027-034 Is Selective Attention Selective Perception or Selective Respons A Further Test.

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Journal oj Experimental Ptyeholaty

1969, Vol. 79, No. 1, 27-34


Oxford University Institute of Experimental Psychology, Oxford, England

The 5s were asked to repeat back one of two lists of synchronized digits
presented dichotically. They also were asked to listen for occasional letters
in either ear and to stop shadowing at once and tap with a ruler if they
detected one of these letters. They detected significantly more letters in the
ear whose digits they were shadowing than in the other ear (an estimated
76% compared to 33%) when the target letters were in the same voice as the
digits and thus required identification at the verbal level. When the letters
were in a different voice from the rest of the message, and could be distin-
guished by a simpler physical characteristic, SB detected almost all of them
on both ears. The results are interpreted as supporting the hypothesis that
the chief effect of attention in tasks with competing speech messages is to
limit perception of the verbal content of secondary messages, rather than to
restrict responses or memory.

When Ss are asked to attend to and repeat 1959; Treisman, 1960). However, these
back one of two speech messages presented detections are relatively rare, ranging from
dichotically, they normally can report little only 6% of contextually probable words
or nothing about the verbal content of the (Treisman, 1960) to a maximum of 50% of
unattended message. Broadbent (1958) sug- SV own names (Moray, 1959). Moreover,
gests that a selective "filter" rejects messages there is little other evidence for perception
that would overload the perceptual system of the verbal content of unattended mes-
before they are fully analyzed, separating sages, when these are emotionally neutral or
them on the basis of physical characteristics irrelevant, since even a change of language
such as spatial location or voice quality, is not detected (Cherry, 1953). Treisman
which have been identified at an earlier (1960, 1964) therefore suggested instead
stage. Deutsch and Deutsch (1963), on the that the selective filter might reduce the
other hand, argue that all incoming stimuli signal-to-noise ratio of unattended messages
receive full perceptual analysis and that the rather than blocking them completely. Very
selection shown in attentive behavior is made important or relevant words might still occa-
only to determine responses and memory. sionally be detected, provided that -SV cri-
At this stage the most "important" stimulus teria for perceiving them were sufficiently
at any given moment will inhibit responses low to compensate for the reduced sensory
to other stimuli and will control behavior evidence. Assuming that speech recognition
and awareness. involves more than a single stage of analysis,
Among the evidence leading them to this this selective system would be economical
view was the fact that important and rele- for perception since unattended words would
vant stimuli are sometimes (though not al- be discarded from further analysis after fail-
ways) detected even when they occur in an ing tests at the earliest stages.
otherwise unattended message (Moray, Treisman and Geffen (1967) tried to test
The stimulus material was prepared in collabo- these two theories of where the limit arises
ration with Saul Sternberg at Bell Telephone in selective listening tasks. Their 6"s were
Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey. The asked to repeat back (shadow) one of two
authors are grateful to Bell for the use of their dichotic messages and at the same time to
computing facilities and to S. Pruzansky who monitor both messages and to tap when-
wrote the program for generating the stimulus
lists. The research was partly supported by a ever they heard a particular target word in
grant from the Medical Research Council. either ear. Treisman and Geffen argued

