RN-DWR Newsletter n.14 PDF

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Research Network for Domestic Worker Rights

Dear colleagues, Establish and enforce compre- Pic: The Argentine government runs a campaign
that advertises the registration of domestic work-
hensive labor law protections for
migrant workers; ers. Photo: Helen Schwenken, Buenoas Aires, 2014
You are reading the 14th newsletter
of the Research Network for Domestic Reform the kafala visa system to
Worker Rights, including information on ensure that workers can change Content
the implementation process of the ILO employers without being required
to first obtain their consent; 1. Updates on the Conven-
Convention, campaigns, and news from tion and Campaign News
the world of research. We have added a Remove the exit permit require-
section on research questions, aiming ment in Saudi Arabia and Qatar; 2. Sarah van Walsum
at connecting the research conducted Strengthen regulation and moni- 3. Research
by members of the network more toring of labor recruitment agen-
3.1 Research In Progress
closely. You are welcome to contribut- cies, including eliminating recruit-
ing to the section by submitting your ment fees for workers; 3.2 Research News
research questions and ideas for the Ensure that migrants have access 4. Conferences and Calls
next newsletter as well as answering to to justice and support services;
Expand the Abu Dhabi Dialogue to 5. Publications
the questions posed in this edition.
include labor-origin countries from The Newsletter includes contri-
1. Updates on the Africa, such as Ethiopia, Uganda, butions from Manuel Abrantes,
Convention and Cam- and Kenya, and participation by Laetitia Carreras, Rosie Cox,
Katerina Dederov, Marina de
paign News nongovernmental groups.
Regt, Hadelzein M. Elfatih,
Gulf countries Further information: http://www. Simel Esim, Hildegard Hagemann,
90 groups, among them human rights hrw.org/news/2014/11/23/gulf-coun- Claire Hobden, Marianne Noh, Ka-
tries-increase-migrant-worker-protec- rin Pape, Alexandra Ricard-Guay,
organizations and unions, signed a joint Mary Romero, Stefan Rother, Helen
statement calling on Gulf countries to tion. Schwenken, Elizabeth Tang, Var-
better protect domestic workers rights. ghese Thekanath, Nisha Varia,
Christina Vega, Stefanie Visel,
recommending: Myrtle Witbooi.

Research Network for Domestic Worker Rights

Chile India News from the National Plat- connection with the implementation
Chile approved Convention 189 and the form for Domestic Workers of Convention 189 in Germany. Link:
Bill of Rights for Domestic Workers in Women domestic workers on Nov. 11, http://www.uni-hildesheim.de/media/
September. 2014 testified at a Public Hearing before presse/2014_Aufruf_Menschenwuer-
a jury headed by the Chairperson of dige_Arbeit_f%C3%BCr_Hausanges-
World Social Forum on Migration the National Womens Commission, Ms. tellte_ILO_Uni_Hildesheim.pdf. (in Ger-
At the World Social Forum on Migra- Lalitha Kumaramangalam. The Public man). Different actors from civil society
tion in Johannesburg, on December Hearing was organised by the National supported the open letter (e.g. labour
7th, 2014, the workshop Migration a Platform for Domestic Workers (NPDW) unions, churches, NGOs) as did many
road to a good living? took place. The which is composed of trade unions and researchers. The media in Germany
workshop was organized by Bread for organizations of domestic workers from covered the topic.
the World, Global Migration Associates, around the country. The cases pre-
and Justitia et Pax. Speakers included sented by domestic workers reflected ILO Domestic Work Resources
Eunice Dhadhla of the South African the various issues that the workers face: The ILO sends out information on ILO
Domestic Services and Allied Workers rough and rude treatment, withholding resources on domestic work via a mail-
Union (SADSAWU), Hildegard Hageman of wages, arbitrary dismissal from work, ing list. For subscription go to http://ilo.
(Justitia et Pax), Nicola Piper (Global overwork with no overtime wages, false us8.list-manage.com/subscribe/post?u
Migration Associates), Christal O. Spel allegations of stealing, and even cases =5134ae699cf8943ebbbe07611&id=dc
(University of Helsinki), and Sophia of rape and murder. 16397cbc
Wirsching (Bread for the World). The National Platform demands
comprehensive legislation for domestic 2. Sarah van Walsum
IDWF workers as well as ratification of the ILO RN-DWR remembering Sarah van
IDWF received the Jaap Kruithof award Convention 189. The National Platform Walsum
to empower and unite domestic work- demands that a law is enacted to cover In early November 2014, our friend and
ers (see picture on this page. of Myrtle the entire range of issues affecting do- colleague Sarah van Walsum passed
Witbooi). Pia Stalparet, president of the mestic workers. The law should regulate away at the age of 59. Over the last
ACV-CSC Service Union in Belgium said, employment and conditions of work, years, Sarah dedicated her best efforts
The presentation of the Jaap Kruithof fix wages and hours of work, regulate to several activist and academic initia-
award is a huge sign of appreciaiton placement agencies and provide a tives on the rights of migrants. She was
and recognition for all the organizations mechanism for resolution of disputes relentless in her support to grassroots
that have banded together in the IDWF. and protection of employment. Social organizations and younger scholars,
protection provisions should include besides teaching and conducting
social security, health, education and research on the subjects of migration
child care facilities, housing, skill train- law and transnational families at the VU
ing and pensions. University Amsterdam. We will always
remember Sarah for her commitment
Germany to defending the rights of migrant
Prof. Kirsten Scheiwe, University of domestic workers, her attentive listen-
Hildesheim, Eva Welskop-Deffaa from ing to everyones point of view and her
Ver.di, the service worker union in Ger- cheerful encouragement to all of those
many, and Dr. Karin Jurczyk, Deutsches pushing for greater civic awareness and
Jugendinstitut e.V., Mnchen, wrote social justice. Let us strive to keep her
an open letter, calling for decent work legacy alive.
for domestic workers and improve-
ments in the domestic work sector in

