activated
p53 was highly expressed in HT-29 cells, caspases cleave many cellular substrates,
but the total p53 protein was almost un- ultimately leading to cell death (29). We
changed. This was in agreement with previ- found that curcumin could down-regulate

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pro-caspase-9 and pro-caspase-3 expression level of Bax, while down-regulating the lev-
in a time-dependent manner on the HT-29 els of Bcl-2, pro-caspase-3, and pro-cas-
cells. Our results agree with data reported pase-9. These findings suggest a mechanism
for other cancer cell lines (30,31). of curcumin action on HT-29 cells and should
Taken together, our results show that further establish its use as a valid chemopre-
curcumin induces apoptosis in HT-29 colon ventive and chemotherapeutic agent in co-
adenocarcinoma cells by up-regulating the lon cancer.
serine phosphorylation level of p53 and the


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Braz J Med Biol Res 38(12) 2005

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