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Research Network for Domestic Worker Rights

Newsletter No. 8
June 2013

Adriana Causa
We were very sad to hear of the recent passing of Adriana Causa, Latin American regional coordinator of the
RN-DWR. Adriana was a professor of sociology, coordinator of the MA program in Family Studies and researcher
at the Instituto Gino Germani of the Universidad de Buenos Aires. Adriana published extensively about gender
and information and communication technologies, as well as gender, poverty and development. At the time of
her death, she was directing the project, Paid domestic workers costs and benefits in relation to gender au-
tonomy in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area, which was aimed at providing knowledge, policy proposals and
strategies that would help visualize, demystify and modify the precariousness of paid domestic work. Adriana
was a very active member of the Gender and Feminist Studies Section of the Latin American Studies Associa-
tion and the working group, Gender, Inequality and Citizenship of the Latin American Sociological Association.
Adrianas sharp wit, positive energy as a person, and enthusiasm for her work as a sociologist and feminist had
the ability to inspire others to push their own academic and activist work further. Her presence and contribu-
tions will be sorely missed.

Dear colleagues, markets and welfare states.

Consequently, this seminar will be Content
You are reading the eigth newsletter organized around three main sets of
of the Research Network for Domestic research questions: 1. Upcoming Conferences
Worker Rights, including information on 1. Analysing the politics behind the and Calls
policies for supporting household
the implementation process of the ILO 2. Publications
Convention, campaigns, and news from services.
the world of research. Contributions for 2. Analysing the impact of these poli- 3. Updates on the Con-
the next newsletter are welcome. cies on labour markets. vention and Campaign
3. Analysing the impact of these poli- News
1. Upcoming Confer- cies on welfare provision. 4. Research Activities
ences and Calls Submission of abstracts and full
Abstracts of maximum 1 page should The Newsletter includes contri-
CfP: Analysing the political economy butions from Katerina Dederov,
of household services in Europe be submitted by June 30th, 2013 to Dan Gallin, Mary Goldsmith, Ma-
This seminar on the political economy and rieke Koning, Sabrina Marchetti, Full call Helen Schwenken, Eva Valentov,
of household services in Europe will Sebastian Walter
take place Oct. 3-4, 2013, at Sciences available at http://www.sciencespo.
Po, Paris, France. fr/liepp/sites/
The aim of this seminar is to analyse Call%20Political%20economy%20
this political economy of household of%20household%20services%20in%20
services in Europe, looking both at the Europe.pdf.
drivers behind this policy orientation of
subsidizing the demand for household The 10th Annual IMISCOE Conference
services and at its impact on labour Crisis and Migration- Perceptions,

Research Network for Domestic Worker Rights

Challenges and Consequences takes Grundrisse is looking for contribu- workers das bereinkommen 189 der
place in Malm, Sweden, 25-27 Au- tions to its issue Who cares? in the fall. Internationalen Arbeitsorganisation,
gust 2013. As many European states Deadline is August 31, 2013. More in- ZIAS, 317-349 (in German).
are currently muddling through a deep formation:
economic crisis with repercussions on call_for_papers/call_for_papers_care. 3. updates on the
the political stability of many European htm Convention and Cam-
societies, including the European Union paign news
as such, this conference will direct at- 2. Publications
tention to the links between crisis and ITUC
patterns of migration in, between and Centro Studi e Ricerche IDOS (2013). In- ITUC has a new 12 by 12 newsletter. In
from various European countries and dagine sullassistenza familiare in Italia: the newsletter: Global Action Days in
how this can be done from various ana- il contributo degli immigrati. https:// June - Update on ratifications of C189 -
lytical approaches. More information Latest labour law reforms - Organising
available at http://www.imiscoeconfer- dam/ucfoundation/documents/publi- domestic workers - Migrant domestic cations/Report_immigrazione.pdf workers - UN Women-ITUC publica-
tion: Domestic Workers Count Too - A
The conference Family Life in the Age Chen, Michelle (April 15, 2013). Do- selection of 12 by 12 actions around
of Migration and Mobility, takes place mestic Workers Sow a New Global the world
16 - 20 September 2013, Linkping Movement. Eng: http://www.ituc-csi.
University. working/entry/14862/domestic_work- org/2nd-12-by-12-newsletter-2013
In an age of migration and mobility ers_sow_a_new_global_movement/. Esp:
not only do many facets of contempo- campana-12-para-12-2o-boletin-
rary family life take place against the Elfatih, Hadelzein M. (2013). The invis- de?lang=es
backdrop of intensified movement in its ible chain; domestic work as a contem- FR:
various forms, but the practices of fami- porary form of un-free labour. Contact ratifications-en-2012-2eme?lang=fr
lies themselves are deeply embedded author: Updated 12 by 12 flyer:
in such movements. The conference
adopts the concept of mobilities as its Glass, Claire (April 6, 2013). Time for flyer
central analytical frame. The confer- Domestic Workers to Enjoy Equal Rights
ence seeks to stretch the application and Recognition. Germany
of the mobilities lens into new areas of news/item/15489-time-for-domestic- Germany ratified ILO Convention 189.
family life. Three key themes frame the workers-to-enjoy-equal-rights-and-rec- In June 2013 the ratification passed the
conference: ognition. parliament. More information in English
(I) multi-local family lives, on the situation in Germany, you can
(II) the globalization of reproduction Kocher, Eva (2013). Tariffhigkeit ohne find in the article What now after Ger-
and social reproduction across the Streikbereitschaft? - Funktionale Alter- manys ratification of C189? by Bianca
family-life cycle, nativen zur Arbeitskampfbereitschaft Khl and Sabine Alker (http://www.
(III) national, supranational and trans- im Fall von Hausangestelltenvereini-
national policies and laws relating to gungen, in: Jens M. Schubert (Hrsg.), germanys-ratification-of-c189)
family life in an age of migration and Anforderungen an ein modernes
mobility. kollektives Arbeitsrecht, Nomos, Baden- Czech Republic
For more information: https://www. Baden, 2013, 166-178. (in German). The non-profit organizations Asso- ciation for Integration and Migration
Scheiwe, Kirsten/ Schwach, Verena (AIM) and People in Need decided to
CfP: The German language journal (2012). Decent work for domestic take interest in the situation of mi-