Research Network for Domestic Worker Rights

IDWF remembering Sarah van Wal- Domestic Work and Collective Bar- information: http://www.ucanindia.in/
sum gaining news/domestic-workers-get-no-mini-
Sarah Katherine van Walsum Domestic workers have notoriously mum-wage:-study/26665/daily
* 18 February 1955 limited capacity to bargain collectively.
9 November 2014 However, envisioning a world in which New research project Human traf-
We in IDWF were very sorry to hear that domestic workers have real rights, that ficking in Domestic Work (2014-2016)
the activist researcher Sarah van Wal- they have the capacity to enforce them- A new research project on Human
sum had passed away far too early. selves, would imply a certain level of trafficking in Domestic Work has
Sarah van Walsum has been with us organization and ability to set working recently started at the Robert Schu-
from the very beginning, namely the conditions standards among them- man Center of Advanced Studies of the
Amsterdam Conference in 2006, when selves. It may even be envisageable that European University Institute (Coord.:
domestic workers organizations around they convey those standards or negoti- Anna Triandafyllidou and Alexandra
the globe met for the first time. ate them with an employers organi- Ricard-Guay). This study is part of the
She was a respected researcher, zation, employment agencies, or the project DemandAT (EC/ FP7), coordi-
with a special emphasis on the rights government. What models exist either nated by the ICMPD, which analyzes the
of migrants. She never forgot that the in the domestic work sector or out- demand-side of anti-trafficking efforts
aim of research is not just to know but side of it that could help create these and policies.
also to change, to involve the people structures? What is the source of power Based on case law review and
concerned and to give them the tools of domestic workers that would enable interviews with key stakeholders in
to change their living and working them to negotiate and set standards in seven different countries (Belgium, UK,
conditions for the better. this way? France, Greece, Italy, Cyprus and the
We lost a friend and we are deeply Please send information to Lisa-Ma- Netherlands), this research will exam-
saddened. We hope that the spirit of rie Heimeshoff (coordinator@research- ine the types of situations in domestic
her work will inspire others to continue decent-work.org) work that may involve extreme forms
in the same way. of exploitation and abuse, the motiva-
Myrtle Witbooi (President IDWF) 3.2 Research News tions and factors driving the demand
Elizabeth Tang (General Secretary IDWF) RN-DWR: New Coordinator and New as well as the gaps in legislations and
Regional Focal Point policies. This study will also explore the
3. Research Raffaella Maioni of Acli Colf (Italy)joins intertwined notions of trafficking for
3.1 Research In the coordinators of the RN-DWR in labour exploitation, forced labour, and
Progress order to represent workers interests domestic servitude. One of this studys
Domestic Work in Sudan within the group. Contact: coordina- outcomes will be to propose a set of
Hadelzein M. Elfatihs PhD research is tor@domestic-work-research.org measures for national and international
entitled Decent Work for Domestic Sonal Sharma, Centre for Policy Re- policy-makers, with a view to stepping
Workers. Local measures for Sudan and search, New Delhi, India will function up actions to combat trafficking in hu-
would be interested on information as a Regional Focal Point for South Asia. man beings for exploitation in domestic
regarding the following issues: Contact: southasia@domestic-work- work and other severe forms of exploi-
1. Practice of domestic work and research.org tation of domestic workers.
domestic work relationships in Sudan. For more information: http://
2. Local measures for policy im- Domestic Workers in India globalgovernanceprogramme.eui.eu/
plications and interventions for decent A study by the Montfort Social Institute demandat/ (http://www.demandat.eu/)
work for domestic workers in Sudan. and the Domestic Workers Forum India Contact: alexandra.ricard-guay@eui.
Please send information to Had- finds that almost 90 per cent of domes- eu
elzein M. Elfatih (hadotaa@gmail.com). tic workers work below minimum wage
and do not have a weekly day off. More

