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Research Network for Domestic Worker Rights

Newsletter No.19
May 2016


1. Updates on the
Convention and
Campaign News
2. Research
3. Conferences and
4. Publications

Dear colleagues, The alternate European IDWF

ExCo member was Coring de los Reyes,
The Newsletter includes
You are reading the 19th newsletter contributions from Eileen
an undocumented migrant domestic
of the Research Network for Domestic Boris, Beatriz Camargo, Ka-
worker, originally from the Philip-
Worker Rights, including information terina Dederov , Magdalena
pines, who worked in the Netherlands.
on the implementation process of Diaz Gorfinkel, Raffaella
Although Coring was not able to travel,
the ILO Convention, campaigns, and Maioni, Sabrina Marchetti,
the IDWF Congress gave a signal to pay
news from the world of research. Fairuz Mullagee, Aishah Na-
special attention to undocumented
mukasa, Karin Pape, Stefan
migrant domestic workers in Europe.
Rother, Helen Schwenken,
She returned to the Philippines and
Karin Schwiter, Sonal Shar-
Updates on the the replacement was Jonaida Da-
juya. However, also Jonaida Dajuya
ma, Adla Souralov, Eva
Convention and returned to the Philippines recently.
Cech Valentov

Campaign News Our Belgium affiliate ACV-CSC

put forward a nomination: Grace
Illustration: #MakeThem-
IDWF: Replacement of IDWF Papa. In ACV-CSC she is responsible
Visible Campaign, Euro-
ExCo members for Europe for domestic workers in Brussels. She
pean Parliament, Kostadinka
is a member of the national commit-
Giuliana Mesina has been the titu- Kuneva
tee for the service vouchers (the
lar member of the IDWF Executive Belgium cheque system) and she is
Committee since the IDWF Founding also a member of the federal tripartite
Congress in Montevideo in 2013. Due commission for domestic workers.
to other responsibilities she has been
taking on in her Italian union FILCAMS,
she is stepping down from her post.
FILCAMS is suggesting Wendy Paula European Union: Report on
Galarza Quinonez as a replacement. Domestic Workers and Carers
Wendy is currently a union officer On April 28, 2016, the European Parlia-
in FILCAMS Perugia and one of her ment adopted the Report on Domestic
responsibilities is the migrant work Workers and Carers in the EU with 279
project. Wendy has performed many votes in favour, 204 abstentions and
jobs in her life, including: babysitting, 105 against. The report calls on the EU
assistance of elderly people, cleaning to recognise the employment and social
services and assistance in hospitals. rights of domestic workers and carers.