Research Network for Domestic Worker Rights

grant women who are employed as authorising Member States to ratify the and-meetings/migrant-domestic-work-
domestic workers. They launched an ILO Convention 189. The press release ers-in-europe-photo-contest/lang--en/
Equal opportunities on the thresh- Working conditions: Commission index.htm
old of Czech homes project, which urges Member States to implement ILO
has been financed by the ESF HREOP domestic workers convention can be 4. Conference Re-
since last year. Amongst other things, found on-line at port
a new www.pracovnicevdomacnosti. press-release_IP-13-264_en.htm
cz website was created, listing more On May 31st, the ILO, the European
stories of migrant women and various Kenya Trade Union Confederation, the Euro-
materials related to paid domestic work In Kenya, employers risk being fined pean Commission and the European
and migration, from both a general and if they do not allow National Social Economic and Social Committee hosted
professional point of view. Security Fund (NSSF) agents into their in Brussels a conference on Promoting
home to verify domestic workers are the Integration of Migrant Domestic
Ireland registered under the pension scheme. Workers in Europe. Research results
Ireland has pledged its intention to rat- More information: on Belgium, France, Spain and Italy
ify the Convention. At the International stories/201305170242.html were presented and will be available
Labour Organisations 9th European soon via the ILO-MIGRANT website.
and Central Regional meeting in Oslo ILO Photo Contest A discussion that has been touched
earlier this month, Irelands Minister of The winners of the ILO photo contest on was whether a European directive on
Social Development announced that domestic work have been announced. domestic work would be of added
Ireland would move to ratify the Do- The award-winning picture In front value. A representative of DG Home Af-
mestic Workers Convention and as part of the mirror by Federica de Stefani fairs clarified that before any initiative,
of its presidency of the EU, urge other shows how Svetlana leads Rosetta to a clear picture of the sector, including
EU member states to ratify. the bathroom to prepare for the day. numbers, would be needed to proof
Svetlana sings a song But Rosetta that domestic work is an issue which
European Union doesnt look like she appreciates it too calls for EU regulation.
The European Commission has pre- much. Pictures can be seen online:
sented a proposal for a Council Decision

Contacts: Research Network for Domestic Worker Rights

Contact to the interim coordinators: Claire Hobden (ILOACTRAV), Rebeca Pabon (FNV Bondgenoten, The Netherlands), Prof.
Dr. Helen Schwenken (ICDD/University of Kassel), and LisaMarie Heimeshoff (ICDD/University of Kassel): dwrn@icdd.uni

Europe: Dr. Sabrina Marchetti, European University Institute, Florence,

Latin America: Prof Dr Mary Rosaria Goldsmith Connelly, Universidad Autnoma MetropolitanaXochimilco, Mexico:

North America: Prof Jennifer N. Fish PhD, Old Dominion University, United States:

Editor of the Newsletter: Lisa-Marie Heimeshoff,

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