Research Network for Domestic Worker Rights

Introducing the Centre for Global destructively high, precarious work is 2015
Social Policy expanding, growing numbers of work- Deadline for submissions without
The Centre for Global Social Policy ers are found among the working poor, financing: 31 January 2015
serves as a platform for people in- and an evolving awareness of inequality Please note: The RN_DWR consid-
volved in social policy-related research. has galvanised policy debates across ers holding a network meeting at the
CGSP connects researchers, students, the globe. Yet the reforms in policies conference. Please contact Lisa-Marie
policy makers, and other key actors and institutions that would counteract Heimeshoff, coordinator@domestic-
from around the world, including these trends have yet to materialise. work-research.org to stay informed.
members of the RN DWR. Gender, This policy failure has triggered a
Migration, and the Work of Care, the broader unease about the future of The Conference Domestic Workers in
current project at CGSP, is a partnership work. To design policies that could the Countries of Central Eastern Eu-
of 8 multi-national research projects transform this future, however, de- rope and Former Soviet Union: Post-
examining gender inequalities, social mands further investigation of complex socialist Migrations and Inequalities
developments, and global governances and intersecting issues that include the supported by the Rosa-Luxemburg-
as they are related to the (re-)organiz- role of labour regulation in develop- Foundation will take place 24-26 April
ing of care. They broadly question: How ment strategies; the disproportionate 2015, in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
is care socially, culturally, and politically presence of vulnerable workers (e.g. The collapse of socialist regimes in
constructed? How do social, economic, youth, women, minorities, migrant 1990s triggered intensification of
and political conditions affect demands workers) in unacceptable forms of work international migrations. In this period
for care? What are the living and work- (UFW); the most effective strategies of time labour markets of developed
ing conditions of migrant care workers? for protecting workers in fragmented la- countries were actively segmented
For more information and to connect bour markets, curbing income inequal- with formation of niches occupied
with people visit http://www.cgsp.ca. ity and reducing informality; and the predominantly by migrants, including
long-run impact of austerity policies. those from the former socialist states.
4. Conferences and The 4th RDW Conference will investi- The domestic service domain became
Calls gate key dimensions of the future of one of such niches in the global divi-
The international workshop Employ- work. Papers are invited that focus on sion of labour. Female migrants who
ment relationships in migrant do- four thematic issues: (I) Worker protec- are occupied in the private sphere take
mestic work: a transnational perspec- tion: wages, hours, and the employ- care of children and elderly, carry out
tive takes place in Brussels, Belgium, ment relationship; (II) Income security in domestic work, and therefore serve the
15-16 January 2015 at Universit libre the era of widening inequality labour demands of the middle class in devel-
de Bruxelles. income, social protection, and well-be- oped countries and provide access to
The workshop will feature keynote lec- ing; (III) Labour market regulation and more prestigious jobs and careers to its
tures, followed by workshops open to development political economy of representatives, especially women.
early career researchers (PhD student- policy reforms and their outcomes; and Abstracts (200-250 words) and brief
level and up). (IV) Reaching out to vulnerable workers: biographical notes (max. 100 words)
voice, actions, and the role of collective should be sent to Anna Isakovaisakova.
The Fourth Conference of the Regu- labour relations. anna.info@gmail.com and copied to
lating for Decent Work Network More information: www.rdw2015.org Olga Tkach tkach@cisr.ru by16 January
Organized by the International Labour Call: http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/ 2015. Information: http://cisr.ru/en/
Office (ILO) will take place in Geneva, groups/public/---ed_protect/--- news/konferentsiya-domashnie-rabot-
Switzerland, 8-10 July 2015. protrav/---travail/documents/meeting- nitsy-v-stranah-vostochnoy-evropy-i-
The pre-crisis socio-economic document/wcms_314027.pdf byvshego-sssr-postsotsialisticheskie-
model has failed. Unemployment - Deadline for submissions (including migratsii-i-neravenstva/
particularly youth unemployment - is request for scholarship): 31 December

