RN-DWR Newsletter n.22 PDF

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Research Network for Domestic Worker Rights

Newsletter No.22
Apr 2017


1. Updates on the
Convention and
Campaign News
2. Research
3. Conferences and
4. Publications

Europe 60 years later, between challenges and problems,

March 24, 2017, Italy

Dear colleagues, an opportunity to initiate a reflection

on how the reality of the Italian and
You are reading the 22th newsletter European citizens has changed after
of the Research Network for Domestic the signing of the Treaties compared
Worker Rights, including information The Newsletter includes
to the situation 60 years ago. There are
on the implementation process of contributions from Nina
manyfold changes related to the lives of
the ILO Convention, campaigns, and Trige Andersen, Eileen
families and problems of the European
news from the world of research. Boris, Peng Choi, Abigail
continent: aging population, cutting
Hunt, Fish Ip, Sue Ledwith,
welfare, migration and problems related
Updates on the to care work, ect (see picture this page).
Raffaella Maioni, Sabrina
Marchetti, Katharina Pel-
Convention and
2. Research zelmayer, Alexandra Ricard-
Campaign News FADWU (PLU) carried out the re-
Guay, Stefan Rother, Sarah
Schilliger, Helen Schwen-
IDWF search Between a rock and a ken, Karin Schwiter, Adla
The Bishop Tji Haksoon Justice & Peace place on the issue of charging il- Souralov, Olga Tkach
Foundation in South Korea formally legal agency fee. Report:
announced on January 3 that the https://view.publitas.com/ Picture: Raffaella Maioni,
International Domestic Workers Fed- rights-exposure/between-a- Acli Colf
eration (IDWF) will be the 20th Justice rock-and-a-hard-place-en/
and Peace Award winner in 2017. Video: https://youtu.be/AwowYd_Ha2c
The report reveals criminal be-
Italy havior of employment agencies to-
On the anniversary of the Treaties of wards domestic workers. It shows
Rome, Effe, (fdration europenne how the agencies charge domestic
des emplois de la famille), with the workers excessive fees, resulting in
support Assidatcolf held in Rome domestic workers being in debt and
on March 24, a panel discussion subject to exploitation and abuse.
entitled Europe 60 years later, be-
tween challenges and problems. Looking into Trafficking in Domestic
Raffaella Maioni, National Secretary Work Sector: The Demand-Side
of Acli Colf, participated in this round A series of publications have been
table, presenting the domestic work- published within this project: http://
ers point of view. The round table was

Research Network for Domestic Worker Rights

globalgovernanceprogramme.eui. Addressing human trafficking in the Symposium Global Views on Paid