Research Network for Domestic Worker Rights

Text of the report: http://www. DWEP Orientation workshops Switzerland were held in April 2016 with a total of
In the last few weeks, three political
?type=REPORT&mode=XML&refere 42 emerging domestic worker leaders
initiatives on 24h-care were submit-
nce=A8-2016-0053&language=EN in the cities of Cape Town and Johan-
ted in the Swiss cantons of Zurich and
Press release by Kostadinka Ku- nesburg. The majority of participants
Schwyz. The initiatives demand infor-
neva, Rapporteur for the report in the applied to be on the programme in
mation on the situation of 24h-care
European Parliaments Womens Rights order to gain knowledge and share with
workers and better protection for the
and Gender Equality Committee, http:// others, learn about their rights as do-
workers in this field. The three initia- mestic workers and improve their lives.
tives (in German) can be accessed here:
konstantina-koyneba/148-konstantina- The biggest problems facing do-
kuneva-activity/3820-a-step-closer- mestic workers were identified as: low
to-rights-and-dignity-for-women- wages, unfair dismissals, working hours,
domestic-workers-and-carers-in-the-eu racism, lack of recognition, lack of trust.
Interview on DW rights Needless to say, a large proportion
with Kostadinka Kuneva of participants were unfamiliar with the
http://www.europarl. laws for domestic workers. Many had
aspx?GeschaeftID=ff727388-c5e5- never attended any form of training.
room/20160218STO14860/ Joining the DWEP programme and each
Kuneva-Regulating-domestic-workers- participant having to engage with 10
will-reduce-trafficking-and-abuse domestic workers with whom they will
share their knowledge and information,
has created a great deal of excitement.
With 7 more workshops to go, we will UK: A Victory for Migrant Domes-
South Africa: Domestic Workers
continue to share the outcomes widely. tic Workers: Removal of the tie
Empowerment Programme (DWEP)
to employers in the UK in sight
South Africa is widely known for its
Migrant domestic workers have some
progressive Constitution and laws ema-
Spain reason to celebrate having finally at-
nating there from, including specific
tained the right to change their em-
legislation, Sectoral Determination 7, Podemos, a Spanish political party,
ployer once in the UK and to remain in
for domestic workers, passed nearly organized on Monday April, 18, 2016,
the country for up to two years after
10 years before ILO Convention 189, a working day titled Invisible women:
doing so. Presently, migrant domestic
ratified in 2011. Despite the progressive dignifying domestic and care work
workers are not allowed to change
legal dispensation, domestic workers in order to debate the situation of
employers, but the House of Lords
continue to be confronted by issues the sector and the activity of care in
members in favour of the amendment
like low wages, poor working condi- the society. The event was planned
to the Immigration Bill, argued that rule
tions, pay inequality, discrimination to re-introduce the issue to the pub-
often traps individuals in an abusive
and a distinct lack of social protection. lic debate in relation to the Report
workplace, as they fear they will be
Introduction of the Domestic Domestic workers and care in the
ordered out of the country if they try
Workers Empowerment Programme European Union that was prepared
to leave such employers. According to
(DWEP) with 1-year funding support for the European Parliament.
Lord Hylton, this long due amendment
from the Services SETA is an attempt The event had a very good turnout,
would curb the abuse and exploitation
to empower domestic workers to in affluence and debate, and served
of domestic workers that occurs in even
build their collective self-confidence to encourage the activities related to
the most affluent parts of London.
by facilitating a process of organiza- the ratification of the Convention 189
Passage of the amendments was
tion building within the sector. in Spain and the preparation of the
not without opposition from members
The Social Law Project, a unit National Conference on Domestic Work
such as Lord Green who argued that
in the Law Faculty, University of that will take place next autumn. Video
it would mean someone could leave
the Western Cape, has engaged of the presentations (in Spanish) avail-
their employer whether they were be-
with hundreds of Domestic Work- able at
ing ill-treated or not and that it would
ers over a 6-week period of intense
provide what will be seen by many as
recruitment into the programme.
a wide open door to the UK. Another