Research Network for Domestic Worker Rights

5. Publications Homes by the Association for Integra- Geschichte: Philippinische migrantische

Carreras, Laetitia (2014). Travailleus- tion and Migration together with three Arbeiter_innen und partizipatorische
es domestiques sans autorisation de s- partners People in Need organisation, Aktionsforschung in New York City. In:
jour. Invisibilits multiples et stratgies National Economy Institute of the Acad- Heimeshoff, L.; Hess, S.; Kirchhoff, M.;
de rsistance. Information: https://www. emy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Schwenken, H., Trecziak, (eds.). Grenzre-
editions-ue.com/catalog/details/store/ and media agency Ogilvy&Mather. gime II. Migration Kontrolle Wissen.
fr/book/978-3-8417-3842-4/travailleus- Based on female migrants experience Transnationale Perspektiven. Assozia-
es-domestiques-sans-autorisation-de- we tried to put together Ten Command- tion A.
s%C3%A9jour?search=laetitia%20car- ments of a Fair Employer, appealing to
reras (in French). respect the rights and ensure protec- Human Rights Watch (2014).
tion of domestic workers, and together I Already Bought You. Abuse and
Cox, Rosie (2014). Au Pairs Lives in with the Czech translation of the Con- Exploitation of Female Migrant Do-
Global Context. Sisters or Servants? vection on Decent Work for Domestic mestic Workers in the United Arab
Palgrave Macmillan. Content: http:// Workers it is part of this publication. Emirates. Online: http://www.hrw.org/
www.palgrave.com/page/detail/ reports/2014/10/22/i-already-bought-
au-pairs-lives-in-global-context-rosie- Fernandez, Bina & de Regt, Marina you
cox/?K=9781137377470 (eds., 2014). Migrant Domestic Workers This 79-page report documents
Au pairing is now a global phenom- in the Middle East: The Home and the how the UAEs visa sponsorship system,
enon and au pairs are just as likely to World. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. known as kafala, and the lack of labor
come from Asia and Latin America as For over half a century, the Middle law protections leave migrant domestic
from Sweden or France. They are an Eastand the Arabian Peninsula in workers exposed to abuse. Domestic
increasingly important form of very low particularhas been major migration workers, most from Asia and Africa,
waged, often unregulated, childcare corridor for domestic workers from Asia cannot move to a new job before their
and domestic labour. Au pairs are not and Africa. Migrant domestic work- contracts end without the employers
recognized as workers and are often ers comprise a significant proportion consent, trapping many in abusive
excluded from even the most basic of the migrant labour force in these conditions. Labor-sending countries
protections, such as a minimum wage. countriesin some cases, nearly fifty dont fully protect the workers against
As young migrants living inside their per cent. This volume goes beyond a deceptive recruitment practices or
employers homes they are vulnerable discussion of the working conditions of provide adequate assistance to abused
to exploitation and abuse. migrant domestic workers to show the nationals abroad.
multidimensionality of their lives in the
Ezzedine, Petra et al. (2014). Mi- Middle East. The chapters illustrate the Human Rights Watch has also pub-
grantky a njemn prce v domcnosti multiple ways in which they are able to lishes several commentaries on domes-
v esk republice. Online: http://www. exert agency, despite the constrained tic work issues, available at http://www.
pracovnicevdomacnosti.cz/stahnout- choices they are often forced to make. hrw.org/by-issue/commentaries/732
soubor?id=216 (in Czech). Contributors show how the spaces
The publication introduces the issue these women occupy disrupt and chal- ILO (2014). Cooperating out of
of female migrants performing paid lenge given notions of the public-pri- isolation: Domestic workers coopera-
domestic work in Czech households. It vate divide, re-working them as spaces tives. In: Cooperatives and the World of
presents selected topics related to legal, of encounter and of relationships of Work, No.2. Online: http://www.ilo.org/
economic and social situation of female belonging, spiritual connection, friend- wcmsp5/groups/public/---ed_emp/---
migrants in this seemingly marginal la- ship, conviviality, and sociality. emp_ent/---coop/documents/publica-
bour market segment. This publication tion/wcms_307218.pdf
is part of the project titled Equal Op- Francisco, Valerie (2014). Ang Ating
portunities on the Threshold of Czech Iisang Kuwento Unsere gemeinsame ILO (2014). Working around the