that since the tapping response and its stim- message is selected. Broadbent's (1958)
ulus were identical for both messages, any filter theory assumes that certain general
difference in the efficiency of monitoring the physical characteristics of messages may be
two messages must be due to a failure to identified in parallel for all incoming stimuli
perceive the nonshadowed message. If .SV and used to distinguish the different input
response and memory capacity were sufficient channels between which his "filter" then
to allow them to tap to targets in the at- selects. Information about these physical
tended message while repeating it back, they characteristics for both messages is available
should be equally adequate for tapping to to 5 (Cherry, 1953).
targets in the other message when these Deutsch and Deutsch (1967) proposed as
occurred, provided that perceptual analysis a critical test of the two theories that Treis-
of both messages was complete, as suggested man and Geffen's experiment be repeated
by Deutsch and Deutsch (1963). In fact without the requirement to shadow the at-
there was a large difference in the percentage tended targets; this, the present authors'
of targets detected in the attended message agree, is a necessary control. They also
(87%) and in the unattended message required that the targets should be in a
(8%), which they felt supported the hypoth- different voice from the rest of the message
esis of a limit to perception. which (a) does not seem to be required by
Despite this evidence, it might be argued their theory and (>) would invalidate the
that since S was instructed, as his primary experiment as a critical test since Broad-
task, to continue shadowing the passage to bent's filter model assumes that the differ-
the end, he was required to make two re- ences distinguishing voices, like the tones
sponses at once. If 5"s motivation was not used by Lawson, are discriminated prior to
identical for the shadowed and nonshadowed the selection between attended and unat-
messages, a difference in the number of tar- tended messages. Thus, even if control
gets responded to could be due to a difference words in a different voice also were included,
in motivation affecting which targets were as Deutsch and Deutsch (1967) suggest, 5"s
stored and responded to. This objection should still, on the filter model, be able to
was raised by Deutsch and Deutsch (1967). use the voice characteristic to reduce con-
They proposed that Treisman and Geffen's siderably the number of "unattended" words
results could be reconciled with their theory to be monitored.
since the requirement to repeat as well as A more useful improvement on the earlier
tap to attended targets would have increased experiment would be to require 5" to shadow
their importance compared with the unat- only until he detected a target in either
tended targets and so have produced more message. He should then immediately stop
efficient responding. According to Deutsch shadowing and instead tap to the target
and Deutsch's theory, "stimuli with a greater word. This procedure would avoid difficul-
weighting of importance inhibit certain out- ties due to the possibility of unequal memory
puts [such as storage, motor response] of storage or response competition, and the re-
the structures processing stimuli with a lesser sults should therefore be a more conclusive
weighting of importance [1967, p. 362]." test of the two hypotheses.
In support of this interpretation, they quote In a reply to Deutsch and Deutsch's
an experiment by Lawson (1966) who used (1967) comments, Treisman (1967) briefly
tones instead of words as targets. Lawson's reported an experiment to test these points.
5"s detected as many tones in the unattended This experiment has been extended and is
as in the attended message. Deutsch and reported more fully here. The main fea-
Deutsch (1967) suggest that this was be- tures of the experiment relevant to the con-
cause they were not asked to shadow the troversy with Deutsch and Deutsch were:
targets in either ear. But another explana- (a) the removal of any bias due to unequal
tion (Treisman, 1964) is that tones may be "importance" by explicitly telling 5"s not to
distinguished from speech at an early stage repeat the target words, (&) the removal of
of perceptual analysis, before the relevant any possible load on memory or any re-