Research Network for Domestic Worker Rights

member, Lord Bates said the govern- from the shadow to the formal market labor market in Brussels: What changes
ment was committed to eradicating many domestic work employers and for live-out domestic workers?, Work-
modern-day slavery and abuse, but workers. Concerning the valorization of ing Paper Series 6/2015 Gender, Di-
argued the amendment could be open paid domestic work, however, changes versity and Migration, Faculty of Social
to manipulation by people who had not were meagre: although the housework Sciences, Goethe University Frankfurt;
been placed in difficult situations. De- voucher opens to domestic workers the Camargo, B. Outsourcing House-
spite those objections, the amendment possibility to access a formal job and its work: Clients, Agencies and the Voucher
was supported by 226 votes to 198. related social rights, domestic work in System in Brussels, in Triandafyllidou,
Online Sources: Brussels is still not attractive enough for A. and Marchetti, S. (Eds). Paying for
BBC. Government suffers two nationals and is dominated by mainly Care: The Employers Perspective on
defeats in Lords on Immigration newly arrived migrant women (mostly Migrant Domestic Work, Ashgate.
Bill. Available at European from new EU Member States).
com/news/uk-politics-35767948 The fact the work is formal does not
(Published 9.3.2016) change the image of the job as a dirty The economic and social impact of
Justice for Domestic Work- work, pointing policymaking difficul- the illness of Alzheimer - Synthesis
ers. ties in bringing the domestic work, edited by the ACLI-Colf, Rome
Justice-for-Domestic-Workers- historically informal and personalized, The results of the 3rd survey realized
456016897839252/?fref=ts to the formal labor market. For migrant by the CENSIS with the AIMA (Italian
(Last accessed 9.5.2016) women acquiring a regular migratory Association of Alzheimer) was pre-
UK Government. Domestic status in Belgium and entering the sented in Rome February 24, 2016 at
Workers in a Private Household voucher service system at the same the Library of the Senate - the Hall of
visa. time, perceptions on the voucher ser- Acts of Parliament. The survey ana-
workers-in-a-private-household-visa/ vice policy are much more positive. My lyzed the condition of the patients and
overview (Updated 6.4.2016) analysis shows the migrant status of do- their families over the last 16 years.
mestic workers is a decisive factor that There are 600,000 Alzheimers
allows them to experience a change in patients in Italy and because of the
2. Research their identity as workers and citizens. aging of the population the number
The passage towards formal domestic is destined to grow. The care and
PhD-Project: Transforming domestic work falls within the framework of their monitoring activities is more informal
work? Migrant women and formali- new life as regular (documented) and private: in half of the cases care
zation policy in Brussels by Beatriz migrants. Finally, the main beneficiaries is carried out by the children, 38%
Camargo, of the policy are middle and upper class have the support of a care worker. The
My PhD research investigated the tran- households, which can achieve work/ research CENSIS-AIMA finds that the
sition of the domestic work market in life balance by meeting their demand sick, and who assists them, grow old
Brussels towards formalization, through of housework services at a much together. The average age of those
the implementation of the housework lower price than they used to pay in the suffering from Alzheimers is 78.8 years
voucher policy by the Belgian gov- informal sector. The commodification (it was 77.8 years in 2006 and 73.6
ernment in 2004 (titres-services in of domestic work in Brussels did not years in 1999), while the caregiver is
French). This qualitative research was change, though, the fact that domestic on average 59.2 years (54.8 years in
based on interviews with migrant do- tasks are gendered as womens work 2006 and 53.3 years in 1999). The use
mestic workers (30) working whether in and hence did not bring changes of private informal care is widespread
the formal or shadow market; voucher whereby couples share the tasks. and care work is mainly paid for by us-
clients or employers in the shadow The PhD thesis, entitled Trans- ing the money of the patient (58.1%).
market (28); voucher service agencies former le travail domestique? Femmes
(16), be it with the manager or agency migrantes et politique de formalisa-
staff members; and other social actors tion Bruxelles can be accessed
such as migrant organizations, trade (French) at:
unionists, experts and members of the vufind/Record/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.
regional and federal government.
Now existing for more than ten For publications in English see:
years, one can say that the voucher Camargo Magalhes, B. (2015):
policy has been a success in bringing Switching from informal to formal