eu/demandat/ and http://cadmus. British domestic work industry. Domestic Work, 17-18 March 2017,
eui.eu/discover?filtertype_1=Re Palumbo, L. (2016): Policy Brief: Venice, Ca Foscari University
lationIspartofseries&filter_rela- Exploited for Care: Abuse and traf- In the framework of the ERC project
tional_operator_1=equals&filter_1 ficking in domestic work in Italy. DomEQUAL, this symposium has ex-
=DemandAT&submit_apply_filter Palumbo, L. (2016): Demand in plored the challenges of global com-
Angeli, D (2016): Policy Brief: the Context of Trafficking in human parative research on the conditions of
Trafficking in Domestic Work in beings in the Domestic Work Sector in domestic and care workers around the
Greece: A demand-side approach. Italy, DemandAT Country Study No 5. world, also in a historical perspective.
Angeli, D. (2016): Demand in the Ricard-Guay, A. (2016): Policy Speakers have resented case-studies
Context of Trafficking in human beings Brief Addressing the demand-side of from UK, Philippines, Taiwan, Japan,
in the Domestic Work Sector in Cyprus, trafficking in the domestic work sec- Spain and they have discussed their
DemandAT Country Study No 2. tor: main findings at European level. interconnections around the topics of
Angeli, D. (2016): Demand in the Ricard-Guay, A.(2016): Address- migration and the care-gender nexus in
Context of Trafficking in human beings ing demand in the context of traf- particular. Amongst the speakers: Rhacel
in the Domestic Work Sector in Greece, ficking in the domestic work sector: S. Parreas, Eleonore Kofman, Dirk
DemandAT Country Study No 4. perspectives from seven European Hoerder, Raffaella Sarti, Rosie Cox, Mar-
Angeli, D. (2016): Policy Brief: countries. Working Paper No 7. garita Baraano Cid and Pei-Chia Lan.
Trafficking and Exploitation in Articles and interviews based on
Domestic Work in Cyprus. 3.Conferences the conference will be published
Carmago, B. (2016): Policy Brief: on-line at and https://www.open-
Trafficking in human beings in do- and calls democracy.net/beyondslavery
mestic work in Belgium: Tackling Symposium The Global Fight for Do-
severe exploitation in hidden spaces. mestic Workers Rights, June 15-16, Paid work in Swiss private house-
Carmargo, B. (2016): Demand in 2017, Venice, Ca Foscari University holds. Situation and perspec-
the Context of Trafficking in human be- The second event of the ERC project tives for the future, May 12,
ings in the Domestic Work Sector in Bel- DomEQUAL is dedicated to celebrat- 2017, 9.15 am to 5.00 pm, Uni-
gium, DemandAT Country Study No 1. ing the International day for domestic versity of Zurich, Switzerland
De Volder, E. (2016): Demand workers rights with a symposium in The one-day conference organised by
in the context of trafficking in hu- which activists and researchers confront the Economic Geography division at the
man beings in the domestic work the main issues that have emerged University of Zurich and the Denknetz
Sector in the Netherlands, De- so far, and new challenges ahead. working group Prekaritt consists of
mandAT Country Study No 6 Amongst the confirmed speakers: presentations which summarise the
De Volder, E. (2016): Policy Brief: Myrtle Witbooi (IDWF), Elizabeth Tang results of the three year project Care
Trafficking in Human Beings in the (IDWF), Ai-Jen Poo (NDWA), Marcelina Markets. The role of care agencies in
Domestic Work Sector in the Neth- Bautista (FIFTH), Eileen Boris (Santa the commodification of elderly care
erlands: A hidden phenomenon. Barbara University), Zita Cabais (CFDT) and leave ample time for discussion.
Levy, F (2016): Policy Brief: and Kostadinka Kuneva (Eu- The afternoon sets out with three
La Traite des tres humains dans ropean Parliament). short inputs on current developments
le travail domestique en France, For updates about the pro- regarding domestic work in Switzerland,
un phnomne sous-estim. gram follow: https://www.face- followed by two discussion rounds, in
Levy, F. (2016): Demand in the book.com/DomEqual/ and https:// which workers, activists, representa-
Context of Trafficking in human beings twitter.com/ERCDomEQUAL tives of organisations and academics are
in the Domestic Work Sector in France, After the conference, on June 16, invited to network and develop ideas
DemandAT Country Study No 3. 2017, 12-5pm in Venice (Auditorium for future collaboration. The presenta-
Maroukis, T. (2016): Demand Santa Margherita, Dorsoduro 3689), tions will be held in German and be
in the context of trafficking in hu- the general assembly of the Research translated simultaneously in French.
man beings in the domestic work Network for Domestic Worker Rights Program: http://www.geo.uzh.
sector in the United Kingdom, De- (RN-DWR) will take place (see invita- ch/dam/jcr:75c0e358-59e6-42de-
mandAT Country Study No 7. tion on p. 3 of this newsletter). bc18-764065456bd2/17-05-12%20
Maroukis, T. (2016): Policy Brief: Programm%20Workshop_D.pdf
The Gap between Law and Reality:

Research Network for Domestic Worker Rights

Invitation to a General Assembly of the Research Network for Domestic Worker Rights
June 16th, 2017, 2-5pm
Auditorium Santa Margherita, Dorsoduro 3689, Venice, Italy


Members and interested researchers and activists are invited to meet for our general assembly in Venice and join the network!