sponse competition by asking .9s to repeat played by the continuity of speech and by
back items only up to the target (after which the asynchrony of words in the two ears
they were to stop shadowing at once and in maintaining attention to a particular mes-
tap), and (c) a comparison between per- sage. Shadowing experiments have gener-
formance when targets were in the same ally used coherent prose in which contextual
voice as the rest of the message and when dependencies are strong at the semantic,
they were in a different voice. Since the syntactic, and phonetic levels and with the
difference in voice should not affect the items seldom exactly synchronized on the
response difficulty or the relative impor- two ears. Experiments by Sternberg2 using
tance of primary and secondary targets, it exactly synchronized dichotic stimuli have
should not, on Deutsch and Deutsch's (1963) led him to suggest that selective attention to
theory, produce any difference in perform- one ear might be much more difficult with
ance. Any such difference would have to items that were synchronized and lacked
arise during perception, where, according to phonetic and semantic continuity within
Broadbent's model, a difference in voice either ear. This suggestion is supported by
could be detected equally well in either the difference in results of two otherwise
message. very similar experiments (Bartz, Satz, Fen-
The experiment was similar to one by nell, & Lally, 1967; Yntema & Trask, 1963).
Peterson and Kroener (1964), in which 5s While Yntema and Trask used computer-
shadowed a list of digits in one ear and synchronized words and found recall of items
recalled a target letter presented at varying grouped by ear of arrival was difficult, Bartz
list positions in the other ear. Peterson and et al. used normally spoken words, syn-
Kroener suggested that the efficiency of chronized by ear, and found much more
recall when the letter occurs in the last posi- efficient recall of items grouped by ear. In
tion (i.e., with zero delay) gives a measure the present experiment, digits were used
of SV ability to perceive a letter while at- which were equated in length, separated from
tending to a competing digit. They found each other by silence, and exactly synchron-
that about 50% of these end-of-list letters ized on the two ears. These stimuli have
were reported correctly after extended prac- the advantage that no targets occur on one
tice. However, this condition may not give ear during a silence on the other ear, which
a true picture of perception during attention might allow a shift of attention undetected
to competing items. When recall was tested by E since it produces no shadowing failures.
with zero delay, the list ended immediately
after the target letter. If one accepts Broad- METHOD
bent's suggestion that items not immediately Stimulus material.The messages used in this
attended to can be held for 1 or 2 sec. in a experiment consisted of lists of 32 digits occurring
prepercepual "sensory" store, performance in in 16 simultaneous pairs, one member of each pair
in each of S's ears. The target items for the
Peterson and Kroener's zero delay condition monitoring task were letters, one in each list of
could have measured retrieval from this digits, either in the same voice as the digits or
sensory store with subsequent full attention. in a different voice. Half the target letters were
In order to measure perception during con- in the ear receiving the digits to be shadowed and
tinuous inattention we need a task in which 5" half in the other ear. The digits and letters used
in preparing these tapes were recorded before-
responds with zero delay (to avoid any load hand and processed at Bell Telephone Laboratories
on memory), but in which the stopping point as follows: A male and a female speaker each
is determined by 5"s detection of the target recorded on digital tape a complete set of five
rather than by the actual ending of the pre- examples of each digit and each letter. The sam-
pling rate was 10 kHz. with a corresponding 4
sentation. The 6" would not be free then kHz. cutoff, subsequently reduced by further
to shift his attention immediately after the processing to 3,050 Hz. The most intelligible
target letter unless he had already detected its version of each item was selected and its beginning
presence. and end were determined from an oscillograph of
The present experiment also may throw 2
S. Sternberg and S. Pruzansky, 1963, article in
light on a further question. This is the role preparation.

the digital tape. Each item was then either com- a ruler. Given that they had shadowed all digits
pressed or expanded to 250-msec. duration, using up to the letter correctly, they were told that it
a computer program prepared at Bell Telephone was equally important to tap to targets in either
Laboratory (using a version of the phase vocoder ear. Each 5 was presented with the 16 experi-
developed by Flanagan and Golden, 1966, and modi- mental lists twice through, with a short break be-
fied by S. Hanauer 8 ). The apparent loudness of tween the two runs. Half of the 5s were told
all items was equated. A stimulus-ordering pro- on the first run what the letter would be and half
gram (written by S. Pruzansky, see Footnote 1) were told on the second run. On the other run,
was used to generate lists of synchronized pairs of they did not know which letter would occur. The
stimuli as follows: 16 lists of 16 pairs of simul- 5s were not told that the second run used the
taneous digits were recorded in the man's voice, same lists as the first. They were always told,
one digit of each pair on each track of the tape. before each list, whether the target letter would
One digit in each list was replaced by a letter, be in the same man's voice as the digit or in the
two letters in each track in each of the following woman's voice, but they were never told in which
list positions: 4, 7, 10, and 13. Half the letters in ear it would be presented or in which position in
each of these conditions were in the same man's the list. Three 5s who got less than 60% of digits
voice as the digits and half in the woman's voice. correct in shadowing the experimental lists were
The order of these different lists on the tape was replaced since it was difficult to know where their
randomized. The rate of presentation within the attention was centered during this high propor-
lists was approximately 1.8 dichotic pairs per tion of omissions.
second; each 250-msec. pair was followed by a A further eight 5s were run as controls to see
300-msec. silence. These digital tapes were con- what effect the monitoring task had on shadowing
verted to analogue form for playback over head- efficiency. These 5s were again given some prac-
phones from a two-channel tape recorder (Ferro- tice trials at shadowing and then the 16 experi-
graph). mental lists once through, with the task of shadow-
Subjects,Twenty-four of the 26 5s were re- ing as accurately as possible the digits on the se-
search students or undergraduates at Oxford lected ear (right ear for four 5s, and left for four).
University, 1 was a teacher and 1 a secretary.
They volunteered for the experiment and had no RESULTS
previous experience of selective listening tasks.
All were right handed. A number of different variables were an-
Procedure.The 16 experimental 5s were given a alyzed in the results: (a) the percentage of
number of practice trials at shadowing lists of this target letters detected in each of the four
sort. Practice was continued until they were
getting about 75% items correct from the selected main conditionssame voice on shadowed
list. They then were given a few trials of practice ear (AS), same voice on nonshadowed ear
at the experimental task, defined as follows: They (NS), different voice on shadowed ear
were asked to shadow the digits on the selected ear (AD), and different voice on nonshadowed
as accurately as possible. Half of the 5s shadowed ear (ND) (these are given in Table 1 to-
the right ear and half the left ear. This was their
main task and they were told they would get gether with their standard deviations, the
no credit for trials on which they made errors or latter being estimates of the population dis-
omissions. They also were asked, if they ever tribution, not of the mean); (&) the per-
detected a letter in either ear, to stop shadowing centage of digits correctly shadowed up to
at once before repeating the letter and to tap with the detected target letter, or up to the end
S. Hanauer, computer program written at Bell of the list when the target letter was missed;
Telephone Laboratories, 1967. (c) the percentage of omissions or errors in

