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Research Network for Domestic Worker Rights

Newsletter No. 12
May 2014

Thai Migrant Workers Union, doing outreach in Kowloon City, Hong Kong.

Dear colleagues, Migration, People in Need Foundation 1. Upcoming Conferences

and the Academy of Sciences of the and Panels
You are reading the twelveth newsletter Czech Republic, as part of the project
of the Research Network for Domestic Equal opportunities on the threshold 2. Campaign News
Worker Rights, including information on of Czech homes. The Conference
will introduce outcomes of a unique
the implementation process of the ILO 3. Publications
Convention, campaigns, and news from research project which focused on
the world of research. Contributions for mapping the economic and social
4. Research Report
the next newsletter are welcome. situation of migrant domestic workers
in the Czech Republic. As part of The Newsletter includes contri-
butions from Katerina Dederov,
1. Upcoming the program, the problematic of
Katehrine Maich, Sabrina Marchet-
Conferences and domestic work will be stressed and ti, Clodhna Murphy, Helen Schwen-
Panels the successful campaign Foreign ken, Alissa Tolstokorova
Housekeepers presented. More at
Pictures: Katherine Maich, Vision-
Do you know who cleans your ing Event of IDWF, April 2014,
place? Female migrants and paid hong Kong
domestic work in Czech households At the Latin American Studies
is the name of a conference organized Association Conference, May 21-
on June 13, 2014 in Prague, by 24, 2014 in Chicago, two panels on
the Association for Integration and Cleaning (Still) Done: Continuities and

Research Network for Domestic Worker Rights

Ruptures in Domestic Paid Labor in South Korea, Tanzania, and Thailand, as countries, urging the Hong Kong
Latin Amrica will be held. Speakers well as representatives from the IDWF, government to stop the abuse of
are Karina E. Vazquez, Mary Goldsmith, the International Labour Organization, migrant domestic workers. Participants
Francesca Pereyra, Ania Tizziani, Dbora and the US Department of Labor. also shared experiences from their
Gorbn, Cecilia Lorena Allemandi, Mirza Those present at the event had a total countries and took part in field visits
Aguilar Prez. of more than 560 years of domestic to Hong Kong-based organizations,
worker experience, and worked including the Indonesian Migrant
tirelessly to think through possibilities Workers Union, the Hong Kong
2. Campaign News for a domestic work Community of Domestic Workers General Union,
Practice/Knowledge Network. Workers the Union of Nepalese Domestic
IDWF: Visioning Event: Building a reflected on the key challenges and Workers in Hong Kong, the Overseas
Community of Practice on Domestic global issues facing domestic workers, Domestic Workers Union & Progressive
Work including child domestic workers and Labour Union of Domestic Workers
by Katherine Maich migrant domestic workers, minimum in Hong Kong, and the Thai Migrant
wage struggles, agency fees, social Workers Union (see also pictures in this
The International Domestic Workers security protections, ratification and newsletter).
Federation recently held its Visioning enforcement of C189, and other
Event: Building a Community of Practice pressing concerns. While in Hong Kong,
on Domestic Work in Hong Kong from the gathering protested on behalf of 3. Publications
April 27-29, 2014. Participants included Indonesian migrant domestic worker
domestic workers and organizers from Erwiana Sulistyaningsih who suffered Di Bartolomeo, Anna & Marchetti,
Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Hong severe abuse from her employer Sabrina (2014). Care work and the
Kong, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan, by delivering a petition signed by feminization of labour migration to
the Philippines, Sri Lanka, South Africa, more than 103,000 people from 160 Italy through the current economic

After delivering the petition with more than 103,000 sig-

natures, workers gather to protest. Elizabeth Tang (IDWF),
calls for the Hong Kong government to move to action,
ending abuse against migrant domestic workers.

Research Network for Domestic Worker Rights

crisis. EUI. Diversities, 15 (1), pp. 37-50. http:// a research question to celebrating its
migrationpolicycentre/care-work-and- completion. It contains explanations of
the-feminization-of-labour-migration- human-sciences/resources/periodicals/ research methods and practical group
to-italy-through-the-current-economic- diversities/current-issue/gender- exercises. Authors and domestic worker
crisis/ implications-of-care-migration-for-the- co-researchers share their experiences,
operation-of-care-diamond-in-ukraine/ offer tips and materials to work with.
Mullally, Siobhn & Murphy, Clodhna The manual was developed on the basis
(2014). Migrant Domestic Workers in the Triandafyllidou, Anna & Marchetti, of the experience from conducting a
UK: enacting exemptions, exclusions, Sabrina (2014). Europe 2020: addressing study of the social security needs of
and rights. Human Rights Quarterly 36. low skill labour migration at times of domestic workers in the Netherlands
Murphy, Clodhna (2013). Researching fragile recovery. Policy Paper. http:// and South Africa. One of the underlying
Barriers to Access to Justice for Migrant principles of the project was that
Domestic Workers in Diplomatic domestic workers should be part of
Households. Industrial Law Journal, 4. Research Report the research process as protagonists
42(4). of their own story as one participant
We want to be the protagonists of summarized her experience. This
Roig, Emilia (2014). Care Crisis: our own stories! manual should be of direct practical
Racialised Women at the Crossroads of use to researchers, trade unions and
Migration, Labour Market and Family The RN-DWR will launch its publication domestic workers organizations who
Policies. Heinrich-Bll-Stiftung. http:// We want to be the protagonists would like to conduct participatory of our own stories! A participatory research projects. Available at: http://
care-crisis-racialised-women- research manual on how domestic
crossroads-migration-labour-market- workers and researchers can jointly
and-family-policies conduct research at Global Labor
University Conference in Berlin on
Tolstokorova, Alissa V. (2013). Gender May 15, 2014. The manual is a step-
Implications of Care Migration for the by-step guide through all phases of a
Operation of Care Diamond in Ukraine. research process, from coming up with

Contacts: Research Network for Domestic Worker Rights

Contact to the coordinators: Claire Hobden (ILOACTRAV), Rebeca Pabon (FNV Bondgenoten, The Netherlands), Prof.
Dr. Helen Schwenken (ICDD/University of Kassel), and LisaMarie Heimeshoff (ICDD/University of Kassel): dwrn@

Europe: Dr. Sabrina Marchetti, European University Institute, Florence,

Latin America: Prof Dr Mary Rosaria Goldsmith Connelly, Universidad Autnoma MetropolitanaXochimilco, Mexico:

North America: Prof Jennifer N. Fish PhD, Old Dominion University, United States:

Editor of the Newsletter: Lisa-Marie Heimeshoff,

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