Research Network for Domestic Worker Rights

clock? A manual for trainers to help preventing domestic servitude and the sending as well as the receiving
live-in domestic workers count their protecting domestic workers. Online: societies? How do sending and receiv-
working time. Online: http://www.ilo. http://www.osce.org/handbook/do- ing societies regulate womens migra-
org/global/topics/domestic-workers/ mesticservitude tion for care work and how do these
WCMS_308825/lang--en/index.htm labour market exchanges take place?
This manual presents and explains Piper, Nicola; Rother, Stefan (2014). How is reproductive labour changed in
how to use a working time tool that was More than Remittances: Resisting the the receiving society when it is done by
designed for live-in domestic workers Dominant Discourse and Policy Pre- women who are subject to multifaceted
to record and calculate their working scriptions of the Global Migration-De- othering/racializing processes?
time and rest periods. The working velopment-Mantra. Journal fr Entwick-
time tool was originally designed as lungspolitik/Journal for Development Scheiwe, Kirsten/Krawietz, Johanna
a response to the concern that live-in Policy, 30(1), 4466. (eds.) (2014): (K)Eine Arbeit wie jede
domestic workers work extremely long andere? Die Regulierung von Arbeit im
hours, while their employers often feel Romero, M. (2014). When Care Privathaushalt. Reihe Juristische Zeit-
that domestic workers are rarely really Work Goes Global. Locating the Social geschichte. Berlin: De Gruyter. Content:
working, but are rather on standby. Relations of Domestic Work. Ashgate. http://www.degruyter.com/view/sup-
Information: http://www.ashgate.com/ plement/9783110358964_Inhaltsver-
Krawietz, Johanna/Visel, Stefanie isbn/9781409439240 zeichnis.pdf (in German).
(eds.) (2014). Prekarisierung trans- Women who migrate into domestic
nationaler Care-Arbeit: Ambivalente labour and care work are the single Vega, Christina & Gutirrez Rod-
Anerkennung. Mnster: Westflisches largest female occupational group rguez, Encarnacin (2014). Nuevas
Dampfboot. Information: http://www. migrating globally at present. We know aproximaciones a la organizacin social
dampfboot-verlag.de/shop/artikel/ that migration systems link the women del cuidado. Debates latinoamericanos
prekarisierung-transnationaler-car- who migrate and the households and Presentacin del Dossier. Online: http://
earbeit-ambivalente-anerkennung (in organizations that employ domestic www.flacsoandes.edu.ec/iconos/index.
German). and care workers, but how do these php/iconos-50 (in Spanish).
migration systems work, and more
OSCE (2014). OSCE Handbook on importantly, what are their impacts on

Contacts: Research Network for Domestic Worker Rights

Contact to the coordinators: Claire Hobden (ILO), Prof. Dr. Helen Schwenken and LisaMarie Heimeshoff (Universities of
Osnabrck, IMIS and Kassel, ICDD), Raffaella Maioni (Acli Colf ): coordinator@domestic-work-research.org

Asia: Sonal Sharma, Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi, India (for South Asia): southasia@domestic-work-research.org

Europe: Dr. Sabrina Marchetti, European University Institute, Italy: europe@domestic-work-research.org

Latin America: Prof Dr Mary Rosaria Goldsmith Connelly, Universidad Autnoma MetropolitanaXochimilco, Mexico:

North America: Prof Jennifer N. Fish PhD, Old Dominion University, United States:

Editor of the Newsletter: Lisa-Marie Heimeshoff, coordinator@domestic-work-research.org

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