Several coordinators of the RN-DWR will be present: Helen Schwenken & Lisa-Marie Heimeshoff (IMIS, University of Osna-
brck), Raffaella Maioni (Acli-Colf ), Claire Hobden (ILO), Sonal Sharma (Johns Hopkins University), Mary Goldsmith (Universidad
Autnoma MetropolitanaXochimilco), Jennifer Fish (Old Dominion University), Sabrina Marchetti (Ca Foscari University)

For more info, write to RN-DWR[at]uni-osnabrueck.de

The event follows the Symposium The Global Fight for Domestic Workers Rights or-
ganized by the ERC project DomEQUAL based at Ca Foscari University.
Here the FB event: http://tinyurl.com/l6cx52y
Here the FB page of the DomEQUAL project: https://www.facebook.com/DomEqual/

solidarity works # 2 Migrant Do- Gut versorgt? Auf wessen Kosten? between the generation of the Pioneers
mestic and Care Worker Organizing Migration und pflegebedrftige and the later migrants, illustrating a
an International Workshop, May Menschen in Privathaushalten, May history of creating labor in motion.
22, 2017, 2-6pm, Room 11/212, 22, 2017, Katholische Akademie,
Institute for Migration Research Wintererstr. 1, Freiburg, Germany Boris, Eileen (2017): Decent Work
and Intercultural Studies, Uni- Information: http://www.katholis- in the Home: Affect and Rights
versity of Osnabrck, Germany che-akademie-freiburg.de/html/ Talk, 15 Santa Clara J. Intl L. 79.
In many places in the world, migrant veranst/detail.html?t=ua3vibuls7 Online: http://digitalcommons.
domestic workers carry out reproduc- jekbubeni604ae55&tto=87081da law.scu.edu/scujil/vol15/iss1/3
tive tasks such as care for the elderly 5&&m=111847&tid=1507376
and children and cleaning, cooking, Heimeshoff, Lisa-Marie (2016): His-
and gardening. Global inequalities, 4.Publications torical Legacies: Postsocialism, Trade
sometimes rooted in colonial histories, Anderson, Nina Trige (2017): Phil- Unions, and Organizing Domestic
enable employers to hire migrants to ippine History of Denmark: From Workers in the Czech Republic, in:
carry out household tasks they do not Pioneer Settlers to Permanently Laboratorium - Russian Review of
want to or cannot do. The workshop Temporary Workers. In: Philippine Social Research (3), p. 100-123.
features presentations on the organ- Studies: Historical and Ethnographic
izing of migrant domestic workers, Viewpoints 65(1), p. 3170. Hunt, Abigail & Machingura, Fortu-
difficulties, but also successful in- In 1973 forty-nine women left nate (2016): A good gig? The rise of
stances of organizing. Fish Ip, Regional the Philippines to work as chamber- on-demand domestic work Overseas
Coordinator of IDWF will present on maids at the Hotel Scandinavia in Development Institute Working Paper.
her almost 20 years of organizing Copenhagen. They became known as This study explores the emer-
experience in Hong Kong and on the The 49ers and were among the last gence of Uber-style platforms within
international level. Sarah Schilliger Filipino Pioneers. In late 1973 Den- the domestic work sector in develop-
(Institute for Migration Research and mark formally stopped issuing work ing countries, with consideration of
Intercultural Studies) as well as Katha- permits for third-country nationals, relevant policy, legal and regulatory
rina Schilling (University of Mannheim) which profoundly changed the condi- frameworks, as well as the implica-
will present their research results tions for later arrivals. Since the 2000s a tion of digital and financial divides. At
on organizing of domestic and care new wave of migrants from the Philip- the following link you can access the
workers in Germany and Switzerland. pines has entered Denmark on a much report and exec. summary, a 90-second
For more information con- larger scale but under more precarious animation, infographic and a recording
tact Lisa (liheimeshoff@uos.de). conditions. This article traces the lives of the launch event with ODI, SEWA,
of The 49ers and examines the relations ITUC and Women in Tech Africa, as well

