100 Wa Hairu Hairanai

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"100-ijoo" ... 100 wa hairu, hairanai?

"More than 100"... Is "100" in or out?

Lower Intermediate level

"100-ijoo" wa "100" o fukumu to omoimasu ka, fukumanai to omoimasu ka?

"100-ijoo" wa "100" o fukumimasu.

Sunawachi, 100 to 100 yori ookii suuji desu.

"100-ika" mo onaji desu.

"100-ika" wa 100 to 100 yori chiisai suuji desu.

Moo hitotsu, "ika" ni nita kotoba ga arimasu.

Sore wa "miman" desu.

"100-miman" wa 100 o fukumimasen.

99 to sore yori chiisai suuji desu.

"12-sai-ika ryookin Hangaku"

Kono baai, 12-sai wa Hangaku desu.

Demo, "12-sai-miman ryookin Hangaku"

Kono baai, 12-sai wa Hangaku janai desu.

"Shoogakusei Miman Muryoo" ... Shoogakusei wa Muryoo janai desu yo.

Practice Each Sentence

1. "100-ijoo" wa "100" o fukumu to omoimasu ka, fukumanai to omoimasu

ijoo A or more, A or above, A or over
fukumu to include, fukumanai nai form of fukumu
hairu to enter, go in, be in, be included, hairanai nai form of hairu
-to omoimasu ka? do you think?, -ka or
[A] to omoimasu ka, [B] to omoimasu ka? do you think A or B

2. "100-ijoo" wa "100" o fukumimasu.

ijoo A or more, A or above, A or over
fukumimasu to include

3. Sunawachi, 100 to 100 yori ookii suuji desu.

sunawachi namely, that is (to say), in other words
-yori comparative pattern; more than / less than
ookii big, large, suuji figure, number

4. "100-ika" mo onaji desu.

ika A or less, A or below, A or under
-mo also, too, onaji same

5. "100-ika" wa 100 to 100 yori chiisai suuji desu.

ika A or less, A or below, A or under
-yori comparative pattern; more than / less than
chiisai small, suuji figure, number
Strictly speaking, "more than 100 / less than 100" should be 101-ijoo / 99-ika.
However, Japanese often say (translate) 100-ijoo / 100-ika in daily life except talking about a
legal issue.

6. Moo hitotsu, "ika" ni nita kotoba ga arimasu.

moo hitotsu one more
[A] ni nita [B] B which is similar to A, nita ta form of nimasu; be similar, resemble
kotoba language, word, phrase

7. Sore wa "miman" desu.

miman under, below, less than

8. "100-miman" wa 100 o fukumimasen.

fukumimasu to include

9. 99 to sore yori chiisai suuji desu.

-yori comparative pattern; more than / less than
chiisai small, suuji figure, number

10. "12-sai-ika ryookin Hangaku"

12-sai-ika 12 years old or under, -sai counter for ages
ryookin charge, fee, fare, rate, hangaku half amount, half price

11. Kono baai, 12-sai wa Hangaku desu.

kono baai in this case, 12-sai 12 years old, hangaku half amount, half price

12. Demo, "12-sai-miman ryookin Hangaku"

demo however, but, 12-sai-miman under 12 years old
ryookin charge, fee, fare, rate, hangaku half amount, half price

13. Kono baai, 12-sai wa Hangaku janai desu.

kono baai in this case, 12-sai 12 years old, hangaku half amount, half price

14. "Shoogakusei Miman Muryoo" ...

Shoogakusei wa Muryoo janai desu yo.
shoogakusei elementary school student (age of 6 to 12), miman under, below, less than
muryoo free of charge, desu yo particle used when telling a new information or giving
friendly sound


A. Vocabulary
a.ika b.muryoo c.hangaku d.ijoo e.miman

1. A or more, A or above, A or over

2. A or less, A or below, A or under

3. under, below, less than

4. half amount, half price

5. free of charge

B. Choose the appropriate word.

"3-nin-ijoo" wa "3-nin" o .

fukumimasu fukumimasen

"65-sai-miman" ni "65-sai" wa .

hairimasu hairimasen

3. "5,000-en-ijoo kau to, sooryoo muryoo"

"5,000-en" wa sooryoo ga .

muryoo desu muryoo janai desu

"60-ten-ika wa fu-gookaku desu"... "60-ten" wa desu.


gookaku fu-gookaku

3-nin 3 people, fukumimasu to include

65-sai 65 years old, hairimasu to enter, go in, be in, be included
kau root form of kaimasu; buy, -to when, if
sooryoo shipping charge, delivery fee, muryoo free of charge
-ten score, point (game, exam, etc.)
gookaku [sv] pass an exam
fu-gookaku don't pass, fail (exam, interview, etc.), fu- un-, in-, dis-
The following audio is available to members.
Practice the following words
1. ijooA or more, A or above, A or over 9. moo hitotsuone more

2. ikaA or less, A or below, A or under 10. onajisame

3. mimanunder, below, less than 11. nimasuto be similar, resemble

4. fukumimasuto include, contain 12. kotobalanguage, word, phrase

5. hairimasuto enter, go in, be in, be 13. ryookincharge, fee, fare, rate

6. ookiibig, large 14. hangakuhalf amount, half price

7. chiisaismall, little 15. muryoofree of charge

8. suujifigure, number 16. shoogakuseielementary school


"More than 100"... Is "100" in or out?


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