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Research Network for Domestic Worker Rights

Newsletter No. 10
Dec 2013
IDWF Founding Congress
Montevideo October 2013

Dear colleagues, Uruguay.

You are reading the tenth newsletter For the first time, delegates from about
of the Research Network for Domestic 48 domestic workers organizations 1. Launch of the IDWF
Worker Rights, including information on from 42 countries decided on a con- in Montevideo
stitution, elected office bearers for the
the implementation process of the ILO 2. Publications
Convention, campaigns, and news from Executive Committee (EC) and adopted
the world of research. Contributions for a five-year action plan. 3. Updates on the Con-
the next newsletter are welcome. vention and Campaign
The regional delegates for the EC had News
1. Launch of the been nominated in regional workshops
IDWF in Montevideo and were confirmed by the Congress.
The Newsletter includes contri-
Among the EC members, the Congress butions from Grace Baey Hui-Yi,
Domestic Workers Launch an Inter- voted unanimously as President Myrtle Katerina Dederov, Dan Gallin
Witbooi from SADSAWU South Africa. Marieke Koning, Sabrina Marchet-
national Federation (IDWF) in Monte- ti, Dina Nuriyati, Karin Pape,
viedo, Uruguay For the Vice-President there were two Helen Schwenken, Marizen Santos,
by Karin Pape nominations , Ernestina Ochoa from Nisha Varia, Stefanie Visel
IPROFOTH, Peru and Juanita Flores from
After two years of intense discussions the NDWA in the USA. In a secret ballot
within the International Domestic Work- Ernestina got 46 votes and Juanita 34,
ers Network (IDWN), the transformation therefore Ernestina Ochoa was elected
from a loose network into a worldwide Vice-President of IDWF. As General
federation was decided at the Founding Secretary, the former international coor-
Congress of the International Domestic dinator of IDWN, Elizabeth Tang from
Workers Federation (IDWF), which took Hong Kong, was elected unanimously
place 26-28 October in Montevideo, by Congress.

Research Network for Domestic Worker Rights

travelled to another country. walking. () One thing, though, is clear:

Montevideo, Uruguay was chosen your future is with the labour move-
because it was the first country which Throughout the last years, domestic ment. You will contribute to shape it,
ratified the ILO Convention Decent workers have experienced a lot of sup- perhaps more than you now realize.
Work for Domestic Workers (C 189) and port around the globe. In particular the You have created the first international
the first country in Latin America where Global Union Federation IUF , the global trade union federation in history that
a collective agreement for domestic action-policy-research network WIEGO will be run entirely by women. () You
workers was concluded. Moreover the and the Global Labour Insitute (GLI ) have also created a federation of work-
government of Uruguay undertook were the ones that gave unconditional ers who until recently were not even
tremendous efforts to successfully in- and tireless support from the very perceived as workers. You have dem-
clude domestic workers into the social beginning. It is worth mentioning that onstrated that ther is no such things a
welfare system. the IUF gave IDWN/IDWF a home by unorganizable workers.
providing administrative and political
The Congress felt very honored that the support by its staff and its decision- IDWN on the Federation:
President of the country, Jos Mujica making structures without imposing
addressed the Congress and expressed any requirements in return for the sup- gress-our-new-federation-born
that he is very proud that his country is port and thus making it an innovative
hosting this Founding Congress of the and flexible structural arrangement. In IUF Declaration on the IDWF
International Domestic Workers Federa- its five-year action plan, IDWF decided
tion. to apply for affiliation to IUF as a spe-
cial group.
This was no ordinary international un- 2. Publications
ion congress. For many of the domestic In a moving speech on 28 October, Dan
workers present this was the first time Gallin, chair of GLI and former General Ally, Shireen (2013). Ooh, eh
that they had attended such an event Secretary of IUF, encouraged the del- eh Just One Small Cap is Enough!
organized by them, for them. For egates with these words: Servants, Detergents, and their Pros-
some it was the first time that they had You have openend your own road, by thetic Significance . African Studies 72