Research Network for Domestic Worker Rights

Who they are, what they do and how Republic for many years and now are tion of Philippine return migrants.
do the carers who work in the italian approaching retirement? How can Lanham: Lexington Books.
families live. - Research conducted by we mitigate the vulnerability of them This book spearheads a new area
Acli Colf (yet in a process of publication; in the labor market, which derives of researchthe link between migra-
excerpt from a chapter of C. Alemani) from their origin, gender and age? tion and democratization. It argues that
A nonprofit organization SIMI and return migrants can play an important
The issue of sexual harassment emerges
its academic partners from Prague and role in the consolidation process of
especially in focus groups conducted in
Bergen (Norway) were mapping for two young democracies. Based on original
Cosenza, during which the participants
years the situation of these women in quantitative and qualitative data, it
agree in reporting that in the area, it is
joint research and analysis of legisla- analyzes the political attitudes and ex-
common practice to ask sexual pleas-
tion and public policies whose results periences of Philippine labor migrants.
ures from the family assistants. One of
will be presented at the conference.
the participants explains for instance,
The conference will also touch the Schwiter, Karin et al. (2015) Neolib-
that in many houses the sexual avail-
topic of care in the context of migration eral austerity and the marketisation
ability of the worker becomes a base on
and the challenges that are associated of elderly care. In: Social and Cultural
which the employment relationship is
with this area in the Czech Republic, Geography. https://www.researchgate.
based. Refusing implies dismissal. For
Norway and in the global context. net/publication/280088314_Neo-
this reason, the preference is given to
The first panel discussion focuses liberal_austerity_and_the_mar-
young women and singles, rather than
on Migration, gender and ageing ketisation_of_elderly_care
older and married ones. Such experi-
whereas the second panel will fo-
ences of harassment or sexual blackmail
cus on Migration, gender and care, Sharma, Sonal (2016) Housing, Spatial-
leave deep marks on women workers.
which will be partially related also Mobility and Paid Domestic Work in
Safety at work, however, does
to domestic work and care work. Millennial Delhi: Narratives of Women
not only depend on the risk to suffer
Domestic Workers in Surajit Chakravar-
sexual harassment, but also by violent
ty and Rohit Negi (Eds.), Space, Plan-
conduct engaged - unintentionally - by
assisted. Women workers who care for 4.Publications ning and Urban Contestations in
Delhi. Delhi: Delhi: Springer India.
violent people are affected by high
levels of psycho-physical discomfort. Boris, Eileen & Unden, Meg (2016).
Enforcing Domestic Workers Bill of Sharma, Sonal (2016). Rasoi ka
Rights in California. UCLA Institute Kaam/ Bathroom ka Kaam: Perspec-
tive of Women Domestic Workers
3.Conferences for Research on Labor and Employ-
ment, Policy Brief, No. 30. http:// Economic and Political Weekly, 51
and calls (7), 52-61 http://www.cprindia.
documents/EileenBoris_Brief30.pdf org/sites/default/files/articles/SA_
SIMI, Faculty of Humanities at the
Charles University in Prague and the ILO (2015). ILO global estimates on
migrant workers. http://www.ilo. Souralov, Adla. (2015). New Per-
Institute of Sociology at the Univer-
org/global/topics/labour-migration/ spectives on Mutual Dependency
sity of Bergen cordially invite you
publications/WCMS_436343/ in Care-Giving. Farnham: Ashgate.
to the international conference
lang--en/index.htm Many scholars see caregiving
Women at the Sidelines (?) The
relationships as being based on mu-
conference is devoted to the topic of
ILO (2016). Global Mapping of the Provi- tual dependency or interdependency.
aging migrant women, whose num-
sion of Care through Cooperatives: Sur- Extensively cited notions of the global
ber in the Czech Republic is gradu-
vey and Interview Findings. http://www. care chain or international division of
ally increasing, but their position is reproductive labour have prepared the
still paid very little attention to.
WCMS_457286/lang--en/index.htm ground for analysis of global interde-
When: June 8, 2016, 10am-4pm
pendencies in several domains. This
Where: AKC, Husova 4, Prague 1
Kessler, Christl; Rother, Stefan (2016). book goes further by taking mutual
Are migrant women aged 40+
Democratization through migration? dependency as a starting point for
discriminated in the Czech Republic
Political remittances and participa- analysing all relationships. Using the
and in what respect? How is life for
example of Vietnamese families in the
these women who worked in the Czech

Research Network for Domestic Worker Rights

Czech Republic and the Czech native

nannies, it shows how paid caregiving
is contextualized in terms of various
relationships between three types of
actors: employer-employee, caring for
the child, and mother-child. All of these
ties are based on ontologically different
principles and each of them operates
as a piece of a puzzle, which is mean-
ingful only in relation to each other.
Souralov considers caregiving to be a
formative activity that establishes ties
between the concerned actors, whose
subjectivities are mutually shaped in
the daily practice of caregiving. With its
stress on mutuality in care work, this
ground-breaking book illuminates the
new forms of interpersonal, intereth-
nic, and intergenerational relation-
ships and highlights the mechanisms
and processes in which kinship ties
are negotiated and reproduced.

Triandafyllidou, Anna; Marchetti,

Sabrina (Apr. 27, 2016). Europe needs
low-skilled migrant workers too. http://

Contacts: Research Network for Domestic Worker Rights

Contact to the coordinators: Claire Hobden (ILO), Prof. Dr. Helen Schwenken and LisaMarie Heimeshoff (Universi-
ties of Osnabrck, IMIS and Kassel, ICDD), Raffaella Maioni (Acli Colf ):
Asia: Sonal Sharma, Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi, India (for South Asia):
Europe: Dr. Sabrina Marchetti, European University Institute, Italy:
Latin America: Prof Dr Mary Rosaria Goldsmith Connelly, Universidad Autnoma MetropolitanaXochimilco, Mexico:
North America: Prof Jennifer N. Fish PhD, Old Dominion University, United States:
Editor of the Newsletter: Lisa-Marie Heimeshoff, University of Osnabrck,

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