Same Voice Different Voice

Shadowed Nonshadowed Shadowed Nonshadowed

(AS) (NS) (AD) (ND)


Unconnected 70.0 14.4 39.0 13.8 99.0 3.0 99.0 3.0

Corrected for shifts in
attention 76.4 1S.7 33.4 17.9


Percentage Correct Digits Percentage Intrusions Percentage Errors and


Experimental 71.5 8.2 14.0 4.7 16.6 6.6
Control 80.5 5.5 10.6 4.6 10.8 3.2
Significance of difference P < .02 Not Sig nificant P< .05

shadowing these digits; and (d) the percent- stage preceding the operation of the selec-
age of digit intrusions from the wrong ear in tive filter.
the shadowing responses. These shadowing The difference between the proportion of
scores are all given in Table 2 together with targets in the same voice detected during
results from the control 5s who did the shad- attention and inattention (AS vs. NS) is
owing with no additional monitoring task. highly significant, t (15) =6.32, p < .001.
The reason they sum to more than 100% With targets in the different voice (AD vs.
is that 5s sometimes repeated both members ND), there is no difference at all; almost
of a dichotic pair; the intrusions are given all the targets were detected in both ears.
as a percentage of 5's responses plus omis- The difference between the detection rates
sions, while the items correct, omissions, and for attended targets in the same voice and
errors are taken as a percentage of the in the different voice (AS vs. AD) also was
stimulus items presented. significant, t (14) = 5.51, p < .001. The
If one takes the percentage of intrusions proportion of targets detected in the same
from the wrong ear as a lower estimate of the voice is about the same as the proportion of
proportion of time 5" spent attending primar- words shadowed correctly, roughly 70%.
ily to the wrong ear, one can correct the However, there was no correlation over in-
scores for targets detected during attention dividual 5s between shadowing scores and
and during inattention as follows : If PA is the monitoring scores on either attended or
probability of detecting a target while attend- unattended ears. When 5s missed tapping
ing to that ear, and PN is the probability of to attended targets in the same voice they
detecting a target when not attending to the either said the competing digit from the
ear receiving it, the actual scores obtained, other ear (on 35% of occasions), distorted
A and N, contain a mixture of these two the letter into a digit (14% of occasions),
conditions. If PI is the proportion of in- or left it out altogether (51% of occasions).
trusions, the true probabilities can be esti- When the targets were in the same voice
mated from the equations as follows : on the unattended ear (NS), 5s were slightly
more likely to detect them when they had
been told which letter would occur than when
they were monitoring for "any letter," but
Solving for PA and PN in these equations, the difference failed to reach significance
separately for each S, gives the corrected (43.5% compared to 34.3%). With targets
estimates given in Table 1. They are lower in the different voice, knowledge of the target
estimates since 5" also may have switched his letter made no difference, as one would ex-
attention while making omissions and errors. pect, if 5s were not using phonemic cues to
This correction was not applied to targets in detect these targets. In trials when the
the different voice since the theory assumes letters were not known in advance, 5s who
(and the results support the assumption) had tapped correctly were asked if they could
that the direction of attention is irrelevant report what the letter had been. They made
to the probability of detecting a change of a considerable number of errors: with letters
voice. This is assumed to occur at some in the different voice, they made 38.0%