Voting at the Launch of the IDWF, Oct

2013, Montevideo

Research Network for Domestic Worker Rights

(3). tion, it examines the mediating role of

Khoilar, Sanaz & Lux, Anna-Lena/ communications technologies in reduc-
Becker, Jo (2013). Campaigning for Lddecke, Tobias (2013). Menschnewr- ing the transaction costs of migration
Justice: Human Rights Advocacy in dige Arbeit fr Hausangestellte - Ta- and remittance-sending.
Practice. Stanford: Stanford University gungsbericht zu den Chancen des ILO-
Press bereinkommens fr Hausangestellte. Scheiwe, Kirsten & Schwach, Verena
In: Sozial Extra 9/10 2103, S. 10-12. (2013). Das Arbeitszeitrecht fr Hau-
Bludau, H. & Ezzedine, P. (2013). sangestellte nach Ratifizierung der
Seeing Gender in Migration. The- Mather, Celia (2113). Yes, We Did It! ILO-Konvention 189. In: Neue Zeitschrift
matic issue. Urban People/Lide Mesta, How the Worlds Domestic Workers Won fr Arbeitsrecht (NZA) 20/2013, pp.
15 (2). Their International Rights and Recog- 1116-1120.
php?id=28&issue=908. nition.
yes-we-did-it-how-worlds-domestic- Varia, Nisha (2013). Labor Rights for
Dean, Amy B. (2013, Oct 9). How workers-won-their-international-rights- All: The Fight Against Modern-Day Slav-
Domestic Workers Won Their Rights: 5 and-recognition ery. Human Rights Watch. http://www.
big lessons. Yes! http://www.yesmaga- Migrant Forum Asia (2013). Policy all-fight-against-modern-day-slavery
workers-won-their-rights-five-big- Briefs: Right to Health and Social Protec-
lessons tion. Visel, Stefanie (2013). Who cares?
publications/464-mfa-policy-briefs The ILO convention Decent Work for
Farbenblum, B., Taylor-Nicholson, E. Domestic Workers in: Transnational
& Paoletti, S. (2013). Migrant Workers Platt, M.; Brenda S.A. Yeoh, Grace Social Review. A Social Work Journal Vol.
Access to Justice at Home: Indonesia. Baey, Khoo Choon Yen, Theodora 3 /2, pp. 229-243.
Open Society Foundation. http://www. Lam, Dhiman Das & Miriam Ee (2013). Financing Migration, Generating Remit-
tances and the Building of Livelihood 3. updates on the
Heimeshoff, L. & Schwenken, H. Strategies: A Case Study of Indonesian Convention and Cam-
(2013). Das bisschen Haushalt ... sagt Migrant Women as Domestic Workers in paign news
mein Mann - Die politische Reguli- Singapore. http://migratingoutofpover-
erung von Haushaltsarbeit und Implika- Ten countries registered at ILO: Bo-
tionen fr die geschlechtliche Arbeit- et-al-final.pdf livia, Germany, Italy, Guyana, Mauricio,
steilung. In: Arbeit (3). This project draws on quantita- Nicaragua, Paraguay, Philippines, South
tive and qualitative methodologies Africa and Uruguay
Human Rights Watch, IDWN &ITUC to highlight the perspectives of Indo- Five countries finalized ratification
(2013). Claiming Rights. http://www. nesian domestic workers embarking process at national level - now in a pro- on migration as a livelihood strategy cess to register at the ILO: Colombia,
rights for poverty alleviation. It investigates Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Costa
This 33-page report, released by the significance of money at different Rica, Argentina
IDWN, the ITUC, and Human Rights points of the migration process - that
Watch, charts ratification of the Inter- is, how families finance the migration Czech Republic
national Labour Organization (ILO) of a wife, mother, or daughter; what Fake agency created to provoke and
Domestic Workers Convention, national and how migration brokers charge to draw the attention to domestic work
labor law reforms, and the growing in- facilitate the move; and what amounts issues
fluence of emerging domestic workers of remittances are generated over the by Kateina Dederov
rights movements course of the labour contract. In addi-

Research Network for Domestic Worker Rights

As part of the campaign the Asso- keepers and maids under such condi- Child Labor in Domestic Work
ciation for Integration and Migration tions, even if they do not admit that Human Rights Watch put out a number
(SIMI), People in Need Foundation and openly. of materials for the World Day against
the creative agency Ogilvy & Mather Child Labor. The two documents found
and Mather Advertures created a fake The overall aim of the campaign is to on the website providing updates on
agency called Foreign Housekeepers, show that domestic work is a real job, the convention, as well as on child
which was offering services of female thus it is subject to the Labour Code. domestic labor in particular.
migrant domestic workers under alarm- Organizers wanted to make an appeal There is also a map that shows progress
ing working conditions. Women offered to the families employing the domestic on laws protecting domestic workers
as commodities, available 24/7, doing workers to be fair to their employees. around the world.
work beyond employment contract or For this purpose, organizers wrote the
with no contract, lack of privacy for in- so called Ten Commandments of a Fair day-against-child-labor-act-now-end-
home service, or no overtime pay and Employer and also offer free counselling child-labor-domestic-work
with typical features - loyal, discreet, to female migrants and their employers
trustworthy, or silent. The agency itself at SIMI. All the necessary information
was promoted in the media by Kateina about domestic work, campaign and
Kristelov, Czech celebrity, who at an useful contacts can be found at www.
opening event revealed the truth about
the agency, being created for the pur-
pose to alert and to draw the attention California, USA
to the domestic work issue. The state of California passed a bill,
Even though this agency was not real, granting overtime pay to domestic
the sad truth about domestic work workers. Domestic workers who work
is that there are many in the Czech more than 9 hours per day or 45 hours
Republic who might still offer direct per week will receive overtime pay.
employment of nannies, nurses, house-

Contacts: Research Network for Domestic Worker Rights

Contact to the interim coordinators: Claire Hobden (ILOACTRAV), Rebeca Pabon (FNV Bondgenoten, The Neth-
erlands), Prof. Dr. Helen Schwenken (ICDD/University of Kassel), and LisaMarie Heimeshoff (ICDD/University of

Europe: Dr. Sabrina Marchetti, European University Institute, Florence,

Latin America: Prof Dr Mary Rosaria Goldsmith Connelly, Universidad Autnoma MetropolitanaXochimilco, Mexi-

North America: Prof Jennifer N. Fish PhD, Old Dominion University, United States:

Editor of the Newsletter: Lisa-Marie Heimeshoff,

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