Research Network for Domestic Worker Rights

as a short intervention from WIEGO: the anti-trafficking field? In: Journal of position ascribed to them as domestic
www.odi.org/domestic-work-tech Immigration and Refugee Studies 15(1). workers, these migrant organisations
chose to define their social class by per-
ILO (2016): Formalizing domes- Rohde-Abuba, Caterina & Tkach, formance and generate political capital.
tic work. Online: http://ilo.org/ Olga (2016, eds.): Finding oneself
travail/whatwedo/publications/ abroad: Au pairs Strategies of Self- Schwenken, Helen (2017): The emer-
WCMS_536998/lang--en/index.htm positioning in Hosting Societies. In: gence of an impossible movement:
Nordic Journal of Migration Research. domestic workers organize globally.
Pelzelmayer, Katharina (2017): Bod- 6 (4) Online: https://www.degruyter. In: Rucht, Dieter; Gosewinkel, Dieter
ies That Work, Discourses That com/view/j/njmr.2016.6.issue-4/ (eds., 2017): Transnational Social Move-
Care. Dissertation. Online: http:// issue-files/njmr.2016.6.issue-4.xml ments. Berghan books, S. 205-228.
www.zora.uzh.ch/136516/ .
In her thesis, Katharina Pelzel- Rother, Stefan (2017): Indonesian Souralov, Adla (2017): Children
mayer analyses the growth of private migrant domestic workers in trans- in paid care-giving work: Invisible
sector 24-hour care arrangements in national political spaces: agency, receivers or active agents in caring
German-speaking Switzerland. Given gender roles and social class forma- relations? In: Childhood. Online:
the recent emergence of this form of tion. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migra- http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/
live-in elder care, the thesis focuses on tion Studies, 43:6, p. 956-973. full/10.1177/0907568217694420
central discussions of so-called 24-hour The focus of this article is a cluster
care. Analysis of the central narratives of grassroots movements and networks Tkach, Olga & Hrenjak, Majda (2016,
indicates an intricate relationship of networks: the Association of Indo- eds.): Paid Domestic Labour in Post-
between fundamental inequalities in nesian Migrant Workers (ATKI) based in socialist Contexts. In: Laboratorium:
live-in care and the particular ways in Hong Kong. By using Kellys typology of Russian Review of Social Research (3).
which they are discussed. In particular, four dimensions of class (i.e. position, Online: http://www.soclabo.org/index.
her analysis suggests that the spe- process, performance and politics) as a php/laboratorium/issue/current
cific ways in which 24-hour care has framework of analysis, the article shows
been discussed underlie the inequali- that Indonesian migrant domestic Yilmaz, Gaye & Ledwith, Sue (forthcom-
ties in the field and serve to sustain workers can hold multiple class identi- ing April 2017): Migration and Domestic
problematic working conditions. ties at various positions in transnational Work: The Collective Organisation of
political space(s). Through organising in Women and their Voices from the City.
Ricard-Guay, Alexandra & Maroukis, these particular spaces, Indonesian mi- Palgrave/Springer. Online: http://www.
Thanos (June 2017, forthcoming, eds.): grant domestic workers express agency, springer.com/gb/book/9783319516486
Special Issue. Human Trafficking in reformulate their gender roles and
the domestic work sector in the EU: a identify themselves as a transnational
special case or a learning ground for social class. By not accepting the class

Contacts: Research Network for Domestic Worker Rights

Contact to the coordinators: Claire Hobden (ILO), Prof. Dr. Helen Schwenken and LisaMarie Heimeshoff (Universi-
ties of Osnabrck, IMIS and Kassel, ICDD), Raffaella Maioni (Acli Colf ): coordinator@domestic-work-research.org
Asia: Sonal Sharma, Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi, India (for South Asia):
Europe: Prof. Dr. Sabrina Marchetti, Ca Foscari University of Venice, Italy: europe@domestic-work-research.org
Latin America: Prof Dr Mary Rosaria Goldsmith Connelly, Universidad Autnoma MetropolitanaXochimilco, Mexico:
North America: Prof Jennifer N. Fish PhD, Old Dominion University, United States:
Editor of the Newsletter: Lisa-Marie Heimeshoff, University of Osnabrck, coordinator@domestic-work-research.org

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