errors and with letters in the same voice, 2.72, p < .02, but the difference in the num-
28.2% errors. With letters on the attended ber of intrusions from the unattended ear
channel they averaged 42.2% errors and with was not significant. Each control 5" was
letters on the unattended channel, 23.9%. matched with two experimental 5s for ear
Neither of these differences quite reaches and order of trials and his shadowing was
significance. The lower proportion of errors scored only on items up to the mean point
on the unattended channel could be explained at which the two experimental 5s had de-
as follows: Since detection is more difficult tected the target letter in each list. This
on the unattended channel, only the most avoids any bias due to scoring ends of lists
clear and audible targets will be detected. every time for control 5s and only occasion-
Therefore, these also will be likely to have ally for experimental 5s (in case there is
higher intelligibility and be less confusable any consistent decrement or improvement in
acoustically with other letters of the alpha- shadowing the second part of a list).
bet. The errors which did occur were mostly The present 5s switched to make intru-
acoustic confusions such as P or T for C, sions much more often than 5s in earlier
and F for S. experiments using coherent prose, who typi-
Although the authors had tried to match cally gave no intrusions at all, or using
the loudness of letters, there were large vari- random numbers not computer synchronized,
ations in the percentage of detections for where 5s tested with the same presentation
different individual letters in the same voice, rate of 1.8 pairs per second had only 1.7%
unattended ear, ranging from 94% correct intrusions (an earlier experiment by Treis-
for L to 12.5% for X. The letter L (which man *). Apart from the higher rate of in-
occurred in two lists) was detected excep- trusions from the wrong ear, the efficiency
tionally often (no other letter was detected of shadowing was about the same for the
on more than 33% of occasions). Subjec- present experiment and the earlier one using
tively, it stood out from the lists in clarity, random numbers (the omissions and errors
intensity, and tone quality. The corrected were 9.9% in the earlier experiment, com-
estimates for target detections omitting the pared with the present control 5s' 10.8%).
Ls in both attended and unattended ears This is consistent with the idea that the
would be 72.3% and 12.6%, respectively, intelligibility of the digits was approximately
which may give a more accurate estimate of the same in both experiments, but that selec-
detection probabilities based only on dis- tion of the appropriate ear is more difficult
crimination of purely phonemic features. with accurately synchronized speech.
The right and left ear groups detected ap-
proximately the same number of targets in DISCUSSION
the attended ear (Cond. AS), but in Cond. The significantly higher probability of detec-
NS rather more targets were detected from tion for targets in the same voice on the at-
the right ear by the group shadowing the left tended compared to the unattended ear confirms
ear than from the left ear by the group the hypothesis of a perceptual limit in this type
shadowing the right (38.8% compared to of selective listening1 task. It shows that the
28.0%). The difference is not significant, previous results by Treisman and Geffen
(1967) cannot be an artifact of the requirement
but is consistent with previous findings that
to repeat as well as tap to words in the at-
asymmetry between the ears occurs pri- tended message. Neither can this requirement
marily with stimuli not receiving full atten- explain the difference between Lawson's (1966)
tion (Treisman & Geffen, 1968). The 5s results with tones as targets and the present
in the left ear group also were worse at results with words. A similar discrepancy
shadowing than those in the right ear group arises in the present experiment if one com-
(66.3% compared to 76.6%), t (14) = 3.07, pares the results with targets in the same voice
p < .01. and in the different voice. Detection of tar-
The control 5s, who did not have to tap gets in the different voice was quite unaffected
to the target letters, got significantly more *A. M. Treisman. Unpublished experiments,
items correct in the shadowing, t (22) = 1961.

by the direction of attention which, however, for the proportion of overt intrusions 5s made
markedly affected the detection probabilities from the wrong ear. If they also had switched
for targets in the same voice. This difference their attention during all the omissions and
cannot be due to any difference in relative im- errors, the estimated probability of detection
portance, memory load, motivation, or response would be only 14.6% on the unattended ear.
competition. The most plausible account would The proportion of target letters detected here
seem to be in terms of Broadbent's filter model was lower than the proportion with zero delay
which assumes that general physical differences in Peterson and Kroener's (1964) experiment,
in this type of task are detected before any but was approximately the same as the pro-
selection is made. Where detection of the portion at longer delays of 1-2 sec. This is
targets requires discrimination of phonemic consistent with the suggestion made earlier that
features, 5s are much impaired when they Peterson and Kroener's 5s with the zero delay
must simultaneously identify another competing could shift their attention to a memory trace of
verbal item. This is not to imply, of course, the last item on the unattended ear. When
that there may not also be limits to the dis- this was not possible, because the target oc-
crimination of simultaneous nonverbal signals curred before the end of the attended list, SB
when these are near threshold or when they re- detected roughly the same proportion of target
quire more complex analysis. letters as in the present experiment. Peterson
Does the finding that 5s could correctly name and Kroener scored only correctly shadowed
62% of targets in the different voice contra- lists, therefore no correction for shifting at-
dict this account by implying that 5s were tention was necessary.
using phonemic analysis to detect targets in the The much lower probability of detecting tar-
different voice as well as in the same voice? gets in the same voice than in the different
A more plausible alternative account is that voice, even on the attended ear, needs some ex-
they first detected the occurrence of a target planation. In fact, it is quite consistent with
by the different physical characteristics of the the account given so far. Since detection of
voice and then immediately identified the letter targets in a different voice does not require any
from the surviving memory trace. This would phonemic analysis, it does not depend on the
be possible since there was no competing task intelligibility of the letters and digits. For tar-
requirement once the target had occurred. The gets in the same voice, it would be surprising
lower proportion of detected targets, which if the proportion detected were much higher
also were correctly named with the different than the proportion correctly shadowed since
compared to the same voice, is consistent with both responses depend on identifying the verbal
this account since identification of the particu- content. In fact the proportions are almost
lar letter was not essential to the detection task identical70% (uncorrected) target detections
with the different voice. One can explain the on the attended ear and 71.5% correctly shad-
28% naming errors on correctly detected tar- owed. The absence of correlation over indi-
gets in the same voice, on the assumption that vidual SB between shadowing and tapping
5s identified sufficient phonemic features to scores is not inconsistent with this since it
distinguish the letter from all digits, but in implies that, given constant intelligibility, some
some cases had insufficient evidence to dis- 5s concentrated more on the shadowing re-
tinguish between alternative acoustically con- sponse and some on detecting the targets, al-
fusable letters. though the two tasks were not sufficiently in-
The present 5s did detect a considerably compatible to give a negative correlation.
higher proportion of unattended targets than A separate point of interest is the high pro-
those in our previous experiment, an estimated portion of intrusions with these computer-
33% compared to 8%. This difference might synchronized digits. The switching was not
be explained by Deutsch and Deutsch's (1967) caused primarily by 5s attempting to monitor
suggestion that our previous experiment did the other list for target letters since control
not completely equate the importance of at- 5s, who did not have to detect the targets,
tended and unattended targets. Alternatively, got only slightly and not significantly fewer
it could be due partly to the artifactual high intrusions. There are two possible explana-
detectability of the letter L targets, and chiefly tions which are not necessarily incompatible.
to the difference in the material shadowed, and First, 5s find it difficult to identify which ear
the much higher proportion of words correctly a sound is coming to unless at least part of it
shadowed in the previous experiment. The coincides with silence on the other ear. Sec-
estimates in the present experiment correct only ond, synchrony of onset encourages 5s to func-

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